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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
j- c .aLT...""" - V iJ, JA1U.L. Hi 1133. r - - - - ...... - ' '"' - - - - " "' " J" '" " " - " , Including Tweeds, Cheviots; Worsteds stouis, sums ana A. BONA FIDE DISSOLUTION SALE. Positively the greatest sacrifice ; sale ever held in Portland. ; Cost and for mer plrice disregarded. You'll buy 2 suits if you see them A.n w .TU RAISING FUND FOR ATHEfJS TRIP Officer of American Committee " Busy Arranging for Finances V.C-to Send Athletes. ' MANY CANDIDATES ON if ' THE WAITING LIST It Is Certain That Bert Kerrigan, : Paraont and Co, Winners in Lewis ' ' and Clark Games,' Will Repreacnt ;Thia Country In Their Classea, ' ; The mcr or the American -poramit-' tc of th Oljrmplo aamaa mr naktng .yvery cndMTor to aacur the funds to . pay the ipim of tho Mtm that t to reprMiit Amarloa Iq the rma of 10. Julian W. Curttu,. chairman- of tha rnanoa coramlttca, has appolntad auh - committees In most prominent cities In . the United States for tha purpose of col-, 'lectin subscriptions to this fund lo cally. For the- next month at least the ' committee on the selection of an Ameri can team wlU be kept busy. It Is con , fldently expected, however, that the one selected to to will be made tip from the . . following- athletes: . tot-meter - sprint C.k I' Parsons, lymph elnb, sanv-Francisco; WA, 1 Schick,. Harvard university; Clyde Blair, , University of Chicago; Baton, Boston; Wueyrouse, New Orleans. ' 4 40-yard ruiW-F. Waller, University of Michigan; Harry HUlman, New Tom 'Athletic club. . i. .; 100-meter run B. B. Parsons, New ' fork A. CS James D. taghtbody. Chi cago' Athletlo aasoelatlon; H. V. Valen . tine. New Tork Athletlo olub. MOO-meter run James IX Llghtbody, Chicago university; V, C M unson, Cor 7. nell university. ' : ' 1 The Marathon race Joseph Forshaw ""'of the MlasoQrl A. ,C.l Fowler, who In, t lahed second W i the Boston Marathon . race, and the winner of the Chicago etathaw raoo. 1 J-yard hurdle 'rate Hugo Friend. , Chicago Athletlo association; F, 8. Cat - Ian. - Chicago uolveraity. - - ' .- ' Blending broad Jump Ray Kwry. '. Running broad Jump-7-Hugo Friend. ' Chicago Athletic association ;Ray Ewry, J. . Blller,- National Turn Vereln of Newirk; U W. Simmons, PrIVicetoa unl . verslty. ; . Running hop, suip and jump Tryouta will be held at -crUln parts f the eeuntry and the best men will be se- lected. ' Itunnlng high. Jump H. W. Kerrfgan, Multnomah A C. Portland, Ore.; J. W. 'Marahall; C Barker of tha University v of Iowa. v Throwing "the discus Garrells 'of ; Michigan, Ooe of Boston and Mitohell . of New Tork; also Parry of Chicago university and A. W PUw Of San Fran- , . Cisco. .( , , . ,r .. . '. Throwing the atone (with ran and follow J. 8. parry of Chicago unl- the firm,; C P, BISHOP, the well-known Salem clothing merchant,-having : purchased his entire interest in the business. In order to raise money, and to clean out a great overstock amounting to ncarly-$20000-WORTH-OF-MEN,SINE-SUITSrwe-placc ';.'.i:.':, reeuiar cut uur best nana-maae suits verslty, Mitchell of tha New Tork Ath letio club, W. W. Coe of Boston, John Flanagan of New Tork and A. W. Flaw of San Francisco. - Putting the shot W. W. Coe of Bos ton, F. J. Porter of Cornell, C Dnnlap or university of Michigan. J. 8. Parry of Chicago university and A. W. Flaw of Baa Francisco. . , . Pentathlum, eonslstlng of the five fol lowing events: ) Flat raoe, - pne Olympic atade, lit meters; (2) broad Jump, standing; (t) throwing the discus, Greek style; (4) hurling tha javelin; (!) : wrestling. Oraece-Roman style. Competitors must take part : In all of these Ave oventa. For