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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
daily J3un: jalv fo:iti2u;i. Friday EvsifiNO, jahu as y t3. uca. aTtasWTagirillTsseTr"r -- ' r , . . ; . - .. .i . ,V . . Vaejjl CL-TrPflCBI ; . K , DEAD AFTER WEEK'S . ILLNESS tue par Katn Interest Manifested In .Sale of Pacific Coast Company i Three Posslbie" Buyers. - SALE NEW OWNERS MAY RUN s ? 8HSP8 iriTO PORTLAND1 mm ''"'it'''.- ' .'iii'i I ; ' eVaV UJi M ViT eUe, e.etj . .-.., '. v f 4 t " - General Joseph (JowtmI Spaclal SvtIm.) ' KawTork, Jan. IC 0nr&IJbath Whnltr dle4 at th,hotn of hie elatar, Mr.- Btarllna Smith, In Brooldyn. y tarday avanlnir, tfM year.' . Oanaral WhHlir waa famoua In tha war of tha raballlon aa a cavaJry laadar, and alao took a prominent part In the Bpanlah Amcrtcan - war, baartnc -tha - -title brlsadlar-aanaral of tha United, SUtaa Army elnr tha cloaa of hoatllltlaa ba. twan thla country and Vpaln.- BU daya aeo ha rontraotad a, aavara old, which davalopad Into pneumonia," and hla aga haatanad hla death. ' , . ; Oanaaal Whaalar i waa- bora - Septem ber 10. Itt,' at Auruata. Oeorela. He (raduated at Weet Point In .and waa aw-und lieutenant whan ha-anttated la the Confederate artillery aa A ret lieu tenant and roae to ba a lieutenant-general. Purine the war ha waa wounded three tlmea and had 1 boraee ' ahot under him and received the thanka of the Confederate government for hla aklll end gallantry In battle. - -.-.. After tha war Oeneral Wheeler prac ticed law and ran hie planutlon In Ala bama. Ha waa elected to eongreaa In PACKERS RUSHINGPRODUCTS INTO . GERMAH-EMPIRE Remarkable Race Against Time ' In Progress- Tariff Goes Into Effect In February. V - (Joeraal pedal ftWrke.) Chicago, Jan. !. One of the moat ' , remarkable racee agalnat tune In hla tory la now being run by produota of the Chicago packing bouaea. .The courae la from the etockyarda to Oerman porta of entry.- and the time ''limit la February 1. Ooede ehlpped from Chi cago after that date cannot -reach Oar .many In time to get In under the ei - letlng law. -The new German tariff goea Into effect March i and after that . date a epeclflo. duty of SO, marke will ba levied agalnat American meata. add - ' Fridayi January FOR' SATURDAY ONLY ;V '-ly -' Alout 4 Dozen:".'; $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 ., :.2- : 1- . mime :'- IatroJueer W lngeT tf StyUah Hsta . . '. , " 2S3 WASHINGTON STREET. Between 4tn W 5tn' , ....." '." '..-.'. , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' f ' . ..... . t '.. ' . . II " 1 1 r r- j' ..- ..u Wheeler i lltl and reelected each term until 111, when ha reelgned. at that time' being tha aenlor member of the Democratic aide. .." .' .. . At tha outbreak of the Bpanleh-Amer-tean war he waa appointed major-general of rolunteere and aaalgned to the command -of tha cavalry dlvletooln the army of Santiago. ' Ha commanded the troope In the engagement at La a Ouaal maa. Cuba. June H. ISIS, and waa aenlor officer In the neld at the battle of Ban Juan and waa one of 'tha commlaalon to arrntur tor the eurrender of Santiago. From Cube be waa,eent to the Philip-pinea,-. where-he commanded the - flret brigade and engaged In many eklrmlahea with the - Inaurgenta. He waa made brlgadler-geiierar orthetTnl ted Btaua army Jane IS. 10. and commanded the department of the lakea until hie retire ment tha following September. vGeneraJ Wheeler , waa the author of many booea ana monograpna ana a, xra quent magaslne contributor. He did much to allay the bltterneee felt throughout the eouth toward the north, and a lea did muoh to reunite the north end the eouth..