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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1906)
.i. V positively c ' .: no ; .mail orders . accepted ; - at . these PRcra. . FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE III CITY I if. 1 . I . r - , I 11 t I !.'. ;H 11 W. i f i . V aT MB - CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR This wcc!i will itncc3 the greatest mcney-caving sale ever held in this store, h Every article nvery department given an extra slash in-crice We bzz to direct your attentiori tcrall 43c worth Gl- 3-at Hot Water Bottie, kuaranteed ! and worth a dollhr any where, for ,42c; Hair Brushes at 1 (5c, 40c, 51V 73c, $1.35 "cbuld crowd inta this-cntire-pageV Drug Sped als Extra ; Epsom Salta Special,' pkg. .... ... .. . . . . . . .... .. ..2 Rochelle Slts Special, pkg....... ................. 5 . ; ."" Bicarbonate Soda Special, pkg... 2 , - Flaxseed Special, pkg..' .. ................ ... 2 Boric Acid Special, pkjf. . ,A . . . ....... .... .'. ..5 ; Essence Peppermint Special .....................7 . V Camphorated Oil Special . . .'. i .......... . .0 Dickinson's Witch Hazel Special'. . . 11 Rose Water Special v Glycerine SpecUl . . . . . . . . . . .'. ...4 Rose Water and Glycerine Special................ 4 ' -..Tincture of Arnica Special, ...... ...ov.": r ConodionSpecial ' ;: . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . i .V. . . -4 100 Compound Cathartic PiUs 7. , ................. 12 . 100 Gelatin-Coated Blaud's Pills..... 11 . 100 2-p. Quinine Pills. . . . . .19 Bottle Z-gr. Lithia Tablets Special. . ..... . ."; .0 80c bottle Bay Rum.. Professional Cold Cream.. ... i.....i.,...19 'Best Sea SalVl lb S J . Cream Tartar Special, pk 2 o. ............... . .3f . .Powdered Alum Special, pkg. ........... .........2 ; Sulphur Special, pkg.' ; ...... i. . . . . , . . .2 , Wood Alcohol Special ....... ....... j ' Benzine Special . .' ......... ....... ........ .3 Stationery ; Opportunities v Eaton Hurlbuft Normandy; linen, regular 35c Special ....'...... ..........rlO and Ends of fine Linen Papeteries regu 50c to SlSpecial. . . . . . .38 Odds " i. Picture Sale Vr--- - LANDSCAPES, . FIGURES COLORS, :' PRINTS, 'WATER SCENES. ' ; -WOOD PRINTS, CARBONS, ETC. i 1 AT THESE PRICES: lar Clover Brand Poker Clups, regular ouc &pe- NQW Special, dozen . . i .. . ; , V. i ....X3 ; nvn. . Famous Boston & Parker Fountain Pens to dose OUt -fi '.. ..: ,;-'V . '. Commercial Note Paper, ' ruled, regular 20c ' ... t pound Now ... ... . .. .. . . .. . 7 VALUES UP TO $1.25 25c Specai 25 Percent Off Valentines Mottoes, Matted Pictures - and Passepartouts: . worth up to 63c'. ; ;, Wow 8 Cents THOUSANDS TO SELECT FROM ' 7 . , : .Rubber Goods Of course you are going to send some Val- " entines this year. OUR STOCK IS EN- -TIRELY NEW and shows some of the odd- ' est Jancies varieties positively unequaled. 1,000 paris Seamless Rubber Gloves, first qual- JBveryooay says so. t 1 v1' ity, fully guaranteed; wortn 70c 1C- ,". uuw ARRIVED! Three Carloads of Toilet Paper 1,600 Cases 160,000 Rolls - r This shipment was due here - December- iO to- be ready for the January sale, but was delayed, so the price is cut a little deeper. We buy in quantity and get the . rock bottom price. - ' ' v. "'v . ' . . v---- . Telephone your order, we deliver anywhere in the"' city without extra charge. V ' ; -. 1.".. Name. ' Per Dozen. Per Case of 100. ( -400" RoU :.. . :. . . .I.. . 72 ..J,.. V-.fSJST S6.75 $6.25 . 8-4.0C t $4.00 f8.40 ; $5.75 $6.53 $3.00 Case of 50., $7.00 V $8.50 Mt.'Hood Roll..... 84e - -Woodlark- Roll ........... 73 "Our Fair" Roll. ... ..... .. 62 -: Sanitas Roll 54 V Aseptic Package , .....$1.12 DelU Package ....71 Klondike Package ........', 84 Oneida ...... ...... ........ 