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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1906)
13 a I -' I .-A I I . r.,aV : rt r -. . jl 7 1 - i J LI sssr I f i ffl " i 1 1 ill, lit I a. I it i I I. 1 III K i. n ft It . I. Af I ft J " IJ III fJFi i id sWantAd"Rates - Eatered at Hi bostofflc at Portland. Oiuml , See trauaportatbaj, through the mall m scoud glass nisurr. Postage fur docl ceelaet Far aa S, 14 or 12- Cg paper, I cwt; 18 ka 80 pages, S casta; M i page. 8 reel.- . .j ' ' TKLKPHOXTB, ' '- Editorial Rooms...., ......Mala 250 ' fcuaUiees Office. . ,..,.,.....Malu too ' pobeige adtxrtisixo xiprisehtattti. , ' ,Vrclsnd Benjamin Special Advertising iiiwr. . ; IIW baaaau trt, w York, Tribune Bulld . , InS, Ckkagu. . ,--,., .'' . uscirno raxes. ;' ' "Aa Tally Journal, with Suauay, 1 J-ar...37.M -. Tha Dally Journal. 1 year 7 6.0U Tim llallr IiimiiiiI arllh llimrtar d mnnthn Taa Dally Journal. 4 months...... m Ilia lally Journal, with Manday. Bieutha. l.Ho Tbs Dallv Journal. mouths:...., I-'' Tha la(ly Journal, wltk Buadsy, 1 month. , .06 ruleed1.. .V. !".!f i :. .... v.vp; .16 , lslly..fe- wk, delivered. UDly s-- - . CDtd .............................. .1' .Xaai Thi Ttallv Jmrul with th aaaday, Tear..,.J.W The Dally Journal, 1 year ft Tba lially Journal, with Hnaday, Bwath. ' tha IIJIt JarnaL a awmlha i "IS ' Tha Dally Journal, with Buaday, t awotha. 1 : Tba Dally Journal, t moatba.... J " Tha Dally Journal, with Nuaday, 1 anrnth. ..Ho . In lallr Journal. 1 .aaoBth Th Kunday Journal, 1 year.., Suu - -Tu ueifcfr Juurual, 4 awiat. Taa baml-Waakay JearaaL : Tba Rml-Wckly Journal, t 13 Pfe ' ' ) arh taaaa, lllualrated. full aurket r : port. 1 year ..1.00 atealttaneea ahoald be made by draft, poatal aotea, ex ptwaa ardor and amall aaoanta ar ; acc.-bla l.ld a ft " I. 0. Box 131, Portland. Oraoa. ' vim na nniu 1UT II I0WD, ' ' Thh Joarnal ra ba tuoad ea aala at th following placea: . UUI8B, IDAHO H. 8nr Ce-t W. E. He- CHIlkUO Poatofnea Kw company; JTt Dar- lB?VEB?ToiLOBAJ)0 . Black, liteontk aad Curtia atreeta. KANHA8 1'ITY-iVaa Hot Kwa company. bllN.SKAPOLIIt M. 1. Kayaaaugh, ftO loath 1 . Third etreet. . irihW, 0KK C1TT BraaUa", Valoe aoaar. OMAflA allUard liotal aaw ataad; Mrgaatk ' HiaUoaerr- conpaay. 13o rarnaaj atract. ; BALI UAKB CIXY Keayoa Hotel a land; Barrow Broa.. 41 Waat bacund atraM, booth. ST. IXJl'18 a-hlllp Boeder, did Lecaat atraat; - a. T. Jett. Olle atraat. ' VAN rBAKiCISCU-i-wVB. Ardlng, Palace Hotel oe ataad and lt"J Market atreat: Gold ainllb BroJ0 Bttr trt andBalnt Kraarla hotel) r uatae A- 0raar,7Tarrybulld , lag; N. Wheatlcy. aaorabla aawa ataad. oor- aer Market and Kearney atreata. BKATT1JB Rainier Oread aawa eland; W. I Ithauka, Hotel Iteattl aewa ataad. - . PDkANE. WA8HIMOTON Job a W. Oraaaai TATOMA, WASHINOTON Central Krwl coa- pany; Hotel Taroma newt atand. vittABIa. BRITISH COLUMBIA .-Tletoria Bta WEATHER REPORT. A blgh - pmaanra area ef great magnltade erruplaa the aorthweet portlo of th United eitatee. A aoaall dlatorbaare la eeatral ever the tower lake aad tba baroaoetar la raUOraly lew la falllorala. . . Tea dletarbaiM-e erer th rawer lake baa --eweerw anew-4a tha appar Mlaaiaalpol aalley aad In tba lake regloa. Xkawbre , ialr waatbar jir.tana. eMar,4a the Baketaa , aad th - aaadlaa aertbwaet aad allghlly colder la the Atlantic eta tea from Maine te riorkla. Th Indlcattoaa are for fair weather la thla dletrlct loala-ht aad Friday. . It will be allghtly colder loalght la Waahlngtam aad aortbweat ; Oreaua. Obeerrattoae takea at a. m., Pacla timet Temp. v Bta tlerai Max. Mia, Pred Baker CUT. Oregoa B0 , .:. Id Itoatoa. Maaaachuactt.... M M "tTiicagoT' liiinoi. .; , .7 M id" Iieeear. Colorado M 3d . Kaaaaa City, Mlaaoarl M 3d lM Aaaelea, Callfarala.... S3 60 New nrleana. ImletanA. . . . 3 4 ' New York. New Vork 44 M Portlaad. Oregoa. Ht. Louie, Mlaaoarl. Halt 1-ake. utaa. Nnokaa. Waantngtoa 4 Tacoma. Waahlngtoa.... J.. 44 Walla Walla. Waahtaetoa Waahlngtoa, D. C 63 MARRIAGE LICENSES; " Albert K. Btanley, Balawr, Oregoa, 24; Dor- Othy Perater, 35. . rvrward J. Hot ten rota, 38; Opal Whit. 21. ' Albert C. Baraekoff, 35; lea I aeruan. 23. Joaepb Mejaka. Pltner, Oregoa, 24; JemM Kangleer. 1. ,- - - f'uarlea X. KHcblng. 23; Ada Renderaoa, 21. :. Andrew Varhrer. 24; Anttia fhnldt, 18. ' ' ' Patrick S. Murray, Aurora, Oregoa, 88; Alice M. Y eager. 24. , , Wedding Carda. W. 0. Smith gt Co., Waah lngtoa bldg.. car. Fourth aad Waahlngtoa eta. Mlaa Bertha Martin, room 812 Allaky bldg. Stamping aad fin needlework; leaaaaa gleaa. BIRTHS. - 44 . - .0 I 4 - , M , .ft I 0 23 . .O 1 34 23 .0 J 83 .0 . 40 :.0 M jn 34 .0 -vk nRRO Jaaaary 1. te MY. and Mr. W A. Berg, KJtt Rtantoa atreet, a daughter. CAST1AT0 Janaary 32. to Mr. aad Mrs. Be delfe (laertato, 2W Sberldaa atreet, a ana. Gil RA January 17, t Mr. and Mr. Angel tllura. 2K7 Baker atreet, a eon. BAXTEaWaaoary 23. to Mr. and Mr. A. - Hatter, 414 Kortbrup atreet, a eoa. JOH NRON January 12, to Mr. and Mr. One tare A. Jounaoa, 840 Btaatoa atreet, a bob. API'BRHON January 23. to Mr. and Mr. W. R. ApperaoB. 2H7 Clarkama atreet, a bob. : BLANCHKT January 6, te Mr. aod Mra. J. W. ' Blanchet. 416 Twenty-fifth etreet, a eon. . ' Jwi;(Jt.A8 January 81. to Mr. aad Mra. t, H. Douglaa, ef Olex, Oregon, a aoo. KIM'PEIv January 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Ooerge ' - Klnppal. 7IW Kaat Twelfth . street, a a. - TOKMAW Jnary 14. ta Mr. and Mrs. O. C. , Voeinaa. 442 VaacenTer arenaev a ana. . ' Bfl.I.IVAN Jaanary 14, to Mr. and Mra. P. B. hiilllran. 640 Rodney arcane, a daughter. . DONALDSON Jannarr 2, to Mr. and Mr. O. . w. . Donaldson. 