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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1906)
t::s cnr.ccn daxx' touhitai; rbrreEAi'rar, Tuesday cvEiriNO. jaiiuary so, isca. 1 TOVfJ iq?ics her . Masteal Barlesqne aaptre, ..."BouUu la New York" Lrri.T...... ...."test. Baby" Paatagee ... . .(fertile Star , adeTllle Ura4 Vaudeville ,; Materials hava tmn unmbN and - work will begin t one on construction of oil tanks for tha O. It. N. company at' Portland. Tha Dalles,' Arlington, ' Heppner and Umatilla, and or th ttn . . they sre completed ths motl v power da partment will hava changed tha loco " motive ""to oil burning engines.' Tha company has been using coal brought -fronr-Wjromtnf"and"Toun4"trOTild save ss par eat by uaa or on snipped iroro ,. California, besides lessening tha dirt and ... discomfort of passenger travel. .Simllai tank -will ba built at Granta Paas,. Itwwbnrgr jnnetlon TrttyriiBanyrWood. ,-burn. Bprlnsfleld. Bt, Jeaephasd land for the Southern Pacific, whose rrr3tr5-now running- north;' ma-rfar-at ... Ashland with oil burning engines, wlU " ' ba continued to Portland with oil tor v.. fuel. ; ,v. - J. E. Keller.' president of the Retail Llauor Dealers' aeaoeiatjon, ana v. J. Caswell, have .sold the afasoo eafs. diagonally across from the Hotel Port' : ' land on Seventh . and Morrison streets, to William CaswelL a brother or ix J. Caswell, and Clayton Pallas. Tho trans i far was made last evening. Mr. Kelloy has bean In the liquor business In Port' ' land for I years, and secured the Mas cot afe nine years ago. At that time Mr. Caswell worked for him. Two years - later he acquired a half Interest In the place, i Shortly ... after the 1st of, the r month the two retiring men, aocom- panted by rhalr families, will make a v tour of California and visit tho principal cities of Mexico. Upon their return to Portland, about two months hence, 4hey . will probably engage In tho bottling business. , - ! ' . ' ' Dr. B. It. Martin spoke last night at ' the First Christian church on the sub ject of "The Infallibly Safe Way." He enumerated many prevailing" customs ' In vogue In the religious world which, . In the. light of scriptural Interpretation, were not altogether "safe." He asserted rxLtbat a great mistake people make Is in quibbling over trifling differences In forms and modes of religious senrloe. "Unless there is perfect union and bar-- tnony with -trie bidio ana- witn eacn other in our religious life." Dr. Martin ' said, "we are not treading the paths jthat are Infallibly safe." r Tonight Dr. Martin's theme will be "Personal Mag- . netlam Its Use and Abuse." Chamber - of - commerce committee meetings have been announoed by Presi dent Hoge for the following dates: - Manufacturers' committee tomorrow 'morning at 11 o'clock, legislation com mittee , tomorrow .afternoon at .. :! : o'clock. The Irrigation committee held a- session this afternoon, ef footed an .'organisation and discussed course .of H vto the chamber's policy of encouraging publicity, photographs and data ' have been collected by in aasiaiani secretary for uaa by Frank O. Carpenter, a news paper eorraapondent who reeentlyvtstted ' Portland and has In preparation a series of articles on the Paclflo northwest. ' Property owners In the vicinity of Seventeenth and Overton streets are ob , Jectlng to tho proposed location Of the Wells, Fargo dt Co,'a barn In that nelgh . borhood, . and at, the next meeting of r the city council will Introduce aa ordi nance "regulating the boildlng of stables In the residence districts. ' It Is the idea to prohibit altogether the establish In such districts. - Owners of old stables -"wlll be given one year from the passage of the ordinance to remodel such es . . tAbllshments to comply With certain ; sanitary provisions of( tho law., The Cbrvallls Eastern has put on a -Sunday train between - Corvallls ' and Albany to accommodate ' tourlats and business travel desiring to make the - - round trip from Portland or go from one - local point to another. It Is said that - during the spring and summer season there is a dernffnd for Sunday train serv ice by people who take the west side ' Southern Pacifte train at Portland In the morning and go to Corvallls, cross to Albany on tho Corvsllls A Eastern and return the same evening on the esst -ald Southern Pacific, line. -- Mrs. I. Aronson. wife of the Jeweler of this city, received a wireless mes sage from her huaband .yeeterday, say- ing that he had been at sea two days and sending regards to all. Mr. Aron son la on hie way aoross tho Atlsntlo to visit In Breslau. Germany. He la ' on' board the stesmshlp Kaiser Wilhelm. The wireless meeeage was , received at Sagaponack. New Tork, and transmitted by telegraph to Mrs. Aronson. ' Martin Rush, an employe of tho O. W. P. company, loet his right arm as the reault of an accident on the company's lines yesterday. He was coupling ears .when his arm became fastened In the car and he was unable to extricate It ' before the oars crashed . together. It wss bsdly crushed and he was Removed to Good Samaritan hospital. The ampu tation of the arm was neoessary. Rush In married and Uvea at Beventh and' Flanders -streets. ?. . . Next Tuesday evening the Portland board of trade will hold a meeting at Eagles' hall, at which will bo heard dis ruptions of questions proposed by the municipal enterprise . committee. The proposed belt line road will be con sidered, and talks sre expected from . Mayor Lane, F. A. Johns snd .others. - presenting the views of a city executive. merchant, a- property owner, and a civil engineer. - ,.v. The annual census of school children of this city. Is being taken under, the di rection of School Clerk H. S. Allen. Enunerators are at work on the east --side and - ona - on- the - west - side,- sod others will be aaaigned for duty within a few days. The taking of the Census this year will require considerable more work than In former years, owing to the large increase In the number of resi dences on the east side. In. many lo- SHIRTS ' New patterns Just re- calved., many neat black ' and whit figures, cuffs - attaehsd or . detached, - , ' coat style or cloeed $1.50 and $2.00 ncvctl,CrciIqraCo Wl UJ A OAXSX9ATS TC3 ib. To bo dona in Oregon. We are tho ladies' friend, and solicit tho sup port of every woman In this broad commonwealth. ' - Just beckon to na by TEL. MAIN Itt, v , Unlon-LcnnSry ; noon ajts oox.ttmbxa. calltles there are hundreds of bouses this spring where there were but a few last year. .It Is expected that the re turns from the enumeration will show the largest Increase In "the number of school children ever recorded In this city. - - ...... eaae-aBBBaaaesss ' ' " CapUIn Mark W. Larklns of Chicago, Illinois, deputy supreme templar of the international supreme lodge, is making his headquarters In Portland ror a raw days He will vlalt Qood Wlll lodge,. &. lumurmw, maul inu wii, u,w.v short address. Captain ,, Larklne has U J Pond's Extract f 'J. If. DENTIFRICE r f haTmletkCeann'DnMniikk W W will ke ikateetklr eerteclewS kr Tim- Wli M IU Ceatacr f- tlm eae se Wl snNikaailwOMatmiMC IV ' IB . eaetkekieaikaaaleaMeaedlglMtaltaaa .eimedlj"" Btatea and Canada and la - thoroughly familiar with the affairs of the order. . Sheriff Word this morning stated that he expected the new tax rolls to bo ready in time for him to begin collect ing 1106 taxea on next Thursday, Feb ruary 1. Chief Deputy Sheriff Fergu son requests that people sending In their lists for statements make them In duplicate, as one copy will have to be retained in ho otneo. - The commission house ef Davenport n company la somewhat upse on account of tho arrival at Mr. Thomp son's homo of an heiress, Dorothy Mil dred Thompaon. tho latter part. of last week. Mr. Thompson was In Astoria on business connected with his firm when he waa apprised by a message of the arrival.