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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1906)
; I' TXX3 OREGON DAILY POHTtAIO. TUESDAY ' CVZ.TIIIO, JAlt'UAIlY C3. i:::. ; i OiirJ GUPID-17AGES imifiotis Chicago Man Step Up to Ten phone Booth In Hotel Port i land to Ask for Number. HE NOTICES THE GIRL; 4' i AND SHE NOTICES HIM "ii Then ; Cupid,; Noting tha Glances, .1 of Chicago and Mima Jeasle Bernicc O'Neil Will Be Married Sunday. - -Paa-Cupld. armed -with aajPa" quiver-well filled -.with--arrows-whose polnte had been dipped In a matrimonial solution, waa perched upon the deek of tba public telephone office in ma noiei Portland one . day laat summer when Oeorge D.,Helatey of Chicago, a gueat of tba hotel walked up to Mlaa Jessie Bernlca O'Nell, the operator, and asked .'' for a number. . Dan ' noticed the tone need by the ' ' etranger when ha aaked for the nura- eer, the having previously taken a menu Inventory of the maiden, 7 and could not help noting the (lance abot at , the young man by the "hello" girl ae aha hastened to make the connection. -There - waa nothing for Mr. Cupid to do but to ami hie how and shoot. He did It- Nest : Sunday, at Dea Moinea, -Iowa, at the - home of the ateter of Mr. Heteley. the couple will be married. Mtaa O'Nell teavea today for Iowa. After the wed dlng. Mr. and Mrs. Helaley will go to Chicago, where they will mike their ' home. , "It waa a eaae of love at nret sight.' aid Mlaa O'Nell thla morning..- "Tba Arat time I ever aaw Mr. Heialey waa on morning during the fair when he . stepped op to my office and aaked for a ;- telephone iramber. We took a liking 4o one another from that moment, and now we ere to bo married. I leave today for Dea Moinea. I wlU reach there Satur day, and wa will be married at Mr. Hels ' lev's alater'a home on Sunday.-! , "Why don't yon get married en Sat- . . urday; what'a the uae of waiting until nest day r waa aaked. J - - ' "What, get married an a Baturdiyr - eaclalmed the bride-to-be with aome ac claim. . "Why. don't you know that's the ' wont kind of bad luck? Well, I ehould . aay I won't marry George on a Satur day. I don't want any bad luck. I love him too dearly for that" ' - . ' ' "Where did you get your idea about i Saturday being an unlucky day for mar .' " rlagear -"- "Qoodness gracloua mar ejaculated the maiden wltheonsidereble warmth. ""That " haabeem an "unluckyday fof 'generations and generatlona, and" r "Generatlona In your famllyf "No, of course not In our family, but in others. That la a euperetltlon aa Old aa tha world." . .. . .. . Mlaa O'Nell resigned her poaltlon aa ' telephone, operator - at tha hotel teat evening. She had - held It , for three years. j- :".- -ff .v-- - . ; "And during all that time." aha con ': tlnued, T never aaw a alngle man that j I cared for nntll Mr. Belaley walked up and aaked me for a number. ; Mlaa O'Nell realdea with her mother, ' , Mra. M- K. O'Nell. at 4t( Florence etreet ' She waa bom in Portland. - Uw U.I.U. Im m hmmmm. mrtimt Vttr vmm ka rmm inntMMtaA with the Poat-Dtapatcb In St. Louie. At prea- ant he la making Chicago hia home.. ,, RUSSIA MAY -STOP SPECIE PAYMENTS 1. ' : " (Jeomal Uperlsl Servlce.1 . ."' ' St Petersburg, Jan. (O.vHerr von Men ddaaohn's declaration that hla combina tion of German bankers does not propose making tha advance upon which high hopes have been built by Count Wltte makes the financial situation awkward, because under the beet conditions Paris banks could not furnish the large sun. ' Friedenau, a well-known broker, writ ing In Volva. ears: r "Unices peace Is restored soon, or a large foreign loan obtained, nothing can prevent the stoppage of gold payments la Russia." - W. L LANG MADE FIRE , CHIEF AT OCEAN PARK Winiam L. Lang, formerly a fireman In tha service of thla city, and Are mar ; anal on tha grounds during tha Lewis ,' and Clark exposition, baa been made chief of the- are department at Ocean " Park, or the Venice of America, In Cali fornia. Lang la a brother-in-law of Dla ' trlct Chief Holden of thla city: Whea he served In the department here ha was driver of engine No. t. He became' fire marahal at the Lewis and Clark fair : and held the position until ita close, r when he went to tha new amusement city In California. HILL REFUSES DEMAND t ' FOR HIGHER WAGES ' - ' Ueemsl Ipeelal amir.) Bt. Paul.. Jan. It-K. K. Clark, chief of tha railway conductors, la here trying to avert a threatened strike on the Or-st 1 Northern and Northern Paelftc - Nerotl - atkme hare been broken off with tha committee on the question of wegea. HUL It la reported, haa ordered hla officials to refuse an