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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1906)
u a u LTn o r.i Ail n eii TALK ID OKIE 'Active" Officer of CluS Meet, at Dinner Table and Review the Year Work.' EVERY DEPARTMENT IS i IN EXCELLENT CONDITION . v :u..iTim.i- MiVM nnnr1 Ail. - "- V bail, McAlpin on Grounds, McCord DirfadooT- AffraOthcr Reports. --jauaaIhaofnreni. dlrecjqra .andrcbalrman of eommltteea of tha MultnomalT AMa- teur Athletic club wet at tha Oregon Orlll laat evening and at a dinner re viewed tha work dona by tha different department of .the .club laat year and made a number of suggestions that If carried out will plaoa tha Institution In class by Itaelf among athletic clubs. Tha report of tba committeemen were moat encouraging. . Prealdent W. 11 Cbapln presided and after giving a brief review of tha work of tha club in troduced the different chairmen by ap- proprlate remarks. . ' . Bert Kerrigan told what tha outdoor committee waa doing and wat tha " plana are for tha future. A. B. Mo- Alpin told about the grounda and aaid that everything waa In apple-pie order. The marks left by tha flooding of the rounds by tha break In Tanner creek ewer were entirely obliterated. . James MoCord made-a-talk In behalf of the indoor delegation for more room. Robert Krohn spoke about tha claases in tha club and also said that mora ' room was needed. Frank E.,Watklna gave a brief re- v low of tba. football season, which, by tha way. waa the most auceeasful sea son financially that tha club baa aver had. Mr. Watkina urged tha club to make an appropriation In order to fit a aultable room to properly display tha mi. by the club. .-.t... wank-. told what the boxing and wrestling men were doing and Mid the future loomed bright. bmuai c Hotbrooki who la often " called "Sam" for brevity's 'MkarTnada a. very Witty report - of me nanaoau business. Sam as Id that , If tha other departmenta would refrain from "butting- In." tha handball aport would flour. ." Jsh and the club would 'soon gt a ' world-wide reputation on tha strength ' Of It- '' - ' ' " iH, B. Clemens Mid for tha bath eom- . rait tee that hla department needed no Uefens. as It was the clennest part of ' the entire club. ' : : . R.' A. loiter gave a review of tha ten- """Wrf situation and predicted great things ' for the coming season. ' ' i David Honey man of -tha baseball cora- - Wt tea -told about, his department- H said that while there waa a lull in ama- . teur baseball last year, yet tha Interest - 'displayed by the members In tha various club nlnea .helped out tha situation con- alderably. He forgot to mention tha. ; visit of the Jap team bera last year. , It M.' Montgomery gave a report on II; the billiard situation, which waa Inter esting. , -' J. Irving Rohr. for tha house committee, - -made- a plea' for iriore oclMr among the members and urged every member to take a personal Interest In newcomers ' In order that they might be made to feal .' at home. '. - - ' ... After the health to tha dub waa drunk ITieartf-yrtt wasgiv-n- for Multnomah, and the dinner cama to a close. Those present wre: W. H. Chaoln.' Robert Krohn. Edgar 7." Frank. Iavld T. Honeyman. P. J. - V Lewts,- H.- JLr Clemens,-W. J. . Lyons. J. g. McCord. W. A. Robb, H. M. Mont gomery, William B. Streeter. H. H. Herdman Jr.. H. W. Kerrigan. E. H. Hablghorst T..A. O'Oorman, W. C Dun Iway. E. R. Woodard, E. 3. Daly, A. B. McAtpln. R. A. Ielter. Arthur O. Jonea. ' Morris Dunne, Samuel C. 'Holbrook, H. 1 W. Barrett, Irving Rohr. Frank. E. Wat . kins, W. O. McRse. J. Holmes, A. Roth- well and J. A. Horan. ,. " '' ... , m '- i WINNING HORSES IN ' ' ' - ; YESTERDAY'S RACES j-;' .. . . (Jflarsal Special Bt ike. I , Loa Ansoles, Jfeb,JjM-Aacot.race re. suits: - i '' '.