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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1906)
' TIES OREGON DAILY JOURUALY PCnTLAl?D. TUESDAY CVZ:imO. 'JAKUARY 3. IZZ2. 0 m -e CkSTROPREPARES FOUifWOIJ . it -. ' ... Executive Actively Engaged In Ylsiting Carritons , and' Mobilizing Troops. v APPEALED TO KAISER TO . ! 7 SAVE GERMAN INTERESTS Conservative Opinion ,TbtYeneue? r Relieve ThatWar le Cer taint.- ".V .. . . jjootmI ftpeetel irT. T J . wniematad. Curacao. Jan. 10. a prominent Vepesvielah wfio "arrTveoTnere fV from Caracas, eajrs that Freaident Cas tro, while supposed to bo resting ia "'MaracayY has bun aeUvely engaged In ', visiting garrisons and preparing for an , expected Invasion by Franoa.- Oovern . ' ora of the atataa hava been called to the V capital for Inetructloner troopa ar mobilising- and tba impressment of the . army haa begun. -' '' Tha people are apathetic. But before they 1U be forced will nght, though they blame Ctr for going too fa ' with M- Taigny. The conaenratlva opln- Ion la that Caatro 1 putting on a bold " front and at tha last moment to aavo his presidency will comply with tho ' expected demands- of - rranca for an . apology and aalate to the French flat. Caatro aent aa extremely violent note to Franoa. and personally appealed .e tho kaiaer to Intervene and aava Qer man interests In Venesuela. He made . tha aama request to England, but waa . refused on the around of Brltlab eor dtallty to Franco. - Foreign representative hero bellow 'war la unavoidable. .'FRISCO THEATRE WRECKED ' BY f.:EH IflTH AXES ; ', Unique; RevengeObtained . by f - - Old Lessee on TheatrlcalTj Trust That Buys Lease. ; . , r (Joarael apeetal Berrk.) J Bah Francisco, Jan. 10. The Unique theatre on Market atreet la a wreck. ,.' Bunday night after tha laat performance a gang of men armed .with axee com pletely demolished - the entire fnrnlah- '- Orauman, a, theatrical man who has a ' string of 10-cent ahowa along tho coast, vil tha proprietor of the place. Hla lease expired Sunday night. . The property had been recently bought by a member of tha Orpheum syndicate, r who refused to renew Orauman' lease, but planned "to give the place to an-. other man.. Orauman put a large force of men to work Sunday- night after tha .laat perform nce and In two hours $10,- la fittings had been reduced to kind ; ling and scrap iron. ' its the plaoa la within the fire limits, ' It will be impossible to reconstruct It , for use as a theatre without enormous -axpense. VICTIMIZED PORTLANDER CALLS SMITH'S BLUFF k - peeUI Mepatea te The Joenul.) : Chehalla, Wash., Jan. . C. Bmlth Is .. In tha county Jail awaiting the filing of charge against him for grand larceny. Friday Q as Lowengart, a well-known Portland traveling man. waa coming up . the road to Wlnlock. , He left hla grip . and overcoat In a seat and while he waa away for a few minutes Bmlth is an leged to have taken the coat and a nura . bar of personal effects from the grip. 1 When Lowengart returned for hla things as he waa to leave the train at Wlnlock he found them missing. -7 ' When he got off. however, ha dlaoov " ered Bmlth wearing hla overcoat and de . manded Its return. Cmlth put up a .v good bluff and told Lowengart that If he thought ha had anything else belong ing to him to search him. This waa done and tha personal effects recovered. Smith's arrest following. .- Tale Commercial Clafe. - ". ' "(Bpeelsl Mepetea te Tee Joarast.) Vale. Or.. Jan. 10. The Vale Commer ' elal club waa reorganized January it and the following officers elected: ; President. P. E. Phelps; secretary. L N. Bmlth; treasurer. Q. A. Hurley , ' SALE 'AH now m PROGRESS a a " nrtvi1e vnn ii .n. SnJ,yi, TL'e,r b"o'uU fltne.s for silk of superb quality, su- peiior steel frame construe- ' tton and brilliant array of han dles, places them much above " the ordinary article. And at the ; . ;.. U Great-Reductions- You can more than appreciate r the -Fconmny offered fcf thla ( unw, oenik. aioca-iajting. , Formes SS and S values, iiKoivijisaz: v, Vevsas St, SIS and SIS valaes, Ferme tls-SO, Sid and SXS Now $10 tnurt Oee. Tklrd aad Washington ate.' mriuii r ' annassnru ( :' stAjrvrAOTvana) oprzozAjre "Wkare QaaOlty la a its Beet." cora-OBOOifiOO ma mm American Gambler: Disappears Witrj Half a Million Fleeced v From Islanders. ' PALATIAL CLUB OPENED; ' -RUN AS A MONTE CARLO Patrpnf Not Permitted to Loaa Much lor AwhIIi7t?ntii All of Sudden Luck , Appeared to Turn Against Them.v -'V;, ; (Joorasl Bpeelal Herri ee.) r " ; 'Havana,aji1l, 'Wintani.rtJBH bridge, formerly connected with Richard Canfleld'a. gambling house' In .. New Tork, has disappeared from hero with $500,000 coaxed from 'J.he pockets f wealthy Cubana.'