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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
I. , w TO-iiO-LiUilii RIGU UilLLEV : LIEtEP CHILD IITSJO jBAU. . :4r:.::4 ..Tbe ?? Extent Ctbreft-tisth' 43Vk!ot tedi, - V.l 28th Annual Clearonce SalcEyerything in the Store Reduced (Contract jjoods alone excepted) THE "DESIGNER" - 1 1 pM2 B II OUR MAIL ORDER ; Y-t. , SUBSCRIPTION PRICK REDUCED. . ' ' nUA UW VUUWUa- f ,, LARGEST ON THE COAST, ; '" ( ; Surtiorthl month the. .ub.criptioa price to tha De But dog on Saturday, aa on aU othar business yott c,n.f come to th, ore, order hr mn, or phon igner" the favorite fashion magazine it 50c the year . - tlaya, at 0 P. U. ' . prJ.- 12- Alt mH.ea ;ni .1 instead of 80c. Pattern Department, FUth Street Annex, 1 ' Fnyatt Exchanfe 1Z All orderi filled promptly and First Floor. Subscribe now. . . -, v vy w Bat 7 Days Remain of the 1906 ' Clearance - Sale care full jr by an expert corps of trained stora shoppers. j - Money Secured for Central Rail-1 Casing Former Husband in Hack ' way of Orejon, and Work 'V; i ShaRuahaa at Him to. :' v 8cratch' Hlnv'"i- -;, ' . V:'' ' 'V ' '" v DEPUTY, SHERIFF CRUSSl V Will Ds Rushad, h. ANOTHER BEET SUGAR ; . ?: , FACTORY IS ASSURED i ' SAVES MAN FROM ATTACK 7'. ... - New Road Will Be Belt . Llna for ' Feitflejfrand 'l . v Will Act as Feeder . lor O. R. jt n. '. " " :."'v' Mr. Lillian Lefevre, 4 Ordered , by r-' M " ' . ' A st T"'e ' . M Lio : coutncer naa . to ercag Down-Doorg.. 'l':.i' 'Z. " 4' i''i'..-;i . . 1"-'". '''.'.. '" ' ;''.''"' .''j.;. ' ; . ; 5.' ',' ",' ''-' 1 ; V- -' ' ' '' :' " .). ' ' ''v'; - 1 he Two Stir irinp- Sales of .- - As soon as weathar will permit work la to fee begun upon tba Cantral railway ' ' of Oregon, a twit Una for tba. Grand Bond vallay. Tha money baa bn -; ' cured after coma tlms spent In ttnancing the project One work la begun it U ..; to be rushed with all noaalble a peed eon '. duclve to good road construction. The , hope la to have an alectrlo freight and ' ' paaaenger - road completed beforo anow fllee next felL -' - . v . "Tba building of the road means an ' ; ether beet augar factory for the valley," aald Attorney C. K. Cochran of Union at the Imperial hotellaorninfWj " "av .one now At xa urahde. The .sac. ond wtll probably be erected in tha vicinity of Union. The preaent Inten- ,'. tlon la to make it ana pi the largest in -, the country-,-- i. -j-w.. . .- '. "The Central railway will be a feeder - for the O. R. K. . Starting at Union It , will run nine miles to Cove. . Seventeen rallea further on it will paea through , La Grande.. From that point branch la. to be constructed to- Bummerville-a 7 ' distance of IS miles. From Union mere wiU be another branch to Hot Lake, five mllea away. .The road will coat about IS00.O0O. . " "We ' anticipate that tha road will further develop tha -velley. -lt- Is now one of tha moat productive sections la the atAte. Uit year It wheat crop was more than .0o.00 bushels. There ' were If.OOO.OOO pound of fruit, mar keted, and tha. beet sugar factory was auDDlled with 10.000 tone or oeeia. . There la not a better sugar-beet growing . ' country In the west than the Grand " Rondo valley. There la something In V the Boll whlchjla especially productive ' of saccharine. With the building of the '. road and the erection of another augar factory the acreage now devoted to the ' - raising of beets will be mora thaa doubled." ,. ',. ..."