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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1906)
TH3 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND; TUESDAY VVZSlZQf JANUARY -tD.t UCj- MOR'S JOB TOO St lidLESOLlE , '.II 'I ' ' ..':r"'.j Therefore Mayor W. Sherk of 'Huntington Stepped Down 7 " ' and Rival Cot Place.' DEADLOCK ON QUESTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT Two Councilman Resigned, Sy Mr. Sherk, and When He Arranged fftiueee.affTflriblenimrrlchnert)f BaktrOtvanrt Other Threat to Raise Rent Scared One. - The streets of Huntington were In Cr condition. . Mayor W. Bherk favored irovements and a deadlock on the ' . question in the council resulted In the V resignation of the mayor and two ooun cllmen. A defeated candidate for the mayoralty honora at the last election . wee placed in-thehel vaoated by ' Mayor W. Sherk. Commenting upon the - peculiar conditions of affairs- politically - In Hunting-ton, the former mayor , aald this morning,, at the Imperial hotel: . "3. P. Hammon was both street com missioner and marshal. - I did not like the way he managed the streets. I talked with Dr. Spencer, a member, of the council, about It. He aided with me. - Shortly after that the doctor resigned, --giving as an excuse that ha waa absent . from the city too much. ' "Another member of the city council . wse J. W.- Frame, a deputy sheriff, whom I defeated for mayor. He.llke ' wise resigned. That left ma with but - four councilman two' with me on street improvements and two against me. . 1 could do nothing. When It 'cams time for .the council to fill vacancies we had . selected two men who would side with ' we. At the last moment J. H. Aitkin. . who' Is candidate for state treasurer, ', took a hand la 'the fight by announcing . his candidacy, - He: went to a barber who waa In the council and told him that Ma .rent would be raised II a month. The man had Just spent about 1400 In Improving his place.-. . - - "When the election cams off the bar ber voted against me, and Aitkin was elected to succeed Dr. Spencer, and O. L Aim 'was put In the chair left vacant ' toy Mr. Frame. That waa too much for . me and I put In my resignation, which ' was accepted. Then the council elevated , Mr. Frame to my chair.". ,.. ' J ) ' BTew Connaflmaa Bleoted. -r V ;L Grande, Or.. Jan. - 10. -The- city council has elected J. 3. Cut i new ' member of tha council In place of J. W. Kennedy, resigned. He WUI act DIIM DOLLARS FOR PROJECTS Baker . County Will ? Have Big i Water Power Electric Plant and Electric Line. 1 ' FIFTY THOUSAND ACRES - SOON TO BE RECLAIMED Work on Canal to Reclaim Acreage Already Commenced, Say a William Projects Will Be Started Soon." the middle of March and candidates are being mentioned. . A quarter of a" million "dollar water power electric plant, tha reclamation of (0,000 acres of fine table land and as electric freight and passenger road skirting Esgle and Fine valleys are some of the developments planned for Baker county thla year, an the aggre gate they will represent an expendi ture of about $1,000,000. Work on the canal, which will reclaim the acreage. has been commenced. When weather conditions will permit work will be be gun upon the other two projects. . The schemes were explained this morning at the. Imperial hotel by William J. Lachner of Baker City, a member ' of the state board of tan commissioners, and candidate for congress from the second district on the Republican ticket. It is estimated that the canal and ditches for . the reclamation of i,000 acres of land adjacent to Baker City will coat- about 1260.000," said Mr. Lachner. "That will give the land an additional valua of IS an acre as soon as ..the water is, turned through the flood gates. . The water will be the flood waters from the Powder river. It Is to be stored in huge semi-natural reser voirs. Before reaching the reservoirs the water will pasa through a tunnel almost 1.000 feet long. to be bored through a mountain between the river and Baker City. ...Work Is now being done, uppn the canal and tunnel. The electiie line wul coat about .nail a million. It will be closely allied with the water power plant, that will cost half that sum. The power plant will be. .located about 0 miles from Baker City on Eagle creek. The railroad will ba about 10 miles long, skirting Eagle and Pine valleys. It will run to Haines vis, one side of the valleys and return on the other aids. . t --"The power for the road Is to be de rived from the Eagle creek plant. East ern money la to built It The sit for the plant Is to be furnished by Senator Pierce of Umatilla county, J. K, Romlg, W. J. Patterson and others.' W. J, Pat- W00DARD, CLARKE cV CO. TEST ' old Xyocaal for Tsars asd Know XI TO Cure Catarrh. .' Woodard. Clarke Co. have given Hyomel a moat thorough and remarkable tost. For a long time tney nave orierea to refund the money to any purchaser of Hyomel If It failed to penent The remedy has made so many cures among their customers that they have urged its use In the most cnronie cases of catarrh. '' Breathed for a few minutes four times a day, .through ths Inhaler that comes with svery outfit. It soothes the Irri tated mucous membrane of - the nose. throat and lungs, and restores complete health. ' Its healing, antiseptic fragrance penetrates to the most remote air pas. stomach can possibly do. Immediate relief almost alwaya follows ths use of Hyomel, and great benefit Is seen after a few days' treatment. tt and consists of an Inhaler that can be carried In the pocket or purse, ana will lest a lifetime, a medicine dropper and-a-botttr-TJf Hyomet ir-tuiss not sufficient for a complete cure additional bottles of Hyomel can be obtained for to cents, - - - TComnara thla small expense with tne fees charged by specialists and remem ber, too. If Hyomel does not cure, Wood ard. Clarke Co. will return your money. - i r'-r. -.-..a:.v If ant eoevealent to ebula Hyeiaet . of Woodard. Clarke A Ce er Some etanr drusgtat. It wul be forwarded frost the laboratorr er all oa receipt ( price. The a. T. Boat Oe., BjreBMl bids-. Ithaca, Hew Tors. weather conditions will permit wora will be commenced upon the power plant and dirt will fly on tha railroad." ATTEMPT TO STOP PETTY GRAFT No More Free Drinki JorMem- bert of Police Force, Accord-. ; Ing to New Order. ; GREATHART FOR EAST SIDE Central Association and Suburb Clubs Tonight Join In Depart- -ment Store Mass Meeting. ' GREAT INSTITUTION OR NONE ' IS -THEIR' MOTTO Every Agency of Big District Seems United in Support of, New Plan The complete Hyomel outfit costs only That 1$ Regarded ho-Beginning of jnicaXaker"T71conaliilTHsBaTd . he Commercial ; East Portland." OFFENSIVE BREATHS LIKEWISE DISLIKED . councilman for the First ward. The road, and I am given to understand that It has been financed. Just aa soon as I I 'B FOR Sore Throat, Coughs, "Colds, Bronchitis, FOR Weak Lungs Aad for- painful and sensitive parts of the abdomen, ABcoclts Plasters applied as shown in lllaa-tration. Upe tUrimx wUicoe stsUasOsUKsi AScsck's Wasters bare been ks saw ever H years. They aeetae wialaes and aiaeaus paresis plasters awd feavs never beea t sqaallsd as a f ilu Qaarantaed are e Is hella donna, optuaa Policemen and Detectivea Hereafter Mast Be Careful to Be Polite to Vomen Membera of Department Muat Report Promptly for Duty. rTk L -sL I F" ranareins fins , Betabtieaeei yea Tba Gcsjat Blood Parirter and Tonic. - ' For Cwawtuatiui. BlUoantaa. Ileadache. JDanmass, Indsgeation, etc N O ior ior turf LH vslees sew. ....... .......... 1.00 values Bow.... ............ nu vaiaas saw. vsnws bow......... .. Cm iLfSK WPj. i SmallPrice-BigValae a4 faeey buttoea, la ataay ealore; . materials ef Krsy, alsltea and Ulx. L,7rnlXlLt' gd I " fWW eiAM CT1C04T., seU ag tvwaii aici. each... ......... .s w - ' The Shoppers' Bargain Jubilee ; Clotes on Thursday at 6 P. M. ! ?gsr?''anT' bfof thtt S oftheaanr bargalna wa ; D?N'T.F0R?ET THAT OUR BIO PBBRUART SVVBNT. 9 Q r w O White Flyer ( YSSltjJr? rrt"Bnil-iheantlre11nonth of C .V February. During that month our motto will be " . , fl 0 J A, HIGH QUALITY . LOW PRICE on All White Merchandise; 1 POPULAR PRICES ON OTHER QOODS WILL ALWAYS PRBVAIL ' Siwss?sssssataMnssSBses ) THE G.1EEH DISCOUNT STORE W4-U6ThIrd Streets atarrUaa - Portland, Oregon O " Hereafter anr detective, acting de tective, atatlon officer or patrolman who accepts drinks from a saloonman Is to be considered gulltjr of graft bv the beads of the department and mast ex plain to the police commission. An or der approved by the chief of police haa been Issued warning ' all policemen against the practloe, under penalty of punishment j '' "I have to call your attention to an other' fact" says . the order. "1 have noticed soma officers, both In detective and uniform ranks, more or less under Thetnfl drunk, but ao near so that Its effects are very often perceptible, and the odor of their breath contaminated the atmosphere of a whole room. Such practice mutt be stopped and every of ficer must hold himself presentable at all times. Ton must not accept drinks or cigars from- saloonkeepers. Tou know well that were you not an officer these people would not give you drinks and cigars when you enter their resorts. Every time an officer accepts a free drink or a cigar from a saloonkeeper he Is guilty of graft and unless this practice ceases the evidence at hand and auch new evidence aa