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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1906)
- nrr w nil r " -jr-r -yf a iV v -1 . - - - . X c -'l 1 u. II,. THE ;0 REG 'AN fc Hicnoi f Published every evening (except 'Sunday) and every Sunday morn Inc. at The Journal Building, Fifth and Yasv h .. -.-'..f ' ; WU streets;' Portland, Oregon. y, , -. ' 'v" TANNER CREEK SEWER rp HE TANNER CREEK SEWER CONTRACT 1 .-unearthed me mosvjiajrsni; an ...... . vt of fraud that Portland had .been treated to for Ion time:- The fraud mi self-evident and wa demonstrated- -to the-eomplete -satisfaction-not- alona-of-tha perta whoadaheaTOinatkn1mthe-pubKc'aa--welt ;If wa necessary to do over much of the work, but that "Hid not allay the scandal There were grand jury inves tigations and indictments embracing not alone the con- tractor but i the city engineer,. hia assistant and, nthcra as wall. One of the contractors waa iw i... nnnfatinulv diaaDoeared and will not turn rnliftairl " Tf'rtTsnQT"KJK'y "ntinhe atnrnrhtow I intA tht - 4.a - , river Another contractor nas neen 'being convicted, and in the usual order of things tne case against him will ba dismissed in course of time when the public has had enough time to forget the valient features of .the case., The case against the city engineer has beert dismissed; the case against his deputy will doubtless also be dismissed, for whatever immunity, was granted to Elliott would almost necessarily apply to Scoggin, When this timecomes it .would be ridiculous lo punish th,e faithless inspector when the principals kad escaped without punishment r -, ". So we have another exhibition of the way things are managed in Portland and therein we' shall find very Jittle to discourage contractors in the future from doing precisely as was done in the Tanner creek aewer. . In thia particular case The Journal's .strongest criticism .was never directed against the contractors, but against the city engineer's office." Regardless of contract" or specifications the contractor does precisely the sort of Job that the city engineer insists upon his doing. If the engineer insists upon the letter of the specifications that is the sort of job the city will get; if he is. careless, '. indifferent or conniving, the city will get a completed Job to correspond. Everybody in Portland knows the sort of job that was being turned out in the Tanner creek aewerrAtTdmosrany-time itwaa likely to care in and bring about such havoc and entail such property losses s the city has never known in its history from such sources. But the outcome of it all is simply a better ob on the sewer, due not to the authorities but to pres sure from private citizens and the atrenuoua exertions . of- this newspaper, and : nobody i . feasance jn office, or indeed for actually cheating or tonniving to cheat the taxpayers, as was . so flagrantly , Hone in this case, ' . . ' '--J-, ''.-" The outcome. is not. one which. the public can view ' with much satisfaction, nor is it one, on the whole, of which the district attorney's office should feel inordi nately proud. s IMPROVING OREGON ORCHARPi 'itiiKE li a manifest and gratifying, awakening of M . the fruitraisers of the Willamette, valley to the " necessity of ridding their orchards of pests, and producing only wormless and otherwise dean fruit 'The fruit inspectors of the several districts in western Ore gon are doing a splendid work in holding meetings at choolhouees, urging the importance : and necessity of cleaning up the orchards and keeping them dean, and illustrating their talk id effective ways. Farmers arc to realize (he importance of absolutely clean orchards and fruit, and that in aimple justice iwell as to himself every one with an to rid It of puts, or if this cannot A suiticient amount .of spraying, it has been abundant ly proven, done at the right times and with the most Effective matter, will rid young and otherwise healthy orchards of scale and all other pests; but in the case f some old "orchards, that have been pest-ridden many years, an ax and a fire may be the only sufficient means ;5f. cure.- The nozzle of an ax" is coming to be the watchword up the valley, and. in southern Oregon, and with that motto .well lived up to we shall soon have ir lean orchards throughout Oregon, and vastly better - fruit J . : - -j 'T It Is a ahame that we people of Oregon can scarcely feet any really good applea unlesa we pay almost their weight in silver for them. There are fine, sound apples k-aised in some localities in Oregon, but these are sent fcbroad, while we have to use the wormy, scrubby apples that are a disgrace tothe atate in general and in particu lar to the man who raised, them. But there are signs . that . thiaJ is going to be changed. ' Orchardists and farmers are waking up to the need and necessity of pro ducing clean, sounds well-flavored fruit, and we expect to aee a great change daring the next few year. . ' - Oregon ought to be and may be made the best fruit estate in the union, but it will take work, with the "noz Ble," and some with the Tax.", Go at it, and keep at it. Jt will payv ;v;.'' . t. . , .