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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
Tins OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY . I :r.ZUllXLlAlMAILY- 0 t :..JIIRML- f " ; wssm fe:.:5 fai i ". '''' ' ' ' i i n 1 1 " " "' 1 " ',:...;, .. . , . as Batored et the pMffl" xWtmad. P. tier. Postage for single tiopUet Fa aa S. 10 . to 44 pagoa . to. . - ., , "'-yi." ' , -nxsrsom '" ". M L - ' ' portion ADmIxiixwIf . .Vrrlaa4 BMjaata Special MiW MTVi 1 Tka Petto JooreaJ. with Baaday, 1 bob..." The Dally Journal. 1 rear " Tha Dallr JoaraaL with Seeder. aeeafha, a. To The Dallr JoaraaL 0 BMmtbe..... ... " a Pally Joaraal. awataa.. , . 2 feVfrEEi VLttTZl' PORTI ANT. T1TT5T . - To Pally m lie tna Dally, p at dallMrA Baaay ka- Rna Dally, par waak. oaUrarad.' aaday aaaiiM iiiMMBi aiifa kawlaa. t o -Tba Dally Joaraai X yaar.V.. . f-JJ Tha Dally JoaraaL with aaaday. aaoatka. I T! n.ii. 1 I a u-rk. . ... Ill Tka DaUy JoaraaL arttk Sunday, attn. l.M too finny joaraai. a BMBtaa. . L arttk Baaday, 1 aaaatk.. Ml artt, lot X block 1, Troutdala ,1. 1 awatk. .IO. H. Cartar to Ada T. Htrlm-I aad kua. too vany Joaraai . Tha Dally Joarnal Tba aJaaday JoaraaL t roar. too Tka Soaday JoaraaL amtka ' ' Tka SaanVWaakly oarx Tka ateait-WaaklT JoaraaL to It port. I yoar.. .... l.M ' BaaiNtaiiraa akoald ka uda k draft paatal ' aotaa. aiproaa ardara aad aaull aawaata ara aaeaptnkta to. 1 aad S-aaat "tojra ataaipa. TaU JOUkVBAA. ' P. tX Box lit, Portlaad. Orayaa. " Tka Jokraal ana ka fnllowtoa" placae: ' """" BO I HE. IDAH&-B. BaDar M W. B. Ma Intyra. CB1CAOO Paatofflet Bawa aaatpaayi ITt "' "ora atraat. . ' DBNVBB. COLOXADO-4. aUaek, aUtaaatk aad ' Cfertla atraata. KAN HAS CITT TaB No N aUNNCAPOI.IB at. J. Kai mird atraat. HEW TOBK CITT-UraataMVa, Datok aqaara. OMAHA Millard Ratal aawa ataadl alagaat - Sutloaary aonaaay. IBtw Paraaai atraat. , SALT LAKB CITT Kaaraa Hotal aawa ataadl Barrow Bra, 4S Waal Bacwd atraat, Bootk. . BT. LOUIS Philip Boadar. lf Laraat atraat B. T. Jatt. ao OHra atraat. . BAN PBANCISOO W. B. Ardhar, Palaat Ratal. . aawa- ataad aad ions Mark at atraat Ootd amltk Broa.j tM Battar atraat aad Saint V Praaeta fcntalt Poator Oraar. Parry fcalM ,: amy: waaatlay. atoonMa M VarfeaT mm M a BXATTt.B Rainier Oraad aawa ataadl W. tW ' miaitka. Botol Kaattla aawa ataad. -MTUXAtiU,-WAAHlNttTOk iaka A Oa. TACOMA. WAfTI!OTtW Oatral Ba pan; Hotal Tarama aawa ataad. TK7ITB.IA. BHITIRH Bank A Btatinaar aa WLCMBIA Maria WEATHER REPORT. Tka dtorarbaaco yaatarday ooaf aortbora Brit- lak Colaaibla proaaa ta kara but llttla aaaray. affact oa tka waatbar In tba I'nitad BUtaa. "..Tba ralatlraly low nraaaara la tka aaat an If I atataa contlnaaa. and rain kaa fallaa la that i arctioa wnira toraad to enow aa far aoatk aa - Atlanta, neoryle. Aa Immeeae kick pi 1 euro ' araa la tka form of a rtda-a citaada from tka ' aortk - Pacific atataa aouthaaatward toronirk tvika ac and tkaBca BnrTBatatirard lb Kcw ; P.naiand. '- I'ndar Ita Inflaence fair waatbar praTaila evarywkara errant la The eontk At lantic atataa. It In warmer thte mornlns to Mlnaaaota, the Dakotae and Nabraaka. and rank In Wromlna-, aaatara Oretoa aad eouth- oaatara Wkaklnatoa. Cnodltloaa ere famrable for (anaralty fair weather la tkla diatrlrt durlac tka aext 84 to 44 koara. - - - '(, Obearratlona take St a. ai . Paclfle time: V BtaHcaw ' i f liai."lihi! Precfa. ' Baker CKy. Oracna 42 , t -A '; Hnaton. Maaearhnaetta .... 3S ' iO""7Z' . on-aao. iiunM ai np .if Deoaar, Colorado , .. M t4 ' .a K a aaaa City, Mlaaoarl..... d . 11 . . .0 law Anralea, California.... Ta M .A Ke Orleana Ixmlalaaa-u- M W .. A New-Tor. New Tork . ..Z7 4 : M .0 Fortlaad. Orewoa ......... M 44 14 Roarbara, Oretroa ......... M : M m at, iaia. aiiawwi.. aa a .-pr .... ,v - Walt lka. IKah. 14 . M- - Baa Praaclaeo. California... M .. Bo T. onkaae. Waahlnatno 44 ' JtJ .0 ' Taroma. Waahlnytoa v AS ' 44 . . .OS ;, Walla Walla. Waaklitctoa., M , M .. .0 ' Waahlaa-tea. T. 0 M . v SS , .0 - Tuna, Arlaona TS . 44 1 .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. AniTraea Brhenk. SO: Jnlla Aner. ST. Nell O. lAUMlbery. Kl Mande WIIMa, SO. . ' Thoana C. Ooodnbjht, M: Marr Kain. IW. ' Fraeat O. Bellrr, SI: LaHa Harrla. SS. Thomaa KaMtaa, SB; Barbara Leltbnaer, SS. - Wedoina- Oarda. .' W. O. Bmltk A WaeV . taftaa bidg.. ear. Poartfc aad Waakmctea ata. Mlaa Bortha Martin, room SIS Altar hide. z ateaeaf' aaa naa- aaaiiajoiaar "' CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. JACOBREN Jaaaary S4, Ifyrtla Jacebaea, TO Bmltk etreet, Bwaalea. I UNDERTAKERS. . J. P. Plater A Boa, raaeral eoiheUDera. corner Third aad Madlaoa etreeta orriea ac oooaty eoroner. 'lejepbooe Maa) a. McBnteo A Oil bene. a.w..i. sad emhelmeeai atodera la eeery detail. Beeeoth aad Plaa. Mala 480. Lady aaamtaat. mmv Tba Edward Bohnea Dadertekiag eomnen I faaarel dlrectora aad ambahaara. SSO Tklra aiaet ThbSSlrh .TinLMtaJ4 - aClI h UmeUlla are. Phone Beet 47SL ' , -y BiriaTixw cxatrrxBT. ... ' BlBgla rraeea Pamlly Ma T0 ta Bl ana. Tka oaly cemetery la Portlaad which aer--'".,oat.ln. and carea for toto? far KS Information apply to W. B. Maekeaele. Wm oeeter block, city. W, M. Ladd. ndeet. 2 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS." .. Joka D. Hewitt and wife to Anerlraa Ineretment rompaBy, lota L S, Hill , t View enhdlrlalon: lot IS. Rareae View addltloa. and other property.... J "Sn,JlJt ?T C- N- aUukln. lot - 0. block It, city... : Agnee H. Reed to Knma C. Auajnual-- --lot -. Mock . rapier addition 77. Em ma C. Anaawe to Agnee n. Bead. , lot T. block S. Ceplea- eddllloo.,.T!T:. Agneg n. Reed to Arthur O. Herald. 4.A00 ""tOO 400 1,000 '77' J0. - raphja' addition ' Portland Lumber A Mannfaetorine MM. rnr to Martin Olaon, Iota S, T. blwk KJneel Park, and other property.... .'