The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 26, 1906, Image 9

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    i c.'iiilcn ' ' "-."' 1 rTfn
- i ...
tomiobvs iwranti,
KaMlie..MTie Little Csaroh AMad.the flmw"
ak , ,.......,...a'--ueal larUww
- Ljrrte "ftaa to kare"
. (no4 .................. ....Vaaaeill
Star ...,. .......VeeaeTi -e
, yeSiegeS . ............... ....a... . .YSSueTlue
- . .' Judge Wolverton bu under Sdvls
1 anon suit in equity which Involve the
title to the Und now held by the Klks,
corner of Seventh and Stark Streets.
. upon whloh they recently erected new
home. - The contestant to the prop
. erty. whloh 1 valued at about llis.aoe,
are Mrs. M. Cohen, wife of the laje
Nathan Cohen, and her minor eon, Aaron
Cohen. When the elder Cohen, died he
' left an "aetata, Including the property
la question, against which JUMN. .was , a
'.. mortgage for 14.000, held by Joseph
''Hume. Foreclosure proceedings were
instituted. The defendant , , aver In
lheir complaint that theywer not.
properly made defendant to the ault,
a wrrrielthr of tht: three exeoutor
oftbe Ute,Tpeyciaim xneyexiu
"""have an eaulty In the property, a It
ass oovox sra.
ovrsr bat in nan,
i . ...
New: E;u!pmr.t Ctnnot Q In
VstaJ.ed Until Many Can
. 4 tjidatxe Pat Tests ;
''. C 2-1 e' 1 5C
OoVfee, lead" sad Bhtts eat
with all .'
Valley company for a railroad traek on
nnt trettheboaroT decided that it
would reeommend that - the railroad
company be riven permission to build
a elevated 'toad -onthat-treeTpro.
Suburban Club Want Protection at
Any-Coat-and-Will -UrjtTbarNo
Delay. Ba Allowed, Evn If Old
nrtru9rfttiert w lesrww t tartae
u : lvir11 the Mmn.n wnuM narmlt h M. U. nnr. Wl Wl mmwwm
sherurs sale was lueaaj, wo . .. .... .. ."w 7uV --.-I.." I Telephone seat are. ,
the court order that they, receive their
- ahara. ..- ::y -
- ' A branch office 1 to be established Jn
Portland on February 1 by the Katlonal
' Biscuit eompany, which has head office
ln New Tork and'Chlcago, and to eapW
, -taliaed for 156.000,000. At tne-aamei
time branches wUl be opened In Seattle.
, Spokane and Ioa Anaelee. The local
offlaa will hmndla' direct the trade eroa-
'natlna from Portland and vicinity. It
' will be ta charge of C. H. H1U, assist-1
'to B. Jl- Trumuull. cummeroiaii
nnt of the nUnol Central railroad,
whose reatrnatlon from - the - road pe
oomee effeoUvC February I.
Deolartna that her husbead. It B.
mlth, maintained that she was e. me-"-
dlum and Insisted that aha should con
sult the spirits, Mr. Bosetta Smith has
- filed an answer la the circuit court
to her husband' suit for a divorce.
She also ' states In the answer that
' Smith oftea aaaoolated with dlsreput-
able persona Mrs. Smith now ask
- -- that eh be a ranted the divoroe. alimony I
. and an Interest In a lot owned by the
' v couple In Rainier. Oregon. Smith asked
; for a divorce on the (round of da-
Chartea Smith, the wrestler kaowa aa
"Strangler" Smith, desire It known that
hi arm wa not broken la the accident
on board ship two . week ago, nor
'.was he, removed to ft hospital. . In the
accident his right hand - was Injured,
but he Is rapidly improving. He de
, clarea that he will be able to meet any
antagonist , within . ft ' month.;. ' "The
Strangler" declare that b ha reoent-
" ljr -received - severe! challsnges from
wreetlera of promlnenoe In th north
; ' : ;;
f Detective Hartman.'whe la In BeatU
en route from Vancouver with a Jap-
roads to use tha track. 'The secretary
was directed to notify the company of
iota aecision. T- i'. i
Seeking; a conspicuous location In th
railway terminal yard near the Ice
house, leaf night thief coolly built ft
mall fire and opened a United State
mall pouch,' which he had' stolen from a
truck, on which it waa to be conveyed
to the 11:4 o'clock SeatUe train. More
too letter had been opened by the
before he wa discovered by -Assist-
he letter
called to him, whereupon he ran. Ser
geant Hogeboom and Detective Vaughn
searched for the man as soon aa a re
port waa made to - the polio by Bag
gageaaster Da via but he waa not found.
