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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1906)
Till! QHZZOU - DAILY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, TZZZUATSt "2. lSC3.:.f ' ' WOOL PROSPECTS VERY GOOD Prunes Show Unusual Strength i for This Time of Year and .'' t - Contracts Are Few. FIVS THOUSAND BAIES v -'HOPS-SOLDHN A WEEK V illation of Stofke Eggs Generally ; at Twenty-four Centa ' With Sup 'i;., plies Mora Liberal -, mul Street, Feb. B. Tbe Tjrloclpal feefnre pc the -i'orilsnd wholesale market today r? Wool prospect excellent. " , Many sales of hops during week. .Thicken mU tower. . , . Kgg rang around 84c. ;. . -,' .u. - rhluook aallnon la lower. ' , Car orange and car vegetal... . Tf ' Waal rpot IxosUeat. , rropeeUi war never brighter market Uiaa at present. Nut only ar prtcee la good condition, but tb production of Seere 1 la tba Paclne northwaet ta expected to brack 'all record during tba earning ebeeilng eeasou. ' t'llmatlo condltHw bate been very favorable - for abeep and tba )om by ver weather ba . 1ien eoninaratively amall tbua far tbta aeaaoa. There la a general -teudencg -aaaong wool pro ducer ta bold aloof from contracting thh eaaoa, baeauaa of tba wbaettled prices. Those - tbat contracted early laat eeaoa at tba lower prices that ruled then ara ant willing to tie up tbelr dip tbla araaon. The ara unwll , Hug ta contract even If offered ubtantil Inrreaaa ever -th amount received year ago. Not only du 'tba waat to get a good price for- thla aeaaoa' clip, but they would wait ; aslille and aa If they cannot get enough over lust by aeUing early laat aeaaon. Generally eneaklug, the wool wi ara going fat tba annnal aalea day tbla rear. Br tba growera It la bettered tbat price at tbat time ar better than wben aelllng alone, for tbera la conalderabl mar competition far to wool during' aalea dare. . la tba aaat tbe wool nmrket ooattnn to show a very trm undertone and price ar ' generally maintained around 'the top of tba .figure paid. earlier la tba year. Stock of wool ar not liberal and aa there baa been ae carry-over to apeak of for several year -tba " prospect for tbe coming aeaaon could not be brlgbtar ttad at present. Many Bala ef Bop Ar Kada. Although dealer ara not wtlllng ta admit of any great amount of bualneee la the bop . i, market of lata It baa been aeeertalned by care ful liieea llg ailun by Tba Journal tt fully 6.000 bale bar been (old In the Facia north weat daring tb peat week. Tba aalea continue to b made moatly to hortet who ara covering "" their PebruaiT 'aalea.-' Ten centa aeema to ba tb very top of ruling Sgtrre, but tbera hi trot little doubt that aa tr-cbotca.lnt would ' ' bring he WJeit 'figure If' offered la tb .market..- . . . . ... T Iggf BAag Arena Twenty-four 'Cent. 1 .1 Moat of tb alr In tht teg market today were made at 24c a doaen. A few ordera of ' alng1e case war reported at tnc, but tba amount at . tht Ogur wee truly' nominal. He celpta coorlaaw- to lucres and tba downward tendency- of price la not likely to be changed " until after 30e la rex-bed. By aomeof tb ? trade1 ft I believed taut airorea may go -va Vmer tbea that amount. Of be egg altuatloa Pag tt Boo-wavo th following to oayi' ; . . .Weather la To Cold. '. "Tbla' remarkably mild Jennery . baa apart ..all ealewlatlena oa ogga. Uoceiul her u -, freak acga bar been lnereaalng and the ' market la gradually declining wltb a poor- de ' mead. The aound autrkaba. .aa well aa Call ' fornla, are In tba aama eondltloa, with heavy eenlnta nf rreeh erea from all twin la. and j tbera haa been no ehaaco to mov egra her tftN outside market. Very keavy toaaea aav Been smile on caalera' and atoraga egga by . all dealera. It la very probable tbat agga will be muck cheaper;, tbla spring tbau for tbe past ; few yean, aa cold atoraga operatloae through out "th country have proven very dUaatreua. -Our market today la 34Q2S. with accumulated . reeelpte In tb hearts of nearly all dealera. - We anticipate a further derllae. Io not bold your ehlpmenta oa band; tba market will , aurely b 'lower." .,. J Chlakan 'Sail twr. "..'1 Lower price ara ruling In tb chicken market Berenea of tb Inability of tba trade to clean up at former value. Beeetpt continue to In- -. crease and stock are accumulating oa every hand. On large dealer expreaeed tba opinio " tbat be would ba perfectly willing to aell every 'coop la bta pier at KM per pound In order t clean up. Ke tellers bow kav tba whip hand and tber ara holding th relna very tight. demand t Importaa fro -th. .uilali.. Th trad Mr the following quotation fnr Brat -class product In round kit. Price paid producer Ire so (pecioed: ria, gloor and tt. " - WHEAT New lub. Tic; red B nasi an, TO; vlueatem. 