The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 26, 1906, Image 16

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Alaaka Amalgamated- Copper
- v . Company May Establish .
: ' Tr Ona With Valdez;
In Event Mines Prove m Rich as
Company -JWill - Dsclds
Also to Build Smelter in Portland,
Says L. C D01na. ' - - ; -
v ' . ' Through the operation In Alaska of
the, Alaska Awilnmit4 Copper oom
, pany, largely controlled by Portland
y-" men of wealth sad Influence, a steam
ship line between this city and Valdes
' and monster copper smelter hers may.
mult Tba company baa ' been In
' coipoiatod -for fl.ItO.00 and on Febru
ary 1 wUl aond Into tba copper country
"of Alaska tba largest prlvata espedltioa
.that ever Invaded that frosea Interior.
; W.-A. Meera. president of tba Portland
Jobbera association, la president, and
'.: B. V. Dillmaa of Seattle, Washington. U
secretary of tba company. - Tha persoa-
? ' members being -axperta oa ooppar and
.. ooppar mining: - - -
' - C I Warner of Now fork, dlsooverer
. of tno Bonansa ooppar mine low owned
' by tba Havemyers of sugar trust fame;
H.H. Oraar of Seattle, discoverer of tba
Michigan eoppar group., owned by tba
Calumet at Hecla people of Michigan;
"B. A. Bnglaaon, formerly of Portland,
,'' . locator of the Ramehead group f eop
. par ml nee: Frank roster of this city,
Hurry, Fitch, of Oregon , and Mam
'" Wetter - .,'..'.; . . ,, ,
"Our mlnaa are on the Naaina river,
' at tha head of Copper river," said X C
-, XMllman of Seattle, a member of -the
company, - at the Portland hotel this
morning. "Tha object of the expedition
.." Je to acquire additional' eoppar groead.
Our present holdings will, , by June, be
touched try the railroad in course of
eogtstructloa from Valdea on tba coast
to the Bonansa mines. - The expedition
" . which we are sending oat is tha largest
, and most expensive one ever sent Into
that country. Tha tnea earry with them
more .than ll.ooe aach for an emergency,
The ore from the mines, we
sent,- rv r -.' .
As to a steamahJp Una between here
and Valdes. and tha erection of a cop
per smelter In Portland, I am not at
liberty to say much at this time. We
are building great ; hopes - around ' our
oompany and if things progress as an
t lot pa tod It will be found Impracticable
to ship our ore to Omaha for smelting
purposes, our Dullness - will oe none
through Portland. Ju Una of steamers
may be found necessary to handle our
ore. in that event we would need
smelter close by. -If we do business
through Portland a. smelter here to
handle .our output . would be a natural
consequence." -. ,'t, .'
The experiment of making walks at
the Harrison- school of finished hssalfla
rock has proved a' failure. The abarp
stones not only cut the shoes of the
pupils, but are carried Into the rooms.
where, they grinds the flooca.
A The meeting of the board t)f school
dlieuturs yesterday aRerhoon
. was
decided to plaee a coating of aand over
the sharp stones and roll- It down with
a heavy roller. . Thomas Jones, gaper
lntendent of construction, will - make
the repairs immediately.
- About 10 defective seats which have
been the cause of much dissatisfaction
at the Chapman school were ordered re
placed with new ones. The seats pitch
forward and children - slide downward,
placing, them In' an extremely unoom-
fortable position. Director I N. Flelsch
ner made an-Investigation Wednesday
end , reported that It was a disgrace to
... sVftlean
to alttin such- seats..
. M. B. Freeman,' who was awarded the
contract for building the east side high
school of Teniae blue sandstone, In
formed the .beard that he was prepared
to proceed with the work without de
lay. It is desired to ave. the building
ready for occupancy by next Septem
ber. , - .
by Boys' Ota.
An entertainment " will be given to
night at o'clock at the Fourth Pres
byterian churoh. Tlrst and Oibs streets.
oy ui dots' club of south Portland.
This will be the first entertainment
given by the boys' club. The entertain
ment Is free, and a cordial Invitation
Is extended to all.
"It Waa almost a mtrarla. Runtnrlr
oiooa joiners cureo me or a terrible
breaking out all over the body. I am
very grateful.'' Mies Julia -FUbrldge,
v eei Lruweii, umn,
Tte Excrtllcnt Dencnds
cl lie Landlord .