---: Tho revival services being conducted at tho First Christian church will con tinue through. this week.- Tonight Dr, Martin will preach on tho subject, "Per sonal. Magnetism; Ita Use and Abuse." Watches, Watches, Watches On easy weekly payments. 11 down, are per week.. Don't go without a good time piece. Metsger A Co lit Slxub street --Why Hoyou buy cheap. Inferior gss mantles from peddlers when you can get a Welsbach mantle for Ite at Man ning1 a, U Third street? TeL Main lilt Mechanics should not forget ' that Rainier Mineral Soap is the thing for removing stains and curing chapped bands. Tour druggiat and grocer haa It ' Mag Smith returned today from Hot Lake springs, sufficiently recovered from his four months' Illness that he will be able to attend to his business. i Insist of your druggist or grocer for Rainier Mineral Soap; good for all pur poses; finest thing for ecsema, chapped hands and all akin diseases. Why pay SS to SI for eyeglasses T We guarantee a perfect fit for SI. Eyes examined free. Metsger Co, 111 Sixth street . After using Ralntsr Mineral Soap you Will have no other for the toilet or bath. Tou try It All druggists and grocers handle It - 1 t ssssMaassM !,',, Gold medals for laarn grass and sweet peaa. - Butser, seedsman, lit Front Merchants' lunch SOo 11 to S. SIT Washington. : Portland Tamaia factory, It Park at Dr. EL C Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam. . Big shoo sal. Marks Shoo Co. ' Ask for Frits' s tamaleo. Talk of thr Town. The dissolution sale at - the ' Salem Woolen Mill store at ST Third street hss proven to bo one of the big" events of the season. --It la very seldom that wtr wrga stock 1 of good, reliable clothing Is offered at such astonishingly low prices. Many friend a. ..and patronages tho - store throughout the country are availing themselves of this sale, many orders oomlng In through tho mail. ' Mora, than 100 aulta were sold Satur day at -. - . Sereral Srew Ssildhaga. Building permits have been issued as follows: A. Neumann, cottage. East Trent y-nlnth between Eeet Oak and East Stsrk streets, cost S1I0; Burrows. Borthwlck between Simpson and Jessup streets, cost t80: Home Telephone com pany, office building. Couch between Weat Park and Burnside streets, cost Sis.. ' Baldwin's Hsatth Tablets, : . Yoke them tonightbe well tomorrow. Cures -constipation, SSc - Drugglsta. Milwaukl Country Club.' Mjvm ...VI V wuu w .www Sell wood and Oregon City cars at First aad Alder .4 DseiozsKeoB1 Whllsi Talking to Drunken Man George Stayer Is Arretted for : Being Out After Hours . SAYS POLICE ARE ' ' 1 PERSECUTING HIM Last Night; Stayer Saya, Patrolman " laakson and - Another PoUeoman -Jnglatcd 1 on Inspecting IfiMioni I Awakenlng"SleeplnriIefir - While conversing with a drunksn man at' Third and Ankeny streets early Sun day morning, George Buyer, who con ducts ths Stayer North End mission. Fourth snd Burnside streets, was ar rested by Patrolman laakson. Stayer was taken to police headquartera and charged with being out after houra, but was released by-Captain Bailey. , . Stayer conducts a mission of hope, as bs calls It, that haa for its purpose the aaslstanca of the failed. Hta work la of a personal nature, ho says, for the mission conducts no street services. Workers go about tho north end and wherever they find one wnom iney can help take him to tha mission. . . . "I was pleading with the drunken man Saturday night when Officer Isskson accosted me," be said. , "I ..was trying to get him to go homo or go to the mission. Ths officer asked mo what I was doing out and -I tried to tell him. He scoffed at me ' when I told him I waa a missionary and refused to let me show him my letters and other papers which would have ahowa the nature of my work. . . . - "He said I had no business out at that hour tt waa after 1 o'clock In the morning and made mo go to the station with him. There I told Captain Ballsy new IV happened and" he- released me after I had shown him my papers and proved the truth of my