- , 7 V VOTERS SHOULD REGISTER. t7 'OTERS SHOULD BEAR IN V ' - they have registered since Januarys 1 of thia year tbey cannot aim petitions for the nomina. tion of candidates to be voted oif in the primaries. This Is a strong reason for registering at once. ' Every good citizen should recognize the duty of doing his share toward securing as nominees men of integrity and abil- , Ity. , If he fails to register early he disqualifies himself for, participating In the. work of bringing: good candi idatea before the votera in the primariea. The citizen fiaa a twofold duty , to perform in the making of hia party'a ticket not only must he go to the polls on the flay of the primary election and vote intelligently and aliaeriminatingly for tha best men on the primary ballot, k fcut he must also do hia ahare beforehand in bringing tnit the best men and aecing that their names are on the lallot It i the purpose of the direct primary law to How the voters, not the bosses, to name the party's tandidatea for office. It will be the fault not of the Jaw -butrTjf thrTOter 1f Tinfirncandidaterare 'placed on the ticket v'..-':, V' I V Gambling at Sea. ' ' i Front Iiondon Truth. - " X-TrttndTorTHlne-renarTuMMa from a trip to the United States very full of the mlaohlef done by professional "kraniblerS 'and cara-abarpera on' the At Jantlo llnere, and strongly of opinion that the shipping eompaalaa are respon sible for. the .alateneo of this evil. It la pretty eortain, I baHeve, that the blackleg business Is organised like any other Industry, and that the ganga who frequent the AUaatle linare are regular mitlsyee of aa Individual or firm. It la at any rate eertaln that the member of the ganra are known to the ships' tiffloera, earf'ttr friend telle me that the names of seven of them were pointed tint to him on the passenger list of tha "White iter llnar en which he returned nd the Individuals Identified as they sat at table.- It la Intereatlng to no that among them wae a woman and a grmith ef Innocent appearance. It la one of the worst featume ef the evtt that many of. thara are young etsre going nut to America or kCanMa, with most ef thlr worldly wsalth in thalr nockata. My friend learned that I gang m hia) sals, fot Utt from eex-1 O N DAI LY '" INOBPINDBNT N IPiPIS PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. FIASCO. tried and rnnvictcd. tccontend.''Most Tudire Mack, it twice ukb mmrai who violate the Perhaps, if the of Portland in his judge of this city, to him without too we a Judge Mack I one of Oregon's hard winters, or perhaps the season hare gradually moderated during the century . with set tlement and cultivation. - One thing that of game 100 years punished .f or jniM Drewyer and . this morning up to his neighbora as orchard is bound the pioneera than be done, destroyTt be explained J We explanation, if they the matter, through DEATH G OOD OLD ifIND that unless w HAT A public view, but This spectacle tain passengere at one etttlng, and that on a recent voyage of the -came ship ywm easeaweer e the tune of Moe. He therefore -urgss that aa the companlee know the Indi viduals Jhay .ahould absolutely . refuse to carry them, and stand tha racket uf legal proceedings for ao doing, r - : A Place for Jeremiah. V From the Ladlae1 Home Journal. A certain prosy preacher recently gave an endless discourse on the propheta. Flrat he dwelt at length on the minor propheta. At laat be finished them, and the congregation gave a atgh of relief. He took a long breath and continued: "Now I ahall proceed te the major prophete." ',- ' After the major propheta had received more then ample' attention the congrega tion gave another elgh of relief. "Now that I have finished with the minor prophste and the major propheta, what about JeremlafeT , Where le Jere aalah's pleeet" -f- . At thia point a tall man arose In the back of the church. - "Jeremiah can have re I any Place,- he Bald X going home, JOURNAL mo. v. oauoxx vv 'C, JUDGE TO THE RESCUE. . IN OTHER AND LARGER CITIES than Portland the people: -.and the authoritiea are organizing. "warfare upon'notorioua t'hote18 thtt are m part responsible, for the ruin of young women and girl., I Chicagoi-evidence- haa -reeently-beea-taken -along thia llnerrafir-thffcago6ufliat,-iir Dunne for not closing up these "hotels," says he , should go over to Judge Mack' courtroom and listen tp the proceedings there. They will convince him, as they of the erring girl whe are brought thee - downfall -to -these 'hotels'; is further stated, had determined not to wait on the mayor any longer, but to take the matter of suppressing these dives into his own hands. "Here after." he said. "I ahall aee that none of the persons Jaw by harboring young girl escape punishment These hotels flourish like weeds in every part jof the city. They are a menace to every young girl - in Chicago. They beckon , to-them.