30 , ' Per Dozen. ' Perfection RoU ...... $1.80 Tishu Roll ................. $20 . -Special: Brushes Liquor Department Specials VVThe careful attention of experienced men 1$ given to the ""buying and bottling of our Wines "and Liquors, and we invite jyour-inspection of .the department. - - - - Prices lc to $1.50 . m?X'I3s!SSpS.,'!.;.$2.16 . v ."y v Seamless Black Rubber Fountain Syringe, 2- " aoouj onunei-tu i Quart White Rubber Hot Waier Bottle3 J-3 Pef Cetlt DlSCOUllt ThiS-VJeelt- Leathervare SUIT CASESANY IN THE SPECIAL 40 PER CENT regular $1 Special ............. ....42 HOIS""EXTffA Special -i . j . i . .......... v.". i ;rr;.$1.12 P nicroffVT - :-: Glass Nasal Douche, regular 25c Special 6 I UldLUUn I..:. .Hygienic Nipples, black, maroon or white, Special Sayings VVWOson WWskey, quart-Special,.. ' 9-row Gray Bristle Hair Brush, regular 35c-Special....l6 : if i. J rl.,K tnvlil 1 ". rrV r: fltl.fT, Ladiea' Hand Ban. worth UD to SI SdI.ZwSC - - P uozen .v- - - ri nj..l. C1M n.V nn,.h 'milf Fiber's Rye, quart-Special........ ....,.,.,..08, . regular5cpecial - ' Special ....... ... . . . . . . .... . . .V ..... . . . .40 iZjr: ' pVV gw ftu,ftSOKM ' 89eV: All our immense stock nf TatW Ware, in- --------r - , , 13wSHort Bristle SogdTBTckrHalrHshregularjroa-n cmcJten toc Kye, quars specrai ...............,..ow dudinc Suit Cases. Traveline Bars. BiU e ui HI Walker's Canadian Club Special. .r.. $1.05 r " Books. Cir Cases, Letter Books, Wallets, . , - finlH htch i DeWars Special Scotch Special. ; . .$1.08 Roll ups, Flasks and Music Rolls. , : , .. fine uia xouroon opwwi. ...... ...................... Fine Old Bourbon,' Canadian Special, i . . t, ... ... . ... . . . .71 White Port Special . . . . ... W73 HO Per Cent Off 300 Fine Single and Fantails, from Japan ' Each 25 .Aquaria, 50, 85, $1.00 and up. ' - Gold Fish Food. . .10 Special ...51 11-row Barber, Unbleached Bristle, regular $1.25 Sol. .73 13-row Solid Ebony Back Hair JUrusn, regular ipe- ciai , California Port, quart-Special.V. . .'. ...V.. ... . . .25 California Sherry, quart Special. v., 125 California Sauterne, Burgundy, Reisling Extra Select Cal- v ; ifornia, quart Choice , . ... . . . . . i , . ; ........ . .36 " Our Special Port and Sherry, for this week, gallon. ; , ... .$1,007: v. .-i Phoney f f Private Exchange A Money' Back Caaranfec WITH EVERY PENNY'S WORTH OF I4ER . . CHANDISB . 50,000 Imp. Tooth Brushes Extra Fine Quality, big value at 25c Special. . . ... s r.". ,13 Cloth Brush, 35c kind Now. ............... , .. . .... . .18 Cloth Brush. 50c kind Now......... ............. .,..27 - ' Complexidn Brush, extra fine, for wet or dry massage, reguV : lar 40c Special .........................23 Fourth and Washington I i ... i i ii. r ii' I I ". I . 11 w VI. mwJt I I I If mm u ii ii Fourth and Washington DEALM FEMININE AS TO THE FAMILY WASH. How ncMry It U to tiav M In- th mind dlstinot ptctur. It you Ilka of how., a ptc t worlf Is to b don and how U-wlU look atur It Iw : Tha rrr poopU who no4 thl tdoml noat, am navee to hava It at ML .. Tha onaa who ' ara dapandant po othera for odd Joba ot work appear to go at thlnira In euch a haphasard faahlon. For ! exampla. tha avarac "waah lady" who. naada Work and to , whonKyou c1y It. aorry you . haron't mora to alva. bacauaa aha naada It ao much, la of tan cruelly dlaappolntlng. Tha wrong arttolea ara aeat noma or 'tha right artloloa, looking worse, aAmTflrr-t, .whn thay .wera aent away, until your aympathy vnlaaa It la of. a vary unueual rarlaty la apt to turn aour. ' ' ' ' ' '' ' . i' ' Waihlng la"Bb"ora'druagarywaa painting a plctura unlaaa It la dona In a drudging, half-haartad way. What la mora attractlrathan a llea looking "waah" on tha Una, and la tharo a woman who tiaan't gona out In tha yard whan tha clothe wara parUy dry to