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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
j .- - .timm m A Arf lln iu.ll uImiikU,' JnliUio.i IwJ. OJ.iUULo i;:co;aTio;i - ' ' , ,' Organizations of Centqn County I Hold Enthuslastlp Seaalons at Corvaliis. . :'; . V ' : ; "V . ;. : DOWIGS Chrf Permits Pst Cat to Be v' Companion to AccumcI CIrt . . ,. - - i . .-; f . ; During Imprisonment.. -GIRL DISAPPOINTED bV. - LARGE ATTENDANCE OF WORKERS IN CHURCHES Tie E!j Store la U IZZZz cl He r.3ciTRol lo O.S. Ri-cnl CiX JURY'S FAILINQ TO AGREE i ' .... . t ' . V ' ;-'-.-;',.-- 'v. n Clttaeaa Will Petition Oortnor to . Commute Jaapera Sentenca to Life ; -. Xmpriaoiunent If New Trial la De- ,-, 4umrlm ! .'Grants Pass. Or.. Jan. .'Will Sheriff Uwli ltl' you bare kitty r .asked little Julia Jennings of her atatar Dors, when the latter . waited In the aherlfTa offloe yeeterday afternoon to ' be eeareyed to , bar cell In the new couaty Jail to await a aeoond trial for the murder of her father. .-. . When aaaured ' that- her elder" sister would not-be denied -the-company of the consoling- tabby, the little girl Hur ried out to set the kitten . that will be , the one companion of Dora Jennlnga during her coming three -months' on ' flnement. '-.-..' . .,( 1 ' The failure of the Jury to agree la a . bitter' disappointment to - the girl, as he waa fully confident the IS men who eat for her trial would be of one mind . In rendering a verdict of acquittal.' She v had a long talk with bar attorneys yes ' terday morning, and the next trial will , be fought with renewed rigor. , -Jasper Jennings; who waa yesterday sentenced to nana on March I. as re ported In The Journal, will ' be - eon ,;, veyed In a few days to the penitentiary to await execution. His attorney, H. D. Norton, has appealed to the aupreme ' , court and has also asked for a atay of . execution UU the higher court renders a, decision. Jf the lower court is" sue-1 talned. It Is very likely, judging from the expreaalon of eltlsens of the county, that a petition will be presented the - governor begging the commuting of the sentence from death to life imprison " meat. . ' i LAYING TRACK : RIPARIA' ON RAILROAD tap nlil Dhrpetxa e The Jesrasl.) ' - RJparia, Wash., Jan, Is. Track laying has oommenoed oa the Lawlston-Rlparla railroad and two miles were finished to day. The track-laying machine le working In exoellent order and a crew of men la employed to operate it. Sails enough for it miles of the track are stored In the yards here; and the re- aer-wirramvowBenieeded. The work new la on the 11 ret nine miles out of Rlparla and the 'track! laying will be steadily prosecuted until the 11 miles of road hare been finished. -- - The 'oontractore are confident of n ishmg the work by June, but they have f fear that high water will delay . the Mia,1; Penla jW, Chandler,' Who Died r Forfeit Giwer "" construction of. the bridge . across the river at Lswiston. .. Contractor Peter son. Is giving his personal attention to the work at that end, having -been es- peelally requested -to 'do so by the O. R. ft N. officials. Mr, Peterson atatea that the original intention of employing 1.I00 men en the grading will be carried out. He anticipates no further -delay -on ac count or , low. wafer. , . ....-?-.-; MILWAUKEE SURVEYORS CAPSIZED IN RAPIDS t. Mi . . . v. . mm.