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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. TUZ2DA7 gVrriINO, JANUARY 0, mmi to ooss : THE SEALS1 '"' ' 1 ',1't ' nassssaeasssasss (-f ," ' Owner Clunie Did Not Get Along T Harmoniously With the- ; ; Cranky Jim Morley. ; . LEAGUE MEETING WAS NOTA'LOVETEAST 'President Burt Reatores Flood ? in ; 'f Order Not to Embarrasa Portland ? Club Financially Say McCredie ShonTrHye"Known Bettetv v - Ban Iranclsco, Jan. . jin '" i . . . Ik. a I m mnA Jim Morley will not, aaya tha Bulletin. Pin . thla In your hat. ; No matter wnai n ' ser comas from Los An galea. Morley la out of the running. Ha could not . : have th position now even If h wanted "'ft 'the worn way. Thla waa learned H from on who la very close to Andy ,. Clunia, which will be a surprise to th fane. It haa developed that th recent j BlVWUS) " - a; peace conference aa una of th mag- v natea represented it waa. On th other . then, era a number of lively tllta between different ones, and- som onn hottrst had Morley and CSunte for prin cipals. Both are Inclined to apeak their "mind freelTV and "their impetueua dlapo. . Bitiona Involved them In a number of ' et-toa. Br fore th . convention waa ever. Clunia formed a different opinion ' of Morley from the on he had when they aat down together. . Andy came to .. . . . . i . . in conclusion tnat fim m man h wanted to manage th Seals. . Jack Gleaaon waa aant for soon after th magnate adjourned, and advlaed - that h waa th man.- . ' ' - - , : ' '"Morley disgusted Clunle by his ac- tlons," said tho writer's Informant. "Jim ui" ii aav i veer saga, ism. f,v - elflah altogether, ana tnia man i max . hit -with Andy. A -th boy any h - queered himself, and Clunia would not ' liav him under any consideration. Gla , aon will be th man. He will have j, charge of th team, but' Clunia la , threatening to art on th bench with th players. . wnen tn im comes n is doubted if ha goea pa th bench." V It Waa ascertained also that Clunle attempted to trade Charley Irwin (or Jud Smith Morley might have mad th deal, but for the fact that Smith haa . opened a dental office at Vom Angelea and refuses to leave ther.- Before he vvtruiu vfwssw jvg iib aw t vmaisi from the diamond. Thla blocked the ''aL. iil" why Clunle should want to I . oispos of jrwin, wno is one oi ine ursi third basemen Jn tha country, la past understanding. . It may be that Irwin ill too high salaried a player. Henry Harrla alwaya paid Charley good money. and ha earned It. - As far, aa familiar ' . face go Smith's countenance la far '. from being a at rang on to San Fran '; claeo fanav Having played with Los . Angelea ever, alno Charley- Beilly left : Morley. . " . Wkat Bert Baya. . . aTeaiaanK iwri' announcoo' insi ru " Morley waa not " th . man . behind . the Flood-Murphy case. ' His ' explanation ' ' matter. "I relnatated Flood at th re ; quest of Judre McCredie," said Presl- ilrnt BtrC- andll-happae44 this wsy, McCredie toid ma that when his nephew, ", Walter, traded Ats and Schlafly for - Flood and Smith. Morley . assured ma that my ruling would not prevent Flood from playing in other leagues. - "la other words th McCredtea thought . they would be. able to sell Flood or trad him,, and as Flood was a high class man, 'they figured that 4hls cotild . be don eaally, ao they mad the trade. Whea they found that my ruling held . all over the country you can fancy their - mhirrtlimn t Tn h, v. bunt Vlnnrft down -meant a leas of at least-11,00 to tha Portland club. Of course If I rein- ' stated Flood, I had to do tha same with March.' What I want tha nubile to know la that I did thla to help th : Portland club out of a difficulty." It seems strsng that Manager Wal ter McCredie 'who haa been nlarlna ' professionally several years, ehould not . know, that a suspended player Is ineli gible to plsy In other leagues belonging to organised baseball. The writer will ' never believe that th trad tn 'question - was a bona fid on to begin with. Mc- ; Cradle, who hated Fisher, merely loaned DviiHuif riiii mi fiui r j tv liny film beat Tacoma out of th champlonahlp. At th proper time you will se Ats n playing with Portland and Smith and ' Flood with- lies Angeles. Schlafly , would have gone back to McCredie had h not been drafted. One of the best proofs that th deal was not on th level wss that th draft