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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1906)
CTZCZll DAILY JOUSHAU rOSTIeAI.T-V TUESDAY '-. EVENINO. JANUARY CV pB. WOFLBT BENJAMIN, th Post BoeeUllet, Soot. WuhUatoa C Bos MM. Bore feet ' BUI TBBB to eat of tow patron., ear let, eata- ; Jogoe . f raaey work, likii top, chin alec, hlrtwmfitt ea4 Bo-el Ueo. T Needle wen boo, mn Aiiexy bid., portiaae. at. BACKACHE? sod kidney or blxdder " dleeeeee curea wicb uregos nmrnm ; Trim .lee w ue - m Bumps. riummer, mo nita at. . .. , UNO CBOONO. imtnrtsr or Cbrosse rat . etnas: sells Chlnoee tM that 1 eertata nn ' . (or all dlnaisa. Ml In 4 bet, XeathUI aJ xayvoc. - ' SB. ATWOOD. 16 Bneaolt Alda.. : sc. mm i and annnra ura ad eared forj pea erulug- Ooaanltatloa "PORBIDDBN Iye'T'TeBny lll,Vir Tharms." 10, sacs. Tb A. W. . "Htory of Slav. "Mar Rldilaa Charm. Sea aula Co.. tM rirot. . I1ND for free Met ef cat wrtee sad el being rat oa m.gsilnss, Japes', Book tor. 81 . VISIT tha Caatoa Basaar Stor, finest Chi. aaa and Japan carta and goods la la f city at ra0Babia pnee. an aixia at, - tad-oof eklrta pressed. 80c. Gilbert, 108 Stst Ban ,r gaau. raoae viay a DOLUS' B.0SPITAL ssr repairing.. MBS. Bopkla B. "alp, tyrboaMtrlat, seines aad Kmbetess; dally 10 t o, I to B: cxrelae ssday and Friday, a. a, m- SaBtt Tamhlll. ava-, ptTmiu. ratriito aw. a meetings uraw ball, log soeona. - LADIkM. tf roe-rant ta nam. Ma eosfcefr, We bar hundred of fin roam bar srhe wish ... to man-T. Matrimony B4a1atar.-f0a.vS4 ' Buaeel bids'. Partfl 838. WBT PBBT ar dsageaoua. Wat foot blacking I la ebeolately waterproof, v BALM OF riflS for all female . Eaet Belmont. Phon Baat 408. YOCNQ lady ale Tap- -ilnrtml and SMdtoatod baths, rsrlor ST. SBStt Btarx. U.THB Bala Or Mineral Baths ar a poaitir cvr lor ail cnronie. aarroa aoa nia uia - ' aat aatar' ova ratd-r Oaf Third at. Fbob PaclXla 1221. . FOB (0 ranta I aaa lot yoa hara a rtetp that will poaltlraly ear th want eaa of daadrnft , and fallln- hair. Addraaa C . , Ms W rortiana, uraaoa. VIOOB -AND VIM Dr. Jnltoa -Deckaa'a ear for fallln' and loat powra. SI bos, a Btoarh'a traatmant: bona. SS: aant aaourrhr aaahxt to anr addraaa. Call or writ. 9i Alaaworth aldc Portia ad. Oragnau If ATOB'S WALNUT OIL reatona tray or fad-d hair t aataral color: aaaipl bottl aaa 114 b, aaayor. uiww a. ATTORNEYS. A- H. TANNER, attornor, na Oaaiaiarrl! hlk.. aeoad and Wuhioctea at, pboa Mala , H. r. BOHLrlOH. lawyar, US Or and aw . Baat Portland. .. . . - ' ' . BDWABB T.TAOOABT. aa lor. 41 Ctaambar of Coaia JAMES OLBASON Attoroay-at-law. looai S aaa Mollay Bias., rortiaaa. umini- A. 0. InALMBR, atfraoy. SIS Oraaxmlaa hldg. ART EMPORIUM. rBorCSSOB B. MAX MRTBB, S4S A Ida. Partratt aad landaeap artlat a ad taacaar. QABTIN OTANIDB BXTBACTION CO, aad MoataBa Aaaa Offloa, 1SS ajoniaoa at. AUTOMOBILES. COTBT COOK Motor Car Co.. P"taith and . Alder-Aanta for Oadlllae. Plarra. Great Arrotr, franklta and St-Tana-Daryar Bwtnr. car; aaacalaa ranted, repair aaa worea. BATHS MASSAGE; "iriM ULLIAN BAXMONbat-ee hatha aa4 Biaaaag traataianta. n yoaaMW. aonyb amor. J. M TWO raang bdlaa ia rob and Tapor bath. 1I0H Pearrhi ear. Waahlagtaa. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES.- B. BIRKBNaTALD CO., SO4-S0S Brtt at. Lartaat botcbara' aopply boaa aa th mm aaaaaaawaMavaaBaaaavaavaBaaavjavjaaaaaajaMBaaMBaaBaaaaal BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DATIS KILRAM. )(W-111 Baeoed at. Blaak Book auaafactararai aganta for Joaa laiprored L aa Leaf tadgarai aaa th BeW Baraka aaaf. th beat ea th market. -- CAFES. : THB OFPICB SM Wa-hlngtaa C rhoaw Maia TTL- Samoal Vlgna. CHIROPRACTIC. CURES appeadlettla wlthoot drag or kalf. Dr. -In Bogaa. sad BaU at. Pboa Mala 004, CLEANING AND DYEINO. XAMBIU CLBANINO PBK8SINO CO. . Work called for aad dellTred. , Pboa Clay tttl. S4T TamhIU. re-tland St-aoj Claanlng A Dyota Warkat are. ileal batter la aoaaactlaa. til 4th. CUy T04. , CLOTWKS ctaaoad aad artand ft Pr . iq TallorUg Co.. iT Waaktaarax h. W. TTTBNBB, proffvaloBal dyerrnd slaaaal, 80S Jaffaraoa at. Pboae Mala loll. NEW PROCEM laoa nrtala cleahlac SO to $1 pair. 44 Olhwa. Mala 40S. SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladles and Men's cleaning and preealug. 100 Waab. Paclfle 181T. COLLECTION AGENCY. BOBS ear on ewe yn aioaayT W collert bad debts of all ktnda. North weetera Law A Cnllertlna Co., 121 (irand are., roome 14 and ' 1(1. Cltfaena' Bank . bldf . Oat this oat. 'autJWjl CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WARHBURNB rLOTD, aragoa bnllde.-a aad . gtaeral job work. SS Sth at. Phaoe Bond awa. ANDBBBOOr. rarnentar aad tatkar. Pboa Mala T. WW. riSHBBCfC, enrpentart repatrtag and tnb blng doae. Sal Bomelde at Phoao Main 4lT. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. - BSRBRO-OUNST CO. vunriDBMr ar riNi ciiJam. ; -."' ... Portia nd. Oragea. V 'v ' CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WROLEVALB efwkeer aad rial - BegeW Co., lot ta 10 Pifth. or. Stark at. COALTAND WO ODf CHORCBLBX BHDS, bar raawead freat foot ., IHrla at., to 420 Kearney at near XI th; la . bow the largeat woadyard la th city, carry 4 . ing sU klnda of wood aad aoaL Mala Sl. WESTEBN Peed eV Paal Co., o frost, between ' Gllaaa and Heyt, dealer I all kind of ' bona coals and kUckaantb . aoala, , Pboa ' Mala 101S. - . . - . ALBtNA EtlBL CO. Dealer la ordwod. ol . and greaa and dry all h wood. B. R. snd AI ; bins are., S blocks eaet of ferry. Bart ST. BTEEL BRID0B ri EL CO. Dealer ta coal, ordwood and dry elabwood. Phon Baat aSt 0RBOON FT' EL CO. All kind of coal aad . wood. ' SOS Aide at Phoa Mala OS. KIRK HOOVER. SIS Water st Wood aad anal. . Phone Mala 4000. - - - KINO COAL CO., Importers hi rh -grade eteem aad smithing coals. Mala 142S. , PULTON WOOD CO Pbon Paein 04 tor ln ld and green elabwood. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BFERDINO A FA BR ELL, prodaat aad eommle. ri men n.nta. ieu I Tent at, Faruaaa, wr. - .. . . , f CATtTrrr- cLr Atnno. STANDARD Carpet CWaalng o., karaaat pleat a th eoMt, Lorlng od Bardlng sta, tela. paon Baat ISO Carpet leaned, refitted. aewed and Laid: both el earn and lifeet euia " preaaed ale pane; ranaratlag auttraaea aad fee there a apeelalty.v . , . - f'- Wltaont rewoaal. Main SeM. Baat 42a. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST COMB AT ONCE! . ATTENTION! '.ALWAYS BEUAHLB 8KB TIIB BXST. ST. ORORUB OBMONDB. THB PHINOMHNAL MAUI KB PSTCHia WORLD'S GREATK8T! UODT PAMOUSI ' SEER OP EGYPT, Medlar. Palmlet, Heater. Tell yon bow to gala the lor of tb one oa moat deelre ar aonUul ar Influene th aetioa f any one. ren though mile sway. Of anarriag. lorv, boslneea, slcknaaa, bow to lBr ree money, apeeulatloa, u baying, eeliuig partner, fiianda. anamle; cur all nerreea aiaeaeea, weaknaa of arery kind, aettlea lur donrrala, raoalte tbe aaparated, baatea aah rlaga, lorte ailne, burled treaiurra. ailaalng " enea, papera; renew yoathful eltallty, glraa aaagmtle acrt power f euntrol. derelop. taacbas, I nap bra. Coo rare, rigor, spiritual puts, permanently toeated. ' Opea Suadaa. nasniauiua ai. Mn.i.i.t; JIlK II -XADA, tb - gVrenth lllU1y ,fr D00' tohan. W . 8KB THB GREAT Noniriwi w ' - Jflng. t Astrologers. P.lailat aad Madias. tall yoar name, th namee of friend and enemlaar Tarytnlng yoa wUb to know. Hour. Id . at. to S B. m. SSB Fifth st. . EENOBIA - THB GREAT IXiTPTIAN TallB yoa J net what yon want ta know. 828 AUSKX BLDO., MS Morrlaoa St.. Corner Third. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB.CB BROWN.D.V.B..D.O.M. Do. Bora be. ptteLttT Rama ide. Pboaee: MalnaOSd; PaaJtaO. DRESSMAKING.- BBIMTBR'S LADIES' TA1LORINO OOLt.BOB. SOI aad 400 Allahp bldg.l writ for boskaat, MRS. U. A. BALDWIN. 251 81xtb at., phone . 1204, dnrlng sooath of Pabraary charge S-l -Berreguiar price ; satiataetloa gaaranteaa. dancinq. W OllO WARD'S aanrlng setnal at th W aatar Aeadeaay of Maals, Monday and -Thered. Spectators brettad. tmnn CO. . Danetag S aa 11. vat, neoo aaa Mamaoa. - PROP. BINOLBB. SOS Aider, Bear Sixth) lsas - or prrrats laaaons. so. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ' NORTHWEST ET.ECTRICAL BNOINEERINO . Company, 4 Serenth at., Portland. O. K. for rerythlos la tb electrical Ua. Phoa Mala uss. PACIPIO ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, oontrae tora. repairer, alactrls wiring, anppllee. S4 svet, or. acara. Main bob. k. u. nu, ragr, FURNITURE FACTORIES. OBBOON Parnltar Maanfaetarlna Ooamaar Haauracfarar as luruiar ior IB imo. PorUaad. Or. , . . PTJKNITUBB manafaetarlag and- sperlal order. La uarenaay a raraitur raetory. stu rroat sc. FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only place la Portland to get Preach ore a. limn J Mar lie, nr Blxtk st. Dally delleery. Pboa Oreea SOS. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm -air fnrnaca Bar faeL I. C Bayer para Co., BSO Beeond. Mala 401. ' FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. BAFT POBTLAND PBNCB a) WIRB WORKS 280' But MorrlMa at. Phoa ImT S21. v PORTLAND WIRB IRON WORMS SSI Flanders ax., or. id. Phon Mala 1000, GASOLINE ENGINES. AT cloatac-oat prlesa. aereral aemple gaaollaa eaunaea, mann na araiioaary: ami or prieea. Blraoa Machinery C Portland. . GROCERS. WADHAMS 4V CO. wholeaal il grneara, man. BMrchanta, Foarth factnrrrs aad aaa ad Oak at. ALLEN 4 LEWIS, consmlaaloa aad prodoo Ber. chaata. Frost and Darls sta,. Portland. Or. GRINDING. B. f. CASTE RUN 1 A CO.. Inreator f tb ram aaa steel tempering oweat tools ana IS naoi. 147 a. atk at. raeine HARDWARE." Portlaad Bardwar Co. snlletts opportnrty ta wore pnia laa tar ar.. ear. A loee. M.ia inn. Vhotelb. HOTEL Peadlatoa, Peadletoa. W.A. Brown, mar. HOTEL Portland, Aaaarleaa plan; SS, SS par dap. HOTEL St qeorge. Pee dl a to I leading hotel. BELTEDBRBi Baropeaa plaa: 4tb lad Alder at. HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COOPER CO. Potato, fd ai floar. its UBtoa era. Phone Beat wit. HAIR GOODS. COMBINGS bonght r mad apt ew It eh re for ale; -bo unporreq parr neaa. air, wiiuaai Beqoeatth. 