-. . . . trjpwiai iiTm wm mm raini.1 Rlparla, . Wash. Jan. 2s. Several members of -, the Milwaukee surveying crew, under- Engineer George Hebrlck, who are -working their . way .down the north bank of the Snake rivet. In-oppo sition to the Northern Pacific men, had a narrow escape from- death In the rapids st ths mouth of the Palouee river a few days ago.,. They were going down the river in boats, and when In tin swlft'ourrent one was wrecked, throw tng the occupants into the water. Two of the I men - saved themselves' only by securing a firm footing on a rock until Indians ,m canoes could -rescue tnem. The' surveyors are now encamped at the. mouth of the Palouee, six miles be low Rlparla, The fight for the north bank of the river,-between, this point and the Wallala, is the issus between toe survsyora, and It has been definitely learned that the Milwaukee men are running a line above the Northern Pa cific surrey. . ,.-.- ; t. u;i t -.r TO ERECT 'SEVEM-STORY : HOTEL IN WALLA WALLA nisei il ropero xm ue av-mrmu Walla Walla, Wash.. Jan. . It.-A. H. Plokell. representing Portland capltal- letalaJn jnlftJWalia trylna: to. jecurf a site for a new seven-etory hotel which he. says hla company wllLsrect la Walls Walla the coming spring. Op tions on- two pieces of business prop erty hare been secured. According to the Portland man the proposed hotel building will be modern, fireproof, and will coat about 171.000, The officers of ' the association ' ars ' H. Edwards, president; W. C Swann, vice-president; Ethel Hollleter,. secre tary; Flossie Overman. statistical sec retary and treasurer; Mrs, J. A. Cramer, superintendent primary ' department; Mrs.' J.- H. Edwards, superintendent borne department j - ' Teeterday's ' afternoon session ' waa conducted by Rev. Bush, Rev. W. C Menitt and Profeeeor ' N.' Tartar and concluded . with rolloail of Sunday scbasls and registration, -The evening aeeelon included and - prayer aervloe led by Profeeeor Shaw; address, "Reaching the ; Un reached." by. i. B. Caldwell, president Philomath college; special music and announcements; and an " address, "Our Inspiration In Working With . the Young," by Rev. W. C. Merrttt . Today's sessions began at :I0 o'clock with song . and prayer service . led -by Rev. B. P. Green; "Walks With Jesus.' Rev. Merrttt; "Getting end Keeping Our Scholars,' Rev. BL H. Belknap; -"What we Should Know About Our Pupils," W. C Swann; round table conference, "Decision Day and Its Possibilities,'' Rev. Merrttt a This afternoon, beginning at I o'clock, there was song and prayer eervioe led by Rev. Noble; ' business reports; ad dress. Rev. Merrttt; "The Cradle Ron." Mrs. J. EL Henkle; The Little Begin ners," Mrs, R. J. Nichols; "The Primary Class Proper, Mrs. J. A. Cramer; round table eonf erenoe. Rev. . Merrttt . . The . closing- session tonight will In clude song and prayer ' aervloe led by Rev. C T. Hurd; addreee. "The Book We use." Professor Edwards; , music: fiddresa; Or(ntM W WlnT Revi Merrttt : IISr'3(l)KfflME& CURE1 flMr. E, A. Kamar'a Ufs Wasn't Worth tha Snuff of a Candle Until W UIBI Wl WMIiabUlsblll J J w sjsjsvsv ww9mmm iiiiivrtvi ir Ths Effect Was Like Magic. I Felt Better From the First Doae." W'J-"Pi""W' ne '.' '. .iwiiww 1 ''wesmHeea!WlT'''''" v - o - Vv-vrv7'''v A '1 i svv s f ;:.::5: ' x v i A - , S f V :v:i:.:::-:-:.:-:.::-::'-;:-:.:.:-:-: , , ' ' " y - 1 .'.v.v.-..-.-.-,v..v.,.'.'.',.s-.'.-.'.v.y . ::: . ' : - , Slnj1.Wi. mmm m i'iS-'-'Tx'i'iV-"'ri'rg'''fl i i i ' r" V V "Yiwr-Si-r-iwn- MR, B. A. KARNER, a leading Cltlsen of St Louis, Like many a man or woman, Mr. Karner drifted Into cqneump iking he waa too strong to doctor a mere cold. Only the use of It Whiskey at ths critical moment saved bis life. Me says: , . Hon through Duffy's pure thtnkl Malt ' "Early last fall I caught cold, but being strong and rugged, had an Idea I 'could wear it oft. . I kept getting woras all the time. The trouble went deeper Into the throat and dereloped a bad case of - catarrhal . - bronchitis Medicine seemed, to have no effect The poison worked Into my lungs, snd by February 'the doctors gave me up-to die of consumption. Hemorrhages Impoverished any blood; I lost flesh, and was completely prostrated.