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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1906)
c i"ir7rnfinr Ever' ..a" 2 Reduced Wllt-lUltULl Our Great Safe' OF LOG RAFT Two Millionaire Packer Hat Strange : 1 Lapse of Memory Regarding. Beef Trust Investigation. Before Marriage Mrs. Yerkes, Traction Magnate's Widow, Cave Groom Fortune. Accident Occurs Near Swan Island -Extent of Damage Not Yet Ascertained. The money.saving days of the year, as every article In the store Is reduced In price. Make out a list of what you need and save money by shopping here tomorrow. CANNOT REMEMBER EVER REFUSING INFORMATION WANTS DOWER RIGHTS IN LATE HUSBAND'S ESTATE MISHAP THOUGHT NOT TO BE SERIOUS ONE 5 rr i. nrTTi rn r-1 urn IIULOLIILLU UILLIUU f UPflfiniZflER DQUDY of Our Great Sale Last Days -Not Prepared tvJtonMjtritVLti , garding Concealment of Hia Stock ' - holding Interests in Subsidiary Con- : cerns. .' ' - Joaraal Special Service.) Chicago." Feb:l. Edward F. awlft, ., the laUHonalro-paokerr--wtt- twww ' atnlned this morning by Dlstriot Attor- ney Morrison In tha cim brought to de cide tha 10 apectal plaaa for immunity raised by tha defendant packer. Swift aald that ha didn't remember having rafuaed Information about, hogs and aheap, because tha - Martin resolution tinder-which tha Inveatlgation waa made did not- include hogs and aheap, but .. mentioned only the "beef Industry-.' .. Ha aald that ha waa not prepared to anawer 'questlona as to whether ha attended tha meeting of hla company where private cars were discussed. Swift atated that He did not remem ber refusing- to . furnish Information' .concerning' the National Packing- com pany, or how much stock the witness's company holds In the National. Tha wltnesa did not yield everything de manded by Commissioner Garfield, be-, 'causa Garfield . had reserved certain things. Swift referred Morrison to hla eoun. ael on a number of questlona, including the alleged concealment by tha wttneaa of the fact that ha la a holder of stdok In tha Aetna Trading company, tha Op penhelmer company, and tha Kenwood ' company, subsidiary concerns, through which. It waa assumed by Morrison, the paclteri f'--f1 f p " fnAtirtm HEKEY AD7.1ITS ESCAPES : (Continued from Page One.) "If McKlnley has escaped, as aeema probable, I do not know what tha state extradition of an escaped criminal can be secured only by the government, end In that case we shall have to look to tha government to bring McKlnley back. Aa to Puter I. have heard that ha alao has left tha country," but as to -that I time." .... . .. l.Trnpitsf suit Ever since State Land Agent Weat . began hla efforts to bring Puter and McKlnley to Justice there has been per--alstent talk among former . frlende of the two swindlers that tha government was not- disposed to lend any real aid toward their capture. It la well known that Puter and - McKlnley. after- their oonvletton In November.- 1904,-- made -a clean breast of their own part la nu merous transactions which tha guvern- ment waa-investigating and gave Heney much valuable information aa to othera who were -Implicated-' It was through the evidence thus secured that tha aub- eeqlient convictions were made possible. - 'Without it the landjrrandproaecutloq rl-some-Important caaea would have . fallen to tha ground. promised Freedom Thongs Convicted. Puter and MoKlnley Informed aome of their frlenda tbat aa the price of tha In- '. formation they had furnished they were to receive Immunity both in the case In which-they had been convicted and - In the other Indictments which ware against them. Though they were con- vk-ted In November.