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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
IXUiaQreiMtoN- JANUARY U 1.-1 mmm an RAISE PRICES ".v 8utchsrs Agree Not to Cut Rates K and Two to Three-Cent t- v Advance Expected, i ' NOW GROCERS PLAN l TO JOIN BUTCHERS if This U Don General Advance to the Consumer Will Retult Plan Ja 4-Tormed to Whip WholeaalcraJnto :r Una With Threat. V 5 The nubile- l - now- facing- higher Value in both groceries and msata Tha butchers recently decided to abandon tha low-nrlcee some of them nave adopted In order to -secure trade. Now a combination of butchers and grocers to maintain prices Is proposed. Tha Meat Men's association bas not alone , decided to do this, but it Is preparing- to ' fores the recalcitrants into lino. No butcher belonging to tha association 'will be allowed to buy from any wbole ' aalrr who supplies meat to a firm that cuts the prices fined by tha assoela- . i T ih. ....Mtn thla mesne thst values will be advanced from 1 to I cants a pound over tha present rates. . At present the grocers hsvs an asso ciation of thslr own the-Portland Re tail Grocers' association. , Thta associa tion was formed ' primarily with tha ' view to securing the cooperation of tha trad In enforcing sr few , needed re forms. The. association la said to have tried to etop price-cutting, with,, no sue- " If the new plan for, tha grocers to Join forces, with the butchers one or ' ganlsatlon to swing both trades Is car rled oat It will causa a general advance - to the consumer, , To, make the scheme a success from . the start It Is planned to enroll tha larger grocers In the list of organisers. When a sufficient number of members la secured to make a showing, tha plan Is for the association to go before the organisation of tha wholesalers and de mand that no goods be sold to those 'outside of the retailers organisation. - la the event of a failure to comply - 'with this demand - the retailers will threaten to open a 'Wholesale house of their own. ' - - t'nder this ruling an Independent firm ' will have a hard row to hoe in thla city, for It must fight the combined organ isation of the grocers and butchers. It Is proposed that If It is decided by . 'the combined organisation that there - la a sufficient number of groceries or r butcher a hope In a certain district of the-city no new store will be allowed tbert, Dlndependani, who broke this rule would have a fight on his hands. SAYS HUSBAND TOLD HER TO GET OUT AND RUSTLE , " . . i. . ' ii i ii - Attorney Edward T. Tag-gait , has filed - an amended - complaint In the divorce suit-.of - Busts A. MrCroaksy against Ellsworth P. McCroskey. It Is ' alleged that on December 10 McCroskey wrote from -Baa -.Franclaco, - where he was visiting, to hie wife, notifying1 her that he would not provide for her or . her family any mora and advlalng thsm to get out and rustle for It" It is also alleged that owing to the cruel treatment of McCroskey hie wife was, in December, 101, compelled to leare -Portland end remained away until Sep- bsy-4s0l. when her husband 4s said . to have sent for her. She al leave that ' alnee her return abe has been Informed that during her absence her husband lived with woman named Miller. The McCroakeys were first married In Sao City. Iowa, October II, list, bat were dlvoroed June It. HIT. They were agar married In Portland October 10, 1101. . There are four children. . . MAIL ORDERS FOR GRAND OPERA BEING RECEIVED " i ' . J, v ' Mall orders for both season and single opera tickets are being received dally at the Marquam Grand theatre for the Savage opera season, from both In and eat of town. The opening opera, "Tann hsuser." will be given .Monday night. February I; Xa Boheme,". Tuesday night: "Lohengrin," at the matinee Wed nesday, and "Fault" Wednesday night. Seaaon mall' orders take preference of elngle mall ordera and the window sales. Make checks and money orders payable to W. T. Pangle, Inclosing- an addressed atamped envelope for ear return. Tele ' phone Marquam theatre, Main Ml, for any information desired. .