money for Schlafly waa turned over to Portland. - and not to Los Angeles, which It would nave oeea n Movreai ana xoriey sad been alncere, ..... . Umpire "Slats" Davis has been ad. vised by President Bert that he can look for a job In another league thla sea , son. - The Pacific Coaat lea rue has a ruls that If four clube aak for th re moval of an umpire th president must ' obey. It- looks like a bad rule, buH president of a league should have full ' ana mrapinv comrai over ins umpires, . and th power of removal of th aem should, not be vested, in the. least way In th managers. If ha thought an um tlre waa oomsetent a hundred msnaavra i could not induce Ban Johnaon to depose blm. At th recent meeting eV the FIRST7SPR1NG SHIPMENT CEEEHRED ENGLISH HATS . "NOW ON SALE Robinson , Go. Hotel Perkins 1m(u it Mama that "Slats Davie waa without a friend. There was not on vole raised In his behalf, and on aad all war clamoring (or hla acalp. Praai- aant Men. would nav felt Ilk making a fight for Davl bat for that acaitdal h was a principal of Juat before th season closed. Thla acandal impaired uavir tisarumeas to a marked degree, wnich waa to be regretted, for be waa th moat promising umpire tbla league naa turned out la a Ion while. - Juat who wlU be on President Bert'a ataff la not known at thia writing. Phil Knall moat likely will have a trial, and If Jim McDonald'a health will permit, he may have an assignment' Bull Perrine may also draw a berth. If Bull had mora- ginger and - aggressl veriest ha would make hla work easier and aiva oeiter aaitaiaction. - - Vvr the benefit of the oranka It will be Stated that , the playing aeaaon will not be divided In two parte, aa It waa last aeaaon. h. uih. j seven months it waa not necessary to amae. mure will be contlnuoua base ball at Recreation Park. When tha tseais are not playing the Commuters will Da. . . mim flfiHT HEXT HC'ITH In All , Probability Coffroth Will Match the Two ! Popular -; Native Sons for a Go. (Jernal Special Service.) San Francisco, Jan. 10. The Febru ary fight attraction will no doubt be a "battle of the native - sons." It looks like-Jam Edward - Brttt versus - Kd- ward Hanlon. Although Toung Corbett and Willie Fitsgerald were Juat as anz- , " .... ... j u. IIVIU, B1KI11J IOVUI US ine pugilistic trust, aeems to think that th two boxers-tvho first saw tha llaht of day on California soil would attract th moat coin Into th bog office. Like all of the big monopolies, th mlttolo- gist trust haa his ey on th almlshtv dollar, and tn addition to Ita ardent de air to corner th fight market It want to corner as much of th maauma as it possibly can. -"Cut Eddie" haa been on tha trail of Jimmy for many moons and la tickled to death to think that he will at laat get a crack at him. "If ther la on man that I can lick. It's Brttt,"' aald Hanlon, In talking f th proposed match. "Not only that, but eonaiderlng everything, I really am entitled to first call. Didn't I stay the limit with Herrera, who trimmed Corbett In ahort order T - On dope I am the legitimate choice, and I think th public would rather se m hook up , with Britt than any .of th other boxers who are hankering after a ngnt wun mm. i am feeling all right now, and with a few weeka' actlv train. ing will enter the ring In magnificent fettl." - -, . : As both boys have a big followlne? In mis jocajity. torrrotn probably hai ihadlh wlseslselectioa. and lfTLin. Ion Is able to get Into as good shana as ha was for Toung Corbett he standa n excellent cnancer or winning rrom Jim my. Hla peculiar style will pussl Brltt somewhat, and aa Spider Kelly will be behind Hanlon. th latter will have an advantage, aa tha Spider has alwaya been Brltt's chief adviser and la on to his curves, so to apeak. - " RACING RESULTS ON QALIFORNIA TRACKS ' Jearaat apeefsl RerrW.) - , t San Itanclaco, Jan. 10. Oakland race results: . , ffurlonga Quick Rich won. Frolic second, Sle You third: tiro, 1:11. . Flre-and a half furlongs Carre San ta woo, I'lctma second. Claaala third: time. l:tT. Mil and a - sixteenth Kd 8herldan won, Bjrronerdal aecpnd, Phalanx third; urn,. i:a , Seven furlongs Equorura Res won, Watchful second. Forerunner .third; time, Six. furlonga dinette won.7 Coni-eld second. Whisky King third; time. tttiI4,04,.hr.i, " ? . tJl Mil and a sixteenth Qoraralette won. Dorado- second, . Melodious third; time. At &s