Increase. Four thoueand men are affected. A DIMPLE MAKER. Y- Find a child with dimples - T and chubby arms and 'lees" ! ttnd YOU find a healthy chiloV ' ' 1 r-. " j : r. T J " .fjiiu unc wun arawn iace i. "ilT. WiP9m thiruktd yjmcL jtoil. i ' - i see one that needs - Scott's' v . Emulsion. v Your doctor will , no doubt tell you the child is . - fattanredits . food is not ; nourishing it " .;' ; ' ; v Nothing helps these' thin, pale Hiei ? like ; Scott's Emulsion. It contains the : very ekraent of fat they need. It supplies them - with a per irtt ai v ac!dy digested cccrlitt:! L Scott's Emut ion brin-rs , dimples and ; rounded limbs.'';, as.y.t ' rem arr--ni' m GODOlRO-llilS 4 , ; I V- WRITTEfJ OOLlf LUST LlOilTfT Not Dated San Fraficltcftlm ofAnLFaudi .Aski JDaeda for Genuine : Certificates 'I '"'r " 'Hope of Running (Ipeelal IHapatch te The Xearaal) - , ' Salem, Or.. Jan. 10. Hiram Ood dard of La Croaae, Wlaconaln, who pur- ebaaed the largest , number of forged lead certificates from S. A. n, Puter and Horace O. McKlnley. ' appeared before i'!jL??J"n'l-b0s4 ih,L rooming. Jto have dMdi Issued on the few genuine certlf Icatea he hold. ;. . . - . tOoddard says ho la wIlHng-to- oreee- cuta Puter. When asked "why ha would Tonrar t of" ileKar""at Seattle, lie aald that he eouhl net under' aundththe&wbatQnoect hm he had with the case, . Qoddard cle-lms xo have received a letter from Puter dated San Francisco. December 10. which -waa delayed eeverai daya In delivery. - Thla la the laat communication any known peraon haa had with Puter. .. XJnleaa the expectatlona' of tha atate and federal offlclala are aoraly d leap pointed, the capture of Horace O. Mo Klnley and 8. A. D. Puter, tha notorloua land fraud awlndlera, may occur In tha SERGEANT H0GEB00M SUSPENDED " FOR CRITICISING HIS SUPERIORS Police Sergeant Stephen Hogeboom was suspended this sfternoora by Chief Orltsmacher pending tha filing of charges agatnet hint with Mayor Lane and tha police commission. Hogeboom la accused of criticising tha actlona of his superior officers. For yeara "knock ing has -gone on -in ine aepanineni, frequently resulting In the demoralisa tion of tha force, and Chief Orttsmachsr haa determined that henceforth all "knockers' shall travel a rocky road. A nearo was arrested Saturday even ing for sweeping duet over one of tha heads of tba police department. Hoge boom took the man Into custody by or der of his superior and lodged him In the eltv nrlson: he waa reieaaeo . on ball and Monday was found, guilty and fined Ii by Police Judge Cameron on a charge of disorderly conduct. It is alleged that after taxing tno CHANGE MAY COST Haa Uw" of Vancouver Ferry Slip, But Portland Railway Company Owns Right. Multnomah' county- mar he forced to spend $14,000 in building a new road- to the ferry lending to be made oy tne Portland Railway company at its -o- lumbla COUJTYS14,000 rlver trmlnufehsjrsIlway4cP a former ataambnat cdmoanvTsTjulldlng a new line to oper ate between Portland and Vancouver, and tha present ferry landing will be aban doned and a new one constructed three quartara of a tnlle weat of it Through an arrangement "wtththa company the county has the uaa of the ferry slip, although It does not own an Inch of tha ground. The railway com pany controls the ferry rights along the Or.gon bank of the Columbia river for a distance of two mllee In tha neigh borhood of Ita ferry, as well aa all theae lighta on Swan Islands Owing to this fact, tha county will be forced to come to some terms with ths company. The county road leading to ths present fer ry la for a long distance aa elevated one, and the building of the additional road, aa well aa the altering of the prea ent highway, would coat a large sum for tha driving of piling and the pur chasing of planking. All day yeaterday and thla morning President Franklin L Fuller and Gen eral Counsel O. F. Paxton of tha rail way company were In conference with County Judge Lionel R. Webeter and County Commissioner W. L. Llgntner regarding the new ferry. Tha county offlclala were at first of tha opinion that they would bo able to purchase tha present slip and then Indues soma ona to operate a boat between It and Van couver. But when shown ' ths legal rights . for ferry landings held by tha railway company for two miles along tha river front Just where the slip waa wanted, they were at a loaa to know Just what to do. Because tha tax rata waa made so low there are no 1 funds with which to build a new roadway. ' The county offlclala are now struggling with a plan to raise tha needed funds. Mr. Paxton thla morning aald that the new electric road would bo ready for use about April 1. Thla Una will have post several hundred thousand dollara ST0CKGR0WERS ELECT MACKENZIE PRESIDENT .i .. . (Journal Bseetal Berrtce.) Denver. CoL, Jan. 10.