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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
4, - - tiis Oregon - daily jouNAi - poitTLAiXD. "FRIDAY ' cy::.i;:3, J ztz:. .v ... ; mm ii wt PATRONIZEHOrEHNDUS- THE U.Vl.tOKEN ' PROSPER 7TT i TRY" AND INDUCE yOUR " friends jo; do . likewise, v ask your dealer tor ; home-manufactured: goods and insist on hav- 4;,::I1clNQsTHEM..:r:'l;':-: ; V IT A O)WTH;0F AN . STATE CI SECTION ' OF COUNTRY 13 VERY LARGELY 7 ";; s J IS FORKED FOR THE PURPOSE OF FOSTERING, PROTECTING AND f UPBUILDING -THE - MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCING CEPENCZrjT Orj THE SUC CESS OF ITS f.!A.UFACTUR- m tr:cu3TniEs ; INDUSTRIES OF THE STATE OF OREGON i v 1V 7 : r r r " i What Is a Knocker? ' A w KNOCKER ill y,. ' pMiniiti . :," 'v ... . .. ;-. coward whose fear '; and ; ; .-.v forcbodlnga, ' , r . mall dona i , y-. J- UlUUCuuOS ; O . V gad dire I . " prophecies -.' : . '.retard the s natural, l, . . J V''; . : wholesome ..' 1 progress of a ' ' ; ' community. A " KNOCKER b afraid of the ' , - shadows ;.'. . , cast by to own - ; , warped .' -; , onderstandinc and ) .'. r; makes '' '.. . Z.-:.. it Ma ".' ' ; :v . '.'.i buaineea to ,''' , poison other rainda t ; word plcturea t oltha-frafu- . " iil:.-"erookadnaw"l-.-i--l tha Wmopoljr;' tt; '' tha w .' fannra," "wreck; ' M aS' V''A-- 'v Vnin" . ,: f which ha thinka . - ' ha aeea . v;. :onall8ldaa; v ' 1 -L J ! Why arc You a Knocker? Perhaps you were born-no; -i-Perlupi you r achieved tho f. distinction through year f tof assiduous practice; Perhaps it was thrust upon . you by. associates', who "; - "knock "habituaUy,1 per- ' jpetuaUy.rincessantly : i- . WHEN YOU SEND YOUR TcirYOlfarc a knockerf youaflot thmWandpakHf yoMgitew-eitiensr-7- your city, your sute ana your country. . . , , are a "knocker" if fear and lolly andfoulngss are more- real and more evident to you than courage and good sense and cleanliness. "TYOU are a "JcnockerTf you voice an ominous croak or savage snarl against every ' upward and ' forward movement that is proposed in your community. - ' YOU are a "knocker" if you protest against the building of a railroad bridge across' ' ,' . the Willamette River you are so jealous of individual benefit you fail to see . ; that the best interests of the entire community are served by such a structure. . J 1 1 knockera had had their own dism al way, Portland today would be without "... bridge across the Willamette Riven .. ... -.. ,. ' .-. .. V' YOU re a "knocker" if you .call Oregon the "Webfoot" or "Mossback" state.. - You , ; are a "knocker" if you do not appreciate, our splendid climate, our beneficent ,' ' rains and all our other natural advantages, and do not speak proudly of them, at , aW times and in all places. J , ' '.':r ,;'-v YOU are a "knocker" if you cry down and belittle every new enterprise that is pro '; :. , posed, because you think you have discovered "graft" and "dishonesty" back of its inception. , -,v .. ., ' :' r : ,: ;. .,. ' YOU are a "knocker" if you .do not believe and say that our city and state offer the ' greatest possible inducement to capital lo invest in industrial and commercial -, enterprise., . . .:.s-r--; .iii; ;vf...',,." ., .V,-.-;.. ,,;' ) -'..''.::. . YOUare a "knocker" if you disparage successful enterprises and whiningly complain , that such are monopolized by the ncn, and that the people never nave an op- . r 7tortunitV to 'share in the profits of lucrative, legitimate enterprise. When, for any reason, success and prosperity do not attend commercial and indus- ' ' trial enterprise, YOU are as"knocker, of the 33rd degree if you say "I TOLD ... you so r V:t :-;-v.