may be ob tained will be used to sustain chargea which might be preferred against such officer. It Is sgatnst human nature to accept a man's hospitality and after ward to apply the strong arm of the law to him without prejudice." Some time ago a computation was made of the aggregate amount expended by aaloonmen In furnishing detectives and patrolmen with drlnka and cigars and of ths proprietors of cigar stores In giving them cigars, which showed that the total annually given la this manner is almost II 1.000. Attention Is also drawn by the order to comilalnta entered by certain women that In tha Investigation of cases de tectivea and patrolmen have been Impo lite. The men are told to , remember that persons losing property wlH usual ly be found In ugly mood and that In such circumstances all policemen should try to keep In good humor and offer consolation. In - order to learn all the facts obtainable.,-. , . ' A number of ' detectives have neg lected making written reports on cases, In violation of a previous order, A . record Is also to be kept of the movements of the respective members of the department They 'will be ex pected to report promptly for duty and to remain on duty until relieved. MUSIC AND VAUDEVILLE AT MARQUAM TOMORROW The east sM efflce ef The Joarasl Is la the store of 1. M. . Miller. (SO Cast aferrlsoa street Ttiepboae Kaat S76. .-- . Tonight's session of tne East Bide Improvement association will ba one of the most Important yet held, and the Indications are that the entire district- will be represented by a record attend ance. There Is only one order of busi ness for this evening. The securing of department store for the eaat slds that will carry as sxtenslve a stock as any In the city, that will be backed by capital sufficient to erect a big block for the needs of the store, and that will be able to compete with the largest of the weet side stores both as to Quantity of stock and prices. Is the goat If It was a store with a $10,000 stock, or an establishment with. three or four departments, or merely a grown-up gen eral merchandise store, that the asao elatlon was seeking. It would bavs UtUe trouble In locating the men with neces sary funds and a desire - te snter the field, for there, are several offers al ready before the association from out side capitalists who wish to open a medlum-slsed emporium. But what the association wants, ' according to ths statsments made by the members pres ent at laat week's meeting. Is a store so big that eaat aide residents will go out of their way to trade there. , A wide Interest has been taken In the meeting, and - plans of ths association and from the most distant suburbs have come assurances of support from" the district Improvement clubs. The gen eral impression among , business men seems to be that such a' store would be but the beginning of a business district on the eaat side of the river that would In time rival the weat slds district In the retail business, as already It does in the wholesale and warehouse field. GET RIGHT OF WAY. rexk nmoklym wee let e Xoaget Delayed by Property-Owners. A serious sanitary problem Is facing Brooklyn and nearby suburbs and ths residents of the district are working through push clubs and Improvement associations to hasten ths coming of relief. The entire tract is but poorly supplied by the municipal sewer sys tem and In hundreds of Instances an cient cesspools or vaults have to serve. Ae much of the region Is In the valley and -subject to surface drainage and floods, there Is constant menace to pub lto health. The largest sewer In the city has been planned for the district snd would have been well started had bi In securing a right of wsy and the de lay of the city attorney, In whose hands ths matter was placed months ago by the councu. Recently some of ths councilman- In terested in the situation, urged on by the. Brooklyn Republican . club, visited the objecting property-owners with ths city attorney, and In every Instance but two secured the written consent of the protestants for the conduit to . pass through their land. It will be more than a year at tha best before the sewer can be built and put In service, but the preliminary period of delay Is about over and from this time it Is promised by the council and city engineer that the matter will be expedited aa much as possible. " READlIIISr CONSUMPTIVES ( f sBSBBSaSSBSBSSSSSSsSSmssSBSS '" i 1 Mrs. Lather Bedell Coughed for Six v Bonthc and Wasted Away to y Uere Skeleton, .';;".; j . - essssssBssasjsat ' - Proclsest Doctors Could Not Help Ker "From the way my wife coughed for alx months, I knew she had consump tion, goe showed it in her face, too, snd hsr body wasted away to a mere