-Tha Joint con vention of the American Stockgrowers association and tha National Livestock association opened here today. Tha two organisations recently decided, to form a- merger, the new corporation to be knqwn as the .American Livestock asso ciation, whose membership shall be made up -entirely of producing Inter ests, and which a hall be a general cen tral assembly or elearlng-houee for all national, llvestk andrdera-aaaoj, dafTona, thcee bodlea 16 be coordlnau with: each other. Murdo MacKensIa was elected presi dent . ;,'!'" , . ' . '" FOUR KILLED IN WRECK : ON SEABOARD AI& LINE (Joereal Upeeta! S.l !.) - Norfolk, Vs., Jan. 10. The general offices of the Seaboard Air Line report a collision this, morning near- Col urn hla, South Carolina, In which four train men were killed outright and several ethers badly hurt. It "la reported that two others wars also killed. , ... WOULD DRIVE OCTOPUS V FROM HOME OF TRUSTS Trenton, K. I, Jan. !. Senator Mliy turn Introduced a resolution today call ing upon ths attorney-generel to drive tha Standard Oil and Its subsidiary com UBBliMlleta tETTERFROr.l FUTER -Federal Officials Have . Down Swindlers. vary near futura Both men ar be lieved to be on this coast and tha pre cautions which have been taken, en pec I ally tha widespread dtatributlon of tha deecripthms-and photographs of the f u gitivea, are thought to make escape Im possible. J XrTuTmorRrcTiar'galneoHeo able currency, though It finds no ere dene with the government officials or with State Ln4 -Agent Oswald West, Is to the effect that McKlnley has fled to f China. According to this atnryrMeKln- ey .left. Aaaeeiea la Kwimbih Mre. McKlnlejr formerly, .Mlaa Maria Wara. is knowat ha lA Saa JTranciaco Thoaa-, who eocept the theory that McKlnley haa fled the country believe that. Puter did not accompany him, but is still in hiding somewhere In tha United States. Still another etory is that both men have gone to Honduras, la . Central America. ' ' ' . ' ' State Land Agent West declares that tha arrest of tha two awlndlera Is cer tain. He believes that they arc la hid ing on this coast. negro to police headquarters Hogeboom returned to the man's employer and ax. cuaed himself for making tha arrest, asserting that he had to do as ordered. He Is aald to havatexpreaeed hla sym pa thy for the negro and to have re marked that "theee new men In Jhe de partment think they are the whole thing. He ahould have had tba decency to let the fellow know who he was at the atari Inatead of leading him on and than ar resting him." Hogeboom Is else accused, whea de tailed . to Investigate tha binding and gagging of Mlaa Maud M. Sheek Sunday night, of returning to police head. quarters, where his official, superiors were eagerly awaiting hla report, and first telling the whole story of what had occurred to outsiders, leaving tha chief to wait for Information, Without which he could not Intelligently sat plain clothes men to work. TALE OF jiGiinu Cornelius Allison Corroborates Charges That Llfe-Preserv-v ers Were Not Buoyant. ' npeclsl Dtapatek te The JeameL) " Seattle, Wash., Jan. I0.Tbe charges that tha life-preservers on tha Valencia were not buoyant were corroborated by a Valencia at tha investigation this morn ing before the inspectors, who. 'When aaked aa to Ufa preservers, said: "I did. not know than what ther were mad of. -Mine was of loose material. but I thought It was cork. Tha fireman daahed on tha rocks refused one offered hla and asked 'or a oork life-preserver. That makes ma think ha knew some thing was - wrong - with tha preservers; I did not hear any women ask permis sion to leave the steamer. When asked to do so they Invariably replied that they would rather die on board than in the lifeboats." Allison declared that at tha time of the wreck he aaw no storm. Allison also denounced both survivors and mas ters of the vestals for not making a greater, effort to savs those aboard tha wreck. He blames ths volunteer crew landed at Cape Beala in Boatswain Mo Carty'a boat Allison aays after notify ing tha world of the disaster they ahould have made their way back to the ecene of tha wreck. Had any ' one reached a life Una ahot ashore all would have been saved on the Valencia, aa all was In readiness to rig a breeches buoy in case any ona' picked up a line. In the morning- after tha last raft put off from the Valencia there . waa no great sea running. Not a wave had a comber on It There may have