-;. j.-o---. rr v YOU are a hopeless "knocker" if you do not know that even the unsuccessful at- "1 tempt to use our vast naturar resources and stimulate-industrial activity is a ' - vital and -Inspiring contribution to progress compared with your mournful and ' abortive conclusions. . . -; .. ::. . - ' - r ; .... Hi 1 riTaI5 money to other states : f0r-g00ds, it will be a -long -time in finding its ; . bacic - . V ,. ? .. - v- 1 -r- wi : ' A . : 1 7. i ; i ; r : - . r v : : '." Kot for Cnoclccrs STOCK in tha : , PORTLAND REFXNINO T 'OIt COMPANY '.V the bast ' ' ' '.'investment,'' " rar of tared tha people. 8UB8CRIBE ior h now. . ' V,'''",';- 'V'- Too cant do better. : Dont miss thia . ' ': ' OpportonitT. . ' f'-'Z It is the beat ' - fou have . .zs '.p', .-v :' ever had.' - ,'. Batlmatad ''''7""' 1 ' percantace '-:" ,r ' " "of profit" . of tha Rafinerr' t ' ahowa an J- . 'annual net gain of ' ' , v . . tMS.OOO' ',:'- . ' T -, on a total -'.; ' investment 'Of J' J V " v ; $250000. '';.;'"'. ' Do jroa - know of '';' ' ' ' . : . anything better ?. . ! It fa an Industry -r . ." eatabUshedaT. ' '-.''. by die people 'for die people.'. '.": .-':'- -'.' . the .-. . ' ' .... . PROtPICTUt -r v ; and all Informadon ' "you desire". - ''..'''.;'-,'" at the office of (. . Colin H. Mclaaae. Secretary, lfanofactarera' Association, SM Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. V, j'v , v ' W 3S8 cnom of corzimcE, ponriAriD, Oregon 'Y 't - .;. . - -V WHNY0U-BUYH0ME-r i made goods your money -: circulates at home, "gives employment to , Thome people -and en-. c- riches the ' entire com. ' ?.y.MUNltY.' illll UTOtDTO VACATE LAND 5 stfforta of Southern Pacific to Play. Crafty .Trick on Unclt V 8am of No Avail. SOUGHT TO OCCUPY r; THE TRAINING WALL ; i . - ecratary.f War Diractn That Both . Wcs .acifieand, P.faluat . ti Orf of AO California Govern- meat Property 'in Sixty Paync V- Wurhltjton, Jan. t-Th crtry ftt. wt hu.UlasTmpbAd.Coloaal Hsuar -t its Fraaetaoo tha.t (ha 'WMtvn Pa i rlflo '- must vmoat ' th trainTne . vmU rlthln I - days. ' Inatruetlona sJso are that tb Boutbara Paelflo must rat off ,Df sU gorarameBt proparty. Tha dpftant In makter-iha tdaf pra poaas to arold being mada a party In any 'way to tha suits which tha com-, panlaa haa broucht aralnst aach othar. Tha war department has received and acted apon aoothar 'petition.'' of v tha Southern Paelflo adTersely. This peti tion was signed by K. E. Calvin, Tloa prastdent and traXfiO manager, and was as follows: - ' . . .-. ' "Tha Southern Paelflo railroad makas application for permlaalon to occupy permanently, subject to tha rules and regulations of tha United Staias engin eers,, land .adjacent - to and southerly from tha top of tha south training wait San Antonio actuary, for its entire length." ' . " ' ---j Tha gorernmeni la rapiy says: ' ' Tha United States government owns no land adjacent to and south of tha south training wall at that estuary, aenee eanatot gtva tha permit requested." It is undaratood here that In making tha application tha . Southern Faolflo craftily tried .to get tha United Statas government to' assume jurisdiction War the question, ao tha former oou1Ashut put other roads by mean ot an alliance with tha government. .1 - . W SCadsl t o Barahardt. (Joereal BseHal gwrtae.) . - , - Boston. If aaa, Jan.' l In - raoognt Uoa of bar great aei lues t Franeh Ufa and history, Mma Sarah Bernhardt was today praaented wljh a: gold medal by members of tha Cercle Praneala of Har vard university. Tha medal has here tofore bean given only to man of ami nenoe. If me. Bernhardt being tha first woman la tha world to poaaeas one. j: j If A V V I j PLitOTOR ; ' ; . t I (ir-L 1 M shown In Chtatrnticin. ! It not IQirOl V I onlyreaflrtstragth- ; - Pfjj I nncles and gestoses energy, - , RtsmySf -naak Chaartn. Weak ---' ' rt Ctok Rhturoaitlnms Oclntloav , ., f-'.'v: f ..