-- . From tiui time- on I shall issue warrants for every proprietor of one of these places who is brought to my attention.. I shall sit as an examining magistrate in each ease. I ahall aee to it that they do not escape the law." i council persist in opposing the mayor efforts to abolish such places, some on evidence that can be presented much publicity, may do ao. Haven't here? ; .- - - .WHY .WASNT THERE GAME? ; . , . V . . I 1 1 " F THE WINTER 100 year ago had been like this one, Lewis and Clark would up to thia date have written a different diary. - But it must have 'been seem strange to many ia the scarcity ago. - .The Lewis and Clark party could never aecure enough game, either by hunting dili gently themselves or by hiring Indians to hunt for them, to supply their larder with meat, nor could they even procure -a full supply of fihand ao had to have recourse at time to horse and dog meat; the latter became ao common that they grew rather to like it Their diary for January ?8, for instance, says: , , Lepage set out this morning to hunt About noon Howard and Werner returned from - the alt works with a supply of alt; the bad weather and worse road had caused their delay. They informed us that the saltmaker were very short of provisions, having krtled ly tweUertff-UtClast aix days,' anTIhaOSerc were no elk in the vicinity - The party that wa sent the Netul for the eight elk returned in the evening, bringing three only. They had all been killed just before a fall of snow, which so altered the face of the country that even the hunters who had killed them could not find their game again." --v This is only a sample of many recitala in their 'journal, and except for which we would have naturally assumed that the woods of Oregon were then alive with game deer, elk and bears and that any desired number could have been killed any day. ' But it was not so. ' Game was apparently far more plentiful after, the arrival of it was 100 years in wish some oldtimer would give an have any knowledge or theory of the columns of The Journal OF KINO CHRISTIAN. KING CHRISTIAN died, as he had lived, fortunately, without prolonged suffering, and without making any great fusa about it He was nearly 88 years old, and had been king of the Danea for over 42 years. ' He raised a family of six chil dren, through whose marriages he became known as the "father-in-law of Europe." One of his daughters is the, queen of England, another is the dowager em press of Russia, mother of the czar; one of his sons is king' of . Greece; and a grandson has recently been elected king of Norway. Hia successor is his oldest son, Frederick, 62 yeara of age, who, like his father, is literally a gentleman and a scholar. King Christian, though of the aristocracy or a titled family, aon of a duke, was not of royal lineage, but waa chosen king of Denmark in 1863 by varioua Eur6pean powers, and his incumbency of the office -has proven that it was well bestowed. During his reign Denmark has participated actively in no wars, there haa been great progress in education and along industrial lines, and the people have generally been prosperous and contented. The old king loved his people and was beloved by them. , He was proud- of his family, as he had a right to be. He was respected and honored not only by other and in aome respects greater aovereigns, but by mankind generally. As king go, he waa a good one, and Danea everywhere will juatly pay a respectful tribute -to hia memory. " OREGON IN THE HOUSE. - STRANGE FIGURE Hermann of Oregon presents in the house of representa tives! . Senator Burton, in order to draw hia mileage and salary, appeared momentarily at a door way, but then had the grace to retire and keep out of Hermann actually occupies a seat and votes and goes through the forms of filling the-of ficeJ to which he was unfortunately elected. Other members of the' house ignore him; he has no influence in any of the departments; he -is a "singed cat," and Oregon ia being properly punished. - . ought to be a lesson and a warninar: letJUa Jn..bothdistricta.elect the- beat men -poesible-next June.' In this district, at least, the right sort of a man ha not yet become a candidate. ' Housework at College. Onrreapondanee ef Lsndsn Telegiauli. At one of the oldeat eollegee In tha United States, Mount Holyoke, a cer tain amouaef4onoatlo earHio lias been from the beginning exacted of all the students. Mary Lyon, who founded the college, believed In recognising the dignity of labor, and thought the disci pline -wholesome.. Practically all the work of the college was performed by the girls. When ' Wellasley college - wae estab lished aome years ago in a suburb of Boston modification of this aystem wae adopted. . Since It has grown .to such vast proportions,, however, and has been ao heavily endowed, the house work . requirement haa -been relegated to the Umbo of thlnge superseded. 