.. J. Norblom to" Anna NorbkHB. atrip IS feet wide ecrone aide on north U : of eeqtbweet H of aactloii IS, towaaolD 1 Booth, range 3 eaat . ' K. J. Norhlnca ta Anna Norblom. parcel : lend beginning IS feet aouth of north. - :-reaet corner of Borthweet A of South. weat of aectloa IS, towaablp 1 aoatk. , ' range 3 eaat ' " Beea to eemcwJoU XSV klork V MaH nomak Park lire. L R. Bond to Will E. Pardy and wife, aadlridrd H of Ma S to llc . rlack la.-Joattal-Alulaa. aaalthinrrm t . M. It. Holbrook end wife to Andrew Jan. , . , aen. lot 4. block S. Bt. Johae Park Ctoliailla Real Kalale company to B.-W Hntrklnaen. lota IS, IT, IS, -block SS. Penlnenlar addltloa No, S...., ; , rntreralty Land company to Annie Mr. Donald fhwra. lot S4, block AS, I 'at-':,- ' Park . ....,..,. . . 9. W. 43regry and wife to Joka W. 8M 9 S20 ' Laadr. lot IS. block 4.1, ernoo...... i.jgs 7 rrnmr naa ana wtie ro eniia Haptack- . ka. lot i, block an. Uorola park aanea . Weldemer Retoa and wire to A. Welefc. lot A aad eontk IS feet of lot A block S4S, Eaet Pertlajei.... .......... .Bo - - eriM tv. uuniHr eae wire io J oca Mrrera. STilHO feet, beginning S21.H4 feet weat of nnrtbaaat aurnee block 34. - raratkere' addltloa IBM llawrtHwno Batete te Julia Maawrll. lot . ' 0. block B. liewtkerna'a Plrat additltia - 800 : B. Airredaen to C. U Braheker, aortk H of lot 1. block B. Orerb-a ark 300 , ! BAercnania- inrvavoieni m iroet cooipene to Ckarwo U Brakeker et el., lot Sa, contalnlns; IT 4 acrea, Lamarseat - " Helghia f, . . P. II. Merley et al. 1 i. W. Beekey et . al . lot end eontk 10 fact of lot S, stocs AT, fttax i addiUoa. Wb wtnt all wha ham aered Banner In know that U Portland Treat Onunr of Orerna tke . 7 .... I "OLDKST TRUST COMPANT IN ORBGON." It ka ample capital and reeoureea, and la ane Viae 10 ojepoeii Jour earing. It fcaroee Special Oartlflcateo af Dapaalt for eume at (SOU ar arrr oa arblck It para from tkraa ta four par cant Intaraat. and rblb raa aa orawn at any iibm rr amng a errtain aanbar of dara- not lea, - W aball ka (lad a arad 70a oar book of 1 ziK--- ruxtrnnutiostavr. ; ; I wbleh trlla all aboat thtm. I fTIMPANY OP ftlfPfif rOMPAlfrOFIJREGOIt . K. Cor. td aad Oak at. RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Katla Mlcsrla to HaarlatU Lockyar, lot k. klork 1. Trnnldla 400 1.B0O 100 I aaaa, ! mora is,' Aimaa.. I Jokn P. Heal la aad wlfa to O W. P. korthwtJt oornar D. It. C. of Alllana . ' C. tan bar and wlfa. arotlona XS. XT. M, towuahlp 1 aortkr raaya I oaat... Arkta Land company to Jannla Ckantlf- Iraa. lota i. . black . ArlaU Park No. $ H. B. Btana and wlfa to O. W. P. Bt. Ca.. atrip 0 faat wlda, kapinnlna foot aoath and M foot aoat of In- ' (00. tnraartloa of aoalh Una Ilnaoln and waat Una of Mra. B. Bloaa'a laad, aro. tloa SS. towaablp t aortk, raao I aaat. -S acraa, and other proparty Bllu, 8 una and kua band to aama, atrip au raat wiu, nrfiuaing ano.i 1 raat ana Ik and duM.5 faat aaat af lororaao tloa of aamo linaa, t arrra Orara D. rVtaraoa and knabaad ta aaa. atrip 60 fat wlda, baflnulnf at wvat Una of block ttf, ralnrlrw,' M faat . . urlk af anuthwMt aoraar block in). CaUd aqaara.faat : 9S0 Na no Iran Darla aad wlfa to aama. atrip an faat wtda, haytantnt B rbalna and -. U llnka aaat of nortbwaat roraar A. C. Dunbar D. 1 arrtloa ST. towa- ' abtp 1 aortk, ranya aaat............ Portlaad Lotia Par Omatary company ta , Mra. B. W. Btorkyn. .aoatk H of tot 187. block !, camatary......; Bbariff to William Tolalniann. lota 1 ta i. block a, Moont Brett Vlpw Lonlaa P, Uraalrr to William Brldt, . acraa, haglnnlny KM. 18 faat aortk- waat and B faat aoatkwaat wf nortfc. - ' n..,M.r anuiam and NaaH Tanlaa t D. U C. ".wi.r... 1 IJXX M. U Mnthrnok lad wtfa to Krtwrrd Lynaa. lot a. block 4, Omrt PUca.... Coarad Oraaa and wlfa ta William Brad ford., wrat TO raat n mt 1 ana wrai . TO faat of aoatk H of lot S. klork IT, BttnnTalria ........-..-.'....,.-..... 4.B00 Jokn Kclaoa and wlfa to Craatno U Plak, - nortk 10 acraa or nortnwaat h or aowia waat of aactlna a. townahlp 1 aoatk, rang 4 aaat. and other property Ma ad M. Maora to William Llrkt. lot 4, black 13, Trontdala Plrat addition.. W. J. I'll ton at al. to Mlnnlo R. Mroll, 1000 I lot 1, tract P, Oraanway. B4T 1 Mart. . Mullar at al. to Baraard Morlta, lot IS. bkK-k s, wiuiama Arcnoa aaui ttoa ,............-- AUea- B. Wikwa to 0. Bllnyerland at al lot . block SS. Btapkrna' addltloa.... : Point View Baal Batata comnany to J. i.soo 2J ,ndrHo-i?a al., lota 14. IO, IB. oioca oa. oanay aide 1.4MI Bertha Balay and baaband to waiter ri. , White, tot IS, aawa s. vuy ' aw auui tloa Title Oaarantee A Tract compear Durham, lota 1, S. B, block . Ilns ton Halirkts a s,iV'V.T Bama ta A. A. Undaley. lot 1. block S. Holladay Park addition.;; ... ....... Aarat lraane and knehand to William H. Heater, lot t, block S. Bummlt addl- ftohart ' ii ' 'Bobertioaet ' al.' to' j.H. Sharp. 1 aero, beylnalns at aortbwaet corner Mra, H. 8. Stona a farm, oectloa SR. townahlp 1 north, ranao I aaat.... A a, BnMllc and hnaband to B. n. sa 1,00 1st BOO "p-l.kl... lea-A- k. UL ktoek- PaalneuUr addltloa No. S 1 John rarrall. admlaletrator, to Charlea I H. Morrow, errath S feet of lot IS aad aortk B.M feet of tot 14. awes .14.. -Albloa 1.000 I D. W.. T. W- KtTaoern - Darannort at al., 4 acrea, hyloBlo ,- mmtm Una .of D. U C. of T. Carter - and wlfa. 15 chalna. 40 link aaat of a, a, a, a, iw.r 1 aoatb. ranaa 1 eaet. Oct rear tacaraaee aad akatracta to real ee-1 rata from tba Title 0 ta tram the Title Gaaraatee A ttoot eoa aaaay. S4S Weektaytoa atraat. career NOTICE. NOTICB TO CREDITORS. In the coaaty eoart of tha elate of Oregon, for the county of . Mnltaomak. tn the matter of the rotate of Joka B. Garrall. daceaeed. NoClce le kereby Circa that the anoereigaea naa neen, ny oroer or the aboce eirntea wtn. appoiniaa ao atlrdatratnr or the aetata altaatad wltbla the eute of maid deceased, J of Oregoei. I lalma agalnat laid I All neraoee koldlng rlalma eetala are kerebr notified to preeent the aama. verified ander oath, wltk proper eoork era, le ae at room 424, Chamber of Com merce bnlldlag. Portland. Oreaon, wlthla alt moatha from toe. date of tba flrat ptibUcatloa of thle notice. Dated Jaaaary SS. lns. J. ft. PLANDBRS, Admlnlatratnr of tba Batata of Jobs B. - GarrelL Dreaaaed. WE. tka tmneralgned fnrnltare and etaoo-1 morere, will require the payment et au I c bargee anon dellrcry of gnode after Decem ber 1. 