been an exouss for tha Queen -not coming In; there was none for tha small tug. bow aver, and all aboard could have been saved In ths morning had th,e Ufa. boats put out over night ; GOULD HAS NOT GIVEN UP COAST CAMPAIGN Cancellation of large orders for lum ber and ties la the Paella northweat naa started a report mac construction work by tha Weatern Paclflo has been stopped. It Is learned that theae can cellations affect only materials for the 10-mlle section of tha Una .between Marysvtlle and ' Orovtlle, where ,.; the Western Pacific, by a deal- with the Southern Pacific, haa acquired a branch line that will be utilised by tha Goulde on the route to Oakland and obviate tha necessity of ' building - tha . Orovllla Marysvllle link. It la reported that the Weatern Pa clflo haa recalled all Its engineering forces from pregon and iemporarily-lald aside all plana for extenalon toward the Pacific northweat The company has now In Its treasury enough money to complete tha Una between Salt Lake and Oakland, but not enough to make any other extenaiona. EvsTTnonar"1snrsl to be - expended in carrying: tha fight against ths Harrlman forces In Callfor SlaJto a.conulusloa before-making any move in other dlreotlona, . . - - FULTON GETS TWO, :;,V , ..MEASURES THROUGH , (Wesblaftoa Rome ef The Jearsil.) v Washington, D. C Jan. 10. Senator Fulton secured tha passage in the aen ate of hla bill appropriating 110,000 for a lighthouse at Arago bay, and a reso lution, authorising the survey-of Coos bay, ;. . - r . ' Watts Quiokly Cleared. Only two minutes waa required by a Jury in Justice Reld'a court thla after noon to acquit Attorney John F. Watts of the charge of having venison In hla poaaesalon during the closed aeason for hunters. Fred B wen eon. the Informant swore that he aaw Watts carry a pack age aboard the -ateamer Reoubllo at Scappoose about three weeks ago. . He i eiierea no uiucieat proof. ; HORROR tEGIIL: FICIIFH BITTER OIIE : .;. (.. : ,, -,....$,. MoirUngSwsaion-of --Hill-Harri-' Man Hearing In Maegly Cass Is' Most Interesting. t ATTORNEYS USE EVERY ' TECHNICAL POINT Objections and Debate Mark Bvary Step Taken Chief Point to B Dow 1 elded Is Whether Transfer to Port ' land -ft Seattle-Valid. -"r. fn ledge rraj JBWUl t IJIlaVlttofninf ittorneys for the Harrlman and Hill railroads ' resumed - thslr battle for poaaesalon of tha tract of land, oa ths reninautav known aa Maegly junction. where tha right of way of tha Portland Seattle railway crosses that ' of ths U R. a N. Co. Tha suit Is to determine who ts en titled to preference in the" natter of establishing tha crossing at the junc tion. Judge C. H. Carey opened the eaae with a motion to amend a certain document, changing ths date on whloh papera were filed by- the Portland Si Seattle. The motion waa vigorously op posed by ths Harrlman attorneys ana contests arose at ovary, opening during the progress of ths session. W. W. cotton and Arthur c B pence r represent tha O. R, A N. Co. Interests, while Judge Carey, J. C Flanders and A B. Llnthlcum of Portland and 3. B. Kerr of St Paul represent tha Hill In terests. Ths forenoon session waa da voted to healing evidence and testimony with reference to tha transfer of tha traot known as Maegly Junction by ths College Endowment association to ths Portland at Seattle company. It la sought by the O. R. A N. Co. to ahow that the deed la void, wnus attorneys for ths Portland Seattle company are attempting at the same time to show that the condemnation vernici securea by the O. R. A N. Co. after tha deed had been rued la also void. Judge Fraser laat week denied the nlea ia abatement filed by the O. R. A N. . Co- holding that the Portland A Seattle had a riant, to . transact busi ness In this state. The -original ault now being tried on Ita merlta and It a now to bo decided whether or not A. 1L Maea-lr Waa authorised to sign a deed tranaferrlng tha property of the College Endowment association to the Portland A Seattle company. - . Mr. Maegly and M. R. Thompson, right bf wsy agent for the Portland A Seattle, wars the .only witnesses exam ined at this morning's session. - Mr. Maerlv stated 'that he was an officer In the'CoIIege"KhdowmenT'aaaocIatIon and" he wag called upon to produce the min utes of .the laat meeting of that associa tion. He waa . unable to ahow In the record that he was authorised to ne gotiate a sals of tha association's prop erty, but stated that he acted on the atrength of powers conferred on him laths br-laws. Ha told of hie meeting . with Mr. Thompson and of tha subsequent agree ment that waa reached by him.' On cTosa-examlnirtlun. .He aaTntttedr-'.thatl