428 . Has Bafacl atreet, . a flaorhrer. " rHU KEBITtO January 80. te Mr. aad Mra. Oeorg Latmaa Chlckerlac 48 Clerk street, v a daughter. V elWER January 80. to Mr. and Mr. 0. W. Mower, 804 Marguerite arenoe. a daaghter. DEATHS. ni'KHTOM January 80. Mary C. Rnehtoa, aged 67 - ireara; - 4KS . Beet M"i i heal - atreet; ranee, carcinoma. Burial at Rleerdew cemetery. PETKKit'A January 80. Johanna fetrecca, aged 41 ye re, at fit. Tbvrent'i al; cauee, ' tttcairuiltla. Burial at Mount Calrary ceme tery. ' j, , H KNT BR 0K Jaanary 2fl. Peter 4Tendraon, ',. aired 4 year, mil Ruaaell street; can, beart dlaeaa. Burial .at Rlrerrlaw .eem . tery.- UNDERTAKERS. " r J. P. Flnley Son, funeral director and ewihalmer. comar Third and Madlaoa atreeta Office ef count aoroner. Telephon Mala 8. innThg, !Thffe-rT5rirngh, Vndertakera j and cmhalnjera; amdera la erery deUIL BTath . r and Pine. Mala 4S0. Lady aaalatant. " - TBO'Bdwartt HoTarax rnrtTtaklag company" . fnnerel director and embalm!, 220 Third at. Pbeae JW7. - - - A. B. Hemetock. undertaker sad emba Inter. Feet Thirteenth ..and . Umatilla . aa. ..... 4aea Kat 471. - . i Clark Bros for Bower. 28 Morrraea atreet BITIBT1XW OEXXTXBT. jew Single grarae 310. Family Vu 70 te $1,mV). Z. The only cemetery la Portland which 'pee. . pet nally maintain and caree for lot. Far full Information apply to W. R. Mackeml. War. eeeter block, city. W. M. land, preetderil. - FUNERAL NOTICES. MYKR-ln rVllwoml, Janaary 31, Mr. Martha Mrer, motlicr f Mr. W. P. J acta aad - f Mra. C. i. Aaderaoa. aged 63 yeere. Faaer! ( fterrte la ha neM t rremaieriam, 2 B. m. ietn-nary 2- Friend Inrlled. - RFAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ... t w W A'l ' sleek T, kJecUle atldllWa . S..... 1 'Use. Old Igc'FroMcm" Tha following raoasUy appeared editorially la Th Journal; "A ma 90 year eld. la food health, yet nii, riiv ana oune, pnyairauy ana meatally. a aald. eommiiud suicide la Chi. rag last week bacauaa. acala aordlnf to tola laat atatamat, ha oould tad M amplny Bant r whlro ha could aara a UtIiui. Etarr- m hi-ra ha appllrd lor work - ha waa at ooca I rajweaa ob acraant or tha gTay a a Ira thai Indicated adraix'lna in, . Ho dUcouraaeneot deepeaad late deapoadeaPT aod deapaadoney into orapair, a no na eaoea a la auatanc. (la Ing the reaaoa aa above narrated, aad (aylng that he knew ai ether elderlv nn wba eon. templated doing aad weald be forced te do th aa IBM." rfllirHnrguowBwnTlB r awier wKThiewraTehieT-amm "wr-awnn W-. a WEttTKBN MCTUAL UFB would haaa pre alded a competence fnr thl man during bla declining yea re aad thla editorial would not hay been arlttea. Are yoa protkllng tor VOt B -- on rOUCYHOLDBBB . ARB IiTlriin. ' OENBBAL ACBHT8. Coacord Bnddlng. rartlaad. Oregoa FIRST STIEEI ' 'Corner 76x100, near Pint and Waahlngtoa; good Income; can a Itx-reaeed: gau.ww ca b lance aay terma. per aeat lataraat. Ttc ;HcaIy foYCStmcnt Co. - - 310-21 Ablngtoa bldf. FOB REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, MORTGAGE LOAKS and FIRE INSURANCE - APPLY TO D tJ TIT nCCOM 814 CHAMBBB 0W AVa AA' AAVk;Ull COl COMMBHCB. -To-Exchangi FOB PBOPBBTT Ilf BBATTLB-. Ooay T-room beme wltk lot 100 (ret aaaare; - trait - aad ahrnbbary. Addreaa . UP. at., 314 Obambar f flaesmeree. . For Sa!e T-I60brcOZrB0hiB AT UNITIJR8ITT PABK. Lot 100x100, with fralt and abrabbery. - 82,380. Addreaa : : r .U P. M., 114 Chamber ef Commerce. LOOK LOOK LOOK Beat dry tie d-foet tr wand delivered at 83.40 par cord mom.. Da aot get lb Imprea alna thla I dead wood, (or It la aot and th wood will be corded at year place, a yoa aaa eta yea baaa a aned, -aad roewlll find thl dry wood aad aa adrOTllard. Try m. Box 43T. elty. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.' George W. Brews ta T. H. Hunt, lot 28, block 8, Beelya ' Dlamaad toad emnny to Wtltlanr Sllee lock company, parcel hind Lying be- twee north fractional block 10, Sher lock addition, and a Una parallel with and 100 feet south of outh aid line York Arthur X. McBrcea to King aetata. , couth 20 feet lot 2 and Both feet lot 8, buck 182. Carutbera' addi tion 77. I W. H. Nuaa and wlf te J a me Kn et L, aat 46 feet lot 18 aad 14, block . aubdlrtaloa Proebatcl's sdul tloa Arleta Land company te O. N. Blair, lot 18, Work 6, Arleta Park N. . . TOO 1,800 S. I . Kooinaoa ana wire re Joan Hagena. lot 1 and It, block 8, Mount Bcutt Park Brie Helmer and wlf to Jame Wat aoa. lot 18. block 81, Alrdn Th Land compauy to William C. Kills, lota I aad .8. block 7, City View Prk B. W. Wilbur nd wlf to fbrlatlan Meyer, lota 1, 2, 8 and 4, black 1, 8ua rbM Park Oorg W. Berer and wife te Ora U. Adkln. 1 acre beginning 1M.83 feet eeat of rjortbwnt corner lot 1, La- - margent lieignt ...i..........., Ceurg W. Berer and Wife to Mra. M. . AOKiaa, a acre oegtnning aorta- weat corner lot 1, le margent Height. B. C. Wright to loren Seward, aonth weat aectloa 84. townablp 8 north, rang 2 weat d north outbwet 4 ectlua 84. towaahlp aorlb, rang 2 west William Klcolal and wlf to W. L. John. toa and wife, lot 8 and weat 15 feet bet 7, block 14, Holladay Park No, 2. . Macleay Batat company te Lottie H. He wall, lot 18, block 1. Ardmora .. Henrietta P. Jarrla and huahand t W. . - H. Mutt, eaat OO-feet hit 18 and 14. block 8, subdlTUloa Preebaters sddltloa .' A, J. dtagga and wlf to A. 8. Shaw, - 40 acre northeaat ef northeeat 1 4 and-eaat H' of nortbweet U ef - northeeat -aectloa "7, townablp 1 oath, rang 8 eaat Claad I. Bcuffln and wife te Mildred S. Turner, lot 10, block 3, Srofana addition Title Onarante A Treat cempaay t John Heagney. lot 8, eootk H lot 4. block ia. Weat Piedmont Till Guarantee A Truat company tn Oeorg O. Mercy, north H lot 4, all be) 6. block 13. West Piedmont Christian Oodakeeea and wife to Alex, C. I. Cbrleteneen, lot 8, block ,88, Mnltaomah Nettle Olhu te Jerom B. Smith sad , wlf. lot 7. block 1. dm addition. A. tr-Mrhnrl -or al. 4o Uenrge - W. Maraball, parrel land beginning Ml. IS feet north of corner of ectton ' 15. 