1006: H. C. Uaark. C. P. Barder. O. P. IlneeeeV Cneerove Una.. Portland Do- II rerr Co.. Poet Special Dellrcry Co., Perk-1 eee Dellrerr Co.. Holmaa Traaafer Co.. Nortkweetera Tranafar Co., Oregon Anto Die- I patch Co., John Hampton, janwe Mcundea. Owen MeUndca. Pari fir Tranafcr Co., Oregoa - ',,f Co.- Portland Van A Storage Co., Wakemaa. Morme Tranefer Co.. Eaat Hide Tranefer Co.. C. O. Pick Tranefer A Storage! &-.iJ!Z!&&S3 t' 'rCatl- . TT""''! I Lore. Andrew J. Murphy. P. M. Ireland, P. Millar, Flock A Benaereoa. MEETING NOTICES. umNnutn nia. Mm rr or O. W.. will sire aa . "at borne" ta all mom hero, their I femlllae and frtende, tonight; . good program; whlet, daaciog, l-cfrcahmenu. . PHALANX. Lodge No. 14. K. of P ?? VT.' FT,a" etilng at the . . - . mil. rime; ureno eee. and ri ei. Tieitora in rued le at tend. ' ' U A. SHANE. C. C. LOST AND FOUND. LOST or atolen, red cocker epanlel, anewere to the name of Orant: reaeoneble reward. C C. Oder, SS3 Beat Mala. Phoaa Eaet 4Z51. . "l,n.0,,,,'.,,0 ,M I aoci: yeet. lege, tip of tall and noae white; eldee yellow; dark 5.,r ,.!i.UJ1 fhtMA Jfoirlaoav Pboaa main m, LOST CoUl dog. "Tad" peek, feat, lege, tip of tall and none white: eldee yellows dark t?T1!r2.t,m? " M orVum.Pooa5 Mala 2MH. . K o tWAr-- - To the perena wbe retana SS old eettbkla pnrae. rontenu Intact, to C. H. Woodard at ina norron no naa, , ar at BluBMner-rrank urng compaay,. .. LOST Is IrrlagroB. bet. fourteenth and Big- i";i , . aa eaameiea paaar ptn. Ho ward. Return to 411 Eaat Sllterntk et., I tOST Oa Moadey. Jia. S. leather eel traaa. bet crematorium and Beat Sth at. kinder i P'caee teara at Barrla Trunk Co., care of . aii,wi,, iioerei rewara. LOST Flenr da Be clam ptn. "Inne S: M. a. S." Inltlale oa back, rtnder pleaea phonal LOST Ledr'a gold watch:' name oa Inelde ceae, Pindar phone Eaet I0S end he rewarded. j - HELP WANTED MALE. POBTLANP Barber College Tuition reoeeaabkl as aa iraeoj ea eoeet, SST fUkden at. HELI WANTED MALE. MKN aad woaaea te Irani tha barber trade in aunt weeta. -The Mobler oyetem of oolhigte will ofwm oae at that a remove barber erboole In Portland aboat February 10. Undue tee am from f II to 1 3ft par week. Only reliable barber college in lha Inltod Stateo. Special twin ta tint SO student; -ba lleely aad at oner la I retee. Address Mokler .System Cellegee, Portland, Oregon. I WANTED A practical Ira maaafactarar; man who aaderstand tka buelaeee la all de- talla. - Addraaa, witk nfaraaora, K SO, cara aoaraat. W A N T f ('! and window drmara to atndy akawearaVwrltlnc at T. If. O. A. aiakt arbooli aaraonal tnatraetloa. Apply for par Ticaiars. . WANTID Ballabla dairy ataa wltk aaraaa ta raat rancli. A. i. Brown. Bartoa. Oraaon. anHHAI. tmm iifcll, ajt ' ' ' MuU aoiployniaat durlna tba aummar, wrlta P. aaa laHlaad, lola aoiiltalaia. CIVIL KERVICB T. If. fl A. -Blabt aehool praparra for 1tI1 aarrlca asaailaailona; claaa rnr apnng axaaiiaaiMMni aagina raoraary 1 III for coo raa. - ,, WANTED Good caMaatnMkara, Nortk Blztk at. Apply 140 IT IB TKDB ackafallar kaa tka amt awaart ant aam traa taat A. l 0- corraa-beoaa aarroa tba boat aoffna la tba cHy) baat warnaa and not rakoa, wiia ma pi mtp. only l. BUT Baraalda at. C. If. Aadar- aon. prop. - WAXTUV Carrlaca palatar, flratlaaa. I'aJoa a"ra.. 1M WANTfcD TraaaMn aalamanto carry olda una ettrrm, irt mta aptraa; aali boieia ana raatanranta. standard uonea Bolca Mill, BUB Bacoad at. - BABBBB wantad at tm Madlaoa at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN, arar tff. aaarwaiic, rallabla. to taka ckarya of a Tlari ofaca. Call -or addraaa Boom aa. un aiaa BANSBN'B LADIBB' AOENCT. kiSH Waablnc ton at., oar kWraatk, apatatra. , Pboaa alaJa ran, raaaaw aaip waatao. . WANTED Biparlaaead (trl aa family eook, ood wayaa; alao alrl for aaraa. aaconil work. aama piaoa. vsutk xanmui. , Mala MIS. . WANTBD Very axpartaacad aaeond tirL wltk , . rafarenea, rtrat-riaaa prtrata fanilly, ,- boat wasoa. TaaikllL Mala MIS. POBTLAND BBWINO BCHOOL Paabloaabla draaamaklnc. JTlVk Morriaoa at car. roartb. WANTRD Naat acpartaacad waltraaaaa St Ho- Hnurni, lata ana jarraraaa ata. WANTBD To adopt llttla ylrt, t to S aara . wjj goooj boom;, moioar a cara. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. .WANTED Lad lee . and swntlemon; wa teach leieerapny tnoreayniy and onlcaiy; paaltlona aamreo ror owr yraanaiae; apectai terma tor riret 'JO that enroll ha Pehrnarr 1. . Adrieaaa Pacific Telccraph Inetltuto, Portland. Oregon. GOOD paying propoaltlonfar lady ac ' man; little caplUl raaairedi laraetlga eentla- itlsata. 124 DIIb-JL RPrr nr.Bfed and auiMillad aaala aa hm.u a ' d. Drake, S Weaklastoa at. Black 1BSS. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. TOI NO maa atadytny mechanical aaalaeerinf wania pnaiiioB in marninerr-Doaea or machine hop; aalary no obact. D IT, eare JoaraaL BEL1ARLB Oermaa maa wanta kooeawork or yaroeaworB by the day or koar, pbona Mils lOTS. . ... ...... COMPRTBNT, asnetienced married man daalraa poaitioa aa bookkeeper ami atenocTapber; flratlaaa rafareacoa. Addraaa K a, Joarnal. WORK wanted for camp cook (female), ftrrt- j ciaaa en(ineer. cooaa, wairrra, cnambenaalda, tea miter aad ethera. S06M Morriaoa roota S. Pboaa Mala 47SX " . WORK wanted for waiters. .Pboaa Beat tOTL. - ;- B41 Plymontk at. B0NB8T yoaaf sua wonld Mhe two or three boo re" work erealnge, Addraaa K s, JoaraaL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB TOCNO lady wanta eereral aonra of ofttcewock la the evening'. B IS. care joornaL - - - TOUNO lady. ' well adn rated, daatrea poaitioa aa bookkeeper In grocery etore. or a ai latent - bookkeeiier In wkoleaala bona a; e i perl an cad. K S, eare JoornaL TOt'NO woman daatrea work aa dlekweeher, chambermaid, aecoad cook or almllar employ. ment. B 14, care JoaraaL. - ...... "'J10" Addreee B kouetkeeper by yoang . widow. SO, care JoornaL WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agenta; anaetklnc 1 big wagae. SOS IfcEay bids. AOENTB WANTED To Sell eeperlor. blga. . grade aaraery etoek; complete oetflt faralehed free; each weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nnreery Osapaay, Salem. Oregon. WB waat reliable awa fa ererr town la Oregoa to aell elck end accident ioeoranea. . Pacific Aid aaeoctotloa. 