- - , In despair T-rwimsrrciKT -taking Dnfry'r Pure Mult Whiskey. The ffecj-was Ilka nula. I felt better from the first dose. Hope orept Into my heart refresh ing eleep came bacK, nigni sweats were not - so rrequeni. 1 couia tase oeep more a eirong, nearly, -IB. A. WLAHMtM, ItXl M. " breaths with less pain, my digestion Improved, and, thi """medicine," In ix lnonrh-tWa eompietel cured; ortce well-fllled-out man, full of vim, vigor and ambition,"' Id Street. St Louis, Mo. ; July 1, 104. , DnHy Pore Hlalt IVMskcy T " "". DOBS CURB ALL THROAT- AND LUNO -T DISBASBS 7 -V It sweeps them clean out of the system and helps -nature rebuild the weak ;'v ened. wasted, broken down constitution. Mr. Karner telle ths whole story,-but ' we'll gladly send you free a booklet filled with photographs and voluntary let - tars from a few of the many thousands it has cured of consumption, pneu . ', monla. pleurisy, grip, bronchitis, coughs. Colds, Indigestion, dyspepsia, malaria ' and low fevers, Duffy's Purs Malt Whiskey makes delicate women strong, '.' sickly children well. It's the great promoter of health and old age; the . sure - preventive of disease. . Over 4.000,00ft known curee In 60 years. No ether medl- - cine has euch a record. You en get It st all druggists and grocers, or direct , Price 11.09 a bottle. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester,- N.- T. . - "DunTa Is the ealy whiskey reeogmlaed by Ooveraiaeat as a Baeeieiae. tt Is abeelately pare, eontalas no fssel oil, and Is sold U bevtlsej cwlyi aere U a ask or balk. Ten will know the geaslse by the "Old Chemist" trade tasrh ea -'" the label. See tet the stray ever the edrk Is makrokes. Befase enhetten 4 '. t'fea - Cered by dishonest dealers. - They are karaafal and will ru ' . ' . ' '..' ' Entertaining programs Rendered and ' Halpiol Papera' Read and Sermona Preached aoedng Session WU1 Be iJgejlTjwJV','; v;-l V' ', U Corrsills, Or., Jan.- . The eleventh annual oon rent Ion of the Benton Cotinty Sunday -School association is In session here today and will bring Its business to a close at 1:10 o'clock tonight , The meetings began yesterday afternoon In the Presbyterian church tt I' o'clock and will conclude la-the Congregational church, , i The meetings have been well attended and - much interest - shown- In the pre- eeeainge, . - , WILL SCATTER WIFE'S ; i: 5 ASHES: QN WILLAMETTE -.- - . . ' : if si'. ' ' Mrs, Mary Elisabeth Caaaday's last request that ber body be cremated and her ashes scattered on- the Wlllajnetta river, wui ow camna out. sirs, v-asa-day died last Tuesday at the ags of as rears In the Deaconess hospital at Spo kane. Washington, of cancer, after an Illness of nearly a yeer and a half. She spent ber girlhood days -in Portland, and at ths Isst her thoughte dwelt oa the beautiful green-walled Willamette. about which her happiest associations were centered. Nathan I Casaday, her husband, had his wife's body cremated yeeterday. and will reach Portland today or to morrow to scatter the - ashes on the river. Until two yeara ago Mr, and Mrs. Casady lived in 'Portlands CARS ROLL INTO RIVER BAGGAGEMAN DROWNED (Bpeetal Ptoesteh to The loans!.) Wenatchee, Wash., Jan. li. Northern Padflo train No. t, leaving over the Great Northern tracks, was wrecked at Rock Island 1 miles east of We ns tehee, yeeterday. - The wreck was caused by a rocksllde. The ' engine caught on the rock, but stared on the track. The tender, baggage-car, amok-' Ing-car and chalroar left the train. The tender and baggage-car rolled into the Columbia river and are completely sub merged. ' - Baggageman Martin Murray was caught In the ear and drowned. Thirty passengers were In, the derailed cars and were