04 Eaet Twelfth. Baat IT10. INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WHITE. Or laaaraaaa, SOO VMkmm bias. - LAMBERT, WHITMER A CO. Fire Ineuranr snd real aetata ; office lOT-loa Sherlock hldg. Mala lOOSi depi 404 Bast Alder. Bast al. JAB. Met: WOOD, employer' liability and la- flinanal accinent arety nonas u ainoe, Pha 4T. SOS McKay bldg. B. P. BARTELS COMPANT Plr Ineuranr. 441 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa rnoa Mala Mia. MONUMENTS. BEIT A EINaoLEY. SOS First at., Portlsad'a leaning marni ana granite wnrsa. MACHINERY. THB H. OLBML COSecgad-bgaa ancblieq, aawmiiia. eie. . aaa uriw a Ta. BIPPELT A MVBBB. machlniata and eleo- trlclarai electric levator, electrical maetaln ry and jaeolln engine apeelalty- fit Oak at. . Phea.Mala IS20.- CRNTBNNIAL IRON A STEEL WORKS, ma rine and stationary-gaanltn enrln anrt all kinds mark faery repaired.- SM O Ilea a t MUSICAL. , I. A. WRBCO, Trnlla-nuker aad refalreri arorb flratlaaa SS Raaael bldg., 4tb aad Merrtaoa. WEBBER'S Mandolin. Baa)o, Oaltat stadia. 171 Alder agent for Glbeoa mandolin. EMU. TH1EI.M0RN. pnpll of Seelk. elnlla teacher. Studio 10S Sixth. Tel. Mala SIMS. LOUIS A. CREtTE Teacher of violin. Sll Shermaa at, cor. - Plret. Pboaa Mala SSS. LESrlONS BO; piano, gnltar, banjo, aaaadolla. elollB. Mrs. MarUa. SUM. 'Irat aor. Mala, anatalra. . MAGNETIC HEALIN0. DR. L. B. HART treats all dl, stomach trouble, nerreneaeas and funrtnal waakneea. Conaaltatloa ETM. U SereaU . Pkvaa .aValA ail, ' i ; - i I -I ;t: ra ft LOCKSMITH. BBOWNB'S IN TOWN Expert tockamlth aad M cycle repairing, aaa aiurn. b Cley S22t sight phoa. Mala 888a, i. a BICHARDSONr leek em lt ad repaLrlng, SST Burnalde raciD luoa. MONEY1 TO LOAN.- ,' TBBBB ABB MANX PLANS ' Bat tt will pay m to leara aera wbea yoa ar la debt or In seed of money: w eaa balp you. aad . without publicity t wa will loan yoo any amount, l6 ta SlOOt a your . salary, at loweat ratal, wttboat coalgaar aad . without the kaowtodg of roar employer, or any one, and yea can repay la payment f 81 weekly or 4 monthly, or more, ac cording to amount of loan: w alaa loB a furniture, pianos, etc.. without femoral. Wheals need of money It wtll pay you to gat it rrora ua a in ini rmm will aoat eon lee and rata roa Ml f debt. If yoa will call at our offle w will ex plain in aetaii, ao xfliBanaeraKBBujna. r ' will know the total coat aad all particular before yoa get tb loan: all Informatloa cheerfully glrea, whathe yoa borrew or a v ,',"" HUTTON -CBEDIT "CO.. ' ' --B1J (SfU Sokr) Drtum SaH.-;-r-: HEADQUARTERS FOB BALABX LOANS. . dt8-0 Mohawk bldg.. eox. Marrleoa aad Thnrd. a. .i w - a. , .w MWK ai U.1I I I ,1 1 , . u . awMw.f . If ye borrow SM yoa pay bark ft.80 a week. If yoa borrow 1x8 yoa pay back tl.aS a week. no yoej pay oacw ee.wu e wwa t a..a k.a as a apaaa. iso roa peg back iioo a weak. A-A , S , abkaaH. Strictly Salary Loan. THB CBE.4CBNT LOAN CO dSS-S Mohawk bldgl, aor. Morrlaoa aad Third. MONET TO LD1X 0a Imprwred eity property or ' for bwtldlng - purpoaee. - foe from - 8 - w 10 - yeer1 - Uaaa, with prlVtlega to repay all or part at loan arcer on year, labb spprorea xrom pinn sad money adraaced ss bolldlng prasTMiea) anortcaga taken ap aad replaeed. ' . FBBO B. STRONG. Financial Agaat, Sat Stark at TBI ITlk LOAN CO. - lay aalaried employe, waxe-earnrr, aaa get . am ma xotav. wltnout mortgage ' . Month. It Month. Week. SSO.OO Rpy to aa 818 SS ar M OS ar 88.88 828.00 Reoar ta Be 8 8 AS er 88.88 c ll.BB 14.00 Bepay to aa I 4.00 or 8X00 ar SL00 S10 McKay bldg. MONET ta loan on reel, personal and collateral ecorlty; e pedal et ten tie to chattel avort- fagea; ante, boagtit. C W. Pallet, 8044 eatoa bldg., 84 Sixth at HIGHLY reapectable plac where to die aad genta eaa borrow mo hey oa diamond snd tweb.ColUjeral joaa Bank. SoO Wash. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB aad of here, without eecerlty: easy aayaMBt. Orrira In M prinHpal rltlee. Toltnaa, XSS Ablngtoa bldg.. 108H Third st CHATTEL loan In smoaata ranging from 888 to 88.000) rooaflng-boaae a eperwlty. New Bra Loan A TTnet Co.. SOS Ablngtoa bldf. MONET to loan on Clecxiinir connty laada, B. P. and F. B. BJley, dOd Chamber af Ooaa- LOWE8T rate n fnrnltrir and planas, Bas. era laoaa lex, anerloea oiag. , uiay aza. TO LOAN Sam to suit oa chattel security, - B. A. Frame, 814 the Maranam. - PRIVATE money for priest loon aa realty, 8 and f pee cent v SO. Jearnal. MONEY TO 1X5 A 1 oa all klnda of aecorlty. WUllam Roll, room S. Waahlngtoa building. MONBY TO LOAN from 8n00 to 88.000, by Charlaa Btretel. 88H Third St. room 8, op p. Chamber of Comnrarc. 