000 Dekam kldg. EMPLOYMENT AOENCIES. . BANSBN'B EMPLOYMENT OfPlCB. 1 FOB MEN, SS N. Second at. . ' Pboaa Mats USS. BMPLOTMENT OPPICB. Banry Takers. SOT Kcerett et. Pboaa Pa- ittt POtnt BMP. AOENCT. Belp aopplled free, 10 North Becoad at. Pboaa Mala ISIS. I TUB Portland Employment Co., SOB It Mocrleoa BCANDINATIAN-AMBBICAN BMPLOTMB NT Co. B North Second, feralebee all klnda em- ploymeat for moa and womea. Mala SOBS. BHERWOOD BOTT. real eetate and employ . meat, mala or female. SO6V1 MorHeoa, roam S. Phono Meln 4T8S. WANTED TO RENT. 1 WANTED TO BENT BOnSEB, COTTAGES. PLATS, BOOMING HOUSES. STORES, ETO. Oar rental department baa beea enlarged and prorlded with additional ataff. We tarlte Hating from LANDLORDS. offer oereonel attentloa to aad coetlnaooa ' eaperrleioa orar all property Intraeted to ear PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OP OREGON. B. B. One. Sd and Oak ata. Phone Ba. TS. I WANT to rant-a S or S-room booea for a year ar mora eon win teae toe nni propo eltloa offered; atate reat aad aamher af ua fconea la - fwat letter, H,L.- Brtgge, IM Eaet Thlrty-flftk at. WANTED By a married mas oa email, raMch -ao eaaaeger, or wtu-renc . ranea. rarauuiea. Addreee 1AOS Olta at., llnlreralty Park, Ore. T WANTED REAL ESTATE. HATS bnyera walttnf for city real aetata! what kara yoa la hamee, lacome propertyoe eaoaat total f, care af JoaraaL WANTED S. 0 or S-roont kooaaa la Tpper AlMna; hare bnyera for aama. Apply te J. P. HIIL Til Wllllanm are.- A BOUSB of I to f noma oa the oaat aide; owner: enewar, giving location, price aad fall ' partlealara flrat letter; If euttcoV will bay If price to right. 10, JoaraaL WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED A loan nf ssoo. S to B reare. NTED A acrea jtmpmeed Bond Rlrer land ad. , Addraaa K in. jonmal. WAITED MISCELLANEOUS p. J. BTDEB, printer a. coed and Waekiastoa raoae staia WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS PAINTINO. arrayiaf and wkltewaektna? treea. kaecmaota. karoo, dorka, ote. I ,1a r gee t geosllae sprarlag natflt an tka coast. kL O. Morgaa Co.. sag ualoa era. reen Cant MIT. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for furniture la aay quaatlty; alao taka eema oa eommleelea and guarantee ' Beat reeulte. Tha Portlaad Aucdoa Rooma. A. Brkaback, prop,, til Plrat . et. i aona meia oooo. WE WILL Bt'T. SEIX OR TRADE ANT OLD THl.Xi. riTfl B AL. V AUB CIA. SSI' s WABUinuTUN. rALiriv ins. - . WANTED S te 40 acrea,' oa Oar line, wltbla oe nam: ceant mnat oa caeap; owaora oaiy. wo Allagy Bias,. r PONES DOK8 SrBAYlNO, PRUNINO, WHITE TOUNO ledy dealree typewriting work to do . n v .Triim,., pii. mm TOVJ 1a one addraeelng enrelepea. i. Trrei opera or aay klad af troewrltlne .irk ... mmnm chine. J 16, cara of JoaraaL W B kaea tne buyera, lauel bare the proporty, real or nereoeal; fumleb male ana female win, write or phone end we win cell. Main oi w. . a o. Emp. Real Betate Ce 11 Vt nwvi roorui Bl. WHO IB M. 0. MORGAN A CO. t BTORAOI apeca tor reat ' Apply Portland waraaonao A Tranefer Co. Phone Beet A40T. PONBS WILL GIVE FIGURES ON BPRATINU. WANTED One email aad two large tenia; aire ,oeacriiuaei aa. prioa. Aooreee -at JoornaL i - . . ... , WANTED By wMow, with S grows deoghtere, neoiaa Km rere roc Bl any pome. By wees owwrn. . wee, n. a .. cara mirnai. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB OBAND. 4SH North Third at. Rooma for i"iam per wees aaa bp. KICEL.T faralebed koceekeeptna; rooawi akw elngie roonu SH Ruaoell at. McKay kla. HOTEL LB BOY, SOSM Bamalda at. New brick be tiding, aewlr fumlened. a lac trie llrhta. hot water at all ho ore; free bathe; rwoma ny tna wees at aeoatbs citeica koejaakaepinf THB RICHELIEIT, K NORTH SIXTH ST. Ategaauy raraatnea. eteem Beat aaa Bathe. NICBLT furalahad rooma. wttk hoard: -moderB conTenleacea retee- reaeoneble. . Call 443 Jef rereoa. or phoaa Mala 4J. TUB ALBANT Puralabed roame: S3 N. Sixth et., - cor. . Buraahle. fbone cuy loos. I'er aay. aaa aad aoc with beat; par week, II to 3.M. .. - . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FOB RENT Puralabed boaeakeeplag-roeme la oeet anca awes ee eaet.etoe: aaa raegea, .bath, ete.t Be traneleata; prtoee moderate. Legaa bib., imH t'nioa are.. Alder.. Phone Baat 4834. - 31. TS PBB WEEK Leree kenoakuplng-roome; leaadry aad harh. ISO Bhermea, ioatk Port la ed. . . STAR ROOMINO BOCSE. SS0H Larrabeo Furnlehed rooma, II ap per week; honeekeee Ing onltea, SS aad ap per week. . - THB MITCHELL. Plaa dare aad Beeaath -Boome. nooaeeeepiag aad-traaaleat; eoe a anient j artose reeaoaable. 