The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 01, 1906, Image 9

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iraOsapaEce -So!!
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Pur ...
tiraad . .
liaalrel Burlesque
UoeUsaa la Ne ur"
""..- TT-.n.
a........... ..a.-.....1 ',( 1 1
Five sacks of wheat caused Ave Alblns
lads,Jude Freser. Chief Clerk of the
Juvenile Court Marlon R. Juhnnon and
letectlve H. H. Hawley ' a tV"ld .l";
trouble. The hoy woro sharged wttn
steeling the grain and were tried before
the Juvenile oourt and then , paroled
pending good, behavior. The charge
against the bore waa that an Uat Fri
day they eaked to ' help Mint greln
handlers unload a car of wheat at one
of the douka, . Three of the boys are
.. , aided, after a rasnion.
dockTbs three worker are aaM to
have dropped Backs at grain to their
compai.lone whUe the real gralnhandlers
were la tha wharf. The boys Wr sr.
rested while trying U aeU the wheat to
a feed inlll ' ,. ' '. , ' r
This Follows an Altercation In
tha Courthousa Corridors With
. Jaks Rickers. :
Mr. Smith Saye Smith Came Horn
There and Bit a Piece o( Flesh, Out
of MeCarty'" Back.'
At St Mary cathedral Saturday, J.
M O'VarreU. well known la Portland, a
assesses efaivlalon No-1 of .-lha iocal
lodge. Ancient Order of Hlbernlana. wUl
- ordained Into tlia priesthood of the
Homaa Cathollo church by the Moat
Keveread Arcbblahop Alexander Christie.-
11 la first maas win be celebrated at
the cathedral. Sunday morning, at 11
o'clock. The local society of Hlbernlana
will attend the maaa la a body. A com
mittee waa appointed at the last .meet'
Ing to convey tb sincere appreciation
of the society of the elevation of lis
member. Mr. O'rarrell waa born la To
ronto. Ontario, and was educated In the
parochial and high schools of that city.
He came to Oregon la 1 aad finished
his gtudiea at Mount Angel college.
' Vancouver reeldents are anticipating
with a great deal of pleasure the recital
to be given tomorrow evening by the
Vancouver Cbamlnade club at the Pres.
byterlan church. The recital will be
under the direction of Mrs. . Fred I
Olson, one of the most accomplished
mustuians In Portland. She will be as
sisted by Mies Cornelia Barker and
Miss Petronella Connolly of Portland.
Members of the club are Meedames Ar
nold. towel 1. Pomps, Weston, Taylor.
Phillips, Warren. Cray. Orldley, Sears.
.Minclair. Mcrntyre, end Misses Collins,
aos Pempe, A, Wood and U Coaoway.
A number of Portland people are ex
pected to attend. f . . ..
The Centennial Milling company of
fwattle and Spokane has sold to the
Portland Flouring Mills company a half
block of ground at. ths corner of. East
First and Stark streets, recently pur-f-haset
br the" Centennial company for
t .&. from W, B. Kplcer and Page sV
, Hon. The Centennial company la saia
' to have bought ths ground for ft mill
site and had drawn plans for a large
cereal and flouring mllL . The Portland
"Flouring M1U company's purchase In
: eluded also ths quarter block at the
corner of East First and Washington
streets, which gives It ths entire block
"with the exception of the quarter occu-
' Following an altercation In the court
house corridor this morning William A.
("Mysterious Billy") Smith was fined S
for contempt by Judge Sears. Jake I
nnjuuia, wun wnoa etmun quarreieo,
was not fined. Judge Sears remarking
that as Rlckers was a little man Smith
had nothing to tsar from him. Smith
la suing for a divorce, alleging that his
wife has become a. gross drunkard.
M re. Josephine Barde. whom Mrs,
Smith claims has won ths love of ths
former prise fighter, waa lust leaving
the oourt room when shs passed Rlckers,
who Is said to have stopped to speak to
her.- Smith vas in the hallway at the
time and says ha told Mrs. Barde "not
to talk to that bum." In the alterca
tion which followed Smith la said to
have told Rlolers that ho would "knock
hla block off."
"One must, not Interfere with wit
nesses la this oourt," said 'Judge Sears
la Imposing ths fine.