8800 TO 81.800 to loan on real aetata asearlty oy rrrreai perry. ux lanaernij dmi. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIX A NORTHRUP. 41B-18-1T Dekem bldg., Third aad waahlngtoa at, mooa Marn 840. 'Bxamlnatloae frew. DBS. 0TT8 A MABEL AKIN, f Veelcy bldg. viey lie. nee. ... bio.. , aamintaai THB rery beet lad ataopath la town. Jr. L. O. iohaeoa. eelte 18. Selrtog-Blraoh bldg. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO A BADEMACRBB. aenltary plambar. a Foarth at Both paeaee. POX A CO., sanitary prombra,lSl.Sroad, bet maia ea aaimoa. uregoej rnoae aiain aw.. PRINTING. WELCH A DAVIS. Printer Doer of clr thing with Ink and tip aa paper. Btaaraa ' bldg.. Sixth aad Morrlaoa. xxaia 1 414T. ANDERSON A DVNIWAY COMPANY, prlattnf. Iltbograpning, Mail Boos, rnoa ataia it. tog Alder at PATENT LAWYERS. B. O. WRIOHT, domestic and foreign patent! infringement caaee. an uexam. ' PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH A CO. Th Plooe-T Paint 0a. I winflow-giaas aaa giaaing. too rirai r, Phoa 1834. - ERNEST MILLER A CO., Second and Taylor- Wall paper, paint oil st mareei price: xree deHrery. PHYSICAL CULTURE. PROP. RINOLER'N School of Phyatcsl Cultarai all nranrbe. una AMer St., near bixib. RUBBER STAMPS. P.C. STAMP WORKS, 840 Alder St.. phone Msta Tio; runner stamp, aeaw, aieaeiis. naggag, trad cbecka: nd for eatalogu No, fttv. . ROOFINO. TIN ROOFINO, guttarlng, repairing aad gen Jobbing. J. Loall. 2ll Jaffaraoa at. STREET PAVIN0. WARREN Coeatraetloa Co., a treat perlag. aid. rslks aad i arrrrrlngT . Til 1 p "1 ft THE Barber Asphalt Paring Oa. f Portlaad. ornc ans worctr nix. SAFES. D1ER0LD, Chrome, Armor-plat. Manganas and Fireproof safe are superior, under 4-iara walla not flreproof. ststrraeata to the son. trery aotwltbetandlng. . Da not permit lr eaonalhU Itinerant to chance your combine tloas. Phone Mala 1AM or writs for estimates oa mrkrmts snd rapatni llrlng price, aad Qusr aeL Jooa a. imria. Third. WB repair and 'rebuild sntomnhHss. gas en. ie. "printing preeee. tinea locks, safes, opea koots, do all klnda of machln work. Co. cine. tumble Ga Engine A Safe Worka. 141 Second et. phone Paclflo STS. Frank J. Super, a apt. SECOND-HAND GOODS. aooDB'S Furnltor B.exee ' Blghest Brlcea paid foe aseona-nana raraitara, . ai , aejosaa ss, pboaa Peelfls 408. SIQN PAINTERS. SOLD SIGNS, window letterlag. cloth basal I, economical alectrl ran ssa en i en kinds mads aulrkly. Fester A I atsar, JTL..A snowcAissTAND ixTUrs: BHOWOASES of erery deearlpttoa) beak, bar aad ator flxtar Blade to order. . Th La the ktanafcoturiag- C.. Portland. Z ; SCALP TREATMENT. , BAY. falling kaU. dandruff treated: saampoa, Ing, Biantrartag. chiropody, fa work. Mr. b. r. ivyse. iay rounn. as. Beeea 88. Phoiee Tta Sa. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS.- KABLS0N A CO., Ankeny aad Elghtk sta., . phono Pacific TOO Makers of surgical ln- truaata aad deformity rmllaacea: rsanr. knirea and aclaaor aharpened to partactloa, TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter-, all make, reated. eold and repaired. Csact Agaacy. S81 Stark. Tel, 140T. towel: SUPPLY, CLEAN TOWELS DAILT Comb, hrnah. aaaa 81 par BKmth. Lawreaea Bros. Towel Supplj - Co.. Ninth aad Coach. Phon 410. -- -TREES; SHRUBS,' ROSES. W bar them by tb thoueendet etna, health etWfc. OaT IfiOA llmatratarf an1 nrlaaa .at.. fV?mhnlll"ataf0ai1ikMn EC ff" TELEPHONES. aa. TH? " eaelnatre telephone boaa. B. BlMtrle A Telenhoaa Manafactartng aoi paay. SS Fifth at. . anaaaaenaajaaaaaaiaaaaaaaMajajajajajaaBBnaanaaWa r TRANSFER-AND HAULIN0. SAFES, plaao snd furniture atored. parked , ready for skipping and ahlpped; all work . guaranteed; Urge. S-etorr brick, fire-proof Warehouae for atorag. Office 128 First at 0. M. Olaaa. , Phone Mala 84T. THB 8A00A0B A "OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. Sixth and Oak ate.: baggage checked from botel or reeldeae direct to deatlnatloej paeeenyera therefore a eold mab and anney ance at depot. Private Exchange 88. C O. PICK, office 88 Flrat at., between Btark . aad Oak at., phoa 808; pianos snd furniture ,BioTd ad packed for shipping; eemntodlou nick warcbona with separate ttoa rooaas. Front and Clay sts. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Mala 00. Heavy hauling sad storag. BART SIDB Transfer Co.. A. B. Hnlcomh, proa. 188 Baat Water st Phon Baat 88. POST-SPECIAL DELIVER T No. 200 Wash . tngtoa at Pboa Mato 009. TAN BORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture am plana taovtag. Pbona Mala 1818. FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TNTST OOWrPAVT OP OBEOON. I Tha Ofdaet Treat Oamnaay ta Oraroa, C , RESOURCES 0FBB 1,400,000. ' Oeaenl banking. Bxehsng en an porta of the emrld. Bawlrure eeennnr Time eerrlfl. ate. S to d nee eentt ehortoN eneetal aeealaV. Laacx. anuo er erer, i per ni. Call for bonk of "'ILLUSTRATIONS." 