-. '' - t . " ( Handicap, steeplechase, ehort course - Declmo won, Caaador second, Kllldoe - third: time. 1:01. ; .Four furlongs Horace E. won. King of Spades second, Edwin. T. Fryer third; time.' 9:4. . Six furlongs Crow Shade .won. Mill Song second, Gladstone ,,. third; time, " 1:14." - Mile and 50 yards. 11,000 added A. - Muakoday ' won. Prince Silver Wings second. The Gadfly third fTlme, 1:48 H. Mile and an eighth Blissful won, Tha Huguenot second. Gentle Harry third; .' time. 1:64. : ' Sl furlongs Elfin King won, Hua- ehua second, interlude third; 'time, " 1:14.: - i, : - : Oaklaad. v (Jnarnal Special Serrlee.l Francisco, Feb. '1. Results Ban of races: . t Three and a half furlongs, Z-year-olds Kappa won. Peerless Lass second, Sam McOlbhen third; time, 0:41. -' , Mile, selling., 4-year-olds and upward Royalty won. Birdie P. secondJMoco- rlterthlrdrtlmI:41f. Mile, selling, 1-year-olds -Governor ANNOUNCEMENT Men's - SPRING 1906 V CLUETT AND STAR BRANDS most com. prehensive assortment for your selection represent- V ' 1 tne newest patterns and weaves. POPULAR PRICES T-' : ,' i ':: ' , .':- --.-.-'. ; , I"', .'--. ' 't . '!, .'';'''". " ' ' ROBINSON CO. PERKINS HOTEL BLDG. PARENTS CRIMINALLY "RESPONSIBLtFOSrfflB-f1 DEATH OF CHILDREN RY CROUP Son and Daughter Suddenly Attacked. "X suppose you will bo astonished when 1 tell you that aiz years ago I was In a moat dangerous condition with Bronchitis and Lung Trouble, because vaii n n mm how wall ,nd at ran, 1 am now. The attack at that time caused. terrible pain In my chest and lunga, i could hardlv move, and to atoOD caused Intense suffering. Soma one advised Or. Acker'a English Remedy, and I thought 1 1' w6graifv n. nnuni v down . in ray heertl had little 'faith ini it. Tho nrat bottle gave great reuei. and the"" second bottle maaemo" the healthy woman I am today. My hus- Km -,1 ' a liirtaa ware vMk also, and ha injitttbm iamH ah i . nbaui. vu r uvj mhu both been aaved by It from aeatn ox Croup. I know this la in, tor when they wara-altacked 1st the- night I had a bwtrJack UBi - . . mtt,adVa, .a,,Iy overcome. Wa alwava alva it to tha children when they bare a - cough or culd. and. we would not be without It for anything. I tell all our neighbors about Dr. Acker's English Remedy whenever I get a chance, and there are plenty of people around Mechanlcsvllle, N. T., where I live, who would no mora think of going to bed at night without a bottla of It In the house than they would of leaving tha doors -wlde open. As I look at It parents are criminally responsible when they allow their children to die under their very eyea with Croup, because here Is certain remedy thai win con quer the terrible monster every time, Hn.n Ur.. Flovd Fowler." - Prettv- atronsT word a to coma front a mother, don't you think? It Is true trial tKAiiMMnna Ar nvinv nuranu are iuubj mourning the loss of their darlings who were suuaeniy iaan away -' " In many, many cases. If not all, theae children would be the Joy of the home had their parents taken the necessary nraoautinna tn he nreDared when the- at- tack cama-fThe development of Croup la ao rapid and ao orten ratal, mat ii-ia Impossible for parents to be too careful in nr.v..tin. hair children from ta Ic ing cold or too prompt In curing the cough or cold when It eppeare. Dr. aokav-a Vnallah Hamad V will Stop a cough at once and cure a cold In twelve boura. It acts directly on the lungs, positively curing the most stubborn ... . nraiiKhlila Pneumonia and fr.wVumntlnn. - You will notice MrsJ irni waa cured of Bronchitis and Mr. Vnwiar'a l.unn ware made strong- cured. Any medicine that will accom plish such results la certainly entitled la the nam given It by .Mra Fowler of "Grand Old Remedy," which- XJr, - -n--n.h Ramedv certainly la. Wa not only furnlah all this proof.