72c; valley, 7 Sc. . . BARLEY rd t2S.M); rolled. 24.BO; brew . Ing. I2S.M. - - CORN Whole, 127.00 tracked. 138.00 gar RYE 1AS ar ewt, '-. v '. 0 AT" Producer' price He. 1 whlta, 128.00; . gray, 17.00. - FMU'B New eastern Oregon patent. $4.20; v ntralgbta. fM.N)ft)3.T: export. 1 Sy..tH; vl- ley, n.Of,t3.70: graham,i)4, 3,li0L rye,, 60a, M.uO; bale. 15. Tg artlX8TI!FFa Bran, 117 BO par ton; mteV , dllnga. 128.00; abort, eoentry, fl0.M tty, . wifo: ebia. Iis.oo. ' HAY Producers' price Tl moth y. 'Will, matte Valley, fancy. 811.O0Q1S .00; ordinary, IT.onQ 00: eaatera Oregon. 114 00018.00; mixed. - t8 n0O 00: clover. 8.0oe.00; grain, I4.60Q t.OOi cbt. IS. 00. Buttar, Egga aai Jeultrv. -' ' BHTTER a" AT F. e. b. Portland gweet aroam. lo; aooe. nsev BUTTER Tlty creeatarv, 1 MHel " eatatde fancy. t7tt03uci erdlnary, STHe; ttora, 16 EOOS No, 1 fresh Own, candled, Masse: t cold etoraae nd esatem, 20x21e,. , C'HBEHR New rull cream, gats, . lae Tonne AmerVa. ltl8Hc:-cheddar, I60.', ' (IAMB Jackrabhlta, ll.BO per doe, i . ' POUI-TRY Mixed chickens, 10H per Th; fancy bens, lOU'ttlle lb; rooatera. old. 9 He per 1M tag, lc: fryer. I8e lb; broiler , - tfl per lb; dneka, lUe par tb geese, lo lie per Th; torker. 1V per Ih; dreaaed. SOa : gee lb; aqusha. 12.7003.00 per doa. .'..' Hop. Weal aa4 Bidw. t : '':v H0P8 1806 Oregca, ettnlce. joflinuc: rlme..8ffi0c; poot.. grade, , 7saSe,' to. 10e; IB04 mt, 8c for choice. WOOL 1908 clip, valle; eoere to medians. ' '4U25Hci- an, letj He: aatern Oragoa, 18tj22c. . . MOHAIR Nominal. no!ie. aHEEraKtNS Shearing,- lBtnrTajI-SIoeT Wool," 25fl40c each: madinm worax aoaTa eachi . kng wool. IOcell.00 each TALLOW Prim, pot In. H04e No. 1 and rtmt CHITTTM BARK go per lb. BIDEN Dry, No. 1. Id tba and eo. 1SH4 . HHe ner lb; dry kip. No. I, 8 to ta Iba. 14c; dry calf. No. 1. anoer 0 -lb. Ike aalted hide. , eteers, bud. 00 Ih a4 evert tosgllev eow. miWVl tar nd an Tie.- aoand, eJTe: kin. FRIDAY PRICES IN rTHE WHEAARKET . ' ah Mar t m " Chleaaa jriinneapoiia Milwaukee "... i TJuluth ....... Bt. Loula Liverpool ..... . Kangn Clr... 8tn. FrancUoo. .HB 77 ? ' l.H47 Ml4 .IIS , Deoember. JOURNAL'S ' DAILY.. . TIPS ON MARKETS "i X By Everdlng 4. Farrell. - . Tli poultry market haa bean very peculiar the paat wcekjtr- d 'celpt have been talrly good, but e i the demand haa been very poor . and aom dealera - have: had a hard Mm to clean tip. In fact e they. have had to hold them f or ' , daya or they could not get rid of '- all of them. We have been able? ' to clean up pretty well, eaperl-i atralglit aprlngs, but a price ) somewliat lower than the food were gtltnn; at a," ahort time-) -mtr- uuotnble at 1114 and 13 rnta4 yin.bfPlIdrt.tviid iryrra at 13 tu .,H..Km3PtKl dreaaed chkksna 4- liave been aolllng at li and -1 centa. Turkey, alive, are In rather poor requeet at about It and 16 cent a, but fat dr eased . onea are quite firm at 20 and tl l centa. Th market want Iota of fancy dreaaed turkey. Get them . t-fat-e4 re them. Iuck nro dattrt negloctcd at preiient atrl; 4 centa alive and 11 ana JZ centa dreaaed. 'We are tt the opinion' e that good live hen and aprlnga will a!l very well tret week. , Plgoonk; aquaba aud old., ara In : ',' demand. : - ,T . ". . .. .1 18 to SO In, e; e)f. ooand. ander 1 In, llel (roan, naaalted. la leses culls. per lb leeei reeeblda. aalted, eeeb. t 2AI T8: drr, each. tl.OriOl.sO; eolt bldee,. aSOboai goat asliij; cnmaKia. each. lOOlaci Angara, wa, gic ll.VO. v . -. traH and getablsa.. . lOTATOE"-Brt Oregon. "Ttejaoe -per earkr producer' frVe for ear lota, 70e per esck; ordinary, MlffTOe; p rod seers', price, dSQofCi weete. 2.H5 per era I. ONIONS Jobbing prlc Oregon. No. 1. l.00 t 2.1: nrodueera' price. No. 1. ooctl.OO; No. Z, StierTne; g.rtac. HdJlOo per lb: onltn at. Tc. KUKSII f-KI'lT" Apple, "culls." BOtTSc: ordinary. T3cill.Z&! fancy. l.onX00: 11icd Rlrer ftney 8iltarnberg ud New tea Plnplos, 12006 3.00: oranaea. new navel. 2.00t4 .Wi; .e-IHiir. I bansnsa. 4UCV lb: lemon, ebntea. a 1 1 L I5 a.on nor boai faney. W.BOt,nn per box: limes hlrxlrsn. gl.zn per (io; pinrappiea. as.ixi Jer do; p-srs. ft. Tit per box; tangerines, 1 1.86; ananesp nrsnrea. Mc per box. VKOBTABI P1H Turnlfls. new, Trie per each! ferrets, oOQTSc sack;, heete. ftOcfltl 00 per aeck: Oregon raUhea, 2Se per dnxi rstiege, Oregon. t2.nOiga.2S par cwt; Calirnr nla, 1. 