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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1906)
tiis 'cr r tl? jout.::ai; romxAi. tut:pay evening,' January 3. is;3. SufceA. TODAY'S MARKE'.'S DIG CORPORATION STARTS HERE National Biscuit Company Open anchTHousa ln PortfandLiJ This Morning. -FACTORYHCOMINO i- j jf-lH THE NEAR FUTURE gutera v People i Not ' LooklngN for I Trouble Former Afreernentaa to ; division of Territory la Veto Be cauae of the Opening Here- ' Freol Street, Jaa. 80 .-The V.' , ejf the Portlaad wnoleeale maxkete today am ! Heavy ma af smelt,' - I Natloaal Btecull company acre. V Irollneee la tha bop OMrkat. .' poultry aiarkat somewhat tower. " Freak bwU coming la bettor. - ;. . Potatoes are duller tbaa erer. , r-, .' Ma etrength la onion enaction. Cat oranges aad ear baneass, : ' Batieaal Biaaalt tfeatpaay A eTare. ' na big combination of aaatara cracker earn ''.aalee, tka National Bleeolt company, opened a btencb la Ula city today. Aa a taraporary meeoure tba company aaeurad a toeee spaae . storeroom at lue Front atreet, bet are bow oa tor land lying aa tha Ur 22 h.iMh. win ha erected la upon warn - , tba near future. Aa yat. tba compear heanot elgnlftad Ita Intention of atarima m la thla city, bat tbcaa en tha hwlda tnie win reaiw . w...... Nlng aa tha railroad track to bonae tha Ukhiji department, lleretoiore lucre . - : of working agreement between tha Bleeolt coaipaay. tba aaatara concern, aad tne - Pacific Ooaet Bleealt ewnpeey, tetanat. To data tbata baa boaa a dlrUioa ol territory to tba aortbwaat aatwaaa tha raoo atar eofapaalaa, aot aow that tha NJ' raally opard a araaek PartUad tola afroa. - mant la probably wML " UJ iwar raealnd In tba city "n; wul at oara aanraa tba flald tern trada. I tbla nonaction tbay wlU aoa ndlfet eoo paUtloa with tha Pacirlo Ooaat "' S any wall." that'a apaaklna of tba Jotara. . L'Bommadlaa hara la tba ntaraata tea Ma aaaura ' O. H. H1U Jaaboan ap- Bolatod waaanar ot tba Portland aapartawnt. Haay an af Sntali. - . -m mmit tm ahawm hi tha Cowltta rirar and today'a arriata ftaoj. tbara wara ary baaay ana eaaaoa " Fi. 3a to 4c a poand. Balnwa ara J' waU. bat auppllaa ara not roat anoofh for 7J- - . .r. aullr BaiDtalaad. ami OB iaa mvm I prlca la atUl aootod Hrw a aa. '. CoaaMaraM dallaaaa la abown' la -tba 'hop wrkat today. Aa yat tba looolrt itoia acroaa tba Atlantic kaaa aot boaa prM"ra . -a. 1 a - AaaJI- tJlaVWal OI ably jaUad. prleaa rola oa aboat tha aaaaa. . Uf Ara itUl Diopplai-.- Tha act markat aeatlnaaa to aack a lower laaal and aalee were edtoaay ae awii w with eoma aalaa a till raaorded le higher tbaa that araonat. tUcelple are enonaoaa aad the iiTnaral drop natU tba aurkat rtaehee the aatabboiboad at nwrv-r-.---- t- a .r- ..Taaltr Harkat loaMwhat www. character with recetpte aary baa.arri- 1 1.. rriw ami Mwamalatftaaa ara ' kraer. oma Oca tore triad a bold tba prime ap a trifle, bat they eooa paiiaa u a Ann ara la. Tha chaanela af trade ara gtattad aad tower prleaa are eaaarally "Una. There atlU reaiataa a aood recital la retard to broU. era and fryera. and lor thaea firm aroaad Ida a pound. Draaaed tarkey .. . . . . a 1 111 mi n wm hlrna ara dalL wltb (aw arrlrala. Demand for dock nd aaaaa aot ao tad. ,. Arrlaala-not eooa, lt,r " n.iw Ttu Scar. - A dnllcr faallor h) rallnf la tea potato mar. hat. Buppllee la" the ?"! each tbat the aiarkat la beamy arerbardened. 1 . . & . i MM with arrtTBla aad la rooeeqoeore aararal amall eUabae bare beca made la toe 'rrioro iwn-w. m . : ,7' .n.. K num. Na. fa wanmi inn Bjiaitiaeaa m w ww w aa are atlU eotnlnf Inta the- aontbera arketa and tbay are natarauy aarona tha beat aaoda, . . w k aM fWln Sattar. " yront atrret today, hot the price la krld rlal.t no to toe wp ann w - not coailnt aa faat aa tba demand warrante end Tba trade paya the Mkrwlnc prteaa to Front etreac ocaJara m cbuivw i"" . -u rlroa paid predacera are- aa apeclfledt mln. FIobt and Feed." WHEAT Krw clob. Tie: rod Raaalaa, T9ej bWaatam. tw: T..-J. - BAKIjRI aerii a.w oww KM Whole, aai.wi no-,- aao. per - lea. O ATftrBcar prlea-Ha. 1 white, tn.00) "fXOU Haw aaatara Otiaea petarita, di.M: "ptratehta. S.T0O.l erport. .0J.aBi aaK lay,; aTabaa, a. .I0; rya, Ma, lULLrmTFKB Bran,. 1T.B0 per tna (. . dllnaa, t3B.0; eborta, ooaatry, fla.aoi eJty, " RAT Prod orrra' price TlnMtby, WUlainattf " vallay, tuacy, lit. 00 1 1 00 J 1 n"7. t.Ooaj a 00: aaatara Oraami. 