skeleton, I called in both Dr. T. Shannon and Dr. N. L, Hawsen, each of wnom is a nrst-olass physician, but they had nothing that would, reach the trouble In her lungs. My wife's father rame to see her one day. He lives In ceqar jjaxonyisconsln, while we ltvsln Ths ' Musicians' Mutual association will give a grand concert and monster vaudeville entertainment at . the Mar- quam theatre tomorrow evening. The first half of the entertainment will be a grand concert by an orchestra of to 1 musicians- under . tha direction f Edgar K. Coursen. The famous overture to "William Tell," by' Rossini, will be given, likewise the' beautiful "Blue Dan ube" waits, by Richard Strauss. The blind boy pianist Frankls Rlchter, will play the r Minor concerto," by Von Iweber. Two favorite Singers. JlrsJ Rose Bloch-Bauer, soprano, - and -Mrs. Walter Reed,, contralto, will be heard. The econd .half of the entertainment twin-c-flevmeff-o-a 'monster Vaude ville bill comprising five top-liner acta from . ths different vaudeville theatres In the city, donated by the respective managers, carriages at 10:10 o'clock. - MAYOR LANE BEATS - : MAN AT OWN GAME I respectfully ask you to take some action at ones to stop this or I may have to put it in the press." . This was the threat ' received by Mayor Lane from C King, a resident of the east side yesterday. King re ported that a neighbor persisted In stealing earth from the street to fill low places In bis yard on Hawthorne avenue between First and Second streets. ' Ths mayor Instructed the proper authorities to. look Into the com plslnt snd st ths same time ssved King ths trouble of putting the mstter Into the' papers, as he Informed the Press MAY DIVIDE DISTRICT. ' Arista May Be Split Tp to Oivs Chil dren Schools sTearer Some. . A movement has been started by resi dents of a portion of the Arleta school district to divide It and create a new one out of the suburbs .of Woodmere, Nashville snd Tremont - Two years ago there was no district In trie region and not more than half a dosen children In the entire wild trsct A year ago the boom commenced In the Mount Scott regton and the cltlsens formed the Ar leta district raised a school levy of 40 mills to erect a few temporary build ings and in a crude way care for the too or more chllldren that came from every direction. - This year. Just as ths district was get ting on a secure basis and planning a permanent building, another rush of pu pils came and now, with nearly 400 school children, the old struggle for room goes on. Rooms have been rented aa needed and the school Is spread over the district in rented quarters, but by next year funda will be on hand to build at leaat one central building with necessary 'equipment - Should the dis trict be divided It la thought doubtful If any such a plan could be carried out Instead, small buildings "Would be erect ed In yarlous parts of the region, which would enable the children to reach C!3 For making the stomach strong:, the appetite keen and assisting digestion, -the Bitters has the hearty en dorsement of thousands who have already used it. - Sure ly then, it is worthy of a fair trial! It ' cures Bloat ing, Dyspepsia, Indigestion' Costiveness, Chills, Colds I and Grippe. - . m knew what 'was needed.- and made tne get a' bottle - of Dr. Acker's Knsllsh Remedy fur-tha-r X.ungs. Iwantto" Bcnmidt s, our local druggist,-and got a Dottle, and it helped her right away. She took eight (0-cent bottles, end they put her back on her feet and made bar as sound and well as any woman In town. - She has taken on flesh . again. she doesn't cough, and It any one who doesn't know the facts was Jo be told she was so near death with consump tion they wouldn't believe it - My wife does all ber housework, and at night sleeps as soundly , as you please. Her stomach no longer gives hsr any trouble at' all. Maybe you doubt ..what I am telling. If so, I advise you to see J. N. Schmidt the druggist who sold me Dr. Acker'sEnglish Remedy. He'ir tell you the sams thing. -. My name Is Luther Bedell, Rice Lake. Wisconsin." Dr. Acker's English Remedy, has been put to many and many Just such severe tests and haa never been known to fall In Its mission. We always like to back our statements by such ' strong testi monials of which we -nave - thousands. Dr. Acker's English Remedy, is not a cough syrup. It Is a lung oure, for It acta Immediately upon the lungs, build ing them no. and bf so doing, 'strength ening the whole system.. Perhaps you or one of your dear ones la wasting away: just " Use Mrs. ' Bedell. Where there Is life there is hope, don't wait for surely the trial is well worth mak ing, , and we promise yon It will cost you nothing if Dr. Acker's English Remedy