-but wa have a positive guarantee with all druggists to refund your money at once If Dr. Acker s English Remedy falla to make good, ' Be sore to Mk for m. A0U11 BaTOIOXX BIH1ST -- Tor the Xiaairs. -! ah Prarrtsta aso, soa, si.oa , Davis won, Tom Roberts second, Tsv?ra third; time. 1:41. - The Plaudit handicap, mils and a six teenth. S-year-olds and upward Gate way won, Hammeraway second. Bannock Bella thlro; time, 1:4., One snd three sixteenths miles, sell ing Nina Spot won. Dusty Miller sao ond. W. B. Gates third; time, 1:01. Bonar flnlahed second, but was dla quallfled for fouling. -----; BWwks furlongs, -year-olda and op ward Sir Edward won, Deutschland sacoad Rontalao third), tiava, XH ta- , At Vew Orleans ralz Orouads. , (Jnoraal Special serrlce.) ' Nrw Orleans, Feb. 1. Fair Orouads race results: . six fuilonss Whorter won. mm seo- ond. Red Raven third; time, 1:14 1-1. Three and a half furlongs ury vol lar won. Zick.Abrams second. Big Stpre third; time. 0:41 4-1. Mile-and 70 yards Canyon . won. Whlppoorwlll second, Latheron third; time. 1:47. Flva furlongs, - handicap Southern Cross won, Columbia Girl second. In vincible third; time, 1:00 l-i. Six furlongs First --Premium won. Third Alarm second, Halloway third; time, 1:14 -. - . At sTew Orleans City rarfc. (ioarsal Bprclal Barvtce.1 New Orloana, Feb. L City Park race results: '-,-. Seven furlongs Lythellst won. The Only Way second. Bill Carter third; time, 1:11 1-t. Steeplechase, ahort course Pick Tlmi won, Oliver Mac second, Creolln third; time. 1:06 1-S. Mile and a alxtenth77iandlcap--Alma Dufour won. Auditor second. , Harry Stephens third; time, 1:47. - - Six snd s half furlongs, selling Mer lingo won, Hadur second. Skyward third; time. 1:111-6. - Mils and an eighth, selling Keynote won. Big Bow second, Leader third; tlmes-ltfl 1-t. ST. PAUL TO PARALLEL THE NORTHERN PACIFIC '" "YJoarsal llpeetal Srrrlca.l New York, Feb. 1. It la atated here that tha St. Paul road on ita way to tha Pacific coast will follow a route having easy grades from Pierre, South Dakota, to Miles City, Montana, snd thst for nearly tOO miles It will parallel the Northern Pacific with Its line from Miles City up the Tellowstone to Butte. On tha western end It Is proposed to cross tbe Cascades between the North ern - Paclf lc .and . Grea t . .Northern. The entire line as now projected will Invade much of the Hill territory. Shirts HBRHOESUL1ES HIS OLD fJAf.lE ptzsimmons', Conqueror Decides to Go by Name of Hagan for FamHy't Sake. PHILADELPHIAN TELLS ABOUT RING CAREER avt That He Doesn't Expert Trouble n to it; Seattle, is to n, and Portland. ,al : , , . z-.-Arttr9 tnchjstver APPllcationa will be z, u.U liL. t Tackle y -- .." " - Ryan and RemarftTfow" aay t lclutLbava,.not..been -Idle f Ie how-"". 1r rn"Tnl7ilghrthat I T have had off I i. Ual name, ao hi. raa.1 name, so that hla family may share In tha glory or me ring inumpn.. From Cincinnati, where Jack ehowed last week, .he Issues theappended "procla mation" to the public: "By requeat of my parents, I hsve decided to take my right name In pur glllara. -Hereafter I Will be 'known ss Joseph Hagan. On April 11 next I will have been In the lighting game 10 yeara. In that time I flatter myself that I have learned something. 1 1 have fought 111 battlea, and no two of them have been alike. Therefore. I will aay that I have never had a aet way of fighting In my life. I have, learned to adapt myself to flght'any way. I can land a blow from any attitude I assume In tha ring, and I attribute much of my suc cess to this fact. Other lighters may have a special way of fighting, but no man ever went up against me twice and found me fighting tha same. Just take my recent bout -With Fits. 