14. 21 and 23, towaahlp 1 north, range 1 eaat Oeorg W. Maraball at al. te A. D. Marshall, parcel land beginning 46 8 feet north ef corner eectlona 16,' ' 14, 21 aad 22, towaahlp 1 north, rang I t A. D. Maraball et al. to William H. Marshall, parcel land beginning 1.044.8 ' feet of corner section lft. 14. 21 and 100 1.800 4.500 1.000 t- 8.000 200 800 00 T40 BOO -22. tnwBalrtn 1 aorta, range t'esit.."1" Loci H. Addltoa ad bnabana ta the .. public parcel land 80 feat wld lying north aide south H parcel land begin ning 18 v8 ehalna north of center eec 1 tlon 14. bueaablp 1 aoathi rang 8 at C. F. Preach - and wife te Mergeret . Schmscbr, lot 7, block IS, City View H. O. KVTror"wlf""o"BarnaraMor7ta lot Mi, block 74, a iM.f .... Edward Byrne to Mra. P. M. Roman. 8 acre beginning 288 feet weat - af Bortbeaat corner lot 4, Byrllae ....... A. B farter et al. to P. A. Sweeney. -weat 2-1 lot 14, block Its. ' Coach addition ....T... ........ Miller Murdoch and wlf to Sarah A. Creekpasm. Iota 1 te 8, Inclaalae, lota 18 and 14, block 8, Iota 14 t ' t. IndualTe, block Sv Marebawat o dltloa O. a. Co) toa and wlf t Prsar P. Bahelman, . let 4. block 47. Wood- u-k Th Murrell Inreatment compear to Joha , Hiedy. lot 8 sad 4. block 14, Alblna . llorocatead Alice II. Ihiddl te I. P. Marback. 10.8 acrea beginning - at outh llee of the Cuthlrth sad I'erlln Stnme donation land claim, aerlloa 6. towaahlp 1 Berth, , range 1 eaat .. Willamette anlreralty t John Parson. . 1.B75 1.000 285 1 ' 600 - 860 i.300 ' 1 14,004 1 trnatee. lot 8, block 106. Conrk sddl- ' lt i.:..'. .- Battle Salmon and huahand te Sarak I'. Berggerea, lot 1 d 2. block 2. Alblna Height William M. Kllllngawortk et at t lintel N. Wkitaey. V 14, block 4. Walnut , lark .........a i REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Tyler Woodward and wlf t United Stair Katlonal bank. loU 11 'to 17, ' block 18. auatb Portland Martla Foater and wlfo to Orange B. Calllenu. west 84 - feet lota 12 aad 18. block 2a. Albln 4M Clara Kan and huahand to fT4 Mc Klllntt. tot 10, block 2. Mount Hood addition to Orrfbam 178 Cllta B. Mclagrr and huahand to ( lar Kan, lot V, block 3, aame addition. 100 Charles M. Whlfcomb and wlf to France P.. Eaheiman, lot 1. block 47, Wowlatock ' . .1 Title Ouaranta A Trust company to -Charki W. Bmmett et al.. lot 4. . hlAC enhdlvleUke lot 1. ft. 7. 8. 8 and 10. N'.elh St. Jnhna 840 l i ... -At. u. .....'. .a. dltloa - t,M0 Delay A. Holman and boaband to Johanna Kummeun, narr or. diocb ion. . ginning lla Hal feet ,.r HMlheMt iHirnw hkM-b 10N. Couch "addition I James W. Cook and wife to Peter A. J..I1.IM. !.. 19 Kloelr IT lnok'a addl- "-- . ... ,. ........... " 280 Uiiltoomah RcTUUadc1at1--rtr a:rfn. AalM. lot A. block 24. .Wlllamella ' 804 ' Get rour Inanranca and btrct te real ee tat from th Title Uuarantee A Truat company, 2411 Waahlngtoa atreet. corner riecono. NOTICE.- THE usderslgned will recelre sealed bids for a stock of inercnanaie nritag mi -mm r im ai Portland, Oregoa. consisting nf dry goods, fu nteblng goods, boots and aboea. etc., and ef the Inventory nloattoa of 69.357.24. to gether with ftitttre amoantlng te HoS.SO, up to Monday. I'ehroary 4. st 13 o'clock neon. Inventory and itock may ba aeea ea appll cation. A caak depoall of 10 per cent of amount offered will be required with each bM. . and the right I reberred 4 reject any aad all bids. . Dated this 27th day ef Jassary. 1H08.. B. U 8AB1N. Front aad Ankeny sts., Portland, Oregon. WE, the anderslgned ' furnltnr and nlano. moTers. will reouir in payment or an charge nnoa drllrery nf goods sfrar Decem ber 1, I: H. C. Haark, C P. Harder. O. P. Ilneeey, Coagrnr Bros.. Portland Pe ll eery Co.. Post Special Delleery Co.. Pack are Dell Tery Co., Holmaa Trssafer Co., Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregoa Auto Dis patch Co., Joha Hampton. James McLlndea. Owe McLlnden. Pacific Tranafer Co., Oregoa Transfer Co.. Portland Van A Storage Co., Wtkemaav. Morse Tranafer Co., Eaat Side Transfer Co.. C 0. Pick Transfer A Storage Co., 0. M. Oleon. Barrage A Omnlbua Trana fer Co.. A. J. Mnrghy. Ksdderly Tranafer ' A Corn ititsaliin-n.. Joha A Lore, Andrew J. Murfhy. P, U. Ireland, F. MllUr, Finch A Hcadereoa. PACIFIC STATES' TKI.EPHONB A TEI.FJ- ORAPH CO. fortiana. uregoo, jennary zn, 1904. Notice of Annual Mealing Th regu lar annua L meeting of th stockholder of the Pacific State Telepboo A Telegraph company will b held at th office of the company, southeast earner of .West Psrk end Abler ate., Portland. Oregon. e Thursday, the Stb day ef February, 1004. st 2 s'rbjck p. m. for the purpose of electing a board of director ta aerre for the ensuing year sail for tbs transaction of snrb other basin a may come before the meeting. ... P. W. BATON, Secretary. NOTICB I hereby elTen". that ea the twenty- urtb dy of January, laus, Lamia wreenoerg of Portland,, was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the ftret meeting of hla b1a creditor will n una st room wo. t nsmner tor, of Commerce building, Portland, Ore gon, on th thirteenth day of February. 10" id. st in o'clock mn.. t wblcti tint th sid creditors msy. attend, pro their claims, ap point a trust. taailn the bankrupt and transact ncb other huatnes a. may properly 'JTT some before uch meeting. . . Uln i w i unn urmns. iieiarj oi., i wi. - A UK. A SWERK.