While on . ths witness-stand this
morning Mrs. Smith said that ber hus
band cams home one night tw6 years
ago,- became enraged at Jos MeCarty,
who was living at ths Smith homo, and
during a fight that snsued bit a large
piece of flesh out of MoCartys back.
At the trial this morning Judge
Sears issued a bench warrant for Mra
llulda Lisvena, who was ordered to ap
pear In court today. Mra Josephine
Barde. , unon whom Smith Is said . to
have showered much affection, wee e
witness this morning. She declared
that ths letters that Smith had writ
ten her bad been given to Mrs. Ross
Wilcox, who left Portland yesterday.
Mrs. Bards said that shs promised
Mark O'Neill. Mrs. Smith's attorney, that
If Rlckers end MeCarty would not get
up and swear to a lot of lies they
told yesterday shs would give up ths
letters. -
R. C Patterson, a boarder at Mrs.
Smith's home, averred that ho had never
seen-her under the Influence of liquor
during ths five months he had lived at
ber home, but admitted that be had ones
her drink a glass of beer. .
On ths wltnees-stand 'yesterday Mrs.
Smith said that her first drink was
t.h.n In Maw ITr.nnl.nn anma time Ifnl
In reeoe-rtltlon'of her work as super
intendent of ths local Travelers Aid as-
ociatlon. Mrs. lla Q. Baldwin has
been presented with a check for 140 by
a Portland cltlsen, with which shs Is to
continue the work of ths association so
Ions ss shs Is able. Because of lack of
funds ths association disbanded a short
time sgo, but despite this, the local
man gave Mrs: Baldwin ths check with
the request that aha use ths money as
shs deems best In carrying on tbs work
-commenced last summer..
" " Those who attended the pupils' recital
ju n Jet Jht direction. -o(.W. IT. Borer, at
Taylor Street Methodist cnurcn last
night, were delighted with ths perform
ance. An excellent program was ren
dered. The solos were by Welrose B.
Kaser, Miss Stella Carder and Mrs. A.
T. Huf faker. Tbs chorus numbers were
enthusiastically received. The accom
panists at the recital were Mrs. W. E.
Thomss at ths organ and Miss Kva Ben
son at ths jiano. .
Rev. Elanthsa Sweet the new as
slstant pastor of ths First Baptist
church, will be tendered a 'welcome re
ception this svenlng at ths Whits
Temple. At the same time ths second
nntversarr of the pastorate' of Dr.
' Hreusher will be celebrated. - The
double reception will follow the regular
-weekly prayer meeting. There will be a
. short program and light refreshments.
Edward Holman at Co.. the leading
funeral directors, have ths finest estab
lishment, the finest goods, the finest
vehicles and ths most reasonable prices.
'Fine broadcloth covered caskets, tit
and 110. Ths ftnsst wood goods made,
from 111 to ISO. Parlors 129 and 121
Third street, corner Salmon, Portland,
.Oregon. . ' .
Tenney Brothers Friday Special
Five big bargains in wlnee: 11 1 grade
' of whits or red Fort at II per gallon;
- II. BO grade of Sherry at 11 per gallon
11.10 grade of Muscat at II per gallon;
11.60 grade of Sauterns at 11 per gal
lon. Phone East XIT. Free delivery.
171-111 East Morrison.
... In attempting to board a moving car
near Russell street and Williams avenue
last night, II. Ooodager, of 221 Russell
street, fell and had bis right foot cut
ot by ths wheals of ths car. He was
removed Immediately to a hospital. . He
says no one but himself Is to blame for
.the accident. , '''-'
Herbert C Shattuchv lecturer of ths
.Loyal Temperance legion, will addrees
the pupils of .the Portsmouth schdbls
tomorrow .afternoon. In ths svsnlng he
.will speak- at - the University . Park
church. . -
: It costs you nothing to know the
, exact condition of your ayes. All tests
free, tenses' from l up. Exclusive
optician. Ill Fourth street, near Tain-
' hilL , .......