- HAD POCKETS FULL OF MONEY BUT HE BEGGED 1 IVUal4 fill Irre. m one legged man. was I arreeted In Lower Alblna yesteraay ny - Patrolman "Oittlnga and charged wltn begging. "When he was' searched at -police headquarter by Station Officer Circle, , Chief ' aritsmacher. Captain Moore and Sergeant Taylor gasped in aatonlahment The ' pocket .of the - beggar were filled with eoln. i v-, ? Money waa ' brought from ' purses. - wallets, rolls of paper and a handker chief. There were If In dimes, It In nickel; II.2S In quarters, M In halves, - threa silver dollar. )s tl MIL m It geld ' coin nd s- banAul V of .& pasaiesv ths ".gmount aggregating til.Si. -. .Tba prisoner , carried a welUwora letter; addreeaed "Te Whom It -May Concern" and signed by - officials of Springfield, Illinois, local of tba United Mine Worker of America, stating that -Skrrra-tost" tita-le W T mine accident and recommending Tiira a worthy of "What did yaw ' want to - continue begging for when you bad all that money T" queried Captain Moore. ' "I want to get a wooden leg," an swered Sklrro. after om hesitation. BRUIN WOULD CLOSE . ' SALOON OF BAD NAME rr r - . So darlhg a bunko, gam waa worked en Ned Alfnra. a stranger In Portland, """at Hill A Brown's saloon," Fourth and ' Couch etreete. . Wednesday - afternoon, that Police Inspector Brain will rec ommend to tba city council the revoca 1 tlon of Its license. W. flrown, on of the proprietors, B. Bolb, a bartender, and ' a hanger-on at the saloon named W. A. Dolphin were arrested last night by In- Jpector Bruin and : Acting Petectlv lellyer and charged with larceny. They, . were releaaod on a bond of 1269 each 1 and their trial will take place tomorrow. The license of former, proprietor of the place was revoked, ' Sine then a ' .bartender', ha been arreated ther charged with assaulting i woman, a - man waa robbed while lying back of the . as loon In a stupor .and numerous other "crimes, have - been uncovered ,therv Alfor wa .enticed Into a dice game : at the saloon, the bartender pretending to be a cuatomer and holding atakea. . ' Almost every time that Alfora won the ' .referee" and stakeholder. It la alleged, 'decided against him until all hla money, about ISO. bad been taken from him. RURAL DELIVERY FROM : k: ' ESTACADA IN MARCH '.. T ' ' 4 V . . The postodlce authorities ' at. Wash-J -rnrton have "done away with' the - ; presalon"fre rifral delivery." Here- . after the term need will be "rural de- livery." 'The contention la that, lnaa. ' much a all mall delivery la free. It ' -would be ust aa reasonable to apeak Of city letter-carrtera aa "free letter ' carriers." The government seek abbre 1 via tlon in making out It report, order "'"and notice. .- j-i. :. ',. ,i , Under th caption of "hew rural dellv- ertea," the Washington offlclal have notified the local postal authorities of the estnblishment of route No.. 1, ema ' natlng from Estacada, Clackamaa coun " ty, effective March 1, Which will Supply - a ritDldly. growing . section of country .. in the immediate vicinity of that town.! HARRIMAN ORDERS "J; REFRTGERATOrTCARS ' The Harrlman .railroad line will ' largely Increase their', facilities for re . " frlgerator car ervlc. ' There ha been ' "Immense growth Jn the last few. yer of the demnnd for fruit shipping in P rifle coast territory of th Southern Pa elfl and Union Paclflo ayitema, - ' ' s' Order' have ben placed with the Americsn Car foundry company tor - tvO refrigerator- car of the most mod- - ern type and (0,600 pftund capacity. . Of - these, too ear. will go to the Southern . Pacific line and too to the union Pa- clfle rout between Portland end Omaha, i Th car will be