1 til PER MONTH Pear farauhed honae keep log rooma, wita water, large yard. ISO Eaal Thlrtj -ninth: Bunnyeido aad Mt. Tabor car. NEATLY faralehed . boasekeeplng, aketplng- rooeae. Bate, eery low . rent, cloee In; ketk, phone.. SS Tenth, near Stark. BAT-WINDOW suite, Bret Door: sea range. mrnace aeai, lea norm sixteenth, rbuuo Weat SSM. - POB RENT Large front fomlahed fUted lor koaeekeeplng.' SOS Third at. LA BOB well-farnlebed boneekeeplag meaai eery aeeiraoie ana cuee IB. eow remain et. NICB ftrat-Tlonr flat, three rooma; flue lore- tioa. awa jerrereoo, corner iota at.' ROOMS AND BOARD. ONION BOTIfL, Slortb "iith at., parrea tb oaas meal, TBiee,, room e, Dvera eeov pee week. J, ABdereoa. proa. .... LTNDELXi HOTEL. Fourth aad Market New brick, owgeetly fnralabod, modera tbrooghoat; rataa reaeoneble. ROOM and board, bath, heat, electric llghta) woraiag pereoa prererreo. oxa Kent Horrwoa. PRIVATE family will hoard: and room 4 ladlee or gentlemen; zs mlnutae' welkr 13 mlnutee ride; Eaet Taylor; refereacea required. Baat 88T3. . . ....... HOUSES FOR 1 RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. PURMTl'RB of a MVroom boaeo for sale, with Eo; ? atceay noaraere; ciooe IB I a Baap, ; owner will take 100 oat la board. M Beet 1SB0. PTTRNmTRB B-roem eottega; cheep reat. 140 aeiiwooa et.. l ear. FOR BALE Baap la furniture; T rent f ID. B is, care journal. FOR 1 RENT STORES-OFFlfcES. OFFICES. aafBTBlebod. aad aamalo ken Bonu. leonoaooga eng. aapiy ekrralrr. FOR RENT About April I. new etoree aad ornce rooma, atram Beat, etc., nortkeeet cor. Third aad Medleon. Apply te R. T. Cos. No. T Flrat at., room 10. OFFICES FOR RENT. 00 Sixth et., aecoad Boor. Apply to The Title wuarantee Treat Co., 340 Waeblngtoa at., cor. Second. STORE. lleinc-roooa, large pantry. 3 elotbea- elcaeta, emeu room on porcB. 4 Biorke trom Weehlngtoa et., central. 500 Daria at. FOR leaee for a number of reare, a good 4-etory brick BulMIng oa sixth at., eultable for general boalneee or light menafacturlng. For partlealara addreee K II, cere JmraaL A nOW dealrable etore rontne In all parte of the city. The continental le,, stars at. FOR RENT Two fine atoterooma, S4xS3 and snxao, beet location; tne entailer una rnr barber ehop and eonfeettonery, Addreee Box S1L Cottage Orore, Or. FOR RENT HOUSES. : , BorsR list. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OP OREGON. T-rooea houee i. (30.00 T-roem houee. Irrlngton, new..., AO.oo B-roem houee. Bunnyelde. new.... 30.00 Stora aad bakery...; ..SHOO Store 10.00 S aew etoree, eaat, aide. ?-room kouao -room bouoe ; , 17 50 Alee s aumbar of furnlehed tioneee end flate. Eaet and Weet Side. POBTLAND TRUST CO. OP OREGON, 6. B. Corner Sd and Oak.. . Phone Ex. T3. FOR RENT 10-roore honee. full cement beee. aunt, full tot. au modera Impeoeemeatat rent reeeonehla: located at 14 Kortk Becoad - at , - Holladays' kddlttos, -aaat 'SttM.-r Phooe Eeet 0T4-A 6t " TYPE ' TK " TBf JOuRNAI BB- GINNING WITH THE WORD 66 WANTED";' wiu, brinq changes, untanolb ' tangles and solve riddle in ; T0CB AILT UP i - ', THE JOURNAL WAItf COLUMNS v .. ; ' - j . - .. " I . FTBNIBH TOU THB ANSWERS TO ' XOtTI rEBPLBXITII, ,'..-', FOR RENT HOUSES. BOUSB, SST Nortk Tweetietk, 1 roeeea lele bath, faraeco, eemeat hear anal. XT uimaa, 4S0 Cbamkor of FOR RENT S-room Twenty Sret et, oottiga. Ik North KAPDBBLT. TBANBPBB CO., prompt aad re liable piano end'turnltare morerri akw ator- M e-aooe maia lase. utaea. I,e a. xBtro. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANT .. 34S stark at.. . , ' i Will reat ynae heaaii f-- Will Sod a bouea for yoa. ' ' See aa er Phone Maia 1ST0, 0-ROOM booee. atrlotlr modera. freahlr ear. niaaea tnrougnoat: rma wee tloa. waat aMo. eeu commercial BiOeT. t. - ,t , i v FOR RENT One T-mom modera cottage; pored. tmtm eaiai out uei rrnrrn -ana iceat tveaDing. too. . Inaulro of Dr. 0. ' H., Raf forty, 404 keae- Eaet 80S. - FOR RENT For a abort time, furnlehed T-Twrn houee. san per month, or will -rent parr te bub aad wlfa. cheap. Inquire at 049 Dtrlaloa ai., aaat aide, lake Rlrkmead car. FOR RENT A ' newly fin lab ed 0-ronm modern awemng. gee aad electric light flltnree akil leteet combination locke; locatloa bob Eaat Aah.. near Kaat Twentylgkth af. , Apply io utio aeeaaia. au urena are., n. FOR RENT Good Imn koaao, fST ta careful 'enant, i-ortlana inut er 44 Beet urent at. raoae peat IBM. FOR RENT Prmr-room cottage, 310 per 1 nt r.aai akaoiaoa at. . BUSINESS CHANCES. ' WB kara propoity la Ike famoaa wkeet-growlna belta of eeetera Oregoa aad Waehlturtoa; aitple and berry lead la the mora talk rd -of Hooa ttirer raneri nop land aad dairy ranrhee In tba Wltlaawtte eelley; end ap la the L'mpoua . caller the land of big yel low peochee we' hare aeme eery alea farma and etork renrkee; oar prlrea are aa low ae the leweat end wo will glee yoa the beet of terau oa nay .or thle property: we will teke ee part oerment good Immured or anlmnrorrd Portland property new If roe went s country lire acre la yoar en ore. Far ranker lnforma- we oil ei tfur vinra. i. NORTHWEST (LAND CO,, ', SoO Ooodaoagk bids.. . ' IP yoa ara looking for a Brat-claae aawmlll ronoaltloa yoa kad Better coma and aee ae ae we hare tha beet bargain oa the market. We have luet returned from a trie te the mill and know eaartly what It le. Ererytblng 'reedy go. to work eed eew 16.000 feet oar. m e lee bare s confer Honery Tmaliieee oa oar net tbet te located la one of the Beet tow no in Oregoa; One tanlea, Brat-claae enow caeca, good count ere. 32M ceek reaieter. Itooleam oa the floor, peanut-eoeater. etc., ate. A good cigar ateek and locatloa far s metier; nnce only sjno. BH1UUB rotlll KKaLTI TO., . t' 11131k FlretL . WILL pay klghoet prtoee for Raret Bwtteh atoca Bcrore ewitca goea oa road; aay elae ptocaa nanoicn. i. aeiiy a jb bos ibSb, new lore uity, n. a. - WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.T GOOD ahoe etore la food eelley city of S.00O; loaa leaee. aooo coraer location, eroen new and ntaple. no freak atrlee; good reaaoo for Belling ; inroice eooai oe.uuo. k I kuelntne. leeeaUeate at eaet W. F.. En gene. Or. FOR S ALB Prlrate Bnardina-hoaee. rem 14 rctrular boardcra; all modera coneenlencee; well fnrnlahed: reaeoneble If gold at once: raat 337. AO. Inquire .4 IB SSd at, K. Phoaa Pacific 6B0. . STOCK companiea Incorporated; If yoa hare etocka or bonde for eele offer them through me to tnrretora. ocorge M. Afllogg, 1 Ellteott Square, Boffam. "' FOR - BALB Oeed - general - mcTchendleo store la lumber towa of SOO Bonaiatloe.' located eO railroad ta weefere part of wniomette eelley, T3 ml lea aoath of Portland. For per. tlcnlera write or Inquire of J. O. Tan Oredel A Boa, Real Eetate Uealeea, Dallee, FOB BALB A mail atoch of good-, ea rceeona for eelltng. Call or addreee BL Jokna Baaar, Bos 10S, Bt. Jokna. Oregoa. WANTED Tonne maa ta taka cherge of kranrk office: eetahllahed S reare ta Portland: SSOO tTBTeetBient. - half down, hT. payahle oat of mreetlgate. B 11. cara JoaraaL WANT to boa 4T. raat a eqtuge. , H. Weet, poet a-ROOM cottare. furnlehed. for reat. SW par imta. see n. n. nignry, ia laymr at. LOOK .OUTly The greet Herat ewlrrt Inrentloa win awa mm vm witmm, lam mmmw fair grounna: eaat neat my price; I ea aelllaa tha Hnret atoch at a big dteeoaat call aad be aonrlnced. W. -J. Cnrtls. SIS Com- merlcal blk. Pboao Mala osse. FOR BALB Dry goada aad mea'a furnlahtng goode atore In a goon town in. aaatara waan ktgtoa. AO mllee from Beettle: aa 38.000 etork, doing a $31,000 hnalnaaa; eeeenna for eellleg. Addreee K, cara of i Flelacksor, Mayer Af.. .