7801. 85 per cwt; green pepper, 2ftg 3A per lb: California tomatoes, 1 2. a.'.; Feranlpa. enrCrtl.OO; trlng"orana, 20,.; csull lower. $2.00 per crate; green pee. 10c per Ih; horseradish. (1c per lb: artlrbokeC.'. 85rfcf1.U0 per rtoa; hntbouae lettuce. gl.2T.4tl.7ri per box; celery. $.1r.i)jj.SO per crate; pumpkin, me; equash.lltc. sprouts. Ac per lb; cranberries, Jeraeye. f 14.00 per bbl; Cou. bay and TIIIa mook. giaoo. . .. TK1E0 FRTJIT Apple, evaporated. 10 10He per lb: apricots. 10Htle pee Ih; tHarbea. 10H1V per lb: sacks. He per lb jrae; prnnee. nil io i. 9m, -c n fi BVtnCe nee lb! faUfnrala white. 6 per lb data, avidea. Ac per lb; tarda. II M par 1B-I aracariaa. Jfuta. It, m ftrOAR Back tw.le Cuh. .5; powdered. fl 00; fruit grannlated, gs.ffi: dry granulated. (.1.70: Conf.' Ay IS.4B; beet granulated. eifra.C. gS.aOfgoldeo 0, .VIO: D yellow, eS.OO; hble. I0e: H bbls, 8.V: bores. SOc advene on sack bails, lea 2&e. per cwt. fnr raih. days; maple. 14Q)6e per lb. ... . 4 Above price apply va aaleo of less tba car lota Car lota, at apodal pnea aubject to guctnarfon I HONRT gs.on per crate, - . rOPPKK faekage branda. ItS.M. SALT Coarse naif erne no. too., fT.OO pet ten; table, dairy. Km. Ill nw; 100s. I10.7B; Inv ported Uverpoot. boa. HT.noi OOe. 1 V); W4. II no;-eitr an. bhle. Se. Be. 10a, f4B0wrnr,Pr bulk h. 4.ona)9.r; aacka, Vta, enirtMc: Liverpool Inmp rock. flt.aO -par ton: dO-IK rack. $T 00: 100a. I6.TB. ORAIN BAflU CaleuHa. TH. ' f-ft rCKt mpertat- Japan. rtor I; 9c. !fvr-tr BerHct New Or lea a head. Tc AJaa, Be; Creole. iHe. " - - . BRANamaTl "white. ' gS.TH:' larao white. tt.So: pink. 12 78; bayou. 14.60; Umaa, $5.60; Mexican red. V(e. ' NUTnt Peannta. fomboa. gtje per lb: lr-gin.- TH aee-lbf roasted, get eocnannf. MerOOc per rloa: walnuts. innlSHc per lb; pine bnta, lnctiaHe per lb: hickory nnta. inc net tb: chestnut, eastern. w ISO I be pee Tb: Braall nets. 14c per lb: filbert 1415c per lb; fancy paean. IBHAISHe: alnvmda. 14HQ.10H. - Fa hit. Ooai Otw. Zta. KOtt lianlia. I44ej atandard. lIHe; eleat. lie. COAI. OIL Pearl or Astral Case. Wt pel gal; water white. Iron bbki, - 18c nor gal; oodea. ISc aev gal) headlight, lTOnlag., as ass. WHc per gat OASOLISb gd-detr.. ' ca MH pee ' gal, Iron bbki lc per gaL . BENr.lNB l-eeg..' Be par gal. Iro bbls. INHc per gaL TCR TENT IKK la 89 per. gal, woods bbla Knc her gaL WBtTI LEAD Tee ke. T4 per tb: MO-lk lota, ge per lb; lea Vote. Ve per lh. WIR NAfT-lt Present bee at 12.31. MNHEF.n OILc-Pure raw. ta g-nbl lot. Se: 1 bbl let, BTct 1 1 fr gal; nulu kali boiled, case. 4c per aal.i B-bbl Iota. BHc: 1-hhl lot, Bc per gal: ground cake, car lota, 130.00 par torn ea than car lata, 830.00 par ton. - Meat. Flak aad Provl. FRE8H MEATa-T-rront street Beef steor 44(5 per lb; cow. 8w4o oar lb: aura, block, THe par lb; packer, 7M714C per lb; bulla, 4i-' per lb; real, extra, m19c. per lb; ardlnwy. THec per lb; poor. iHe per lb; mutton, fancy, HJTH per lb. niUA BACON. ETC. fiortland neck hams, 10' to 14 lb. 12e per Ih; 14 to it h. 12 'Ac Per : in: pnea ara at neeou. I4rn;i8c per lb; picnic. per lb; cnttsga. 8M,e per lb; reauiar . .1 . . r , " , 1-5- pfr 10; moked. 11 He per th; cleer backs, unamoked, (. vc per lb; smoked. Jl He lb; Union bulla, 10 to ! lbs, nnsmnked, c pr lbr amoked. c pee lb -clear, belllaa. unera..kd. lie par -lb; smnkrd. 12! per tb; boulrlora. a He per lb. LOCAL LAUD Kettle leaf. 10s. 11H per lb ba, llHc per lb; 60-tb tins. 10Hc per Ih; team rendered. 10a. lOUe per lb; Ba, 10)4 sor lb; compound, 10a, 1H. CANNED BALMON Columbia river, l ib tails, tl.NO; S-lb tails, I2.7B; fancy rib gate,; ,1b fancy data. I1.IB; fancy I-lb or a la. (2.7S; Alaaka tails, pluk. 860001 red, 11.60; aomlnai as. tall 12.00. riSH Rock cod. Te per Tor nVmnder, Be par lh; halibut. 8Sc per lb: eraba. 11.60 dot dost regniar sooti cir i,, .u,, iwc per In striped bee. tilVfcc per lb; catSsb. Yc per lb) salmon, eteelheade, pc per lb; cblnook, 10r lb; herring. Be per lb; aolca, 8c per lb: abrlmps, 10 per lb l boreh, 6 per Ih; black end. 1 per lb; tomcod. 7c per lb; Columbia river amelt 2c per lb; allrer amelt. Tc per lb; lobsters, 16 per lb - freak ms.kerel, Bo par Ibj arawttHi, gsc per doa; sturgeon. He per lb. OYITltKH Hboalwatsr hay, per gat, 11.261 per tack, 1.176. CLAMS Uard-abetl. par hex. 12.00: tasor rlama, 12.00 per boa. . , COTTON FUTURES SIX TO EIGHT-POINTS UP New York, Feb. 2. Cotton future closed to point hlaher. Cauka eomDsnv: . - Open. High. Imr fw. Pebraary .Kih4 id4 io4 luwiwral anlaksTtk isa 1 1 ii .i aaM-.iaiairiBaVBsA. 