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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1906)
4 nig iw 1 i i i i .. Multnomah" Pint, small siae: our 75c value Special, each. B9 "Multnomah" Pint, large siae; our $1 value Special, each. .79 "Portland High SchdoP' Flag Pins; pur 25c value. Special, . each 7. .' 15). HegonfriairtsrOTrtSrTs tap Portland Jrlag J'ins, small size; our -ac, value special at, each ; 194 JTortland!!Flagins4arge-iaer-our- 50c-value--Special at, each . .J. ......... . 39 "State Seal" of Oregon Pins; our 75c valued-Special, cach..69 Dainty Neckwear Pretty, Belts AMONG THE MANY FEMININE FANCIES UN. DERPRICED FOR , FRIDAY PATRpNS .";;. First Floor 'r,:'' . . . 35c For Neckwear Worth 50c -, '. Dainty Linen Embroidered Batiste Stocks, made with " tabs, very new and pretty; our 60c value. Spe 1 ,. cial Economy Sale Price, each-. .......... .35 . ; -75c to $155 Belts for' 39c . A' lot of Belts in. all sizes, styles and colors; in shirred. : girdle effects and "happy medium" -styles, also some of the narrow strap belts; values from 75c to $1.25. Special Economy Sale Price, each........ 39 Bring a basket shopping basket, if you will and gather up the. bargains spread along the Small Wares Aisles tomorrow First Floor. . - ' . . 25c Box Fine Linen Cloth Finish Writing Paper Special. . .124 35c l-lbTTacket Royal Parchment Writing PaperJU: -1- Spel -..;..-,. . v. ....... .......... .19 12c Package Envelopes to matclv Special.. .............. ..14 25c Lewis and Clark Fair Books Special ; . lOf 25c Oregon Viewr WritingrTabletsSpecial. . . . j .1B Large Size Library School Tablets Special. ............. ..5 12c Imported Tooth Brushes Special.". .................. : . .14 25c Best Quality Hard Rubber Dressing Combs Special.. ..IT -Ladies' $L25 Mizpah Spiral Spray Syringe-r-5pecial...J..JT5f I 25c Hu Dilliaswrt -Snrrial. IB SPECI ALiAHWOUIICEI JENX TO THOSE INTERESTED IN THE BENEVOLENT- : FUND VOTE " Owing to. the tremendous influx of January votes it will be impossible to count and print the standing of different charities until Sunday, when it will appear in both of the city's local Sunday papers. ; : );'. OLDS. WORTMAN ft KINO. CLUB 'AND SCHOOL EMBLEM PINS AMONO - THE : SPECIAL FRIDAY OFFERINGS IN : JEWELRY SECTION . ' FIRST FLOOR SIXTH STREET ANNEX. w . - 25c Pearl-Top Hat Pins I5c ' Just a few more of those pretty fearl Ball-Top Hat Pins; good . -25c value. Special Economy Sale price,. each .j., "" .; ; : ', , qq& Collar Buttons for 12V, c. . We have'a complete line of the famous "Kremety" One-Piece TTonrakabletrarWfena? at 25c each. Our regular price 1&4 straight, but for our Friday -Economy Sale we offer them at the special- price of, ea.l2v,f 'MulfnomaV "Oregon State Seal." "Portland High School;' and snialLzlPortuntiJ' lag .Finsr'peaiiy-eiuced - tor- riday s -SHAVINGS - JUL' UUIIIC LUHC idllUIUII Vsll I V tJllViai. . 5c Card Best Hump "Hooks nd-Eyes Special...... ;.2H Extra Quality Black Shoe Laces Special, 3 pairs... ........ .5f 25c -Nainsook-Covered Dress Shields, best quality Special, ........ .94 94 - pair . . . : 10c Cube White Headed Toilet Pins Special. . 10c Safety Pin Books Special.. ....777. ...... . . TELLING VALUES IN THE SHOE SALE No intro- . . West Annex First Floor diH torv art -t 'f f. ' j i gu merits' .. t-ecessar just iiWllllllllllllllliOl I - the :t & K5fYyfe 1 J?