. Tha sumptuous - re sort he haa been conducting In Havana' haa been closed by the police, and when the clamors of losing patrons for tha return of their money became unpleas antly loud. Burbrldga decided to take refuge In flight. It waa announoed when he name here that he would start a Cuban Monte Carle and he kept 4ils word. He opened a gambling houaa on the Prado . and called It the Cuban dub. It at once became the center of gambling activity In tha city, tha richest men about town making It their headquarters. The place Is luxuriously fitted up. Cuban patrons were not permitted to lose much far a while at Burbrldge' ta bles, until-suddenly all luck appeared to turn against them. Prominent Cu bans lost at the cats of 110,000 to M. 000 .apiece. .. . . . When Burbrldga had cleaned tin 1500.- 00 both his victims and tha Jealous proprietors of other gambling dena cent plained to the police, and Burbrldga was compelled to flea. PORTLAND BOY Oil BOARD (Continued from Page One.) with the strnature of the young man on hla lettera to his mother. Tho parents have already wired to Los An geles making Inquiries about their son. but no trace of him there has been found since January II. when he re ceived a registered package at the Los Angelea postofflce. .. : Mr. Gregory Sr. Is an expert direc tory man and waa In the employ of the Polk Wrectory , company for ' many Jrear,L'nUI-recen.t)Y ha was connected with the Portland offloe of tha company. TULE PRESERVERS GOOD Hartae Mssv Btowever, CaU Queen and OUy of To peka'a OOoara Cewaxda, . Tula Ufa preservers, ther sort with which ths steamer Valencia . waa equipped, are held by tha government officials to be the beat manufactured. On of the charges brought by the sur vivors against the Pacific Coaat Steam ahip company Is that tha ill-fated steamer carried preservers made of reeds or tulea. "Tula life preservers," said CaptalnlT: ww -wo. as v wbb vuvvM Dwiue Inspectors, "are used extensively on the steamers plying In Paolflo coast waters. They have been found to bo of greater tmoyancy than those made of cork. We hava experimented with them faith fully and consider them ths equal, at least, ot any other life preserver manu factured. We have found that one of these will float for three weeks and carry a dead weight of 41 pounds. The government .only requires them to float when burdened with tl pounds.' In shipping circles the Paclflo Coaat Steamship company la strongly criti cised for making no greater effort to aava tha passengers on tha Valencia. Pictures taken at the scene of the wreck when the Queen and City of Topeka were there ahow that the sea waa almoat calm.. These were exhibited this morn ing In a number of the local offlcea, and' thoae manning tho steamers which Were sent out to tho rescue were denounced as cowards. A result of the official In vestigation Is being awaited locally with the greatest of Interest It is about the only toplo of conversation around the local ahipplng oflloea. . , . . , COFFINS FOR DEAD.. Tag Xrfrae fcaavee Wltk Vndertakere for noes of Wrecked Valencia, (Joeratl Special Serrlre.) . ' Victoria, B. (V Jan. I0v Tho steamer Salvor left Bam field laat night with Professor Bunker on board for Victoria. It la expected to arrive today. Lineman Logan la going to get a crew of Clo Oose Indians to make an attempt to land at the scene of the wreck. They know tho coaat thoroughly, end If It la possible they will get ashore and pick up the bodies. The Salvor had not arrived at noon; Tha weather la thick and It la believed the boat, id fog bound outside. The tug Lome Is Just getting away for the scene