thla aeries of events theoommittee has not aa yet decided upon who they will Invite- ow ing to the fact that the athlete1 who enters must ompte la the five events, but experts in Boston seem to think that jsilery Clark Is the one man who Is an amateur that can represent Amer ica. In these events. - In the weight-lifting oventa land the wrestling event no selections have yet been considered. , - . Walking race The most likely candi date to be' sent for .the walking contest Is' William Toung of Portland. Oregon, who Is the only walker who created a new record lest year. - Tug-of-war teams of - eight V J r-8. Parry, Chicago; W. W. Coe. Boston; A. W. Flaw, San Francisco; John Flana gan, New. Tork; Mitchell, New Tork; F. J. Porter, Cornell; O. Dunlep, University of Michigan, and Kllery Clark of Bos- Lton. ' For the gymnastic" competitions a team of eight gymnaata will be sent to represent- this country- .' They will be the pick of the amateur Athletlo tinlon, the oolleges and the Turners. ' K ' The entries for the three swimming events. 100 meters, 00 meters and MOO meters, will be selected from the fol lowing: Daniels, Handy, Iioughlln and Leery. ." . t- - The most prominent candidate for the diving eompetitlon IS Dr. Sheldon of the Mleeourt -Atbletlo-eeeoclatlen.-y - WHITMAN FIVE. ARE . ROUNDING TO FORM -(fteeclsl Dtseetrh te The JmumII Walla . Walla, Wash,, Jan. 10. The. greatest Interest la being evidenced IB basketball this week. The team la prac ticing hard In preparation for the next game, which la scheduled to. take place wtthPuget Bound academy of Snoho mish next Monday evening." It will be played In Walla Walla. The, J!! set -Bound aoadsaay . boys are considered one of the strongest teems In the state, and won the championship of the - northwest - last- year. ; They have all but- one of last year's players with thsm again this year.' The Whitman boys are expecting one of the hardest games of the season with the Snoho mish team and ara bending every energy In an effort to be well prepared. Whit man will have an even stronger team than the one which defeated W. 8. C of Pullman last week, for Captain Raser, who was out ot that game, on account of conditions. , will- be In the game against tha Paget Sounders, " -The next games will be away from Walla Walla, . Manager ' Rlgaby . tak ing the team on 4 northern tour to play a series of games at Colfax, Pullman and aloe co wr , Wonder of the Day; , Automstta chsnge and cask roglstea 100 Marqutm building " , . . . and Blue Sergea r.VC0ELL GETS AFTER VARREIi ZORBKICK. y . 1 i . Clever Welterweight Claims That He Made Every Suitable In V " ducement. ' To the Sporting Editor of The Jour nal I wish to answer Warran Zur brlck's statement In an evening paper, in which he states he will box me for a 1150 guarantee or 'side bet. X In formed Zurbrlck when we met to sign articles that I 'was onabla to secure the sum he asked and the club also In formed him could not see where ha was entitled to a guarantee. There was no doubt In any one's ' mind that the boxers' (0 per cent of the gross re ceipts would be mora than 1160, so I offered to let him have It all U I failed to beat him, but Zurbrlck, not earing to mix op with a man tha public knew could and would give him a good battle, jumped at the chanreto get out of it by demanding what he knew ha couldn't get. - He eta tee I was. offered I BOO to meet him .In Los Angeles. Tom Ms- Carey, the promoter of boxing matches in that city, orrereg me a ma ten witn Buddy Ryan for the welterweight, cham pionship of the world If I would wslt over In his city for two months. I was unable-to stay that long and offered to take on Zurbrlck. McCarey thought so well of Zurbrlck that he offered me a purse of $1S0 for 10 rounds. I asked for t0 and on being asked by McCarey how long It would take roe to beat Zur brlck I offered to bet McCarey my end of the puree 'at 1 even money . that I would hrMrlir five-rounds, and lie houxht I was trying to. rob him.