1 It Is still possible for girls housework In one or two of the college buildings, but It Is not a requirement 6f the curriculum.' The student now doee it to obtain a definite reduction- In bar expenses, amounting to from (2 to ft e year. In some of the western eollegee for women almost the entire oost of the course eaa be paid In thia I SMALL CHANGE . OMve us. wermlM apples. - ; -", "' Jerome must have bad ulta a let et fun out of that caaa. , k Oregon StiQ baa Blnger Hornuum Its bands. 3o bma. Utoalo Sn.- '" ' . . -' When an oM aoan aeta paoumoula. tf a ail up witn mm. ' ' ' : r Can't any candidate think of srothunr Mf W aajr in nia piauorml. y Am soon aa the Oregon exenraton atrnek California It began to rain, and pourod down ten dajra or so, which, while 4olng some . aamage, waa worta . several mu lion dollara to that atata. ZhaMMla down there oould afford to hire a lot et irOSmvorywuxtar. roloheritanaNras a mighty good bor rower; poor Kugene Field In his time wasn't la Mann's elaaa at alt. What the Red Tleket Brigade proposn Is In all probability something that should be beaten. i ... , . '..' e e ;:" ' is one thing te ear ta Fault Bigletow'a faveri be baaat gone em the atage ret ... , . ;.: e....e . gome women regard marriage as merely a neoeeaary preparation for grass widow hood. ,. 1 .- - , ,-. - V '. Made year garden yetf ...-. -t - - . e- -' i . Somehow, we're rather sorry fee that little kid, Marshall Field III. ...... e e v ' ., IThocte le expected te make another brief visit to the isthmus ef Panama aome time this year. . ; e a ' "' ; We would like for onoe te read af a new baby that wasn't "bouncing." What a newly bora baby wants te bounce tee, anyway, : is something we could never find out-'., . . . . '. ... ' .... e : e " ' Tha people are tired of peaaat politics. ; " If January ta going te shew as a reese-up If s got to hurry. ' . . - , e . e ' V. The . Pendleton Tribune (hidebound Rep.) la worrying lest the Demoaratle party . in.. Umatilla, county should be "Jobbed." The - Tribune- Is -juite - fre quently unoonacloualy humorous. - . .. ... a .a , '., , , Most legislative eaadldatas are signing the pledge. . ... . . a .e -, -V - . - If Senator Oearia should eoaolude to turn loose in a speech before congress adjourns he would show some of thoee eld talking moaebacka what a genuine orator le. . ' Chicago haa too many ealoone and la considering the proposition of raising the license to 11.000. Portland haa about M0 too. many saloons, and a like move la In order. ' e a ..Jlottla wherefbollsb) young girls are avatematlcallr ruined are belne black. listed la other cities, aa wall aa Portland. I ' . ....... I . OREGON SIDELIGHTS Telume X, Kal, of the Canny Tribune ' - -a s . Canby wanta a county high sehooL e e Gold Beach Globe: A man around town buying woodpecker scalps says be pay a si a scalp if they ere fine onee: haa paid aa high aa ll.le for aa extra fine, red one. e e : Canby Tribune: . Tea, Canby le on the map an right and la atill shipping more farm products than any other town be tween Portland and aouthern Oregon points. . . - - 4 e .e . . ,'-,'j. Navigating In Tha Dalles these daya la a conundrum, - says the Chronicle. Wheels don't do; it'e not up to runnere; boats can and no port and we are eon eldering trying airships. Truly eur name la mud. - : , Two eltlsene of Deyville. In Wheeler county; are said to contemplate running ror governor. ...-.. ' , Frultmen worrying aome about - the unseasonable weather. . .. a . e . .' - Rogue river haa beea quite high dur ing the week, and bae washed the bar out la great shape, saya the Gold Beaoh Globe. The ehancee are vessels oom ing In and 'going out will not have much trouble for a long time. , ,. .-.'. M " e - Big demand in southern- Oregon for Cooe bay coal. v- e e . . ..... Myrtle Point Enterprise: - Plans are completed for a railroad up Cunning, ham creek to tap Peart'a coal mlnea. The rood will be 10 miles, besides apura to the Simpson Lumber company'a large bodies of timber. The work commences soon. ' -.:.'