1- '-BsUaBLlBBstflBWaWBSBMaaaaSABBS sar ever' TTT W II WvsTrTtJr J U'Pf J 'fv-l l f 1" I April ............. ... .... ..... lioci.n.i Mr ....ins 1123 lorejmiKuii ' ,......112l HIM. UM 11141") July .......1123 l;lt-H0 ltllW Auguat -r,.mf,tTllil -Mil - HO -tlftfiirtflrl Meptemlier ........ .Hhl . K0 1M IOfi7rWt Oi-tntier .,...(rn...ll4U 10 1039 Kt44frr4.1 Norember ...v. lU44iga Llverpoal Cetnea gasy. : ' ' ' TArei pool, Petr; 2.-erntroaj f tit ursi cle3 eaajr, 8 to- point blgber. -". , . . ' ' ' 1 J '. ' ITtw OrUa Cottea."' New Orlesne.- rk a Cotton pota ateadyt middling, 1078. " -s . C0K8T0CX HlJIIlfO 8T0CK. R8 rrinclsc,' Feb; 2. Official morning cloe- ID. Bid. - 'Bid Hate A Norcroee.1 M 0ld I'tirtt 4A Urrat Bend .2T Uuecue .......... .00 f!on. Cal.-Ya...l .25 Opbir ......... e.2A Mealcaa 1.20 ttsvnga .... .fe Kxrbeqner . ,3 - ' Itarllng katee. New York . Feb. 2.--.Hterl!ng rslea; Demand. 487.2UU487.S0j eCAdars, t6H.lQM. Onions at One Market Is Poor UIIEAT HEEDS HELP FliOLl ABROAD Market in Chicago Showed More Resistance to Pressure Than i-w for Some Time. ! LIVERPOOL OPTIONS LOSE-FOR THE-DAY Tradera Ar Ungaajr and' Cloae Out . Each Night Cash Demand in Min 'ncapolis la Better Coaraa Grain Firm. - 'v :,- .-.- -raiDAT'S WbEAT IfABKET. . -' Chwe . CkM . Xea ' Clo - . rrl. Thur. 'rl. lmio May. 4 .MiJ f 4A .0014 , fl.MU. July... JCIA .88 .00 JH CUIcago, ran. 2. Ths wheat market mad a new low point today. May aeluue at Mc, but, notwithstanding th wntlmeet, failed to break. H Biarket rallied, closing H lower. . Tb mlstanc to pressure' today waa tb beat th market haa shown for oom tin. Tbe prtu- cinai buying tiu come from tb abort interest. aom of whom Ilk to cktaa ep each dag, fearing strong cable or news tbat would wipe out oom. If not all, af tbelr profit evoralgut. Home condition bare imbroved somewhat.- atork In Allnneapoll r not Increasing raiiuiy aa iney nave neaa ana tb casn oe mand up tliere ta good. What tb market noeda moat now la help from abroad. - lorn and oata ruled -firm throughout .the than a acalplng affair. Tbe apeculattra (Itua- om eouia acarcaiy no mora discourse ln(. -, . Sukataatlal mi m rrovutoa. Tb provlakm market made onlta a anh. tantial advance. A fairly good coram las lofl reeling. official quotation by Overbwav itarr Cook company: .. 7. WHEAT. . Onen. rlfeh.' ' Taw.. Hrm Jniy..... .Rail - .sail . .m . .ai2a rPt 1 r .wj .81 .82148 CO UN, Feb May..... July fcpt geb...... May..... July..... dept..,.. .41 44 .4Vs '.45 .48 OATS. Jto4 .24 M A .oka .-.. .8OV1B .:aiu JB HEM PORK. My.,... 14.20 14.5 14.1T 14 M R "14.48 B LARD. -7.BB , T.TO 72 1 rtt Feb.. May. July, ficpt. . T 88 . TOT . T.TS . T7 . T.TT T.B5 ' 7.W T.T1 T.M ; 'a TWO 7.82 7.75 -7.87 . 7.87 SHORT RIBS. May, July,.... 7.80 .T.TT T.00 7.80 7.80 "UVIBFOOX. OBAInT tCABSn. ," Liverpool, Feba OffWal price! ' , WBEAT. . . Cine .. 4 tone '' -. fywa . Frl. Thur. ' - FrTT March ....da 10 '8eiod g May ,..,. Hd 8Sd .. . Vd , Oata Frl. Jult.,., ..6 7 id, S..8WA - V UIUI. March lHd -w ld May ....,.. Xi as ijd Hi ?xrMAXTSBAnrxoTEia Chicago, Fab. 2. Primary reeelpta: Today.. Tear Age Bnsh. ' 667,000 Bash. Wheat .... Corn v .... . Hhlpmenta , at, 000 , 870,000 Wktttu.. ..222,000 213.000 Corn 487,000 " 800,000 Clearance! Wheat and flour, 222,000 bosh, els; corn, 1.038,000 bushels; oata,- 142,000 bush el. -,'.". . , ; CHICiaOCA8H WBZ AT. Chicago, Feb. 2. Cash wheat: , . , . . . . - -- Friday " Thur. Bid. .81 -.70 " .M .0 Jto. l'red.1.. .... Mu f jrr, No. 3 nard.,... aLAAVAsT l No. 2 hard.. .82 & JMV j . D1Q. AH, 14 No. No. No. 8 hard... .78 2 .m .86 .84 1 northern.. 2 northern.. 8 aprlng.,.. I'. Alt .KlVi .78 No, BA FBABCTBCO SXATJI XAAXXT. Baa Francisco, Feb. 2. Official marntng eloe- -'" Open. High. Mae.... II.84U ll.S4 T.OW. Close. 11 tl.4S4 1.28S ImZ December l.a" 1.2 BABU'Y. My Dcatmbcr. 1.20 I.) "A 1 H .80 1.20 ti M .eo ABOEk-TiaE ORAUr IHIJKIIITB. Chicago, Feb. 2. Argetln shlpmeata: Tbla Weak l'r Age ' ' Bnab. Bnsh. Wheat X:nH,nno 1.72M,0ie Corn 202,000 1,600,004 CHI0A00 ORAnr OAS LOTS. Chicago, l ab. 2. Orau car Iota: -1 Car . Orail Eat. 1808 Wheat 17 1 8 8 Corn .201 a 20a 1M Oata 1H1 8 111 44 Wheat car today: Mlnneapoll 1KI, Puluth 22. . Xeer ago: kllnnea nolle 214, Dulnth a. . :. ' ' ' in flax muT, -..j:.": Dulnth. Feb. 2 -Flax: Northwaat, 11.15; outhwest, 11.00; May, IMTVi. . Minneapolis, csab. 1.14. SHEEP MARKET IS PILLAR OF STRENGTH Hogs and Cattle Somewhat Duller but Prices Remain ' ' Unchanged. ; . I?or tlx ud -Union Ulnrkyarrl. Fb. I, Llr tuck receipt: Hog - Cattle - Bb Ibeeo Totlay ...r.....l't 60 171 S.aKttJitrd -rat ils Year ago... .... 