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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
-k ' r If'. : - I I II GOOD EVENING ' TIIK VEATli;2. : - Fair and cooler tonight Eaturday . . fair; easterly winds, ; ' Journal Circuhtlon ? ' -; Yesterday ' Was . VOL. IV. NO. S0. PORTLAND, ORCGON, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28, 1906 SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. ViSiimP CaAXa. :r--rn rk ;n hr Tim ;V;' i ii in i v f v nrffc i ii.ii ? ; IU Ullu ; HUL IILU , If, Council .Is Right In Declaring y 1 V Bruin " Illegally . Appointed ' v : Then Dozens of Others Qo V: Down With Him. ; 4 WILLIAMS GUiLTYOFC o IDENTICAL OFFENSE . Vrovisloni Relating ; to Residence Have Always Been Applied Only to , ElecriTe ,: Officer -Grand ,.. Joh to H Whble City Service If the Malarkey View la Sustained. ' J V : In order 16 And a -pretext for the chars that Mayor Lane.' and the civil mtaSlBha'olaleaep city charter lt.'wasneceesary for tha ; investigating committee of the council "to. place on the charter's provisions so Interpretation- absolutely undreamed of - hitherto. . If their Interpretation Is to be accepted as correct, the charter was 'violated under; the. administration of Mayor Williams, not once, but doeens of i ... i . Investigating eommittee has declersd. men arnny one anh t the police force ves appointed OlegaJly and there Is pre. t'elsely ee much reason for saying that may save no. riant to .retain their poal tione as for. saying It about Patrick , Bruin. r.- t t- .. - . , ; . BSOHvll if O ' tl)9 ClleirXQI"-rOViQ6el : that all offlcera of the city of Portland must have been residents of the, city ior inra years oerore - taxing omce. - Section- lit provides that "all munic ipal officers, except .women, shall be - resistsred votere of the city ef Port land." These two sections have been . uniformly Interpreted In the past as ' relating only to elective offlcera of the city or to, heads ef departments.. The term '"municipal offlcera" has never ; been understood to apply to the aub- -ordlnatee In any department. . The chief : of police la undoubtedly' a municipal ; offlcerbut thle le not true of the sub ordinates tsv. the police force sny more than it Is tms ' of the deputies snd clerks In-the auditor's office or the " surveyors and draughtsmen under the ' i city, engineer. The courts have alwaya ' made a diatlnctlon between the officers snd the employee of a municipality, and-the distinction was doubtleas ta the minds of the f ranters xt Portland's . charter. ' . . BleoWvo Ofioera Affected.' . Certainly It was ever supposed dur ing the edmlnlstratton of Mayor Wil li am a' that the charter provlalone gov erning "municipal officers'' related to sny but the elective officers or heada of departments. It was ths Invariable as sumptlon that ths subordinates In any , department were not within the ecope . of eectlons t and It I. Mo one Imag Ined for a moment that It was neces--' sary that an applicant for appointment . as a policeman or fireman should have , reelded three years In the city or that he should be registered ss a voter In , Portlsnd. - On ths assumption that these eee- - - tlons of ths charter . were not applica ble to eubordinatea nearly i of the "' 11S men now on the police force re f celved their - appointments In the -fees ' of their own statements that they bed reelded leas than three years in. Port-taneV.'.-.v..'..-.: - " ' ' . If ths poaltlon now asaumed tT the council Is correct, it Is obvious that a large percentage of the peraone in the city's etrlploy were appointed In viola tion of the charter. . It proceedings are to be Instituted to ouat Patrick Bruin from his position as police captain, the only logical and oonalstent oourse Is .to - - take similar action agnlnsf theae others who had Btmllarly failed to come up to ' . the requiemente now eeUbllshed. , i : ..' Wbs Was s stlsmST-,.- -.