14.00ajl8.00 nilxrd, a 500a mi cVw. t.006.00i ara la, kau P.OOi cbeat. ta.00. ' ' ' ' ' v Batter, 'Zaga and raattry. '- BUTTER FAT F. a. b. FortUad eaeal kraaavilet eiiaf, . . BUXTKIt i:iiy vrwmmmj, nicj OTjraiaa fiBcy, S7t0o0ei ordinary, tTei a tore, n(H?n no, a irwa invini. f-naqivo aonjaoe Bold atoraae and eaatern,. 20ft2Jo.. CHBMR Naw Fall cream, lata, ; 10c Uonna America. lRfllJHet abaddaruo. i f, : ' . r " ' J"JW per Ibl aqoaba, $2.7008.00 pet doe. , . ; ... Waaa. Waal and Mldaa. ' HOra- law r, wif'n. juid VC . prlaw, o oo rae, 7 0a - W aaklaa- to. IOCS Vn empa, S -tor choice. - - . WOOl, 1906 dip. ll. aoaree b .Bradlaak,' MftWt ana, teOFTet aaatara. Orasoa, . IIB2M MOHA ri . 'Li ,i I nw mm - ' Mk . flt-lri .- 1 a aa,- TUESDAY PRICES IN ; JHE WHEAT MARKET Chlcaro ......t .(lid I .Ilia ' Kanaaa City.., , .71 '. ...... . Mllwaukea .... - .11 fmliith Mik . ....... Liverpool la IHd" lid Mlnneapolla ... .11 HA ' New York...., .10 HB ...... St. Lioula. ....a .IIH -.... Bart rranolaeo. l.HVk ' ;a ' t'.mr". December. - d HSBi'BRinn naaanaa. warn- wm wnol, mnaoe earn; amnom wwn woajToa cecal tana wool. TBcCtl oa eacu. . - ' TAtxow-prlaM. ear ia. awwaci aa. a and eene) ItHa ar lb dry hrn. lo. t, la n tee, yc; Ory eaU "a! 1. anoer tea. Iket called hldaa, ptaara. Bond. 00 Iba and aw. locjlia: cewe, HOHJ atara and bana. aoand. eeJTci kip, II te W Iba. Pet calf, eoaad. anda la tee, I lei areea. anaaltcd. le leeet ealla. e par lb Waal hcrahlde, aalted. each. dry, eaaa. JOURNAL'S DAILY v -j TIPS ON MARKETS ware) dv Ullard O. -LownsdaJe 1 of T-UJ4 fayette le a man that to follow 4 would mean oonslderable money la the pureed of WUlametta val- 4 ley frultgrowere. Mr. Lowna- 4 (Jala baa a big appia orcnara as 4 Lafayette and has adopted tha d la teat mathoda aa to advertising and-ickinir Mot-Towrr aro 4 contant to throw their appiea p 4 Into a box and than eaad then to 4 markat with tne expectation 01 p 4 ' aacurlng A. fancy'prlce. Not ao 4) eV-wlth, tna Lafsystts grower. , Tha. d paxklDK of Mr. Lownadala'a ap- d- plan eaoaot ba aurpaaaaa aad taa - r trade aaama willing to pay acma--: duau.for. UU..toa--lt mUht par.. d apple-arowara to buy a box of d tha Lafayette 'fruit aad ara for" 4 themaelvca Juat bow uccaaaful d (Towara ao tmnta. 1 Ooai.bOi oalt hldaa, VOaOa aal aMna, eouaaaca, I0lfte Aaora, eaaa, ac . - . . i mm nna ' aaaaiaaiaa. aOTiTntH WMm linn. T5HMa BOT BaChl ordinary, K(tT0ci prodtfeerf' prlca, eAQaOc; awaata. 125 nr erara. UNIONS Jobblna price oracon, t- . a' -1- Klaaara' prlca. Na. 1. Ocefl ! Fo. a. euu r: a.rlhj, a-if10c par lb: ootoa acta, Je. ' FRBHR FRITITa Apnlae, "colla." 50lTSci Sc matin ordlnarr. Tacll.! fancy, II .audlfl. 00) Hood nirar rancy apitaaoDerao aaa ntw LrJ: .T' aannaaeiiA; .t. tl 0021. M: aradllna,' banaaaa,' dHQBc 1l lamona, choloa. li.TOtKZ.oo par ooii fancy, uw."" r Dm U.. - .1 e m IMI, nlnvannlaa. 14.00 per dcai peare, 11.50 per boa; taacerlaea, Il-Jo; Jananaaa orancaa, 5oe pac box. ' Vr.OITABI.ES-Tanilpa, aaw, Tfle par aack t earrrta, 00Toc aack; haeta, fVOll. oar aack! Oracon radiance. tSc par doc: rabbaa Oraeoa, 12.00 per cwt: greaa peppera, Sflfl CJVi. n - lk n.llrnral' tnmklnM. U0: raranloa. BocAiton: atrina baas a. lTHCI caaii kiM a, eaoenA np cvata: arCCB pcaa. 10c par lot bcreeradleh. ae par rot ini rhnkaa. aval 11.00 par . doal ..bothonaa lattaca, fl.U1.6q par box; ealcry. I3.7BOI.IS par crate; pampklna, Uci aquaaa. lo; eproata. tc par - lb; eranberrira, Jerecra. 114.00 per M: Oooe bay aad TlUamcoa. a'0-''". 'no rniriin Anniea, X?r lOUt nar Ibl aorirota. MV4ai per lb; ptiebca. lOHOtle par tet aarka.' Ha per l baa; nw M t Aa 1UI IM daB CB aack etitcath amatlar elaa; flm. Cantoraia black. H Ode per lb: CaUforala white be per tei aataa. paiaen. Be par n; aroa, mutu wmw eiooariaa. Bate. Baa. - ."- anlAB Back baala Cnba. M.BBl powdererl. 15.80 trait STaaalatad. 16.70; dry eranalated, S.70 Oonf. A, II 41 beat araaiUted, S.a0i tra r an an. nMa (V As. 10: D yellow. IS.00; bbla. I0ei H bbla. trie: boraa. BOc adaanra aa aack baala. b-ae FAe par cwt far eaaa, u daya: maple. IdOae par lb. . . Uboae pneae apply aa ealea af leer tbaa lota car ana at epeciu pneeo aaojaaa aa uctuatVtoe I PONF.T .ea per crate. mrrri Du,m. kan BIB aa SALT Ooarac Balf rroond, toaa. at.fWpef bo: table; dairy. Oa. IlKO"; 180a. FtO.TR; Ira- ported ' Uaarpeol. ana. - inua. ia w; t24a. lid 00; aatra nc. bM. 3a. Ba. 10a, mi RAaTR an. balk Ban tea B4.0ncis.0r! aaekc. 