- Heferee la Bankruptcy. MEETING NOTICES. WFBP0OT - CAMP Ko. - 48, Woodmen of the World, . meet ceery Friday night In W. o. W. ball. Tenth Z aad Waahlngtoa ata. All members requested to at tend. 2100 each siren way. If yoa want to make anme "B. B." meaey, com to camp. AU eaUlors welcome, - W. I, VAIU1HU, U.. U. A. L. BABBUB. Clerk. COLUMBIA Lodge. No. 114. A. P. A A. M. Stated communication thla (Thiiraday) erenlng, 7:30 o'clock. Work In M. M. degree. All master Mason Inrlted. . B. B. PAQUB. Secrttary. WASHINGTON Chapter. Na. 18. B. A. M. Special con eoca tlon Friday . STenlng. FeH-rary 2. 1004, at 7:80 o'clock. Masonic hall. Borkhard building. Royal Arch degree. Mem ber urged te attend.' Vleltore welcome. By order E. H. P. B. X. SHARON. Secretary. ANCIENT ORDEB UNITED WORKMEN, Port' land lodg No. 27. will sir a smoker and entertainment Friday night. All members ar requested to attend la their new hall, 142 Second at. Com and brinf along aom young frlenit. By order. 2 . t. si a:, siaarer worxmsB Attest. J." If. FEABET, Recorder. MACCARRES Portland Tent. Na. 1 meet rrery Tburaday night la K. nf P. ball, Marquam bldg.; rial tors ar welcome. B. M. LA NCR. LOST AND FOUND. YOUNG pointer dog. body whit, bead snd ar brown, round leather collar, license tag No. Pus. Return or notify H. K. Smith, 114 Bast Twenty-sTcntk au ana obtain LOST A spotted Jersey row with calf. Return ' to 407 Mlaner t., Mootarlll. Reward. LOST Lady's gold chatelaine watch with fob, monogram "II. W." on back. Lear at Board ef Trade. Hcward. LOST la parqoet of Raker theatre, yeaterday'a matinee, ladiy' pocket-book containing about 32 or 8260. with nam "Blanch Wilier" on red card; reward. Phont East 12S8, ar call 4&0 East Belmont St. LADT wb took gold-handled mbralla left In Marnuam theatre yeaterday afternoon call op Main 445; reward. HELP WANTED MALE. POltTtANr Barber Oilier Tuition re aonabl aa say school oa coast. 247. F I soar st. MEN snd women to learn the barber trad In eight week. Th Mahler lyatem of eollerea will open on of their famous barber echools In Portland about February 10. flradnatea earn from 316 to $28 per week. Only reliable ' barber college In the United State. - Special farm to flrat 20 stndents) be ltrely and get aneclat rates. Address Mobler .Byltem Colleges, Portland. Oregon. WANTED Clerka and window -dreeaara te arndy showeard-wrltlng st T. M. C. A. night - school; personal Instruction. Apply far psr , tlcuUrs. -. . . - - . . . iTtittH ies 1 1 e i . BTin eiuiniim -eiiisi yuuiut men between 20 sod 80 who will want good employment during the ratniwr. writ P. O. box 424. Portland, giving partlcalara. A MAN with or without canvassing iperlenc wanted; baa a good opport inlty In better him self npon ahowhig hla worth. Colombia Pbo aograph Co., 871 Wsahlngtoa St. WANTED 1 lumber-gradari 1 tallymen, 82.60 a day; laborers for rock work. 32. snd other. STANDARD CO.. 2H6 Burnalde C WANTED For United State Army, able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 sad 86,eltl- sen nf United State. of good character - and temperate -habltsr who can apeak, read . and write English. Apply to Recruiting Of. fl.-er. Ainaworth blk., Third snd Oak sts., Portland, Oregoa. WANTED 2 jmotf ami reliable aollcltora. An- Ply after 10 a. m.. National Win Co., Iftk and Stark. WANTEDA nonunion barber with 8 to 8 pears' experience. N 16, car Jouraal, WASTED 1 ball planermaa, wages 82.80; 3 sttrfac planer. 2.26 per day, Portland Xm ploy meat Co., Morrlaoa St. ' Taciac 3;). THREE woodtrlmmer. ' Th Wheeler Osgood . Co- Tacoaia. WANTED Oood rellaMe hoy. shrnt Id or 17, la jtwtlrr stur. Address U 4, Jourssi, . HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN, erer 26, enerxetl. reliable, to take charge of a Vlsrl ofac. . Call er address Boom za, mil bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S4SH Washing. . ton M., cor. Serenth. apatalrs. Paoae Mala . 242- rental help wanted. PORTLAND SEWING SCHOOL Faahlonabl ' dreaamaklng. S71H Morrhwa at, sue. fourth. room j. ayatsm taugnt. WANTED Experienced a mall family. Apply 7 Hoyt at. af." East AJder Kibl Pacific 016. WANTED Good gVl for general housework Call mornings or after 4 p. m., 821 Sixth st, MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE NIPPON EM P. OFFICB-Japaae help urnianeojaiiNorrB inira t, Main PIP HELP wanted and unfilled, mala r female. R. O. Prsk. 206Vk Waahlngtoa at. Pad no 1370. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BOMB for good, amiable, energetic boy of II. , to do chorea while attending schools. Pacific J, aod Bixia at, ' XOUNO maa with bore and baggy would Ilk to deliver any klad af good from about a. m. to 4 p. m. Addreaa o. Pollettl, Ifi - vnuq .... CARPENTER wants Job. repairs or work by day; take part pay la housekeeping rooms. Mala 636. SITUATION wsntad as donkey nglner; tbor-- ougbly xprieaced. Addras N 8. JonrnaL TOUNO aober maa woald Ilka noaltlo taking care of bora; u parte sc. Address N 10, ears JonrnaL ' BT yonng man aad wife en farm: only re speetshl person need reply. Address N 13, care JournaL TOUNO, reliable snd sober msa waats poa. tloa taking car ef horses; I willing to work ' la aay ublv Addreaa N 10. ear Journal. TOUNO German wanta posltloa In wboleeale bouse; am good German correeponden t and bar good reference.- N 18, care JonrnaL WANTED Posltloa a engineer or Bremaa or any work requiring a aober. honest and Indastrlou man. N 18, care Journal. WANTED Posltloa as bill, record or mailing clerk. Char lea J. Moore, St. Char lea hotel. city. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE REFERENCED boardlng-hoos cook wants posi tion. Addreaa N 17, care JournaL .. EXPERIENCED tray waitress wlshe hort bonr srork. Phone Front 2628. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agent; nmtbhig new I good nailer, big wage. 208 McKay bldg. ifltNTfl WiTF T Te aell aenerliie kleh. I ms. firsarr etoefct eomoieee outflt furnlske free; raah weekly; write today for choice ef territory. Cspltal City Nursery Oompaay. Salanu. .Oregon. ,, , AGENTS and peddlers supplied; good raoney- maker, good seller; profitable aid line. Call evening at 240 Third at. N 11, ear Journal. ... to aell lrk end accident inanranca. Pacific Aid eaaorlatlon, 600 Deknm bldg. . PIRST-CLASB eoSpoe photo a rente; eomethlng . new; big money. Hofsteatcr - A Patereou, 14RH Third. - . V EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. -FOB MEN. 34 H. Second st. Phse Vita 1828. 2 A P A N ES H-CHfN ES B EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Henry Tsbara, 28T svarvtt b - races- --.) cine Bo BIO POUR BMP. AOENCT. Help supplied fro. 14 Norn Beeoad at, rBone stain isie. THB Portlaad Empmymeat Co., 206) Morrlaoa st. Phon Pactnc saw. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., 8 North Second, rarnianea u ainaa em ployment for mes aad women. Mala 8048. SHERWOOD A BOYT. real eat at and empmy meat. mala or female. 206Vi Morrlaoa, room 2. rbon Mala 47S3. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES. PLATS, ROOM 1 NO HOUSES, STORKS. ETC. Our rental department hss neeaj enlarged aad provided with additional staff. We Invite Hating from LANDLORDS, offer persons! attention te aad enntlnuoa operrletoa ever all property Intrusted ta ear - rare. - PORTLAND TRUST COMPAHT OP OREGON - B. B. Cor.-sd and Oak' its. Pbona Xx. 72. LIST year rental properties wltk na. Our charge are reaaonable, and w mak very effort to secure tenant. Western Oregon Truat Co., 31 Stark at. Pbona Pacific 683. IP yoa waat to rent your room or house, list - them with th Portland Rental Bureau, 184 . Thirteenth at.; It will cost yoa Bothlsg; real estate agents ebon Id tab advantage of thl; our agent will call. Phone Main 1434. TWO anforntebed rooma for man and wife, m I ureter Alblna or vicinity. Addrss room 40, 87l Ruaaell St. , - WANTED REAL, ESTATE. WASTED At once, a good bonse Tind let or vacant residence lot In South Port laud; best cash price. N 8. cars Journal. - . CLOSE IN. 32,000 to 33.000. home wanted, .- either aide of river; no agents. 0 1, care Journal, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS P. t. RYDER, printer. SeceaA aad Wsahlngtoa to. Phone Main 6684. PAINTINO. (praying and wbltewaahlng tree. baaementa, barn, dork. te. ; largeat gasoline or. 7 1 UK i"i 1 11 1 on to wmei. as. ... saoressj m Co., 822 Union are. Phone Bast 2417. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for furniture la any quantity; also take earn on commission aad guarantee best reunite. Tbs Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schabsch, prop., 211 First t. Phon Mala 64B6. TOUNO lady desire typewriting work to do at home evening, such a copying tetters, addressing envelopes, wrappere or any kind of tvnewrltlne work: own Underwood ma - Thin. 1 14, rare of JournaL- WB have th buyers, most hsv the nrooerty. real or pennl; fnrnlah aval aad fame la ' help. Writ or pbona and w will call. Main 6156, . 0. A 0. Emp, A Real Eatat Co., UV, North Fourth St. Ver. WILL BUT. SELL OR TRADE ANT OLD THING. WFSTERM SALVAGE CO., 62T - 28 WASHINGTON. " PACIFIC T82. PONES POBS BP RATING, PRUNING, WHITE WASHING. WHO IB M. Q. MORGAN A CO. I STORAGE apace for rent. Apply Portland Warabooso A Tra safer Co. Pboa Eaat 6407. PONBS WILL GIVE PIOUBES ON SPBATINO. FIRST-CLASS amall aafe for sale; been ased only one year. Calef Bros., 344 Eaat Morrison. WANTED Horse for keeping; beet of care taken. Call noon eg evening. Pboa Main 64X8. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB GRAND. 4A4 North Third at. for gentlemen 31. 60 per week and up. THB RICHELIEU. M NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furnished. tem beat aad bath. FOR RENT Nicely fnrnlehad room, 181 Thirteenth, corner Yamhill. ' TO RENT One furnished, gad an snfurnlabed room at iV4 riflb t, 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL LB BOT, 806H Barns Id at. New brick balldug, aewly furnsibed. electric Bgbt. . hot water at aU hoar; fie bath; room by tba weak at moolu; ebutoa kouaakssplae LA ROE, airy room; central; 'desirable aelgb borbood; bath, gaa, beat, phone. ,1M Four - teantb. near Yamhill. Pbona Main 4e4. FOR RENT Furnished room In modem fUtJ bath, gas aad pbona. 146 Eleventh at. FOB on or two gentlemen, nice room la new boose; prlrst family. 668 Fifth. Bath and paoae. . fl.64 WEEK UP New, rka. fumlabad konse- . porcelain bath, tot of hot, and cold water. gaa rang. air, nounos, cur. vomeaeri-isi and Suotoa sts., Alblna. 188 Thl leenth at., if aou ar looking for rooms. wtth or without -board,- boaaaekceptng-riwm or House: w will locat you ire or cnarge. x don't run. U pnt-lb. ClIJ. ,Phon MslD JOOO. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 11.76 FEB WEEK Lars, clesa furnished housekeeping rooms; laundry and bath. 184 Sherman. South Portland. THB MITCHELL. Fsaadare aad heaseheeptag aad tre aslant) eoarealsat prlea , feasooabl. FOR RENT Furslahed housekeeping rooms In ' beat brlrk block oa east side; gaa range, bath, etc.; bo traoaienta; price moderate. Logaa blk., 108 uj Union at., aoraer Eaat Aider. . Phone Eaat 4424. $11 PER MONTH Poor furnished benaekesplng room, wit a wfr, large yarn. iwu avaai Thlrty-amtbi Sunnyatde snd MC Tabor car. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, lowest rates, alec trie lights snd paoae Included. S01H water at. GOOD, clean hoosekceplng-room st ' reaaonaois rsnc 'ine tiaii. t rixrn. I UNFURNISHED bonakeplngoom; light pnon. ttn: cheap to adult. s-u xniriy third and Dlrlawa. Phon Eaat o62. Rich mond car. - FOR RENT Housekeeping roam m modem riat; Data, gaa ana poone. io 41H et. FOR RENT 8 furnished housekeeping -rootn tn respect sot nsrtis. to tsxs car 01 utile girl; maa will pay board. Call 800 Harrlaoa. 827 THIRD ST. 2 pleaaant, conTenlent gronnd- noor room, BoacKping, eneap. ' t none Hood 1BU4. : . 