There la no way of telling whether th
letter opened, contained valuables or
i Some method will have to be devised
to enable the fire department to secure
enough men to supply the three or four
new etatlons on the eaat aid ana vniess
mora candidate appear for examination
la the nest few weeks than are expected
the Improvement club of th various
suburbs affected wUl take up th prob
lem and urge the advantages of -th
aervioe on young men who would make
good firemen.
The adoption by th council of the
gives the fire department ample fund
to eetabllsh three new . on gin house
another track eompany and provide for
a better distribution of the apparatus
already In service. To man thla equip
ment 19 additional member are needed
the east side and there are no men
not. as they were, thrown into the fir Ion the extra list that can be callsd to Oil
afterward. . The affair ha been reported
to the United States postal authorities
and secret service agents wUl be put an
too aa. v.;,
" Judge Vrassr yesterday decided that
John Rankin had been Illegally removed
last ataroh from tha position of regular
laewain inspector to that of irregular
th breach, the , regular . fore being
somewhat short owing; to Infrequent
examinations and th reelgnatlon of
number of firemen.
When it waa proposed to Install the
South Portland engine , recently there
were not enough men for the station.
Soma 4 men recently took an azamlna-
'"P an to eour oraerea tnat (or pledea la th department, bat eev
Af Temple 3eth Israel Dr. Stonhen
S. Wis will Breech at t Volook this
In custody, haa wired to Chief evening on "The Bereioe of th Preacher
Oritamacher that John Monemee I an I to His Age." Strangers are welcome.
Tier-arraana Beattla f orr burgTaryn
. Menemea la wanted In Portland for, hold
inar twana Toownr-vs-v.-an. an
- euruoe man. Mr. Rand wa relieved
of lit. In money and a gold watch and
, chain. Tha watch and chain ware worn
by Meaemee when arrested.,
- Oas oonaumera, are you uelHg the new
Welsbach gas mantle that will not ea
: plod or light at bottom of burner when
ga. I lighted T Price 25 cents each.
- "Welsbach burner ..complete, equipped
with the, above mantle, 71 oenta 'each.
Mica- chimneys. It cents eaoh, and all
other alighting eupplle at. th lowest
prices. H. w. Manning U V o- CO, I
v ThlrdNIt Tel. Main . ,: ,f-
- - W.-A -Cfeland, B. JC. . Pettlgiww and
Sargent have filed articles - of
oral of those were already member, of
the - department and merely tried for
higher placea - The" usual per cent of
th new candidates wfl! doubtless fail
the final test and It la doubtful If more
than a dosen new name will be added
to the roll. Most of these will be
needed to fill vacancies. - --.
.- Ware men available there would be
little delay la . extending protection to
th suburb, aa most of the apparatus
required Is already owned by the de
partment, being out Of commission for
various reasons. Tha truck company
could be put la service as soon as a
house waa available and, at least one
engine eompany could be supplied from
apparatus on hand.. One solution to the
problem I suggested by tbe Multnomah
Push club. 1 that stands- ready to uvply
ft volunteer company If proper appara
tus 1 furnished. A flrehous la 'al
ready established on Mississippi avenue
and a veluntaer company haa been or-
wut TeUtotlamr efinVha tha mh. I reel at this house Would protect the
the salaries of th tw positions. Rankin
was removed last March by former City
Engineer Charles Wanser. The position
of regular city sidewalk Inspectors pare
ie a montn, wbiie that of aa- irregular
I Inspector pays fl.10 a day actual time.