while he waa negotiating with the O. R. N. Co. for -the sale of the land he kept offlclala of the Portland A Seattle fully posted on-all proceeding!. : When the O. R. A N. Co. waa instating MTieTOmiinl,Tnrir i5?wSr no tified officials of the competing line of ita Inafstencs and Informed them that It waa time to file tha deed. The in strument waa filed by Mr. Thompson on the following day. , Mr. Thompson told of tha work that was dons by a crew of laborers between and 7 o clock in laying tracks on the disputed property. - Ha attempted te evade a statement aa to hla motive and reason for working at night with can dles and his Jiaate In laying he tracka, Mr. Spencer, who conducted tha cross examination, attempted to force hire to atate that it was dons because ho knew tba O. R. A N. was seeking to obtain the name property.- He evaded and waa peremptorily ordered by the court to aaawer all queatlona without equivoca tion. . . ,f EAST BURNSIDE STREET FIGHTS ASSESSMENT Property-Owners Contest Case v Four Years, Claiming Work ) . v r ' Was Poorly Done. ; r Owners of property along Eaat Burn side street will, again throng the rooms of the circuit court to listen to the cass of J. J. Kadderly and 10 others against ths city In the matter of the re assessment of that thoroughfare. Ralph R. Dunlwey, counsel for the property owners, and City Attorney L. A. Mc Nary thla .morning requested Judge Fraser to act tha case for February 18, which was done. "Thie suit" eald Pun! way, will ascer tain what remedies the property own are hava against street work which Is not done aocording to contract or to the torma of the ordinance." ... - Lawsuits that have sprang out of the Improvement of the. above named street have been In local courts since 10J and have twice reached the au preme 'court ... , ' ' ." WILL NOT CONSIDER r PROPOSED TAX BILLS Members of the etata tax cods com mission are busily engaged In the work i-stt-fraailng a new oode for submission to the next legislature. The ootn mis sion consists of Fred W. Mulkey of Portlant,W J.Lachper of Baker City and E. B. Seebrook of Marahfleld. They have been In aeaalon for eeverai daya paat Mr. Mulkey, the chairman, waa aaked thla morning whether the- com mission would take any action In ref erence to the two' tax bills which are to be submitted to the voters next 'June for adoption by the Initiative. . He re plied; . - " -v - - . - "If the people see (It to adopt either of those bills we shall regret It, but It Is sot' our province to make any com ment on the measure. We . were ap pointed simply to frame a new tax code, and It would, be out of place to paee Judgment on any btWa that may he sub mitted to the people." t Fire Censes SLSOO boee. ' Mpeetsl Dlepatcfe te Tee Jeeraal.) ' La Grande, Or., Jan. I0.-Flre broke out in the dry kiln of the Grand Ronde I .umber company at Perry thla morn ing, causing a loaa of between $1,100 and 11,600. The planer and mala mlU build ing ware saved. m tlBi SHEEK Girt WhoWaaAttacW Sunday TeUs Police She Was Shjad . - owed for Six Montha. MYSTERIOUS FOLLOWER ? ; NEVER ADDRESSED HER She ia Time Grew Accurtomed to the Man's Queer Pursuit and Ceased to Worry Detective Think They Hare Right Clue. ToTasolwalalyTnffl M. Sheek. who waa bound and gagged by two masked men at 4 SO Schuyler street. Sunday night has been followed by an unknown admirer. Everywhere shs haa gone aha haa perceived this man follow ing her. At first she waa alarmed, but aa time wore on and no violence was offered her she gradually became ac customed to hla queer behavior and con cluded that he waa alightly deranged but not dangerous. . This tha story told Chief Qrlts maeher-'and Detectives ' WeloV and Hartman at police headquarters at noon today by Miss Sheek. She aays that ths taller of the two men held a revolver at. her head and threatened to shoot her In case she made an outcry. Notwithstanding the display of the weapon and the threat she screamed, because, - she : explains, she was eo badly frightened that aha waa unable to control heraeic During the time Mlao Sheek was at police headquarters, three suspects. taken Into custody thla morning by the detectives, were taken before her. She waa unable to Identify any of them and they were given their .freedom by the poiioa. - It is known that tha man suspected Is dark complexion ed. of medium height and build and smoothly- shaven. He Is thought - to be an Italian - or a Greek. Tha police think they have a clue to the identity or the person who assisted hint to kidnap tha glrL EL IS WRECKED Boy See Girls Go In Den and Mob Immediately Storms the Place and Demolishes