0a, anc)asct Lrrarnnnl lamp rock. HM per ton: fto-lb rock. fTOO: 100a. Be .70. - ' baiw vin i-aicarra, th RKTB Imoarial Japan. Bo, L k: t lOtHet New Or laaaa keed. , Tc; Ataz. Be Craola BMc. ' ' 1 BEAN amall white. - W.TBl laraa - wMta. e'.2; pink. 1 T bayea, HKH Li mat, S.M TV. a rada. IHe.. - - . nvTM raanara, yamnoa.' aaie per rat air ainla. 7 He par lbt roaatad. Be; cacoanata. MctdOc par dna; walnate, InCHBe pec lb: ploc nnta. in(iZH par K; nicaory naia. i teti'abaatnaca. aaaHra. -IbOI.IO bar- Ik acta 14c ncc te: alberta. 14MSe par te; fancy necana. IBHenac: airaoaaa, . i4TajiBma, Panita. Oeal Olla. Bta, aJaaL 11a. - COAL, otic rrarl or aeuai caeca. aoHa pat (tl; water white. Iroa bbbt, lRc par (.1; wouuea. joc par nil aaunauw arvaa. Be par aai. OASOLIf MHa Bar 't&V, hrca bbla 1 Be par aaL BECir.lN aaa par gal, tree bbra. lV4c per aaL - TCRPCNTINK ia eaaa ana par rel. bbbi aac nar aaL - WHITS MAO Ton loa. T4c par IbLlOO-Ib njrr. ac per in; rcea mra, a H par in. wirr wan.n .. neaent Baaa at UNRKEn Oil Pnre raw. In i-bbl Iota. Mr: 1-hnl lot. BTe; ceeea. 63c per ral; canal a kettle boiled, caeca, e4c per (!.; B-hbl Iota Be; 1-bhl lot, 60e par (a I; emaed cake, car kits, 120.00 par toal lean tbaa ear lata, 130,00 per aaa. afeata. naa pad yiatwuac. FREStl MBATS Front atreet Beef aCaara THe p n All a BACON. ETC. Portland neck Wan bama, 10 to i ine. iihi per mi i. to ia Iba, lie per lb) breexraet necoa, I4Q18c per teaie, --le pa cvnaca, . cc par in; r abort cleara. Boa rooked, loiac per lb: amoked. 11 He per lb; clear backa, anaaiokadi lOHc per lb) amoked, UHe lb: t'nloa batta, to aa la tea. nsemnked. Br oar lb: nkii Be. par lb; clear beillta. anamokad, lie per lb) amoked. 12 per lb I eboaidera,. Ha par lb. ' LOC'Al. LAUD Kettle IcaCr 10a. MUe lime per ; per.lbi tb i; aa, lle par io o-ib una, ivf per 1B learn reader. d. 10a. lOUe per lb le, 10HC at. per lb: eompooad, loa, r a CANNED BALMON Columbli ir id: com noun a. m , l -CANNED SALMON Columbia ricer. I -lb telle, S.M; t-lb telle, I2.7B) feacy l ib acta, tl.Bii) lb faacr lata, ftlBj fancy lib era la, $2.78; aaki telle, pink. WO0c red, ll.iOl noulaal tall. Va.00. ftll Rock aed. Tc ner-Tbt aoandrre. nc aaa lb; ballbat. Be par lb;, fl.BO per doa; Tn pea naaa, lane oer m; c in.n, per ini aalnion, eteelheadi, IH per lb; Chinook, 20o lb; herrlnff. Be naa lh: aolea. Ae nar lbt abrlmua. 10c per lb; perch, be per lb; black aad, 7a par lb; tomcod, Tc per lb; Colombia rlrer emclt 4e per lb: ellrer email, Te per lb; ubeterc, lie per ID) Treap aiaraerai, w par u,, crawiiau, 2se par doa; aturfeon, be per lb. ' OIBTEun Huoaiweter aey, par aaj, ax. jo par eaaa, ae ia. - CLAblS Hardshell, Bar rlama, 11.00 per box. box, 1X00) faaet PRICES (JNlHTERRyPTED iN -ALL LIVESTOCK- - Values Hold Unchanged Hogs Dull, Cattle Weak and Sheep V a and Calves Firmer. . . Fortland Tnlon WocijiM. " Jaa. SO. Llre- atock reoelpta: . ' Bacc flattie Bheaa imay j.. ............. ...,.,.iuw . kw Week ara 50 MoBta- aaa Tear aaa.. .....lid 60 T34 Ae far aa tha local markat aoca, arrlrala are oc a nominal marketer, wnen it le enn- atdered the c-arUand eappltea ebe- wbera- Padftc eoaat, rricco ere aainierroptea ra tna market l today, boaa betnf alow, cattle del and abee awry iirm. idirwai nai caiTaa.v Official llTektock prlree: v . . Hoca Beet eaatern Oratoa, 4.00; blocker ana uiine late, aauKie-iai atocxera and feed' era. l.vaoCo.M. Cattle Beat eaatarn Orraoa eteara, 8.009 4.00; boat cawa end heirere, M 003 2; light and mollnm ateera, llcht cow a, MAS; etere, $2 B0(S.I0: etockara aad feeders, IS. bulla. ll.B0l32.SO. . . Bheep Werhera and larabe,- BOSHei mixed -i:I..rat!-10 tW" 00 ..... I, ; i - ,' ' ZAJTXBB HOfll bTBABT.' ' Chleaao, Jaa. ' atk Ureatach recelpta: --.. Hoaa. Cattle. Bheen. Chlrexe ; .......... ...... .(0 Kaoaaa City,. lfi.otio 14.000 e.nia) Omaba I.Ooo ft.oxio e.ftoo Hoe' opened eceeay wita la ft erar. aecaipra a year ibxo wara xa.wa). rrieae Mired. Bo anan no,; ronrn. 001 S,ini.S.n Ha at, B )ift.40. t anie wreaoy aaa iitobj, ''.