'When-1 knocked the old man down In the third round he had no Idea that I waa going to get near him. I was In the air on one foot and on the dodge. That's a dem onstration; "I do not anticipate any trouble beat mg Marvin Hart He Is a good, hard customer, but I do not think ha la In tha champion 'class. However, I hope to demonstrate that some day. I should tike to meet Rvan first, anyway. I . . .,-Te-.i--Kiif rzTJzrxrsxziZZ to .co at the Idea, of ray claiming the cham- plonahln on account of my weight. I flsht at 1B in the heavyweight class. and Corbett-won the championship when he weighed aeveral pounda lighter than that, and he waa fighting agalnat' Sulli van. ' "While Fltxslmmons hit me as hard as any fighter I have ever known, yet I .don't think he possessed the punch that made him famous. If he did I think that bunt on the point of the chin here would have settled me. No, the old man was good, but he waa old.r, I knew 1 had him all through the fight, and I told htm eo. I kidded him to the tenth round. I remember I kept ask ing him If his mother and father were living, and he would say . yes." .Then I would aay, 'Are they atlll In New Zea land T and he would say yes. I would then say, "Well, Robert, let a back to New Zealand for you after tonight.' I had heard that. ha was fond Of kidding In. the ring, and ha did do a little bit of but ithlnk that he got. wise thstl - .ln., a attee -rtrnnnaltlntl 1 it. but 1 he was up against a stltf -proposition In the early stages, and he let up. Tbe old boy put up a great fight, and no matter what he will ever have to-aay about me, you can alwsya figure thst I will respect Fltxslmmons all my life, and will always have a good word for him." i P01NTSAND SPARES" ON LOCAL ALLEYS The Gold Bonds dropped all three games to ths Montavlllaa laat evening. Morey had the high average, 187 1-1; he also had the highest single game, 104. The scores were:' Gold Bonds (1) Harrington . .164 Tonslng . . .....170 Swarta . ! (1) 16 101 141 104 1(4 ) 141 114 10 1( 204 Neuberger 161 Morey , xe Totals . . 141 7(1 781 Montavlllaa (1) (2) (1) Auspach . 168 ISO" 155 McMillan . . 168 176 188 McCaslln . . 128 163 132 Sloan 180 18 . 14 Doe , . .tuj.ui.uuuujljjj;' I'j Handicap 76 75 7S Tptala JJLl..JUJJ..48 106 -120 The Brunswlcks took all three games from the Honeymans last evening. Hill had the high average, 1(0 1-1; Day had the highest single game, 119. The scores were: Brunswlcks (1) (2) (1) Danford . .....187 124 124 Vanvhn 1147 131 100 Norton i . ...,........ 168 - 160 -146 Hill . . 178 142 1(3 Williamson . . 144 12 124 Totals , .780 887 (68 Honeymans ! Popple t-r-ri-rTT-rrTTITli Day . Jones . . . Parrott . Woelm . Totals a .7(1 686 (47 CO-EDS PLAY LIVELY GAME OF BASKETBALL Spertr Pluialrti ta he Joum-t.l Forest Orove, Or Feb. 1. -As ducks to. water, so did the Pad no university co-eds take to basketball this afternoon. In a fierce and hotly contested game the Kappa Delta five defeated the Phllo tnathean team by the, score of 1 to 6. At the end of the first half the score stood ( to t in favor of the Kappa Deltas.. .An Innovation was Introduced In giving the men sn opportunity to witness the game. Heretofore the dean of women haa opposed the Idea of glrla playing before the male sex. This year. however, each player was pei niltted to. Invite three members of the male sex to attend the conteat The co-eds slso escaped the rv""g " ot -blow -horns by discoursing discordant notes from French harps. No yells ware given dur ing the contest. The teams were composed ss follows: Phllomstheans. Kappa Deltas. Templeton, . Hoffman. Bollinger.... Forwards..... Hawley Heldel ....Canter Chandlol Ferrltl. . . ' Brobat, Holmes Guards Brock SALEM HIGH SCHOOL DEFEATS WILLAMETTE (Rpectel Dt'palek'te The Jn rail.) Salem. Or Feb. 1. Before a larva crowd last evening the Salem -iflgh I school girls defeated the ..Willamette ! girls by a score, of 11 to 1. In the I first half Willamette's second team , played, and the High school team ran I up a score 'of 8 to 3. In the second 1 half .Willamette , first team went la te (1) (2) (I) n-sKt 1M-120 ...18 123 , 104 ...128 - 153 148 ...133 146 142 ...148 118 135 save the game, ' but too lata, though making t points to tha High school's (, but not enough to overcome the lead. The WlUamette glrla were superior TTuIm wortrbuHhe Individual Work of Rudolph and Sohlndier ror