.. . . ;.. .a e , ; Canyonvllle hae received lta publlo aobooi library. . . . ", a e .. " TUlamook eounty people willvote en the question ef . cattle running a(Jarge in the roaaa Fossil Journal: Rev. I. B. Brown baa developed into a thorough, up-to-date "water witch" and la new in the act of producing plenty of well water for aome of the dry ranchers north of town. If the reverend gentleman la successful In hie water hunting he will have more work In this neighborhood than be can do. ' . ' ,....e a. . ;;, Hood. River apples-rowers ere deter. mined to do even better yet . 1 ' v"' J A 1,100-acre farm near Corvallla waa aold to Portland men for I2S.000. aaaasisssaseailsa ! iWeta aims a .ejesii . u .a ' rather 'pellatin of the Jesuit mission at Jordan, last Thuradey lost the ends of three fingers In aa accident in the eawmllL Many Sherman county people have the "Tezaa fever.t . e . '. . -,, . ' A 40-pound bell elepper fell from the tower -of the Presbyterian ehuroh at PrineviUe yesterday and just missed Rev, Mitchell, who was ringing the kelL ;V -x a e " -s The Dalles ta Improving "its' park grounds. , ,. . ' . . . ." '"va .v A' Cooe eounty man offered to pay tt a bead for hia pick et 10 ewee eui ef a flock,, but wee refused. Good aheep are valuable, say the Bandon Recorder. ' A Wyomlng aheepmaa bought S.'tOO head of aheep, mostly yearUcaa. near HeDpner, tot 1J haa ; . u WHY CHINA'S OLD ; VASES ARE VALUABLE Tt-m Rmri Pans DuBoiS. . Prleaa of aaea at the Heber Jt Blahon aal aselta extremely the eurl oelty of parsons who do net know the art of China. These pricee were. enor moua even If one gpnslder that the sale waa made In excUent eireumstancsa. It waa made Wthe Amerloan art gal' leriea The fashionable and . very wealthy- friends of the soil e tor were there, eaxloue to obtain the ocjects mai he had made them like more than all tha o there ef hia rahlnata,-Tho exnerta were, there. Their eompeUtlon waa naturally ar dent. The art dealers of the present time are euro that the only way to get them la to payfelgh pr!csejtereriob leota.But tha uninitiated are not plea sad entirely by tBse"eyplanattona They think that China's art laprtce Of tne idle and very weaiiny. .. One Of them eald to me. "I aa per suaded that It la possible to snake one's self like anything. Thia 1 why there are collectors of China's -vaaea" He was mistaken, of eouraa. But in art one may not learn what one doee not know. If one may not aee Instinctively that a Chinese vaae Is Invaluable, ' one may never, never aee that It la. - In art eon verte are impoeelble. There la nothing la the world ao In tensely artietio as a Chinese vaae. It doea not tell a atory. It doea not preach a moral lesson, it doee. not teeca one bow te make raooay, bow to be a auo- ceae, now to oo anyuuag. . t js sun' ply torn and oolor.-- -r--r It la ao beautiful aad so uaelees that even the Chinese that Invented It after the Persians, aad surpassed them In popularity with it have eeaeed to make It elnee the' eighteenth oentury. The Chinese have -no longer the Mine where in waa burned the clay of their amaaing Tear by year the admiration of art collect ore tor them grows in intensity; day by day the number of persons that have money enough to buy 4hem grows in the United States. I am very glad. The possession of a Chlnaae vase makes ef a man an artlat- r , Ita poroelala la superior to all the other' varieties of porcelain that the world has known. When lta firing was entirely auooesaful the failures were pitilessly rejected the philosophers of China attributed the sucoess to tat Spirit ef the Klin. - '- . He protected the Bring or the eeram late that he liked. Their vasee are tranalucld, comparable to jade,' blue aa the eky, thin aa a leaf or Chinese paper, brilliant aa a mirror, white as snow, plaintively eonoroua, objects of light in the radiance ef preeloue stones. - The Chinese vases In colors or en em- sis are moTe learned In tonea than all the palettee of great painters of the universe. Waa there ever, outelde of China, an emperor as srtlstlo as Chi TeuftgT-He eaHrrT wanrthCvaser 6f one sees after the rain ta the apace be tween two cloud a. . He eald It and at onoe hia potters obeyed. The blue-of-the-eky-after-the- raln Is a color oi tne tentn century. When the nottera who knew lta secret died, broken pieces of the vaaea wherein it appeared were worn as ornamenia ay great persons, . V-. - In the sixteenth century Tcheou and ta the eightheentb. , Thang-Kong redls aovaradthe secret Who cares for it nowT If a potter knew it be would "make - Of It ta '.our . time, a trust, a fortuno.aVMseood lackala. The blue and white vases are those which the Chinese art collectors like beet. The white vaaea are those which the old Spanish experte preferred. Eu ropean collectoro disdained the yellow