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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1906)
13; OREGON liiiii lili vv Money talks here this week Note the flood of cash bargains offered during the next two days, i Sale closes next Saturday night If you are thinking of-furnishing a home, don't fail to see us this week. You can easily save a week's salary. Bring this ad sCihSo 80 This Buffet la of golden oak. vary ungaoisi m nnisn; has with--yoUe::--rfc theseTgreatibargains . riow.'yZZ'7'7" " r" v--;- 'V i 2 re V 5W V. M Very - rraoeful, with, onf. swinging -French . 1 v mirror, low top , . 1 and exquisitely ' . shaped. Tha top 1 afford room for-' gloves. - ribbons, cushion a 4 ' powder - boxes, , -eemmodloue drawara beneath for draaa requt- ' - el tee. Blrdeeye map la, golden . oak or mahogany i Bnlab. $19.00 it SOt China Cloaat -In waatharad oak, highly finished, baa class end flva large Shelves, ( feet high. I feet wide; very simple tn de slgn, yet highly et . traotlva. Regular' 2- 5U . - . , . ,: . -.-' : ... MIX-Har la a atyla of Slde-T board that oua-ht in mitn m nl u . In mora than a dosen hnmn H- ! fora tha .weak la out. It ha a a,, - large rrencn dcvci plate mirror. - a-oiaea ou nniin, nanasome carvlnff. tha uaual number of . arawara, etc.; it looks wall, la built wall and, Will laat wall. ; apacTal $20.00 JTieaa lltlla Taboarattaa, flnlabad In chsrry, naatly ,' turnad laga and braeaa, i '. wara mada to aell for thraa tlmaa tha piioa; . will ba i , cloaaa out at . A(tC i only ....... ...... .... Only $2. Thla handaoma VI- . anna Cafa Chair la - always popular on aooouat ef Its light walgbL Haa oana aaaC goldan oak or mahogany. C2 Of- hlawaakLrr4M-. A Va. !, A .aplandid. larga. roomy Rocker, upholstered In rnsaa ieathes, auarter iiuwm golden oakv- handaoma flnlsh; you wouia pay3 to fo lor It eiae where, uurprira i-s? rr I .la only...- ,...,..$25.00 - I well-ltnowil alght -day i Clock that alwaya aella ' for M.aO, aad warranted .to keep food time. A eprrlal for this g. m ' r week at I&.&O - pretty Porcelain Clocks, raru- , . - lar H IS. aold thla sn ' . week for,.., 99v .r , Little Mission Clocks. pa . , dally priced ,ocv . . . ", four day a al Plate Racks 75c Many other Rocker-stvlea, up- noiaiareo: in genuine leather, cor- rcsponaingiy reaueea. Wa are oloelng out Una 'of Plat Kacki Ilka abora ... ' out in goldea oak, aoma of which are band - polished. . others plain flnlshed. Regular ft Raoka, 11.66: !!. Racks," l:Racka, 7o. AUo other atylag at Ilka. . Photo Pramaa of haavr raat brass, three atylea, with laaa complete; will hold cabinet else. Very neat aad attractive. 0C ( Bpeclal. IiC Card Tablea that fold flat, else 24 x 14 Inchca. Just . tha thing for card parties. Several other atylea also. All erlcea re- 4! ym dueed. Thla atyla O Ball Hat Rack with heavy Wench . plate mirror, 10x10 inches: wide, strong frame. (Also with round . mlrrora, IL7I.) Re- ' C- rn ducad thla week to....'P"fv High-grade, drop-head Rewlng aiachlne, like cut, guaranteed In all respects. Re- Cf Q en ducad from 111 to...' Golden oak Umbrella Stand, brass rain basin, 24 Inchea high, and fx Inches. All who mention thla ad. may have them Kfr. for only..... OUC l . - : ' r ' ' ' .1 Everybody knowa Mra. Potta Bad Irona. This week we mske the aet of OKr , complete for only.,..., yf Medicine Cabinet Keep medlclnea out of tha reach of the little onea. It to t dangeroua plan to kep poisons In cup- boarda .And aettlng, about on. aide- boards, mentals, etc. We carry aev eral atylea of these ' cablneta that give 'perfect satisfaction. 6? ::....$i.oo Wfcy.Mii mi .i.i mi im n A Couch Cover special that will create talk. An as sortment of danlgna that aell fqr $1.60 cut to nqr only.v VOK, 4 - , fH I ivy . IV-MM $7.50 Iron Bed $5.50 $6.00 Rockers $4.00 ''V-' There are aU atyUo tn thla jaiT lot of Boakaca, eae of wfcleh la U lnataaaad above. They are gmn- taa nargaiaa al the aaovo oaa prloe. If yon are ia aaad of good stacker, doat fall to ae thiaa thla week o before taey . ara au aoio. WO. SSO Thla la tha ovar-popalar Iron Bed, with enamel colored white, blue and green, roda head and foot of brass, with brass knoba and email ' renter spindle. Tou usually pay 17.60 forthla Bed. Special .. $5,5 Q Fir Table for kitchen use, weir made, with one drawer, aold thla CI AC week only at. . 