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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1906)
13 THE OREGON DAILV JOURNAL", PORTLAND, FHIDAY EVIING FESHUAUY "2, 1. The Market Basket 11 UULA mm. lUllliililAaJj i 8eaana " make no ' difference j proanofof-wiKfi it. Tou can .buy 4 muabrooma almost any tint la th Port land market. All klnda ar raised bar I th ' littla onaa that look Ilka knob I and tha one that aro aa big around aa raucer. ' Thera are aeraral paopla In Portland who trow tnuahrooma. Soma of thetu ara rained In hothouaea, othara i in cellar. Any on can ralsa thera If ha has tha time and patience. Thla lat f tar la the . principal qualification. . A I great many people .ara afraid - to . eat I mushroom In fear of encountering: one tvt the -many -polaonoua varlatla that "ttxnnid on alinoat aeiy vataiit loU An , , lawny, and, almnal Infallible , way , to telLL - whether you have mushroom or the ' ' ' uoimnoui variety In your pot la to put Via all ver. apoun iiulththa jaooklii vegeil tableaand If It turn Mara, don t aat , Thar is om nice Oregon cauliflower fn the market you can telLthat It Is not" from the aouth becaua It looks alee and (a firm and olld. String beans are eo high In California It cent a pound at wholeeale there that tha trade cannot afford to bring them here and aU them at retail under about to cants a pound. Thera would b no aala for them. " However, there are atlll quite fair eupplle of garden peaa from th aouth. In good condition, and they sell at It cents a pound or two pounds for 21 cent.' watercress is solid now ana in mar kets atlll retain good supplies. Flv Lcents a bunch today la quoted. new iKiilornta, jjrtim.ioi'n n i iouj. demand. ' Slsea rather small. In good supply. This vegetable la , IIT- in. 1 VI iwi J - . " ..v... w - - .y rm dark. -'With thft' fultlvatad VYarlgffia this (hows that the dark ona was) raised In a hothouae or In the open air while 1 one that , la pur whit was ralaed M11 a cellar. ; .. -; ' -j-'. .. Those that mould Ilk to try their hand I at mushroom-raising are her given directions by en o. th largest ed hotiaea lnthe country : ; "The mushroom la an edible fungus of ' a white color, changing to brown when told. The gUla ar loose. of plnklah red. ; 'changing to liver color. It produce aeed -f 4' and there t developed ' a -wblU fibrous 'u balance In broken' threads. - called' ."spawn, which la developed and preserved 1 In bora manure, pressed In the form of . brick. Thus prepared It will retain vitaiityforeari, 'Musiiroom can b grovn. In cellars, in . bulled. In hothouaea. or sometimes In the t open sir, the great essential being a unl . t form degree of tcmperatur and rootstur. ' (Fermenting hora manure, mixed with - i-aa equal weight of freah aod loam, la ' I made Into beda a slss required and t. to 11 Inchea deep. Se to It that tna " ibed ll packed firmly ai.d evenly. - In th ' course of a few days th Inside tempera ;,ur of th bed will fall to about T or V 76 degrees, then plant th broken tpleces ':.ef spawn inches apart; cover th whole 'with I Inchea ot'-rht soli and protect z -from cold and ralnr--r.e ii-lck will plant to 10 aquar feet of bed. Kuehroomf I of hi ' appear-In about weeks from th time r of planting. They should b - watered "," aparlngly with luke-warm water." .. la the larger market today mushroom are aelllng at 75 cents a pound. Ea- -penrtv.