antft'that pacullar awaatnaaa and hi.ii th. imurt to tha air or parbapa which tna air Impart to thamT .. . . .' ' f Whcra ona baa a anug laundry and mar. OAausxa v. m. uamttm, u. b. Of Wavarly. Xanaa, writaas "Of a morning, whan flrat arising, I oftan And a troublasoma - collection of phlegm, which produce a cough and la very hard to dislodge; but a atrial! quantity of Ballard'a Horehound Syrup will at onoe dlalodaa It. and tha trouble la orer. I know of no medial ne that la equal to It, and It la ao pleasant to take. I can moat eor'1ly reannmnd It to all per r-- r -r i "r i er r atrarag health, doing an ordinary wash ing la fine exercise and , - tha reaulta amply reward the effort expended. - I know a bright young couple who built for themaelvea on a lot given then aa a wedding present by tha young wire' father the coxiest and most per fectly equipped little brick . house one would find In a day's Journey, and though the dining and drawing rooms are charmingly attractive, these young people are quite as proud of their cellar aa of tha aeathaUo part of their small domain. . ' ; ' " -' -V ' Thla, flrat of all, waa light, than thoroughly .cemented aa to. floor and tides. The young man, who Is a bright and rising lawyer, bad bis owa partlou. lar corner for tools and work bench where he can find pleasant relaxation from. .the loll of-of floe and court-room. Then toe young wife -has her own cosy corner with ahalves for canned fruit, nirkloa anrl firaaervea. and aha 1 .mightily" proud of thla and the work of her handa It contains, ana, Ming a vaa sar grad.. this goes to show that col- lego girls ara not wholly Insensible to tha delights of domestio lire. In tha very best part of this Ideal oallar Is tha laundry eef tube of soap atone, hot and cold water, etc With such aa equipment aa this laun dry afforded, tha average woman could do the average family washing with pleasure and profit. I : But the clothes ahoold be separated tha sheep from tha goats, so to speak before the washing proper Is begun. h Table linen ahould be washed -flrat. than sheets and pillow slips, and while these are "In the works' the really soiled pieces of the wash should be soaking not as Is commonly done the articles dumped Into a tub half fuU of warm, or cold water aa may be con venient but each piece afcould bo thor oughly soaped on the soiled spots and rolled up tightly and put In JuaC enough ---jrm, soar x ,wau to cover t , If all the badly soiled pieces . are I treated In this way and left in the water from half to three quarters of an hour, while the cleaner pieces are being done, they will almost wash themselves, for the dirt will simply fall out when they are rubbed lightly On tha waah board. ' Of course woolens ' or colored eotton goods should not bare this treatment Prints or ginghams should be kept In the water as short a time as posslbls and than hung directly on the line, and It Is safe to pursue tha same eourae with woolens. . ' In Ironing laces or embroideries, a very "thick, soft cloth la necessary tt bring out the pattern. ' Three or four thlcknenaes of . Turkish toweling under a smooth surface will give excellent re sults, tha Ironing, of eourae,-to be dona on th wrong side of the fabric ; . t lA RAISED DOUCHNUTS 1 1 pint milk; H oup shortening; 1 cup potato yeast; I agga; S cupa sugar; H teaspoon of. salt; nutmeg or cinnamon to taste. ' Scald the milk but let It eool some what before using, ao aa not to kill tha yeast' Mix rather softer than for bread and put the dough In a well-greased pan. When th dough Is light empty It Onto a board and roll out, cutting to any de sired sis. - .......,..-.7.