ine iibu school was very commendable, Ibe former making tha t points for her team In the. first half. Though ehs played against a second team, player, atlll she played a atar gam 1 second half Mlse Schlndler made tha I points for the High school. For WUlamotte, Coryell end C, Bell knap played a star game, tha formef making of the I polnta. ' r SPORTING GOSSIP. The Kennel club st Its meeting on Tuesday evening decided to apply for April It to 11 Inclusive as daya on which to bold the annual bench show In thla city. The regular circuit will pTobabiy hjr Vancouver. Anrll 4-to ,1 Victoria, made to .the pacrrio advisory Doara o ttneTtTnwican KennBl club at San Tisu' Dear Editor I want to assure you that sines I have taken full control of the -The-onty la-ht that I have had off in a . long inmriii swnen-'i attend' lege Widow." I loved that show. I wanted to take Uncle Judge and Cousin JIntle, but they refused on the ground that they never had nothing to do with no widows. I am writing lettera by the bushel. It sort of keeps my hand steady. I wish to announce that this yer there will be no boose srtlsts In the club, I shall look after-this myself 'and will not countenance any Inter ference. I shall "can" the -f lrat fellow who gets full. I have not aa yet se lected the teamster for the water wagon, but whoever gets the Job will be com pelled to' furnish . testimonials. . Mo Donald wanted the Job, but Jontie wouldn't stand for It.. I am goln to pay strict attention to bunting this year. Each player will wear a strip of red, white and blue bunting on hla right arm during a game.. On ladlea" day thej will not be expected to wear anything. I shall also look out that there will be no foolishness on the team. I expect te compel attention and respect by deserv ing It, and If I can't secure It that way I shall fine every dlarespectful man.' The diamond will be In fine shape when the -season opens, rm "glad "Slats Davis was fired, ss I never did like him. Don't give Jontle's lettera so jnuch space. Tours gracefully, WALTER. , e . e - -, The following waa relayed a few daya rarCT from Fii h tio . pu,ni.tie . wlll be focused. Intently now upon the new board of supervisor" For - tha benefit of any one -who le not hep to the hlgh-floWn language of the flatlo scribes we will say tha foregoing merely njeans-thatr the" promoters have their lamps glued to ths main chance. - e--e'- Tim Hurst aays he'a going to retire. Thla la one Of the best jokes Tim has sprung yet Fltxslmmons ought to open a school for press sgents, with himself and Julia as the f acul ty. ' e a. '.- ' Four Poles were srrested for robbing a canning factoryThey were probably bean' polea " . , .-. - It has been ascertained that William Astoi, an English turfman, la none other than the son of William Waldorf Astor. The dissimilarity of names makes the discovery a double .Jrlumph ul ,u ' .as .4 ... v Considering that Philadelphia Jack O'Brien had a valet named Mortimer, w can '" cancel ve why the New York Imitators of English snobocracy refused to take him In. They might reasonably object to a prtseflghter, but iow about offending Mortimer? e e Tennis Is to be reformed st Harvard to meet the demands of the overseers. The game has retained aoma of the rough features that were common to alt sports In the ; days -of cruel -football. Smashing will be prohibited altogether, and It will be unlawful for a player to drive a ball faater than 10 miles an hour. The-hard, unsightly dirt courts Will, moreover, give way to the reatful greenness of turf. As for the stadium. It Is to be plowed snd sowed to clover. It Is the sentiment of the .overseers that the sweet scent of the flowers will be a more elevating product than the Imprecatloua, fierce yells and brutal glee wafted thence In the old daya. e . In spite of tha fact tftailsroux Falls la built on solid rock, the reporters made Fltzelmmons shake the dust of the tojvn