- but there's a dean id -tor thnv4 ' ; Ther ar air sorts of vegetables In th market today, rut supplies ara not quite so heavy as they were a short time1 ago. . If you want cabbage be Bur t to aak your dealer for tha home-grown '.variety, for It's much firmer and better than the California' stocks, and they oost about th same." ,- '. . oysters In th markeU today.. Thla- la the best seaaon for oyater plant. It is tender and when scraped and cut Into small bits makes a delicious oyater stew. A dosen bunches for IS cent a If you would- prefer th real oyster the various Klnda are snown in an ma markets. Eastern, .transplanted, stock and th real Baltimore fresh goods ara In today; Mkewlse th smaller Olymplaa and Shoalwater bay stocks. , Columbia river smelt ar to be seen oh every hand. On every street corner there ar hawkers offering them, for sal at prloes that would not hurt even th poorest. Thoa. that prefer tneir flair-kept-tn-cleau place Ilk to buy them at th stores, ahd they aril at cents a pound: enough -for a big family for 1 cents. . Chinook salmon has again mad Its appearance.- Th receipt th psst week wer -much mors liberal and th prlo la sliding down. At present they ar not cheap enough for general con sumption, but If th present Indlcatlona continue you can buy them almoat at your own figure within th next few weeks. tsteelheada, also from th Co lumbia, ar Ukewls coming faster and are cheap1. . . ... Th markets today show good supplies soles. 'AH a.r quoted at IIH cents a pound.. Perch ar 1 cents and Lake Superior whlteflsh tl cants a" pound. Eggs ar getting cheapen, and prac tically all -markets have dropped their price to to cents for th best ranch stocks. , Looks Ilk lower prices soon. Chickens ar a trlfl cheaper wlth prices at retail today ranging between ltv, andll cents a pound. Turkeys ar coming to market some what better, but 25 cents is still th prlc for bast dressed stock. Cheaper quality costs lass.- - TJohn DeftarHedoctron Safer " John Dollar has forty thousand dol lars' worth of men's and youths' suits and ovarcoara. ' II Is selling for, f (.71 th 1 and S12.50 grade.- For 1116 I selling th 117.6 and 120 grade. Mt-Dlla will permit pueohaser te take on -of these suits or overcoats bom for approval, and If . not satis factory can be returned.!' -Th .two John Dellar stores ar lo cated on at th corner of First and Yamhill and th othr at Third , and Davis. '. i ' COLUMBIA RIVER SRIELTS SATURDAY SPHMLS L"l5 :.25c J -FrcsK.D oiled CRADS for Saturday &.?...15c 2..25c OYSTEBS. PER QUAIT, tl CENTS i' ' . .'ax . STANDARD CRAB C0 171-173 Msdison & NATURAk ANTISEPTIC- KECPSOUT BLXXJD P0I90NIN0 FtW TOILET 5 PATH BEST IH THE VV&fftD W I I RAINIER ORB. FOB UXI ST iXL SBVOaiSTS OBOOBBS. . ,. EeBeCOlWCll ( formerly FaraMr.) VBOLESALE AND RETAIL C ROGER t, gas. tSS Third t., er. Jefferao.- Bit Stora of LlttU PtIcm" roLLOwnio yucig wtll gvi tov is OX XTXXX SOUAS. ftUaXTTT ttUaAAJITISD Westera dry grsoalsttd case aagar, 100-lb ' ssc .T7. fS.80 Wrstsra dry granulated cans aagar, 1TM In : , 11.00 Eitra dry (ranalstrd snfsr, 100-lb saek..3.t0 Extra orr granulated n(ar. 1H lbs fl.00 Best lenxHi. or a of e sad eltraa eael, par lb..lBe I pkl MiftolU rleaasd eorrsot 2&e I nags mw S-crowe seeded raisins ........23e t lbs aew -erowa loose Muscatels ........2S t-lb eaa Boy a I beklns -powder ...iie 1-lb ran Hrhilllns's Best baklna sowder . . . .RAtf Crease A B Inkwell's ottv eu, qt .battles. .A5c l id pir arm m rtammer aoaa .