ABg-alse. (Jnurrul Hpeelsl Serrlre.) Los Angeles, Jan. to. Aacot race re sults: . , ... -i Four furlonga Hand Maiden won. Queen of Night second, Josi 8. Third; time. 0:4H. ; Mile snd a sixteenth Re tad or won, Tom Riley second. Katie Crews third; time, l:4ttt. - I Five and a half furlongs Dr. Mollis won. Heater W. second, Betsey third; time, 1:0714. - Mil and a - sixteenth Monteinima won, Pachuca second. Pyrrho third; time. I:t0. - , - , - - - - - - - Mil snd SO yards 8 toes el won, Korthvlll second, Bologna third; time. Six - furlongs Mono! Ms he won, Bantam second, Evelyn Orlf fin third time, l:14H. " r i Cutter to Coach Seattle, Spokane, Wash., Jan. 10. Winnie Cut ter, who was a member of Matt Stan leys Bpokan team in the Paclflo Na tional league and of Charlie Mcln- tyre's team in th Northwest league. goes to Beat tie tnia week to take com plot charge of th track team of tbs Stat university. An Injury to his pitching arm last aeaaon coat him his release. Sine then he haa been coaching. He Is an old col. leg athlete,. having captained tha track and basebalt teams of th Santa' Clara oellege. Ha has a remarkable Hat of records,' including almost every event on the card from the 100-yard dash to the hammer throw, . 3 Building I Brushed Scales from Face Like Pow der Under Physician t Six Months But Grew Worse Some Said - Face Would Be Marked for life Now Without a Blemish. , CUTICURA REMEDIES. WORK WONDERS. I was a sufferer with ucgaair writ to tell you what ay-great Irtaad. I I found In Cuticura Remedies, Jbi x bodui t ua tried throa dor ton. -J but did not get any batter. It waa oa mj body and on tay feet ao thick that I could hardly put pin on ma with-out- touching eo sema. My face was covered, my eyebrow cam out, aad then it got in my eve. I then want to another doctor. He asked ma what waa taking for it, and I told him Cuticura. - He said that waa a vVrr good thing, but that ha thought that my face would be marked for life. - But Cuticura. did ita work and my face ia now lust as clear aa it ever waa. My brother-in-law told me about I took his advice and got the Ointment, Soap, and Resolvent. I washed with the Cuticura Soap and than applied the Ointment, and took 1 Cuticura Resolvent aa directed. In a ahort time my face began to get better, aad when I had taken one bottle of Resolvent I could brush the scales off my . face like a powder. When I had taken four bottle my face waa aa clearaaever. - , "I told all my friends about my. remarkable cure. I feel ao thankful want everybody far and vide to know what Cuticura can do. It ia a aure cure for eczema. (signed)Mri. Emma White. 041 CherrW Tlaee. Camden, N. J., April 25,1906. gnatr. twmm Hmim t. leraula. from Ittfarat? toAsr.. m niMMetuariitiam a fia m jranea? jmf JMam. sxm rropsa.. wr pan iw - m&w m ww i - . AUTOS FLY OVER TWO . MILES A HE De Mogeot Wina Wreath by Mak jng. Two Miles in Fifty-Eight : and Four Fifths Seconds. - :. ..:,.. liearasl Bseelal gerrles. - TJ-l T OTk . . fttme aver mad In an automobile was. run by Victor D Mogeot rstrdav aft ernoon In th two-mil race here, when thar aaTe-devfl driver made ihe distance In tt 4-t seconda,- an average speed of 1ZI mllea an hour. The two mile evet was the closing race of the meeting and th excitement was Intense. Marriott made the first try, but couldn't do bet ter than 1:0S. De Mogeot clipped off the twe miles In i.0 1-2-4. - Another trial was given and Marriott ahot along In it I-i seconds.- The spectators thought that thla mark .would , stand .as' th world's record, but when Do Mogeot came tearing along-oa his big French distance -in - 61 4-( aeconda the - crowd showed its appreciation by giving th Vlaltorai great ovatlon. After D Mogeot was covered with the victor's wreath,-the parade started " and the racea wer over. Th day's racea were Thirty mile, champlonahlp, American cars, all powers Marriott, 40-hors. power steamer; time, 34:11 S-t; actual time, ZS:2I 1-6. . . . - Fifteen mile open championship Lncia, no-horsepower, gasoline; tim. 10. minutes flat. . Ten mile open championship and ten mil heavy-weight champlonahlp (run together) Iancla, 110-norse power, gsa ollne; time. 0:10 1-6. Ten-mil open - handicap Lancia tacratch). 