Attorney W. W. Banka has returned
from a two weeks' business trip to San
Francisco, and reports that everything
and that It was offered to her by her
husband. Shs -said - the - shs- traveled
all about the country with him during
his prlse-fightlng days, and denied ever
having drunk to excess. Mra Bards
testified that sbs had known 8mlth
sines sbs wss a little girl, that shs had
been a companion of his first wlfs and
that all aha had had to do with . him
was In a proper and friendly manner.
Mrs. Bards said that the loving letter
written Smith from Pendleton last
summer had been .written st his re
quest In order that he might let his
wife -see It . aad uui nna oui 11 jars.
Smith still loved him. Rlckers. testi
fied thai
marriage vows
there seems t be on ths move. Be at
tended the Gane-SuUlvaa - fight and
pronounces It the best ring-battle ever
pulled off between lightweights. Hs
was accompanied by Mra. Banka on hla
trip. . .. :
Suits pressed 10c, or your clothes
cleaned and pressed and ahoes shlned
for II pes month. Free calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring .- Co... 101
Stark, near Sixth. Mala 114.
' Watches. Watches, Watches On easy
weekly paymenta. II down. COe per
week. Don't go without a good time
piece. Metager Co., Ill -Sixth street.
Family Washing at
To be done In Oregon. We are -the
ladles' friend, snd solicit the sup
port of every woman In this broad
commonwealth. Just beckon to
we by TEl MAIN III.
Union Lmnilry
noon asm DvtmaxA.
Why do you buy cheap. Inferior gas
mantles from peddlers . when you can
get a Welsbach mantle for lie at Man
nings. l Third street? Tel. Main Sill.
"Religion: What la Itr will be the
subject of Evangelist Martin's sermon
tonight at the First Christian church.
Park and Columbia streets. -
Why pay It to 110 for 'eyeglasses T
We guarantee a perfect fit for II. Eyes
examined free. Metsger Co 111
Sixth street.
Gold medals for lawn grass aad sweet
peas. Butser, seedsman. Ill Front
Merchants lunch 10c 11 to t. I2T
Washington. 4.
Big shoe sale. Marks Shoe Co.
Ask for Frltis tamalsa.
Crowds Increase Each Day.
. 'Tt la to ths credit of ths Portland
public that they are able to discern the
difference between a bona fide sals Ilka
this and trumped-up affairs such as
we see all around us." remarked C F.
Bishop, new proprietor and manager of
ths Balem Woolen Mill Store, Clothiers,
at IS -and 17 Third street, where the big
dissolution sals Is In progress. "The
steady Increase In ths number of suits
sold each day shows clearly that people
have confidence In us and In our mer
chandise. Almost without exception the
purchaser of one of our fine, all-woo?
suits at 11.16 brings In a friend, and
manyTif them a whole bunch -wfffriehda,
and every man la surprised and de
lighted with the values we are giving.
More than 100 suits have been sold
since the sals opened, five daye ago."
Parlts,! Thin Evening.
-The regular -weekly piano recital of
Ellera Piano House will be given this
evening la Recital HaU. Mr.. John Claire
Montelth will be the soloist Mr. Mon
telth possesses a baritone voice the
equal of which Is rarely heard in Port
land. The recitals have beoome ex
ceedingly popular, and the attendance
lately haa filled ths hall to overflowing
Hereafter, however, all seats will be re
served. Tickets of admission, including
reserved seats, can be obtained gratia,
before I o'clock this afternoon,
at Ellers Plane House, 111 Wsshington
street -, . - - . ' - - .
Winter Garden Billiard Hall.
Third end Morrison.' Finely equipped
Eleven high-grade pool and billiard ta
bles. First class In every respect
Milwaukie Country Club."
Tos Angeles and Oaklmd races. Take
Seiiwood and Oregon Cl care at First
.aad Alee - .- ,.1 ..
3,000 yards of atl silk Dresden Rib
bons in beautiful stylet and great
assortment. 7 to 8 inches 1 wide;
; regular tl. $UV $1.50 fjQr
-alue allow nxictV 3AiM.
T..n.- in nf 5Utin Merveillieux
vr x ;Kkn. .atin hrocade - ribbons.