- t.....oe 1 (al csa la ibtSTTrnp. Hsl eaa (a orr table ams... T lb rrencn prunes ne w :.. Rhredded Wheat Msenlt. oer ckc lbs Loelstsna rice S ran Karly June aeaa........ ....... ,,...26e If. bars Royal Beeoa soap .........;...V7...tV Ml) psll best Isrd f BOe 10 1b psll base lar fl .00 20-lb pall best lard .. , rineat eastern bams, per lb..... 1S B. at picnic bams, per lb '...,.10 Best cottage bams (boneless) per lb lot Bbredded eoroanut. per lb ..tft Hard-wbeat tow, per sack ...,..l.O0 gcotrb oats, per kg n.t ......10 Postnm cereal, per pkg ...........loe Pell's Napth snap, per bar ftc Beat soft-wheat Bonr. per package ...1 00 Java ft alorha coffee (regular Mcl 2ft hot la rrackera (about 10 lb) M Kngliab Rreakfaat tea. per lb ...lfte Fancy Gunpowiler tes tregnlar 6t) .... I lbs broken Java- oofee ,.,...26 1 bars tar soap .Be thieda Blsralt par pkg ....... ,.....' Tiger rreaa (loo else) B Ksst Side Deliveries Taesdsye an mdaa. ,' . non BAnr ot. - Washington Market .in'! . Bslwi Stark and Washlng-toa. LOW PRICES rHIQHRADBMEATS W are selling th - best MEATS, BOOS. POULTRY, BUTTER, ETC., at the, most 'economical prices, and your order Wilt be given prompt and careful attention -Whether you eall or 'PHONE THE ORDER. 112 First Street , . non max mio. V Fionc r.!da 1412 First cndTaylcr GROCERIES Fancy Potatoes, per sack. , , . . , , . . . .. ."...75 iSack Good. Flour.,,.. ,.......v...fl.0O; ' 10 Pounds Roiled Oats. ...... . ...... .35 '7 Founds W avy Beans ................. 25 7 Pounds Pink or Red Beans.......... 25 - 10-Lb.-Sack-White Cornmeal ...,......25 3SfeSack.,yellow :3 CaS-BestJCoI: Peas jarJoinatoea.r. 25 v. 4 Pounds Lima Beans . . . . . .' . ... . . . . . . . 25 , 2 Cans Table Peac4ies... ... ....... , . . .25 . 1 Can Baker's Cocoa . , , . . , . . . 20 ; 12 Bars Soap ....................... i..25 , - 1 GallonTabJeSyrttp. . . . 40: 1 Pound Schilling s Baking Powder. . . . .35 V 6 Bars Miller's Naptha Soap... ....... .25 Pound TJncoiored Japan Tea; .35 1 Pound English' Breakfast Tea, good .. ', i Z quality- . . . , 1 AAA A A sf fit 25.; MEMS 1 Pound "Faivorite" RlenH Cnff' COi fT gr'eclat-ButteOefTirrr.t7r: SS i uozen ainciiy rresn iggs. .......... .sm lQ-Lh. -Bnx "Maramntv r. , Tt."."".T:,T.VT" ?ifa "'" O imst quality; LOWEST PSICE III CUT SPECIALS '2 Cans Any Kind of Crtsm 15 Cents TnO-Lb.-Box-SpaehettlAeJLJ.A. , . . ... . . . .30 ', fi Pburids Swift's Compound-LArdaJ..50 10 Pounds Swift's Compound Lard. .....80 6-Lb. Pail Monarch Brand Lard....... . 50 ; 10-Lb. pail Monarch Brand Lard...... $1.00 Eastern Hams, per pound........... 12if Picnic Hams, per pound. ... ...9 Cottage Hams, per. pound..;;;.V.l0Cl 3 Cans Oystefs .............25 6 Pounds Blick Figs........;..., 25 2 BQttles Snyder's Ketchup. ...... ...35 Postum Cereal; per packaee...,.......'. 2 Large. Bars Ivory Soap.. 15 7 Cans Sardines ..'...............25 TONS OF FANCY FRESH DRESSEDlCHICKENS .3c PER POIND Enterprise Creamery independeot rJeat Co 13? PlRS'TSTRBB'IV SPECIAL Chickens, l,2c Per Pound One Dozen Strictly Fresh Eggs, 25 Cents w - UVAHAJHTISUU OREGON CREAMERIES - - - - -M-- .I y Corvallis .......... ;.65f Grand Ronde ... .... .60 Page's Special TT.7T. . 