80 . 80 ,... Tb alieep market oontinuea to be the aol pillar flf'atreuRth In tbe yard. Reeelpte ar few. wlltr demand very llberaL Hoga and cattle dull, hut pricea nncbanged. Veal calve In demand. Today 19 bora earn In. Official II res rock price: Hogs Beat eastern Oregon, 84.28; blocker and China fata, S8-i Blocker and fooder. iMM, 1 . fait I Deet eaatem Oregon ter," gl.Tne) 4.00; best cow and heifers, 8.00)1.10; light and medium ateera, 12.46; light oowa, 2 oft; staxa.; atm-ker and feedera, A40 8IHI; bulla. 1 1. BOM J 60. gheep Wether aud lamb, SC0ttl mlied beep, .4 41 .V. t-slm-lond veal. 1M to 100 Found, IVioc rough and beaty, m4c.r . . - ' ; KAJTIBM HOQ8 tTZASY. - j Chicago, Feb. 1 LI restock receipt: ' Hoe Cattl Bbeen Chicago ....28.000 32,0u0 8.0110 Vnisha 11.WI l.jtmr a,tSNj Hoirs opened ateady wltk 4.A00 left over, ReceTni a year ago wer 2.0O0. Prices: MOeif. .4.l447H: good. V40I.TO leugb, t5.4).il0: -llxht. (8.40ft.43V. MIT W nilwllal a and th Result; Is That the With Prices In Bad Shape. nORTIERn PACIFIC IS ACTIVE '' '." ' - ' ' ' ) '-',. ' ; '. . " Considerable Business Today With a Gain of Five and Three : Quarters at the Closing. TENNESSEE COAL IS -CONSIDERABLY-HIGHER Riaa f SLsTand Threw'Qi)artera Re corded After an Opening Advance of One and a Half Big List la Erratic ' :,. !' '.r'- r: NET AOTANCEel. Anaconda V,!Irla, 1st pfd Amalaamated .... l4!Mexlran Central .. Bmalter, pfd...... Ullcl4c Mall Car 4k Foundry , . V,I'rad Bteel Car. 00 prererrwl... 1 I do preferred Chesapeake Canadian U Our a Producta. .1. H Republlo rltcel, 00 preferred Rock Islaad rred..... x ad ' prred- ... l' Norinern - racine. . 0 8. F... 8d fd..... 1 do preferred- font her Psclfle Tenn. Coal 4 V Uuloo 1'acloc., V. A. Uubber , : . ' NET lodges. . Atchlaoa -. 1 IMrtropolitsa H Buisr A hsty buislter i-.-r 111 Missouri Paeloc... Brooklyn ,.. NurfuU rlalttmor 4lPf. Y. Central...., H Colorado Fnel.... lSll'ntarlo A Weabrrn. Bt. Paul .........' Penusylranla. ...... . lesnver TblPeot.le'a Us .....m IVutral Leather. t, 1 Heading li rla Hleoutbera Railway. U Great Wssteca ... , U. a. gloat . Louis vlll ,1 - - .; - Th atock market today was very erratic, with good galna early ta th day, but on faars of aa nafavorabl bank eta lament a considerable part of the profit In noma laauea waa lost. There was anuaual activity .today In Northern Pacific, which closed 84 point up. Tenoeaaea CoalJ opened Ihk poluta higher and wan strong ream the atart. It cloaed 44 puluta higher than yesterday. Rock Island was very active la both option, likewise Republic SteeL Uuupera wer gla actlv and atroug. 1 Ofgclal auuUUuoa by Ovarueck, Btarr A gVk company a El DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mining Co. , 270 276V4 270 ll4illl rnal. Copper C0....4'.. 118: litis Atcklao. om...J tm aa'A 2 tM. 4 lid", 1... Am. Car A kyaind., e 45 ansa I v , "CJ'reiorrira. Am. sugar, eo lioaiiUu liuawiioa 47 X 1 1 4H U . 1 4V 1 1 47 ,r in, amelt., com....... do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com. do preferred Brooklyn Rnt VVanalt. 17i 148 lltMllUH 12TS 1284:127ktl27l 1I4, 114(4 llflMi 11 m4 U414 1B4 W 87 H 17 J2 75 22U HS I t.Hi 87 Canadian PaciAc. com.. Cbl. A Alton, eon...... mi do preferred Chi.- A Ot. West 22 H S1T4 t'bl.. Mtl.-'A tt.-Fanl.-. tl7U 14 taa.- 1ST -gui CbL A Northwest., com Chi: Termlnsl Hv.i 2H4 - rS.'t - 14 T? 0( 14 1 744 SOW ld 40 Cbeaapeaka A Ohio...... Jok. ruel Iron, cool Colo. Bouthern. com... Delaware A Hudson.... T vs 85 A 2144 474 Dels., Lack. A Went. . R. J.. citu.,,, 40, - rid- orefbrred: ' 'i m. AO. bo . 48 80 5 4VU. 88 ?47S TBT4 sWe. cent J 471 A7i w u oreierrea. . . . .1 7 74 80 do 1st oreferred I nil Illinois Central. ....... .1174 iMilsvllle A Koabvllle. . . 1R2 174 V 174 151 1T4 . 151 14 Metroporttan Street Ryr.tl21txh22tr42T inx 721 140 Uanhattsn Rr leowiHiia 140 Minn.. Ht. P. 8t. II. . Missouri Padflc. ...,'... JOB 14 151 (4! 1674 168 100 1 Ji- 1 T..4 tV ti.iW avu V( M 1 4 "aw im as., n.. at 1., com...... 00 Prefer red New York Central...... 37U 71(4 8741 87 71S 71 7 14 71 W 101 210 1 log kl ioii, 6 144 80(4 2H liu 48(4 l.M 11.