claims. "Our work forces us to bo about tho Streets st all times, chiefly at night Ws go from ons dive to another and If ws find a man whom we can help and who Is willing to let us help him we do so. Ws corns In contact with all kinds of men and do a great deal of good. . ' ; '. .: ' " ' ' "Laat-night the -officer -with another officer came to our mlaaion and aald he wanted to see through the place. All our lodgers were sslsep st the timer and I told him that soma other time would be better. But they Insistsd snd I showed them . through. It wakened all the poor fellows, but they Insisted- on seeing tho piece and I showsd It to thsin. "Today I went to see the chief but he was out I am going again tomorrow aharUrcsirnlmnUTTave- chance to sxplaln what I - think Is persecution. I believe that certain aaloon men are at the bottom of It They object to my taking out of their places men who are spending money." USET4W OF TEEL-RODS These, Five Eighths of an Inch Thick, Strengthen Floor-of . Wells-Fargov Building. CONCRETE WORK TO COST FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS More Concrete Being Used in Base ment Walla and Floor of Sky scraper Than There Is in Any Other Two Buildings in Portland. . More than 14 miles .of steel rods, which would reach beyond Oregon City to Portland if they were laid end to end. are being put into the concrete bsoement floor of Wells Fargo Co.'s building being erected on Sixth street The bars sre five 'eighths of sn Inch In thickness. They are placed In two layers, being 14 Inches apart to strengthen tho floor of tho building. More concrete Is being used In the bsaement walls snd cellar floor of tho building than there Is In any two other structures in Portland. The Basement floor when completed will be two and a half feet thick. It covers an area of IIS by IIS feet ! cubic yards. The lot measurement Is 100x100 feet but the walls will extend under the sidewalk IS feet on one side snd IS feet oa the other. Tho walls Snd floor will contain S.000 cublo feet of concrete, which costs on thin lob S10 per cubic foot to lay. There are Incidental sxpenses which will run the coat of the foundation up to almoat Sso.oeo. - The street front walla are S feet S Inches thick at the bottom. Tho Inside walla are live feet S Inches through at their base. In soms places the walls are II feet deep, running down to concrete sand for a 'solid base. , There sre SS concrete pillars under tho concrete-Iron floor, the larger ones being 10x10 feet square.. They vary in height from S to II H feet, according to tho distance APOLLO SKATING RINK MUSIC Kverv afternoon and evenin? br our most . excellent : band. We cater only to ladies and gentlemen , ADKISSION IOc$XATE$ 25c Ladies admitted free afternoons APOLLO IUNK SEVENTH ANP OAK C u nerchn3 Pcrc!xgd cn ;:;U" '. TIio Lleisr G Frcnli C?3araiisa Portland's Leading Cloak Store Women's Ready-tc--VeAprarl In grand awyancl every garment at a price far below t-eamg up the entire stock before hiventor -Two-frreat-special lots of -WomeWsiirgh-gnide'tailor-rnade . , Suits in broadclotha-and-cbcvioU, thre-quartp4cngtlv tight fitting-styles, in green,: rd, navy, -prune ftnd-blacky-this- seaspn s styles, plcatgcjjBldlts f-nufyclotia-raraes i '. . $50Suits$24.45 .All our fine Velvet Suits t All Dress and Walking Skirts at low prices, All Suits, Raincoats and . All our fine Lingerie Waists, regjilar $3.75 to $45 values, at exceptionally low clearance sale prices, Second floor. - ----' All Silk Waists and Petticoats at very low prices. v : ". ; Grand Opera You can select from our entire magnificent stock of Evening - Costumes and Wraps at 33 1-3 per cent discount from regu- lar selling prices The highest class apparel for all occa sions Imported and domestic models in the very latest . fashionsCostumes are in silk, lace, net, crepe de chine, vel vet and broadcloth Prices ranging from $25.00 up to ,- $350.DO Wraps are in lace, silk, velvet and broadcloths Values from $22.50 up to $250.00 Beautiful theatre, dinner and reception garments Variety by far", the . fff ''largest and best in the city Second Floor....... 