- , M. Am joet aa aaslona aa eeeri whea It auita yoar sleeenre aad coneaaleBce. thee wrlta to me ar addraaa "Brewer." Joarnal. A BPLENDIDLT eqarriped aad furnlehed hotel nt Seeelde, lot, nniiding ana ruraieainga; a bergala. K IS. eare Journal. - WANTED Maa with SSuo: aalary tnereaee4 eftar so Sera: term two reare; ineeet in in. daetrlal; etoch eeenred; will auke fO.OOO la SO days. Box a IB, care Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SQUARB DEAL HEAL ESTATE CO. - Two modera ft-room kooeee. William sea., walking d la lance, tinted aad piped for fur nace. . . Quarter block aad three aMdera oeuaae. aaa S and two a rooma, cmaa m. niaet iweitta ei. Neat eueurban booie. Myrtle Park, eery aheap. , Twa lata and good S-room onttage. Highland. Fall lot aad flret-claaa modera B-room houee, Beet Elahtk at.. North. Fnll Vet and moders 0-room hoaee, East Ninth et.. North. . t acrea la Newberg, finely Improead; a town without a ealoea sad ee llqoor aoM at .drug etoree. . Lot 00x100,' seat aaw 3-room cottage, ML Vernoa. . ' i 305. A Bat? Blag, mono racing oui. - W. B. ILBR. , A SNAP. ' Pra Sale Modern T-room hoaee, S8.500; II. oOO re eh, haleace ter ma I aa ei Inreatment. paya 13 per eaat. . Phone Baal NEW modera B-motB hone, fnrnlahed. Bunny. aide, cheap, terma. Owner, pbona Baat 42. art r. worm lots. IB down aad SB a I frem fTS to (300. ' Baliwoed tewneite Co. ' Pheae Beet 4TM. NEW A-room cottage, full cement be rl plumbing; price S1.0A0: eaey tor Smith, TOO Cnamber af Commerce. ROSS ADDITION TO BELL WOOD Lots SSO to 1S0 30 down. $s per month: noma fine cheap homea la Sellwond from SIMM to $1,000. W. II.. Morekouae. 6Mn Umatilla ara.. Sell wood. ACRES ki'Tmprored conntr road, ckwe la , electric Ilea. 10c faro, land Ilea level and hi newlr fenced; price aaly $1,000 earrouadlng property eelllng $123 to $100 per erre; will aiilKll.Mo Tf-dealied.- Teko Netacada ear te Oatea aad laqulra for Bonedlet. HIOH, alaittly Iota, Lower AIMnn, eloee to car line. Telephone Beat 3635. . FOR BALB' BT OWNER New modera 0-roma , Hoaee. bet. Twenty eerond aad Twenty-foortk. oa Waeca et.. Holladay Perk addition; will build on -either of IT lota from plana end terma tn aait parebaeer. R- B. Rice, Pbooa Feet I0SS. . . , -- S3.T0O S-ROOW hoaee with large lot, Boeeell et, near Union ara. ; Doaglas Millar, T14 ' Chamber of Commerce. ,. A FINN lot on boalneee part of Sceeed at., $10,000 If eeld Boon. Aodraee Owner. D 14, care JoaraaL. WHAT yoa pay for rent will bay yoar awa home, A new T-room houee, hot aad mid water, gag, modern plumbing, full cement beaeineai, fruit, . 15 mloatea from center of city; $3,000, terma to salt. Addreee ' Owner, P. 0. Bos 330. . . SELLWOOD, B blocks from car, S-room honee. lot 60x100; 10 bearing fruit traaa, heat eerie , Ilea: eeay terma. lmy A Ortaalei. . Illslkg akAcas ebeas, 13T Bast Rial St. . . . , . ,,'..-' . t FOR AL3--C!-.L ESTATE. - '''J7JT'm' "'"''I Bros. V?Ti "-rxoni houee-and 1 acre of sroand, 1 DatM! TTWagU . aaa liu e--1 tt . 1.. fyult aad ornamental ehrublierr ; ' the prlcr la r.h' d terme can he hed. v 7 v ,!" ;rooo . hoaaa and lot 00x100. ta City" fclUT fAL"" ""aero, tlk-e lawn and akruh neryf tkla la a euap; wa can aril It uo term., We Aera a nlee Hot of nmnerte la St. Jokne and ya will not think we are trrlaa to aell tke whole town, cither. 4 whea .yoa hear our Bflcee; come and ae4 a-.!-. -'- 4 "J ' oreoo-BROS. J . ""o, i"-- SU-lS'Feotoa bids. ' - 'j 4 Sixth .at. .'."'Vf. '- WEW. toom houee, -sloe tocatkm, jnet com pleted. aeer car Una: cluoru. pantry, kot and cold water, ele.t $750, teeeaa; ' ' T large lota. 4. block car line fenced In ii I. amni .. . .. . :. T---"i eor vi uiuae wia warn $2uQ; a decldod bergala.' 1 - - . . , , I W.- J.. DAT A CO., a i t5l4- rourtB gf.TTloom ' tk'm are modern; come end make me aa of. fori aeeh ar oa time: Aeon II asn a the owner, Joe Neek. In tke wklte keoeo et ' Neekrllle addition., oa the Mount 8ml t car- uoe. . iAnm i or aaie aaa neuaei to reat. ACM TRAOTSU . OCT SPEC1ALTT IS ACRE TRACTSI PaP-eleed etreeta. we tor to each aaye. TERMS (10 PER ACRE PASH , I0 PER ACRE PBA MONTH. Twa "S ga to rhaee ecrea aa the aaane ' eae. fay the aama he faro fHe kt sua paya. See I -Ctan U -yokf - aelrnbor? Vt Vk r .w. . -n aeaewiry or eeiuree taat SkMS a tree nhariue fc .1 a, 1 ..t 0aea Wedneeday and' Setardiy eeeala. C. CHnRCHILt, CODING. '.':t.y Z7 . 7 110 tWoad sC i: 7--? ! ON TO HOTER! - , IIP THE COLOMBIA! . Regalar atramera from . Portlaad: - cheopeel ratee from tke eoeet te Inland pointer ee aena, Beary eon. porpcrnei water right Wltk eaoh trect. earlleat prodncta. largeet prlceas to veiirorniB or rne n ort n weal. write i, ... HOVER LAND CO., - V . , ' Horer. Waefclngtoa. A PINB Wol In b mmI ..II. Mm homea, earaal loth aad acreage: raller farm eo me eneelel beraalnei oronertr 1 tared and oold. Room 311 Mohewk hldg.. coraer Sd aad Morriaoa in., Portland. Ot. . Payee, Pefteye I -ACRESr eH in etrttlratlon. 