8outhaat Corner Third aad Oak Sta. . Phone Prtnta Exrhanre TA BENJ. I. COHEN .......i.Praaldeat H. L. PTTTOCK TleavPr-aldewt B. LBB PAGET Secretary I. O. OOLTRA Aaetetaat Secretary XHX M0BTOAOE OTTARANTFE I A TRUST COMPANT BANK. Mocks. Beads aad Mortsgea Bought and Sold. Interest Paid en Tim Pepoalta. itsT:.:TTrrrrT.-Tr-....i wi.....8iooj)oo-oo- W. Waterharr Preeldent 0. W. Miller.... ,....Vlc-Preoldent C B. Clement ....Secretary sias- xaaipio. aeoanra ana mars streets, . . Phoa Mala 184. - u WTTTD STATTS NATTONAL BANS - OF POBTT.AWT). OBFOON. MOBTSTWXST COB. THIRD AND OAK STS. ' Tiaassilta a fMneral Finking Ballaias. DRArTfl ISSUED. A reliable Is All- Cities of th Tntted State aarl Earop. Hongkong aad MsalU. COIXTOTT0IS SfAlTB OB FAV0RABI.F TXBMS. rreeloeot J. o. AIN8WOFTR Vlc-Pree1r1fit. W. B. AVER Vice-Preal dent B. LEA BARNK Oaahlec , ..B. W. SCRMEBR Aeeletant Oeehler A. If. WRIGHT Aaakrtaat Cashier W. A. BOLT ADD A TH. TON. BANBXBS. (XataUlahad t 1888 Transact a Oeoarsl Baalrlng Bast. Collection made at all notnt en f. roe Me ti I am. Letters of credit lssned tlebl Is Enron and all aolat la th United, State. Slaht Kxchansa and 7V Ic granule ' Tranflfer Bold oa New York. Wasblngtoa Chlcngo, St tytats, Deneer. rtmana. Baa FraaeMea aaa Montana and Brttlab Onlnmhta. Exchange anld aa pmdoa. Parte, ' Bertie. Prank fort Bongkong, Xokohama. Manila and Boaolahj. SEOTBITT 8AVTNOS A TRUST COMPANT. 888 Merrtaoa Stu. Pprtlaad. Or. Traasaot a General Bankle Baal us. BAVTNOS DEPARTMENT. Istrt Allowed en Tim snd Beetns Pspsalt. Acts ss Traete for Katetee. Draft aad Letter f Credit Arellabla la All ' Purta of th World. 0.. P. ADAMS Preet fleet L. A. LEWIS........ Pint V1c-Pree1dest A. L7 MILL Second Tlca-President R. 0. JUBITB... Beoret.ry GEO. p. BOSS ELL Asslstsat aeeretary RST VATTONAt BANK OP PORTLAND. OBXBOV. ' ' Deatg sated Depository and Financial Agaat af th United State. Preeldest A. L. WTTIN Oahler I. W. NEWKIRK Aeeletant CaaMer W. 0. AT.VORD Second Aseletant Caetiter B. P. STEVENS batters af credit leeaefl AretlihM ta aarop sad the Eaatera State. Xflrht Tfxctrsnwa and Telarrenhl Trsnefers arid oa New Fork. Bon ton, Chlceeo, St. Lenta, St. Paul. Omaha, Ban Franctae aad tbe principal point la th Northwoat Bigui ana urn puis orews in em to ewn I Laadoa. Parts. Bcrlla. Frankfort -on-tne Main. Hoaghnn, Yokohama. Copenharea. Chriattanl. Stockholm. At Peterebsrg. Mos cow, Enrich. Honolulu. collections Made a Fieorsbl Tiima - - TBI BANK OP OAtTFOBBTA. - (Fetabll-hed 1H4 nreq oillce. naa irieteo), ..i. Capltnl paid op v 84.00f).o1 0 Surplus sad sndrrlded' profits 88.T70.14a.S8 A reneral henkrna aad sxehangs baalnae tranaacted batihub nrjraRiMHWjr. Inteevet paid oa time depnelta. AcconntS onened for nam of 810 and upward. Portland Brnacb Chamber of Commerce build Inc. . , WM. A. MACRAN. Maaeger. - J. T. BrRTCHARLL. Asat. Man. ERCXAXTB' NATIONAL NANW. POWTLABD. ORXQOB. FRANK WATSON : . . . . Prestdeat L. DURHbt.iTmT.i........FK Pre1dist R W. HOTT Ceebler 8E0R0B W. HOTT Aeeletant Ca abler Transact a Oeneral Benhtnc anetneee. Draft a aad Letter of Credit leeaed Arallabw to All part af tn woria. Cnlloetton a Specialty. - .. KB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, J ' " FTNANCTAL " AflNNTN. , STOCKS, BONDS AND MORTOA0BS. 48 Stork Street Pboa Mala 18TA MORRIS BROS. ItS First St, Pertlaad. Or. off am Bdae l im to Manlelpsl aad Railroad Sonde. Write er Call. MORTflAOB LOANS Oa" PertUad' Real " lata ta ' "at tsweet taasV Titles loan red. A be traete rnrnlahd TITLE 0UABABTZE A TBV8T CO. 840 Waahmgto St. Oar. Sesaad. Baya Xoa-YaV-Vy-rnxa Xs OmL (Special Die patch ta Th Joernal.) " : " Pendleton. Or., Jan. SO. Barnard D. Bfierry haa auad) for a dlvorca from Ion-Va-Ny-Pum Bhernr. Barnard Sherry Is a white man who haa brum married to Ion-Va-Ny-Pum tor some years and alleges drunkenness on the part of hla wlfa, and says that when she ts drunk ahe ie ertial, vile and vicious ' toward the plaintiff. , " . i i i ...i.i a. ' .. bTtkWa aalooBsaaai lined. . (Special DMpateh to The JoaraaLl ' Vala,.OrM Jan. 10. A. iNiwmin, H. la Flelde aad C. W. Coopar, saloonkeepers of Nreaa, were fined 110 en rrtday last by Juatloe Goodrich for aflllng liquor contrary to the local prohibition law. The eaaae ware Immediately Appealed to tea circuit eourt FATHER FIGIUh'16 FOR BADY GIRL Chehahls Judg Dcidet Tiny , - Tot : Shall - Remain With - Adopted Paronti. OBTAINS DIVORCE - , BUT . L0SES - CHILD LsBrook Habets Corpus Csss De cided In Lewis County Court Lit- f-tldr-'OnrrTken- From ChUdren's Home Cause of Litigstion. taa TtMpsies to TM Jmimsi.; Chehalla, Wash., Jan. 10. The I Brook habeae corpua cade, - which haa bean pending In tbe Lewis county su perior oourt for several weeka past, was decided yesterday by Judse Bice at this place in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Wheeler of Centralis, the foster parents of Sherley LeBrook. The court's decis ion affirms