( Roman, striped ribbons and moire
V rihKnni- also oin stripes and
L -k-1,.. piKttna worth 31
: ""7 :
a yara on saie, wr, -
JLOQO jrards i ol print warn Ribbons
anVdollT"Varden"fibbonl S 16 T
inthea wide, all silk; yenr. best
..-1.. mmA mtarinn: refrular 50c
to 75c yalne on sale at, llr
10,000 yards of all eilk TaffeU and
. Satin Taffeta Ribbons in a ya
' riety of 20 of the leading shades;
full S inches wide; extra heavy
' equality; best 35c value on sale
at the special low price 1
of, yard..,,v.........a'C
2,500 yarda of hand-embroidered Ribbons, Vll dota on all
silk satin, chiffon and taffeta ribbons; best 65e waluea,.yar4. .
Boys' OotlMng Bargains
Boys' 2-piece double-breasted" and Norfolk Suits
in light and dark mixed cheviots and csssi
meres; ages'S to 16 yean; $4.00 CO RQ
and $40 values ....,.4Js?.U7
little- Boys' -Overcoat fancy-tmxtues-sr4T
dark blue materials; ages 2 to 7 C A. Ai
years; regular $6-SQ values ......... V Tf -
. - .. i m . Vt . .
BOVS fancy &ailor onus in rea anu mii u'ut,
comoinaiion cuim a s 1 ' . fc j" i-f ' 1
veariTresrular $10.00 and $12.U Zm. sWO
;aiues ;;..;.vwew
Little Boys "Buster urown ouus mrco, prown (. 1
ndlnriVfnixttires : ages 2i C -55"
years to 5yearsi$7i vals.,... V"ea,
Young Men's Suits in dark gray and brown
mixed cheviots and tweeds; agea 15 to 20 years;
-this season's very best styles; Cj? 1 O fHS
regular $18.00, $20,00 values... V I7.UJ
Young Men's sjngle-breasted Suits in fancy
mixed cheviots and cassimeres; ages 14 to 20 ;
vexrs: regular $12.50 and-$15.00 CO AC -
. values on sale at
Young men'g Suits in dark gray and fancy mix
tores; single-breasted; ages 14 to C L lf
20 years; best $10 values yW'-JV
Entire stock of clothing at low clearance sale prices.
fly U
Pcninsiilcr Stcd ttannca at $27.00 Grand Opera Apparel K Off
Todav we offer 40 of our -Peninsular" planished Steel Ranges, run
cLl trimmedTNo. 6 or 8 covers. Urge oven, asbestos lined., burn
wJM or roil extension firebox, ventilated oven, steel-head nveta.
extrg7XwT1ng ''ovenj full guarantee, for W
beat $35.00 model on safe atr the exceedingly
low price of, each...s....i....'...j-jrvr-V-v'
. - - . h n ' ... -nnit .irr enit stTle
"Peninsular oteei itaiiges, j uiwrenrnj '
up to $75; all are on sale at low clearance sale prices. Basement.
All Wood Heaters and Gas Stoves at clearance saic pnecs.
BtiyJYour Sammor Undcniinslins
. . " snseaa, am ' " era dh
Daring the Great "White Fair '
. .. l- .-a ii.Vn rnMi. trimmed in
finVembnroi UnclenneTnd ?o7chon 1. of tucks,
insertn. round neck,;
long and short sleeves, ivu wiums
t-SO (rltM
" oewma
9 .S9
e e
. 93.11
9 .
see PS9 T
' '''- - " a- . 8 -f.
1 Women's cambric, muaun ana nsmswa
j Drawers, trimmed in dainty embroideries, .
' clusters of tucks and insertions, full widths.
! Great special values at tnese row pmo.