- The produce market have euppllee ef almost everything; with the excep tion of a few summer-time fruits. - The finest orange are on sals at most rea sonable prlcea Of course, apple are high, but they eaa be secured la better quality than before. O rapes are shown In the larger market Spain Is fur nishing the supplies. ; Bananas never looked sweater or more yellow, than those shown in the market today. As far as comparison of price goes the winter bas somewhat the better of the summer season In bananas Pears are somewhat higher than early In the son. Even atrawberrlea are shown In a fsw markets. They look good and taste food.? There's no nee of worrying; becauee the summer and fall have given way to winter. -T--KKk at the vegetable markeW. Qsrdsa-paea.'-fioiu-ieHforwIe, but not so bad, are seen In moat stores. The springlike weather ha caused the appearance ef mushrooms again. As big a sauoer, , they sell for I cent a pound. There is. a alight -scarcity in the supplies of Oregon cabbage, but the home stocks are far superior to those brought In from the south. Cauliflower from Los Angelss has begun to come In steady stream: quality quite good. Celery lrom the south Is not quits-aa good ae that grown at ' home. String bean and other garden truck are fully tip to the average In quality. ing expenses these day a Everything Is high. Fruits- are costly, vsgetables are way up and canned gooda have al most reached Klondike values. There Is reason for this, howsver, and the reason la not so far away. Thla sea son there was a big shortage In the production of tomatoes In the Unlteq States. Borne 1.000,000 eases less were packed In the country on thta account during the present season. Everywhere the crop was below normal. There are two dosen one-pound csne of tomatoss in a caae; the shortage thus showing a loss of 71,000,000 cans from the pack of a year ago. ' The crop at that time was somewhat short, of the. requlre msnts of ths trade. Tomatoes were not the only product to show a" sliui tage the past season. There wae hardly any pack or atraw berrlea. Peara were sesxeer than at any tolher time in recent yeara Blackber- the same account, and cherries, toe. Peaches proved a failure because of the lack of proper sunshine at the right time. This happened In the south as well sa In Oregon. In oorn there was a nack of 1I.01I.I0I cases for ths e son of 1101, as agalnat a pack of 11.- 1I2.C0 in ltOt. . There are two dosen cans of corn In each caae, so you csn see quite plainly why' the cost haa not ad vaneed, Meat or eur caanea -oorn comes from New York, Malee and Iowa. the latter stats furnishing the larger portion of the standard quality. Thirty cents , dosen 1 now the aver age price asked in the grocery stores for strictly fresh Oregon ranch eggs. Those now coming to market are very good, the percentage of seconds being small a compared with some time ago. The receipt are considerably larger and the dealer are ' of the opinion : that prlcea will, soon reach II cents; maybe lower.' .' ZJr . r- It cost considerable money for llv- The unsettled weather Is keeping the price of creamery butter high, but there la relief in signt. ins production in California will . soon Increase fast and this will force local prlcea down several notches without any trouble. The high prices ruling In the market have cre ated a . heavier demand for outside brands, these being from-1 to 10 cents a roll lower-than those manufactured in the city. ,. ; ' ACCEPTS CALL TO CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. Ben-Ezra Stilts Ely Jr. Rockford, Illinois, WIH Oc- a. m Di ilesktet ' ; '-- Dr. Ben-Esra SUM Ely Jr. of Reck' ford, Illinois,-haa accepted a call to the pastorate of ' Calvary Presbyterian church, this city. Telegraphic advloea of his acceptance-were received yester day. Members of the church are elated