- 'i. C'Z-:-.i - ! I. CZ7J3 plac i-cr.a i - ounion plastbro 1 For Itaia and Core of Coma and Buaiom FOOn'MIJEITGEISlOO REWARD FOS JEl'iEL Ruby and Pear) Pendant Lost fit Musical by Mrs. Vander : bllt Is Returned. , .. ' (lonrDtl Speelel Service.) Mew York, Jan. It. Mm. William K. Vaadarbllt Jr., formerly Virginia Fair, tha California heiress, and sister of Mrs. Herman Oelrtoha, win be notified- by cabla whsa aha reaches . Europe, Mon day, e. tha Kaiser .Wtlhalm II. that tha ruby and pear-shaped pearl pendant ahs lost at tha Bt. Regis hotel Sunday has .been found,, and that, tha reward of 11,00 has bean paid to a poor waiter. Mr. andMrs.. VanderbUt attended a farewell dinner and musical that Mrs. ft .HVP. Belmont, formerly Mrs. .Wil liam K. VanderbUt Sr.. gave at tha St Regis. Whan tha younger Mrs, Vander bUt 'returned ' horns ' she removed her wraps and discovered tha loss of the pendant. Search failed to recover tha jewel, and Mr. Vanderbflt than Instruct ed Tlf fan Co. to erier a reward of 11,000 for Its recovery. A few hours after tha publication of the reward a waiter entered Tiffany Co.'s plaoa and received tha $1,000 in oaah for tha pendant WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS . GATHER. AT BALTIMORE CJoemal Speetel Sarvlee.) Baltimore, MiL, Jan. to. For tha first time In Its history Baltimore will ba tha meeting place of tha National Amer icas Woman Suffrage association, whoas thirty-eighth annual convention will as semble bars weak after next. Tha gath ering promises to ba one of the 'moat notable aver held under tha auspices of tha wall known organisation. Among tha speakers win ba Mrs. Maud Balling ton Booth. Oovernor Warfleld of Mary land. President Remsea of Johns Hop kins university. President M. Carey Thomas of Brya Mawr collage. Presi dent Mary B. Wooley of Mount HoIyok soilage, Professor Lucy M. Balmon of Vassar oollega, Professor Mary A. Jor dan of Smith TOllege -Mnniara-rmartTt FoulkS of Indiana, Miss Jana Addams of Chicago and tha Rev. Anna BVBbaw, Tha veaerable aaaaavjVAathanyyona-of tha pioneers of ths equal suffrage move meat, will, of oouree. be one of ths central figures of the gathsrtng. ay CLATSKANIE TO HAVE - r BIG BOX FACTORY (SeeeM tXaeetch The Jeamalt v ' Clatslcanla, Or., Jan. !(. Clatskanie Is to hava a box factory. - Tha firm of Wren A .Maxwell has purchased ths mill owned previously by the Clatskanie Lumber company and will add to-ths plant a box factory, dry ktln and a planer. Mr. Wren at present owns tha Portland Trunk factory and Is a part ner in tha Multnomah Box factory.1 'A' I BO-horsepower angina la being put Into tha mill bealdas a great deal mora new machinery, r Tha Lock shingle mill win start lxn adlaUljr, . . ;,vv;;: V' ,;v.. '-- -., ' HCKIirilME-JOICETlM COST CAPTAKI $60,000 Investigation Shows Charges of Cruelty Made - Against f; Whaler Exaggerated. 