- Me- Carey will If asked atata that what I have said is tne trutn. ' -Zurbrlck must have gained a wonder ful reputation In four months to Jump from ITS purses to asking clubs to guarantee, him money. He , has fought six men since he has been on the ooaat and - out of the alx there la only one who was ever heard of outside of the town In which he met them, and that one was Tracer, and from his statement he has another unknown on his hands now Zurbrlck has. failed . la. prove" tor the people of . the northwest that he Is a top-notcher and I hope he won't let hloohftce go to convince -theny-that ha lev Respectfully yours, - FRANK McCONNELI - , SPORTING GOSSIP. . -) 'Tim Flood and Martin Murphy, who assaulted umplrea In the coast leagus last seaeon. were restored ' to good standing yesterday b the leegue dlr rectors. The outlook for these two players was not very encouraging, and they may wU feel grateful to the league officials for overlooking their hasty actions. .... , - . . ;-v e e - Rumor has It that class A leagues may withdraw from tha national agree ment They certainly did not fare very well at tha recent Chicago., conven tion. -.'..'(. ' . - The meeting of the coast league di rectors cams : to a rloso yesterday at Ssq Francisco without Unce McCrsdie r q and J. F. Agnew of Seattle breaking p tha organisation. Tbinga went along smoothly and as asual , tha California magna tea -ran tha whole ahow. - . e e .. . . Tha Vancouver Athletlo elub being unable to put on McConnell and- Zur brlck through the letter's failure to come to term. Is negotiating with oev eral good men In California In order to secure a faat opponent for . Mo- Connoll. .. - ' . ' e - e "Jewey Cook, the Xxndon middle weight, la oontemplatlng a . visit to Amsrlca In tha near futuaa. . . a a . ,,...' 'Tha American Motor league la doing great work for auto drlvere In erecting danger signs and guldeboarda through out tha country. . . - ..- o s . . 1 . Al Copeland, who haa been engaged aa trainer for the Princeton track -team, waa once reputed the greatest all-round 1 It-pound athlete In the country, e e Eastern league records show La POrte, who Is to be with the New Tork High landers next season, tha leading bats man, and Llndatnan. who Joins tha Boston Nationals, the best pitcher. La Porte batted for .ill and Lindamaa won 14 out ' 1 gamea. - . . ... e e According ' to press .agent's stories. Battling Nelson has been engaged, to an average of three young ladies a week since his fight with Jimmy Brltt Bob Fltsslmmons' press agent will have to look out for his laurels. . 1 - - - e e ' New Tork fight followers ara begin ning to think that Terry McOovern did not do a great deal of damage to Tommy Murphy after all. The Harlem boy haa been putting them down for the count lately aa faat aa ha could take them on.. - ... . ;.. ..... Tack BoyleT the former Philadelphia player,- le- to -manage - the- Terra : Haute team tha coming eeaeon. ... e r e . Cal Harris, the well known fight man ager, Is organising a baseball team made up entirely of pugilists to tour the west the coming season. How . would you like to be the umpire? . ,. . .