110-horsepower, gaaollne; time, I :ll I-a. Two mil a mliiut trial First sat. i Mogeot. zoa-norsepower, gasoline; 1:01 f-6; second set, Ie Mogeot; tlma, :b -, The Jadge Xa Hopefa). .' Dear Journal Again tall th fans not to worry.. Things loom up bright for Portland again thla year. My predic tions .last year, whtl somewhat off. were aa strong as I could make them. There is nothing like hsndlng out ths dope early In the game. I arrived home laat evening from California, where I represented Portland, and, needleaa to say, got everything that I aaked for. I waa anxious for Portland to open th aeaaon at Frsano, because two years sgo Portland- made 1126.01 during the opening week, beside getting a box of Fresno's celebrated retains. This year we expect to gat no money, but a liberal supply of raisins. They help to ail up and make th man play "swell" ball. This year w don't want any such man aa old man . Fleming, "Sigh" Ferry, "Rip" Hoffman, . Swindells or Corbett. W -gr. going to have real, llv onee. I have completed several, vary.lmpar. tant deialla for next aeaaon. Portland lovera of the noble American game will be pleased to learn that a very Impor tant position has been filled by th beat man for th place In th country that 'Jotntle1 Hlggme fag been asatsraed to sell tickets. The learn will also be greatly strengthened Dy having rein forced seats In tbelr uniform trousers. Seoond base will be greatly improved. The aack here is somewhat Worn out. and a new one will be put la position- As ths Judiciary la calling me, I must be away and will report to you later. Happily yours, ,. . THE JUDGE. I Sport at Spokaa. ... " (Rpeeial Ptepstrh to The Jmrnal.) . Spoken, Wash, Jan. 10. Efforts have been mad by fan interested in th O Keefe-Parker fight at th 8. A. A. C, February !, to. Induce Kid Scaler and Freddy Weeks to meet for a 16 or 10- round bout before' th main vnt. Scalar, has objected to fighting a pre liminary card, so Manager Eddie Qulnn has been Induced to bill a. double event. The pictures of all four scrappers will be on th bills snd more money will be offered for th Wks-8caler bout than has aver been offered for a preliminary at the club. : Scaler refuses to consider a meat Ing with Weeka ' unlege he can see enough money .In it te Justify the trou UNKtU -WITH Kffl 1 ajeaeMSkfcaMBaggB ' eV 42s-Vl( r 'O ' Our fineotiirii j- - the.Valuea r erly sold for 012.50 to V V ' 1 W Ju3 t as -025-now on aale at 1 1 -dvertised v ffli'luWiYRM cro -A elffiIL!- That's why we sold 103 , j an 85 AND 8r We treat successfully all erlvate reus snd ehronle dlaeasas of menf ale blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and ' throat troubles. W cure STPHILIS . (without mercury) to stay cured for ever. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In 16 daya.' We stop drains, night loaaas and . spermatorrhea by a new method In a . snort time. W can restore th sexual vigor of any man under 60 by means of local treatment peculiar to ouraelvea. We Cure f Gonorrhoea In a Week--: The doctors of ' this institute are all regular - graduates, have had many yearn experience, nave Dean known in Portland for 16 years, have a reputation . iv maintain, ana win unaeruae no unlesa certain cure can be effected. Wa guarantee a cure in every east undertake or charge no fee. Consults. tlon free. Letters confidential. Instruo-i tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed fraa I. plain wrapper. ' Ws cure the worst eases of piles la two r three treatments, without opera tion. Cur guaranteed. IN A eeslfut0'' cnf ot 0411 ffl0' wrtu ejusstlon blank. Home treatment aue . Offio hours, to I aad T to . Sand aye and Hoildaya. 10 t it ? , DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Office In Van Noy Hotel. tiV, Third Street. Corner Pin. Portland. Or. ran be raised for a side bet and the club will com down with enough money ior in preliminary ne win meet Weeks. Joseph fcodgw Offioers. ; " " (gperlsl Dlapstrh te The enrssl.) Joseph. Or, Jan. 00. At a recent meeting of the I. O. O. F. and Rabekah lodges the following officers were In stalled for the present term: Subordinate loage installed aa follows: N. O., J, weaver; v. a., Plero Humphreys secretary, H. C. Cramer: treasurer. L. Borland. Tha Rebekab lodge- officers; N. U., Mrs. Charles Wlllgerodt; V. O Miss Myrtla Cramer; aeoretary, Laura BeriandL t)nanclaLecrUry, , H.uC. Cramer., 5 Coopey Tailoring. Charles Coopey de Son, civilian and military tailors, room i, U Third etreetieffer en exceptional opportunity