50 2 Cans Tomatoes ....... 15 2 Cans Corn ......... . . .15 3 Cans Peas ...... ... . . . 25 2 Lbs. Coffee i25 1 Lb.- Best-Mocha-and- i . , Java Y.'.e ;..20f 1 Lb. English Breakfast Tea .; 25 2 Boxes Acorn Matches . . J.5 2J-lb, pkgsGoId Dusti .35 Mat AT WILL BR SOLD AT YOUK OWN PRICK Independent Meat Co. 127 FEIST STREET THE HOUSE THAT QUALITY BUILT ; . Do your marketing with us if you are 'a lover of Choice Cut of Meats, as this market is noted for sell ing only the VERY BKST QUALITIES. - Y OUR MOTTO IS: Y "Get the Best, and Sell at Reasonable Prices" y- ; This We Do Every Business Day of the Year Now if our little talk impresses you, let us have your order for SUNDAY DINNER A prime Rib Roast of beef; lamb, mutton, veal or pork; choice cuts of steaks or chops, poultry, vegetables, fruit and nuts. -105-107 THIRD ST. PBOWE EXCHANGE. 63 !N0HE--SUCB MOST DELICIOUS PICS, FRUIT CAKES . PUDDINGS i irarKPiKiVi i JSYRACU5E J22tS m m i - mm mmJ 1n2-Pie10cPackagi NHSELLSOULE CO. I 3iOi UE 99 Frieaiman's Market Independent Meat Co. First and Columbia Streets 127 First Street. Bet .Vashlnfilon snd Alder "To advertise" prices on meats is detrimental to the trade in this respect, that it leads the public to believe that an . inferior grade is used as a "bait" Our method in "non-advertising? prices is to prove to the people, after thorough investi 5 gation, that we cany the best grades of meats offered for sale in the city of Portland. Y 'Y v' ..' Y Our prices now and in the future will be just as reasonable as they were in the past."" Y v ' "Saturday" you will find our bargain counters heaped high with the best meat that money can buy and at prices that will surprise you. "Seeing is believing," so do not fail to make us a visit. You will be received most courteously and yourevery want-will be satisfied to the-verjrbest-ofmr abilityr- Remember theBargata H City Grocery in rms rbut, Between Morrison and TamhllL , non MAIV 1S64V . Th plac to buy th beat of ararythlng 1 - to aat at ma mwar pnc. : . 25: Y- . Y 1 lb. Chole Ounpowflr Tw ... 25. - 1 lb. of our Famoua H.-3. Coff. - 25 . ' (On 10-lb. aark Tallow or Whit - . . Corn Meal. 15? ; S can Standard Corn. Y t?1.00 ' II lb. JDry Granulated Surar. : r- 35 Y ; Two l-lb. pkg. Goldduat. " - ;25a It bar Good I-aundry Soap. 155.25 . : ... ' 100-lb. sack Granulated Surar. . ?1.20 Back Beat Fancjr Patent Flour. City Grocery m nxms itnif, T I L-J 111 , 1 I I . H3SaB ; Specials at Rainier Market . Beat Meat to b "had at reaaonabl . , prlco. .. , .jvL i!u ''Kxtr fin lot Canned Plncppla, - pn ...20f v ' Freeh Rm5h KcK. da...25 and SO iNew Walnut, per pound .25a4 New Raisin, package.. v. ........ . lBe? ;'irrata. large package., ......... 1 5 ' : , Ynmts Oystere, fvery Friday, pint. .35 "".". A TuU im of Canned Oood.- , ' rinwt Cremery butter. ..Q04 to mtit .. -iV Ireh Butler. Kgga and Cheea Ala ay ; ' l . , r t .on lluiid. ....j..