-..' beep Btaaily. I . . ejtarlma Rata. . Vw Tark. Jan. 10. dtarllna ratee: . bejkand. iC73aa7iS M dais 4.0ao4.10. QSo per lb; cow a. v4e par lb; icra, block, TUc per lb: packcra, TOTe per h; balla, ttjse per lb: real, extra. SHeee pec lbt erdtMry. THSc Pr lb; poor, d.Va per lb) nation, fancy. KTUe par lb. - TODAY'S ADM1CE 17iS 1IDERAL Long-Continued Weakness and : Dullness Jn Wheat Causes iJrl j. Reaction In Tone. UVERPOOt-CHICAO , r ARE BOTH : HIGHER Adrance of a Half la the Letter Star- ket in AH Option Priinajw Ra. ceipts Are Larger an4 World. Viaible Shows Increase. TCBSDAT'S WBBAT MABKBT. Claaa Cloaa . Tnee. ' Mon. Oalo " Cloaa - Tvee. IWWd Janaery.. uyTf.V.V.V. 3o2 9 Vtember....-.BH Jai . 0te ... Mt I ."OH lay July battembar Chleaao. Jan. MWFrtmary recelpta : ware larger than a year aaa, bat tbat bad aa affect apuB tha wheat aurkat .today. Tba market baa baaa dull and weak for a kma: time aad prleaa hara bad a tad break, A reaction eeema to be due end tba aatn of He ha the aiarkct today waa la Una wild that rtew. The Urar pool came rather atroox early la tba mocniu and-the cbielnc there abowed a cam la tba rariona optlona. Tbe teda hi badly drridad aa to the ultbaata oatcome af prleaa, but tka beere hara beea la control at tna euwionav kmc tbat tba tide aaeaw U ba turnmc. TBC report of tee wortd'a rlalble eupply today ahowe a coaalderabla locraaae In a beat; tbla waa alee true of Bredatreet'e report. ' i . Official qootatiooe by OTerbccx. itarr A flaoka amuul w rwra,,m fmen. Hick. Jaa $ .11 . .Bd $ May..... M M Jaiy - -, kept , JHi - .2 CORN. Jea......-1H May July..... . .44 .44 kept rOATBV Jan...... fx ' .10 i MBRB PORE. May ." July.,... . J0l bept ,: Jtui Jaa..... IIH 14jOT 14.16 IS 00 . .,. 1I.TT 14.17 14.0T 14.27 14.18 ". LARD. ' 7 82 .J T 41 - T.2 T.B7-,-. T.72 T.70 t.Sa bb- Mar.... Jaiy..., Jan...,..' T.B0 May..... . T OO July...., T.72 . 7. 48 'i'T.oO " T.TJ 8B0RT RIBS. Jaa. T.48 ( , T.4B . .T.48 , T. Mar..... T 62 . , t ea . i .o . T.70 . ' T.W , T.JO Jut. ...... i.oo UTXRF00L BR AIR ItARXXT. Urerpaol, Jan. to. Official prlceei WBfcAT. " """"." - Opea aoaa "" Cloaa " ' Cala Vne. Tnaa. Mon.- Tuee. March .... 10d da 11 d aaioyo e May oa I'd ae BWo oa aa tee . CORN. -January ...da tHd da JH do Jd H Marah-ntem.1 May rRDLART BATB KOTZaOBT. I ChTeaao, OPrlmarf receipt 1VDIT ' Buah. ' ., 4fv3,000 .. 742,000 Tear Aaa 8ueb. od.OOO 047,000 Whaat Cora Bblp ate: 'boat , BM.OOO XS4.00D It, 000 vorn L!. . ( learancea: wneat. w.ww; aw.n-. ft. n0 berrele: aav l,07e,0u baabaia; eata. 87,000 CHICAOO CAIH WHIAXT va, -TT-faaaaaF-- " ' nid. Aak. Man. Bid. .80 'M .70 .83 Bid. Aai 8 2 .87 No. 1 red... -MH f No, a red -co - a l . ai 1 a p.iw. .... ....... .. - , Na I hard .80- M No. 1 northern 84 Ko. nortbera. r.f i .Bl Na. 1 enrlne.....,...i. .80 BAR IBABCISCO ORAIB KARXTt. FraacbMB, Jaa. M-Offletel 'awralnt Cloalsg WHrlAf. . . . Open. - Ulfh.- Low. Cteaal Uecember.... lJaifi 1.80 IJBll ...'L M.r.L.i. i.io4. ijo'h" l- lH Liecambsr..... .J4 -'414 . BRAPeTRHTB ORAM BXP0RT. ' " r.iu BO Rradatraaf e IwDOrt af r near rjm . . .w, w. . baabaia) Europe and afloat, Increeaed BOO.tUf buabale; total. Incrcaaed 126,000 buebela. COIB UWLiaa..U .N,.,."V uueuria. Qata Decreaeed 4U8.0UO baabaia. , WORLD'S B RAM TIBrBI.B.'. Xhleae,aa.-a0.i-Worliri grala mlbl adpi i irl.. I Teer Aea Buah. " Buah. Wheat 40.004.000 R.87.000 Corn lt.04i.0fl0 11.8M.000 Oata .27.067,000 le,88h,OU0 ' CHICA00 ORAM CAB LOTS, Oh.,.. J. IO.--k. aarclot.: Wheat ......... ........ 20 11? Corn !! i? P2 Oata, ...... .......... .......aia a, avr htlanoapolla Flea Bmritat.- xflnneapoUa, Jan. -SO.Flax. May, 1.1 Dalath Flaa Marhat. Pomta. Jan. apFlex. May. 1.B. COTTON FUTURES 0NEv: ; TO FIVE POINTS UP wTcxSrJaratrCoce mttlred to 8 polnM blgber. - Official ewotatlona by " Orarbeek. . C. pan,, J.nnary ,...'.1101 1101 17 February .j HH 1UJ IW8 March iiTtimgn.llH lT 100 Closed J Starr, Cloaa. looAojoa loanui7 llwu 10 April , -IttBtJl May 1180 1181 1114 1127 1127 1127 11X4 'it t 1127 i 113 lid .1.1 1I12UI4 11m2h7 June .......... July .....iiT 1137 .1122 HIT - 1117 Bcptember I... 10.10 10M. loM October I'X 18 108 KKV4WM 104wo0 Norember ...., ...awao .van a " cottobt'Tiaiblr airrPLT. New Terk, Jaa. 80. World-. Mrlbla aattca rupply: i9oe land Balaa Balea 1,843.000 cas.otio ..... 18.009 802.000 American . Other kutda le Total 18oa,ooe L.121,000 Llraraa.1 Oat tea Irregular. LrrerpeeL Jan. 80 Oottaa fu tares eloaad Irregular, a te 8 poUibj lower. ' ., , , . 'l ' L0BBOB STOOB: mARPtT. . ' . London. Jaa. 90.9..1 .. Aaacenda IHt'nloa Pidflc AtchkHm pfd .. ' rheaapeake BalUmore t ML CeatrU ...... Ont. Want I (.Norfolk North. Pacific..... ':Pennajlnola ... Rock leland ..... 