-ltOt. sentence had not yet been pronounced on them when Judge Bellinger s . death . occurred six montha later. - That Puter and McKlnley considered . V. I . ..... .mwrw fuK. V ther prosecution by tha government Is . apparent from the extraordinary bold nesa with which" they resumed- their awlndllng operatlona aa soon as their trial waa ended. Scarcely two months after tha trial waa over Puter waa ' caught In an attempt to secure school landa from the state by meana of dum . mica, who were paid 120 apiece to file perjured applications for the land with tha atate land agent. It waa dirring tha legislative eeaston that the fraud waa attempted and It occasioned much scan dal, but entailed no other unpleaaant conaequencea for Puter. Counterfeit CertHcetee. It waa not long afterward that tha two awlndlera devised tha acbema of . counterfeiting state school land certifi cates and unloading them on wealthy timbermen and bankera in tha middle western states, where they had many acquaintances. They loat no time In " . V. (a l.ln. Im n m it mnA the result was tha colossal frauds which were Irought to light later by Stats I-and Agent West. They did a tremendous business. Bo gus certificates for thousands of acres of school lands were sold to wealthy "men of La Crosse, Minneapolis, Milwau kee and other clttea and the harvest wss rich.' Puter and McKlnley angled ( only for big fiah and their aucceaa-was extraordinary. Their victims gave up .'sums all tha way from 15,000 to 130.000. . Apparently without the slightest fear or lnterreronce oy me government iney IaA . An .-tHAle-swindles-nil - thrnush the"s summer" anoTf all of last year. At tha very time the land fraud trials were in progreaa In Portland theas two' Napo- mm and diphtheria are twin evils. ' Prom a small beginning they stealthUv Invade the system, and r&sultln death or serious illness. lJr. Bull's Cough Byrup : line fnr vmtn bean reooiroizea aa ih-h -L est cure ot sore throat and a preventive or ' diphtheria.' Doctors prescribe it. Mothers swear dv iw "II r little bov. years old. had a hard, dry sough ' from a cold and I decided to try DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP He-was soon relieved after a few doees only and entirely euredof the croup and throat trouble. Herealte i wllalwarskeep It In the house." MrsTBlalr Wallace, DuDoanavlWe, Pa. 8 AMPLE, SENT FREE to all readers. We want yon to bars abeoltita eonfldenoe In Dr. Bull's Cough tyrtip and. to that end. will send you a sample free. If you will write lor It and mention this paper. Address A. O. MEIER CO.. Baltimore, Md. no susrriTirri tYxish that you aud Uterelwra always cures. No:. Stipulation .in-.WUl.-7orbUlduif Bereaved "Woman"" From Again Wedding Can Secure More Prop erty Than Waa Bequeathed Her. ' (Joernal Special Service Jt ". "Chicago, - Feb. 1. According to dis patches -receive here from New York,' Mrs. Yerkes, before her . marriage to Wilson Mlxner of Ban Francisco, nettled the Income from 11.000,000 upon the bridegroom. . Inasmuch aa there is no stipulation In tha Yorkea will forbidding her. to remarry, It is alao predicted aha win now aeek dower rights in the estate Instead of Accepting tha sum alloted In tha will.. Chicago lawyera familiar with thewlll ear there Is nothing In tha way ot such a course, should aha elect to get more out of tha estate than la provided in the will. Tjnder the law her dowry rights- In clude tha personal property and a Ufa Interest In one third of the eatate. The Yerkes estate is estimated to be more 4 than 1 10,000,000 In personal property. Bhe can also claim a homeatead right In tha New York mansion. Tha dower rights alao grant her tha privilege of leaving tha property to her children, or, lacking taaue. She can will K to any one ahe. elects. If Mrs, Yerkea-Mliner goes after her dower lights It meana considerably more than tha f 100,000 income left her by the traction magnate. It la thought here that all these things have "been con sidered. and her new husband la barely 10, h aald to have a clear Idea of. tha .value of stocks and bonds. - Mlsner gave out the atatement last night admitting tha marriage.. -' H0QUIAM FIRM SHIPS BIG CARGO OF SPARS " (ffneeltX rUpatck s Ike lesraal.l ' Hoquiara, Wash., Feb. 1. The spar makers -of this county, Chris Anderson At Son, have Just sent a full cargo of apars to Seattle to be ahlpped to Boa ton... The shipment conalata of (S( big timbers, none of which la less than 100 feet and soma considerably more. The shipment Is consigned to the Pigeon Hollow Spar company of Pmt"", f The company has chartered the schooner Wlnlam Nottingham of the Glove NavW gatton company's fleet. Tha Andersons have been shipping spars east from this county for. a number of yeara. THEATRE COMPANIES OF..