vases until Regnault used their golden tint la the curtain Of hie painting ol "Salome" - - , . The violet vases are- perhapa the ecarceet because their color is the least easily obtained; the celadon resembles jade and waa extolled by Madame de Pompadour. There are crackled vases, eggshell vases, red vaaea, green vases, and each variety haa provoked for ages, in all. countries, the passionate prefer encee ef the most apt art lovers. The blue-and-wblte vase . for which Henry J. Duveen he buys blue-and- white vesee for J. Plerpont Morgan- paid 110,000 at the Heber it Bishop sale waa feet U Inchee tall. Its diameter waa 11 Inches. The blue ie of the lapie-laauU tint that la a standard of comparison. . Ia thia blue la a picture ef the em peror and hia associates reviewing a parade of the women of the palace riding oa ponies. I liked much better the blue- and white vaae that brought 17.100. It wag bought by C. S. Phillips. Thle vase is only 1 Inchee tall, but Its white le fascinating. The blue makee the figure of a womaa atandlng beside a Hon. The date of the work is 171S-17JS, a bad date for the aevere art collectors of China. But the work le ao beeutlful that I ahould give for It If 1 were Mr. Morgan, my tlO.VOO vase, I feet ttt inohee tall, and aeveral other art objects of my art collections. That 1 7,1 00 vase waa in the collection Of Brayton Ivee that was sold In March, 1881. It brought much less then, but we were not. as artlstle then aa we are nowt There le much Badness at the scandal of wealUT, at the folly of men. A great human tenderness for -thlnge has . come into our, world. It Is a fine achievement ' H. H. Rogers Joba Jokeamitha. ' ' From the New TorkfVorld. ' Henry H. Rogere, vice-president of the Standard Oil company, head of the -"system" eo - vigorously denounced by Thomae W. Laweon end generally con sldered one of the' coldest-blooded money-makers in the country, qualified yesterday for president of the Million aire Jokesmlth'e union, which hia chief. John D. Rockefeller, founded in Cleve land last summer. To the reporters be said: "Well, boye, did you ever hear the atory of how Mark Twain met Rev. Dr. Twltchell and got religion? Not When he jrent tn JlaoJdtaJlva.hlawUa eald to him one day: 'Samuel, we have wan dered around a good, while aad -led con siderable of a bohvnlan life. Now that w ' hav settled "down' here" flhlnk" we ought to join aome church and be re spectable. It'e the thing to do at least It waa that way I wee brought up in Elmira.' , Mark agreed and suggested that., they make, the rounds of the churchee and pick out the one they liked best "They did ao, Sunday after- Sunday, until they bad vlatted all, and then for a few Sundays nothing wae eald. Twain hoped that the eubjeot waa forgotten end he would not have te go anywhere. But one day Mra. Clemene reminded htm. 'Samusti' ehe eald, we have been to all the churchee and now you ahould decide which one we are to attend.' Twain thought a long while and finally eald: Tbere'a that Methodist cburoh down In the aide etreet I rather liked the preacher's sermons, let's go there.' ." "No, Samuel,' replied Mra Clemens, sternly, It is not sermons you .need, but prayers.' "Twain thought again ' for" a while. Xhaa ha xenliela. . -. . N "Well. If t'a prayers I need, let's go to vr. VTwitehell'a church. He waan't very herd on me in hie prayers.' "So, to Dr.- Twltcball'e church v they went. - Some weeks ieter a Hartford maa met Senator Joseph Hawley in Wash ington. . Hi,.' .n.lA. '. II. nAl.lmi. we have bad a great rellgioua revival In Hartford.' . , '-" --,-.-..-" -Indeed.'. said ' Hawley. 1 hadn't heard about it' . ""Oh! It .was very ' successful. We only loot IT. but we arot Mark Twain.' Then Mr. Rogers wes called to the witneae stand to -talk about Standard Oil: Hia smile waa replaced by a atera frown, and his merry jests were , turned into avaalona and refusals to anawer the atteraey-geaeral'a questions. THE BARBAROUS CHIEF Jy Ella Wheeler WllooW- (OoorrlKht. laoe. bt W. B. Hunt.l Taere-was : er kingdom . known as tha Mind, - j.- .. ' .