Ss Prawees .69y
fXSa- BittM 894
ai.n Srawess...917
SAS9-SS.TS Brawsrs "
a ..91.97
rioos ,
guO0) Drawees 794
SLM Ssaweea. TS7
Sg-OOStW Xrrawecs
at .. iTj."; . 91.a9
' sa.eo gt SO rawero
M 92.43
Women's nainsook and eembrlo
Corset Covere, trimmed In dainty
Valenciennes lacee and embroidery
edgings. Insertions, clusters of
tucks, headings and ribbons Great
gso-ase vsXlOeV
eae-eos vaX29e
ase val. . ..9e
Sl-SS val.-89e
gl.TS vstnss
i 4oe wal....2Be
See vat. ...4Te
STuOO val..TTe
STuSw val..Tw
i. et tsl
i 93.
as.OO-aa so values a
ss-Bo Sl.TS vajaea aw
9J0O-9M valasg
Woman's Chemise, made of flne
earnbrlo and Tialneook. trimmed in
dainty embroidery, laces, beading,
tucks and ribbons, with or without
trimmed skirts
IM nl. ...28e aco-eae val.43e
I1M val . . 83e 91M .val 97 values as.., S1.21
Ba.OO values, each. . .
aa-o val9Z.49 VSJS vaLfa.S
All extraslse tTndsrmusllns on
sals at low clearance prices. f
Women's long white tTndsrsklrta,
made et flne cambrio and muslins,
trimmed In flne embroidery, Valen
ciennes aad torchon- laces, clusters
of tucks and Insertion, full widths,
separate dust rufflea, fluted waist
bands 1.1B waL.TTw -89
S1.M vai..97e SLTvaL91.2f
a-aa values .91.93 values .. f 1.9T
ea-oo-aa as vainss 92.43
mtaeav... ,.a.7
sOaas-ft . .-. 93.13
mass 93.9T
Women's short Underskirts, mads
of ths best quality cambric, nain
sook and muslins, trimmed m em
broideries, valenclennes and tor
chon laces, tucks snd hemstitching
Great bargains at:
soo-eoe val 434 tres-SSo val694
1.TS values 91.29
aa.oo-aeaa vatasn 91.-49
gl.00 values fos .......794
gTuee) values foe 984
eg.-M-SS.Te valasg .....91.97
t84iS Si-Si values ...93.43
You can select from our entire magnificent stock, of Evening
Costumes and Wrap at S3 1- p?; cent discount from regu
lar selling prices The highest class apparel for all occa-sionH-Imported
snd domestic models in the very latest
-r fashions-ftumes are in silk, lace, net, crepe de chine, vel
vet and broadcloth Prices ranging from $25.00 up to
$350.00 Wraps are in lace, silk, velvet and broadcloths
Values from $22.60 up to $250.00 Beautiful theatre, dinner
and reception garments Variety by far .the ff
largest and best in the city Second Floor....... 3 V
Special lot of -25 doaen women'a im-
Cu.lii . riKKH heavv cotton
,1V, ,v. W " -
Vests; high neck and long sleeves;
"wliile oi ecru; an vrmr,
standard $1.00 values,, at.....
Women's fine ribbed merino Vests and
Pants, -in cream color only; all sixes;
well made and finished Underwear;
regular $15 valuea, for low
Women's heavy wool mixed Vests and"
Pants; gray or white: all sites; best
75c values, on sale for the CQf
low price of... ..sf
Women's : fine white merceriied Vesta
and Pants; medium weight; hand-
sofriely finished rarmentrOQiTT
. 11.25 valuea, for
Munsing's flesh-colored mercerized' cot- :
ton Vests and Pants for women; -'
heavy weight; all aiies; C 1 Afl
best $2.00 values at.. V I 0
Women'a medium-weight Union Suits; high neck and long sleeves;
a SS . M .1... a sfeS ska dS9a a99h.
ankle length; natural coior; au sues, grano vaiuss 4U
low price of, per suit
Women'a Swiss Ribbed Vests; high neck and long sleevesjjsbite;
.J. mm A H-.mStmA- .11 hat 1.00 valuea OH f- w
n ice I J liiauc iivi 1 1 1.13 ii u i - i
sale at the very low price of, the garment...................
Women'a Swiss Ribbed Merino Vests; high neck -and long aleeves;
black only; fine quality garment; all aiies; best $1.25 values OQm
on sale at the very, low-price ifijjjj-iA-itr "-
Entire stock of Wpinen'a Knit Underwear at low clearance sale
pricea .
Children's Jersey Ribbed Black Cotton Tighta; medlnm Qf
weight; on sale at, the pair .J
$15 -:! C3.C3
S25 Sdb iUi
OVERCOATS f all kinds at
one third of their values.