2 FURNISHED honaekeeplng-room, nse ef paoae, sv per month, call aoa ae rents at. . ROOMS AND BOARD. CNION HOTEL, 81 North Sixth St., erre the beet meal; rat, room tl. Board 8J0 par sreek. J. Anderson, prop. . LINDELL HOTEL, Fourth nnd Market New erica, eiegantiy rurnisaea, moaera tnrougoout; rates reasons hie. BOOM aad board, bath. beat, electric light; working peraoa pratarrea. ox ! sforrlaon. WANTED Two gentlemen to board and room with priest family; 84.60 per week. 428 Stark st. ' 'UNO In arcbanga for board snd room, cans In oa t aide; nlano In good condition. Phon Eaat 1.1MU. 173 East Keren Bt-Jtia10ft xamniu. FOR RENT HOUSES. EADDERLT TRAVSFER CO.. prompt and ra il a Die piano ana rumitar mover ; aiao awe- are. Phone Main 14o6. Of So. 1,4 N. Third. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANT- " 248 Stark at., i. . Will reat sear Setae I Will Snd s bona fnr row. See ua or Pbona Man 1PT4. MOOkl btiasta. atrlctly anooarn. freshly er nlshed thron about; fine lecatloa, wast aid. - 420 Cemawrclal bldg. . - FOR RENT Hons of It rooms, modem Ira pmremcnt. with hot water besting plant. 825 Twalfth-Bt. Apply at 82T Twelfth. 822.60 New W-roota bona.,-fui asc.- gaa, elee trlclty, cloa to etreet car, modern, nlc . location, cor. Bait Mala aad Thirtieth ata. East 823. FOR RENT OR SALE Urge dwelling, 421 , Second t., cor. of Hall; beautlfnl gronnda; lease to good tenant. Pbone Mara 42, or apply at No. 76 North Twentieth U" ... . GOOD HOMB. Owner vacating attractive borne af 8 room, fireplace, gaa. two nlc bedroom downstair, yard, playhouse; cheep to right peraoa ; walk ing diets. ne to boalneaa center. Pbons Ex change 72. : A NEW. modera 4-room hooae. 480 Taggart at., near Seventeenth: tak Warcrly car; 817 per month. F 1, JournaL - . FOR BENT. 814 6-ronr booae 8S4 Mildred at., half block to Union ar. car. . Call 434 Surmaa at. - Pbone Union 4474. TO BENT for the month nf February, fur nlabed bouss. Baaa Una road, 1367. Pbone Eaat Mil). FOR RENT 10-room bouse, full cement base ment, full lot, all modern Improvements: rent resaonable; located at 844 North Second - at., Holladay' addltloa, saat ld. Pboa Eaat 6742. MODERN 4-room hou, furnished, cast aide, 820; bo children. Pboa Eaat 478. 7-ROOM house for rent. 16. 876 Madlaoa at. B-ROOM 2-story cottage, good location, rent 16. Inoulre 620 ( lay at. FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN 6-roora flat, . block north ateel bridge, fronting river. Inquire 2SS Larrabae. 111 - I FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICES, nnfnmlahe. aad mple-rooma; am ' baO 80x20. eoodnoagh bldg. Apply at tb a leva tec. FOR RENT About April 1, new stores snd office rooms, steam heat, tc, northeeat cor. Third end Madlaoa. Apply te B, T, Cox, No. T Flrat room 10. ' OFFICES and room. Lewis building. Inquire 1. a., wniie, arts Ltexum niag. HOUSES FQR RENT TURNI- TURE FOR SALE. -ROOM cottsg for rant, fnrnltar fnr !; If old at once will aacrlflce; new and com 1 plete. . 28S Hancock at. Pbona Kt 6184. PURNITURB of ali-roora cottage for Ml: .modern conveniences; rent 820. . 408 Sal moo St. Phon Weet 7. ' BUSINESS CHANCES. ON account nf ether bualneaa. clothing; hat. a hoe and fttrnlehlng bualneaa. In Tillamook. Oregon; will aell etork snaV lease building 24x11)0 feet, arranged for general mercbandla. ' or will remove stock and leas; atiod opening for llv mas. TODD A CO., Tillamook, Or. i"6R SALaAf 'grocery, clea atock. "invoice' 81.400; a snap U taken st eace: located In central part ef Willamette valWy. B 8, Jtwnal. WB bar property Is th famous whest-growlns belt a of eastern Oregon and Washing toai.1 snpl and berry tand la tb much-talked -of I 1 Hooa River raiiey; bop land aad dairy rear he in th Willamette valley; and na In tb Umpqu valley th land of big yel low peaches w have om very alee farm nd atock ranch; our price era a low aa tha low eat aad we will give yoa tb beat ef term en any of thl property; w will tak ga part payment good Improved or anlmprovcd Portland property; bow If yoa want a country life bare I your chine. For further Informa tion call at our office NORTHWEST LAND CO., . , I4 Goodnoagh bldg. , WILL pay btgbret price for Herat Switch trek before awltch goes oa road; any ala block handled. D. 1. Klly A Co, boa 1684, . New York City. N. T. FOB SALE Good general merchandise Ivor In htm her tnwa of 804 popslstlon. Inrsted ea railroad In we. fern part of Wlllamett valley, 72 miles south ef Portland. ' For par. , titulars writ or Inquire of J. G. Taa Oradal ' Boa, ReaJ Katat DsalrrM DUa Xags. '. " " " x ' ' "... j v : ' '; '' 1 v BUSINESS CHANCES. GOOD paying Dswnahon for sale: eld etbllhd bualneee. In good location, long Ii will tand cbaasat lnvaatlgatloa. aecarlty Leas "'ins. ea n. m st. DRUG STORE, new. cheap; .building for sals , or eases; Al local toa (or a doctor. Druggist, . Cornelius. Oeegoa. - BEST business chance In Waahlngtoa; 86.000 our pair interest in general autre, a. w rJaiea A jCe.. White Balmua. Wsahlngtoa. FOR SALE Half Interest m paint aad wall paper busln la food s astern Oregoa city, N 4. care JournaL (Son- WANTED for half Interest tn a big pay i-lng -baa I use; dea'A-realy- anle elassaa ens not afraid tn huatla; atrlctly Icgltlmsts, n as. care auuruai. .... WANTED Partner In real eatata bualnes. a- . good character aad booeL, ililrcaaH It, car of Journal.' ' . BARBER SHOP Splendid : 2-chabr ahop for aalei rood location, chenn rent: llvlna-room i . is conarcuoni B0lncs open to lnreaiigation, Addreaa Barber, -car JouraaL"""1'" ROOMING' HOUSE for sale. 100; 14 rooms, near city ball; full all wlotar; leaving the city. Phone Pacific 604. FOR SALE Shoemaker . shop, good location, with or without tools, at your own price. 