off his feet when he departed. v A bill legalizing' 16 -round boxing bouts to a -decision in tha state of Ohio hna Jurt been prepared by Represents tlve Randall Anderson, who will Intro duce it at ones in the legislature. The measure meets with general approval among the Ohio sports.. '' e Walt MeCredle says he Is the cham pion roller-skater of the city. Ha ought to be. He's had enough experience with skates. e The stories sbout Battling Nelson getting married seem to lack the en gagement ring. , L: Baldwin's Health Tablets. Take them ffcnlght be well tomorrow. Cures constipation, 26c Drugglata. - Fref erred Stock Canned (roods. Allen A Lewis' Beat Brand. SUPERIORITY Of flavor combined with economical prices. Thst Is a good description of our stock of Wines Liquors All standard brand pure Rye snd Bourbon 13.60 s gallon. ' "For" a tonic Tryoini"-yearTold Pu re port at, gallon 91. OO 10-year-old Pure -,crt;.s"R",!l:Vl.50 1-Vear-bld PurePort,"gailon . 93. OO JUST RECEIVED "aflne Imported Oporto Port at IS. 00 a gallon. It Is very delicious. Try It, ' THS QVAUTY STOBS, Ul end Stark. Fhoaa, Mala 48a. ' Phone us '. your order. , Delivered Free. . -: , '--- ; . . .CEI-I m ZD'" Sl.llIF(2 ' SSSSaS-BJSBBSSBBSJsaB - ew Seleaetae AppUasuM, Always a 1 feet Tie AdjastabU te Aay sue Fes soaBaay, Oeaaf ortable, Veres nips, ire Obaoxloas Spring, or '-JOqU, JLees ' Than acaar Oom . . HaAe for ' oe Child- Sead It Oa Approra. Torn Waas It If To Are Mo Satlsaed, s -Mxama . Ton Koaey Without QaeeKoa I ka?e laventad a rupture sppllaaee that I eaa safely aar. by HO years' zperleaoe la the rap ture kiul-aas. Is the only one that will so- a S. Brooks, the Zaventor. solotely bold the raptara sad aever slip sad yat la 11 ht, cool, eomforUble, eontonna te trery SMTrmaat of tb body without cbaflog or hurting snd coat. 1ms thaa aiany ordlnarr truawe. There era no aprlnsa or hard lump? Sida and Jtt It bold tho ruptnra ttmlf and rmljr -withrmt pain or hiena-osl e I aae put tha price so hiw th.r anr pafaoa. rick or poor, can bar, and I anaolutel? guarantae It. I make it to your orderMad It te yea yea tai it, aad If It Soaaa't aatlafy vea aaad It baok te ate aad I will rafaad year sioeoy wttfeovt t-t. , . - That la Iko fairest pmpoaltloB aver made by a rapture specialist. . The banks or tho . post i.tar hero In Trrt.ll will toll roe that la tbe way I do busln.i always sbeoluuly ea uo square. le .. h.ra Hd aiaat smrrthlBS elae. te sis. Where etbara fall la waare I save mr greateat luceeoa, ..... i . Write ma today and I will sand yon sy book onHuptur. and Ita Cora, ahowlns siy apnllaneo and f Irhif yoa prlees and -anas or paoplo who haT triad It and dms cared. It is Ual.Dt relief whos sil ethers fall. B. member I m ao aalrea, ao karaeaa. n Ilea, net a atralsbt bullae -i deal at a raaaonable prise. 0. B. Brook.. 1161 Srooka Mt., atarah-ll. t ARE VOTING OH FREE BEER . OR NO FREE BEER Brewery Workers Ballot on Ques tfon of Shorter Hours With L Refreshments. . (Joarnal Special Service.) Cincinnati, O.. Feb. 1. This Is one of the most Important daye tn the life of the l.tOOror more employee of" the 14 brewerlee In Cincinnati, Covington and Newport, for today the queatlon of free beer or no free beer will be definitely decided by their own vote. The men be long to the Beer Brewers' onion. No. 11, the Bottlers snd Beer Drivers' union. No.. 119, snd the Beer Drivers' snd Sta-' blemen's union. No. 175,' and were under an agreement with the ownere of. the breweries. - regulating- the.