does not give you Instant lief. There will be no delay in return ing your money, for every druggist sells Dr. Acker's English Remedy with the distinct understanding that your money Is to be returned to you If It fells. Re member, you buy It with this guarantee. Try a bottle today. Tou will never, never regret it . -. . Be snre te ask for 1 - JTc las fcsuagm, - All Brags-tats SSo, aoo, fXOO. their proper school with ' much trouble. less EAST SIDE NOTES. . . The MontavUla Improvement league started on Its career laet night and de cided to secure better streets for . the suburb. The county will be asked to Improve Htbbard street and Villa ave nue, both of these being county high ways. - 8. Bahler. pioneer furniture dealer of the east side. Is seriously 111 at his stricken suddenly with paralysis' while at work In his store a few days ago. and since has been unable to speak and, for most of the time, to move. ? Exam 1 nation by doctors showed, a blood clot on the right side of his brain and bis condition la pronounced critical. Without securing the three streets It desired vacated,- the St Johns Lum ber company Is going to- build a plsnt costing I100,000. It, was assorted In tha council by the promoters of the com pany that if the streets were not given up by the city the big ' mill. -would probably not be built but lumber Is now oh ths site, plans for the buildings bsve been completed and machinery of the most modern type haa been' ordered. . The -United . Evangelical church will TV wrA.' tM.V LiLi-J - We have Just received "shipment of WILSON BROS.' SHIRTS the new Spring styles. - r ,-Thisr consignment includes both white andcolore4 ' shirts in plain and plaited bosoms, both attached and de jilUached Scuffs. Wherever shim are "worn therWILSONT: HIRTir known as a-perfecf fitterr ' , Jna rums in and look over these aplendid garments.-; VSome-ol hem hava two pairs of -cuff a. Regular-price; .... the : world , over $1.50.1. Our special discount ; price ', ; '; . I I- . v . "Alfred Benjamin Correct Clothes, Suits,' Over-': coats and Raincoats now selling at a discount of 20 per' cent from the regular prices - m ii I'-;. 311 Morrison St. - ; " Opp. Postofftce rXlalin A MOST BFTaOTIf. T. J. Chambers. Ed. Vindicator. Lib erty, Texas, writes December It, loot: ''With pleasure and unsolicited by you, I bear testimony to the curative rower of Ballard a Horahound Syrup, have used it In my family and can cheerfully affirm It la ths moat effec tive and beat remedy for coughs and sea.' colds I hsve ever ui srd. Clarke Co. Sold by Wood- Established B7S mm ml We will treat and cure all cases of Conor- tVtt? rhoea Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood, VopV Spermatorrhoea and Vital Weakness. This offer is extended to all whoT W Buff etgfixm the above ailments for one month ONLY, from January 17 to February 17, 1908. , . ':.:'..'''.';.;.' ..'.,. ...:..;"'. -,-' St Louis Medical & Surgical Dispenszxy I i. 230-YamhiU Street,-Portland,-Oregon. ; , hold Us annual Oregon conference at St Johns. April It. Bishop H. B. Hartsler will preside. ... ', . UNE COUriTY SHEEP AKD CmiE UIH HAPPY Prospect Is That Winter Losses UWiJUftNomlnal,. Saytr A. C Jennings. A. C, Jennings of Eugene, candidate for stats treasurer- oa the Republican ticket who is registered at the Im perial hotel, said thla afternoon that the Lane county stockmen and aheep grow ers would suffer but a small wintjr loss this year.. !.... Tor two consecutive years.' continued Mr. Jennings, "we sheepmen lost hun dreds of our sheep. My loss aggregated . not less than. M per cent-Thla wlntfr -the losses win be nominal. I consider ' 1 per cent a nominal loss for stockmen, and from S to I per cent the sams for. ths sheepraisers. But tha winter haa . been - exceptionally favorable for he sheep and cattle, and Lane county will '. be correspondingly . prosperous thla spring and cummer. - "I do not think thsrs Is a county In the Vnlted States that haa more stand Ing timber than Lane county. Its lumber -production haa been1 curtailed In the past by poor railroad facilities. The eatfn slon of the Bprlngvllle branch will ob viate the present necessity In certain sections of ths county of shipping lum ber WO miles to reach ' the mala Una. When the branch la completed ws ex pect to see our timber districts opened up and developed." .' i . CV.V-O,, v:v.':;:'. . , .:, . MenY $10, $12.50, $15 FOR n $6.75 How can we do this? We're coming close to the end -great sale snd to- close outeloylafrce-qufekly we have bunched the different lines together to go at SUITromdCCassIm never have deceived you and won't in this great sale. IF NOT RIGHT WELCH A ra MM M wmw KORXJSON 'x-jTt '.'Mv 'I. 1 iA ; 1 14 :r n "1