-: .. A kingdom vast aa fair; ' And the brave . king, .Brain, had fa ; : . right to relga- r . ; . . ' . ' la royal eplesdor there. ; Oh. that waa a beautiful .land, ' '. Which unto thia kiner waa siren - Filled with everything good and grand. Ana U reaened from earth -te Heaven. But . a savage monster earns one day From ever a distant border: - He warred with the king and dlaputed hie away, .. Aad aet the whole land tn disorder. He mounted the throne,, which he made his own: 'Re sunk- tha kinardota ta arrlef. There waa trouble and ahame from the hour he came Ill-temper, the baTbaroua chief, He threw dowa the eaatlea ef love and peace, r .. He burned up the altera Of prayers; He trod dowa the grain that waa plant - by Brain, - i: And scattered thistles aad tares. He wasted the storehouse of knowledge ' and drove -. Queen Wisdom away tn fright And a terrible gloom, like the aloud of doom, 'j-'i v ' ' - , . Shrouded the land la night v Bent en more haves, away he rushed ' To the nelcbberlng klngdonv Heart: And the blossoms of kindness and hope ha eruahed. And satlenoe be Bleroed wMh Ma dart And he even went on ta the Isthmus - -Bout v . -That unites the Mind with. God. And ita beautiful bowers el fragrant flowera ' With a ruthless heel he trod. To' you la given thle - wonderful land. Where ths nrdlv Brain haa away; But the border ruffian la near at band Ba on tout wuard. I pray, Beware of - Ill-temper, the 1 barbarous chief. L - - He ta cruel aa vlre er slni And your beautiful. kingdom will eome to grief - . ' -. If Once you let him tn. , -H .. Our Popular Song Bureau. Br William F. Mrk. (No. II of thia aeries. "Coma Home Rafora the Scrapple Glte too cold. Dear." la making all klnda of a hit In Philadelphia. In fact you have no Idea how great a sensation It. haa created. If I were to tell you wnat a eur it naa made, you wouldn't believe ma The mueie Is by Mayor Weaver.), In far-off Philadelphia, where t hope to never be. A natlent wife waa sitting en a slightly worn settee. She seemed, while she waa setting there, a nrer to doubte and fears: A close observer might have saw 'her lamps -wae wet with teare. Quoth aha, "I'm waiting here for Jack you net it am i no run- There are twelve ginmllla on the hail atop at every oner ghe waa a sad young creature as she eat there all alone. s J And when the clock struck half -past eight, aba loudly then did moan: ','' Chorus: ... - - .v -. Come home be (ere the aerapple gits , - too cold, dear, . . Come home before the scrapple gits too cold; . Ton, know your little wifey bates to , aoolttdeer, - But theee bare downtown stunts are sitting old. Wbea first we wed you premised for to love me, And love's sweet story then you often told, , - Coma heme, my husband brave, end all . will be forgave . Come home before the scrapple glte too cold." ., . j, 'in. :::".v ; All thle waa many yeara agohe Barer - - did return, Although bis truatlng helpmate for hia .- presence long did yearn; There wae no eenee of pity In his sruel, . selfish breast s. And now hee walking tight rope for a - aide show la the .west Within that Philadelphia home . a dish of scrapple stands, -v Where onoe It had been served by a . young wire's levins; bands; ' w And even now, although her hair haa . ' . turned from red to gray, . .. , At Oft recurring intervale theee' aad words she does say: : ': .. r Chorus: ."Come home - before the aerapple glte too ooiav aear.etgv. - Fulton's Recent Speech. f From the Indianapolis Star.' ' Senator Fulton of Oregon aeeme to have acquitted himself well In hie flrat noteworthy- eppearancer -on the floor of the senate in debate- with men . like Spooner, Foraker and . Bailey, It is three years now since Mr. Fulton was elected, haa done hia work unos tentatiously - and wall. Impressing bis ability upon . all wbo have eeen him. and yet avoiding the "haste' with which new senators are tempted to precipitate themeelvee into discussions. He Is s ansa of fine -talents and-very gi eet-tn-dustry.- Hie habit ef mastering the de tails of hie eubjeef and thinking,- It through wee revealed In his prompt and oogent answere to the questions which were shot at blm by the beet lawyers in tne aenate. . ; , His Own Grandfather. . . From the St Loul Post-Dispatch. ' ', I married a widow with a daughter. My father visited our house frequently, fell in love and married my stepdaugh ter. Thus my father became my son-in-law end my stepdaughter my mother, because she wae my fsther'a wife. My stepdaughter had alao a son. He was, of course, my brother, and at the eame time my grandchild, for he waa the son of my daughter, any wife was my . grandmother, beceuee she was my mother's mother, I waa my wife'a hue bend end grandchild at the same time, and, aa the husband ef a person a grand mother le hie grandfather. J we say twa gtanaarae . . ( . j 1 TWOvEOYS AND A Zli IXGARETTE ' By Ela Wheeler" Wlloox. ,, Ctosrrlst, ISOe, by W. B. Restst.) .' WiH . by" rri and Were Juat the eame alas aad the aame age, until ..... One day In their travels tt ehaaoed that ' they met A queer UtU ereature, auraamed Cig- arette. . ..,.