aa a result of his acceptance. .. The-eall was extended only, recently. Dr. . Ely Is said to be one of leleaeent piesclieis cTMs denomination and his work In Rockford Is said to have had - escellent, results. . He will sever his connection aa pastor of that church after a service of IS years. - It Is not definitely known when Dr. Ely will " arrive In Portland, but he la expected to reach here within a few weeks. -He wilt assume the dutlee aa pastor Immediately upon hie arrival. Business Still keep tip and our patron are more than pleased with the servloe we are giving-, and more than pleased with the quality of Meat and Poultry we are giving: them. , . , . , . Central Market KINDORP BROR. thejnoatliaOrand-AyerP DISSOLUTION SALE. Wools Mill Store Bale Slgrsst Said Store Silled With Buyers - Before g e Cloak Thla Moralngv The dissolution of partnership sal that was Inaugurated today, by the Salem" Woolen Mill Store, II and IT Third street. Is ths most successful clothing self of this season, of salea.lf one were to judge by ths large crowd that attended the opening; at an early hour this morning. Mr. C. P. Bishop, the new proprietor and manager, was on hand to greet the many friend of this popular clothing etors, who. had coma to take advantsgs of an oppor tunity to secure high-class suits at the nominal price of 11.11. which figure, Mr. Bishop states, hardly covers the cost of material alone. Eggs. ......... . .'.20a and 25 Ranch Eggs ....... ...... ,30ft Best Creamery Butter GOf, 65 Good Creamery' Butter.,... 50 Best Sugar Cured Hams... 13 Breakfast Bacon, lb. ....... 15i 5 lbs. Pure Lard.. .50 Chickens, per lb.. 16 and 17f All goods retailed at wholesale ; .,: prices. La Grande Creamery 264 YAMHILL ST. Milwaukie Country Club. : too Angeles and Oaklsnd raeea. Take Bellwood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. T XT TOW. OAjnroT owe Poultry and Display, call up MAIN IIS. and we will fill your orders and will guarantee en tire aatiaf action. G. CoVeach & Co. PUBASE CALL VT Main -4547 And give yonr order FOR GROCERIES Ton will get get full weight, cent. full - value. . Ton "will Tou will save I per DAVIS BROS. Cor. Sixteenth aad Morthma. "mm- Chy FJlarket First C& Colombia Pbone Main til. Independent uieBtdmpanv lsVBetTWasirtoirand'Alder -;:v rr.x pbon Main 377 Albany Market .ll ' SFi"1 Street ; ' - Wholesale 9nd Retail Butchers- We do advertising and we do as we agree In our advertisements. No one shall dictate to us about advertising, no one his tried to dicute to us. They know better. We have the money to buy our goods and have been on this market the best part of a quarter of a century and our trade is -growing so rapidly that we have found it necessary to have three markets on one street to take care of tb -tremendous blishrrierits f OTtheeryTeit and choicest meats at the lowest possible price. , We have added to this chain of retail markets the rRANKLINMAjBgr TltCXjtsjgejities meats at the present time than any two butchers in the state of Oregon our methods to the public are being Induced by the tremendous patronage that comes to us. -v.- vv:v ' : "' V'-;: '; ' . The packers say to us : . "If you have the , money you can buy, if you haven't; got the money you can't buy." We say the same to the public and the people that want tender meats and want to know what they are buy- Ing can be found by the hundreds in our markets at all times. ; .A - Portland Most Pop urn Meat Dealers City. Grocery 17S THIRD STREET Between Morrison and Tamhtn Street. Phone Main lit. . t eTerytaiaaT s ant One tte can Eag1 Milk. : ' One Ho can Baker a or Ohlrardslll's . Cocoa.' '7-7-'.--;':-:"fieOO :r " : II lba Granulated Sugar. ' . - One lie can Star Cream. . . 15d . 6ne llo call Bin Labot-Cbickoa Sonp.' 25 r;. One pound ef our famous M.-J. Coffee. " lOe-lb. aack Granulated Sugar. fl.00 r On aack Oood Bard-Wheat Flour. " " City Grocery Washington LOW PRICES HIQH GRADE MEATS We are selling the best MEATS. BOGS. POULTRY. BUTTER, ETC., at the most economical prices, and . your order wlU be given prompt and careful attention whether you oall or 'PHONB THIS ORDER. 