-' ... " ing 4 eente a ; pound to the price In Oermany The . preaent ruah of , food producta aeroae the Atlantle la eald to be with out parallel In tlmea of peace. , It the German army waa preparing Ita com m la ear y department for a long campaign the ef forte now being made by Chicago packera, ateamahlp llnea end German mere ban ta could not . be greater. - Ger man - marehanta are trying to ; eecure large atocka of American meata under the preeent law, which will be eold later at the higher prloee made poaalble by the new duty. 1 1 1 - r v; " Correct Change ': ror SS delivered . in the . band ta one eecond by the automatlo change and eaah reeiater. iti Marauam building. -, . . t- -,' Xilbrarlae Beejgma. . , tftpeftar Napatca to The Jaoraal.) Chehalla. Waalw Jan.- IS. H.-C. Coff man, who. for aoveral yeare paet bae been librarian at the Unlveralty at Waahlngton,-hae reelgned ' hla poaltlon and will become a partner- In the- firm of A.-U Coffman Co., broker. ea HEL Terminal Froperty Owned in Seattle ! Object of Purchaie Hill or MUwauke Koad Hay Be' the 1, V Bnyera. p- 1 ' :' llarm BaaHel BanlBe-V ' Sacramento, Jan. . 2S.-Keen intereat U manlfeatad in the Identity of -the nAnnl aiut interaata who1, have been apendlng mllllona tn buying control of the etock or tne racuio uoaei com nanv. Harrlman. Hill and Roawell Miller af tha St. Paul road, which la to build overland to Seattle, are all cred ited with being behind the big deal. Miller denlee that he haa anything to do with the matter, while Hill ana Har rlman are allent. Indication, however, eeem to war rant the etatement that the buyer la either the Canadian Pacific or Hill, be tween whom there la , etrong rivalry for control of the altuatlon In ; the northweat. The Pacific Coaat company owne valuable terminal property In Seattle and the Columbue Puget Sound railroad, in addition to the Pa elflo Coaat SteamahlD company . ar.d other valuable holdlnca. The Canadian Pacific la known to be eeeklng a Seattle entrance and the Pa cific Coaat company'B property there la eald to be Juat what It wante. If either the Canadian Paclflo or Hill fume out to be the new owner, the queatlon arleea whether tha preaent agreement of the Paclflo - Coaat . Staamahlp company not to run ateamere to Portland In compe tition with Harrlman'e Portland Ban Francleco line will be aet aalde, . j - 1 ' . That the Harrlman. rather than any other tranacontlnental railroad Intereat, la behind the reported change of owner ehlp of the Paclflo Coaat company la more etrongly than ever believed In Portland. Thla belief ta baaed on poel- tlve knowledge that tha Harrlman rail. road llnea wilt be extended to Puget aound In tha near future. Ht will be the aim of Mr.' Harrlman to acaulra. ao far aa poaalble, eateb llahad properties. In order that bla ob ject may be attained In the ehorteet poaetble time and hie object, a la well known, la to retaliate agalnat Hill for invading Oregon. There are sub stantial armunds. It la eald. for the re- porr-rnit-TTrrirBirTiia ian opt lone on the Tacoma saatern, tne eeattie- Tacoma electrlo road and the eurveye. rlghta of way and franchlaee "of the electric road projected between Tacoma and Portland, and that he le buying heavily la Seattle terminal ground - If be can, by oecurlng the Pacific Coaat eonapany'a " properties on the sound, acquire ready-made transporta tion factlltiee that will aid In hie rail road venture. It ' la said, he would be likely to avail himself of them. Ac cording to annual reporta of the . Har rlman linee they are tremendously rich In cash on band and quickly convertible securities Tbey have- anade many mil lions of profit out of the flee In values of the etock of HUUlneev-having been heavy boldere of thla etock. HARRIIIAN SELLlnG OUT OF THE HILL PROPERTIES Magnate Realizes Handsome Profit on Money Invested in Northern Securities. Haemal feeds! Service.) 