-': -ABERDEEN CONSOLIDATE (Special Dispatch te Tfee JoornaM Aberdeen, Wash., Feb. l.--Tne eon solldatlon of -the two theatre) companies the Grays Harbor and tha Aberdeen la considered to have been a wlae ac tion and one that will result Jn giving this city one firat-claee opera-house. Aa the Qraya-Uorbac theatre waa tha moat advanced In construction. It was decided to proceed, with It, tha members of the Aberdeen . company taking part of tha stock in tha other. MIDDY DISMISSED ON EVE OF GRADUATION (JoefiMl Special Berries, t ' ASinapolls, Md., Feb., 1. The order of dismissal from the naval service waa read to Midshipman Edwin Leroy Cha pin of Pasadena, California, today in the presence of the full brigade of midship men at tha dinner formation. Chapln was a member or the first class and would have been graduated February II. He waa convicted by courtmartlal of hasfng. Thla is the sixth dismiss from tha academy. .. Charles O ranger Dies. (Special rxspatck to The Joaraal.) Olympla, Wash., Feb. 1. Charlea Granger, a pioneer, aged 71 yeara, died Tuesday at his farm, aouth of thla city, He built the Granger block on Main street, and was a native of England. A widow and two daughters, survive him. Worth Knowing that Alloock'e are tha original and genuine porous plasters; all others are Imitation . . . . leona of fraudulent finance were roll ing up Ill-gotten galna which far ex ceeded in amount the profile of any one who' haa yet been convicted by the gov ernment's prosecutions. When State Land Agent Weat laid bars tha huge frauda In which Puter and McKlnley had engaged after their conviction be made great efTorta to run them to earth. He received aaauranoes that tha government would actively as sist in tha search. Reporta from gov ernment agenta were received from time to time that the fugitives were in hid ing in California and tnese reporta have come.even. up to a. few-days ago,-more than two montha after McKlnley had made hla escape and. probably alx weeka after the flight of Puter. T-i Ira X Is aa good aa Dr. ButTs Onugh fyrup. Ask Dr. Bull's get lt It ft made of ths beat druga that ths Phannaoy afford It, gOU by aU druggists, fries, Skw and U.W a bottle. Has One Hundred and Twenty-Five Passengers and Cargo of Miacel laneous Freight Only Large Boat That Has Not Been Wrecked. Shortly after aha - had left - Portland laat night bound foxJSan .Francisco the steamer "Columbia, Captain Doran. struck a log raft and M disabled, but Just to what extent haa not yet been ascertained. The accident occurred near Swan Island and tha raft with which ahe collided waa moored at that point. The steamer -has not yet reached As toria and It la supposed that she is anchored somewhere while temporary repairs, are being made. A report of the mlahap was received this' morning by the local officials of the Una, but no details were given. It Is Inferred from this that the damage is rather slight and the craft will soon be 'able to re sume the voyage. She haa about US passengers on board and a full cargo of miscellaneous freight. It Is not be lieved that aha Is leaking. When a rumor of the mishap waa first going the rounds it was feared that tha Columbia had -plied up on tha "rocks alongside of tha Elder near Gobla. News to thla effect quickly spread and the details of ' another aupposed disaster were anxiously awaited. The Columbia . la tha only large ateamer which has been operated from Portland regularly during the past 11 months that haa not. been wrecked. Those which have bean badly dlaabled are tha St. Paul. Oregon, George w. St, Paul and Elder, were abandoned. while the othera have been repaired. It would be regarded as a great calamity If tha Columbia ahould be wrecked, aa aha is one of the moat popular steamers on the coaat and has been In continuous service for a longer period