112 First Street Sale. .... CMS West Park and Washington Sts. Main Z098 : ; We are grinding out tons of the best Coffee in town, and. there issues at the same time from this establishment large quantities o food products of all the best liked varieties- "-.';.'::, For TOMORROW (Saturday) Only 20J?cunds Dry Granulated Sugar ii o MOST DELICIOUS PIES, FRUIT CAKES. PUDDINGS 1 iv mm! In 2Pie 10c Packages and cookies. B . . ryr et eaiaitis cvniMice ururvnnv' b agi ta "a- si ata i a a ::.:,..-t: IVe Will Slill Continue Our Big Safurday Sales in Ml lines. ------ --- -- , - - ' . ( & Grocery Co. PHONE MAIN Hi2 People's Market FIRST AUD TAYLOR STS. Quick Dime Beats a taiy Quartet' Portland's Most Popular : GROCERIES gO -pounds Granulated Suirar f 4i (with order) . . . . a J eUt ; Fancy Potatoes, per sack. . . . i 1' .75e ISack Good Flourl..; ,.ijl.00 110 Pounds jiRoJled JDaUw,ww35 . 7 A'ounas i avy iieans , , , :7.25e 1 Pounds Pink or Red Beans 25 -TO-L.D. ; -acsrwmte C0frtmeaTrV7T25ej U"0-Lb; Sack Yellow CbrmneaT777T25i" ' 8 Cans Best Corn or Peas ........ .25f 1-2 Cans Premium Tomatoes. . - 4 Pounds Lfma Beans. .. . ... ...25f ' 2 Cans Table. Peaches . .25) A 1 Can Baker's Cocoa. ...... ......20 ; 12 Bars Soap . ..... , . ... . . , . . ,25 , 1 Gallon Table Syrup....... ;....40) Phone Orders Early Something 'Extra Good ".Glenwood" Brand Table Black- v .Jbcrries, .per .can . ... I........ , . . .1.0 f These blackberries are simply' "delicious SPECIALS 1 2 Cans Any, Kind of Cream, 15 Cents 1 Pound "Favorite", Blend Coffee,.20e Page's Special Butter, per roll.i.i. ,55 ." A Dozen Strictly Fresh Eggs 25--10-Pound Box Macaroni ............ 30 '10-Pound" Box Spapeni. . . .30f 10-Pdund BdirVermicelliT.". . . .... .30f 5 Pounds Swift's Compound Lard. 50 10 Pounds Swift's Compound Lard.80s 5-Pound Pail Monarch Brand Lard 50s : 10-Lb. Pail Monarch Brand Lard $1.00 Eastern Hams," per pound ...... .12, Picnic Hams, per pound.... ........ OfJ . Cottage Hams, per pound....... ..10 3 Cans Oysters 25 Free Delivery in City East Side Store 548 Williams Ave. Phone Bast B63 .BXolvveli ; (rsraurly ramer'a) v : WBOLESALE AND RTAILCSOCEB Ml, SM, SM Third st, ear. feffarsea. Bis; Ster ef Little Prices rotxewnie raioss wnx sats rov m. OK BVIXT BOIXaJU OVAXITT aVaJLAaTSU Weeters dry graaalattd eaas sngar, 100-lb- aek J..IS.M WMtara dry graaslated caae aagar, 1TM lbs . .T...... .7.91.00 Extra dry sTenalatod snsar, 100-lb aack..W.M Extra r graaatat earar, 19 Ibe tl.OS Beet leama, eraage aad cltnrn PK sot lb..lll e p.. hknui cieeeea anTinn .,,..sdc I pkc Bw I trews serded ralaloe 1ft I lbs aew t-srowa leoea afoeeauis ........36 l ib eaa Roral baking powder 4t 1-lb eaa Sehllllnf Beat baking powder.... M Craeae tt Blaekwell'a ellre oil, at settles.. eSe 1-lb pkg Arm A Hidm- eoda ...6e leal caa faaer table arras. ......0c H-ii.l eaa fiw table arms.. , .Kw T lbs rrenri praaM .SVt ghnedeS Wbeat blacalt. par pkg irx lbs Unlalass riea .......... s caas Ewlr Jane peaa.. 20 IE ears Hot. I saves aeas .2IM lb sail keet Ur4 , . ..tot 10-lb Mil bMt lard : II 00 SO-lb pall keat lard .il.M rtarst eaetera saaM, per lb......... ..lie Bt pirate aasM, per lb lOe Brat eottate banu (boMlen) pes tt-Tm-r.loe brdl.d eocoaaat, per lb 15a Hara-wbeat aaee. ner aaeh 11.00 Sootrh eata, per pkg .10e pag .................. .wtv iDtba eoie. or bar ......Be Beat Boft-w.Mt Sotir. ner aifkaM ........11.00 Java Mocha -enffae (KtaUr We) 3Rt V4 boa aoda cracker (about 10 lba) 50 Knellak Broaktaat tea. nr lb IBe fancy Oaneowdcr tea (resalar SBe) I lba brokaa Java eottee ............. ....2e 1 bare tar soap ..........fro Vaeaa, par pkg T'apr ereasj (loe alia) n. i..Se Eaat Sloe Dellverlte Taeadara aa4 rrldaa. . -1 ' FH0BX BtAXB 1(M.f ' Chiesor.larI(et f ThV1ulcy, sCesmlrig Roast I the main attraction of a -ood