It. ' ' Oearaal special Serrlee.) New fork, Jan. -10. For several hours thia afternoon nearly 1,000 men. women and boy a threw atones at Chinese laundry on Twenty-sixth street In the belief that two little girls had 1 been lured Into the laundry. After tha fplaco was thoroughly wrecked and ths angry mob forced Ita way Into a back room, two s young women were found hiding under a bunk, but Sam. Lee, the proprietor, and Chung Foy had escaped. The hostilities began soon afti O'clock when the youngsters saw two well-dressed girls enter the laundry and walk straight through to a rear room. The lada epreed the newa and parents who had little girls of their own became terror stricken and rushed home to aeo If their children had returned from achooL . ' - - , ' Meanwhile several , hundred young sters made a dash for ths door. The Chinese locked and bolted the front door, whereupon all Available missiles were' brought to ths scene and ths at tack began In earnest ' Stones, bricks, coal and everything alas that could be thrown went " crashing Into tha etore. Fathers.- .brothers and . even - a . large number of women kept. up the alege un til the attack bordered upon a riot . Policeman Henry telephoned for re eervea When tha police got Into tha laundry they found ths door leading Into the back room aecurely bolted and barricaded with chairs and tables. While they were smashing In the door there came a shower of brleka and they had to abandon battering the door. . After two hours a score of fathers formed a flying wedge and battered down - the door before tha police could Interfere. 1 It did not take tha crowd long to demotion everything in eight An opium layout tuba, - chalra and dlahes were smashed to bits. ' AGED MYRTLE CREEK WOMAN HANGS HERSELF Roaeburg, Or, - Jan. 10. Mrs. Olbba, a pioneer resident of Myrtle Creek, Ore gon, aged (5 yeara, committed aulcide yeaterday by hanging herself with a rope. ' She lived with her daughter, who waa temporarily absent at the time. The daughter came home about noon and found her mother hanging to rafter In the woodshed. An enfeebled mind, aa a result of continued Illness and old age, la the cauaa of the act BOSTON HAS A REED " WILL CASE NOW, TOO t Boaton courts era to decide on a case similar to the Reed will case that la now before the supreme court The eastern courts are to Judge whether ot not John (X- Smith waa a . cltlsen of Boston when he died In Portland laat May. Attention -waa called to thla yes terday by the filing of a petition In the county court by Attorney A. C Emmons contesting the will of Smith, who waa 76 ears old er th Time if bli death: It la Charged that Mrs.-Fannie Bartlett ueed undue Influences Over her father John awffe.Ssalthv In-order--to- neve- hlm-wllt the bulk of his estate, said to be valued at $20,000, to her. The will la conteated by two other daughters, Mrs. Adelaide M.' Gooding and Mra. Bertha F. Rich ards of Boston, who were left but $100 each by their father. . - ,,, DAN J. MOORE NOT ' ' OUT FOR SHERIFF Dan 3. Moore, who haa been mentioned na a possible candidate for tba Repub lican nomination for sheriff, haa told aome of his friends that he will not be a candidate fur any office. He proposes to devote hla time wholly to private business. . , -. - - B, w, Breqraaaa'e Denial. R. W. Breyman aays that tha article in a morning paper that says he drank too much liquor is not true. He dalma he had nothtng to do with the elot ma ahine rpbberiee. ' .;"..- CHIDES AUfJOiir an ii am si ;' Plans for Reorganizing State As . sociation to De Discussed - A at Meeting Tonight f LAWS RUTHLESSLY ! . BEINQ VIOLATED Association Will Cwielder. Securing ; Paaaage, of- Law Providing for Ap polntment of Game' Wardens and Deputiea to'patrol Sut '."Plana for reorgantsatloa will be die-" euaaed tonight by the State Flab, and Qame association at -Its annual meeting in the chamber of commerce building, when orfloere will be .elected. - In all probability the - members will recommend a state or central organisa tion tn each county ot the atate, along tha same lines aa tha Fish and Oecne association in California. - --r- Tha securing the passage of a 'state law providing for tha appointment - of a sufficient number Of state game wardens and deputies to patrol the atate, and for the appointment of county gams war dens in each county,, will tn all proba bility be oonaldared. The eherltte of each county and their deputiea are mad game) waroens ny ins staie lawe. out on account ot other duties overlook the protection of gams to a great extent The enforcement of the law providing for flsh ladders over dams may also be Insisted