'kootliTa R. ...... eadlen. ......... 14 Brl . . . , . J ... , .... H , J'anl .........; do let pfd U T. Oantral. .... .fRHhi lUera Paatfldc ,WabaA jk Cent lie n , Bt. N. aVrataara v " Law. cioee. .2 . 9 .82 . ,8ft - MZ B3H -bS' Mti . . .44Z ' 4HA J J'AN .SOC . .80 A ,80 .2 )I4M 14.12 B Id JB rational Biscuit Company Has at , Last Entered , Portland With a Branch House A Factory Along the Railroad Track la Likely. RAIDIUG OY DEARS COST. PROFITS. Liquidation, and Pressure Re- T sponsible forCeneraJ Breaks Jntock Market -Todayr-- COLORADO-FUEt-OOE FIFTEEN POINTS DOWN On (CoTerlng AH Bat Four. Dollars ' of Price le Refatoed Readirio; Off Tbre: Pointe- at : Ooee Canadian , and Steel Up." ;: ..:;:;. ' .' MET LOMEi. ' Aaeasnda ......... a IManbattaa ........ Amalfamatad 1 Metropolitan tucar IV Max. Central ..... Bmelter pfd !Mlaeonrt Faclflc.... Car A Fdy H Ont. A W Clara. .. H rook Ira 1 I'aaaaylranla ,.r,,, Baltlmora ,, U'Pacifle Mall ..... Colo. Fuel ....... 4 IFaeplaa1 Gea ...... CheaapraBa H'Preaa. Car Itael.. cow. aa. lac ara. 41 aaaoinc ... .... a Krie . . Ot. Weatera ..... Loalerllle ....,. V. a. Bobber. ...A I Hop. Meal 1 IB. F. 2d pfd 4 ITex. A Padfle ... ' H 't'nloa Pacific...... I Wta. Caatral ... 1U. waoaan . do pfd IHiWeatera Unloa .... MBT ADTANCKS. ALCUiauai .......... Smelter .......... rrann. voai ........ :.Raty. It. Paul ' t4 1 Nor folk cro: CAN. w . N. X. Central .... fle. Boutbarn ... "VtRep. Bteel pfd.... 11L Centrel ,. lUiUock Ialand Boatbera Hy ftl do pfd Sotttbera Pacific .. g P. I, itael Wall I treat. New York. Jan. 20. A raid. eaemaful In crcry way. waa made npoa eoeaa W the bull eampa today wltk Color. 00 Fuel tha Drlndoal Dot tit at attack. - From tha high point af yeaterdey tba value loet 1S en arery akare. bat after hreeklDX dowa te 63 went back toward tha cloaa to aa, abowux a act Insa of d nolnta. Beadlna waa aaotber anlnt af attack and tha nrlce loat II todar. Canadlaa Pacific waa etrouf, notwttbataBdlnc tha aewera tolt tha eaa.r.l market roeelred. It cloaed tH potnte blcber. ' Lnltad Btatee Bteel common waa etrona end aetlre, wltb a Me e.lM at tka elnaa af tba dar of 1 DolBt. A ala af 1 poioU waa nwde hy. IUloola venvai. . . ( John W. Oatee la aaeted la tba Ttraca today, la a lone Interrlew. aa onlta a reactionist ai the aeneral aoaalp af the atreet baa beea. to tba efface tbat a la firm baa taken a rath brerlah attttada en the markat and la eeUln etecka. He le eappoeed to hare beea buying haariiy tble mornlug and haa been adrlalng eome af bta frier, oa to bay aad haa prao i,..iie rareef -- . ...... J. J. Hill, whs returned from tha Booth week, had aa interrlew, and wane agalnat extrneacaaea. Be eaya tba country la encoding tea capital. Be alee dealoa tbat Oreat North era .are laada baaa been ae will ba eold. aad eare ha would welcome another roan at Beat tie. Official anetatlooa Cooke company: . hy ' Orerbeck, Starr A . BUCRIFTT0N. Aa.conda Mining Co.. AmaJ. .Copper 4.i... 578-;!47fl4n6- Aiciuaun, Pee f erred , m. Car A Foundry, a. ucar. com 144ll4a Am. Smelt., com. ...... do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, eon. do preferred mi v, 1251. Brook Ira Ranld Traaalt. 8744 anu laaaoiaa racine, com. Chicago A Alton, com. do neaferred 0. A OT W.. com CM., Mil. A Bt. P 0. A N. W., cool 170 104. cnirago Termlnel By... CheeaDeake A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron, com. iwm. BoatBera.eoca.... da flrat preferred.... Delaware A Badana.... D. A R. O., com....... do nrefermd.. Brie, com do aeeood Bceferred... do flrat tl referred Illlnola Central Loalerllle A Naehrllle. . Met. Bt. By KUHIIU r ,,...... Maxlaaa Central Ry. Mlaaoarl- Paclfle...., M. K. A T com.,.. do preferred . . .- New York Central... Northern Pacific. ... Federal Bmeltera. ... do preferred Norfolk A Weatera, a North American N. T.c Ont. A Weatera Penney taenia Ry P. a. L. A O. Co rrteeed Bteel Car, com da ore f erred Pacific Mall S. S. Ob... Baadmg, com.. , do eecond preferred.., - do- flrat preferred.... Ren. Imn A Bteel. eonv do prafarred Rock Ialand. ooea do Bref erred 108 Hntttbera Ry., com..... Bontnern Partfle 40 do preferred Bt. Ia A 8. F., M pfd St. Ia A B. W., com... do preferred Texea A Pacific ..... Tenn. Coal A Iron...... Unloa? Pacific, cora ... Central Leather, com. do preferred ........ TJ. S. Rubber, com..,.. C, S. rUeal Co., com... do preferred Wheel.-A L. E., earn... do 3d pfd V let pfd -i . . . i. , 118V wia. central. d aref W. V. Ti Telecranh Wabash, com ........ do preferred ........ Corn Pmdur te . , . , . , . do preferred Total aalee for the day7a.028.ano ebarca. Call am aey cloaed at d per cent, - SawImaBCIBCO XOtUlLBTOODB,! Ban Franc laco, Jaa, 80. Official cloalng, atora mg Beea Ion I , , ma. aaa. Contra ftoeta Water 42 V 4H Spring Valley Water 4iS 40 Si i klntaal Klertrle. . lata 1 !114 . ilH . Olant TlaWiTHS "Commercial llocmkea Bngar. . ..r. ....... Ilntchlnaon Bacar.......... 14 Makawell Snar. ......... t4 - tmnrnea ancmr aw Peaahaa Bngar...... ... Union Sncar. M Ala.ka Peckers' '.. 48 fa HI orate- Wine, .................. 88 It - 40 Oceania Bteemehlp. t Pacific meet 0nrex .....-.I2S .........tor Pacific Itatae Teelpbona. rants statxs mtesbiobt bobbs. New Tork, Jan. . Oorarnai Iata. No, 1 recalar - loan do onapon.. ...... ...... lam Bo. S recular le" do caopon 190S Be. S erne It beads ... No. d raxalar. 10nT do cannon. ............. IDOT Bo. d rernler IffM do eoapne 1828 Matrtrt ot Colnmbla Adae .... Philippine 4a., rat Bid. I03H ' lreo., 103V , 108V, - lotv, 108 18 - lltOVt . lanvj na loo Aak. iron l'Vi 104 i 104 180 Vt WIV, iiV4 ; . COaTSTOCat BTTBTBS BTOCXS. , ' aa" FraarfeeaA1 Jaa, 89, Official njornlng "'r; . - B..t . Bid. Vtrelnik 11 S!rJreToae .....,.. ,B4 Orklr ......... em Itioid tmwa ..... .404 Mciican i n iiimi Dana .... . . r-B . lrt UlwU 2 lL 10SS 103U 44 42S 1. PROCLAIMED KK1G OF DE1IL Crown Prince Ascends Tyrone Under the Title of Fred- V erick. the Eighth. ; ; ANNOUNCEMENT IS MADE FROM PALACE BALCONY Kew Monarch la' Sixty-One ; Years Old and Very, Popular, With His ubjecta -la uiaiiccltor of UnrreK (Joaraal Bparlet Serrlca.) : Copenhagen. Jan. 10. Both houaea of parliament aaaamblad todar and warn formally Informed of tha death af King Chrlatlan. Thla afternoon tha memrjera aaaamblad In tha hall of tba Folkthlns and received tha royal meaaaga announo- Inv tha acceealoa of rrmca jreaericn. who at noon waa pubuciy prociaimao King of Den mar It from a balcony of tha AmaJlenberg palace. e aanurnaa tha name of Frederick VIII. Thla after noon formal announcement regarding tha funeral will ba made. Klna Frederick VIII. la II yearn aid and la BODular with hla people. He la almnla In hla haoMa. . Ula naanns ib atatelr and hla manner oulot and atu dloua. Ha haa bean aotlva In all pub lic morementa and la a eonatanf at tendant at debatea In tha Rlgada. Ha la chanoellor of tha Univeraity of Co penhagen and crand maetar of tha Free u..,n. .1 runtn.rk. tta la Inanaetor- arenarai of tha army, and haa introduced manv reform a. , Tha new auean. Ixrulaa, la R hand- aoma woman of blonde type, and la granddaughter ot Napoleon'a . marahaL Bernadotta, who aubaequently baeama klna of Bweden and Norway. Bha la vary tall and the ricneat pnnoeaa ox Europe, Inheriting large rortunae botn from Prince Frederick of the Nether laxnda and Prince Charlaa of Bweden. The Kalaar and many other monarchB of Surope have announced their Inten tion of attending the funeral pf the late kln, and half of the courts of Europe hare gone into mourning. , WEMME AGAIN SHOWS . FAITH IN LOCAL REALTY Henry Wemme haa Juat bought fop 118,000 tha quarter mock at tna nortn meat corner of Third and Davie etreete. There la a four-atory brick building on tbe ground. The aaie waa mada through Mr. Wemme holdethe record or the new rear for the largext local Invest ment In realty. Mr. Wemme provea the flrmneaB of hla faith In Portland by loading off with the banner tranaactloa tar thla month. He baa In the-laat year made a record aa one of the best l ud aaa and moat fearieaa operatora In real eataU In Portland. Hla pure ha sea and aalea have been made largely In a auction of the city that had received little attention from other deal era. Hie nurohaae - yesterday waa from H. W. Scott, who bought the property a year aero. ' - . tobofak amrnie grocxa. Baa rrandeaa, Jaa. SO. Official saanung 'tmlatl Bid Belmont ..SIX) Caib Bar ...... . g Ckildan Anchor.. t.8S nome ' . . ..... . .88, Jim Bailee .80 McNamara ..... -41 Wldw.a ... f. 08 Bid rvtamondflald Olxla Ooldfleld ... Jnmbo lumbo Kxtaa. Kendall , .28 .T8 .ST- naaTie. .i Montana North Star eA- lVlubawk ODhl ilr .88 Red Top S.00 Toa. Bxtca. too 18.T6 Handetorm ..... 