of the wreck with ooffina for the dead, undertakers and three police of- Liteera - TRANSPORTS TO BREAK PACIFIC MAIL MONOPOLY V ' ' (Jflerasl gpeetal Kerr Ire.) Washington. Jan. 10. Secretary of War William H. Taft proposes that hnfrs-shell -aathortse strttoTT agalnil tha l"sclflo Mall Rteamehlp company for Ita deliberate refuaal to handle freight oa the Isthmus of Panama, thereby caualng the congestion of which En gineer Stevens complained In his report rand before the innate committee. Secretary Tatt says that If authorised (6 do so he can use army transports for .frelghtmAetweeai Ban Fee n lsee- a n4f Ptnanuk- He says that aucb a course might have a good effect on trans continental rates. Senator Morgan sug gests that congress modify coastwlso laws so as to make it possible for other companies to enter the trade. . CARLOAD OF BUTTER I. ' SHIPPED TO, SEATTLE (Rpeelsl rupatch e The Journal. Pendleton. Or, Jan. 0. The first full carload of butter ever ahlpped out from eastern Oregon waa shipped out ' lat night to the Seattle markets. It is all In two-pound brlcka and packed In caaea, and weighs altogether 40,000 pounds. Winter Garden Billiard Hall, j - Third and Morrison. finely equipped Eleven hlgh-srade pool and billiard ta ble, first class la every respeot, . ROYAL BAKINO) POWDER CO., NEW V0RK F LIID-OCEAII Strenuous Trip From Singapore With Menagerie of Wild ; Beasts Aboard Ship. - HUGE PYTHONS LOOSE; , GIVE BATTLE TO CREW Panic Reigns on Deck, With Terri fied Crew Trring to Climb to Sal -rfr-Takes Four Hour to Capture Keptilet. - . r-- Jearasl Special Berries.) , New York. Jan. 0. Th officers f tha India steamer Indraeamba were thankful when ths vessel reached pier tS on the East river this morning. She had a strenuous trip from Singapore with a passenger list consisting mostly of snakes, monkeys, leopards and bin trungs, a kind of wjld cattle. Five pythons on consignment, three of them each It faet long, averaging 170 pounds enormous weight for a snake brok loose from their boxes while ths ship waa coming through th Indian ocean. ' The mate said he was enjoying aa after-luncheon cigar In the stateroom. which was right off ths main hatchway, and Captain Craven 'waa in 'ths chart room, whan they wer startled by a series of shrieks. . The mate rushed on deck to find the crew of Lascara ' trying to ollmb into the rigging, over the lifeboats and to potnta of aafety... Clinging to the main shroud with Its tall, lashing th air. at a furious rats was ons of ths Jargest pythons, while another U feet of snake was pounding the deck. . Th mate ran for a hatchet and Captain Craven sought a gun. Th' Lascars wer pawling at .t.-,- Ths captain and aeven officers man aged to get seven Chinese and two Jap anese, who were members of the crew, to aid them In fighting the snakes. One Chinese secured a rope and, after half a dosen attempts, succeeded In lasso ing ths python that was clinging to ths main rigging.. It took th Chinese, Jap anese and four Englishmen four hours to capture the other snakes. NORTHERN PACIFIC' FILES TAX FORECLOSURES (Special rHspe(ch ta The Jeerasl.) Chehalla Wash., Jan. . Attorney Stevens, for the Northern Pacific, -was In Chehalla Saturday and filed five tax foreclosure cases here against the Port land Puget Bound Railway company n behalf of the Northwestern Improve ment company. There are a number of city lots In Chehalla and Centralla In cluded In the proceedings, as well as farm landa adjacent to the old Union Paclflo right of way. PILES CURED QUICKLY AT. HOME Why Suffer Agony Any Longer When ' Yon Can Get a Quick, Sure Cure for Your Piles by Simply Send- -Ing Your Name and.A&dreas? " Trial Packag s I Bent Absolutely Tree, la mala Wrapper to Bveryoa Who . Write. .. -,f . ' Burgeons themselves consider a per manent cur of pllea by a surgical oDeratlon a very doubtful,, and resort t it only when the- patient ha -beeom desperate from long continued pain ana agony. But - tha operation - - itself is every bit as . excruciating and nerve racking as ths disease. Besides, It Is humiliating and expensive, and rarely a success. The , wonderful . Pyramid Pile Cure makea an operation