1 Joanul Special Service.) San ' Francisco,. Jan. . !. Maarten Dlrkawager, who claimed to hava been harpooned by one of tha officers while on tha whaler Joha and Wlnthrop, and who gained much newspaper notoriety thereby, seams, from a report turned in to Collector Frederick Stratton by Deputy Shipping Commissioner I H. Parker, and Dftputy Collector N. 8. Far lay to hava greatly exaggerated his woes. Tha testimony of officers and crew Indicates that Dlrkswager . was never struck In tha leg by a harpoon, aa htf sild. and moreover nearly all unite In making him out a peraoa of most undesirable character, unfit to as sociate with human beings and alto gether unreliable. Bis stories of mu tiny and tyranny are pretty much dis proved. Other things were brought out la tha Investigation, though,-Which do-not re flect to tha credit of Captain W. T. Shorey, tha colored master. . Tha testi mony showed that tha food served ths whalers was poor. Lima juice and sugar were not served dally, aa tha law de mands, the captain testifying that ha served lime juice once a week In warm weather. The examiners give it aa their opinion that Bhoray has incurred tha penalty of 1100 for aach offense, that la, for aach ' time ha failed to serve lima Juioe or sugar. Even deducting Sundaya and warm weather penalties, tha fines for the lO-months voyage. If enforced,; would amount to nearly 10,000. - SENT TO JAIL FOR FENCING PUBLIC LANDS (BtMcial Dtspatca to the Journal.) Helena, Mont, Jan. 16. N. Undbarg, Indicted by the recent federal grand Jury on a charge of Illegally fencing publle lands near Miles City, pleaded guilty today and was sentenced by Judge Hunt A aWvafamoa of COdsacy ( . - Vv. 29 Hf23' ' eaV - anH wVwsJwTw ; f Z ', c WO SCHOOLS OPEM) .' FOR BOYS III BLUE United States Army Soldiers to ' ' Learn How to Bake, Fry, 1 ; : Boil and Roast. . (Joaraal SaeeUl Bervtee.) ' Washington, Jan. M. The eommissary general of tha army. General H. O. Sharps, has decided to establlah twa additional schools for bakers and cooks for tha United States army, ' One ot thass schools will be at Jefferson bar racks, Missouri, and tha other at ths Prealdlo at Ban Francisco. Bo much success has followed the oner atloa of similar schools at Fort Riley, Kansas, attended by the enlisted men and by company commanders, that Gen eral Sharps realised that tha Increased faollitlea of Instruction In cooking and baking In a practical way will be of decided advantage to ths army. Ha It a firm believer la tha Influenoe upon the military efficiency of proper preparation of the food for soldiers In tha field. Hith. srto Uttla or no attention baa been paid to tha subject, and It Is thought that familiarity with such work on tha part of thoaa employed to do tha cooking and baking, aa well as on tha part of the officers n command of companies, bat teries and troops, will ba quits as Im portant In Its way as any other training for military duty. General Sharps is also anxious to have established a series of prises which will ba given to those who make ths beat records at ths schools of cooks and bakers. At tha and of aach term the class will be examined practically and theoretically, and thoaa who stand at the head will receive prises, he hqpes. It Is aatlmated that 1000 a year would fur nish ths compensation regarded aa de strable to award for tha demonstration ot skill la this direction. WOMAN CHARGED WITH MURDER OF HER L0YER '"- ';'.'' : 11 1 1 " ' - - " (Jearaal Special Service.) - Chicago, Jan. M. One of ths many mysterious crimes that have' blackened ths pages of Chicago's history during morrow when sn Inquest will be held over tha body of Walter Niemann. On December 11 last . Niemann and ..Miss Lucille McLeod ' wire found together In a room In tha Empire hotel. Niemann was dying from a- bullet wound la- his head and -the young woman was uncon scious with a bullet wound In her side. Niemann died without regaining con sciousness. The revolver which had beea Used was found beneath Niemann's body on ths bed when ha was discovered. He apparently had been shot from behind. Mlaa McLaod, who ts about recovered CASTOR I A let blasta and Cilirsa. . Bears the Signature little . all the NourHriment out of Baby's Natural Food. ' t , - , v . --Larr or children cannot alwavs ba watchod, and will aaj unreaaon "ably. Tha Ready Remedy should aver be at hand CascarsU to take eare ef tha trouoie when It com as, i -,. . - it No aosd to Fores or Bribe chll- ' drta to take Casoarets., They are ' always more than ready to eat the sweet tittle blfoTCaody. ; . . Repulsive madlcins forced on the ones does mora harm than good. TTT7 M AM At Dont be Wrhtsnsd but bo warned I ; ' : 'Every Mother know, or should know, that the terrible' Mortality among little ohlldrea la caused by Stomach and Bowel troubles. Collo,, Sour Curd, Cholera Infantum, Summer Complaint, Measles, Rashes, Scarlet Fever even Mump hava their first cause In constipation; -s ., The Delicate Tlwuaa of s Baby's Bowels will not stand rough traattneot. . Salts are too violent, and Castor OU will only grease ' the passages, but wilt not make and frees them Clean, Healthy and Strong.- Home Is not complete without the ever ready Box of Caacareta, ,Tan cents buys a small one at tha Corner Drug Store. ;,. Ba-vary careful to-get the genuine - made only by the SlerUng Remedy Com -". pany and never sold In bulk. Every tab- ' vWetamped"CCC.',r , . .'';:..- ..;... .1 t t ,-(' x . -r: .-.'. .; r e O -. O . . , VntUTO OTJR riUatMDSt We wast , baie ssssii6 araatiaguB ail ts Bend ts ear fHenet a beastiM nedVOOLDLAfEl) BONBON SOX. 4 in ceiort. It is a bsasty wr the ie. 1 en cents m sfsjnes is ssaee sa s The amd frh and te cover east afC Wttl wbica Uif aa ty trinket It loaaed. t mi ts-eav, SMatlaaine this asper. Address Itaxusf lUsasaylainasay. CUsage er Mew Yars. ere Is no other medicine sa safe for a child as Casoarets, the fragrant little Candy Tablet, that has saved thousands of families from unhapptnaaa. "' ;" The Nursing Mother even In good health should Always keep her own Bowels Loose, and her Milk Mildly Purgative by taking a Cascaret at night before going to bed. " . No other mtdloine has this remarkable and valuable quality. Mama takes the -Caacarst, Baby gete-the Benefit.-"-r Casoarets act like strengthening Eierciea en Jhe.weakJtjtle.bowela ef the growing babe, and make them better able to gat from har wounds, has been charged with the murder of Niemann. It ts alleged that the deed resulted from -Niemann's announcement of his intention to desert Mlaa McLeod and marry another young woman. - Tamkm Woodman SssrtaJL ' (Special Dispatch to The iaeraal.t ' v North Tamhlll, Or., Jan. 15. The Woodmen ledge of North Tamhlll has Installed tha following officers: T. L, Vsn Oradale. C. C; W. J. Kirkland, A, L.: j. t. Taiieson. oiera; r. H. uoaen. banker) Hellson WHUta, eeoorti T. R Persons, watohmsai W. Q. Rhuda. sacra tary; Joaeph Page, manager. 8. M. Cal kins, past consul of Newberry camp, was tha Installing officer. General Organ iser H. L. Dav of Portland addressed the public gatheriae; sa the objects and bear sflts of woodcraft A banquet was latsr served la tha X. O. X). F. ball. - : : . 1 1 .. . ' . '- FUeO Book alaaeh Sold. ''--. (apeetal Dlsaeteh te The Joaraa.F Pilot Rock, Jaa. la. Charles Wilson of this place baa purchased tha ranch known as tha Widow Smith place, north of hare, consisting of 110 acres, for .(00. ' - - m!Fmm?mmmmmmmmmmmmmfm ' rUASAjT AJTS VOatt BTfJOTlf. T. J. Chambers, Kd. Vindicator, Llb ortr. Texaa, wrlUS December 15, lteit ''with pleasure and unsolicited by yon, I bear testimony to the curative rwer ' ef Ballard's Horehouad fly run. have used It In m family and rear cheerfully affirm It Is ths most- effec- ' tlve and best remedy for coughs and ' eolds I have ever used." Sold by Wood are. Clarke Co,