1 New Tork, Jan. la. -In well-informed financial circles It la understood that the Union Paclflo company haa eold a part of Ita holdings in Great Northern preferred at an average price of SSe and that the balance of the etock will be eold when the time le eonaldered rleht to do ao. In June the Union Pa clflo owned over tlS.000.eoe o Great Northern etock, over $14,000,000 of Northern Pacific, nearly 1.000,000 of Northern Securltlea and . $114,000 of Northern BeCurltlee etub etock. Prior to that time It had eold ever of Northern Securities for ehout lie. 00.000. and br December 1 It bad con verted all Ita Northern Securltlee etock. receiving fS.SIS.lfl or Great Northern. I4.i8t.0i0 of Northern Paclflo. and $11$, $00 of etub etock. After the con version the company held SM.0S4 aharee af Great Northern, which, ir eold at $100 a share, would net the Union Pa clflo $15,000,000 more than the initial cost of all the wu etocae ownea vj tha eomoanr. The Harrlman venture Into Northern Paclflo in lei haa netted the Union Pa clflo company STS.STl.sia, inia calcula tion being baaed en the supposition that the Great Northern etock can be liquidated at Sloe. Br tne investment of the cash profit from the aale of Great Northern at I per cent. ; together with the dividend on Northern Paclflo and Northern Securltlee stubs, the com pen? would receive en amount equal to ltt per cent- a year on the entire amount of ita common si oca. ana con vertible bonds. , JOHN HUTCHINS DIES -r NEAR PLEASANT HOME rieeelal Dtosetek Tee learaaL) ' Orient. Or.. Jan. I. John Hutchlne died near Pleasant Home January SI of heart disease, He Waa born in Tlogo county ,-Penneylvanla. HaenHtted "aa a nrlvate In company to First Pennsyl vania -tavsifn-at -the-ar' or-tSyert, and waa discharged December f . l4. Mr. Hutohlaa we married to Mlae Suet. J. Bailey September IT. 1171. Hie wife died et Albany. Oregon, December It. 1004, and shortly after her death Mr. Hotehlne went to a farm near Pleasant Homo. He leaves two sons end two daughters. Royal, tha oldest son. le married end lives near Lebanon. A iiBuehter la married and Uvea near In dependences Hie youngeet eon end daughter were living with him at the time ef hie death. A brother res Idea in Albany, Oregon, , ,. -- BhiuHt a. Tka Jaan.Lk Baker City, Or Jan. 1. Two pro prietors ef the ealoone raided Wednee day eight had a preliminary bearing be fore a justice of the peace yesterday . mmrm, IuhiwI MM In- th lUm-.f $1.0 each. The remainder will be tried laoe eixemewH. . . . , m 11 j -1 , - 1 ' 4 r 1 7A 7 l;r V I f' ScA i I III -vV'TrA,: , " III : x v-:!frl ... ::':, -v,; -ill I 1 ..- -1 mm 1 in ' I m y 111 ..' s V aw - 1, . r ill ;. . l 1 -. . V f 11 - . 11 - III : I v7 Si ST ' ' 4 aaBMW -III t' V AsK Ill"' ... 3 e7III ill: W'YJl Alvl III J. V J. 1 - i' THE HANDSOME TMB STORE THAT QIVES TH8 HAND80MQ PRESENTS AWAY ' FREE WALLA WALLA WOMAN INSANE OVER RELIGION (SpeHal THepetrb to The " . Walla Walla. Wash.. Jan. SS. A vle- m .w. -ki.., nf naw rellaioua sect called the Salnte of the Church of tha Living - God. - Mra. mrr -wi, -widow 49 yeare of age, wae declared In aane In the euperlor court yeaterday and ordered committed to the Medical Lake asylum. When found by the Ul cere at her home In the eastern pert of the city Wednesday ; night, Mrs. Berg waa surrounded by J. C. Teylor, the teacher of the strange creed, and sev eral of ble followere. who were pray ing and quoting rellgloue passagee to an accompaniment of the ahrleklnge end walllnge of the demented woman. She haa three children, who have been placed In the care of the keeper of. the county poof farm.' The creed which Taylor ea pounda nightly to eaclted audlencee In the eastern part of the city la similar to that of the "Holy Rollera." Judge Brents. In ordering the woman commit ted, v Intimated that Teylor - ahould be prosecuieo. FORMER WARDEN 0RYDEW IS SUED, FOR DIVORCE ntpeHal TtWpatrh Tee JostbbJ.I ' Walla Walla. Wash., Jan. S. A copy of the complaint and summons In df vqree proceedlnge commenced In King OniD J.VMMAQO. v '. --Ji. TL Can man. Chicago, writea Mareb 4 100S: "Having been troubled with L,umbege, at different ttmee and tried one physician after another, then dif ferent