- The St Paul Dispatch of January tl
contains an account of tha death of Mr.
.Catherine A. Bregenser, wife of John
Bresenser, which, occurred In St. Paul.
January 11. Mra. Bregenaer was well
known In Portland and la. other cities
on tna coast. ,... . .. ',.-... , . i
TTntqo Tailoring Co. ;'
-Mav moved. -, - -
To . -' " '
tOI Stark, near Slxtb,
iect of Dr. Martin' sermon tonight at
the , First - Christian church. Park and
Columbl strocta. . . . ,
Rainier Mineral Soap la naturCe awn
preparation and ft perfect medicine for
the ski Tor" sal by - groceiB and
druggtsta;' v- -( "'. -
"ToiTwTn find" som lntereetlng read-
diet rlct, even under , volunteer service,
which could be replaced by a paid fore
soon as men were available. . Other
suburb have th skeleton for a volun
teer organisation and might easily sup
ply their owa needs if given apparatus.
As several of th chemical companies
WIU be -sent to more dletant suburb
and replaced by engine crews, th plan
of substitution' of volunteer' forces for
lng tn f-rledmaa Packing Co.'s ad. on the regular firemen la considered timely.
market page of today's JoumsX.
Rainier Mineral Boa I an aetlseotle
incorporation with County Clerk Fields I and will prevent Dlood poisoning. . ot
it rrwm yur , grocer or oruggist. .
Burns anniversary tonight Concert I
and danoe. Alios hall, .! p. m., Aua-I
pices of Clan Macloay. . y
V tor tha, Chinook lumber company The
company win ooveiop iimoer lanus in
. both Oregon and- Washington, and will
build - a railroad between Deep- River,
" Wahkiakum- county, Washington, and
Wlllapa bay, Washington. Th capital
: Stock la 1100,00. - . .- - i : ,.
- Oee Sea waits by the Bang Nina Hver
in southern Chin for the 110 that has
' been sent to her aa all that waa left by
her husband, Chan Sins Top, who died
in Portland som time ago. Wltll
- ah will have to provide for herself ,
' and minor eon. Duck Sing. - Chin W
who was appointed administrator of th
stat of his dead ooatitryman, haa mad
hi final report to County Judg Lionel
R. Webtr. : . .- . ; ;','.,.
Any plan that will enable some of
the suburbs, at present dependent upon
garden hoae and hand grenades, to se
cure something approaching real promo
tion will be atrongly , favored : by th
district associations. - :-.'.,--,..' ,: t
Merehants lunch
Wasnlngt." r"
A Chinook wind thswed th snow and
f caused washouts on th Northern Pacific I
7 roe a yeeieraay cetweea raaoo and Bpo
- kine. . Th company rea - passenger
V trains over tne o. R. e N. co.'s tracks
. - while the .tracks were being repaired.
1 Pertshsfcl freight was decllped yester
Vday. It Is expected th regular trafflo
- will be resumed tonight. -. . -,
MIsa Louisa Forsyth will 'give . a
" Shakespeare reading of "A Tou Uk It"
at St. Helen's Hall. Tuesday evening.
' January 10, at o'clock. The proceeds
' of the entertainment are for th bene-
. fit of the 8C Helen' Hall gymnasium
building fund. r- - ;
, ' -Articles of incorporation for the Ex.
' position Rink company have been filed
In the county clerk' of fie by David
- t. Honeyman, R. A. 'Lelte and Cheeter
O. Murphy. The capital stock la 1 1,000.
r . V Watch, Watch, Watch V On ay
weekly paymenta, i a own. ico per
week. -Don't go without good time
piece. Metsger Co., Ill Sixth atreet,
"Tor ' Ink $ pots, ' free so and stain
- All watch - cleaned, tl. " AQ main
aprtnes. tl. Metager Cos, 111 Sixth
- Lovers -of fin art should reed Tate
Art Co.' ad la. tonight's Journal, page t,
' Gold medal for lawn grass and sweet
peas. 1 Butaer, seedsman, ill Front
tOo IX U f. 1ST
. Dr. B, C Brown, Ey-Ear. Marquam,
Big; shoe sale. Marks ghoa Co.
v Ask for Frlts'a tamrnloa.