delivered In time to ". hsndlf th produce of the prerent year. Mr. Hsrrtmsn has alto , placed: an ' order for ti steel tank car of lltoe gallon rapacity, to housed in delivering ' The presence of mind and quick ac tion of Peputy Sheriff John Orusal yesterday saved Romeo F Xef evr from many scratches on hi face and perhaps more serious Injuries. Almost insane with' grief because .her only child was being forcibly - taken ' away from her, Mr. Lillian Lefevre epled her former husband In a - hack waiting to receive th baby She made a run -for th car ring and lumping In waa attempting, to reach : : er evre" face . . when . Urusl forcibly set her outside. . The husband was -granted a divorce fsst rWurday by Judge fraasr. who. when pronouncing Judgment, said that neither wa fit to be married but that for th sake of trie child he should al low th separation. ' Th baby, aged I years, was awarded to th care of too 'huaband' fote parents provided they would agree to rear it as their own. This wa promised. t lira. Lefevre, not wishing to part with her- baby, would . not give It to ' the grandparents, so Judge Fraser Issued an order yesterday that th clhld be taken from -her, . Mr a. Lefevre live at 417 H Johnson treet. When -Deputy Sheriff Gnus! appeared she asked him nuraeroua queatlona from, th window; bat' would not let him In. He pushed the door In. At th head of the stair another door had to be broken open. Rushing p tO'Gruasl. the woman un buttoned his coat sad examined. his star. "You have com to take my babyT" she asked. "Yes, madam, I have an order to get the child" replied Oruaai. y "Well, I'm going with him.' said tb mother, "for wherever that boy goes I am 'going, too." V -' .- Ooing downstairs, ah spied her for mer husband sitting In hack, and eh mad a rush for him. A th father and Oruaai drove away with the baby Mr. Lefavr cried out : "Well, that's; what I . get for having married a hack driver." rUTHERflGHlJSOLDIERSL THAN TWO ANGRY WOMEN O. C Brown. a OrsjMT Army veteran, ays that he ha been In many a bat tle where shot and shall flew thick about him, but . that he never before had o exciting a - Urn aa when Mr. Anna Damn and Mrs. Frances Fobs, her daughter, assaulted him attar th latter bad broken Into hi house. He swor to. a complaint In tb polio court yes terday, charging Mrs. Toas.wUb assault nd batterv, . aod. a watraat ox. arrest was Issued. -w-ajr-w. , , Th war veteran showed a bruised and acratched hand as evidenco of hi 'an counter with th two Irate women. Mrs. Darrah h claaeee a a "traitress," In asmuch as. she la accused. of 'joining fore unexpectedly with her daughter. th enemy, at a time when th complain ant '.waa in aor strait to save himself from injury. t , .r ' "Mrs. Darrah keep hous for m at Twenty-Orst and Tlbbett etreets," aald Brown. "Mrs. Foa I her daughter. and I don't like ben .When aha cam t th houe yesterday .1 refused her ad' mittanc. Than h broke th window and th door open and attacked me with an tren bar. I had all I oould do- to control her, when Mrs. Darrah Jumped in to aaslst her. I bad to back Into a corner .and keep them off with a atlck. I. hav fired Mrs. Dan-aa and I want her daughter punlhd." - ;. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE : : MEMBERS WILL SMOKE mt ...Li mhmmmmmm' ' : A meeting of th newly appointed en tertainment committee of the-Portland chamber of commerce wa held yester day afternoon at -which plan for th year war considered. Th committee will arrange first for a amoker with th purpose) of getting old - end new member of th. chamber together for a octal evening. ' .