unnecessary. You cur yourself with perfect ease. In your own noma, ana low wtmifwiMi - Pyramid Pile Cure gives you Instant relief. It Immediately heals all sores end ulcers, reduces congestion and In flammation, and takes away all pain. Itching and Irritation. Just a little of the- treatment-l -usually sufficient-to slv a permsnent cur. -Prramld PiU ur la -prepared la tha form of auDDOsltorles so they can be applied' directly to the pairta without In convenience, or interrupting your worx In any way. We are sending a trial treatment free of charge to every one who sends name and address. We do this to prove what w say about this wonderful remedy Is true. , t After you have tried, the aajnple treat ment, and you are sstlafled, you can get a full regular-slsed treatment of Pyra mid Pile Cure at your druggist -for 80 cents. If be hasn't It, send us the money and we will send you th treat ment at onoe, by mall, in plain sealed package. c ' Send your name and addreaa at onoe for a trial of thla marvelous quick, sure cure. Address Pyramid Drug Co., HOlt Pyramid Building. Marshall. Mich. ., OUGIlTSflAKES ..." r'iyn,. I I 1 Ml III! 1 1 " "' 11 'III' DEUEL TO RESIGN FKOEflCII New York Judge Who Rune Town Topic and Smart Set " ' , ' to Retire Thlt Week. TO AVOID IMPEACHMENT , PROCEEDINGS BY JEROME Violated City Charter by Engaging in-Outaid Bnatneaa While .n Judge aa Shown'ln the Hapgood Trial 4;- -JZJ: JoamaI Special Berries.) - New Tork. Jan. 10. According to in formation from authoritative ouVoa, Juetioe Joseph M. Deuel of th eourt of special sessions will resign from th bench this week, thereby avoiding Impeachment proceedings, which other wise will be Instituted by th dlstrlol attorney; , The.xewa.that Justice Deuel would resign from th bench followed cloely on ths announcement that his jUleged violation of th city charter, which forbids a Justice of th court of spe cial sessions to engage In any other bualneas while on the bench, would be brought to the attention of th appel late division of th. supreme eourt for adjudication. . In the course of the Hapgood trial !t was ahown that Deuel was drawing a salary of tl.100 from Town Topics and another of tl.tOO from th Smart Bet aa vice-president and counsel, respect ively for these two publications.. an4 at th same time waa enjoying ,000 a year from ths state aa Juatloe. - ,, " Pocket Bank Free. Subscribers of Th Journal are si van pocket savings banks free. These banks when presented st th Oregon Trust Savings bank. In tha Marquaia building, with the deposit of on dollar or mora, entitle th' desposltor. to an extra II cents. This offer la mad aa aa Inducement for opening a bank account, which mean th nucleus of future wealth. . ' The banka can be obtained front Th Journal bualneaa office or through Th Journal canvassers In th city. .,' 1 'i " r craned Btoek Oaaasd Chsoda, Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. u. Wet avea list of fine pianos or rent Gall and look em over Ramaker Co. SIXTH A MORRISON , ' ' ' V '' ' - . : ...'."' -':''.' . The Voidest, Largeet and Strongest Piano and , Orgar House in the Pa- , cific Northwest. TEDRESSiOITS LKE1 C0UI1T Bogus . Nobleman Arretted' In Palace Hotel San Francisco, ; '; for Swindling Native,' , SOLD 8UPERIN YEN DENCIES 7 OF BANANA PLANTATIONS Took" If uchlloftey" From Callfor- niana Eager to .Become Fruit growers in the .Tropic Arrested for EmbeaiieTnent ' " (Jearaal Bpeelal Service.) ' .. Baa wra-aisoo. Jan. 10, Paul W. WH etv hndieM sjssret-rMrs 14Vb had 10 dress suits and posed as a count, was arrested laat night by Detectives Bralg and Taylor te th palm room of ths Palace hotel oh a charge of grand laroenr. He represented himself as Pa clflo coast representative, of the Union Fruit company of Boston, authorised to dole out superlntendencles Vf banana plantation In Guatemala, y Th exposure earn whan th Boston firm 'telegraphed that he waa not connected- with it . W. W. Trigg, president of La Herradura Banana Plantation company, with offloe in th ' Union Trust building, denounoed ' th young man lnt scathing term, - Witner had been employed by th local odnearn for several weeks and It la stated he