-J1 best Shoes "in town newest styles at" special prices. Read -. - ,V . $1.98 For Women's Shoes Worth $3.50 Women's Patent Colt Shoes, with mat calf tops, dull ..' color eyelets to match, straight foxed, with plain- toes, Goodyear welt, Cuban heels. In all sizes and widths; ouf $i50 value. SpeciaLEconomy Sale' Price, the pair .... .. . . . .. ........... .'. ...... 1S :ir:1"., ., special-offer n'"r;u'.. ' Any purchaser of Shoes will be entitled to a pair of Women's Storm Rubbers; our best quality 75c. fubberst foronly.the paij... . .. . . . .'.u39 EVERY PAIR OF WOMEN'S SHOES IN THE ,, HOUSE AT SPECIAL PRICES . Men's $5.00 Shoes for $3.69 ----- Men's Patent Colt Shoes, Blucher Bal. styles, with matt : calf tops, made with the newest kite lasts, extreme swing, manufactured by Flossheim & Co.; our $5 value.1 Special Economy Sale Price, pair. .$3.69 Same style Shoes, in a gunmetal calf ; our $5 value. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair. . . .$3.69 WOMEN'S KID GLOVES - WANT NEW OWNERS FIRST FLOOR. - Women's $1.25 Kid Gloves $1.05. -Women's Kid Street Gjoves with pique seam in black, white, fray, tan, mode, brown and red; regular value $1.25. pecial, the .pair .r. fl.05 Women's 7Sc Wool Glovea 63c- ' ' ' Women's Wool Golf Gloves, in black, white, blue, red, brown .and mode; tegular value 75c. Special, the pair. ......... .63f FRIDAY ECONOMY SPECIALS IN THE -ART-SHOP SECOND FLOOR WEST. ANNEX. ' . 35c and 40c Cushion Tops 21c. ' ' Tapestry Cushion Tops, in pretty floral and Oriental designs; regular values 35c and 40c. Special, each......... - 55c and 65c Laundry Bags 39c. A line of Laundry Bags in Crown Holland linen and art denim- Some"tiaveLatindryM embroidered with braid, others, are -stamped ior outlining Or embroidering; regular values 55c and 65c. tpecial, eacn.... sv PROFIT DAMAGINO PRICE BREAKS TODAY IN DAINTYHAVILAND CHINA .THIRP.FLOOR- .Dinner Seta at Lest than Import Cost. Haviland French China Decorated Dinner sets green .and gold border,' beautiful pattern .-,-.(. . - 64-piece set, $ 78.00 value Special . .f 58.00 117-piece set, $144.00 valueSpecial fiOS.OO Lace gold border pattern, full gold knobs and handles. Il2-piece set, $110.00 value Special...,. , 83.50 117-piece set. $115.00 value Special 8T.OO Border, spray pattern; gold over edge and gold line; gold handles and knobs 60-piece set. $ 47.50 value Special ..T.r.........v.S3.a5 117-piece set, $102.50 value Special. , f T1.93 . . CHOCOLATE SETS. Beautifully decorated Chocolate Sets, 7 pieces 6 "cups and .saucers and 1 pot v . Floral decoration, gold line; $1.65 value Special, set. ...91.25 White and gold line; $2.60 value-tSpecial, the set........ 1.05 Dainty spray and gold line; $3.00 value Special, the set.. $3.85 Tint and 4 season s decorations; $7.00 value Special, set. 35.25 hi ITT iiiTTriLJiJll The "Different Store' Y I Fifth, Si and Washington Streets uuuu Store Opens at 8 A M. 4 Mail Orders Carefully and Promptly Filled ' . Store closes at 6 P. M. Tomorrow, the Last Day, but One, of the 28th Annual Clearance Sale fijS1 Run! ?Tis But a Matter il . P., c QfMornentsNo-wi 1,200 MORE REVOLUTIONS OF THE SECOND HAND ON YOUR WATCH, AND THE GREAT 28TH ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALES WILL BE BURIED IN THE VAST, AND BOTTOMLESS GRAVEYARD OPTTHE . ..j.-..: PAST I - ,; ' . ' Tomorrow's 144 Grand Friday "Economy Sale" Mark the.Eleventh Hour of Its Passing BARGAINS WERE NEVER MORE PLENTIFUL. NEVER , GREATER. Share in the Savin es Planned and Prepared for the Store's Patrons, to Be Dis- TriBuledTfcirthe - LastrEconom y Fridajr"' of the-Year's Great- Clearance- Event.