.PANTS-HOO, $5-00 and $4
gTadea for 91TB 92.SO and
-HATS of the newest styie -915,
91.79 and fa.oo
worth "double the price. "
SHTpts trNDK-awgA-g,
at ONE HALF of their value.
& S.W. Ccr.Ttlrdtzi CTj
Empire Theatre!
I rh saa taarrlar
Pkeae Mala lit.
MILTnrt W. SKAMATt, Wimiar. '
Portland pomilar rnTkneM.
Trr Mlsbt This Wwk MattDM Sareratr
Tree Oslr Heal HooMas I'lar et
tee saim.
Hooligan in New Ycr!:
Tka' elerer eoswir-arssia. with ss neell"
eaeapaar. Spwlal Tmrntrf. ' Beerjthlat a
sad aor.1. Ikia't tetaa It
vmlne prlcea We. JSe, SSe. See. Ms
m le. ire. '
Vast week follsrtl LIlllssHes Oeeja Oe.
Oiefea Tsaswe 0w
ee. TL asee, -.
TiSUiin a Third Ss. PNnw. Mttu 1
Ttt HMM of UUBleil Bmaeipis.
fcturoar KathMS Is the Lest ParforSM-"
atnrzm-s Aaruicaas.
Bwlsaqae 1 ssS Ilrsar"a Oneaeeay, I
the fosar. mealral fam.
Matinees Uararear sad Suaea 18e. eft f v
tor. Kranlas orlees 2Be. SSe. SOe,
tTr2luM ot pettT flrlfsnl jsdjaanl-
Vest waaa -ainiEa-a Mimix."
atarllne aaaaar Matlao.
Wsah ef
' t aaaary as. -Balph
sad aar oeaiseay
1st "A Gaaie ef
. Hsarta."
Tlakhaa S Ce
' , OaratM Bras.
eea. Balnea.
"Oaraall Blatats
Harold Koff
- araadoaaase
tllaadafa.'HV'. V. :
aiatlneae. lie ie aa
at eiiTt b"Ia.
Silk Petticoat Bargains
S 7.50 Silk Petticoats at . $4.55
$ 9.00 Silk Pctticoate at $5.45
Silk Finished Lisle Hose Apollo Rinl
3 1 c Pair
Another special lot of Women'a Silk Finished Lisle Hose for those
who were disappointed in not securing them at last weeks sale;
band seam, double sole, high spliced heel; new-thread silk weave;
a a I a. a a d SlMSSS alalia SK " tnslte 9B W
all sizes, style ana quauiy; nyse nivai nun, r-"
Ar A aaU at
LOOO pairs of embroidered Cotton Hose; black, with small, O I a-
ia tie-ures! all sizes: best 35c values for, per pair AW
Women'a fine black Lisle Hose, with white double sole; all IQ
aizes; best 50c values on sale at this low price, per pair.....- .7I
Children's fine Cotton Hose, double Maco feet; 35c
valuea. sair
Boys and Girls' Fleece-Lined Hose;' all "sizes;. 25c
aratuesr cair .'.............
Misses' silk-finjshed Lisle Hose; Hermsdorf dye; 3Sc . 2d?C
values; pair .... ...... ...,A9m "a
Boys' heavy rib Hose, seamless, cotton; 25e values, 1
pair.. , ,,,,,., ..-.. ... . ....... ... , ,, . e.y alt Wtae
"" Weak ef -
Zsaaary SS.
' VeatatUaad Visa
( atalth aad KlUa.
'. . Ossrles, . ... .
lesaa aad Sitteaa,
W. X. Haitfard.
- - frmmm Saela.
Prtere 10 seat ewaot seaaa 10.
Is S Seaaattnaat OtsimihaU-Catehlaf Art.
'. The aeeaelde, ?
Oavrord sad Daft. Wldnw Carte
Mlrhar Feeler.. Jonas sad Bartna.
Lea White. MoTln Plotnrt
rarrorBaneas oaiir at i w. i:su saa
Sj. Oeneral adwlsalea, TKN aaala. Baearti
eeata, ao aasta
LYRIC theatr:
Lost a Bat)yf
A aoA-uva tamos xv rrarsss acts.
Adsttaalaa 10e Beeerved Seats, foe.