',. Oua Landlne, an - unsophisticated
country ' youth, cam to Mayor Lane
yesterday and complained that he had
been bunkoed out of 1 In a eecond
haad auction house at Third street.
Three School Overcrowded and Supply
. of Cash Baaala Kow. .
; Tha schools' of Mount Tabor are
crowded. In th central building all the
classrooms are utilised, as well aa the
halls, on class of ths smallest chil
dren holding- Its sessions on the stair
Th same condition exists In the Glea--coo.and
North Mount Tabor buildings,
though th latter structure waa added
to th equipment of the district last
year. Th problems ' confronting . th
district for next year are serious, : an
ises it be taken into the district No. 1
at the June election. This merger I
what th Mount Tabor board and cltl
aens are pinning their "faith to.
Should thla not be effected an ' ad
dition will hare to be built to th main
building and probably ' to th Glencoe
school aa well, and oxtenslva alterations
will bar to be mad In th - central
building; which needs shingles. . paint
and plumbing badly. Th low levy of
the district only .36 mills, will not
only not allow any of thee 'Improve
ment being made thla year, but will
not meet the current expenses. There
will be about enough money raised by
the levy , to run the school until th
To support his statement he produced
a large brass watch and chain, Which I jun, vacation, but th first thro and
h said he had been Induced to pur-1 one half months of next autumn must
chase, thinking it good watch.
Th mayor took th watch and th
number of th auotlon house and told
th young mn that ha would see that
hi money waa refunded to him. '.
'"This Is only one of dossnn of such
cases whloh have been brought to our
attention,' said tha mayor. "Ths sec
ond -class auctioneers do business under
the protection of a license granted them
by th city council. The chief of . po-1 urch
uw oruugm ins maiier oeror tn l Thouah
be provided for, should th district uo
be annexed to no. 1. by warrant.
Bcri-vml at Laarelwood laoroaasa Xetk
". odist Ooagreg-atloa Taare.
' Successful revival meetings are being
eonouoteo) at tn Lsuireiwood Methodist
by Rev.- --Frank Campbell.
started - out a ? re w days
i , . . . ... . I ... m - 7 T ' I utnv mtrwvimm mTiw, u.t. Mirwur
w.i -IV.-.I - . ywr rv1' win i rawn
roooeu or meee men. xne councilman
have paid no heed to our entreaties, but
eontinu to license these men to rob
the unwary. " . ' .
out damage to th goods.
The Oregon Equal Suffrage assoola
tlon will meet at I "p. m. tomorrow at
- ' lit Sixth street Members will pleas I
j pot ehang or hour. . . . i '.
At a meeting held yeeterday by the
r Portland board of trad to consider the
' franchise asksd for by th Willamette
: tl ' B, I J, I !
Bvery man who. first tries
STETSON wonders why
he didn't do It years before
We have the' new
Sprlni style? In Stet
son soft and derby hats
Geysers arid Hot Lakes. '
j" It 1 easier to visit New Zealand and
the wonderful thermal region than to
go to Tosemlt or the Teliowstone. The
trip on- the steamers from San Fran-
Cisco which la pleasure sailing the day f movement and most of- th money for
Ionr.wU,, ""J1? Honolulu and Be-1 the edtfloe was raised by the city board
- uwi(iuiu "penouce. - zneiof - church extension. Th -oonaraam.
audiences that 1111 th church
nightly and several accession to th
congregation ar reported a a result
City pastors ar assisting In th work,
the sermon last night being preached by
Rev. Asa Sleth. Th Laurel wood
church waa organised less than a year
ago and when Mr. Campbell took charge
last fall, leaving Bt Johns for th new
field, he was the "first regular, pastor.