3 Women's Great Clearance Sale Bargains in All Lines . . Women's heavy cotton Hose, double sole, absolutely fast , color jbestijmported. maker all es rirgular-SOc-values-onsale ar the Very low price of, per pair. . . Women's light-weight cotton Hose ; all sizes ; regular 50c values, at low price of, pr. 33eV Women's gauze lisle Hose, high spliced heel, double sole, hand seam, 2-inch' hem at the top ; all sizes ; regular 60c values to be disposed of at the very low price of, pair.iC Women's cashmere Hose, all-ribbed and rib-top,, double soles ;'all sizes; best 25c : 1 values on sale at the wonderfully low price of. per pair lawfry Women's 2x1 rib cashmere Hose, very elastic, all sizes ; 50c values for low price of, pr. Z7f Women's fine grade English cashmere Hoyf"" taMtv-f-trfp-hmieTyjQ regular 75c values in all sizes, at pair...... ,...if .,i.i.',..1.'.......C Women's fleece-lined cotton Hose, medium weight; 35c values at the low price of, pair. 24 Misses' and boys' "No Mend" Hosiery, knees and soles reinforced with Irish linen Q - thread; all sizes; best 25c values on sale for this exceedingly low price of, pair. Boys cashmere Hose, 2x1; lxl-rib; heavy-weight all sizes; 50c values for low price, pr.33 Entire stock of women's, misses' and children's Hose at clearance sale prices. Clearo Fairy Soap, dozen. ;...35V Juvenile Soap, at, cake 11 Conti Castile Soap, eke 54 Barnado Castile Soap, - -cake Tergens old-fashioned .Soap . ....... ...... ..6a 'All 5c Toilet Soap, 3 cakes for t 10a All 25c Box Toilet Soap, 3 cakes f -7 Eastman's ""Perfumes, "all odors, bottle . . ; 7e "4711" Perfumes, all odors, oz. ................23t Violet de Parma Toilet Wa ter ..... ..33 4-row imported Tooth , Brushes .8t 35c Tooth Brushes, ea.lDe 25c Hard Rubber Combs for 14a 50c Hard Rubber ' Combs .............33 Frostilla, great special 13 Superior Bay Rum, bot.19 Coke's Dandruff Cure, bottle 33 25c and 35c Back and Side Combs ............. 21 which' had to ba gona to reach ths con crete sand. f Tbs ooncrsts work Is. blng don by ths Contract A Engineering company, which has offices in seyeral of ths Puget sound cities. " Almost half the concrete floor hss been laid. When It Is completed ths job will bs turned over to ths general contractors, who will be gin work upon the erection of ths brick and atone walls of tho building. . ARCHIERAY-WILLS-BODY TO OlY FRIEKD Morohlne User Chooses That :rMeana to" Pay Back Loans From Rosenthal. a t. v m nntnrlnna fnornhlns user, la ths author of one of ths most peculiar wills that has ever oven u-.rlaed.- He haa bequeathed bla body to "Roale- Rosenthal, ths ona friend who has remained constant to htm In hla rears of dUgrace. Immediate death, ror years Ray bas been a alave of morphine. .Times In numerable ha haa been arrested for hav ing ths drug in ma possession ana has served many daya Imprtaoament In punishment As soon ss hs Is released ho goes st once for more. V m tmmmt S Mr. Ita hu Called npon "Roala" In times of dire dtetrees. It la onnecesssry for him to explain his wants, for hs hss only ona. So when ever hs eomes near "Rosics" place and stands Idly about for a time It Is a sliest token -Rosle" that he wants Credit Today and TcncrrtmVaCo ca February Accocst Sale OnSy 4 - $55SuitJ$26.25 at abput one-half regular prices. Coats at special prices. ' , v Apparel Off arid Children's Hosiery Long-handle Bath . Brushes .Y, ....... 19a $1.00 Ebony- and fox solid T wood ; back ' Hair- Brushes" for ;.........69e 50c Wood back Hair Brushes .,...33 Military Brushes, pair 98f $1.75 Ebony Cloth Brushes '.........fl.33 Ebony Hat Brushes, spe cial ...39 25c Hand Scrub ; Brushes .... . . . . f , . . 16 World's Fair Toothpicks, 4 and .t:...;.....16 Aluminum Powder Puff Boxes ...... .16 1,000 Whisk Brooms, spe cial ........ ........19 10c Face Chamois on sale for ..................7 Gold Enamel '. .. ..1...16 Bath Tub Enamel. . . . .28 - Knickerbocker, 6 rolls,' 25c ; hundred ...... ...$3.65 Richmond, 2000-sheet pkg., dozen ..$1.23 Chamois Chest . Protectors, special ............ 73 a nickel, a dims or a quarter. The money is always provided. Yesterday hs came again and mads ths customary sign. He wss saked when ha expected to repay the various "sums that bs had "borrowed." , "I've thought of - that frequently; Roele', " ba said, "and hsvs often won 1. .,- ; rT - . r ... . ? r Store Bays More Rubber Goods Hand' and Stand Mirrors for ......... .........84 85c Celluloid Soap -T Boxes ........ r..T.19 ' Silk Toilet Sponges, spe cial ........... v.v...7e 6-in. Metal Thermome "- ters 2-qt Eagle Hot Water Bot tle .38 Eagle com. F'ntain Syringe -- and Hot Water Bag ,73V Goodyear all-rubber Syringe for .49 Whirling Spray " Syringe ......77.'. 81.59 Infants' rectal Syringes 16 5c Rubber Nipples,3 for 10 75c fam'y bulb Syringe 53? $1.15 Red Rubber Fountain Syringe for.. ..73 Dr. Graves' Talcum Pow der, can 7 Bathasweet; great value at .....t ......16 "Royal Tooth . Powder for, can ................. Hi f Gossamer Face Towder, box ........13 dered how I could aver pay you." I have given up all hops of ever having any money, but hero Is whst I hsvs dons for you. I hava made out a will, be queathing to you my body.': yiefened Stock Canned -Allen eV Lewis' Beat Brand. Dluestem Blend Is the best FLOUR BECAUSE , , ' .' . .... ,',-.'" i We maintain a high sfandard and it fa : "Always thsSiin::" .11 ,.IA CLEARAIJCC WhoTr trad as , with - Mi SlUil appraclatas ths faot bs gats good mercliandls at mw , prioss. . Man's and Youths' . f e.OO.Tr f T450. - - 910.00 f 13.SO and' SjlS.OOl worth from 12.1 to fS.M mora, " . . Complata Una of - " ' iioii, xats, VAim, vn OTXMXZXTS. Big atock or nnrxs, btdxt" VOSTEM at I per cant less ta price aooordlsg to Its valua. LLAR Running Two Stores ' S.W. Cor. First iYc3 A S. W.Ccr. Ttlrd tzi Civls AJlTaniTn, Harquam Grand TheXtrc FREE For Ladies Only Tomorrow Afternoon "V January a,-at IMe'aoc ' a soxxrano ixamx ex EEAUTY CULTURE AKO . : FACIAL CIEISZIS ,t sa. eazmow, k. w, a. h.., ' i r rf liina aiAbTT DOCTOR TO - . . ltUH. BKRMHABDT. OALTaV - FATTI as LAMaTBX. ' Asriated ay Oss ef the Meat Saastlrsl Weeaea ef Her As. . , . .. MMB. MAYE.B.D. iMtn U Vies, Marqaam Grand Theatre . TOMORROW NIOBT. JAKTTABT II, Oraad Oti a Ua Caatwt. , . aa MCBICIANS ' Taaaevflto XaS a top umi acts a RiamT or MUSICIANS MUTUAL ASSOCIATION - mmciAvr looal so. 4aetst4 by Mrs. Keae Blorh Baaer. sesraae: . Mia. Walter Bees, eaatraltot Tnaklm BlrS. Hr, staa aireeted iiaawt; s popaiar aaiaims ay ercaeatra. sy aagar a. wesnwau Baker Theater ST Taaaain asd Third Sts. ' Phase Mate MOT. . The HeaM ef MaeVal Bnrleaqaa, , , Abmsot Wlsaar This Waes. XmB'S AMZmioABB, Baileaiiaa aad Kxtravasaaaa Oeswaay. Bt the raaay sraetrel fare. "IB TABXZB DOODLS IML." . - Bsrgahi Matlaee Tiieiwuiw Bi say seat. Other sMtlaees Betareay aad Skadar . lAe, XV. Sf. SOe. Brralng prV BVe. as, sac. Tec. ETealaso at S Ul. Setarday atu see is iae mt A weelth ef sretty stria. a nahar ihvira. loat saawlDIUI SOI Empire Theatre hnXTOW W. RBAMAJf. M in. FortlaM a rw mmr Mlaht Thle Week- . The Osly Beat "Hoaasaa" Play ef the linea, Prases A Browse ssesant Hoolisea la Ka Ycri The elevsr cuatedy-drai mimu. Saerlal see) ..a utJ. tM'l atfae It. BmiBg srtaa tac. e. B3e. see We. ie, BV. Mtm waak Pellaid TJIHssHsa STAR TKXATBI. WMk ef 'aa aa, TBIO. Dweat freai Parts, Prlra lo a - amy Ma -Grand TWBATBB.V - Week ef -Jeaaary BS. , Balsh Oaaalan aad hla C T -ta "A -mmm U Tlakhaaa Oa. OanMll aiatva , - - Baiel Beff ,. ' BraaeMa Prttwe Bnalaaa Sad BwMlara. lor, irm, WWt jn ss any CVR1C-THEATRE "Loci a Dcby" . : v.. -, ... ; f- A BOABUie PABCB t TKBXZ ACT. - Adadaalna tr; Bwns Saeaw. Bs. fssstt'.- rn''7f I 4 . c Ttia - rraarlurd r- YeatsDa aad Sis , ' SsUtk sad BUa, W.-M. BSMtiSSf. WbtC wSVtVw wMSsSbV