1m - siedlately. Inquire- at 822 Williams av. FOR SALB CHEAP Boarding bona, 20, 88 ' and 40 rooma, furniture new aad complete, houses modern and ckiea la. Ai H. Maegly, 210 Fourth St. MONEY-MAKING ENTERPRISE Tbs great , Hurst Switch Invention will soon go on road: large factory near fair groan da; can't beat my price; I am selling th Hurst a lock at 'a big discount. Call and be annvinred. W. J. Curtis,' 216 Commercial block. Pbona Mala 6384.. 8126 BUYS good botchers bop in a growing eubarb; no competition; must aalL - Homa Land Co., 14&H Pint at. OLD-ESTABLISHED 8 re and marine Insurance agency waula man who can ecur busln; If sen succeed will aell Vb Intereet. which ' will pay 2taj per mouth. N 20, Journal. A GOOD paying restanrant, dgr and confec tionery atand; future complete. Addras 202 Second et.. Th Dalle. Oregoa. 2 GOOD country hotels -1 for 3l.6a. '.-.. ,. 1 for 84.0UO. ' Country store from 31.600 ' to . 920,000; good asonej-makers. F. FUCHS. 148Va Flrat t. GOOD aawmlll propoaltlona - - 1 for gio.raaj, 1 tor 83.000. ' Inraatigate. P. FUCHS. 148H Pint at. 81 ROOMING HOUBK8 for aala, price 86A0 and ap; 4 restaurant. 8160 and ap; 4 cettasea for rent: 2 furnlabed cot tare fur reat. bee II. H. Hlglry, 273 Taylor at. Who is m. o. morgan a oo. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 5S0 2 LOTS oa Twsnty-artb near Ctlntoa at. ; th beat buy In tb city. 107 V Third. I HATR t "new homes ready- tor aala: soms 'of ihjas.ara modern 1 coma and mak me aa of far; cash or oa tlma: Io0 to Sl.ooO, See th owner, Jo Naah. In tb whit hou at . j. aenrine sddltlon. 00 the Mount-Scott Ins. Lota for sals snd house te rent. ON TO HOVER1 UP THE COLUMBIA! Rem lar stmer from Portlaad: rbearjeet rate from tb eoat to Inland notnta: no smadw hear, anil, perpetual wat right with each tract, earliest prodncr. largest piles; a uiiraraia or to norroweau write ' HOVEB LAND CO., . , - . fiover. Waabtngtoa.' - OOtTOtk Lot lOOxfoo feet, cheap. McKay bldg. Mala 826. - . 607 f 760 6-rooot house, fall lot. oa Improved atreet, near eau-lla, HHVi Third. . ACRES tn orchard. Bear the city, good build ings, convenient to ear, oa graveled road; w will cell this at a bar rain, ea very easy term,CIL107 StTMrd. : 20 A ORES, mile Hoodi River, oa county mad; good anil; 31,000; a bargain; tar ml. ' Frary. 062 WlllUm are. Scott 6186. WILLIAMS AVENUB ADDITION 2 fine 80x100 loter 7J each; aldewalk. water, ares and sewer in. Ktnaell. 402 Commercial block. L-Tsble 2423. - FOR SALB Neat 4-room cottage, Bortbeaat . anburba; full lot, 4 blooAs.' rarllns; ewnr - will glv reel barrels to quirk purehaaer. "8go," Journal office. FOR SALB Fine lot tn Penmeula 200x100. Im provements and orchard, 32,000. Addr owner, or call 206. Clay t. 11.700 7-ROOM bone, lot 60100 fact. baa. , ment, modern pmmbtng; 000 casta, bs lanes 16 per month. 31.200 8-room bouae. lot SOxOO feet; trees beerlnr fruit 1 4 MM) cash, balance mmthly. 61.300 6-room bona, modem plumbing. 12ril00 feet; all kinds nf fralt aod berrlea; half raah. balance monthly. Sl.SftO 7-room bona, lot 8 1-gxlOS ft. All Bear car II n. located la tb beat res idence part of upper Peninsula.-. If yoa ar looking for hargalne. call and aa , ft. A. ZYUOWSKI. 'Willamette Station. . Take BL John ear. WILLAMETTE. ' Beet residence pert of the peninsula; only a few lot left hi Willamette; take your ebole now: all lot are 60x100 feet; $226 eseta, 325 csab. 83 per month. Apply 0. A. Zygowakl, Willamette station. S0MB SNAPS. 376010 lota oa tb peninsula; 200 csab, iSalanrs aioothly. tftftO caab It lots,. 60x100 each, a corner. -lots, sll 60x100 fsst, 12S each, $20 nab, 10 monthly. Apply C A, Xygowskl, Wlll.mettg atatkm. BEAUTIFUL corner for residence, 160x100 feet, : all cleared and ready for building: kbOO. half i csab. bslancs monthly. Apply C. A. if- owiii, r iiienietM auttioa. - ACBB TRACTS v ' OUR BPEOtALTY IS ACBB TRACTS! Pullslaed strawts, water ta each aer. . TERMS 110 PER ACBB CASH 110 FEB ACBB PER MONTH. ' .. X a-- te-the acre -oa--the nje-rr. bay th earn Be far tb lot maa pays. Tbs lot maa la voor neighbor, but be la re. .Jtrlrtedlo majority QLeatweelat BjeJtal a true annuroaa no roe. Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. A. 0. CHURCHILL A CO., 1N0. ' .' 110 Second St. 18 ACRES adjoining streetcar and county road, thl aid of Mount Tabor, . Inquire of owner.- 421" East Twelfth at. MUST sell rbotc H, Holladay'; bualneaa gad residence lots, St. Johns. SWART. SIS Chamber ef Commerce. (3,400 NEW modern 8 room booae. full btt, near t1 bridge. Douglaa Milter, : 714 Chamber of 'Commerc. - - "' PT:C7At.BAB0AT!T J FOR ,- - ..TrcU-a front foot, 813 feet deept cs have many front feet yoa want from 60 fret api all la cultivation, all level aad sightly, 8 mlnntea to good 10-room ssbeoL 8 grade; near tors, postofflce, church and car elation at 1-ente; 8-cent fare to say Bart of Portland. ' This Is 1-8 price; term If wanted. O. R. Addlton. Lent. Orefoa, wa r. Tk ML Scott car, rents. - CLOSE IN, modera 7 -room nearly new.boaae, with porcelain batb. nickel-trimmed plumb . Ing. china cloaeta, wood hoist and full cement . basement; would trad for farm. Horn Land Co., 14&e Pint at. SAME SNAPS 8 lovely horn bt Hyrand. 2 new and 1 la bearing fruit; 8 lot 60&O. N IB. care JournaL - $460 WILL b-ry rooming bona, always fall; good location. Inquire 2 Madteon at. TO THB SPECULATOR! We have flll.T KIKJKD .PROPERTY on BURNSIDB STREET, la vldalty af Park Blocks. ' It COSTS YOn NOTHINrt te look at It. v W will aell it and you ran mass a hand some profit on yotr Investment. B. U.