-. . Th above win make over ti dough nuts of average sis. . i ' - Compraaaad yeast tail be used In the place of potato yeaat about - three fourths of a oak dissolved in a little water. . -...... After th doughnut are out qut fry In enough fat to float them, and have It hot wtien th dough 1 dropped In. or It will be aoggy. Fry seven or eight min utes, turning the nuts Often with fork. - On half th recipe can be uaed at flrat. ' ' ' ' ' ' - N When tha doughnut are don, they ahould be light, spherical In ahape and a handsome mahogany browa in color. Before they cool they ahould bo rolled In pulverised sugar, y ... . They are not to be eaten when new and hot but are improved by standing a vbil aa4 vaa .whea "atal" a good, tasting very muck Ilk loaf cake. But'perhapa. Ilka the atone aad sea weed Kraeraon took from their native environment, only to find that "The poor, unsightly, noisome things Red left their beauty on th shore With th un and th wind and th wild uproar," . . th ' .old-tlm datntle need their old-time environment to make them fully gustatory possibilities, aad the old-timo environment la something Ilk thla: --Bet-In a sunny hollow, like a puneh- bowl, with rocky and wooded hills rising aU about,, la an old colonial farmhouse so old that the great timbers supporting Its roof are of first-growth oak. hapd-J hewn, with the marks of the hewer' ax la their mighty sldea t ins great emmney iiwui which mv rooms olueter has - the roomy gucnen fireplace, oppoalte to which, the small paned. south windows 1st Jn the blessed warmth of the sun. Ths Puritan fore father may not have been sutr-worshlp-ers, but the living room of their house the kitchen waa alwaya en th aunny ld of -th- house. Stni further down the aide of the punchbowl I a pond where In winter oould ba-heard-the mualrsl not ot -th akatera eteel and th happy laughter and talk of th human bird aklmmlng the hard blue lea Winding up and down and around th Id of th sheltered valley Is a nar row country road, pebbly and sandy In pot and In other hard and level; but In winter covered with snow, amoothed and hardened by travel, it Is all- alike. The old aaylng Is that "When th day begin to lengthen - ' The cold begin to strengthen." . ; A Tty a OaTJ. ,;' I atuea to my nim, hiouiih wTwry Joint ached and every nerve waa racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Burlington. Iowa. "I waa weak and pale, without any ap nettle and all ran down. Aa I waa about to alve up, I got a bottle of Klectrlo Bit teri. andafter taking It. 1 felt a well I ever did In my life.'' Weary, alekly. run down people alwaya gain new life, strength and vigor from their uae. Try lem. Satlafnctlon guaranteed by B. 01 Hkldmore 4k Cn., nruggtsta, lit Third treat. Fjie It caoia, ! ta tha time to aa alaiching and drop down Into th valley. Tha night I clear so clear th sky I blue black and th star ahlne afar, steadily aad unwinking; under foot the snow has alentrla erackla: tha Wind Is still; the cold, pur air act on th horse like an Intoxicant; tney snorx -. . . k.l. mAm mnA mmnA All t mMfV II 11 w .i.vir uv v - little showers of sound from the bells and danco over xno narrow snowpain aa If tho sleigh thay drew had no weight at all. And th people In th sleigh hsv for gotten th cares of the day and draw i ,h ..J Kama mtA 1 1 H with every breath until the blood dances in their veins ana mey imw m rr ' iHtwnce that never can come to th lan guid dweller jn th southland. But they are going to the hous In th valley the hospitable old houae telling It quiet atory of day when the land Indian war neighbor of th unknown settler who bunt Its great enimney 01 rauah stone and reared Its oaken wall and wheco ey nnnih iivht and cheerful talk. . ,1-. hia.M an tha hearth and aupplemant., th conservative wirmtn or me -DMwni.r . eaa 1e a quiet woman of native grace and dignity, never flustered, never hur ried, aaylng little, alwaya seeming to know Just what to