- Announcement Extr A Sweeping Half-Price Slaughter of WOMEN'S APPAREL ! A Triumphal Finale-a Garrison Finish To the most successful Clearance Sale the garment store ever knew; Without fear of contradiction we pronounce . ' ; this drastic, sweeping whirlwind sale of ' Women's garments of Commanding Styles at HALF PRICE ! THE MOST IMPORTANT SALE EVENT EVES HELD in the LINES EMBRACED IN ALL the WESTI We won the season's largest business by fairest prices affixed to correct and authoritative fashions; we shall wind up in a blaze ot bargain giory py cneertuiiy taKing a neavy loss 10 ciear tnr nrrn inr spring action iMO-neea- to go into details or descriptions as to tne garments involved in trus price carnage lull well you know the cnar acter of our superb "and matchless garrhenr stocks, regularly priced thro'out the Season at the lowest prices for equal values shown-on-the-Pacific-sloper-oday-we-cut-every-price square in two" ! : The Frolic Started at 8 'A. M. This Morning Continues Friday and Saturday Every -Tailored Suit in the House at.. . . HALF PRICE ":-r--, . ' c Regular Values $15 to $125. ' ,.- -. Every Opera '."of Evening' Gbwri ih'tlieHtS'us'e at'THALF PRICE ' !" " '" " Regular-VaJue-$35-to-$45fc . , , . Every-Opera or Evening Wrap in the House at . HALF PRICE . Regular Values $22.50 to $225. ' Every Coat in the House at . . : . . 1. . HALF PRICE Excepting the. short, tight-fitting and box styles in covert cloth, regular values $12.50 to $85. . ; Every Walking or Dress Length Skirt in the House, regular values $4.50 to $45, at . ... HALF PRICE Eyery2Raincoat:in . ... ..u,.. . . Values $12.50 to $48.50 A Special Line of Shirtwaists, values $3.50 to $7.50, HALF3?RICE A Line of Women's and Misses' White Wool and Worsted Sweaters, values to $5, to close quickly 98c EXTRA SALESPEOPLE AND FITTERS READY AT 8 A. M. in the MORNING TO ASSIST AT THIS EXTRAORDINARY HALF PRICE SALE. WANT- FILLING RIBBONS AT MISFIT PRICES SPECIAL FRIDAY-FIRST FLOOR . . : 16c Silk Ribbon for 3c A lot of All-Silk Ribbon of good quality; one and one fourth inches' wide, in black, white and colors, very suitable for hair ribbons, use in fancy work, under wear, etc.; our 10c value. ' Special Economy Sale Price,. the yard. . . '. . .................. ... .3 40c Taffeta Ribbons for 25c " . -A lot of fine Satin. Taffeta Ribbons, in all colors; also some silk taffeta ribbons. 6, inches' wide, in all colors; our regular 40c value. SpeciaK Economy Sale PriceT the "yard.' ...... .77. . . . . . . .7.7 . .".TV T.T . .25 UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN Women's KNITWEAR Aisles TRIDAY'AND SATURDAY FIRST FLOOR . Children's Ribbed Underwear. hildV medium weight silvery gray and white Jersey Ribbed Cotton Vests and Pants, good warm garments well made; exceptional 25c values. Special, the " : garment -; ; . . ; fr; ;.;:t.