than any othar vessel plying out or Portland. -' Tha ateamer Ottawa, which arrived In port this afternoon, brlnga word that she sighted the ateamer Columbia Just off Falls Landing. There waa a heavy fog and as tha Ottawa did hot speak tha Columbia It la not known by the officers of the former whether the Columbia waa simply standing by to await tha lifting of the fog or to make repairs. FACTS ABOUT TUL Life Preservers Made of This nbstaaoe Oood Walls They taat. Agenta of ateamahlp companies are much afraid that the use of tule life preservers will be forbidden- by .the government soon after .the official In vestigation Into the Valencia dlaaater IS ended. 3 The tule Ja already, sooch In disfavor With tha general public, which haa been led to believe that more Uvea from the Valencia might have been saved had tha Ufa preservers been mads of cork. : A number of years ago there was hardly a steamer plying up and down the eoaat which waa aupplled-wltH"tal' preservers. - Many of . the owners did not think they were any good and would not allow them on board their craft. But recently they have stood exceptionally high teats given by the United Statea Inspectors, and thslr use Is now almoat universal along the Pa clflo coaat. - They are much cheaper than the cork preserver. Tha tule life preserver does not laat nearly so long aa that made of cork. When ths tule preaervera on any vea ael begin- to turn brown or show the slightest Indication of rotting they are condemned by the Inspectors and the craft held In port until It haa been aupplled with new equipment. It Is held that until tha tule reaches a cer tain age It la all right so far aa buoy ancy la concerned, and will not get "waterlogged" eaaliy. Tha enda of the tulea are wrapped (Irmly with fine wire, which preventa water from soaking Into them. - . But when tha stalks of the tules get old they become hard and brittle, break ing with the allghteat touch. When In that condition It is generally agreed that they are unserviceable. Some of tha steamboat men themselves aay they never had any great amount of faith In the tule life preserver. They laat so ahort a time and require conatant In spection to see that they are safs to uae. TO BULKHEAD DOCK. Step to Be Takes to Frevent rael Oil riowlag Xato Biver. Bulkheada will be built In front of tha. gaa dock to prevent fuel oil flow ing Into the river from the plant ot the Portland Qas company at the foot of Flandera street. With this end in view tha alte will ( be looked Into thla afternoon by Ben Blglln, the harbor master, and C. F. Adam a, prealdent of the company. It la the intention to take stepa to atop tha flow Jus,t aa quick ly aa possible. It la alleged that fuel oil haa been pouring into the river from the dock In. -a. steady stream for-tn paet-day-or two, polluting the water and making It necessary for every vessel passing In that immediate vicinity to be hauled out on the ways and cleaned. It Is claimed that more or leaa oil has escaped into tha river from tha pmnt at the foot of Flanders street.for.lhe past-two years. One of the agents at a ooca in mat neighborhood aays that tha gaa fumes are so atrong at times ss to be almost unendurable. Consequently there - Is considerable feeling against ths com pany on the waterfront., The eteamnoaimen- in isri.cuiar.ere malrmf TrradcOmpIalntaT'rhey assert that tha ordinance making it unlawful for fuel oil to be dumped Into the river will-ttave te' bo enforced, enplamlng that they, do not. care to be put- to. the unnecessary expense of having the hulls of their crsft cleaned at ahort Inter vala. It Is slso asaerted that large quantltlea of oil accumulating -Underneath' the docks will be the meana ot cauaing a great loaa of property in the event of a Are breaking out in that dis trict ; ' ''.' FEAR FOR SHIP. Belnsnraaoe Bates Bngh oa aardowl Several Tassels Overdue. Reinsurance rates-are quoted at 7tt per centon the- British ship Bsrdowle, which Is Out I montha arid 1(1 daya from Cape Town, South Africa, lo Portland by way of Ban Franciscno. If tha ves sel does not soon arrive shipping men are expecting to see tha ratea advanced ta )S oar -mamt, . Tha araft la brlnaloc Jmportant Hosiery Sales ONE HUNDRED PAIRS CHIL DREN'S 20c HOSIERY.. Children's 1-1 rib, fast black cotton Stockings, double knees; soliced heel and toe, full regu lar made; remarkable bargains at. . . . ,12r EIGHT HUNDRED PAIRS LADIES' 50c HOSIERY r.....::...:..;..:.; Women's imported lace all boot, fast black lisle Hosiery; romr Abutt Bargains $1.50 and $1.25 50c Suitings, odds and 4-ends -.. ,,30 $1J25 Fancy Mohair Sicilians, all colors, at ... ....... 