- ( ' RATa-aR MAtUCEf ' 4 Pl.l'M. fmi'TleXor. - Irva aa Bia gu, , nm cms SS. DAVIS BROS. Bin BXS0O1OT STOBB. FOR FINE GROCERIES CAXA MAX 4MT. Tou will get fH , value " an full yrlgnt apd at tna a mo time aav I per rent. on alt purrliaae. Ir : r ' ; '.. r; Pt. SffrMSk MA Vorttna v-.:. THE BEST "X Alwaya th OkMpMi THEN let u furnlah rou a fln PRIMB RIB ROAST OZ BEEF or LAMB, MUT TON, VEAU PORK. FISH, OT8TERS, PbULTRtYTYY t - " ' ; Kindorf Bros. ' 'a 130 Grand Ave, - Phona East 412; it tov oamroT com Am m Poultry and ,:-;:-::Fish:.:--Y r1play. call up'MAIN itJ, and w will nil your order and will guarantee en tire gatlafactlon. ' - -: " ;. ' '- ; , ' :" G. Covach & Co. For the Best for Toor Money ... ' OO TO Townsend & Van Schoonhovcn . Wholaeala aad Batall Otooara, . 147 FIRST STREET - 55f and65a Roll aasT ouunir nmt ""'2 Dozen 55 j Strictly Frah Ranch Eggg " t-lb. can Table Blatikberrlea LlOTefDozeri r . 2 for '25 . Good Table Peachea and Apricot. 2 CatlS 15? SUndard Tomato. 3 Cans 25 Corn, Pen or String Beana. 2 for 15 Prlmro-Cream. BLUESTEM BLEND Makes the best bread the ' lightest - biscuit - and the most digestible pastry. "Always the Same" PEL O'S The Popular Grocery Houses, Our largetradelhaproven. our popularity. The houses of liv ing prices, but first class goods. Note some of our prices for Sat urday: -..... -i.:. 5.25 100-lb. aack Dry Granulated Sugar. 81.20 , ;;., Sack Fancy. Patent Hard-Wheat Flour. 10 -lb.' can A sorted Soup; r- tio alie. Y : 60 YY-Y-. j. don can CondenaeiPCireanv 40 Tor 5? - . , 1 can Baked Beana. , , . 2 for 35 b. pkg. Gold Duat. ' ' .2 lbs. for 35 Beat Walnut add Almonda.. -15d a Pound - - Y Engllah Broakfaat Tea. , - 25 a Pound Gunpowder Tea. , 13 a Pound . " Beat Kaatern -Ola ma. '"'"' New fron Flaa and Prune. ' East Sid twllvery Tuesday and ITrlday. Baofe-Pur-Kastara Buckwhaa.t-Flowv4 40 . ' Gallon Pall Cholc Tabl Syrup. . LiY -..: Y. 20 1-lhv pkg. Sod Crackara. ;'Y;Y 5? ' ' IV Pound Gloaa or -Corn Starch. Can Balder' ZY20 or Ohlri rardelll Cocoa. aM Sid Slor M WOIUum Atwm Ft Wt Park , aad Waahlag-toa. , Pkem u, .... McKINNONS SMITH cass eaoozas. . non xait in. , WHOtXSALI AB aiTAIL. 128 GRAND AVENUE - . Ml SllTCn4 t Asy Part f tt . 1at41W MAS J m mK,an &Vga aWBa Wal,taaa AtTIEV IOOt ! FAJIOT CklAMZtY IOTTI1 , 1 aack .'(oud hard-eheat floor......... 1 d- cans faaer socs I oos. ean tomatoes ........,..... ?. A B. oil, qt eaa Baker' cooo 1 eaa Ohlr'a k-os rsney Burbank potatoss, per sack ..... Miller's Kaptba, fnr o-io. pan neat isra, dot; iu JD I lb. Hoval baklna Dowder ......... Good Kncllak break faat tea .....j..... 1 lb.' Gunpowder .'........... Hass Bra.' cstmp, I bottle , I pa, core atarco Best Jaea and vioch eoffsepr'ib!!! rostuai ...................... Onnd baBB Fli-Prane ere,al Bear Hi: 1 te IS His., im While and yellow eomssal,. 1U-U. sack Bottle blnsln . . , raey tsbls arFap, per fl ........... Larse- box t"-' i.,,, , .... .... ..!. ...SO ...fne ... ...) . VTO ....Sfte ...,10a ..2n . . . leje ...ine - 3n He- ...8e -....ft S lbs. entrants lbs. rslatns. Seed lee Jean oyater ......... cans pea r string bean ........... Mall orders shipped te all points, i from a complete atock. goad Is roar at once. . T0 ...3A ...IS lsetd ordrs ' KggiT. Y VT. ;; . . .Y20and25 Ranch Egjf. 2 doz. . . ;55 ; Krst frMmerv Butter 60. H5r ' Crood Creamery putter ...... 50 liest Mipar iurea xiams...xf Rrrakfast Bacon, lb. ...... .!". 5 -lbs. Pure lrd ........ . . , 50 1 Chickens, per ii)...AOf and ltf? All ; goods retailed at wholesale (. :' prices. . ta Grande Creamery1 . m YAMHILL t5T, A . A 1?