When th church was built there were
but few families' associated In - tbe
tlon- la able now to support ft pastor
and should th present rate of growth
oontthu aitother year t mor commo
dious building will hava to be provided.
train trip from Auckland to Rotor ua.
in region or tn geyecrs and hot lakes,
la c ehort one yf-seven or eight hour.
Th Walmahgu geyser throws a stream
1,800 feet r Round J rip .ticket permits
stopover en route. First oab'la 1100,
eoend cabin It 10. from Portland to
Auckland and . return. - Ask for f oldsr.
C. W. Stinger, 154 Washington street
. -- ... - - -
Coopey Tailoring. J.::
- kerlM riAAM a. Iam . Alwll (-. A
mlliury tailors, room Third ot th ld'n r"11.,"t" Pos
strt offer n exceptional opportunity a w'" th chaoX or placed th
to ths purchaser of 'suit, overcoats, ntatUr befor th meeting and by an al
troueera or ladles' walking skirts ' most unanimous vote It waa decided to
, Their workmen have time at a establish a high school aa soon as
glv. particular attention to each order I needed, the lime being left to th dls
and thsv have on hand aa Immense stock eretlon Of th boards Uhdsr the terms
. . v '""; -:'t - .
St' John Taxpayers Aoeepl Advlo f
School Board. ": ' 7. .
St Johns U going to have a high
school. At a well attended gathering
of materials to choose from.
Mllwaukle Country Club,
Eastern and Seattle race. Take Ben
need and Ore gun City ear at First and
aun ...... v. . -V . r ' r?
Of th James jonns will, a site for
high school, consisting of block In
the center of .the town, hss been re
served and there I about IT.000 on hand
to apply to such a building, thla money
being received by the trustses of th
stats through th aal af property
a , . ..
c: j:i Saturday cvi::::c3 urmL mo
n .;.'
trettest r:ri's Trcsrr we aver t-'ytl. e-A everyone betejt served y&h
. .L- -1 u. t- i- tit V- -m a"i-j t-. '. y 1
a de-ree
where tbe beit valuta ere btlas cff;re4A L;J? t' r
tpur wp crrfcUy convince yon that tha Y-'t C Vrt-
Store leads ea witcl'firen toraorrow t2z't rtt3 9;10
Men's $1.50 kid and dress Gloves; tana,' frays, browna) 1
Jilk-Jined-gloeaail-ixaa,.birr t m.i 'yrrrrririi V a J
Men'a $2.00, $225 kid and dreoa Gloves ? all Ilnsa, with th f 1 v Cl
exception of "Dent'a"; best ahadea, pair... ....,..v l 'J'
low pne of, each-.v. ., .........
1H'T,-""' II
Boya 50c and 75c Golf Shirti; two eollara to match, each.... f
aens rine neckwear) large tngiisn aqaarea ot tn newest and, in- fr yl
-.. prettieat ailka; regular $1.00 Taluea, each ......l.OW Kf) J
Meh'a mercerized gtoria-ailk Umbrellasi attracthrt handles; beat AC )'
; $1.50 values on sale at.low price, each.,..,......, k. ........... VeJC V's,
Men's $2.50 fine twilled erloria-ailk Umbrellas.' nlain and ' r 9 V
iaacy handles, in great assortment; special at......'...,..) 1 J ' ,- ;.?'r
-a i.i I'M ii Mi
utHMr ,rr
MEN'S $ 1 .00 SH3.TS 79c
Oar entire stock of men's $1-Shirts in stiff, platted
J?' 0,JJ ojonal lJewalieijnjieyri
colors; in oest Ti.uu valua on sale for..
; ; MEN'S $1.50 SICTTS $1.15 ? ?
' - ' (.