1 ua Thli Is the familiar and India. pensabla Kitchen Treasure.' . with flour bins, drawera for cutlery, bread boards, etc Thla week you ob- (1 .tain one here or...s,,vw Grill Work 50 Cents a Foot Tou can gave money by conaullng ua about Grill Work. Designs like above will coat you but 60o per foot The end pieces only about . $2g50 per pair. Let ua figure on your drapery , work. EMupMpfrVuMUjiiJria SBassBLanSa KXBBBSBtKmBKBD ' iio It will soon ba houaecl.snlng time. Wa have a combined Quilt and Curtain Stretcher that will save you much annoyance, ji la gaug ed and perfectly adjustable, and - CO 7 aella thla week far.. Lamps Reduced 173-175 First Street 219-227 Yamhill Tha Lamp aeaaon la about over ana wa nnd a targe ptocs on ' hand. - To puah them out wa : have aaorlfloed - the prio.. Large, handsome . Lamps are . now aold aa low'", ct'oai ,...4" uv FULTON S BURDEN A LARGE ONEZI ClatmsvCommltte One of Hard - et-Workd Comrprtaes in th Senate. ' nrasklnstoa Votms of Tee 1mI.'a tV'ashlngt.n, Jan. . Il-In assuming . tha chairmanship of tha senate commit tee on edaima, aa auoceaaor to Senator Warren of Wyoming, who haa taken the presMlng chair of tha military commit tee. Senator Charlea W.-Pulton places Moan his able ahouldera tha responsibil ities of one of tha Important and Inter eaUng eommitteee, and without doubt the hardaat-workad oommlttea of the aenate. .A. little resume -of the eommlttee'a business In tha-. fifty-eighth congress will demonstrate fairly what tha aena 4oea burdrit la tona: : : Of -tb-7,-bme -Introduced in the aenata during tha ftfty-alghth aongress, t.071. w era-eferraA- ee tha committee on' claims -nearly to par enl " Bealdea bUla-tbe -oommltta reoelves all of the r ports of the court of clalma upon war clalma, French spoliation clalma, and various mlscellaneeue claims which have been referred to that oourt by tha aenata for flndinga of fact under the provlalona of various acta of eonarees, CBOTTP Retina with tha symptoms of a com mon cold; there la chlllness, aneeclng, sore throat, hot akin, quick pulse, hoarseness and 'impeded respiration. Olve frequent small doses of Ballard's Horehound Syrup (the child will ery for I.), and at the first sign of mcroupy cough snply frequently Ballard's Snow Liniment to the throat. Mrs. A. Vltet. New Castle, Colorado, writes. March it, !: "I think Bal lsrd's rtorehound -flyrup a wonderful remedy, and eo pies stmt to take," ftold bjf .Woodard, Clark 0 Co. ' and all of theae flndinga must receive tha same care, attention and considera tion that would ba accorded to any bill, from time to time these flndinga of tha court of elalmsi or aa many ef them aa a re -deemed -by the committee to warrant favorable action, are grouped Into an-otnnlbua-elalma-Wlr for appro priation. Such a measure, carrying tl,!tl,f10.1. becarri a lew In th fifty eighth . oongreaa, "when Senator Fulton waa serving as a member of tha clalma committee. - Of . thla amount tl.107. ITS.60 waa In aattlemant of civil war clalma, upon favorable report a of the court of clalma under the -Bowman and Tucker acta, and 17S2.60.I -waa paid on French apollatlon clalma for tha Il legal, aolsur. and c,ondemnaUon of American Vaasela. by tha French away bock In the lth century, wherein own era had valid clalma of Indemnity upon the French government prior to the rati fication of tha convention between tha United State and tha French republic, concluded on September 10, 1100, In which - treaty varloue clalma ware re linquished to Franca by tha United Btatea government In part consideration f Ui rallnquUbjuent . of certain aa tlonal claims of . France against . tha United State. . Tbre are many mora of auch clalma still unsettled, though tha majority haa been paid alnca tha unsure of thi French apollatlon act .of January SO, U86, and before many years tha vessels Polly, Patty, Mehltable, Mary Ann and Maria,- wrtir their ownera