-1(4 -1M". 216 2att(Z 12144 Northern Pacific JTedaral BmelUs-s 184 -llbO- IKO 00 preferred Norfolk A Western, com 10S4'ltT- 114 1(4 oo prererrea.. North American N. Y.. Ont. 4k Wtra Pennaylvsnl Ry...... P. U. L. A O. Co...... JDS 102(4 ioi 64 U)2 M4 II. 14414 U814 874 102 2 143 14 Pmed Hteel Car. com 42 108 V 441? 02 eo prererrea......... Pacific Mall 8. 8. Co.. Beading, com 101. 48 ' HIS so 141 101- 143 (, 101 V4 IUI 'Ae" 108 27 B.1T, do first n referred lt.1 8I 107 Sep. Iron A Hleei, oom. so' 86 V4 do preferred. Rock Island, com - do n referred 108 107(4 28 47 SI 27j 41. Southern Ry com en H3V4 do oreferred '854 10J liJt'I Southern Pacific...."... 40(4 oreferred St, L. AH. F 2d pfd. St. L. A 8. W., oom... -Ual 25 25 67 24 do are f erred 8714 8-sJ .87(4 ft(k , BT 8414 Taxaa A Pacific Tennessee Coal Iron. Toledo, at. L, A W., . do preferred.... Union Pacific, com. . .. . 168(4 1148 87 I 87(4 154 87 88 142 87 -M on 68 I5SS, 7-4 T(4 107, 64 W 114 4414 118 204 1H do preferred. 4fllt Central Leather, ten., do nref erred 10T 104(4 5.1 10T TJ. S. Rubber, com 64 do oreferred. 114 III 112 its? TJ. 8. Hteel Co., com... do oreferred 44 45 11.1 11 Wheel. A Lake Rrl. e. 2014 80 z 24 H 4.-. (4 10 67 4 00 first oreferred... Wisconsin Central, com. oo prererrea.......... V. Telexraok. ...... Weheeh com . . , , , i 44S' 1 S4 ... 44 '4 1(4 do preferred. ......... Corn Prodneta. ......... do preferred Pressed Steel Car referred, ex -dividend IV per cent. , , iii snoney cioaeci 54 (t per cent. ... ' Total (ale, for day. 1.400.600. bare. 1 TOKOPAH anXtNO) STOCKS San Francisco, Feb. 2. Official mernlns? eloa. tttO! Bid. I Bid. . .40 . .T . .80 Belmont f'J Plamondfleld Cah Bog .. .. .. .24 IMxIe Oolden Anchor. 1.41T4 - .84 C.Mfleld Jumbo Home ........ 1.40 tnr r4 .rt-i Mc.Vamara .60 1 00 J.70 Jl .43 Kendall , ,.7T .18 ,- .85 , .41 , I PS . 1.45 . .15 . .IT , .20 Midway .. lgue . . . . Montan . May Queen Mohan k .... Red Too ... North Star Ophlr Ton, Ft tens Ion. s.eo Randatorm Ton. Nevada.. .1H.87H Silver Pick... West End 1.78 !flt, Ives Adsm ,, .10 -MI .10 .25 .24 .20 Nat lonl Bank. At laeta Blue Bell Booth .. Kcllnse .1.4 1. . .60 . .24 . .20 tMId Kar .... Columbia Mt. O. Bull Frog. .Stefuway .... Conquer , SAX TIAJICIIOO LOCAL STOCKS. San Franelaco. Fb. 2 Official cloalng, mnrtf-f g eastonr' "' "I - r, z. tng Contra Ooata "Water Soring Valley Watrr Mutual Electric ... Olsnt -fwrtcT.-.rrrr.-.-r.v Hawaiian Commercial.,,. Hoookea Bnxsr Htltchrnsoa Sugar Makawel 8iiesr.......t. Onemea Sugar . . In Ion gngar , , Alaska Packer .. 6014 California Wine.,.,.. ..i.r.,, 8.14 Oceanic Sraamsbln -.... 2'J Pac flc State Tu.pnerr......e..lO.U. 100' W4 Calif ornl Fruit Tnrrrxo states ooyxkvkxnt bords. New- York.- Fab;1 . Ooterniuent bond: lste. Bid. No. S reculsr........ l!:io la to 104 la ion 1'J(4 1 re.'.! J0.1 10214 lai KCI u l,l ra 114 toe ln:i4 1IM Si lwi ao eonpow ......... No. I regular do eoupon, ...... ... No. S small bonds... No. 4 regular II0T Bid. Aak. n 4SV4 44U .. I7H 1i ;v2 rrs : .. 81 V . . ..11 iiu .. 14'4 .. 814 . . " .. .. 81 X 20 . " ."Itt .. 84 .. no 1014 null i.uiil IH0( Jtiovi de eoupon.. j.... nerr No. 4 resular.i... IK'.'I putrtct mt Columbia 14.. .... Philippine 4..,.....,.. ..t. "'limn PAINTS f TVs; -r kryJJr Filled With the'Best Cc!ors .... - '( Are our palnta unlcaa you want White, In which caae the ean or ka you yet nrrririr UU-4he fceat taterlal poeelhle at tgie prloe. Our "tand ' of eolore" might be tugged aptly, "Quality Up. T..I..-- I. tl , . . . , , V. , s . uvwn. y nn f oa dwu as. .i.v "pATTlT Ilnei Anrl IhlngsTTriirio WlTBTpaint ewr eaesr fw nagl VIS 8VA W MVtwi Fisher, Thorsen & Co, ' TBOarr AsTO afOmmiSOaf !. AT THE THEATRES. -4Th Bella of New York." The Pollard Lilliputian Opera company will open ita two week'. uaaemnt next goods y aftsrauea a tb Kmpn-e In one "of It Ikvarlt opera. -The Helle ,ol New xora." rioce their last appearance here the Pollard kv 0A0eA CMIil people eaatera Canada, the Maritime nrevuie o4 the united Blate. Th second half of aext 'weak will be de voted to "A Runaway Ulrl," wltb "Pinafore' for tbe Saturday matinee. ' "ThTCourity Chairman Corning. With tbe coming of George Ade'a eosnedy "The County Chairman,' to tbe Marquam Oran4 for two nigbta. beglnnmg Thuraeay see Ing, February 8. and tarmtnatlng with a matinee Saturday afternoon, we bll ee tb drama Ue vent of tb year. Henry W. Savage, ander wboee management "Th County Chairman" I produced, ha provided a