-. n. ... . ..... . .Trrl7a Mother'rFriendWaistf Boys' "Laundered Percale Waists, 'Mother's Friend," neat,, pretty patterns, "medium and 'dark shades; the best 85c and $1 values. Special, each....... 54 Women's Hosiery A line of women's fine black ingrain Cotton Hose, spliced heels, double sole and French toe, mediunvweight j -regular 60c value. .Special, the pair. .......... .37 Women's high grade black lisle Hose, embroidered and plain lace, imported Hosiery," full fashioned and finished; $1 and $1.25 values; Special, the pair.. 68 . Children's Hosiery ' Children's black medium weight Cotton Hose, very elastic, splendid wearing quality; regular 35c - values. Special, the pair. ..................... .19 An UNDERMUSLIN Bargain IN THE WOMEN'S MUSLIN UNDER WEAR SHOP. SECOND FLOOR WEST ANNEX. ' 7- Women's $2.25 Petticoats $1.63. ,Wonn's " Cambric. Petticoats, excellent quality, good width, made with' deep ; Spanish flounce of blind embroidery and fine tuck; regular value $2.25. Special..... fl.63 EXTRAORDINARY SALE OP Towels, Sheets and HllowXases. - FIRST FLOOR DOMESTIC AISLE. COMMENCES TODAY CONTINUES THRO WEEK. v Today's special offerings in the staple, homely household lines found in the Linen and Domestic Shops are unusually important to careful and economical providers for home wants. Here are indeed bargains that need no champions. ': Despite the - high ruling price of cottons, despite all conditions that seem -to hold -the-rtce f all cotton goods tip, -we shai) offer atr immense par-" -chase, recently made by us at- iortunate and liberal-price con-T cession from an eastern mill that hadneed-of "quick Tash, at worth-while savings. Read how little these dependable and indispensable little household needs may be bought for if pur- ' -chased during the next three days. 20c BATH TOWELS 1254c ' Bleached and hemmed ready for use,. 19x38 Inches in size. . 20c Unbleached Bath Towels X2MiC . Heavy in texture, large and nicely hemmed. . :1 BARGAINS IN SHEETS. 200 dozen in this lot, woven from heavy, round thread cotton, very durable for wear and wash, . Size 6.1x90 inches Special at ..40 Size 72x90 inches Special at 444 . 12j4c Pillow Cases 9c. Made from extra heavy muslin, very serviceable and full 45x36 inches in size. t "', , SILKS-AND-DRESS' GODZZ ; THAT MUST GO ANNEX FIRST FLOOR FIFTH STREET Values planned for tomorrow's selling that will quicken the bargain pulse of every woman who wants the mak ings of a new spring or summer gown and can't afford to pay . regular prices later on,. The special prices are for two days Friday and Saturday only. - THE SILKS Novelty Suit, Waist and Trimming Silks In plaids, stripes, checks, pointelle checks, moires. Foul ards, plain black taffeta, plain white Indias and change- able Peau de Cygnes; regular $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 values, divided in two lots at, ' yard. . . . .7. .. . . . . . . . . .7. . .:.&7j. and 69 Imperial 3Yash Taffetas, in all colors. Special at,' .yard ....... so" Dependable Black Taffetas 21-inch regulaiL$1.00 value. Special, yard LJ ,7li60. 23-inch; regular $1.10 value. Special, yard. . ' 734 27-inch : regular S1.2S valnr. Special, yard . . . . K4 16-inch ; regular $1.60value. 2. SpeciaKjrardii.. .if 10 THE.JDRESS..GOODS-' : TJoToredDress Goods in good wearing fabrics and color assortment; always sold regularly at 50c. Spe- ' cial, yard ! . . . . 23? Colored Dress Goods in a large-assortmentf odd pieces " of Challies, Check" Voiles, Novelty Mohairs, Camels-- hair Suitings; sold regularly from 85c to $1.50 . 