hd masters of good old-fashioned Yankee names, such as Shearjanhub Bourn. Alexander Proudfit, , Liberty Klmberly, -Abljah Hull and George Makepeace will ba matters of tha past. Small Clerical Pora. ' i Notwithstanding tha fact that tha aenata haa a commute appointed for tha consideration of revolutionary war clalma and Indian depredation clalma, a great many of theae claaaea are re ferred to Senator Fulton's committee. And notwithstanding the volume of the commlttee'a business, the law doea not provide for a proportionately larger number of clork to aaalat in Ita busi ness under tha cbatrman'a direction than are allowed to many other commit taea with much lesa bualnesa. Only one . commltt. pensions re ceives more bills than tha clalma com mittee, but pension haa five clerical plaoea bealdea tha assistance of one expert detailed by tha pension bureau and on Ita payroll, for the committee's advice and assistance. Tha clalma I.U It m . AA 1.111m - -lli.f .. M. .'111. matters -la tha fifty-eighth -eon greee, haa tha aama number of clerical place four aa haa ths postof flees and post roads committee, with II bills In tha fifty-eighth co ng rets, and aa tha com mittee on finance, with St bills, and It haa only one more place than tha com mittee on territories, with IS bills In tha fifty-eighth congress: the committee on agrioulture and foraetry, with 17 bills; oommlttea -on Immigration, 1 with It bills, and committee oalhe-Philippines, with only 4 bills. ... Work la Par.Beachlng. ; T But though- tha range of tha com mittee's work la thus . vaat and - f ar resetting It doea not cover everything that ita name suggests to those un informed aa to legislative business. For Instance, a modest old lady called at the committee room - one ' afternoon and, after making aura of her bearlnga by Inquiring" whether aha had found tha committee on -claims, aha proceeded to tell the clerk that aha wished to take up ft elaim right , a way, aa4 wanted, a good one -preferably in Kansas. She waa referred to the general land office for full particulars, ' The filing cabinet pf tha clalma com awlttee'e paper la the restful dffpnsf tory of many quaint and Interesting doc ument, carefully preserved aa record of tkaenata. not JMcaue of their value In bringing about legislation, but be cause their ge would make- It- Impossi ble to replace them by other original ovidance, tha original clalmanta, and In many esses their direct deecendanta, bolng long; alnca dead. ' . . . ' Ore prom .Watttaff. Every oongreaa brlnga to tha commit tee on claims many 'freak" caaea which have emanated from dlaordered bralna ef person who fe.L from cauaa or 1m- -aglnstlon, that the government haa worsted thsm - in eome way or other. Soma of tha Old members of the com mittee would tell you, should you aak them, that If claimant against tha government Isn't downright eraay when hla claim, la first presented to congress, he will be from the worry and waiting before If la paid. " . Senator Fulton'a, wide experience aa an attorney will be Invaluable .to him In protecting th government la aujuat aa4 lnequlUble , measures, and hla well- -, known falrnaaa to hla fellowmen will Insure all clalmanta who have proper -,ls,inf Of equity.. and-Jnatlra In their , consideration by tha new chairman as tha head of thla large committee. The sanator-l--to be mitl--ooagratulateeT -opon hla early riaa ; to" an lmportantr chairmanship aa hla promotion - to thr plaoe over five other members who were " In Una ahead of him demonstrates the confidence In him which la felt by the United Bute aenata. ' - ' ' - B4 Of Bit TC. ' . "Two phyalclana had a long and atub born fight with an abaoeaa on my right lung," writea J. JT. Hughaa of DuPont, Oa., "and gave me up. Everybody thought my time had coma As last resort I tried Dr. Klng'a New Discovery for Consumption. The benefit re ceived waa atrlklng and I waa on my faat In a few daya. Now I've entirely regained my health." ' It conquers all Cough a, Colda and Throat and Long troubles. Guaranteed by S. O. Skldmor A Co., druggists, 1C1 Third street. Price 10 and !.. Trial boiuea Xxea. A