highly- accomplished aggregatloa of actors and ctreeeee, among wbom-ere. Theodoro Raboack fc the title mle Ruby Brldgss, leading venial Florida lunar e. ley, George Thatcher and Uermca Lalb. The adrance aale open aext Taeeday, February a, at Ml a, as. "Happy Hooligan" at Empire. The children will all waat 1o aa Happy Hooligan at tb matinee at the Bmptre tomor row afternoon. Tba is St three performances will be given tonight, tomorrow ,ft tomorrow Bight.. - A Miner's Bohemians Next. 1 . Miner Bobamun burleaqner will open Ban dar at tb baser. They offer aa a .principal them of tb production tb farce-, "A Bo. ihemiaa ua aix x us- i.uuei 11 many itartilng and thrilling acta, :; "A Yankee DoflrlltvOirl "A Yankee Doodle Olrt" t the aam ef the clerer nnd inleresUiig fsree In two ect which la presented by Miner" a American Burlesque company at the Baker thla week. The plc I taged with beautiful setting, gorgeon eoa tnmea and novel electrical effecta. ,Tbe laat two performaneea ef Mloeea Amarlcanawlll be given tonight aad tomorrow amine. Ne per 1 formance tomorrow aignt. . ;f "Rigoletto .Tueaday. " - Seat are new aelllng at tbe hog office of tbe Marquam Orandv theatre (or the xtra aorforxa. anc of grand opar next Tuesday afternooi. February 4, whan Vardl'e "Rlgolette" will h4 presented. There are no Mate left for any per. formue except "Rlgolette." - VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. Captain Holtum at PanUgea.' The day are growing few for seeing the phenomenal Csptaln Holtum, who catch can non ball ftrad serosa the s4get Pants ass" theatre. Ha will be here antll ewaeay. Beside 'tb captain there ar a lot ef other eaeelktat performer on tb program and the ataew fa) as good en would care te . . "Lost, a Baby." Th week of comedy baa bee a mesaanbl on at tbe Lyric tbMtr,, Tb bouee baa been filled to overflowing at every performance with delighted audience. "Lost, 4 Baby" will con tlnu for tb root of the week, with the final performance Sunday night. . . Parisian Acrobats at Star. Pari ba been reaponslbl for many artist I vaudeville acta, and on of tbla somber k at tbe Star tbla week, that of tb ktartlnattl trie nnrroBir: Oiraotr- ad-eibo eoatrtbute-a ketch called "A Burglar KUt." which I omUlng out of th common,' and Smith and BUI also have a neat vaudeville aketch. Aa uncommonly, good entertalnaaent I gttarantsed t the Star thl week. ". ., At the Grand. ' tin the little comedy. "A Game of Hearts." at tb Oraad thla week, tb patron ef tint house find one of tb daintiest performs nce of tb aeaaon. It I presented by Ralph Cum mtnge and hie supporting company, rontpoeed of talented and well known atock people. Caprice, . change rttt. le on of the features, and th aerial work of Oeorge Delmss la. cel. eulated to send many n thrill through th audience. Tbe rent of fhl an per lor vaudeville entertainment I up te the Oraad' eetabliabed atandard. , , B0ST0B- corrat habxit. . " Boston, Fsb. J. Official copper closing: Bid. I Bid. Adventure ... A.48H Old IVmlnlon,. 8T.TS Alloue- -42.00-4 )acola ei-kb wm I Atlentl ..... Rlnxbsm .... Cslamet rentennlsl ... Copper Range.. Weat ... Elm River ... Franklin, Dr.eii ...... (Jranhy ...... Mass Michigan .... Mohawk Nevada Con.. North Butts., laat Butte.... 24 60 Parrot bee Vsft. w SW.7B Phoenix 1 24 T00.00 , 88.25 14 75 Qulney ..... 104 50 I Royal S6 4 ',8baunn ..... 4.00 I Tamarack ... 107.04 8.50 irenn. Copper., 4-1 IB .izyt Trinity ,. t.MH ".UVi T'lilted 7.1 llt.UO 10.00 68 00 12 24 87. SO eta Itah 4.142(4 Victoria ..... TOO Winona ...... 4.75 , wolverine ... 181.00 I'. R. Mining.. M.2M Brltlak Col.... 28 87(4 lOBTTJUrn BABX STATI1CIBT, fclerlnK1,.,Jll n,Lt,,., uuui Balance 43.XIT.1S JTBW TORS OOFFXX KAXXXT. ffew uf k. Feb. J.'..'tif fa ftiluie do to 10 oolnta hlaber. OfAclal nrlcea: ntu.- Asa.i - ---j. aio. Ask. Febrnary .I4.H.1 IT.iin'Angnat .....87.48 7 - -Mae. a April May , lua . luty . i-.w.. -.nn in iiaaea , , v.v i.e T.H5 7.1 October .... 7.40 T.48 T.18'fovemher ... T.TO T.25 Tier December .. T.80 T.35 T.40 January T .86 T.M WORLD'S COirSR SUFFLT. New Tork, Feb. J. Tbe world vlsbl aan ply of coffee abow decrease of T48.00O beg. The visible supply oa January 1 waa II. 447. Jul bag. Tbe vlalnle supply on February 1 make Ibe TWflre-ll.nno.onrr baga; esapsred' with 18.S21,ia bgg tebmsry 1. ISOA. . Hew Terb Oaak OstYaa. " Hew York, Feb. '8. Cash coffee t Be. T Ue. Kr: Kn. 4 Kan roe. Hc FUNERAL NOTICES. HOLTURIRVE Ax kle httg reetdeneo, Oolumbl Slough road. February t, 1804, Henry B. tlolt grlee. aged TT rear, 10 month. 