80s 60c all-wool Cream Suitings -t lift! ajJ s.aaaaesiA. if h25 Iiiipu'ited Scotch Tlald Panamas at ...984 $2.25 Crepe de Paris, all col ors, at ....... ?1.25 $155 Crepe de Paris and Eo- liennes, all colors. . . . . .79 65c Wool Suitings,- gray- and . mixtures, etc. ..47f BLACK DRESS, 50c English Mohair Brilliant j... tine ..,30 65c - English Mohiar Brillian tine 83 90c English Mohair Brillian . tine ..: .69 $1.50 French Voile, wire finish . ........... ..91.19 $1.00 English Mohair Sicilian 83a a general cargo eonalgned to Meyer, Wilson Co. The Norwegian ahip General Gordon la alao fully due. She Bailed from Antwerp for Portland July 11. There waa a report that tha veeeel had been sighted off the mouth of the Columbia, but thla proved Incorrect The General Gordon la In command . of Captain Bjorneson. Bhe reached San Diego on December 11 and sailed for Portland January 10. ... Had they not met with accidents there would have been a number of aquare-rlggers In port In addition to the fleet now here. Among these are the French ship Crlllon, French bark General Neumayer and German ahlp Kmllle. Partly disabled, the Crlllon waa forced to put Into Valparaiso for repairs. She resumed the voyage on January . Springing a lesk. the General Neu mayer aought refuge at Buenoe Ayree. With her rigging badly damaged the Emilia put Into Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, for repairs. - . . . No word haa yet been received con cerning the fate of the Brltiah bark Drumcralg. which sailed from Portland on September 12 with a cargo of lumber for Manila.- She has been out more than four montha, and aa the average pas sage does not require more than hair that length of time, there la much anx iety In lodtl shipping circles over her nonarrlval. It la feared that shs waa rendered helpleaa by a storm snd Is drifting about In oriental waters ' LUMBER TRADE BRISK. - February Shlmneawi Promise to SeUpss Those of Any Previous Month. ' , Ths amount of lumberwhlch will be Shipped from Portland In February promises to eclipse all previous months, ss more than S.004,000 feet of the prod uct will be afloat from the local mills by tomorrow. - The barkentlne John Palmer will complete her lumber cargo at the Eastern St Weatern mill for tha orient teday; Bhe will take out-Ms-foet of fir. The steamer Harold Dollar haa also completed a ahlpment of 1.000, 000 feet at. the JPortland,.mUl,tpr J5an, Francisco. Tomorrow the bark Para mlta will flhlah loading at Inman-Poul- titf INSrfJBANCE ffil Fifth floor Macleay building. 188 Washington street Portland. Oregon. Phone Maine (885. I Samuel, Manager. Examine ths lower ratea and superior busi ness methods of thla company before you atgn an application for life tneur ance anywhere. Purely mutual! owned by the pollcy-holdere. All the profits of the business paid to them In dividends at tha end of every year. Operating , on ssfe conservative plane that have atood ths test of time. Tou cannot af ford to have anyone try experiments with your life insurance. . KEEP YOUR MONEY IN OREGOIN $2.25 WAISTSJUO fhito Ltnreri Waists; front with 3 rows of 'between - tucks. - collar, vaL lace - short sleeves. Today 12'Ac 29c over and lace a large variety in Dress Goods Novelty Suitings 65c 60c all-wool Albatross, all col- OTS rrrT . T, " . i "43 $1.35 new gray Panama Suit ings, 54-inch ........ :.98 $155 plain Panamas, 54-inches wide, new-shades.