- working hours, wages, etc., for the .jeer, ending with January 11. A few weeks sgo the brewers, acting in harmony with each other, submitted to their employes two propositions, leaving it to them to accept or reject elthor"onerthepropdsltlon accepted by a majority of the men to be binding under an agreement for the coming year. One of the propositions was that the wages should be increased fl a week all round, but all other conditions, both aa to hours and otherwise, shall Te main as heretofore. The second propo sition was that the wagee shall be In creased 11 a week all around and the hours of labor reduced from nine hours to eight hours, with, ths proviso, bow ever, that no lunch time and no free beer shall be granted and that any em ploye who shall be found taking of drinking beer during working ' hours shall be subject, upon demand Of tho employing brewer, -to expulsion from the union. , The men at the different brewerlee did not hesitate long In making their decision, which waa almoat unanimously In favor of working longer hours com bined with" f res beer. Today the two propositions will be formally voted on and- there is not tho leaat doubt that the decision will be in favor of free bear. SECRETARY SHAW TO REMAIN IN CABINET L (.oarnal Special Serrlce.) Washington, D. C Feb. 1. -This is the day which Secretary Leslie M. Shaw had originally aet for - his retirement from the secretaryship of the treasury and there Is great satisfaction In gov ernment circles, SS well sa In financial circles, throughout the country that Mr. Shaw has yielded to the request of President Roosevelt and decided not to resign for the present, at least not until sfter the Adjournment of congress. Mr. Shaw was sppolnted secretary of ths treasury . In February,- 1103, and suc ceeded Lyman J. Gage. ' . It waa his Intention of retiring from the secretaryship on the first of this month, having completed four years as the head of the treasury department. He-ba -already-planned a "trip "to Eu rone, where ho expected to meet his wife snd daughters, to go on an ex tended tour through the continent. It was at .the apeclat request of President Roosevelt that Secretary Hhaw gave up hla plans snd consented to continue as the head of the treasury department until the end of the ' present session of congress,- snd possibly even longer. . INCREASE ALLOWANCES. lfor0fficers-OFarmy: (Joarnal Special SarrlM.t " . ton. FsPbM.l.t. Uaneral-J m.1 Dodge, paymaster-general of the army, is anxious to have the approval of con gress for his application for Increasing the commutation of quarters. He pro poses tn glvs a ' second lieutenant one room, with sn sddltlnnsl room for each succeaslvs grade. This will have the effect of allowing the lieutenant-general tl-0t month. .This si Iowa nee ap plies to officers mostly - on duty In large cities where It Is found impos sible to obtain quarters wlthlh the al lowance authorised. - In the case of Oenernf Chaffee, for Instance , he has Irving', Enchu Wafer Car all Kidney Troubles, atop pala la the hark, make k-a of albumen la the wrlne Impossible nd actually rebuild the shrunken wall of tho Kidney.. The- contain Jn.t what la wanted to remove the dMeana. heal the acre apot and trens'hen thej whole organ. The- aever fail tn hrlnf relief within a few bonra aad rare to atay mired. Sold at She a bra h? B. O. Skldm ore S) Oo, Druggists, 161 Third su atflssMKit lei ros S. Cm, - 4 '' ' 1 ' f V . .. I - y "- -yth a Tear's Smbsetrrptloa le "T m v rrTiEroeiM -?DB470l!1D'i-G2iAi?GST-Ar:D r.:csT vEnsAmE EariTrn ta ths Cdna pi.- piVEN FREE M ' ; This Is ths regular 17.S0 machine, which faithfully reproduces any f the thousanda of Columbia records which range through every feature of the Entertainer's Art and Muslo In svery form. ,,n . I THE JOURNAL, in offering thle premium to Its subscribers, feele that they are putting Into every home wbloh avails Itself of this offer a oon " stent resource for entertainment In every dull or blue moment This Opporhmily Is Open ROW Fill In and mall to this office the coupon printed- below and ire will bav s solicitor call. and explain the OFFER to you fully,) thus putting you to no trouble. t "',:. , ' 'J , n is ia today, COUPON OF KQWRY . , " Date ....... aaa. . a,. To THE JOURNAL; Vt'v'.: V .:."