Our entire stock of men's $1.50 Shirts-i,Cluetts."
v. "Manhattans'', and other leading makes, in all -
- tha newest and best patterns; regular or eoat "
; stylea, with or without attached" - CI 'I C
CUffa..;........ ...,...y 1 leaf
50 doaen men' Work Shirts jn dark gray stripes,'
.- good quality, well made and finished, &g
Nail sires; great spec! vals. at low price..
tS 1 .00 NIGHTSHIRTS 63c l .
Men's extra quality Flannelette Nightshirts, new
patterns, made large, all sizes; best $1 Lf
- vals. on sale at this unusually low price. OJC
Juvenile Sweaters, in : tha very best stylea and
. colors; blue, white, red and-gray, aiaaa It to
24 only; $1.00. to $1.50 values on ,:t CO
r sal for....... .fC
Men's Medium-weight natural wool Underwear,
. ailk faced shirts all aixes in shirts and Ot
. -y drawers; bast $125 values on sale at.. . .Vest C
' j 35c TO 35c KECKWBAR. 17c
'All lines of Underwear at clearance pricea.
8pecial lot of new silk Band and Shield Bows,
. Club Ties, Midget Ties; etc. Best Pat- -. 9
- terns and,colors; 25c to 50c values for... ICC
-,- V 35c FANCY HOSE 1 7c .'.
'Men's naw fancy Half-Hose, in stripes, figures,
Jacquards and embroidered effects; all are im
'. ported Hosiery selling regularly at 25c 1
and 35c pair pair. ............71 e C
I ft
J 23.15
Z ' Men'i fine Suits in the newest and most desirable styles and
materials, ine Desc garments trom the leading manufacturers in the
land. The greatest suit bargains we ever offered. Let us show you
Men's $10.00 Suhs at S 7.83Men's $20.00 Suits at 8140
Men's $15.00 Suits at BIO. 85 Men's $25.00 Suits at
Men's $18.00 Suits at 813.85 Men's tCO.OO Suiu at
Men'a $35.00 SuiU ort aale at the low price of, each.... .$23.15
Entire stock of Men's Trousers at greatly reduced nrices-
Men's Fancy Vests to be closed out at clearance sale prices
Men's Smoking Jackets and Lounging Robes greatly reduced
Men's Bathrobes on sale at low clearance sale prices. '.-,
' Men's genuine Priestley "Cravenette" Raincoats and Overcoats
every garment bears the Priestley label all the best styles and
patterns an sizes. Best values for tne money in the city 2d Floor.
Priestley's $12.50 Cravenette Raincoats at. each. .8 O.GS
lMestleS15.00Ciaveriette"Raincoats at, each........ 8105
Priestley's $20.00 , Cravenette Raincoats at, each........
Priestley's $22.50 Cravenette " Raincoats .at, each. . ,v,V; .
Priestley's $25.00 . Cravenette Raincoats at, each. .......
Priestley's $27.50 Cravenette Raincoats st, each...,,,..
" Tn4.'A r.1 wmmt'm 1- .1..'.. - .
uiutc vi uit.ii s uitiwais ui niia inain rami approved
styles and materials large assortment for your chooing phenom
' enal values. :-; ','; - - - -.-'v ; ? ' - -Men's
$15 Overcoats at 810.85 Men's $25 Overcoats at 818.85
Men'a $20 Overcoats at $14.Ca Men's $35 Overcoau at 123.15
WomenV NccIivcar Low Priced
Heavy white lace Circular Cape Collars ; three designs J seven
:'. to ten inches deep; also linen cut work and pique sailor col
' lars ? for", Peter' Thompson . suits ; very handsome A
' styles ; reg. $1.00, $1.25 vals. on sale for low price of . eC
Coat Rever Sets with, wide cuffs; sheer linen eyelet em
;: broidered in mercerized cotton ; also heavy blind C 1 I Q
" embroidered effects; reg. $1.7ff and $2.00 values, v I 1 V
Silk Crochet Shawls and Head Scarfs,- trimmed with LQL
lace edgings; cream and white; reg. $1.20 values. 0rC
New line of Buster Brown Ties; navy and white, black and
white Shepherd plaids J -four ; sizes of checks and.