upon. ? Many ef the members of the associa tion favor Imposing a license of $1 year oa all men who carry a rod. With tha proceeds derived from thla aource It Is proposed to employ deputy wardens to see that the fleh laws are observed throughout tha etata. - ' - Steps may be taken to reetock the sueams or ine state wun iroui - iry. Many of the streame whloh have been constantly fished year after year con tain but few trout and the membere realise that unless tha streams are re stocked there will be none at all. . DETECTIVES REFUSE TO BUY STOLEN CURTAIIJS : Believing Story of Thief, They Lacked Faith In the Value : of the Goods. - After steeling several pairs of laoe curtains from C. R. Davis a short time ago, a burglar had the boldness to offer them for sale to Detectives Hartman and Hellysr whom he met on the etreet Not only did the man tell so clever a story that he deceived the otnosra, out they refused to purchase the curtains, valued at $100 for $t, because they were Ignorant of their value. Thla morning a complaint waa nieo In the police court accusing M. C van. derwort of the larceny of the ourtalna. The warrant of arrest was plaood In tba hande of Deteottvea Hartman and Welch I for aervlce They, had not landed tin man. He had left ths city. Ia fooling the eleutha when trying to dlsDOse of ths ourtalna tha thief told them that be had "broken np - house keeping" and wanted to sell the cur tains to tha beat advantage. A second hand man. he explained, would not sir the nroner nrtoe for them. How much are tney wortnr queried Hellrer. - r"- -.---- - - , "Well, there are a pairs ana tney cost me $50 a pair, answered the man. G AT THE THEATRES Beauty Lecture Tomorrow. ' Tkat the ataroeaai Orss4 wtU be filled with as-te-dste wn te bear Prorcesoe Crls tleej ea4 e eee sis ebsmiag aaslstaat, Madaaie 1 It. stars, laws is mm vmv. rmiww Cristloa weeje here the wosMa aneeretasg that thaa Wnlsies are set ef a nedteil aa tare, bet perely ea the erts end BMtheee ef sttalalng asd retaining toasty. "The leetere tumoerew afteron at MM e'ektefc la trm sad te weassa esly. . i Bargain Matinee 1 Tomorrow. irtno'a Amlrana. the attraetlea at the akar tku wars, will elve the resalar bar gain da? ssstlsee tosMmnr atteraeoa. MIbot's AmartraBe tBie wm tine nr mwm- mmm rer tblnge. There is isrse saoea er rettr -slrls, a fine vseosvuie eUo, beeaunu Steele aad a elever faree. ; "Hooligan Inr New York." The Eowtre this week le attrectlog large crowds by e clever sad original play eallM Roa n In Nsw Tori. IDS niar cemrs Hsppr Honllgsn" threugb the vicissitudes ef ths cnet lt er nsw iotb tmmrm wm u powerful BvlodrasiaUe plot maunee Satnrday. There wlU be a VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. ;' Another Good Show. The Orsnd is offertag aonther gned vsnde vllle eBtertalaaMBt evsa better- than the eee ot last wees. The headline set Is "A Osete ef Hearta," presrateg by Ralph CvmaUsis, the' Oooolar stork sctor, sapporttd br- son clever people. ' Best artists are the Olovotte brothers, vlotla vlrtnoel. 'rlakhaia eat eon Kay orfar the motor eyeie wniri. usorgs Imaa is a ring ernet The Oaraall elaters are ovseile- elsre ead esaeare ssd BaroM Hoft M aa eopeiar ss stst im bis mmw song. The OnDOiseope nssose -neDoers e( Cklldrsa" and emer picterea . '. ' Acrobats at Star. Of all the acrobsts whlrfe the Star has played In t'f ""g aaa.prasparona tuna, there. Dare ears sons eo iinimiij wviim iw htartlnrtte trie, wbe eosse direct frees Parta VoatelU and Nlaa ere asserts ea the Romae Hags. - Capdee la giving a . chaage-aet.- SatlUi asd Illla are producing a funar sketch, with new Jokes, snd Olbsoa sod Olbsos have e plsrlet rall-d "A Berflars Kit." The itare scepe cad W. B. Hartford eeaipleto U bill. WILL vOFFICI ATE AT . PORTLAND DEDICATION . ... r ' (Special Dlaeeteb'te Tbe'IoanaL) -Baker Cly, Or.r-Jan. 10. A, Edgar Beard, exalted ruler of Baker Clty.lodge No, III. B. P. O. B., has been advised by Orand PIstriot Deputy Brawn . of Astoria that A. Kdgar Beard, grand esquire, and Or. E. P. McDanlel, grand loyal knight of the Baker Clty.lodge, have been appointed 'to officiate" at the dedication ceremonies, February 1 and 1, tor tha new Portland temple. JuaOJ-OlgaaeMs arjL.' tJoamal Special s-rTlca.) Columbua, Ohio, Jan. 10. Ths lower house of the legislature this afternoon passed aa aaU-algaretta blU, b C;:a Ptily. ' Every botile ol Dr, Pleroe'g world faeuid SMK''lna leaving the great labo ratory at t-uuelo, H. Y., hae printed upon Ita wrapper all the lnyredleaU eatarina Into Ka com position. Thjo iact alone plaeee Dr. 1'lerco'a Faml)rMedl clncg w, okiM ail by tnemeclve. They