- v , t .-. Th committee Is composed of George Taylor, C- F. Bee be, H. C Bowers, H. L. Corbett, T. B. Wilcox, I. N. Flelach ner, C. E. Ladd. T.-Scott Brooks, A.' D. Charlton. A. L. Craig,. Jullua Meier, Paul Weselnger. F. S. Morris, E. E. Lytle, K. R. Eldrldge.- Th amoker program will include short addressee by a number of the member, refreshment and a vaude ville entertainment. . It wtll be held at the room of tb organisation on tb aecond floor of . th Chamber of Com merce building. On the occasion of th aecond quarterly meeting of th cham ber In JuJy th commute will probably giv a steamboat excursion. - . ' . ii i.i I. .1- i in : , , I 1 ' Perf action at Last.', V' ; AutomaUtf- cTiang -makeran-eaek register. 404 Msrquam building. . - AliATURAL ANTBfcPTl KEtPSOUT BU00O P0190N1NQ FOfl TOILETa BATH CCCT WtKC VVfiRlfi 3 trili n .Mivii I I UAH lv Smiit and it Suita from our own matchless stocka in Second Floor's Grand Salons. The crowds of today .will bav added- to tomorrow for such phenomenal values are great advertisers. A plentiful aupply for Saturday buyers the detail: - ; . - Women's $12.50 to $15:00 . Shirtwaist Suits $3.95 But it's a clean-up, . ae . . Me. si -' ' .'a ..a m mm , yuan smrtwaist auits, for renerat-slieel aiiJ liunie wear, at about tne price or good noute wtappert. tfut it s a and this house never does things by halves. Materials of mohairs and veilings, in blues, blacks and browns. - Some with surplice fronts. others the usual shirtwaist effects. Lego -mutton sleeves and neat trimmings, in braids, tucks, silk frogs and novelty buttons. -Skirts are plain and in plaited effects, some trimmed in braidsV The ' stop-overs of -a past season, but sure to be popular for-' ("0E? reduction ; ts reau " w spring-and summer wear. "And think of the '.price I Isn't it too absurd for anything? But the reductioi Regular $12.60 and $15.00 Suits, for Saturday... ........,........7....,, - -:--,? ''-t', 4t r " ' ' s -'-.-'''' hA v .'.-", sa '- "'-;- "sT - . : ea ' ': A sa $io.du to $.DU tjoat iengtn amis o.y .These are the laggards from popular lots ome of the best sellers, mixed tweedish fabrics, in smart, mannish effects and plain, also serges, ciicviwia inu v ciicumia ui oiuea,. Kays ana Drowns. xiain laiiorcu biyics , , aains cui very iuh, none aairapcu,' in. platted styles. ...Loats nave Jeg-o'-mutton sleeves, some with velvet collars, qthers of materials, vbome coats d-thro out, others half. 1 an silk or satin line' thro'out, others halt lined; $18.50 to $28.50 values,' Special at....' .......... ll va aasvaaaaj $6.79 ; Remarkable Values in WOMEN'S HANDBAGS . I , LAST : DAY ; OP THE SALE Y:'lY "f, . Saturday for the Last Time We Shall Offer Hand some Handbags Worth Up to $25 for .y $6.79 hese-bags-are-fashioned of the very CnesHeathers- . , , ... . . , T ' including aingaior, seat, wairus, . nzara, morocco, granite calf, sea liorr, pigskin, mountain goat, black" and white patent leather and crushed calf leather. All have the best made frames and the. finest of fit tings and linings-- ': 'YY'YY Y'-;Y Y The regular prices of these bags are from $8.00 to $25.00, but to close them out. of stock before' in ventory, we leave them on sale to-; - 7f morrow at - the special ' clearance 2n O - sale price of, ach. WomehV UNDERWEAR v BARGAINS ' " KNITWEAR SHOPS FIRST FLOOR. : V ... . 