to tne purcnaaer or suits, overcoats. trousers or laaier walking aklrta. - Their, workman hav time at present to give particular attention to each order and they hav on hand' an lm Wns slock'of malerlale to choose from. - Batsrprls Clnk Qgsses. --4aaselal 4Masse e-TI-Seernal.t- Knterprlse, Or, Jan. 10. The Enter. prise Commercial elub has been- reor ganised with 6 members and the fol lowing officers hav been , elected for th enaulng year: ' - - President, A. C Miller; secretary, C H. Zurcher; treasurer, O. W. Hyatt. An executive beard of 11 members is to be appointed by th president to have chare f th detail work of -th club. ''- vuub avtrnTiacio, A. B. Canman, Chicago, writes March 4, Itoti "Having bean troubled with LunMiti at ameraai itmea ana tried one physician after another, then dif ferent ointments and liniments, gave It up altogether. So I tried one mere and got a bott'.a of Ballard's Snow Lini ment, which gave me almost Inatant re lief, and will add my nam to your Hat of suffersrs." Sold by Woodard. Clarke at Co. c suits Saturday ! That's why many bay two and three I good ones left to choose from, but DON'T DELAY! WiEii Store - : --- .- - ---.--t .v : , - - . .' - 1 r 1 .'.-.. ' -- - vf THHU) STREET, - ; . ABANDONED LAND IS - BEING SOWN TO WHEAT ":" , ""' "; " ," .' . i - (Speeisl Dlspatrh te Tie Joaraal.) Echo, Or, Jan. 10. Acres of land south and west of Echo, which waa once In cultivation and which was abandoned by th old settler in 1H whea th wheat went down to 0 cents per bushel, on ac count of the hard times throughout the country.- Is being-filed on again On ac count pf th wonderful coming out of the country. Pioneers say that as high aa 16 buahela of wheat was raised on this land. Different parties now hav aa high as three and four hundred acres of this land, which will be put under cultiva tion, tnia spring. Th land lies about five miles south and west of Echo and extends from 10 to fj mllea. - A ' portion of It was finder ths old survey of th old dona project ana Is very pro. eucuv. - - - - -South. Ssa Islandtv Th B. B. MarlDoaa aallad . foe Tahiti ' December .21. The . voyage to JTahl ti Is the. most L delightful- of ail trips to tne uoutn paclfla All Ta hiti travelers are enthusiastic. First cabin round trip rat from San Fran olaoo, 1116. C. W. Stlnaar. aaenL til wasnmgion street. , l. UMATILLA TEACHERS ; MEET AT ATHENA " . . - (Rpeclsl Dlspstek t Th 7eras1.) . Athens, Or., Jan. 10. The Umatilla county teacnerr instltut. which oon- vsned in this city Saturday, was at tended by nearly all th teachers In the county. . A number of Important educa tional topics war dlscuaaed. , ; . County Assessor C. P. Strain of Pen. diet on was present and made a strong plea on behalf of diverting th reve nues arising from th taxation of tin. herltances from the general fund .of the state to the Irreducible school fund.' A resolution Indorsing this poHcy was later adopted unanimously by thi teach fw weT 9 C7.ratC;7FJ-13,iOL:3 OETWEEN STAIUC AND OAIC Two Here are two specials offered for this week only that will . r : interest every housewife in Portland Umbrella Stands At this season of the year you cannot have too many umbrella stands about the house, especial ly when; they cost ao little aa '.' they do here this week. This little stand is 24 inches high, 8x8 inches, has a brass rain basin and . is of golden oak finish. - It will save its cost in a day in the lprotectiontohall carpets, floors, . "etc. ' -, v,..- A $1.25 Sald for only GEvURTZ kJlJNtD FURNISHERS i73'5FlrstSt, 219-27 YamhlllSt. FOR THE BATH i I A little " BATH AS WEET " makes hard water soft a rain water. It perfumes, refreshes and invigorates; Cleanses the pores and PREVENTS all ODOR front' perspiration. Hasty Is sash fee to Hiatal. Fries 2Se. JOU?JJAL VATJT There are still plenty of SpecMs Tabourettes These little tabourettea, just like ; cut, are finished in cherry. They were made to sell at three times the price we ask this week. To ' dear out about 60 still in stock we make them a special till Sat urday at 9 p. m, ' AFTER THE BATH Use -IATHASWEET" RICE fOWCER best toilet p o wd e r, antlseptlcally pure, healthful, daintily perfumed Heals chapped face and hands. Ex cellent after shaving-. Only safo sfwaw nrtasfcaby. PrieoJ5o.k Only WC ADS PAY ble cf training. He says that it 1600 ers present. . ,', . , .. i i ' i .-' v