-,- ... .... . " rrT - It looks a a though Arthur Irwin had atolen an .Idea from Charles Frohman. Mr. Frohman haa all the Barrymorea In one ahow and now Irwin wants to put all tha Delehantya In hie Altoona ball team. There arrstxrDelehanty brothers playing In aa many league. , . e e Airtlia 'XmerlcalTleague Veama have decided upon aouthern training quarters. The Waahmgtons. will go to Charlottee- vllle. New Tork to Birmingham, Boe tone to Maoon, St. Loula Browns to Dal las, Philadelphia Athletics to Montgom ery, Chloagoo to New Orleans, Cleve lands to Atlanta and Detrolts to Au gusta. AH will atart for their camps sarly la March. );, ' Pocket Bank Free. ' Subscribers of The Journal are given pocket savings banks free. 'These banks when presented st the Oregon Trust St Savings bank. In tha Marouam building, with the dapoeit of one dollar or more, entitle th- despoaitor to aa extra II oents. - Thla offer la made aa aa Inducement for opening a bank account, which means the- nucleus of future wealth. Tha banks can be obtained from The Journal business office or threueh The Journal oaavaasers tn the city. , . , , ii i i r i i i i 'ii II ...... I I t X I t f I I .... .. I I II big i;:door mn at COLUMBIA COLLEGE Greatest Athletlo Event In Her History Will Be Pulled Off . This Evening. 1 " ' (Joans! Sperial Ssfrica.1 " . ' New Tork, Jan. 10. The greateat in door athletlo meet aver held by the Columbia University Athletic aasoela tlon will take place at Madison Square Garden thla evening and It promises to attract , aa enormous crowd of specta tor. Relay raoea will be tha leading feature of tha evening's sport, but there will alao be a number of Individual com petition. The entries are more Burner oua than ever before, and among them ara many of the beat aprlntera. relay runners and, field athletes of tha coun try. - . '- . - . i The Hat of eventa includes a one-mile. Intercollegiate relay, tsama of four men, each- maa running 440 yards; two-mile Intercollegiate relay, teams of four men, each man -running OOO-yardar one-mile National Guard relay, " teama of four men, each man Tunning 440 yards; one mile athletlo cjub relay, teama of four men, each man ' running 440 yards; 1,401-yard private achool relay, teams of four mem each maa running 51 yards; 1,400-yard P. S. A. L. High school relays 1,401-yard Sunday School Ath letlo, league relay; half-mile P. 8. A. L. Grammar achool relay; one-mile Colum bia Interclaaa relay; 1,400-yard Colum bia Law achool. New Tork Law achool and New Tork unlveralty Law achool relay; Amateur Athletlo union cham pionship races, 100-yard run,' one-mile run. Open events 0-yard hardle scratch. 10-yard dash, handicap, tot-yard run, handicap; one-mile run, handloap; high Jump, handloap; lt-pound shot, handicap, and pole vault, handicap. -Among the team and individual com petltoro entered for the varloua eventa ara. aome of the beat collage and 'ctub teama of the country and a number of the fastest runnra to bo found In aay part of the country. It la expected that in some of the events records will be broken. .'- , MULTNOMAH ATHLETES OFF FOR SEATTLE . Thle afternoon, on- the North Coast Limited, George Teller, Burr Wagner, Jack Walsh and Olmar .Dranga, repre senting - the Multnomah Amateur Ath letic dub. will leave for Seattle, where they will compete tomorrow evening against the representatives of the Se attle Athletlo club. - Manager Ed Frank. Boxing Instructor Rennlck and Wrestler Joe Acton will accompany the Multnomah msn Teller and Wagner will do the mat work and Walsh and Drang will do tha boxing stunts for Multnomah. ' The local men feel con fident of carrying off the honors, WHAT LOCAL BOWLERS ROLLED YESTERDAY The Oregon s were there la the aecnnd and third gamea of their match With the Jose VUaa last evening, taking both , games; the Vilas won the first game by one pin. Keating had the high average, 106 l-t; ha also had the highsat atngle game, 144, The eooree were: Jose Vila.. , (1) (I) (1) Capen . 