89c for Union Suita Worth $1.25. '.i i, Women's "M erode" White Cotton Union Suits; high neck, ; short sleeves, ankle length, medium- weight; our - $1.25 value. Special Sale price, the suit 80 ' - Women's tUO Vests for 98c.: .; Women's White Silk and Cotton, Extra Size Vests; high neck, long sleeves, medium weight: sizes 40, 42 and 44; French band pants to match; our $1.50 value. Spe cial Sale price, the garment .... ; $2.75Jand. $20 Qorsets 99c yl 'ANNEX SECOND FLOOR..: For Saturday. corset buyers we offer two good models in Royal Worcester Corsets; broken sizes., ; One is a long-hip and low-bust Corset, made of fine sateen, m black, white or drab; sizes 18 to 30. The other a fancy ribbon girdle 'in; dotted, effects, in white, blue or pink; sizes 22 to 26. These are our regular $2.50 to. $275 values. Special Sale price, each......... ..99 i SATURDAY SAVINGS IN SHOPPINO FOR HOMEFITTINGS ; ; : ON FOURTH FLOOR.. J, r ; RUGS BLANKETS PILLOWS.' ' ; r ', $2.00 Velvet Rnga- $18.-. - -"-T- 150 Wool Velvet Rugs, size 27x54 inches, beautiful Oriental and floral designs; regular, value $2.50. Special, each. i.............. ........ ........... f 1.68 ' ; $39.00 Carpet Rags $27.85. Size 9x12 feet, exact .copies of real Oriental beauties, both in desisn and coloring; very heavy and in one " piece; regular value $39.00. Special, each.,. ,.;.f 3T.85 $6.00 Genuine Pendleton Indian Blankets. . . , . .. . Special, each ..,.., , . .' a . . . . , . . .......... . . f 4.85 ' W" c Navajo Blankets $4.75. Vry. Fine All-Wool Navajo Blankets, extra large size, Pendleton- mill make regular value $7.50. - Spe . cial, each , . . 8 4.T5 ', Y-:-Y:Y'.: SXLC OF PILLOWS. ' y , " , 86.00 Pillowa 83.85. All Live Goose-Feather-Filled Pillows, large size; . regular value $6,00. Special, the pair.. 93.95 LAST. DAV OP THE SPECIAL ALE OF r TOILET t PAPERS a'V FIFTH STREET NEAR ENTRANCE. - 5-oimce rolls "Cem'!LToiletPaperi-reEular-4clva Soecial at 2 for Sc. of dozen,, .30 S-ounce-lrMajestic-Toitet'PaperrrefitulaTvalue--" 5c roll. Soecial at 3 rolls for 10c. or dozen.. ...... 40 7-ounee roll 'tok'T -Pat-r",'t:"T,ol"-' .apeciat t 1 or aoMii , , , , ,r r r , 1 1 . rm nOf B-ounce rolls of "Waldorf" best Toilet. Paper; regular 1 7c value. . Special.. 1 , 5 16-ounce rolls "Waldorf", (extra large size.) Toilet - raper; regular lie vaipe. special ai. ine roil ....... J.vf IflOO sheets Fine Tissue "Organdie'1 Toilet Paper; " value 10c. .Special at. roll................. 74 "Sunset"' Tissue flat packet Toilet Paper; value 4c. Special at ,.i i ....... .2 for. 8 l-ounce "Waldorf" packet Toilet paper; value 7c. Soecial at 5e or dozen; .. .. . .. . . .. .. ...50V Patent Packet "Handefold" Toilet , Paper, hangs up . ; handily; value 12c - Special at, package....... ...... 14 !Relegud extra fine tissue in packet; regular , 10c value. -Special at . .s ..,...,......... . ..'.Te) Large" size, 16-ounce-"Waldorf" Packet Toilet Paper; ' regular 14c value. Special at.. ................... .104 14-ounce rolls "Bestock" Toilet Papef; regulaf 12c , value, peclal at f or. dozen i. 9Qf CHILDREN'S DAY SATURDAY IN V , -MILLINERY ANNEX Second Floor V 85c Tam p Shanters 49c A new lot of Handsome" Tarns forms a part of tomorrow's ; Millinery Offering. All-wool fancy mixed goods, grays and tans. All have prettily embroidered silk emblems and fulL42-inch tops suited for wear of lads or lassies alike our , regular 85c values. Special Saturday . at ....494 A splendid line of Children's Trimmed Hats just in. Great values at....... .... ....' ..........8 1.00 REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS SATURDAY FIFTH STREET ANNEX First, Floor A SPECIAL SALE OF CHENEY BROS.' .