used th company's offloe after . working hour as headquarters for th ananufao- ture of fake correspondence. The location of the mythical banana plantation was given .. a 4 Guatemala. Th contract offered ' Intended dupe stated tha official' salary would be $U0 a month, payable weakly. As an ad ditional compensation a commission - of 1 ta per oent a month would be paid for each bunch of bananas ahlpped either to Baa Jo da Guatemala or Puerto Bar rios. ' , - ... . -4 Tha awlndlar found , many Callfor- ntana eager t raise banana and took tbslr ntonsr. .... . . - .. .... . , CEXICmiCOLOilYuGHECElS BIKEIi IIP BY DOHITES Triumvirate Now Ruling Fiscal Affairs of. Zion. City Aban- . dons Big Plantation.. - i ' - .y.-'r- (Joaraal Spadal Berries.) Chicago, Jan. 14. John Alexander Dowle'a great - Maxloaa plantation scheme, which eost so much toll,, prom ises to be abandoned under th plans of th triumvirate now" ruling th fiscal affair of Zloa City. It is declared today by member of the triumvirate that no outald venture will receive development at present, and all efforts will be concentrated in bringing order In th affairs of Zion City Itself. Ths same man said that th land o- aulred by Dowl In Mexico turned eut to b largely of poor quality and th litigation necessary to obtain th as of It would probably aceupy a number of years. For thes reasons th trium vliat w!llohckth operation In sfox loo, although a few hundred , acres will be held In order to furnish a nucleus for taking up th project again, if aver It become possible. . : HARVEST TIME AT HAND (Continued from Page One.) ' ent time has but on train a day out of Portland. On February lithe new train will be started from St Lou la, leaving mat city at p. m. on reoruary le th train will, at 11:41 o'clock, leave Port land for It first run eastward, via Bil lings, it will include through chair ear, Staadard Pullman sleeper, tourist sleeper and through diner sorvlo. Th train will make close connections at Bt Jo for St Louis and arrive at th lat ter city th earn evening. - Connections will also b mad from Omaha and Denver." - .- -; - - Ther haa been a vary heavy natural growth of th passenger trafflo between the tar re centers. Portland. Seattle, Ta eoma and Bt Paul. Minneapolis, Chicago. Omaha, Kansas City and St Louis, and th railroads have been led to prepare for th heaviest transcontinental travel this year that th country ha known In an ordinary year. Th Great North ern haa put on another train, th Union Paclflo Is shortening Its time and all the road are preparing to put In ex cursion rates for bomeseekers, settlers and tourists, Mr. Charlton said tha travel this year will be greatly stimu lated by conventions to be held on th Paclflo coast and by th railroad devel opments and ths advertising th ooun-. try I receiving through them. Dis patches In eastern newepapers regard ing progress and Intentions f th Mil waukee, the Hill roads, ths Northwest ern, th Gould lines and other projects hava arouaed Interest throughout ths east and ther Is a general feeling that the Pacific northwest is just new a good place to look into. ' . The agricultural and Industrial fea tures of th country also are receiving large attention; Th railroads- will,- on February , place on sal round trip hnmeseekers tickets at a rate of one fare plus II Thes tickets will be oa sals one day In every two weeks, for the benefit of thoae who want to come and so th country. , Beginning February It, there will be sold Avery day to April T. one-way settlers' tickets - from ths f middlewest -to-th- Pictfle northwest at rates of tit from Bt Paul, Minneapo lis, Omaha and other Missouri river points; $10 from Bt Louis and th Mis. slsslppl Tlver, and '.MS' from Chicago. Theae rates are expected to bring large nam here f -farm ere, wkl narmea .aad their families who have Investigated the Oregon country and decided te make it lhelr.Jbome. !" ' To accoiiHnod"at"travYto eastern convefitlona and ' enable Paolflo coast people to make trips postponed by. them last year on account of the exposition, ths railroads will give eaatbound excur sion rates, effective July 1 and I, Au gust T. I, and I, and