Compel Us to
Move on Feb. 1
To a new location at SIS Washing
ton Street . near Sixth and from
Today until next Thursday
Of every shoe we have in stock. As we
dearirrmens "shoes only we are, of "course,
. : i i i- ! t" t! m
invoucu tcaucis in uus une, ana now wo
are offering our very - best bargains : to-
decrease our stock..
T0L Hood 74
( ill
Addresses . Communication to
Port of Portland Commission
- Expressing His Views. ;
Bride Only Thirty-Nine Foot Above
Low Water Mark an Obstruction
to Commerce, DeclarerMr. Ayer
High Brldf Better Every Wayv
1TO Waiklngtom St; Bt Third mmd Fourth
. U rs res sated ta tka" '
I Columbia
With m Tear's sabseriptloa
; Grapiio-
.. This Is the regular 7.80 machine, which faithfully reproduces eny of X
the thousands of Columbia records which range through every feature of
the Entertainers Art and Music In every, form. ,
THS JOURNAL in offering this premium to Its -subscribers, feels that Z
they are putting Into every home which avails Itself of this offer a con- X
Unt resource for entertainment lo every dull or blue moment. ... T
this Opportunity Is Open NOW
Fill In and mall to this offlcs the coupon 'printed below and
. have a solicitor call and explain tha OFFER to rou fully, thus tmttlna
you to no trouble.
Man this la today, not tomorrow.
we win aV
i i ate ...'.,.,(.,
To THE JOURNAL, ' V ; ; : '
'jV Fifth and Yamhill Streets t -V1.:,";" 5
" ? Plesse send solicitor to my address to explain FREE
GRAPHOPHONE OFFER.'-, . - . . : '. . ..
Vv;:vNameA..;...;;..v... .'V:;i.;::;.-;
" ; Address...:............... ...... ..i.Vi.v...:;
That the bridge of the Portland
Seattle Railroad oompany across the
WUUmettershould be (0 feet above low
water mark, rather than It feet, as pro
vided for in the plans, la the contention
of W. B. Ayer In a communication ad
dressed to the Port of Portland com'
mission. He argues that a bridge only
It feet above low water mark Is aa ob
struction to commerce. Mr. Ayer etates
that there was a general understanding
when the steel bridge was constructed
that no more It-foot bridges should be
built His communication In full Is
TCrnandTJan. I. To the lfembers
of the Port of Portland Commlsslon--
Oentlemen: Referring to the oommunl'
cation of the engineers of the Portland
Seattle Railway company, published
In this morning's Oregon Ian. covering
their arguments against ' raising the
proposed bridge across the entrance of
our harbor to f root eoove tow water,
I would call your attention to the fol
lowing: .......
"When the right to span the river
was granted to the owners of the steel
bridge the feeling was pronounced that
at no future time and under no condi
tions would another bridge be permitted
to cross the river to further obstruct
our harbor and to hinder, navigation;
and to that end the following clause
was Inserted by the legislature In the
grant to the O. R. st N. Co.:
. -- ivegtslaelve aVovteleev
That the legislative assembly of
this state shall have the right, power
and 'authority at any time to prescribe
such rules, regulations and rates of toll
for transit and transportation ovsr said
bridge and the management thereof as
may be deemed proper, and reasonable,
except that the county court of Multno
mah county Is hereby authorised to rue.
alter and establish from time to time
the rates of toll to bo charged by such
corporation or Us assigns for the pass
age of footman (footmen), vehicles and
ordinary travel other than rail; pro
vided, that said, corporation or its as-
corporatlon or Its assigns to use salo
bridge. In the. Sams manner and under
the same rules and regulations as said
corporation or ita assigns authorised to
construct and use said bridge aa may
be prescribed for its own trafflo across
said bridge on paying a reasonable com
pensation therefor; and - In case said
companies shall not agree, then the
governor, secretary of state and stats
treasurer of this state shall constitute
board to determine what said com
pensation shall be, with power to send
for persons and papers and compel at
tendance and production thereof, and
to administer oaths and take testimony
for the 1 purpose of arriving at a cor
rect -decision In referenoe to the com
pensation to be paid; and this decision
shalr-oe-flnat unless altered or changed
by the legislature.'