- FOULARDS. - These are the new Foulards, that-will not spot from rain in other words, they're "shower-proof Jheney Uros. new spring-roulards are here, in all the new colors and atyles and improved this season over the past by being shower-proof. , The entire line will be specially'priced tomorrow as arT introduction to the coming season . ' Regular . 85c fadesSpecial, yard. . .. . . 72j Regulart.tWgf adesT Specialty ard : 85 Regular $1.25 grades. Special, yard..... 1.05 24-inch . all-silk , Crepe de Chine, in black, white, I ivory, ; Nile,- helidtrope, gray, cardinal, 'reseda,' brown, champagne and navy; regular 85c quality., Tomorrow, special, yard......'..63f : , COLORED DRESS FABRICS ; -$1.60, $15 and $1.00 Regular Values . Consisting of 54-inch all-wool Suitings, 27-inch silk ' atripe French Challie, check voiles. Panamas. ' etc. ' Special tomorrow, per yard. ........ .41 88-incrr MixedSuithigsrin Meat heather mixtures, all good, serviceable colors; regular 60c values.' Special only; per yard. ...... .....23 THE TOWN'S 'AGOG OVER THE RIBBON BARGAINS GET .YOUR SHARE SATURDAY First . Floor 7 40c Taffeta Ribbons for 25c A French all-silk Taffeta Ribbon, six inches wide, and suitable for sashes, girdles, hair ribbons and ' hat trimmings. Not a soft, flimsy ribbon, but - fine and stiff one of the best of its kind made. , You . must see it to appreciate its worth. We ' have it in white, black and all desirable shades. -Our-regular 40c value. Special Sale Price, the yard .25 SILK 'AND SATIN TAFFETA RIBBONS FOR 18c .-..f ' ' 1 We will continue our sale of silk-and taffeta Rib- ; ' bona, also some fancy Ribbons, for : Saturday ' buyers. We still have a "few of the best' ones , left. These Ribbons are worth to 50c. -11 .Special: Sale Price, the yard........ ......18 -SATURDAY'S-ATTRACTIONS -IN Linen Shops-Domestic Aisles FIRST FLOOR. .- j, ' SATIN DAMASK TABLECLOTHS. : , A lot of Fine Satin Damask Tablecloths, slightly soiled. no napkins tc match: . : ; ; f. Size 2x2 yards; regular value $4.25 Special...... f 3.45 Sixe 2x254 yards; regular value $5.50 Special. j..i.f4.SO Siie 2x2yi yards; regular value $7.50--Special.i.. ,.$6.40 Size 2x254 yards: regular value $8.50 Special. .....$7.25 Size 2x3 . vards: rearular value $9.00 Soecial .ST.OO Siaa-2x3ardsiJ:egulatsalue$l2.50peciaKJJi9.5 filie xjyi yarns; rrRUjar vaiuc aiu.w cictiai. . . . .t.w I5c and 18c Toweling for lie Linen Check Toweling, assorted size checks; regular values 15c and 18c. pTriairth-yird : .TrT.- - .;-TTrr:r;Tr:Tr.rrrTTTriif 15c Doiues 5c A lot oi au-nnen. tied, inngea uoiiiej. regular value 15c Soecial. each ............. .i .54 Sheets 73c Best quality Hemstitched. Sheets, size 81x90. Special, each........ .......... ......734 Sheets 49c Large Double-Bed Sheets, good heavy quality; tpeciai, ricn,,,.,,.....,.,r,.,,, Sheets 42c Single-Bed Sheets, good quality. Special, aaeh ..............'... . . .424 Scotch Madras 18c Imported Scotch Madras, light ground with nest ngures ana stripes, special, tne ' M m .i yara j.. . Bathrobe Flannels 33c r Pretty, New Bathroba 'Flan- nels. Special, yard ... . i .;..... i 854 Kimono and Wrapper Flannels 124c New Fleece-Down . Kimono and Wrapper. Flannels. Special. He . 'yard ...................:..12K White Embroidered Flannels A line of White Embroid ered Flannels, hemstitched and scalloped edges. ' Special, the yard.. 504 634 854 f 1.05 and f 1.4S ; ' THAT GREAT SALE OF MEN'S $6.00 SHOES FOR $2.89 Will Attract Scores of Men Patrona to the "Fair Way' Shoe Stora Saturday -Sixth Street Annex, . ".; --, First Floor. :."