cut and bruised, but none of them were seriously hurt. A wreck ing train was eent from Spokane, which cleared the wreck in four hours. ACCUSED OF STEALING , .HORSES AND CATTLE ' (Speeiai IMspatra te The Jenrast) . Prssoott Wash... Jan. 1. Believed to be a part of a gang of organised cattle end horsethlereev William Tuttla, Tom Tuttle and Chuck Haya are under ar rest here and will be given a preliminary hearing before Justice HaVks tomorrow afternoon." The three men are charged with stealing a bunch of cattle front John Rpdgers, a prominent Prssoott farmer, who also Is offering a reward for the ' recovery of three valuabU horses stolen- from bis - ranch a fsw nights ago. ... -, BAKER CITY MAN IS . - BEATEN BY WORKMAN ' f (Sseoiiil Mepetet e The Jneretl.t Baker City. Or., Jan. !. President Grant Oedries of the Orgon Lumber company was brutally sssaulted and beaten by a section man In hts employ a i yesterday atternnon.... air. ueuaes went out on the track and told several of the men they -would have to lay -off a few-days n suuwi o f 1actc--cf wo rk. The laborer In question had been' drink ing and. becoming Incensed, Immediate ly assaulted Oeddea, beating and brais ing him badly about the face, The laborer will be arrested. j .-. ffhehalls Real astate. , -.'.. - -nepertsr tHtsrS to The JomtI. Chehalls, . Wash.. Jan, I. J. E. Leonard has purchased a lot on Market street adjoining the Chehalle lodging- house for ei.oos troa w, i, Forrest of Seattle. This Is ths third Marker street business lot to- sell for $1,000 within a few weeks. sTew Portlaad stemes. , Rutldlng permits havs been Issued as follows:' C. Robinson, residence corner East ' Couch and East Twenty-first streets, cost 12.009: ' H. L Camp, reel dence, East Salmon, between Beet Twenty-third and Beet Twenty-fourth streets, Sost 11,100: W. aV Sastman, cottage. WHICH WILeUr 6o FAST FOR A . f ;:: LJ . ' IF YOU CONTO.IPLATE BUMG OriE OF THESE SWB-450 IT r,3W FffiQ Wiin:3 East Nineteenth, between Prssoott and Doing streets, coet iivo; junus Dtars, cot tare, Mildred, between Eaet Eighth mnA Eait Vlnth streets. ' cost 11.000: James J. Ellis, repairs to residence, Rod ney avenue, oetween nnmu wram ana Knott street, cost $250 Joseph K. ti-hmi. rnttare. Cleveland avenue, near Oolng street, coet 11,500. ' Perfsctlon tt Last " - lafnniMa hanaa anA aali raetstsi absolutely correct no more oilstakea Agenta wanted throughout Oregon, 404 Merquam building. Portland. rw'i lm little nttes multmr fmm ecsems, or other torturing skin diseases. No need for it. uoan a uimraeni cures. Can't harm the most delicate skin. At sny drug store, to cents. . ' Pined a nuoaaath, '(aeeriai puvatek te The Jeamat) - r 1 1 , m T r ILln Ik, 4mm, vvrvwiia, v.., ' tloa court at Philomath this morning lUOl I. .1 B .1 ymau m ' - - - Ing untagged deer hldee In his posses sion, m was mrrvwmnM . mw -Jti- warden. WONDERS OF A MODERN FACTORY Machinery Does the Work of Human - Hands and the Perfect Food ' 'la Made In Absolute . Cleanlineaa. . A visit to the greatest modern food factory le a revelation to any one not familiar with the development of ma chinery In recent years. Such a visit, vermes the' claims of the manufactur ers or Malta vita, tnat ' inis per refT wnole - wheat food Is cooked, steamed, mixed, beked and packed la absolute cleanliness - Purity 1 the watenwora or inis wonderfureslabllshmenL " Prom the time the .wheat le received In the fac Inrv . liniii the finished - Droduot la shipped out -to-etl perte-wf -the world. Malta-Vita IS noi smiea or numnii hania. Marhlnerr. clean, shining ma chinery conveys the wheat through ell the long process, even to the packing snd seeling of the airtight, germ proof, -dlrtproof packages. - - After the wheat has been thoroughly Cooked