"Now comes the Portland Seattle
Railway,' owned Jointly by the Northern
Pacific and Great Northern Rati we y
companies. Ignoring their right to cross
the steel bridge, making Independent
surveys and demanding the right .to
plaoe an obstruction across ths entrance
to tur. harbor, .and considering any
modification of their plana which tends
to lessen the damage to our port as
hostile and uncalled for..
, Boaa Zs Wslooaae. ,
"Every cltlsen of Portland greets
with open arms the coming of this
road, and every one desires that there
should .be no unreasonable obstacle
placed In their way.. ..Neither d we de
sire that our port should have obstruc
tions placed across It when the same
can be avoided by the expenditure of
a comparatively small sum of money,
an amount Insignificant when compared
with the millions spent on our river
by the Port of Portland and the United
States government, and after- all our
labor, past, present and future, to make
and maintain a port -
The river commerce of this city is
large and constantly growing, and with
the opening of the obstructions st
Celllo will Increase many fold. ' The
cnaracter or steamer engaged In thl
traffic Is the flat-bottom, light-draft
stern wheelnr,. and roust be held In posi
tion py nog chains passing over posts.
These poets regulate the height above
the water,- and from measurements
taken vary from 40 to 11 feet In height
By some modifications they can''be re
duced 10 or IX feet, bringing them
down to 41 feet In the construction
of. new boats this can possibly -be still
(rood Slgestloa TaUl Zt Zs Xost.
Many people suffer from dyspepsia
and do not know It , They feel mean,
out of sorts, peevleh, do not sleep well,
do not have a good, keen appetite, do
not have the Inclination and energy
for physical or' mental work they onoe
had. but at the same time oo not reel
any. particular pain or distress la the
stomach. Tat ail this Is the result of
poor digestion, an Insidious form of
Dyspepsia whloh can only be cured by
a remedy- specially Intended te : core
it and make the digestive - organs act
naturally, and properly digest the food
eaten. Bitters, after dinner plus and
nervs tonics will never help the trou
ble; tliey. don't reach It The ' new
medical discovery does. It Is called
Stuart'. Dyspepsia Tablets and Is a
specific for dyspepsia and Indigestion.
It cures Deoauss it morousuiy aigepw
all wholesome ' food taken Into the
stomach, whether the stomach U la
good wui king order or not - '
Stuart -s Dyspepsia Tablets, ay digest
ing ths food,. Instead of making, ths
wqrnput stoinaok do all.Jthe woraV-ClTSS
it a much needed reat and a cure of
tsmusia. IS lilt llallU'aliftSj
When you are nervous, run dowa
and sleeplees, don't make the
mistake of supposing your nervous
system needs treatment and All your
stomaoh with powerful nerve tonics
whloh make you feel good for a-little
while only : to - fall back farther than
'ever. .
Tour nerves- are all right, but they
are stsrved, they want food.
Nourish them with wholesome every
day food and plenty of it, well di
gested, and you eaa laugh at nerve
tonlce and medicine. -
But, the nerves will not ha nourw
Ished from a weak, abused stomach,
but when the digestion .has been made
perfect by. the use of this remedy all
nervous symptoms disappear.
who ever beard of a man or woman
blessed with a vigorous digestion and
good --appetite being troubled .with
their nerves t i-
Oood digestion means a strong ner
vous system, aounoanee or energy,
and capacity to enjoy the good things
of Ufa - ...
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will cer
tainly set your stomach and digestive
organs right; they can't help but do
ItjMcaftse they nourish the body by
digesting the food eaten, and rest the
stomach. "
Tou gat nourishment and reat at one
and the same time, and that Is all the
womout dyspeptlo needs-to-build him
up and give new life to every orgaa
and an added aest to every pleasure. ,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a
god-send to the army of - men and
women with weak stomachs and nerves
and Justly merits the claim of being
one of the most worthy medical discov
eries of ths time.
further reduced; but even 41 (feet, with
a bridge 60 'feet above low water,' will
give a clearance of II feet, allowing all
of this trafflo to pass under the bridge
and not through -the draw span, except
aunng we .summer nign water, wnen
there is no current In the Willap-ette
river. t Tno guveiiuucut records shew
Oar Ioeal Braggists, Woods d, Clarke
C7 Tell People the Best Pra
, veatlve and Ours. '
So many cases of ths grippe have
been reported during the past month
throughout the state that soms of our
leedlng physicians have been trying to
locate the cause, and have spent much
time In the health departmenta of our
various cities carrying on the research.