1T4 . 114 150 Btubba . . ........ ..Hi 100 107 MoMonlea . .......105 . 110 -171 Beylund . ..14T lit 174 U 11 man .HI lot 141 "; Totala . . .7..w....y..70 14 111 Oregona ' (1) ) !) Hamilton.. ,...ltT 110 1T1 Dr. Meleen.. .....lit 151.110 Bwlnney . , .,.117 ,171 ,141 Flood .. .............. ...100 ICS 100 Keating....:..... ..lit 144 lit Totala . . ..............711 tit "tST The American Guilds took the first two games la last evening's match, the Honeymana . winning the third. Tatea had tha high average, 171. The eooree were: American Guilds ' (1) Freeborough .....Ill Kalk '. .......'. . ,. 1 tl Anderson ......161 Duganno t ,...,,.,.....114 Jordan . , ...............141 Yatea ' ToUla . tit Honeymana 1 (!) (1) 147 111 lit. lit 101 111 lit ..177 ltl ltt til 771 (II (I) IIS 14 Popple, v ....lot . lit lit Day .. Jones .-. 177 Parrott ;v ............... 1 71 Woalm ,.141 141 101 141 -141 m :i7t 171 . ltl . Totala ...711 764 774 Thla evening Honeymana vs. Gold Leaf a, and Llpmana ve. Montavlllaa, - Pined fee XUltar Seavev. . (Spwtsl Dtopstch to The Jooraal.) Forest Grove. Or Jan. It. J. C. Wil son, a farmer living on tha Ranea placo near Galea creek, waa arrested yester day by Depaty Game Warden Nlchola, charged with ' killing beaver. Ho wat fined tit and costs, but preferred aeven and a half daya In JalL . Svoek Oanaed Allen a Lewis' Beet Brand. "ATc3tlifcraTc:l?in as a dlffkrrat aiesalng here than the bIMIeel ew ef asset JeatlM. We eeevr la a lltwal ersw a Bttte tMth tar a .rrlr. asaltlply ft sr ae away ae T ere aierteaate ta ha.e la had shape tut n-nlcattoa ar so ssra. W ess ee aartaios s.f etlat attempts; aosra things sobm d.rt oos'l kanw how t kanaM. it Tm'U mi la V. Ill tell ye iiaeat eaarae what atWatlaa sat iMia wic3 czrrc . Ob, r alfkilli 'r-i- ravERr . i:elsc:i III qet cisiit Unless Authorities Interfere the Two Whlrtwinds Will Mix K , In Quaker City. . , . Jearaal HpeHal gerrloa, . . .1 Phfladelphla. Pa., Jan. II. Unless) the authorities Interfere or aome other un expected complications arts, Terry Mc Oovern and Battling Nelson will fight: six rounds for the ehamplonahlp at the Light Guard armory thla evening. Th fight waa arranged after considerable dickering and after It had seemed sev eral times that It waa Impossible to -bring about a satisfactory agreement between the managers of the two fight ' ere. According , to - the terms - ef th agreement Nelson will get 45 per emit of the gate receipt. McOovern only 15. per cent. - It la stipulated that both contestants are to weigh IIS' pounds at the ringside Just before the fight. Thle condition at first threatened to prevent . an - agreement, - but- It-waa- finally - ao eepted. with the proviso that the parry violating thle condition should pay forfeit of 11.000 to the other. Both men have been carefully training for thla event 'and are said to be in excel lent Condition. - Both are confident of their ability to win and the opinions of the experts are divided on the question of . superiority between the two aaen. In the betting Nelson la bat slightly, favored. . No More Mistakes. Automatic chance aad eaah rearlate savea Its cost In abort time: acenta wanted. 404 Marquam bonding.' aMaaawMMaiaeasaaS ' The better the eteel In a raser tht tonger it will last not merely reteid the shape of a shaving Instrument, bul keep Its qualities or removing or I growth of beard. Thla Is a fact may not know. A blade ef p'. tempered eteel-atl-the-way-throu 1 last a lifetime and you nv 't early ta prov it. Such ror and buyera of long ao will att t atatement. fild atyia rasors t eafety kind, many ie a t and, of c iirae, maa .-!. i many peop- ,3 . 1 - .. t - r '