-. Thia queer nttle creature, made friends with the boys, . ...... k Xnd 4old Uiea- aterr of wascullne "joys" He held for their sharing. "1 tall you." quoth be, . -. . . .. , "The way to ba manly aad , big is wrvugn me. WlimiaTfleaeryTerded,' but Harry . hall ' peiu OHV 7 thlnkyoBtjussertlona. Be eald. "And. besldea, rm afraid Td be elok." . "Afraid!" echoed Will. , you sow ardly etlckl , . " Well I'm not afraid, look a-herol" As he spoke, ' Be blew out a hale of cigarette smoke, Five years from that meeting I saw " them again. - - , , The time bad arrived when tbey both ' ' ehould be men. But etrangely enough, although Harry boy stood As tall and as strong as a tree la the wood. ,,-!.'.-..-.., ., Poor Will seemed a dwarf) sunken aye, . hollew cheek, Stoop shouldsra" proclaimed him-un-" manly and weak. - ; With thumb and forefinger he listlessly ' rolled - i . ' A cigarette, amoethlag each wrinkle and .-sf0ld, -.; - , ,i r , ":.'. .'.- And the amoks that he puffed from hia ' lips, I declare, .' Took the form of a demon and grinned . . from the air, -1 '. ,-, ,, ,. And it said. "See that wreck ef a man that I made . . - . Of ' the boastful young . fellow who ' waaa't afraid." - At Fort Clatsop. ' January 10. We are agreeably dleap . pointed la the-eharaeter nf . our fuel. Being entirely green pine, we supposed ' It would burn badly, but we find that when apllt It burne very welt Our , Popular Song Bureau. , " ' 'r ' By William F. Kirk. No 10 of this almost endleeo' sertea entitled, "The Cruel Hiss," while it le arr ex trnlstte' lyric: Is not aalllng as we: aa -tt should. No doubt the fault Jiee with the mus1arwhIco7Taty "Theodore Kremef.) ..... . - - I. " . ; ; . A crowd af heppy people sat the music ' bail within, It wae Indeed a Jolly New Tork gang Assembled for to see .the stirring play. The Stain of Sin," . Produced by Henry James and An-' drew Lang. . i 1 The fleahy leading lady now aad then - rorgot ner unes, Aad whsn she said, "Don't tetnpt'me t - .lent I fail It. . She happened for te stumble aa aome advertising eigne Aad a hiss rang out la that there' nualA Kail I She struggled to her feet again, her- face was pals as death, - -And to her eyea a.dosen teardrope . eame. Aad when at laat aha managed for to catch again bar breath. These sad, appealing words she did . exolalm: . ,i CHORUS. "When I'm as old aa Bernhardt Z ahall atill remember-thle: The first time In my bright career X ever got a hiss! My'aecond cousin died todayhere la e4-is avMwm Bius y Aad it Isn't any wondsr I'm aa nervous as ami .-.. One touch of nature, I have heard. - makee all the whole world kin, -To pity then the audience waa etlrred: Their hearte ln that one moment the - aotreaa large did win. . Aad after ' that - they cheered ' her i . every word. " ..-" . ' . An undertaker In the erowd arose aad loudly cried: . . "Madame, I II pleat your : second ', - eousln freer , . . 1 can't accept your offer, sir,1 the '. actress then, replied, . -"Becauae my cualn died ta Kaa . kakee." The play went on triumphant and the maa Who. gave the nieo Did sneak and alowly plod upon his . -way i ...... Said he, "111 . never -do another cruel thing like thia, .. ' My heart reproached ne when X heard ' her aayr . , ' '. CHORUS. ' '' ' ' ' ' "When I'm aa old as Bernhardt" eta. . '.' Automobile for the Soudan, ' From the Motor World. As the result of extensive experiment " tn - the use of . an automobile oa the -desert a novel ear haa juet been oom- . pleted ' for the use of the ' Sirdar of Egypt" who .will use It on the vast sandy stretches of the Soudan, The wheele are entirely Inclosed by; light , metal alden plates, leaving nothing but the broad." aolld rubber tlree exposed. and It 1s thought that the latter will , remove the difficulty of getting ever tha surface of loose, ehlfting aand without becoming Imbedded eo deeply as to Im pede progress. To prevent the fine grit working into any part of the mechanism the entire underbody le protected by en lnaenlonslv devised apron,' - BltheB-keroseneu eegaaollne -suits the- enelne equally well, end owing to the character of the country to be traversed provision hse especially been made for a three "daya" supply of cooling and drinking water, aa well ea fuel, x The ehange speed gear gives a range from . three to 20 milee aa hour. The oar will In addition haul a two-wheel - trailer very similar to-a gun carriage, upon which will be mounted a dynamo and Searchlight to be run from the car en gine. Thle wlll'be used for night obser- ... vatlori In the desert Without the searoa- light carriage the weight of. the ear la cloae to (.000 pounds. . .1 ' Cleveland and Ryan, . -Fmm the Springfield Republican. Making, Mr. Cleveland a rebate ref eree at a aalary of 111.000 a year can : find no other adequate explanation than that tt ia a eoheme ot.Thomae F. Ryan te provide him with a handsome aalary ' at the espeaee of the pollcy-holdere of the three big eompealee to aerve aa a trustee ef Ryan's Equitable stork. The ex-president - le allowing himself to be tied us wiia ryea M Off-, y---- - LEWIS AND CLARK ,