' 'dots in best colors, on sale atithe low price of, each.wwV
White washable Dickies for surplice waists ; machine f Q
' hemstitching; val. and mechlin4ace trim'd; 60c vaL.
. , rt . i a f? a ,
roicen lines oi a umovers, suk ana jinen biock ana n
ready-made bow ties ; regular 25c and 85c values .
Drag Sbridrioa
Purity Violet Crsam whitens the
. hands and eleer the .
complexion laC
William Shaving- Soap, m
"Quick end easy" kin..:. 3C
Bataswet for the beth-aad toll.
. t Oreat special vain at.t6e
Bsstnan's Talevm runnier, la
4-lb, bev OastU Soap (4!
Sapall Furniture Polish. ..16 e
Chamois Vest snl Chest Protect-
ere: ean be washed. ... !.)
tie to Ho. ranoy Back ,
Combs ..I C
tie Hand Sera Braehe. ..19
-row Imported Tooth
Brushes CC
tta Solid Bask Heir Broshee.
stlff brlstlee. Qreat val.. 69)
Oka red Toilet Paper .- -
S3 dosen rolls; $SJ.50 ease
ef ISO reus.
Da1 Fonatala Byrlng....SS
and belnr held In trust for th school
district. It ha been evident ever lnc
th opening1 of the school thla rear that
the alngl building would not accommo
date th greatly Increased attendance,
even thouah It eapaclty waa More than
doubled last summer. For a time It
waa thought th beet plan would be
to erect a new four-room building In
North St John for grade pupils but
it waa found' the high school wa more
greatly needed, and .when built It will
servs to relieve th pressure. on the
central building, as well as to give
th grade graduates a cbanea t pursue
higher course , ;. .j ;.' .;
Thre Societies oT St. Karj Oanteh
- .' , Oaoee . raelv Offleen. ' - r
Of f Icere -o - the Senior,- --Junior" and
Altar Boys' sodalttle of th St. Msrys
church, Atblna. have been chosen. The
boys society t for the purpoee of In-
truotlng th altar boys In th various
ceremonies and training the choir In ths
Gregorian chant- Officers of the Senior
sodality- are: Prefect Mies Kat can-
ley; first assistant kflss Kate Marram
second assistant Miss Elisabeth Thais;
secretary. Miss Anna Stewart; assistant
Secretary, Ml May Major; treasursr.
Miss Manha Skslly. Junior sodality of.
fleers are: Prefect Miss Annie Marphyt
flret assistant MIsa Agne Smith; sec
ond assistant Miss Monica Curt in; sec
retary, Mlee Minnie Iogus: assistant
secretary, Mis Kathryn Miller; treas
urer. Miss Eva Hlnkle; assistant treas
urer. Miss H. van - raijen; iiorana.
Mies Mary Marpert The Altar Boys'
sodality choea th following: President,
Herman Deraglsb; vlce-preeldent Wil
li Hogaa; secretary,-Orlo Waachsr;
treasurer, Charles Kennedy, ,
Marquam Grand
stovaa ..
SUNDAY, January 28th
Two BajSalvatloa
; Army Heetis r ;
..... y v By. ' - ' .
mmi in
- ' , I and S p. m. ''' :
AH Weleoase,
During these Chines New Tear festivi
ties, it Is a sight never to be forgot
ten. We can furnieh yea with an offi
cial guide and provide you with a hand
some souvenir and dainty refreshments,
all for It cent
Portlaad and Calnaaewm amid CW
Said Back Jr., Manager. 14 Second St
Portland lodga, No. - tOS. Fraternal
Brotherhood, will give It annual ma-
urad ball at Foresters bail, SUta
',... . , , - ' ... - j -
t. - -t
We Will v ywa r;t3
' n a bTOTV oar CQbOVass If ye
order from u now. W are ITJ.
aOZ,VZaTO : pajmramaaTX and
going 'to move, and er aa alaan
tag things out be for thee sventcs.