September I and 10, at one far plus 110 for th round trip. Tickets will be sold at Portland ticket offices for Bt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Kansas City. Omaha, Sioux City, St Louis and Chicago. Ther will be a 10-day limit going and 00 days to return, but not later than October It, . ' Candidate for Offloe. ' ' , ' ' (Mperiel Dlepaleh te The Joornal.) - La Grande. Or., Jan. 10. U. C. Rhln. hart of Summarvlll, Union county, hat announced hla candidacy for ths offloe of county judge and Charles Playle la ut for th nomination for sheriff. Both have filed their petitions with ths coun ty clerk of this county, and both are U wenaniinan HS. D. isT HAMMOND. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is the eat cure for Indigestion, Byspepsla, flatulency, nervousness and every form of stomaoh trouble. It is an absolutely pure, gentle and Invigorating stim ulant and tonlo, builds up the nerve tissues, tone up th heart, give power to th brain, strength and elasticity to th muscles and rlohneas to th blood. It , brings Into action all th vital foroe. It makes digestion perfect and enables roulo get from th food you eat th. nourishment Ucontalna. It Is Invaluable or overworked men, delicate women and sickly children. - It strengthens the system, Is a promoter of good health and longevity, makes the old young and seeps me young strongr . Duffy'a Pur Malt Whiskey contains no fusel oil and Is the only whiskey reo ommended by- th Government aa a med leln Thla U guarantee. .. - . , OAtmOsT Tkar is n n DnfTyg Far Malt Waiakay. Bold la eealii bottles only 1 neve Is bulk. . Insist n aavtag; th' reaala and refas aUnrlen uhetltnte and tmltetlons, whlok ar eh only In nana. SVoefe for ta "Old Oaeaahrt- trade niarlt on th. label aad be sure the seal ever the oork Is an broken, Brarglst aad 1 giuuaas, : olreot, 91J0Q a bottle, - Sootor's advloe and aaedleal booklet free. Barry's Malt waJakejr Oompanr, SoeMater, jr. "T." f5ee This Coupoii? f .... m lWW-'O tJnMJfupm.0 ssasscswssat isasn ; ? This is s' reproduction of the TJrJveTaal poupon which ; from this date will be given with every porchaee f rorn, : ear store." : t -..' - ?t '., ; i These Cost You The prices of our goods are eatabliahed and WILL NOT BE RAISED. . .. .: ,- v-r u The Free Premiums - ; -Which ere given la exchange for these Coupons include , -. - Brsas Beds - Cut Glass Fnrnhure - Pianos ' : Jewelry Vehicles w:.' 'V" 1 t ...'.'t. Catiuy-'r'-'ii llafaese rzr.--Jr:-. XUfles and Shotguns - : ' And a Thousand Other Useful and Valuable Things. ' Pool your coupons aad get premiums ouickfy. . . Com in and get FREE PREMIUM catalog and TEN COUPONS FREE, to start your collection. , , ;, Sig. Sichel & Co. : CmRS, TOBACCOS AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES 92 Third-Street 1 ' A i f Mr. D. Me Hem mood, of Wheel lr. V. Ye-, Vktlsa of Dt- pepsta' and lodlgestlea for Years, Confd Not Bat ft Meal Without 5uKeriBf ' I e r . Palas. tie Is. Today, HesUhr and Strong, Thaaks fo Duffy's ; Pure - Xlalt Whiskey, end to -i Use His Own Words, "Today : 'J I Am Well and Strong and I i-Cao . New -Enjoy My - Meals,";1 'h ' writ: " 1 fel It my "duty Ttf thank you for th good Duffy's Pur Malt Whiskey haa don at. I was af- . Bioted . with dyspepsia and indigestion . for years, never eating a saeal wltheot suffertngafterit.Aboutsa.jeaM egg a friend of mine advised me to try Duffya I bought a bottle and com menced taking a Uttl of It after aacM taeah- Tolay-I vinr-well and strona ana X can now enjoy my meala" VI . . 'S : :J isisaiisCiairoSSpoa . n 1 is 1 1 1 n ajtarni m , 1 Coupons 01? EXTRAORDINARY Nothing value -aiyiNa1 The values given in our Clothing , Section during the "windup of our lClearance Sale are greater than.evecJ before. Prices on Men's and Young" Men's -v . . , . -d' Suits, Overcoats . "andCravenettes 'Are cut to the "bone," every pur chase entitles you to a 10 per cent merchandise order, and our terms are easier than at any previous time. Select your outfit, , wear it and pay for it in small weekly or monthly, .!'''. payments.' ..: ,.:"'" Eastern Outfitting Co. ; The Store Where Your Credit le Good. v?A:5Tn hot stzns T