hla action of a few weeks ago, when he permitted the Wheelera to adopt the little 1-year-old daughter of Stanley and Florence LeBrook. The LeBrooka. were married in , Falrhavei Washington, four yeara ago.. After twd yeara they separated. And their, llttia daughter waa taken care of by leBrook'e mother, Mrs. 1'asslg of Everett Of fl cera of tha Washington Children's home of Seattle found that the child needed better care, and by order of the superior court 'of Snohomish county they were given tha custody of the little girl. About II tnontha ago Mr. and Mr Perry Wheeler of Ceq.tralla were given- the child to care for and they took auch a liking to the little girl that a few weeks ago they formally adopted her. It waa by a newspaper item printed locally- that 'lBrook allegea he flrat heard tf hla. little one, for whom he claims he had been looking for some time. LeBrook, had previously begun an action her for a divorce, and Judge Rice awarded him a -divorce and made the following order as to the child: "That If the-chlld be in the possession or control of tha defendant ahe sur render the same to the plaintiff, who, as between th parties to this action, la awarted-thaf control And custody of the same." i As thaWh sclera had legally adopted the little girl and the legal dlapoaltton of the child had been -eettled by two superior court orders, one in Snohomish county and one In thta court. Judge Rica baa given the Wheelera the girl. It la probable that the cesa may be appealed to the supreme court on the question nf whether or not XiQBrook had ever been legally aervfrt by personal aervlod or publication, with notice In the 'mat ter. DYNAMITE CAR DITCHED IN .PASSENGER WRECK ' Fireman J. C. Barger Is Killed and Engineer J. W. Crocker ''" Hae-Ankle-B roken. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.! Oranta Paaa, Or., Jan. 10. Whirling down grade at A rapid apeed and on A allppery track. Southern Paolflo paa aenger train No. 18, drawn by two heavy englnea, craaned into the rear of a freight train in the yard llraita here yesterday evening, killing Fireman J. O. Ba,rser, of . Roaeburg, crushing the ankle of Engineer J. W. Crocker and aeverely shaking up the passengers. The dead . fireman and injured en gineer were on the head engine, which tore the. caboose to kindling. Immedi ately in front of the caboose waa a car load of dynamite that was thrown Into the ditch, but did Dot explode. The freight was being pulled by two engines and Juat ea it waa taking the siding a drawbar pulled out near the eenter leaving the tall and of the train on the track. Fireman Barger leaves A widow and two children. A wrecking crew worked all night, and this morning delayed trains wars able to pass, leaving here 14 hours late. An investigation of the wreck Ie in progress today. The blame haa not been placed on any one, - although it seems apparent that there waa gross careleee nass somewhere, as the accident oc curred on the cleareat stretch of road on thla part of the line. : ; DECISION RENDERED IN FAMOUS NODINE CASE (Special Dispatch ta Tbe Journal.) " Union. Or., Jan. 10. A decision haa been rendered by Circuit Judge Eaktn in- the famoue Kodlne case, which he been before the courts of Union' county for . years. Among the conclusions is this: - 5 "That neither the First National banit of Union nor W. T. Wright conspired or colluded together, nor with any other persona to acquire the property of the plaintiff, nor any of It nor did any wrongful of fraudulent, act,- aa against the plaintiff. -- "That the suit should be dlsmlsaed Be to W. T. Wright, W. J. Townely1 and the First National bank of Union; that plaintiffs are entitled to a decree against the. Aim worm isiationsi - oanav j. p. Marshall and Thomas Connell. canceling said deed of F.'Wodtne and" Jnita N6dlne to Thomas Conneil, of date January I. 1ST, aa obtained by fraud" THOUSAND CATTLE :: : FED-ON-BEET-PULP (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal) 1a" Grande. 'Or- Jarh-80. - One ttieu aand eattle are being fed on beet pulp by Grandy A Russesll, the butcher Arm, thle winter mostly for their own use. A great deal of sugar pulp la used, also a large quantity of hay. Ten men are steadily employed in oa ring lor and feeding the atock. ' Five teams are en gaged tn hauling beet pulp and three hauling hay for these cattle. The beet pulp Ie considered an excellent fat tener. '" yM.MawaMaaaeaaaNMMaM.aai . . - Davis Osee at aHasUseosw ("peelal Dlapttch to The Journal.) ' Pendleton. Or, Jan. 10. -In th Davis trial, which haa eonanmed more than a week's time of the circuit court, it appears aa though the case will con tinue nfore than another week. Davts la charged with ambeaslement of 14.408 ft the- connty runde wrju aeputy anenri under Sherlffa Taylor and Blakeeley. Ths attorneya for th defense began the presentation et their side yeatsr- Ricir r.nsER d;:s