1.4S Ton. Ncrada Mirer Pick 11 ; Weat Bad .... A.W St. Ires .IT Adams 11 National Baak .. .so Denver ........ .TS Bcllpae ........ .41 Oold Bar 60 O. Bell Frog XI Atlanta 14 Blue Bell ...... .10 Booth M Colombia lit.... -id Conquer .19 IStelaway ai bostob corrxB KABxrr, Boatoa,- Jan. SO. Official copper cloalng i Bid. Bid. A dree tare ....I S.80 Allnaee 40 SO dreadlaa Atlantic SAOO Blngbattl .... 88. SB Calnmet Too. 00 CeaUnnlal ... ST.80 Cop. Range .. 81.M relv Weat ... 18.80 R. Batta .... a s.oe , , n ee ' , .100.00 , 40.00 ' 18 , Klld Demlama. JOeceola Parrot ...... Phoenix QnlDcy J.e.w Kr ral 84 00 Banta Fa 100 tobannoa 8.12 Elm Rlrac.... S.8Tc FrankUn ..... 1T T8 Greene - IH Tamarack .... 108.00 Tenn. Copper.. 48.00 Trinity 8.00 rtah SA TS Oranby a." Maaa lO 5 Mlcblcan .... 14.00 llobawk ..... M 00 Ner. Ooa ...f 11T5 Be. Butte ... - 88. jvictorla T oo Winona ...... btd Wolrerlne .... 180.00 V. a. Mining.. 5" 60 Cal. ArU... 11S.00 FOBTLAJTO BAJTX STATDflBT. CTeai ti ire 8i aeess 147,S7Lha ...e....... . BXW TOES OOmX MAMXfCt. Kew Tork, Jaa. 80. Coffee clealai ma. aaa. Id. Aak. .88 MS tan 8.M Angnet ...IT 38 fT .88 Bept T.40 , T.48 October ... T.80 T I March .. April .. May ... .. AW .. T oo ... T.08 e n T. r.osi T IA No T.86 T.80 T 18 Dee ...... T.M t.80 t.Bll - -, i . Jane July Foraltn Coffee lfarhte.- rtew Tork. Jan. SO. Hamburg and Heare enffee anchanged. Bio recelpta, twa daya, 000 bags, market -eteedr -- 98 opi Bamna, two daya, 19.000 baga, market barely steady and nnchanfed TOO LATX TO CLAealTT. WAMTBP Qlrl. id ta 18. te aaalat la koaaa.: work. Apply 820 Spring, near Sixteenth, Portland EfelghU. . .1 DL.00D P01S0U FOR B10II TIAI TWMTT TIaHI we have ssada the euro M bleed pola a specialty. PriaBary.Sesoadnry or Tertiary Plead Palaea Permanently Cured. Yoa eaa ba treated at home under nanae aruarantr. Capital 8110,008, We eolMt the moat ebeat- Dato caeca, if yoa bars exhausted tba old methods of treatment, aad still have aches and palna. Moons Pate haa in Mouth, Sore Throat, Plmplaa, Copper-Colored Spots. Ulcere oa ear part 0 the body. Hair or Erebrowe falling ont, write tor proofs el eursa. lOO-poge Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO, . last bUMsji nsrii. tmexfb, B.'S, a. ! Scctt's $r.t.l-Pe;s.3 c:;s:::s A POSITIVE cunz For InSammaMoa or Catarrh af tka Bittr and Dlaeeaad KlaV aera BO eohS BO lT Cores aioaiy ana narmanaaiir tne to rat eaaee at Smniiu and aileet, na maiiar at sew toagetaadicc.Aheolalelf b.rnl a. bold, by d . naiaTJ w. koxee. & 2 T.e ftvrt r . r BetkjfeataCa, t . Cji Caie tz rseearJ. gxi t j m .ern- .... M ' I .... 1.42m A Friend ibnHAT thin, Utile. lOceot Box of Caacareti. -.1 ; Whan carried constantly In your Vest Pocket, or In ."my Lady'g" purat It win ward crt ninety per cent of life'e ordinary 111. V Eat one of the six candy tablets con tained bi that Vit Pocket Box" wbonaver yoo auapeot you peed one. , r ; ?' ; It oan t hurt yoo. and la sure Iiwiranoe against serious Btcknext, . r rt v";. Vantfif Exaclsrvindoor Employrnent. .. . . . . .i weaiten ina nowei muxciaa. iusi aa intr weaken Arm and Lee Mute lea The Muse lea lose tono, tension, strength, to4arca4hd food oayaril , And the longer they stay lit that state " the weaker they beoom7bocauie Ae leeTA eommg t - , cqterctao Ihey get thwagrr-trreapase-"- age of food. : Casearets oontsJri the only combination of drugs that acts on the Muscles of trie Bowels and Intestines, Just ss Cold Water. or Exercise, act on a Laxy tnaa. They act Uke Eierclse. ' When you have Heartburn, Colic, Co ted Tongue. Suspected Breath, Add-ristng-ln- throat Caa-belchingi or an Incipient Cold. take a Cascaret. ,i: Rsmember, all these are' not merely Discomforts, but Indication of a serious Cause. ' "' . . ' z Nip them In the bud est s Candy Caacaret. Casearets don't purges nor "punish the" stomach "Uke'"Bilo-drlvlng,V. Physlcs.M - 'They act like Ejeretse on the Bowel . Muscles that propel Food, and that sqoeeie the natural Dtrestive Juices of the body Into FoodV. Casoarats ward off, or cure, the follow ing diseases: V Constipation BadBrttUh rj- r ! Bitiousntsi Dufrks ' TEETH ruoti Save; Money Tha Roaton Dental Parlora, II1H Marrlaan atreet. are aivlna their annual January mauoea- prioea loc-xna-purpoawA. of adyertleing tneir Atvaotar njevain v Palnlees Danlletry. ' ' . Come at onoe and have tree examlna WILL EXTRACT" TEETH FRBB. FILUNOS. 