10.000 atrewberry R la ota. aman oooee; land ta all clear and tya Vara I; oaly 0 mllee eaat of Morriaoa etreet arrate; pnee si.soei terma. V S, JoaraaL . , v,- K S300 CASH. $10 par mootht kara a 4 room cot- tege. nata, etc., oa uoob aaa Mireourl area. Addreee C IT, JoaraaL - ., NOTICE I NOTICE I -- - v ? Win Ball at a great her gain! bow kr year time to build; ell klnde of Building Braterlel. weil-eeeeoned aad better than new, for eele at about SS cents oa tka. dollar! Son Anore . and wlndowa. all complete, end 100.0ns feet of ramher and timber. Including Boer Ina aad all klnda or building BMterlel. Alao I.000.O0S ecru a re feet of fireproof plaa. ter hoe roe at S cento per aqua re foot) coat 10 rente par aonare foot. . - All from the American tna. which la bow 1 beTng wrecked TT uwaer Tr letter "" holel M tne targeet in tne norrnweet enntaine the beet of all hlada of building materlaL which will be cloeed out at apeclel retee to dee lace, nulldere and etnera. Addreee for farther per tlcalara. the owner. John ferlyle. AmeHrau Ina. Portland, Oregon. Phoaa PadSe 1ITT ar Paclac 10TS... i- . , . .. a -I- WOODSTOCK Lot 100x100 fast, cheep. 007 McKay Blag. Maia bzb. BOi too lot on Abernethy and lot STxITO oa Kellr et.. S00O rack: nergelne. . KlnaelL SOS - Commercial, block. Main SS2S. , FOR BALB OR RENT t lota aad Btaetered houee. ell fenced; ehlckea-kfloeee with room irrer mmi .nmrm. inqoire imo. fmrrtk and Eirtlngeworih at., oa. Varaaa track. $3,400 B0TB easy BB-to-dato homo ta beet Bin or imngtoa. au mooera improrementa. all aad see far yooreelf at 451 Eaet Eigh teenth at., Bear Tlllaejook. r aell at oaca. SIS Chamber of Commerce. A RIGHTLY awraer aa Hawthorne are. for SS00 thle week. h is. -cara Journal. RESIDENCB lot oa B. Second at., hetwcea Baraalda aad ateel bridge; beautiful new; a bergala for aeme one; $000 leaa thaa value, K 'IS. cara Journal. : j STNB S-reorn houee. rtoae In. oa eaat aide. SS.soa Rnr a konw within warning one Uaco. KlnaeU. SOS Commercial blk. ' 1 NEW Broom hoaee aad nearly S acrea tn fruit la naa euonrn. i.t nm. nineeii, aux uemmor- del blk. Maia znza. CITT View Park lot 60x100. keif block from car uoe. only "; leaa oceiranie Iota eelllng S3TS. Klneell. Otis' Oemmerctal blk. Mala tnti FOR SALE fSBO 3 mtg BOglOO. wttk 3-room konee, oa corner maet roortrentB ana km- Baore; eaey terma. inquire owner, oa premiere. S OR S aaraa at s bargalo.or eeeh: ea dec. trie una. aea owner ereninge, ail aaat Thlrty-fonrtb at., aear libcoIb, BIjOOK, Bolladay'a addltloa, ea ISrh: awaor moat aeu. owari. eie lobbmibt mi BOMBS Bear Cnloa are. and Woedlawa; as r nana aeet aeie. NICE lot ta Snenyelde, $660. Inqntre ASH ixorta aixta ar. - SPECIAL BARGAIN $3 FOR SI. " Traete SS front foot, $16 feet deep; cue hare aa aaaay front feet aa yes want from 60 feet apt all la caltlrattoo, all fcreel aad nightly. S mlantea to good 10-reoa aehool. 0 gradea; aear etoree, poetef flee, chareh and car eta ttoa at Leatae 6-cent fare to aay part of Portland. That Is 1-S price; terma U wasted. O. R. Addltea. Lente. Oregoa, ewe- ar. , Taka Mt Scott car, S eenta. . 1 .in. fl.TUO 1-atRfBl llliliaw. miiw law,. mww Bieat, mouein pjumotoa, eow vim, mmik. ' $1.200 room honee'. of 60x00 feet: treee Bearing irnitt iowi reea, nuiBncw-Bwitiinir. $1.200 4Vroom houee, modera plumbing, 138x100 feet: all klnda of fruit ana berrlee; half eeah, baUnce montbly. . $1.360 T-room hoaae, lot SS 13x100 feat, alley ta roar. " - ' ; - - - All aear ear Tine, located la tha beet ree tdeere pert of apper- Penlneula. If yes ara feoktng for hergalna. call and eed " C. A. . ZVOOWRKI. ... Willamette Btatlos.' Taka Bt. Johae oar. BEAUTIFUL corner for realdenoe. 160x100 feet. all r let red aad reaay tor aniiaing; aow, nair eeeh. balance montbly. Apply C. , A. tj gowekl. Willamette atatma. ' anuR bnaps gT!yv-10 Vta oa tba penlnaala; (300 each, balance monthly. . ' rlM caah 3 Iota, 60x100 each, a coraer, lore, all 60x100 feet, $126 each. 330 caah, 310 awatbly. ' Apply C. A. Zygswakl, Willamette atatma. tl 360 FOR oae work only, S Iota, with s-raotB noiiee. ai mini .iew, , w -.-ng at at ton; fenced for chlckena, 360-barre) etataea. SO fruit treee. all, klnda. of email j fruit. Phone Union 1W. .... j ... WILLAMETTE, . Ttcet Tealdence tart at tber paiiuiaiilsr osty a few lota left la Wlllemelte; teke your choir now: all lota ara 60x100 feet: )235 eeck. $26 caili. $5 per month. -Apply C A, P.rgowekL Willamette' etatloa. . . FOR SALE FARMS: 44 ACRES 10 mllea eiet of Oregon City. Turen fll.iricx i Betweea au eno on anoee piow; mllee to grhtt mill. $H mime to ereauMry, church at corner of land, free from racka aad thickly Battled. Phone Reel BBB4. FREE LAND IN . OREGON ai Cartf etate. Irrtgatloa Act. teres. 4 Deed . direct frem Write today. Nook let aad ana free.' B. B Cooke A Co.. SSI Alder , Portia ad. Or. FOR SALbV--SS0-acre reach at Cnlambaa. Waeh. Ington) fruit, hay', grain, arorki os new rall- road. Addreee Bex 144. peadletoa. Oregoe, FARM FOR SALE ISO acraa. good oBlMmga, on acrea aaoer enitieatioa, rruii ena nen lee. or lend Id wafer, aeer town, dally me 11; 1.000,. 000 feet nf fine nine eew timber. Iota wend; 'a kvrely home ta the rnoet deUgblfnl eHmete on the peeine roeei, Aeareae m. ewe 117, . WeodTlUa, Oregoa. v' - - . j datAtf'Rates ' UNDER ANT CLASSIFICATION "V ' Firs Certs? Per tins J : ". ' : ' 7 . . , ' : ' .. Ka ad takes for leee tkaa I.V pee day So ran worua. aaa rule, eonatltute.e line bat each line ta ebarged.regardleea of tb nnmher ef .werda. . . . WKXT RATI T Ineertloua - (laemdlox Suada J. toaue) SO Ckt par Uao per BI0VTKXT BATS Including ' all Basdaf wanee) si per tine per month. ADVERTISEMENTS meet be la Jearael - bualn'ea offtce by IB o'clock week daye ana ny ro clorg Saturday erening ior . tb Sunday laane. to eeeure cleealftcatlea. DIIPLAT RATES glree apoa appltoatiaa at .. tka of Oca. ,. ... - JHE journal. ; BlUNCAOmCleSrT APTESTISEMINTB- Will he recelred at regular BUttl-afSce rateerrollowlog fcVa"Iet "f au!holead agenta- arha wilt forward your edrertlee amt la Uata for pabllcatlea la the Best laaaai ... . ,: -. - 'y.7. ; NORTH UBoV- f.; B. A. - Praatoa. omewlat-- Twe41.-CMe4 and Tfcnrman itreeta. . . n eo-ill i Pkermacp, .060 OUaxa , etreet. , corner Twenty-Bret. --,, w'?.