cannot be classed with patent or secret gedloinee because they are neither. This why so many unprejudiced phyalolana Creeorlbe them ad reoommend them to lair patients. Ther know what they are ctom posed of, and that the Ingredients are those endorsed by the most emlnen medical anthorlUes, . . The further fact' that neither Dr. Pleree'l Golden Medical Discovery," the great atomach tonic, liver invtgorator, heart regulator and blood purifier, nor hta Favorite Preacrlptlon for weak, over-' worked, broken-down, nervous women, contains any alcohol, also entities them ae a -place all by themselves. Manv years ago, Dr. Pierce dlscovared that chemically pure glyoerlne, of proper strength, Is a better solvent and preserv ative of the medicinal principles reald lag 4a our Indlgenona, er nat'fo, medK Clnal nlantathan o.A.1 fnrtl... ImuI eTwallljiiisaaiaiyaluaale meriininai properties of Its own, being demulcent, nuiriuve, antisepuo, ana a moat emeient an tl ferment - Neither of the above medicines eon-, tains alcohol, or any-harmful, habit forming drug, aa will Tna sms firm a t fiance at the formula printed on each Huaw wrapper. , xooy are sais to uae ana - : potent to cure.' , Not only do physicians preeerlbe the above, non-eeerel medicines largely, bat the most Intelligent people employ them -people who would not think of using the ordinary patent, or secret medicines. Every Ingredient entering Into the com- i position of Dr. Pierce's medicines haa the atrongest kind of aa endorsement . from leading medical writers of the .several schools of prectioa. Ho other medicines put up for like purposes haa sny such proesetonoe endorsement. .. . - . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets core con stipation. Constipation la the cause of many dlseaaea. Cure the cauaa and von cure the dlseeae. One 'Pellet is a gentle ' laiatlve.and two a mild cathartic. Drug gista sell them, and nothing la lust as 1 good. . Easy to take i as candy. -. sufrel:e goust dashes HOPES OF THREE r Denies Petitions of Crover Mare' tin, Moses Taylor and I Joslah Smith. ; i ' " (Speelsl Dbreeteh te The Toaraal.) Salem. Or., Jan. 10. The eupremc court today denied petltione for rehear ing in the--cases or the stats againat Graver Martin, the atate againat Moses. Taylor, snd the atate ' againat .Joslah Smith. Smith la now doing time in the DehltehUary for bunkoing the city o Astoria out of $1,000. Martin has a 10 year sentence to serve for killing hie sweetheart's father, and Moses Taylor, a rich Umatilla rancher, tried to burn the barn and grain of a neighbor,. The case of Oeorgs Keen a against MoCarty waa reversed. McCarty won in the lower court. This is a Baker county case, being a aulf to foreclose a" $1,600 mortgage. ' ' The case of Elsie Ia Mount against Robert lacAulag, and others, a ' Baker" county case, .being a suit to clear the cloud from a title caused by a tax deed, . was reversed. V. The -eaae of Huffman againat Smyth waa reversed and remanded. Smyth won belffw. Juatloe Hallo wrote the opinion holding that an Involuntary absence of a aettler fronve claim by reason of con finement In .the penitentiary is not of Itself abandonment of his rights. Ths point Is one never before passed upon' by the Oregon susrems court. ' the reason for the decision being that legal aban donment consists of voluntary . re linquishment of right coupled with ths Intention to abandon thtiann. . .. ORDERS EMPLOYES N0T TO ACCEPT PASSES (Journal Special eervlee.) Bprlnrfleld, '111.,-7 Jan. 19. Governor Deneen haa ordered all state employes under hla 'control not to accept railroad paaaea. . . .- ..... i Look oet for Kojnber na TaU Is of as saltish ss tt eaaaia'e"sssa If roe fall took eo for yoeraelf roe will tnd br being a bardaa ea some one elsa . . A' Thare ere stae things la ear store that U will halp: Hats, Suits, Ovwdeats, -7 1 'Wiutsa.-alnTts; -tjndeiwsst, "Keeheesj, Borks snd ghoas. ' , 0' Nothing aaptoseaat saU here If yee irhanga any earchase or wsntronr monar c." -r- .- -Here W' S reseane why tt will per fa , to. trade br thU r' high II qiuUij. M. sattefeeterr prlwt. v . .. jfcv ear rvtara aonvr esUcy. 4th. J. frasboass ef ear etock. ith. the j f 1 ' fit of ear etnthlng. Sth, polltearss " . I ef eee salesiea - ,-'. . - . Oar laaaary Selaetiea Sale Vew Of fare t ; The M00 Hste fee...-. fer... ........ ...MM fOt, s S S eat . ell. elaV for $l.(t Tha if M Bate Phe tl 00 Hate - The Ol.ts Bate res..... ...rve Zverythlng that taea aad beys wear new eaUlag at greatly redoeet prtese. lilCIlCLOTHinQ Qusdm-PiK , Outfitters for Men and Boys, - loflTsnd 168 Third Street, , lleawk Bulldlnj. . mm mm mm t