POVERTY Wm. 8. Cook of San Francisco, Who? lived in Filth and Squalor, Leaves Fortune. - HUNDRED THOUSAND IS FOUND U STRONG BOX Apparently All His Possessions Con sisted of Tobacco Bsg Filled With Pennies No- Onewsre HU "THaaea' Wealth. . ; - .. , -w San Franaiaco. Jan. 10. -A tobacco bag filed with pennies, nickels and dimes, A ragged and greasy suit' of clothing, underwear ao 'patched Ha orig inal material could only he guessed at auch waa apparently all the worldly good WlUiam S. Cook,- the oldest Odd Fellow In California, left behind him when he died of senility In tha Central emergency boapltal January I, 1808. . Cash In gold, greenbacks snd silver to thcamount of 818.000, a paid up Ufa Insurance policy - of - 8J.0CO, 17.100 - In United States bonds with accumulated Interest, real estate in California and Oregon, a gold watch, and no one yet knows how much real property, such was the fortune William S. Cook let slip through hie palsied fingers when death found him. The fortune Is eetlmated at $108,000 and not unlikely may mount considera bly higher when A thorough search of the etate records is made. A holo graphic will, tucted between layers of the greenbacks waa' found with the wealth already mentioned. It waa exe cuted soma year ago arid mentions a brother; the lsst head of .the family. In Virginia. . So far as known Cook wss not, In communication with any of hla rela-f tiveg. no one thus far questioned re member hearing him utter a word about his financial or personal af faire during tbe half century he lived In thla city. , No one auspected that, he had a dollar more than he needed for hie meager meals at the cheapeat eat ing houses and the f monthly rental of a dingy room at 1016 Clay street, where B had lodged for So consecutive years. Public Administrator J. H. Stuli and Deputy J. M. Newbert- unearthed the old men a hidden . treasure Saturday They broke a lock on tho box vaults of the California Safe Deposit, at Trust company and brought to light the gilt taring coins snd green peper, will, bonds and gold timepiece the old man had begrudged himself the luxury of wear- -trig. There were banKbohs,' tuu. uue shewing a depoalt of 810,000. Cook lived the life of a hermit In a filthy room, seldom spoke to any one and lived In the cheapeat poaalbla way. DISEASED SHEEP ARE u KEPT FROM MARKET ' (Special Die oaten to Tha Journal V Vale, Or. Jan. 10. A. Johnson, a Sheepman, was held by Justice Goodrich in Vale under $800 ball to appear be fore the grand Jury. Stock Inspector oaeii charges that Johnson had driven a flock of scabby sheen through Harney and Mainour eountlea before the au thorities discovered that the aheep were dleeaaed. The entire band of 1,008 mut ton ' aheep destined for the Nebraska market is bow quarantined at Nyaaa. Saved From Terrible Death." The family of Mrs. M. I Bobbttt of Bargeton, Tenn., saw her dylngnkhtf were powerless to sav bar. : The moat eklllful physicians and every remedy ueed, failed, while conaumption waa slowly but surely taking her life. I thla terrible hour Dr. Klnt's New T)la. covery for Conaumption turned despair 1.110 joy.- i na nni mnui Drrjugnt im mediate relief and ite continued .us completely cured ber. It e the moat certain cure In the world for all throat and. lung troubles. Guaranteed bottl too end $1.00. Trial bottles free at S. O. Skldmor A Co., Drugglata, 111 Third street . , , Tbe Great Clairvoyant GLATBYOTABT, xtXDrtrxf, TiXatlST, . LOW CXABSES. LOW TZES. - World's greatest Balmier, eiir be eoasnltod dally nn all sf fslrs of lit. William's work Is entirely different from other mediums snd seir-etyiei eiairroranta. no aarxeneq. roome or cahlnr,but erery thing don In th broad, onen Huht of aoher aene sad roa la Bosses akin of yours, ill inrormaiioB ana sane oa msrrlagee. dlmrcea, eeperetlone. bits snd fam ily affaire, bualneea traaaaetloaa, lawaalta, etc., r acceirai ana iraunu, it rui(e th eeosrsted. settlee loeer' eaarrela. caoaee anaaA ninlira! drlse yoa aa to whether or Bot-jros .wlUK-rnTeaUl mlnlpg,r la bualnc. He look into your band snd tells roa whet aire yoa. snd glrea yoa nara your (na, nerwe end enercy. No matter what troa- Bej auiBLBiehw. , 88 Ttk at., asat to Oregaa Betol. , TRANSPORTATION. . ALASKA . . VAST AND rOFTJLAB STBAMSHIPS Leave Seattkt , r .re "JaTfltlOfi. Jaa., J, IT, St, at S f BL , via Wraagle. , "TABALL0B,M abewt Jaa. SS, 8 p. m. , CAixiita at - Katohlhee. laneaa, Soagtaa, BTalnes, Skava W, Oaanoeta with W. . A T. panto la Atlto, Da era e. Taaaaa, Beave, aaa. . gar AU Siathisstsra AJaaba Bee. Call ae send foe "Trip to Wondorfal a leaks, " "IsdUd Baaketry. '"lnem fa hex." . . ' " TBB AIAS TA B. A CO, 1; . . rrsuk Vieoany Oa At". 