-,;:'V' Fifth and Yamhill Streets x . ' ' Please send soUdtor to my address to explain FRKB GRAPHOPHQNB OFFER. , V '"'. ";.r . ;', ",: ' ''--I '.' ' " ' ' ; ' ' '' ' ' ' ' " ''' " " ' ' ifsitie. .... ... - .a. .. eafWa a e aae ' -Address................ ..-. eeee4jeee)eeeeeeee)eee IN - A -W EEK . We treat successfully all private ney roue and chronlo dleeaees of man; also blood, atomach, heart, llvar. kidney and throat troubles. We euro STPHILIS (without mercury) . to stay cured ever. We remove STRICTORIO, with out operation or pain. In 11 daya. . We stop drains, night losses and spermatorrhea by a new method in a ahort time. We can restore -the sexual vigor of any man under to by means of local treatment peculiar, te ourselves, i We Cure Gonorrhoea Ui a Week" - The doctors Bf this institute are all years' experience, have been known la Portland for It years, hsve a reputation to maintain, and will nnaertase no unless certain euro can be effected. We s-arastee a euro in every caw ase wel iaulta.a undertake or chars no fee. ConaultaJ tlon free. Lettera confidential Instruc tive BOOK FOR MEN mailed tree la plain wrapper. ' We euro the worst easea of plies la two or three treatments, without opera- -lion. rw f uarmniwa eeeefo eanaot call at office, write for Offlos hours. te I aad Ttet Sand ays aad Holidays, IS te 11. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offloea In Van Noy Hotel. WSk Third Ejtiblishcd 1878 This offer is extended to all who are suffering from the above ailments for' one month ONLY, from January 17 to February 17, 1906. ; .." . SL Lonis Medical & Surgical Dispensary , 230J Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon. ; Please Do Not Confuse or Confound MY NAME With Those of Other Chinese Doctors ! ' Mr patlrnta will tell yne that t aa earafal and cnnaclcntlona and aheolntclr rellabl. I U HOT "THS OTHZa CHIVXII DOO TOk." BUT DS. WIXO LEE, with 47 ytra : f MMTlnm brhlnd ma. and I compound mr own rmdlwi from vcg.tabli- grows la " satire country. Thae mwllrlnc, do not one ' olacaaa aao craie asoinar. id. mrm ant Roatrama. bnt the rem.dlca of Katare, . iVd with then 1 cvnt imx maxvt oi , OISXAtX, and that permanently aud pcrfact. : I Ask Ne Questions of Any Patient . Bnt wlthoht healtanct tell the afSlctrd eae ' just what alls him or bar, and thea. prerlae ' tba Beaded' cure. ,. ..j , , I TREAT WHITE PATIENTS ONLY "Hull M tp m mf nwllt himiliwl. uf eurss of pnMnlnrat sta and wom.a throughout the Coast. .; - i' DRrWTNQCEE Sanitariufa, 27 North Fifth been Bavins ITI a month In addition to hla sutborlsed commutation.. This allowance was-established many years aso before the city rentals had reached their present proportions and General Dodse has been asltatlng the question of Increase for several yeara. ' He flrat introduced the eubject In 101, when he waa ehlsf paymaater at Oovernor'a la land. At a recent heerlns before the house military committee he urired on members ths Justice of thle Increase. Bishop Cmeiily Xe tarns, ' (Special Dispatch tn Tk JearaaL) Baker City, Or., Feb.. 1. The Rlcht Key, J. p. p'ReUUb bUhojft of the east net eomorrow. - A - t 1 question blank. Homo treatment sxa Street Comer Pine. Portland. Or. rij , U IS ... We will treat and cure all cases of Gonor rhoea, Seminal Weakness, Lost- Manhood,' Spermatorrhoea and Vital Weakness. .' mf rare . Street, PORTLAND, OREGON ern Oregon diocese, ha returned to bis home In Baker City after an absence" Of five months. The bishop wss for a few months very serlotisty 111 In Port Is nd, snd fiom there went to California under the direction of hla physicians. rats aa Bad to ina ' A srtevnus wall ofttlmes comes aa result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs: pisslneas, ' Backaehe. Liver Complaint Snd Constipation, But thanks to Dr. .King's New Ufa pills they put so end to It all. They sre genuine hut thorough. Try them. Only 16c. i Guaranteed by B. O. 8k Id more A Co 4ruUstv UlIUil streeLrT .