A .member of the '-above Arm, when
Interviewed In ' regard to this matter.
said: r "It is the people who are run
down and physically below par, who get
ths grippe and contract contagious dls.
eases, and It Is a wsrnlns- tn vtr m.
woman and child In Portland to build
themselves up at this season of the
year. There Is no doubt that the cod
Ilver6ll" preparatlonr Vlnol." hae pre
vented arid cured more cases of the
grippe than any other remedy we know
of. This Is because Vlnot contains In' a
concentrated form all of the vital prin
ciples of. cod liver oil without any of
the system-clogging oil to upset the
stomach and retard its work.
After grippe Vlnol purines and en
riches the blood, tones up ths digestive
organs and strengthens every organ In
the body to do Its .work as nature In
In the strongest manner ws endorse
and guarantee Vlnol to ward off dis
ease end to build up the run down, tired
and debilitated, give , strength and re
newed .vitality to the aged, cure chronic
coughs and colde and build up the con
valescent cr return to the purchaser
every dollar paid for it". Woodard.
Clarke" A Co.,, Druggists. , - , .
that during tha past five years there
have been a total of only II days be
tween August 1 of one year and May 1
of the next year when the water was
II feet above sera If all of this river
traffic is removed from the channel
leading through the draw. It will leave
it 'clear for the passage of ocean-going
craft, and greatly lessen the obstacles
to navigation. This ocean traiite Is In-
creasing rapidly, and with the removal
of the bar at the mouth of the Colum
bia and the completion of the Panama
canal will Increase enormously.
rent Orewth of Conusance.
lustratethe" growth of our
commerce, take for example the Increase
In eur lumber shipments.. .We shipped
Xrom. .Portland by watari :
Feet ' Feet
101.... 47.000.000 I 104. ...111.000.000
l0t.... 10,000.000 1005... .110.000.000
"And to quote from the communica
tion to your body by the Oregon Lum
ber Manufacturers'-association, an as
sociation containing over TO members
scattered throughout the stats: '
The competition for foreign lumber
cargo trade Is very keen,' and every im
pediment which results in higher port
charges necessarily Increases the char
ter rates and has a decided tendency
to drive commerce to-more favorably
situated porta The foreign lumber
trade of Portland has been developed at
a greet expenses-end It would be most
unwise and unfortunate at. this time to
throw any further obstacles In the path
of commerce by ths erection of a low
bridge across ths entrance to the har
bor at Portland. . ,
"The objection of the. englneere to
Increasing the height of the proposed
bridge Is on account of ths Initial coat
and Increased expense of operation.
From the maps filed with you It is
shown that the grade from the Colum
bla bridge to tho Willamette bridge as
located gives an up grade for about
half the distance of two-tenths of 1 per
cent and then a down grade of two-
tenths of 1 per cent - By raising the
height to feet it gives them an all up
grade of two-tenths of 1 per cent con
sequent 1 ya . down grade lo the Colu m-
bla of the same; so the grade across the
peninsula Is not changed. It simply
reauces me oeptn or tne unsigntiy cut
It is practically four miles from the
west end of the draw of the Willamette
bridge to the North Pacific Lumber
company's plant, and In this distance
they have to drop. If the bridge la lifted
to a (0-foot clearance, less than If feet;
In Which distance they can easily main
tain a low grade. .i --
Tho engineers state In their communi
cation that the O. R. s N. Co. has built
at great expense to miles of road
around Bt. Johns . to avoid .the . grade
through 'Sullivan's gulch. ' And yet the
Portland at Beattla objects to the com
paratively slight expense entailed bf
lifting Its tracks for less than one fifth
of this distance,, It has not advised you
what the grade of the proposed cut-off
of the O. R. A N. will be.. As they refer
to the matter, it Is proper for you to be
Informed, and I find upon Inquiry that
several surveys - have been made, and
the one that will probably be selected
will havs a maximum grade of five
tenths of one per cent If the west ap
proach to the Willamette bridge , were
to be - the same It would cover a dis
tance of less than two miles; but what
ever the grade established It would be
a, down grnf tntn tw i m
Every Article in 6q
Stock Mercilessly- '
$1.50 8ults...........l...08f
$3.60 Suits... ........ ..81.78
$2.95 Suits.... $2.38
$3.44 Suits... . .... . . . ; .$2.98
; Boys Overcoats
$3.85 Overcoats......!. $2.48
$8.00 Overcoats........ 83.98
$10.00 Overcoafs,. . . . . .$7.85
Knee Pans
85c values ................ 19ft
50c values ...... .33)
75c values ..;..;..:...68
$1.00 values ........... .83
Ironclad Hose
- best quality . .18J
Men 'a Wool Sox. . ... . .... .9t
i:.:- s .