- music :
Tor ths ben eat of the constantly m
ereaslna number of aftamoon skaters
ths tnaaaaremsnt - announces that Par
sons' orchestra will hereafter play for
saatlnc every aXtaraooa as well as everr
svsnlnat- ' ' " , ,
Mxronnom mm co.
:,:7 , B. 1. Arnold. Mgr. :-
Covsrnmsnt Asked to Msks Land
Grant to Induct Soma Ona
- 'to Build.
" Thers Is such an Increaalng demand
In Manila for a first-class American
hotel that eonarees. at the present ess
sum. is expected to offer a land erast
bonus to the) man or corporation that
wuj sreet a modern hostelry. PJseuss
Inc the matter tbts- moraine. W. H.
.Williams ef Saa Francisco, wbs Is etoa
plns at ths Hotel Portland, said:
"The army officers, federal officials
and prominent cltlsens frwm ths states
was are isreed te Uve U aiaaij are re
sponsible for the petltloa sent ts oon
rrsss asalnv for a-Jand graut auUsldy
to Induce some one ts pat up decent
hotel there. ,The present ones are
larpelr saltv lev their saans semen- and
srrv'"t, a s iiAnsresa to deride
whether the srant shall be for ths
actual ground upon which , the. hotel
shall be erected, or an ec reuse on one
ef the Islands Which can be sold by ths
hotel company, rented or used by It as
a means of Income, which mar be used
to defray the eost ef construction or
early operation. . . -
H. C Dunbar, who waa ones proprie
tor of ths Raialer-Orand hotel In Seattle
under a verbal lease. Is la Washington
working for ths passage of the act. Ha
haa written me thst hs controls capital
sufficient to erect a hotel that will cost
at least Itee.oee, provided ths govern
ment will bold, out some kind ef an ta
ducement. He adds that Just as soon
as the land grant act Is passed and be
comes effective work will be begun
upon tbs building. .
"Its Is working upon ths supposition
that the government will let him erect
ths hotel. It Is posslbfs that ths act
maktns the arant may specify that -the
permission to erect will go to the high
est bidder. I understand the land grant
frm tm una- laenmia OL.iannnniwn. ....
- w lb- a IamI 1T- 1 1 In
veors " m
contractor, who la said to hold the Fa-
elflo eoest tlie-aetiing caampioasaip
reoord. was mads ths defendant m a
...i. ai-4 i- ih. .innlt Miurf this snara-
Ing by Attorney Harry W. Hogue on bs-
DSir SX Mrs. CISW JU. Jm.w. mrm. Maa
alleges that her husband deserted her
and their two young .children last No
vember and haa given them Ottle money
since that Urns. ;, . ,
n the complaint Sled It Is stated that
ths Akes were maVJM at Council
Bluffs. Iowa. September f. MM, and
that they have lived In Oregon more
than 11 years Ake'e business Is ssld t
have brought bint laf ge wags for r
and since he haa been contracting he Tnae
Diads) lara sums. ItrTa set forth Ihat
ens Job dose by - the - defendant, and
which took two months to oomplete.
netted . a proilt - tlwise. He l aow
roe asewefadMsSj Weetd-re-
aald-tnb puttlag la the tlllug the
aew Women ef Wooderaft building,
which Mrs. Aks alleges will bring a
profit-f between 0 snd 1400. The
eonpls - have a son s reere eld and a
daughter aged I years, . v
v., .
J... " '
An extra matinee haa been arranged
for Tuesday arternoon. February S,
during the grand opera season at the
Marque re Grand theatre - next week,
when Verdi's "Rtgotetto' will be given.
This will afford hundreds ef muaie
lovers who were nnebie to rere e'
for the oreree revini"y e- e if
P nrtnnlty f h .!rt t , i
' "t
Lawsst prlees esaststeat wlta aret-elasi
'de" te ike!
gay and night frees aise a rr
mata ts ss, .
am l.-JL.g-aUl.aJllJil''
be ran this morning at ths bos
the theatre; Mall srders will net 1
received for -Rlgol'tto.- Seats are r
selling for the entire eeasoe at the
f flee. . : ' '
it?r v
Of 1
4 v