-;:;; 98 $1.50 Herringbone and dia mond check Serges, 58-inchr navy, brown, myrtle ?1.19 $1.75 gray Tweed Suitings; - new stripes, 54-inch $1.33 $2.25 Priestley's 54-inch "Cra- venettes, all colors.. $1.38 GOODS BARGAINS $1.00 50-inch Panamas, bright worsted-finish ; .79 f $155 54-inch English Devon shire Serges ..........98 $1.75 pure Mohair Turkish . Crepe .............. fl.20 $2.50 Silk and Mohair Novelty Suitings ......... :.?1.48 sen's for ths west coast of South Amer ica. Her capacity la 1.100.000 feet. The ateamer Noyo sailed for San Francisco this morning with StO.000 feet of lum ber. Tomorrow morning the Brltiah ablp Haddon Hall will begin receiving a-eargo-at-the-North Paclflo mill- foi South Africa. Other vessels are under charter to go foreign and will be reedy to sail In February. , RECORD IN WHEAT. Twenty-sVevwB Minion B tubals hipped From Portland and Bound Already. Although but little more than half of the wheat ahlpping season of 10 IfOt has psised. the ahlpmenta from Portland and the Puget aound district already total 17,205.847 bushels, more than double tha amount' ahlpped during the entire aeaaon of laat year and . 000.000 bushels more than In any pre vious seaeon. Including coastwise ship ments a. report lust compiled by the Merchants' exchange shows that 1,151, StS bushels of the cereal were aent from Portland' In January, aa agalnat 1.102,041 buahela dispatched from all of the ports on the sound. The wheat ahlp menta for tha varloua aeaaona are as follows: Grand total of seaaon to date. .17.205,147 Same period aeaaon H04-05.. .12.075.547 Same period season 1002-04. . ,li,46t,72t Same period season-to-Q. . .10,808.570 Samr period season 1801-02. . .22.48S.080 Same period aeaaon 1-01... 18,178.151 Same period aeaaon 1890-00. ..11,868,7(3 Same period aeaaon 188-t0...17,73(.08 Same period aeaaon 1897-08. . .18.8(0,702 1 MAY. GET LICENSE. - ' J. a. Simpson and W. M. tehmaan Seek So Ooadaot Bailor Boar ding-Mouse.' Whether J. B. Simpson and W. H. Leh mann will be granted a license to eon duct a sailor boarding-house will be decided today at a mranng" or tne com mission which was appointed by the atate legislature to regulate thla line ul. business aa applloallen for a 11 cense hss been made by the men named and the members of the state board COMPANY f - ft , .r Im lv SaleoT Spring i6 Short-Sleeve Lingerie Vaists $2.75 WAISTS $2.iT is made insertion: Waists, short sleeves. fancy embroidered front val. - lact e wim vau lace insertion, trimmed . vsi. trimmed collar, and sleeves. . - - $25.00 and TAL0R-AMDE Newest up-to-date , trimmings. The most 'JW tne season, as tne styles, cut ana iaonc ar wic mw est and most up to-date. $20.00 Walking Coats at $9.95 50-inch' long English Walking Coats, in light and dark shades of gray; also fancy Scotch mixed materials, made with mannish revers, fly front and i velvet collar. The yoke is lined with satin. ; Black Sitk Petticoat Baraains Regular $6.95 at $1.85 Regular $7.50 at $5.85 Kegular-9.5&-atittt5 Keguiarwvavmo Thousands of Splendid Bargains in Muslin Underwear and Buy Now Every Garment Is Substan- CORSET COVERS in endless "sdrtmentsTGreat bargains at 25c, 39c, 49c, 59c, 69c, 79c, 88c and up. GOWNS of cambric, lawn a and muslin. Great bargains at 59c, 79c, 98c, $1.39. $1.50, $1.98 and up. ' DRAWERS Great bargains at 39c, 49c. 69c. 98c. $1.39, $1.98, etc SKIRTS of muslin and cambric with lawn flounces and ruffles. Great -bargains at 79c, 68c, $1.35, $1.45, $1.65, $1.98, $2.75 and up. . r CHEMISE in short and combina tion styles. Great bargains at 49c, 59c. 79c, 9Sc, $1.35 and $1.98. FRENCH LINGERIE All those "'dainty-pieces - of - hand-made -French, muslin Underwear: also all of our Italian Silk Underwear, are on sale at much less than former low prices. have called a special meeting to act upon it. If the lloenae ahould be given, ths name of the new firm will be Simp son Co. William MacMaster, sec retary of ths sailor boarding-house com mission, says: "Unless the appllcanta bear bad char acters, I think we are obliged to do aa they requeat In regard to a license. So far aa I have learned there la noth ing to be aald agalnat them. The com mission has not been very buay of late, which ahows that the sailor boarding-house business Is pretty well regu lated." ' - - Few sail ore are now in port, but so far none of the shtpa have been detained for more than a day. or two waiting for crewa. . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. WIth a fuil cargo of freight and the uaual passenger 11st, the steamer Al liance la due tonight from' Eureka and way porta. In a day or two the Brltiah ahlp Eskssonl will begin taking on a cargo of lumber at the Eaatern Weatern mill for. the orient. Commander P. J. Werlleh entered on hla dutiea thla morning as. Inspector of thla lighthouse district, succeeding Cap tain U C. Hellner, who will be stationed at soma other point.- The latter haa not yet been advised by tha department aa t lw h e re h a w m. be -located All of the fog-bound fleet got away yesterday afternoon. The oriental liner Aragonla reached Astoria thla morning at o'clock. Word has been received locally that the revenue cutter Perry Is still cruis ing near, the scene of the Valencja wreck In search of bodies. Major 8. W. Jtoeaaler left for Seattle yeaterday on lighthouse business. He Is expected back tomorrow. ' . MARINE NOTES. Astoria.-Feb--. 'Arrived at Trie snd left up at 9:15, ateamer Whlttler, from PortiIarford-.laHeattla arWo4-at 7:60 and left up at 11 a. m., stssmer Homer,Trom SaB Francisco. Arrived at 7:50 and left up later, ateamer George Loomls, from Bsn Francisco. Arrived down at a, m., German steamer Ara gonla. ; . i 1 San Francisco. Feb. - 1. Balled at 11:80 a. m., ateamer Benator, for Port land. Sailed at m laat night, steamer Nome City, for Portland. San Pedro, Jan. 81j Salltd. schooner Prosper, for Columbia river. Ban Francisco, Jan. 11. Sailed at 4 p. m.. ateamer Redondo, for Portland and way ports. .. Astoria, Feb. I. Condition ot the bar it ft a. m., smooth; wind east; weather clear.. . Charlie Whirlwind is under arrsst st Pendleton for the larceny of a horse and saddle. He had been eowlr ni and going down M'l at a w.. ! i pace, " $5.50 WAISTS $2.32 tTXTerrter W;t ahort sleeves. ' ery elaborate embroidk; ered front with fine" tucks, vat lace trimmed collar and sleeves. , $5(fJ)0 Newest SUITS at $15.00 styles. Newest fabrics and pronouncea suit Dargsun 01 as 29c ENSIGN WADE WILL HARRY PROFESSOR'S DAUEHTER Betrothe) of Bennington Officer and Miss Edith Babrigou Is Announced. Joaraal Special Serriee.) New Tork. Feb. 1. Ensign Charlea N. Wade, U. S. N., who waa exonerated on a charge of having been responsible for tha explosion oa the gunboat Ben nington laat July, Is soon to marry Miss Edith Babrigou, daughter of a retired professor of Columbia university. This ; announcement waa made at Hackerts town, New Jersey, tha home of the prospective bridegroom. The betrothal la tha outcome of a romantlo courtship which began In Santa Barbara, soma time before ths Bennington dlaaater. . Juat aa the court of inquiry waa about to assemble the young ensign fell 111. For daya none waa allowed at hla bedside except physicians and nurses. -Finally, however, when his condition grew perilous, tha .young woman was , pernrltted"-t-vmlt ths patient When ahe left his bedside the doctors noticed ' a favorable change In Wade'a condition. ' ' One physician aald to the young woman-: V "Tour presence at Wade'a bedside seema to have been batter than all medl- ' clnea." '..' Beglstratlom at Veadletoa. (Special D tope tea to The Joaraal.) Pendleton, Or., Feb. 1 Since fhw county court haa ' been In session In Pendleton regtstratlona have been quite heavy in the county clerk's office, as "T nr "", nntJif tlwi nanple Ha - registered here Instead - of welting le enroll before tha Justices in their own precincts. . Thu'fbduri;8M voters out tt tha. 4,640 In the county bve registered. Of this number 289 are from Pendle ton. Tha reglatratloa from the four precincts Within the elty haa been as follows: Pendleton.. 82; North Pendle. ton. 88: Eaat Pendleton, (8, and, South Pendleton, (8. The Peerless j-iquia Dentifrice. Majic of tha mouth, the teeth, thi breath.-