-BLOSSOM, 814 CHAMBBB C0MMERCI UNDER ANT CLASSIFICATION V FIfc Cents Per Lint N ad take toe lees than 16c per day. . Save words, ss a. rule, aoaatltut a line, but each line I charged rvgardlsa ef tb' number of word. WXXKXT BATE T Insertion (Including oneSuadsy bum) 30 CZBTS per, II m per MONTHLY. BATB 'Including .1) Suaday iaaues) 81 per line per month. ADVEBTISEMEaf TS mut be la Josrssl buslnres of He by 12 o'clock week dsyt nd by 10 o'clock Saturday evening da? the Snnday lean, to wear clasalScatloa. DISPLAY BATES glvea upoa applicative at tba of ooe. sJOlWAL trBRANCH OFFICES IVYtitU&iigrr WIIi bV ?T0',rd . regular ma la -o face rate. . Fallowing la a I let f authoHaed feuta whs will forward roar advertlee ment in tlma fur publlcatloa la the Beat RUBTH IlflE. ; . A. Praatoa. drsgglat, Twaty-U.lr4 snd Tbnrman trt. . Nob-IIIU Pharmacy, SSO Gltsaa street 1 corner Twnty-8rat. a. W. All, pharmacist, Blxtseeth aaJ Maraball atreeta. . . McOpmiaoB'a - Pbaraaaey. - NlaetaesU -aad Waahlngtoa trt. .' .''k boots idx. - n.?,'' '" A Co.. druggists. Front aad Glnhe atreeta. Cottel Drug company. First aad Oraat Streets. FabUa Ryarley. drngglt, 404 Jtffraoa treet. . roroar Tenth. Bettmaa's pharntacy, ore Sixth aad Harrison atreet. Plummer Drag com pa ay, 340 Third street, corner Madlaoa. . , . '. , ' . CAST BIDX. ' W. S. Love, drngglat. eoratr Grssd areas and Eaat Bornslde street. Nlrhol A Thompseti. 128 BuassII atreet, corner Alblna avanne. ark Drag company, corner Hawthorne and Oread svenuee. W. C. Cable, drnggtst. orar Holladar venn aad Larrabae street, sear ateel bridge. W. A. Wllaoe, 133 Grand iraBU. Bear Xa V-wron. . B. W. Ball. 23S Bast Seventh street Corner Btephen. Tattle's phermarv. S&2 Mlmlaalspl avtaa. corner Shaver atract. . HI0KXA3TS. P. 2. CTark, drngglat. 1002 North Cslos avenue. - UBTrYalDI. - '- ---r- 7. X. Warth, pharmaclsL 88 Bslowat atraat BROOXXYaT. , Brook Ira Pharmacy eempaay. Powell aad Mllwaukl atreeta. ARLETA. ORXOOlf. Arista Pharmacy, More aad Poster afreet. 1 ELI WOOD. ' Hemstoek'a PbsrrSacy. 64S UmatlUa an, aoraer Xaat Thirteenth (tract - ' BT. J0HX2. ' : XUIott'g pharmacy . . . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. To-Landlords-and: 'Taxpayers W make a Snerlaltv of RRVTAta etna 1 INl!BACE. Payment of TtYES aad gs arai lark mw I nitran I X. W have the. BEST OP FACILITIES- fVw CARRViNG OUT YOUR W1SHKS a aa . Ageqt, - Our RFrrilKVrM inf o the inrtur I " tllAKACTER and w aollrit our patronage' R. H. Blcssom, 316 Cbambcr of Commerce t SELLWOOD I1TS. 86 down and 88 a month; fr.HB 376 to 33UO. Sellwood Tuwnalta Co. Pbons Eaat 4704. - TWO acre at a bargain. 1f anld soon, on car line In St Johns; cleared andean bs platted In lot. Address box SO, st. Johns. MODERN 6-room rnttage for aala cheap If taken at once. Call at residence, 028 Eaat Twcnty-aceooA t., Bear Ctlntoa. Pbona Eaat 4ol. 11.900 GOOD 4-room bonae In Sunnyalde; lot kOwlOA. kalf M.h 1 1rt 1. nekl. Is Lents H mite north of Mt. Scott. Ta find as. take Mount Scott car at Pint and Alder ata. and . ride ta th 6c limit on th O. W. P. car line. Wiley, Allen A will then snow yea otn of tb finest bargain wlthnt lx mile of Port land. . ... . . Itar ar aom ef them: acre, H mil from lent, alt ander cultivation: erer loo fruit traea, begins Ing to br. Trie 1,860. - 2 block -of 10-room school building. " Prlc . 1,276. . 1 - - H acre, new 4 room boa, hall and pantrr, chlckea bona and fruit tra; 2 brock from Lents school. Prlc 3A73. ' 14 acre. 14 mite, all cultivated. - good room hooae, hrn and outbuilding, over eno fralt treee. all varieties, la full btarlng. . Trice 83,400. . . Also tract from 2 to 20 acre, and 200 lota at Lnta, Wood mere and Latirelwood. WILEY. ALLEN A CO. For dee Irs Me East Sid locations require et LAMBERT WH1TMKR A CO., 404 East Alder St. Business property oa Eaat Morrlaoa at., a est Grand see. . Ita district. Residence property In all eectlou af tha . elty. Flve-arra tracts near car line, 269 per acta and upward. A number of desirable house for rent. 1.200 BARGAIN Corner 87x100; atyllah cottsge; good atrset; apply n pramlsa. 6bB Failing at A SNAP. For Bale Modern T-rontn hooa. fnrnlshed. 8.600; 81.800 csab, balance tar ma; as an Investment pars 13 per cant , Phone East 1247. .' . MEW modera 8-room bones, fnrnlhed. Sonny, aide, cheap, terms. - Owner, pboa But 428. . HEW ' 6-room cottar, foil cement base ment. Cam pinmuine , pri. s fiimw, wmmj iwrme. . v. . Smith. 730 Chamber of Com marc. . FOR real good Investment ef 32.600. Portland . Halghta; nojnletahe. Boa 693, city. - . FOB SALB BY OWNER New modern 4-room bona, bet. Twenty-eccond nn Twnty-ronrtn. on Waeoo at.. Holladay Park addition: will build so either of 17 tor -from plan-xnd terms to salt narebssst. - R. B. Rice. Pbone - Eaet 1086, - r e - - SELLWOOD, 2 block from car, 4-room boas. lot 0011 (tu; 10 hearing rruu tree, nest varia nce ; say trm. Lemy A Orlasley. Mining" shares ehesp. 1627 Eaat Ninth at. BARGAIN Naw T-room modera hone. weat side,' 22, actor 'vernt.' '" F. rtvns, rimi st. "TURN THB EARTH UP-SIDE DOWN" On aa INCOME-REARING FARM: W have them from 30 to 3.000 cre. or buy a DAIRY OR STOCK FARM: .' ' W have one, of 229 acrea only 10 mil from Portland. 1- - - u Ws bars another nf 1,600 acres na tbr. , Lewi rlvr la Wbahlngton. We have acre back ef Portlaad Helgbla for lea than U mat to present owner. We hat HANDSOMH LOTS IX IRVING- T we havaHANDSOMB LOTS ON WILL AH . XTTB HEIGHTS. Wa have BEAUTIFUL HOMES FOB THB . H0MEHEEKER. . - - - All of above na easy terms. . . R. II. BLOSSOM. S14 CHAMBER COMMERCE THIS IS THB BKST EVKR . W have on ef 1b most sightly locations In the dty; It la In the 8 neat pert oflla thorn av. and th lot la KKnil2. with one 7 and on 4-room bmts on It; the prlc I right, and If yon are looking fnr on of th beat lot on Hawthorn, yoa had better cons aad ee as nt once. URKGU BROTHERS. ., rboM Mais SJ03. 817 IS Fefltoa bid. ' t . . . 4 JUIS t ' - v