1 re oak st. - e, . i TRAKrror.TATIC life v. firr"7rn-T : akd Uruorf Pacific 3-rTraiQs to the East Dailyr-J jarough Pnllman stsndard and bnurlet al-en. !nI'.1 ta Ouuih,. akirr-rh.nrt - ihrei-V T""MZ" Kaasa my: ' " -w vuir-aso. neclluing a fraa to the taat dally. " nn Baarn Hnntlbi - " " ," Bia.,ai. aor .'er for Jta.lera Waehlnrtna. Wall. !n.i . Lewlnti.n, Ooeuy d'Aleoe and " ;. ?IT"t..N,'b" "". l'r. :18 pa :0 ' Atlantic Ex-irraa tor the Eaet ... . . .- . . 1 alaifcUogioB, dairy-.-. .rrr .'-grlS BtBT'.18 lat" . COLUMBIA BIVBB DIVISlOlf. For Aetocla .at , .aa. steamer fut Ilwace and North Beack, steam- , .a, .-,i, oocs, irsres S a. to. da iy. excent lna, . ... r " . , ' -r---r- ' ' "-'-'J"7. p. m. arrire ahoat S p. m.. except Snaday. TAltHII.T. tnn inr-e , t Orgoa nir and Tamhmmeer. - r.H.a aui aioanc. aaa-er. ejnra, ''1. Pt Sunday (water per. Sunor. - .T;J0 - e1"- eacept J SNAKB BITBR ROUTB. ' t',",on, Ida., snd way points rmrs Blparl. Wsah., ateesaers Spoksa and Lewis, ton jeer B;o s. m:, or apoa arriesl Trala dLV.xcel,'. TrSfy "V Ticket Office. Third and Wsehugtea Sts. . - Tlphoo Mala 718. -a r '".& ,' TIJ,'0EH. City Ticket Ageat. A. Ia CBAIO, Oeneral faaaeoger Ageat. -Z EASTvu SOUTH t'nlo flenot- Lsar. Arrive. Overload Kxprees. Trains for Balem, Boeeburg, Ash land, SacraaMDto, Ogdea, Baa Francieeo, Rtocltua, ao angaiee, e.1 rao. " New Orlean aad th sast r 8: SS. , TM SBJ Morning trala connects st , , t Woodbura dally except -'-. , . ; v Suaday erlth trala for Mount Angel, Blleerton, , ' ' ' rlrownsrill. Sprlagfteid, - :: Wradltng aad Metro 8:80sm S M aa Bugeae paeaenger . con- . . . eecta at Wood on m wltb ' ' !" 1 Mount Angat aad Sllrer- toa local 4:18bb ein:8Saa Corrallla paeeenger. ...... 'T ijO aaa -9 60 pm BherWaa paaecnger. .. .... t:i0 pm "8:88 am - goreet ttror peieenger.TPIOet -ra 111 JO Ba llly. 1 1 Dally except Sunday. . P0BTLAND-OSWCOO S0BURBAN SSBT1CB AND TAMUIU, DIVISION. Leara Portland idenol foot of Jaffa-eon Bt V dally for Oaweeo t.SMA. m.f 12:50, 8:08. 8:00, B:), 8:88. 8:30,- loIO. ll:8o p. m. Dally - - B...J.. i a libit iiji a i la ni,n Be rvma-imxexa aeaajaAwX' Tfaraa-wrm rammH-a)tBVrveaXTl"TBnVrv tsurlay .nita nn e, pn , Katumiiif rrom oawrgo, arrir Portland eany ... 8:80 a. m.; l:flS, 8:00, Bfl. 8:18. T:SB, S oO. 11:H p. m.. 13:88 a. m. Dally (except Suadsy). :2o, T:28, 8:80.. U.45 . m. . Bund only. 10:00 e. m. Leaiae from earns depot far Dallas sad Inter, mediate nolat dally :15 p. am. Arrlre Port land 10:10 a. m. Ths Indepndrnce-Mftnnsath Motor II n oper stee dally to Monmouth and Alrlle, connecting wltb Bouthera Paclfl coapasy's tracks at fiat toe snd Independence. ' rtrst-claea far from Portlaad to Ban amenta -and San rraaclaco 830. berth 88; ca4-elss fare 818: sseond-clses berths 8X80. . Ticket to Eastern point and Earopsi akes Jspan, China, Honolulu aad AuatraUs. 1ty Ticket Office earner Third sad Wash ington street". Phono Mala T1Z. & W. STINOBB. A.- L. CBAIO.' - TIME CARD oi TRAINS " Portlands Umt. Arrlr. ' XCIIoaraHJB r,r,-n,ia.. , Chehella. Centralla. Ohrav. 1 - , pla. Grays Harbor. South Bead, Tacoms,-Beattls, Spo kane, LewlatoB, Butte, Bil lings, Denrer, Omaha, Kaa aaa f1- at Laaila and Southeaet dally 8:80 tai 4:80 Bag North (oaat umiieo, iee trio lighted, far Tacoma. Brattle, Spokane. Butt. Mtnneapell, St. fl sad ft a.., a!1 i: . ... 8:00 as T:0a8S ...4-p....,(.s i . :80ya lOSSpai Puget Soand Limited, for Chehalla. Centralis. Tseoma snd. Seattle only, dally....' Twla City Bxprsaa. for Ta- &.n.a Xaiit . e rw . W a aa . . nelena, Butte. Tsllnwstone ' 4 '"'i '. Park, atlnneanoiie. st, ran . aad th Rest, dally 11:48 pm 8 50 pa A. D. CHARLTON. Aasxetsat Oenerel fseeaa' -a a mm ska laAeetaoa elisil enanex Taar A. portUad. Or. Astoria & Columbia : River Railroad Co. Onloa Depert --- Laare ArtTee roe May rare. Rainier, Cist. kaal. Weotport, CUftoa. .- ' -r -.- e Astoria. Warrantoa, n- ' - ' . i, , . ' i i, . a 1 m v. v- - wvtt nawavna. r u. , wi " ana. Oearhart Park. S seal as SiOS eat U:B88B AetorU ana Be shore, x- , pre delly T:00 pm . 8 AO yes AU train dlly. .,, J. 0. MA TO, O. F. aad P. A.. Aetaria, Or. a A, BTBWART, Comaercial Ageat, Sal Alder street. Pboaa Mala 80S. . . . ' TMt CQMrOmASiC WAY. City Ttska OfBa. 188 88 st. Theave 888. 2 Overlssd Trtlss Dsily 2 'The Oriental Limited, the fast Mad1 STUB-DID BXB.VTOB ' 1 TT ,. VI-TO-DATXt Bt)tTaTaaaxr-- OOVBTSOVS XlatPlrOTBB LEAVX T Troxa rertlaad Tlaatoaetle ARSIVaT b:8a.Bj. 8:80 Am 11:48 p. to 8:80 p. m. JLil p. m. I"la ajokaaallL.ilO. v t w. a, m m. vw- Oreat Morthara BtoaaaaBtp O. 1 1 1 n ; f rom eas t 1 1 , B. fk DAKOTA, BtABCai IS. ' For . Japan and China Porte aad mnniiak BTrPPOBT TUSSBT SCAIh-tA (Japan Mall flteamshlp Cornpaay U. U. SaTTBTABO ICAB (.alia from Seattle fr Japaa, , China and , all Aalatle Perl About rebmary 80. . For tickets, ratea. brth "r vatlone, etr. cell on er addreed BL DICKSOBT, CP ) T. A., Per'-L c J geatttax ' C C V tJa Lr - l e a.a. rwCwM Bay, Bursa aad tsa rr; Next aalltef frex Portia. Tri: t Best sallag from Saa rraartaa. t' "-, . 9. k " -- ' I .I. I.e., ISf uT I Q Ioopcm. t taaral I Mi