Boy' Flannel
V; Blouses
50c Blouses
75c Blouses ...
mm V . a 33)
m v-. 34t"
V1 Underwear'
Best 50c Fleeced Under-. .
wear .................35e
'Wright's Fleece-Lined Health
Underwear .C8e
60c and 75c values. . . . .35
Three for ...,..M.....S1.00 -t5c
values .............. 19)
Men's Shirts
Best $1 Shirts In the city.".73e
Best 75c Shirts in the clty.39
Mien You See It in Our Ad It's So!
sr ?-- - ' mm m m mmmmr
thus be an advantage rather than other-
Wl .' ' ' '''.'
"Tou are aware that practically all
of their business " originates east of
Pasco, and it is fair to ask whst grades
exist between that point and Spokane.
While I cannot-answer definitely. I be
lieve that It exceeds 1 per cent In many
piarea - - - ... .-
"Tou will observe from the plans
filed with you that there le also an ap
proach from the west end turning north.
connecting wun tne northern pacific
line running to Ooble. thus enabling
them to move the Jrarrio originating
down ths river acr6sa the bridge to
their propoeed mektng-up yards on tha
Columbia, without coming Into their
Portland yards. r '
'I contend that It la placing an Insig
nificant burden upon the-railroad to re
Quire it to construct Ha bridge with a
(0-foot clearance kt low water;' that It
can, by extending Its approaches a fsw
miles, maintain a minimum grade and
pus back equipment into the content
Lucie Keesing
: 'Lillian Howard
Miss Belie Lawrence
And Many Other Special
'; Features Including
(ntetfc and
- Tolefih Trio
Owing to the overcrowded
houses in the evening the
management has decided to
have Special Daily . Mati
nees, 'eginning Monday,
from 2 to 8 o'clock, A spe
cial : select , company ha
been engaged for. the mati-
nees only;, :
Progrsm Chingtd Daily.
Entrances at-21-Mortk Third
street, 21, 23 and 25 North Sec
ond street, and 243, 245 and 247
Burnside street.- - . .
plated storage yards; or, by Increasing
the grade, stilt keep very much under 1
per cent, which Is not at all excessive
for an approach to a elty of the Impor
tance of Portland, and make the point
of contact with Its present constructed
line where It desires, or by switch do
- "Tou, gentlemen, are the guard lan I
of. our port, and as such I am -con
vlnced wUL not permit any nnnceessary
obstacle to permanently - obstruct our
harbor. Very respectfully,
. l y "W. B. ATBR."
1 . '
Monarch over peln. Burns, cuts,
epratna, stlnga ' Instant relief. - Dr.
Thomas' , Eclec trie OIL . At , any drug
store... . . v . . j
o n
Wa Offer to the Ladles of Portland for Tomorrow Only
108:1 airs ol Lsdles9
Fine. Miiefiier: Siloes
Sent by express from the east to Portland by mistake, have
been secured by us at a fraction of their wholesale worth.
rather than that the manufacturers should pay -return-e
press charges upon the package. They are a neat, trim, upJ
to-date vicl kid lace, Blucher cut (like cut), patent tip, ex
v .' ; tension sole and Cuban heel'-.
$2.50 and $3 Values
JThis it one of the greatest ahoe bargains of the season and
would be hard to equal anywhere on earth. We just caught'
- ttfs little lot of stylish footwear on the fly, and -(hey surely "
.'will not last all the day tomorrow. The bargain is one
worth getting up early in the morning to take advantage of
' . "Homo of SupmrUMoo Vdtuo$" ' . X-l :i
1tzztzzz Ctd 1SS2