7 Be UP; BET OF TEETH, ft OOilBPLKNPID 8F.T, II.OOj OOLfl CROWNS. II TO 41 WHITH CROWNft, 12.60 TO IS. . - All work guaranteed for tan yearn. Lady attandant alwaye pre Bent An work done absolutely without pal by speclaltsta of from II to I years' ex perience. Boston Denilsts SS1H BIoiTleo'a ark- crop. Stele Vimk J?- aad ieaefaae. . Batraaee sem ICerTtaoa Si Offloe Hours a .10 a. m. to I Sunday. : a. as. to 11:11 B B SB, TEo Portland . : - - PORTLAND. OREOOH. - : EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AJSD COMMERCIAL , , . ... TBJkVKLmRS. . Kverythlar to eat and drink, end it ooeta no mora la the - - - ; Portland Motel Eetfnkeller than elsewhere in the oity. Kvery weekday night from 1:10 to L .-- BL. a BOWBBJL IBAamgwS.' Every Vcnan k Mbit instil and shoald kaow . . weaoerrai MARVtL Wakleam &Mtw I Iba aaw rarM rrraare. aaecaiea. iime nif, eet-Moat Coarealenl, SjkBn H WamBBFTSJ giBaSAeanrSS Aak rear erase far a. It ba cannot eorely the mmi wmpi ao ether, bat aand Mama tc tad hook alalia, ft full nartlanlara and direction, ta. Taiuablatnlacllm. Mtxtvai, f-OX. A m. aaa bt.. aaw lum. s. e. axiDMOBX 00.. ii tmtBB sibiit. hU!Mll..WM-i: .V II, ChrslastsflBMnadawa I I Carerrk. Cold ke the Bead. La tcye. i I Btstatss eaa raagmg ss tna care. i .iA SoU fyaflaVstttarealyrcaaiA I f F. C. KxJI M. Proa, t-krnasn, Vmm. I rmaly, VBSl KieWI TO) FAIL, arrant' Bstrao af Onhehs asm riMlh. ke . TlmBMI-liir. r " I '"l riaerboaa. leeV whltee. eaa. Xaay lake, eea..nleat be earry. Fuw Price fl. Mowa A Martin's. 881 Waablagtoa St.. Fertland, Oreeoa; or by mell from, Tha Thrrant Do., 44 Badeoa at.. Mew Tork. ,. Square Deal 'Do you want to buy- a good home cheaper than you can build .one? If ao, see us. We have a number always oa hand. . i .' j ,-, . Room 305 Allsty E!. W. El HER itrTrc3 1 , Men aliaa - W a - .1 W C ' av 111 rur. i -7 OVERBECU. GTAIZTZ C. X-.. . llembers' Ciloeje EeerS i 1 in Nesd Jndigtxtion Jffcuhuk Dyrfepsia Diarriarm ' Torpid Uvtr Flatultnct AHunduUii ,'Hrutt V , RhtMMatisM Jaundht "' I CtUarrA 1 Colic ' Scroful JVABJM Vtrtie PtmpUi Wommnl Trotthltt Worms ' r Blolchil ', PiU '"Etttrnmi ' la such easea a tittle Cejcaret la rime tf r worth. tjfti' elar. worth -of Treatment later nn. ta aav ndihlnr of tna Buffertnr. . . . .. 'discomfort, loea of 3uslnsss Energy, aa . loss of Social Sunshine It saves, . . rrrT X2IT:a w.VSe-J s. (he cause removed. Heartburn, Gaa-bekMng, Add-rtsinfiU. flie Jhroaft and. Colicky. jeeBnr are sure ' slgna of bowel trouble from food potsons, and shoild be dealt wtth promptly. , ; One Caacaret will gto the coming trou ble, and move oa the Bowel load, U taken at the first signs. ; ": ' V'.", Vy.- .""Don't lalftocarrr the Vest Pocket Bo . of Casearets with you constantly, All Druggists sell them oyer ten minion boxesa year. . ' ; T- - Be very careful to get the aneme, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold In bulk Every tablet etaraped"CCa" -V - - r rxxx to oxnx rautiri We want te and te ear frawHi ahaae tenxs-demfroed, OOUtTUTmJi lOSSWk- OMora. ft II a axnniy aw taw itr BW tad areaaie. tahia. Tea ranta In rtaaraa la safeed S8 a . MerMag asmaxy Uaapsay, Uaags at Bew .aa. The true way to cure all BMDkMNt ftaaeett'a Native a Herfca drive out pon Paawei, Btdaep end irea - ' Vaaaan4nhnmn BaBafah VSJSJggeBnV- aTaavJtw w ajBawammmnj paamas ear. Ua and 81 01 Drag Sawes ae haaml Warn mm raxd IM Be. " - .V '- hair-"'- NaMve Berk Caw Hotel Eaton Oernac tfatrlssa sad Waat Farfe SUseta, " nendemaety rmslebed, eletaatry agalnkiA' fireproof, nee mlnataa' walk from heart m aboppmg end bnalneea dutrict, aU ,. larae, arry, octal oe rooana, eteam heated, eleetrle llghta, talepbeBC In each nnartaaaBt, etc. I Area aritcee. Hanging, aKiw, wnia. Mdlea reception par lata, by mall or telepbea.. . Brlvata emalbna meets tn Aooaas $I.OO tm $S.OO at Day Spaaial Sates ta Oimmetrlil ' 1 MBS, MAX BATOB. Paraaacl at Hotel Bad Dath. BnokanaJ Aatital WwrtL Wefld-rea .healjn; X j i TEETH ... . v . ... .. aAtmtd aveelallatm ; - - -. .. , lweat bHcas etiMietemrwitB Srat-eiASB - NEW YORK DENTISTS rOTTBTS aVBTX) MOaUOBOnT STB. '; Oxaaa day and alht free S4d A. S antll Id a. 8. 'T -REUEP for LADIES FRENCH Tansy Wafer OrtatV Bel and only genuine Put mp la -yellow ; V rap per aad "Crowa" trademark. Fop aale by the LKADINO PRUOOISTA ' 11 ,11 1 POWirnraa, rwa a sj JfAvAAT Al9 k ll.i I (Jbtobltabad HA 1 r . t