and steamed It Is mixed with pure barley malt extract and each grain of the malted wheat la rolled Into a wafer-like flake. Then It frees 10 me r treat ovens where, under Intense heat, t le baked otisp and brown Malta- Vita, the most- delicious, ' the most healthful food In the world. Malta-Vita Is Always ready to eat. No cooking. No Inconvenience. And you never tasted anything quite so food. Try a bowlful with cream or rult. To those who have used It end know how ' dellctoue - and sustaining u,h.Vii le. a nerfert hreakfsst Is Jiext to Impossible without ltv and It's ust ae good three tlmee a day. ' All srocera eeU Malt-VI la. ' - ior IQI Wr g THE GREEN DISCOUNT STORE n CO an - ' .n THE SHOPPERS' BARGAIN JUBILEE a close, As the last day sf January drawn shoppers, taking advantage of i our enormous rwlng. If yen have anything tn! mind that you isnt, come lnana see ir yon oan nao it. ir yon oaa. we can assure yoe the price will oe ngnt ror you. xnare wnat we are Is rapidly drawing te nearer the number of price reductions, is growing, have not yet bought, come It n here for to have things right for the eusteeses. We would always rather etsnd sa extra Toes than have It otherwise. So oonte before next Thursday night and get either Coat, a Suit or J" 'In 'fact, anything we carry in atook at shoppers BAROA1N JUBILA KICfcw as LADtXa ZZTBA-ITjri SIBBIO VXBTS AMD PAUTa, srif or ersi; vests WloUDed with kead-crorbetrd silk etfee srmind nrk and sows front: rvsnlsr 1. JUBIU1X PnlCX, the garaMt....flc ADTZa' KXATT BJlBtO TUTS AVO AKTs, aearly all. gray enlyi regular i no. JUklLIX rUOS, the gsrawat ft XADiza hi AVT, arBBzs, yuzos. LIMED TUTt-UO yASTBi extre . alar: mnlir 7(W-. , Juan-Ik PBICE.'tbe garsient.. LADIIS' ZXTBA-yiBB BIBBZS TISTt AsD VABT8, bmIIubi wlsht: ! trlmmrd wltk kand-erwbeted silk edge . around nerfc end dnws fntet. JUBILEI BBIOZ, the garmeat; OSS TAOIXS' rXTBA-riBB EIBBZD white - mrrmfm L . hm ,, mnj ;viu,u raius LADIIS ruiCMUiv vute. tADrza HZ ATT, BIBBZB yiBZOS. lis ED TESTS ABO, VAMIB, gray er - JUBILEZ rJCl,-tbe smrsnnt. osreraiSBS v KEN'S FUKNISBINGJ KZWa ' BIBBED WOOL mtDEB ' WXAB Blse, brews, eataral aad th mlrtrm: rMlllar tl STadw " ii nit XX rHrm thi, tnrmatt. ttEM'a SB&BT BIBBED VVSEa WEAB la blue, brews asd Beeh eolnni rvruUvr 60c anelltj; the were allsktly Caused by water while la traaalt, ' tint nonrh to hart thm eterpl la ' Brie, which sow. while tbey laet. .. the gsrsieat .................... i fnsr BOTT VOBTOtK SOTTS Weel sUxsd, re tn 0. RrgBler tt.OO. . JVBTLZE rSICZ, the rait. ...... .1. IT BOTS' MOBrOUC. iOrr .llor, Irlmmed with fin- braid. r.r aiOO. JVBIUtB tUOS, the salt, LADIES' SVEATESS A brokee tine of Ladles' sll westers, la aeenrted , eekae; fzra ana e jtrusLu werth yBicEs..$' aaw. et-TtH BEX4 nrrABTB' yiAsvzx aAosiris, ae- eortrd strtoe sad lukm . JDBILIi isuoia..... . Msesd Tee II assBBaBai9 , - saimsi a h a w K I , , . , i- , - , , lf.fwU Z5. .i it-e ehtel y. .rr. ;ll-: '".'.. J H,V'-'- ' ' r". Bnaazr abd crtf" r - lit ribbed eeehMn Am, gre . keA nd to; all --., J0BILLS I t r . ntTAjrrr r i r i e ke. elik b e-, w,; m r-4 td; s' to full.t - t ryAy-' r r . . . 65c for SOs McCc!r$ t::::il:.i ; ef IsssJsa) Set a year ead ' A 15c Pcttcrh fcr 3Cc WVsa Paid st Oar Blare. DIES! T0VB. . - OryOBlUBK! fas- be.lee4las Meses wen. Seeeted te leteet feehla ex seedlewerk. satlllaerr. aaefal tofsnsetloa. ehUdrea s clothing. etc., every SMetb tar eee -yeat .sad A ,; Ue McCsA Palters for . , ... oiNUY aoo j Tea set the Mifee)ee Sad. BMn'k freei the xoblli.are. twbe, w.e V eharae roe torn s rear a the W. - ' alee aleae aae wbea yea eey tba t ear atere roa r save the ek-e or le retters e. ' betne take edrar-'e ef ths st o early it a sraed . 3 .. A f at ear , 1 It we .111 . A o I