ointments and llnlmenta. gave It op altogether. So I tried once mere end got a bottle of BaJlard'e Snow LJnl mea which gave me almost Instant re lief, and will add my name to your list of- suft.rers.4 Bold by Woodard, Clarke Jk Co. - c OurheviotuitsncU-Ovcrcoats most desirable for business or street wean comolete line of sizes in hand some patterns and els. Superior in fit, $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 SALE SPECIAL Children's Stunning values in our Children's Departments. "Reg- ular $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 Sale special..:..:.. to See the 1MMC Decidedly handsome -and fashionablejv-77vv blocks m new derbies are displayed in our vestibule-window. i Will be Decided on SATURDAY, JANUARY 27; at 9 P. M. Those Interested ho dangeroue drugs or eleoholie eon coctlonearetakealntoJlheBtomach when Hyomel le need. Breathed through the Inhaler, the balaamle healing of Hy omel penetratee to the most remote cells of the nose end throat, and thus ktlla the catarrhal germ a, heals the Irritated mucous membrane end gives complete and permanent cure. ' . Hyomel le the simplest, meet pleas ant end tha only guaranteed cure for catarrh that has been discovered. ; Com plete outfit. $1.00: extra bottle. 10 eente. Wot -mml-lr-!iiroo4r4r-Clr It si ewawsltBt ts est H n Hjn I f W4 ard. Clarke a Cv. er enat. ethr aratft.t. l will lnrarae mm ut U bar wrl BJ eutt ea -reript ef rte. THg - ByosMt kMa., T. BOOTH CO.. Itkacs. Mw Tark. county by. lira, Ella Dryden, ' wife of Fred A. Dryden. former warden, of the state penitentiary, were served on Mr. Dryden yeaterday afternoon at the Louvre hotel, which be recently pur chased, by Sheriff Painter. Mra. Dry den ehargae desertion. The Drydena were married In Arkanaea lel$$$ and have one eon, 14 yeare ef age, of whom Mra. Dryden aeka the custody. Mr. Dryden recently came to Walla Walla and purchased the Louvre hotel and saloon. . : TELEPHONE OFFICIALS VISIT CAKER CI 1 1 . (apertal tMssetta s Tke Jesraat.) Baker City, Or., Jan. !. iTealu.: Importi fashionable mod quality and style. f 5 Suits $3.85 Peer of all $3 8i BED ROOM SET are Invited to be Present IN A We treat successfully ell prtrete ner vous and chronlo diseases of men; alee blood, atomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We cure STPHILW (without mercury) to ey cured for ever. We remove STRICTURE!, wltb- . out operation or pain, in It daya. Wa aton drama, nlaht losses spermatorrhea by a new method In a short time. We can restore the eexueJ vigor of any man under SO by means ef - tocai ireatment pecuJiar to ourseivaa. We Cure Gonorrhoea - In a Week The doetore of thl institute are ell regular graduates, have bad many years' experience, have been known In j-oniana lor i yeare, nave a repute to maintain, and will undertake no i nnleee certain cure can be effaetett. We guarantee a cure In everv mu W undertake or charge no fee. .Consulta - tlon free. Letters confidential. Inatruo - plain wrapper. . , We euro the worst eases of pllee In tea er three treatmenta, without opere eeaiful" Cnno- cU bgoe. write foe Ofllce boure. ta I and ttot Bend Co DR. W. NORTON. DAVIS & CO. Omoee hi Ven Noy Hotet SItt Third Street. Corner Pine. Portland. Oa. ' r. Scott and ether high official! of the Paclflo States Telephone company ar rived In Baker City yeaterday In a pri vate car and spent the day looking over the city. Before leaving last night the company closed a deal to purchase a half block of ground In the heart of the eity and early In the spring will erect a two-story brick building for a central station. The entire system le to be remodeled and new automatlo em changes will be Introduced yCrrr X V Hats ; 19S Third Gtrcotl k tS TZX qneeUoa jblank. oma Jmtmeai , aye and; Holidaya. Iff U IS. ' . try iverAi i WEEEC and -1 1 :,n. -. r r TEETH rar seedeevi dertaS w . WerU-re. fcewaed speei.,.tsv Levei prt e m--" '- " f' . - : - v "rV