- '.;;: ' Up to 9J0O Valuea for $2J3 larre assortment ofrroeii'aTrtyltehtotwi leathers, for street wear and dress ; all newest lasts and smart shape. Broken lots, . (Tr Of values up to $6.00, v All sires. , Special sale priceji,.....;.....;.'.- Women's Nightrobes Reduced r.'- ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. - - 1 73e For Women's Outing Oowna Worth $1.00. v Ladies'-Outing Flannel Gowns, in pink and blue striped, .made Mother Hubbard style, with yoke, trimmed with rows of braid., and cuffs and collar edged with button hole stitching; our $1.00 value. Special Sale price, each ..,....T8 "MEN'S; Bargains It wasn't an easy matter to win the biggest man's trade in the city ; but big assortments, always new est styles, dependable furnishings, courteous treat ment and matchlessly low prices at last won the man to the store .where his mother, wife, sister and sweetheart buy and now he wonders why. he didn't come before. Today we have the largest men's trade in outfitting of any Portland store. Always special bargains for Saturday these:for tomorrow- ' ."' ' ' "'T ' '- '' . ' '" 1 v Men'a 60c Tlea 85c UJ:Y'; 'V A line of Men's. Silk Four-in-Hands,, 2 inches. . wide; best 50c 'value Special at 35c, or ' ' three for . ... . . ...... . . . . . i . '. . . . . . ; . . .tl.CO '' ' l , 10c Elastic Arm' Banda 2c Y v : ;; Round, easy elastic .Arm Bands ; regular value ' 10c. Special; two pairs..... ,Y'. ...... ".s.CsjS ; ;: Men'a $3.75, $4.50 Sweaters .$19 : ' -. A small line of Men's Sweaters, fancy weave .and . color; regular values $3.75 and $4.50. , . , . Special, each , . . . .'. ...... V ." . . . V. t?xXO Men's 10c Hose 6c '. li . . . Y A line of heavy gray mixed cotton -Hose, seam , less ; regular value 10c, Specialr the pair. . . .C Men'a IM Underwear $U5 " i Four numbers in Cooper's Spring . weight derby . ribbed . worsted high grade Underwear, - French neck, finished drawers, fawn colors regular - ; . value $1.50. Special, the garment....... Men'a $1.50 Underwear $1.15 Cooper's spring weight fine mercerized Shirts and Drawers ; regular value $1.50.' special, the : garmeot P1.15 ' Men's $1.50 Underwear $1.15 ; ' ' ; Spring weight fine silver graV Cashmere Under- wear; regular vaiue i.qu. . special, me . r garment , . . ........ ... . . i . .:. .Q1.15 : Men'a $1.50 Underwear $1.13 ' ".V. :v Medium weight worsted' Underwear, in silver 'gray; ' regular value l.ou, 1 special, tne gar- '' . '. -" - ' ' -f sr . . . "tajLa. ment iiiiis'isasi VOTES ! MUST POSITIVELY BS OOTTEN AT TIME OF PURCHASE. None will be issued after, either on duplicate checks r otherwise. This is absolute. " Aik for your votes at time of purchase. 11 ij r VOTE FOR BKNEVOLKNT 10JND DISTRIBUTIOH : '.- .. :u ... AT . 10 A. M.TODAY-:4-.. ix, : Patton Home . .'. . . . ....... ... ,-. . ..' . . . . ,. i ....... 113.471 Crittenton Home Fruit and Flower. Mission. -.... 109.C94 Salvatioa Army , . . , , ....... M . . . . ...- 13.61 J St.-Vincent's Hospital. ............. ...v., .......... Peoples institute ai Baby Home 50.K 1 Mt. St.. Joseph's Home for the Aged.............. 7.1" t Good Samaritan Hospital .....,............... tit 1 Old Ladies' Home ............ .......... J.;...,.. 1; I Volunteers of America, ,i....,............iv.'"1'"' ' Open Air Fund...... f t King's' Daughters of Marshall Street Church.. ( Children's Home f Visiting Nurse Association. . . ... . . . i ..... J scaiiering ...., . . fuel oil .to the new tanks of th O. R. R.' N, line between Port Id nit and vom aaui MY AtX, SBTJOOIST CrauOe. . ' . k , : raoonav - - -