-" " psarsiactoL: BUteeath aad Maratiall etreeta. ; McOommoa'a Pharmacr. NlneteeBth aad Waeklagtoa etreeta. ,, MlrnrhTDE.- .!t1 elrus; aampasy; ; Flrat end Great ylry -draggla.. $00 Jiffeeeea freef. corner Teatk. - Plemmer Oruw eeamnaae- BbO B, aereet. ooraar Madlaoa.. - v. (. eUBT BI9B. B. t-timm Ini.rUI Ora aft aeaaae and. Eaet "erne lee etreet. -"lcTi Tho-ewoa, ISS B corner Alblaa arenne.- ' a 1Sk Pr"f?f"D,"' orae all etreet. Bawthorae w. o. Cable, druggiet. corner aeeaoe And Lerrah mtmmL Holladay Bear ateel ""Be. B. . A. Wlhmnv IBS I drand atana mm. Eaat ktorrhwa. . .....-, B. w. BalL SBS Eaet Beeaath aareot. crre stenbene. Tuttie'a pharmecy. BBS Mlmlmlppi areaae. corner Sharer atreet. , .1. . , . BI0HLAVO. ' . " "'. ' ' P.' 1. Clark'., dracaiat. 1003 North. Caloa svaaae. , 7. .1 lUBBlUDl. Wwthc- pkarmactat7 -a.-", treeL. f . - aROOZXTBT. ; Brosklys Pbermeey onmpeay, Mllwaukle etreeta. . r"f-' ' ARLZTA. orXmv. ' " ArleU Pkarmaey, Mora sad Festae ttum. i ... :, BBX1WO0O. . ' Heam teak's Pharmacr. 640 ItmattHa are aae. oorner Baat Tblrteeath atroaC - '7' "' ' ' -. IT.'- JOSIB. - 777: ElUott'a pharmec. , , t , 7''!''7 . FOR SALE FARMS. 4 acraa of too flneet keererdam lend hi OreaoB, Including tka famooa - Mint horn epringa: cloee to car line. Jf yea Want eulou land, mreetlgate; tke beet bergala la Oregon the epringa are worth the price alone. . 40 ecrea good eolL all ta cultlratloa, 14 mllea of Mllwaukle oa atone road; barn kml Aid orchard: land Ilea leeeii fine place for . dairy ar hay reach; llrlng water on rear i-f piece: can be eold If takes at oaca for $11 w per erre. 0 acrea. S bleeka to car Una. all In herrlea. STapee and aeeorted fruit treee: large mot. -em houee, met $3,600 to ha lid I bars anf chicken houee. water tower end eaonltn Emp; fhla la aa Ideal home: lice kigkbarv t a flee rlewi price $4 600. terme. Tltk acrea, cloao to Oregt City, 'part cleared: good build Inge, fmo eail; price $.4 per aero. ... 40 arras, all la ' eu titration, good koua . and hem; flneet paring place af land In uile county nrmg water, ciaaa 10; wn 11 vw umr. wm mmmy 111.,. If yoa want a komo of 1 to $00 acrea, where there la aa era eel and fine anil, cobm and "eee aa. ee we keew the Iwet- bore In Otae' amaa county; awa lota aed acre tracts la Mllwaukle ea eaey terma. J. R. Krleo and G. W. Erxna. Mala at., Mll waekle. Oregoa. ... IS acrea, the beet eoll ill ta Oregoa. fine Io-' cation for a heme, floe rlcw or er looking rlrer and the city er portiaaa: s scrre m orcneni. 4 acrea la Concord grapee, 4 acrea for gar. , - den. large drrheaee and etore room, coat f butldtnga $3,000: rloee to ackool, ear Ilea an I "boat lending. If yoa waat a aloe bona wit 1 a good Income, tareattgate thle piece. TTe ckcepcet bay ta Oreeoa. J. IL Releo ami -.O. W. Braaa. Mala at.. Mnwaokle. Oregoa. ' DAIRTMEN AND OTBERR. NOTICBI . Splendid dairy' ranch. Uelambta bottom. 0 -mllea. from- Veacoorer. 1H mllee to railway ' ' etetioa. boat lendlnga oa Columbia aad l.ake -, rtrerei dally rreem boat; . I mile to aehool. ratal mall delteery; 600 acrea; eoeogh aplan-l -ta cara for etock; good balldlafai far eala . ckeen for caoh. - Boo-arre dairy farm edkimlng a bore, equally ... - food end almtlarly eltnated; a ena p. Splendid 10-acra fruit ranch, oa oeteklrte of Vaneoarer: aa Meal ham: kaa well tail : pomp eapplylng aelrhbore. yteldlog good In come : cheep for eeeh. 1 Splendid ' 14-aera fruit ' farm,' adjoining; : abere: good honee.' barn aad dryer: cloee 10 Vencooeer and all adrantegee of tty a bet ' ter bom mold aot be Imagined. Ideel enot for realdenoe In VaeeouroTi 4 good lote with, fruit treeai e ha are for toed - j lareetment. ' - Small country erhwmlTI,' rood roller mfl. SS-barrel capacity; well located for both Water , aad rail treneportattOB: for eala at a eerrlflra ' or for reat on eaey terms to right perty. - 400- ere dairy farm oa On ramble rlrer: ; cloee ro Brhont aad railway and rlrer trann- , : Bortatlon: eome anland: rural mall roate S eplendld place, for eala cheap, 1 Good 60-acra tract, T acre cleared; 'eloa ., ta, near aehool and rural mall route: $1S per ecre. . : '"'. " 110 acre tract, good lead: ao Improrementa. well watered: $6 P" acre. SO-erre tract,-1 mllea te railway ata t to. "'"tfrMsr applp to" Daaala" Hclf aatarrTan. eoarer, Weehlngtoa. . . FOR BALB 640 acres wlthla H mile of R. R. -etatVoa. 300 acre clear and under eultlra ; tloa, good building, good orchard. le; , water; a fin niece for dairy tttmv oeljr $."(! racre. ' Thle la a enin; rannot be beet ; Ibe atare. Portland Real EaUU Co., S06i ' Morriaoa at., room !.' -' FARM of 140 acre mint ho eold In SO darl stork, too la, crone and houee bold furniture I . all roe for $; terma to eolt. Call or addreee f. Johneoo, R, No. I. Tancoaeer. Wa. r TO EXCHANGE. TO ETCHANOE for Portlaad piopc-ty 4eera orchard. Swm cottea. hara end outtmlld. Inge. In Aahlend. Oregon. Addreee 13TS I'nloe are.. Portlend. ' SPLENDID apple ret-hard or 10 acres a Delta county, Colorado: irrigated: ISr ear-old treee. la teat rartetlea; will errhange for gnuil mnmlng houee lareallgate R- II.. Je FOR EXCHANGE Piano, good aa new,- fog city lot: will pay difference. . Addreee K 10, care Journal. . . WANTED To exchange lady"h gold watch fns aood cow. Addreee ASS North Seventeenth Bt., ' or pboao Pacific 040. i GOOD rooming howje to axebang for aa . hnrnas or country property. K IS. Journal. f HORSES AND CARRIAGES. THB MODEL BTA.BLB8, Firewa A Poeter. prop a. PboB Mala S4T. Beerdtng. Mrerr and eale axpreea aad baggage tranafar. SM Daria at. JVST recelred car of draaght bnraea, ' yoanf anoj Bounn, nimnr 'r. . a.arBging in . weight from 1.400 to 1.S00 pound. Thomp. ena A Wlllard Broe., foot Rrrrnteeath and FraBt St., north, Phoaa Main 6360. $ FIRST-CLAM dellrcry boraee, weigh 1.IS0- poo one eecn; emo pair email maree. or Ira gmi I big farm team, weighs S.4O0 poanda, new harnae and Bond 31 . farm waeoa, out. St for $146. --Call Regal Rtahtea, gnurtoealA ' Bed Buraala SU. , Pbaa 1'adA $14, , ,