'yard. Special at, yard....... ...41t Colored Dress Goods" in Checked Mohairs, Shadow Checked Voiles and Panamas, all good colors; worth $1.25 yard. Special only, yard.. .50 Another Big Millinery Magnet ANNEX SECOND FLOOR , . -r Special Sale of $5 Turbans for Matrons, $1.29, An exceptional line of attractive styles in smart black Silk Turbans, tastefully trimmed in shirring, caught downwith pretty jet buttons, the whole enhanced by ostrich plumes and dainty wood violets; suited especial- . t a t t : j . ly lur wear vi wic maironiy wunun ui ram- . - I die age ; very refined and dressy; a splendid C 1 y Q $5 valiif SpeciaFriday-only, at7.;. . . '.yf 30c COTTON Suitings 10c Yard SENSATIONAL PRICE PRUNING IN PRETTY, WASH STUFFS First Floor New as thVmoment ; fresh and dainty as the wood-violet or iTie ftTrtdxtTC Ilandsoniie'wash fab rics with a smooth rich broadcloth finish that will never wear rough or scraggy with seYvice. Dark and medium colorings in neat mixed effects, dainty invisible checks and modest stripes. .Grand values these -beautiful, - - 4 A serviceable stuffs at the usual price of 30c JLUC a. yard. Special tomorrow, or untilsold, yd, ,..n THE USEFUL in LEATHER THE PRICES ARE LESS LOOK I : -rSIXTH-STREET ANNEXFIRST-FfcOOR. r - ' 98c For Ladies' $1 JO Hand Bags. . . ,L A line of Ladies' Hand Bags in good quality grain leather, with flat strap handle; in black, brown, blue and green; a good $1.50 valuer Special Economy Sale Price, each... ..f ' 45c Jewel Pockets for 29c, An assortment of fine Chamois Jewel Pockets, with outside silk covering; has tie string and catch; our 45c value. Special Economy Sale Price, each.. a..,:..... f RUGS AND COMFORTERS add to the attractions of Fri day's Economy Specials in th . ... , Great Homefiirnishing Stores;: rUUKltl r LiSJJm. $1.75 Smyrna Rugs 11.25. All-Wool Double Faced Smyrna Rugs, f nnged. ends, size 2f$i regular value $1.75. Special, each. f 1.25 . .. Double-Faced Carpet Sixe Smyrna Rugs. . Sire 6x9 feet. Tegnlar value $12.00 Special, each .t; f 8.85 Size 7yiyL0yi feet, regular vaUie $18.50 Special, each..f Size 9x12 feet, regular value $26.00 Special, each,.....f 18.50 ' $3.50 Downaline Comforters $2.48. Genuine Downaline Comforters, yam tied, covered with best quality silkoline; regular value $3.50. Special, each.. ,.f 2.48 HALF for STEEL RANGES THIRD FLOOR. ' J' FRIDAY BARGAINS. , Blue Enameled Steel Ranges, with high closet, full nickel n?srt--16-inch Oven, dark blue enamel; $ 70.00 value Special,. 835.00 16-inch oven7"Kght blue enamel; $ 80.00 value Special.. 840.00 18-inch oven, light blue enamel; $100.00 value Special .-.85O.0O These prices are less than those charged for the regular black steel range. The Enameled Steel Range is easily kept clean and is an ornament to any kitchen. DO YOU BUY FOR BABY? FRIDAY ECONOMY SPECIALS IN THE INFANTS' AISLE SECOND FLOOR WEST ANNEX. ; Infants $1.75 Skirts $1.19. Infants' Fine Long Nainsook Skirts, neatly made, daintily trim med with clusters of fine tucks and two rows of fine insert ing with ruffle to match; regular value. $175. Special, each '..91.19 BargainsEOR MEN "HABERD ASH ERI E" FIRST FLOOR VEST, ' - ,.- -. - ANNEX '. "" 77':7 , Men's $2.50 Wool Golf Shirts $1.55 A line of Men's natural gray Wool Golf r SMrts, - extra pood quality; 7 regular value $3.50r" Specialr--" each . ; . ......... t. . , , tJ?I.55 Men'a $2.50 Gloves $1.65 A line of Men's best Mocha Gloves, steel gray, full pique finish ; regu lar value $2.50. Special, the , - pair 7 f 1.65 Men's 50c Neckwear, 25c A large assortment of French Fold Four-in-Hands : regular . value ' " 50c. Special, each ........... 23 Men's 10c Linen Handkerchiefs c A line of plain white linen finish Handkerchiefs ; Tr ular value 10c. Special, each. ..................... P