dinner." The meat must be weU cooked, but first It must be well cut At this market yon will find the choice of th choicest. .TRY OUR PRIME Rm ROAST OF BEEF", MUTTON, VEAU LAMB OR PORK. - VEAL SAUSAOH made "fresh every Saturday. .. FRESH KETTLE RENDERED LARD. BACON AND HAMS -A, SPECIALTY. Alt Deutsche Sdn 144 Filth Street Opposite Meier st Frank Store, none Main 1S, - - - - 1 .Nv ' ' in r Blaestem Blend '.': - ' . . - . . f - Is the best FLOUR BECAUSE We maintain a high "-8teWdiarit is Always the Same" ; rTEE COUSE THAT QUAUTT CDllfl ; An otmce of satisfaction , is worth ; a ton of talk. We reverse matters give' you an ounce of, talk . . . -.-..r . . ... V. ' . ;'-. ... just enough to attract your attention, and a ton of 8atisfactioa So send your orders for. Sunday's din ner. We have everythtog-can furnish your table ; with any kind of MEATS, POULTRY, VEOE .'. . TABLES, NUTS AND FRUIT. 105407 Third SL Phone Exchange 63 as For the Best lor Yocr Uoney TowiiSf nd & Van Scboochoven Waolaeals aad SetaQ Crroeera, - 147 FIRST STREET 55 and 65 a Roll :'7 "MBIT OSSA1HBY BUTTM. 30 Dosen " Strictly Freeh Ranch Egg . ' ': 2 for 25 V I Oood -Table - Peaehee- and Apricota -2 Cans 15 Standard Tomatoea ' 3 Cans 25r - . v Corn, Peas or String Bean. 2 for 15 Primrose Cream. '-. For 5 - f 7leair Baked Beaaa.;7' r' - 2 for 35 - ;, .V . - -lb. pkg: Oold Dust. 2 lbs. for 35 ' ..,; Beet Walnuts and Almond. . ' ' 15f a Pound . . Engllah Braakfaat Tea. - 25 a Pound Gunpowder Tea. ; 1354 a Pound t " nest . gaatern.- Kw Ciw Fiee -end - Pre nee; Eaat Side Delivery Tuesday and Friday. Several Reasons There are . eerera! reaamis for ths eabllt satroalaln the BIS STATS aTAAXXT. They Oo wbetoeale aa well ee reUU baetaeae aad bar nore apace la nniseratlna tbaa aay ether art ft ia tbe etty. Tber aell for eleeer prieaa rroat the fact that they say la large euan title, aae bars the (adlitlea for sasdlln large qaaa tltlea ef meat. They So net treat; they are soot- eaah siarbM aad aire the sablle tbe braeflt -ef eatrenwly low prices- fmsj tba economical way la which they haadle their saslneaa. It ,1s ssseceaury for as te eell atteattea to the Tact that tbe emrea that eesie frosi every dlrectlna every day la tbe week are eesjln becaaaa they -eaa receive far anre value for their saner ssd s better ana II ef aet tbaa at asy ether BMTket sa rirat street, er ta U city M rertlasd. McKINNONS SMITH oasx saooxas. . r rxon sast sis. " -WXOISSAU AJTO aZTAQ. 128 GRAND AVENUE - Seeds Bellvsral to Aay Part ef the ON . mn aAVOX Xeoa, ees.... Me IaITEEM XOOg ...... Ue f amot cKiAJcxmr avma .Me 1 aack good bard-wbeat fkrar ,.1.00 1 doa. caaa faacr eucs ........... ..... .90n I doa. eaaa toaintoaa ------ ti i ITr t . 0. tt B. oil. qta , 1 eaa Baker's eoeoa .......... .............toe 1 eaa Oblr'a eecea ..IOe Fancy Burhank potatnes, per sack v. ....... SiVe Millar 'a Naotha. for 2Se fib. pall beat lard. 50c t 10 lbs $1.0 lb, Boral bakla powder ....ate 1 lb. Schillings baking powder V) Oood Bnsllah braakfaat-tea ......IV 1 lb. Ounpewder 9fta Baaa Bros.' eareaa, S kettles ............. .Wo 1 oka. eon a tare h .&i gcotca eata ..........I'M Bmi Java and Mocha coffee, per lb Ma Postasi ...........................rJ..,...ilM Oood bases .............lo ris-Pniae cereal ........10a BMt Hama, in te is ine., per id ie Whlta and yellow eornsieal. 10-lb. saek....3oa Bottle blueing ..He . rancv -fable arran. ner sal ..-.'. ....... ...son Larte boa SMcaroot ,. ....Me I lha. ewranta .Bia t lba. ralalna, seedleaa ine g eane eyeterr-7i i..-rjmTrvij-:-. I eaaa peaa er strisg beans ............... JSc Mall erdera ahlpped te all pointa. eelected a eotapwta a toe a. sesa ia year sroers . at . FRESH OREdOIN Creamery Bu tter ; Headquarter for Cor vail Is and Page's Specie! Creamery. Strictly Fresh Egg and Oyaters alwsys on hand. Strictly Fresh Egg ........35) S eane Corn 15 S leans Tomatoes .....1S4 cans String Bsana 164 Enterprise Creamery Co. 1ST Betweea Washington Bad 4 Meal : "a