TEiis Is II CC3
. TJpsUIrs var Lane's Drug Store.
JC?22 CZ3
' V .,
. ii '" ' v., v"'--'-"-'':---' " '
Owtng to our snrplu atoek t
' holiday good -w shaU, redue t
' prloe on very article to aU line.
'- eoaslsUng Of fia Sllvr , del.
aonn Satauma, new Bresswara,
Bron Decorated Porealaln Tan
Bets, Silk aad Satin XmbroVlered
. Kimonos, Soreens, Carved Vwral-.
uf Toya, lfatuag, t i. ,'.-.
AcSrcv; Ifcn
G Co. .
m a.
: ROL,t.s3R 8KATINQ .
' Mornings, Afternoons and Evening s
-' snneaaeajta aad Waahiag-toa arts. .
A .First-class Place of Amusements Con
ducted for Ladles and Oentlemen Only
Admltslca 13c v. itutes 25c
Ladlea and children admitted fre t
afternoon and morning aeselon.
wa nrvMDAT
First session, from 1 until -pecially
est aside for' school children.
Second seesion, from S:1S until 1:80.
Kneral - skating. Parsons' orchestra
turday afternoon and everv anni...
snrrBoan fxoo spaob iit
This weak I 700 inii.M tA m
floor spaoe added to the rink for the
socommodatlon of skatera
kple, hardwood floor. Richardson's fa
mous Beji-aearing steel ekates. Full
corps of competent Instructor for the
beaedt of beginners. . ,v..
Lesrn to SXxttf! Ura to'Siitzll
rax chases e
Manufacturer ef Conorete Stone Kocira
Contractor for all kind of iiisitI
work.' .
For adies Only
-', . ' ltmiiiy Attnvi . -y:
Yl Jnasn St, t2tS9 i'Cbc ; -vv
i,t soTSFxiTxe Lsoraaa o
LTAUTY OHU21 1 : ,
ar. ar-eBMTio. at, av,--a-L -7-
lets ef Perls Ansesiy of ISsisa ' -aSADTT
DOCTOk ro r
1 . atataa. aaaxHAaDT. caxvarr
rmi and LAMOTBT.
y Oss ef tie Meet Bessttfal We
.ef iter Ate. ;
Wsisasiey Afeiisies's taetess Is . Fms.
f 1
Empire Tfccctre 11
MOTOy W. SBAsTaH. kUsaset.
., - Vmmt Week ct tne Meet fasslae
Csartee A. Xayles
week, Uiiasg -say
Sfatleie. ' t
aaa m Stew
rasmni sad TMrd sis. -, Pease t t
the laeatra that see amae M-.i m a-r
. laaesi snSeUr m rernaa.
- ' Ssekei Besses Tats Week -.
; Two BesoeS BUmame the PaMy -
"BUM Cirm" aedkeaAral 1m
sweui at mas, sea. soa. soa, tb. ad
sad gatarsaf BMUaee, lae.SSe.Sae.aee.
neit Attraction, staruog
. Tn SBSAT wrsxB PASSU. .- '
i Sieeeews a a taaeare.
- reart'eeS Ce ict. '. : ;
AMalAm. . , Le Vrelaa.
"assise- a.n, . arrf: ri
e-eioea. waeetei eoausnea, imm sssaa, V1IB
raws ai aa
Mt SS. . a ..!
.l-ol Prtets kveala, See-
.1' T es beuaaye. to.
ees Umlm , So. SOr; suiea.. 1 te
seati . 1Br ,..t er.Pt 1
The aebsrts
Sks Tw
TVXATag. .
' Week ef-"
pTwei le t say e
eoaocxironra fetorsAf, nrr 70
apssiSti Trfll ttiSk TTtsinsT 1 l
RUN TO eaqt:
ADauaaio Me. .:-vn t--- . s.
, PeOew the Ori ,
and Washlngtc-i' -tng
f February, 1.
the leadif v r si
wiU b r
1 -:
. i
.S- .'
v I-