14 day. Funeral will take place Sunday. February 4, t 10 . from tb residence, laternseat Mason lo cemetery. Frtond tor I ted. .. IIMc-Jn thl City. Jannary 80, lw4, Henry Hill Sr.. aged no year. Fnneral will taba place Kunday, Felaruary A at S p. m, fn.n F. fl. Dunning' roe pel, corner of FBet 4 vJt and Ksst Hlxtk (tree la. rtaag h,..!. - We treat euooeaafullr alt private aer ' eua aa4 ehronlo Also so ox monj aloe blood, atomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble. W eure gYPHIUA . I without merourvi tn mtmw ctiroA foe ever. We remove iTRICnTRlE. with out operation or pain. In II eaye. We etop dralna, night loaaea ant , epermatarrhe by a aew method la a , abort time. We can re tor the aeattal . . "? ?' ny oiu undr t4 by meana of local treeitruonl iwrniiu. 1. MtMins We Cure Qonorrhoea In a Week SP1.A M . . ... . . . . iiw secrari or mi inatitut are an revular graduate, have had many yeara- expsrUnoa. have been known In Portland for Ik vsars have a. raeotatlas to maintain, and will underUke no eaa unleaa certain our can be efleeted. f V av,rmnt4e a eure In every case rf onaoruK or charge no fee. ConulU "'T av.vra. rvn am mauea wee la plain wrapper. .'We eurW the worat eaeea of piiae In --r r -nri iratmcnta- iltiinut jLuam- Uon. Cure truaranteed. , ' .-JuT0"-1 Mt effloev write Office hour, t Te I and I te l. Budaya and Holiday. 10 te . DR. VV, NORTON DAVJS & CO. Offlcea In Van Kay Hotel. ItU Third Street. Corner Pine. Portland. Or. Ejtablbijd I87J rhoea. Seminal Spermatorrhoea .... .This offer is extended to- all who are. suffering from the above ailments for one month ONLY, from January 17 to 'February 17, 1006.-: ;. ... ,- .;v St lonis Medical & Surgical Dispensary 830 Yamhill Street Portland, Oregon." OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO , Meaibera Cblcagre Board ot Trad. 'V ' ' BaUBT, nOTOUQWX OOTTOX, BTOOXS AJTO SOBTSS. 'V l 101 Third Street. McKay BulMrna. Portland. Or. ' " .; w- o a STau rrxx oonosazoa avsmsa. : Ceatlnueue Market by Private Vtre. Quick Bcnrloe. REFERENCES Ladd Tllton, banker, and TJm'.Md Btatea National Bank ot VwrUand. - se1 HifrieT.i s-jZ-l&C Waiting is-Painful Pastime - WMa teeth are eektag aad facial aeree crying foe relief. And If eipeaelre. Wan there a say tb I eg tee asatt.r wltk your teeth waste Da time In coming to our dental ofSee. wboee your coffering will be allevlsted Instantly, where graver de arie de can be attended he at goer Maura ell at aemparatltoly ssaail east. - - Wise The Flllg bldg. ' ' ' Mala S028. THIRD ABO WABXTJieTOa. t GRASP THE BENEEIT Of saved flollara te be realfged In hard ware buying .her and add to your atore of weUth and aatlafartloi Avery Co. .1 Bstwooa rine aad Aah, -AJerwirs.lleixrnker tbe FpJI NatM mm :i::l;i. -BEST BY 25 YEARS TEST For Stomach and s01 troubi. Live r and KJttnsiya, and all dmeaaea due to ton. pure Mood or weak nerve. Small -ttabtBtg-McT-airc. tl 00. At (tgta (in black boxes if not acne lor iki trial boa te i raaaeai rsasiivw II lierbs Co-wmpy I ill a iia. 4es, or II - aoate.asacaaao.CaA . K ... mi a. Beaaerc"3 C.x'- Uenmal T -- r e.J Cleveland. O.. i tX FockatoS'er t erf' mt In t.J ' I t a cf John keen romo min, mi ,. rill - ( .' . -7 f - l log jueetlo blaakv- Uome xreatnjoat ... rj - We.wiU treat and cure all cases of Gonor- , Weakness, Xoet Manhood, and Vital Weakness. . .. DowBmre, wranri a oo. 7 WAAAT AsTO STOCK BBOUBaV , tKaUBUahed ltAI . , atoovB 4, Ctroaad Flew, tTSLAJgBJm OA" OOsaTAtXSOa. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF, C. Gee Wo The Great Chinese 1 Doctor At No. I62J first St, Cor. Kcrrisca Be mlslesdlng statement to the afflloted. I guarsBte complete, t and IsaUag cur la tb q.itcksat puaalbl tlm, nd st th lowsst eost Bosalble for ho seat and ful treatment, 1 eure eetarrh. sthm. lung, throat, rbenmatlam. aervousnM. tMacJi. liver, kidney and hat manhood, , rXBAXX nOTBLEr AND AtiTFBXTATB ' siazAsis. "sty radlea ar haraalesa. ' eompgaa ' mt root, herb, bed and bark es peels 1 1 y selected aad 1 an sor ted direct by aa from the aaterhf ot Chins. IF TOT ABB 11TOCT18 BOWT BXlAT. DKLATS ABB BABSXBOVa. It yoa cannot call, writ fur symptom kteak and circular. Inclose 4 eenta In ataajp. 0BSntTAT10B TBtE. . The 0. W Ck lease Medlein 0., 148H Tint St., Corner ktorrissa, Fsrtkod, Or, , Fleas asentlon thla paper. - . CCd-rkiTilAi) Cf4s.-o- p i r " of a $da JZft' -V mt. - LCSIrYr.