say. " ' ; , The host and his neighbor talk of the th. inMBMt. of the com In a oeeson'a crops, politics, and so on. The . . . . . m . ... hostess ana ner guesi ui 01 nm n neee In a friend' bom, of tha wadding soon to tak p1e In th villa, the death of an old resident, of sewing, fancy work, new dreesas, and what not; and by and by th hoot goea to th cellar and return with a pitcher of foaming eider and a dish of rosy ap ples, while the boat eaa goaa to th pan try for plate, tumblers, knives, nut r.lcks, walnuts aad butternuts, and last y th doughnut. Then talk become general ever the puritanical datntle until It to Mm to depart Host and hostess follow their caller to the door; and amid good-bye, "com again"; "yes. thank you. com and us." tha bell again tinkle on the sharp air M th horse, thick log fit XHKt own anug quarter, pull at th bit and speed swiftly away. THE QUIET HOUR. -Ufa aad Death. So he die for hta faith. That la fine More than mot of ua (Jo. . . But aay, can you add to that tin ... That h lived for It, too? In hi death he bor wltn at laat A a martyr to truth. j Did hi life do tho eame In tho past , From the day of hi youth! mi ar to dlaJten havrolodr-t For a wlah or a whim ' from bravado or paaalon or prld. ' Waa It harder for him T . - .. , - -.. ' i-v But to Uv-rvry day to llv out All tho- truth that he dreamt, - While hla friend met hi conduot with doubt. And th world. with contempt. , Waa n thua that h plodded ahead. J, Never-turning. aaiaet.-;..- , , j. Then we'U talk of the life that ho lad Never mind how he died. . -KrnesjCrosbjrt,, MINORITY OF EIGHTEEN. , , :- . . , t "Only h who would not bo a despot 1 St to b a ftemM,"- r Last Sunday evening at Klka hall Mlaa Gall Iaughlln paid her respect to th II" Oregon women who ar op Doeed to woman suff race. These ladle ar no doubt Intelligent and coneclentloue and one muat admire their moral courage In stoutly maintain' Ing their convictions in th face of th overwhelming majority arrayed agalnat them. . Perhaps they will And food for re flection In ' the following from Mark Twain, on woman suffrage In Mew Zea land: - "A feature of tho election t tho or derliness and obr1ty of th people; Womn were In no way p-' -!.". At i ' t t i rt WOr ' i t t Th argument agalnat womaa suf frage hav always taken th easy form of prophecy. Tho propbeta hav been propheaylng aver lno th woman' right movement began la 111! and In 47 year they hav never aoorod a bit ;,...,......... Men ought to begin to fsel a sort of respect for their - mother, wive) aad slater by this time. Th women de- - serve a c nan re of attitude Ilka that, for -they have wrought well. In 41 yeara triey. hav swept aa Imposingly large number of unfair lawa from tho etatuta books of America, la that brief Usae -these aerfa hav sot them selves free essentially. . ,...t Men could not hav doae aa much for themselvea In that time wlthoat blood- abed t least they nearer hav and that ' la argument . that they , didn't know hOW. - - . . - .- ' The women ' hav aocompllahad a . peaceful revolution and a vary benefl-' oent-ono-aad re 4hy- vlnced tho average man that they ar Intelligent and hava courage and energy and perseverance and fortitude. It takes much to aoavlnoo the average man Of anythlngf and perhaps nothing can ever maka him- realise that be Is th average woman' Inferior yet In aeem to show that he la Man ha ruled the human race from th beginning but he ahould remember that up to tho middle of tho present century It was a dull world, aad Igno rant and stupid. -. - " i This la woman's opportunity h ha had none before. I wonder where man will be la another 4TJjrer following th equator. ? ; . - : i, - 1. 1. 1 All communlcatloB for thl '" ' should hava Healm ranlnln" la k left-hand corner of envelop. gr t- ' ' fre I