- In '4hl connection another point In the Malarkey report on the Bruin Inves- - ' titration deserves mention. The report charges a violation of section 111 of the charter; which requires the ap Bolntlns snthnrlty" In this , esse ths , - jwayniwtii notify the dvll. service com mission Immediately whenever m va- Infancy, occurs .Meyor lne is Impliedly renaured beauae" he"Id h5nhollf'Uie eemmlesion that-tners-wss'a vsesney . In ths rank of police captain until laat November. !. The vacancy arose, how r ever, many monthe before Mayor Lae took office and no notification was ever eent by hie predeceeaor. Mayor Wil " llama If censure Is due On thle score, It must be applied to Mayor .Williams, ; not Mayor Lane. TAKE MORE TESTIMONY . , IN THE SMOOT CASE (fcaraal SDeHil serVW.) .V -Washington, Jan. IS Supplementary . iBKuraonj jn ins emooi case win oe ; taken February I. Senator Smoot In ' dlaruaalng his ' cses declares that he - represente no faction of his stste, but " .It t h n.nnl. M tT.-K w. he le under no Influence front churches er pert. Ordinances Appropriating Funds' . Provide In Every Case . for Spending of Every Cent - V. V, of Appropriation. AND THE MAYOR MAY 7 DECIDE TO VETO THEM In No Other Case Haa Mayor and Execntirs Board -; Been 78c-Re-. 1 trained Council Haa v Appro ; priated Suma in Excess of Es timated Receipts; ; ' " ,j . Mayor: Lane looks with suspicion On the ordinances psssed by the city couu funds -to-be spent-In the several ' do-1 pertinents for the current year. With the assistance of the beads of ths de partments be has been going over the ordinances and has found that every eent haa been appropriated for some apeclfla purpose and thst the executive board snd ths beads ot ths departments have been granted no liberty what ever, to use Jthelr . Judgment in the manner the -me nay shall be expended. If there la any balance left ta any ef the appropriation! tho ' sum shall be oaaoeled immediately and returned to the general fund. , If sny, exigeney arises ths executive board can author ise no espeudlture of muuey until It flret haa received a epeclflo appropria tion from the city council. On Inquiry from the city auditor! de partment the mayor was informed today that this was the flrat time In the hie tory of the city that appropriations had been made thus. Formerly the sums were appropriated for, departments and ths executive board or other boards and commleelons used the money ss they saw lit. Mayor Irene's opponents are trying to leave only - the purchasing power In the sands of the mayor snd his advisors. - The council has appropriated approxi mately (11,000 more than the estimated receipts from all aouroea, and If it hep pens thst ths executive department ex pends the amonnta appropriated and the license fees do not exceed the eetlmatea, there will be e deficiency In the treasury at the end of the year. The mayor la going to make a thor ough Investigation of the appropriation! before elgnlng the- ordinances. If he finds that it is contrary to the charter to make appropriations In exoeee of the eetimated receipts, he will in all proba bility Veto them. If he finds that Item ising ths appropriations In detail ss has been done will be a ' handicap to the executive departments, In the admlnla t ration of affairs, hs may also refuse to approve the ordinances providing for this. ED1S0II VlIiS BIB LAVSUIT . MIST THE GOULDS Western Union . Never Paid In ventor for Use of Automatic ' Telegraph Instruments.- - ' (Joemal Special Service.) New York, Jan. !. A decision has been rendered In the Buffalo courts againet ths Ooulds In favor of Thomas A. Edison, ths -Inventor. In a suit that has been elumbertng In - the courts 30 years. which, although originally for ttOO.000 damages, - now Involves nesrly SO.000,000. Kdlson himself furuiahed this brief statement of the case: - "About. HTl'-Jsy Oould bought out ths Automatic Telegraph company and afterward sold the same to the We! tern Union Telegraph company. -The eult In queetlon le for money Oould promised to pay, but -did not. . Joalab C. Retffr one.. of -the principal stockholdsrsnf the Automatlo Telegraph company, was I the principal prty to. th,le .iltlgtlon Edison sold lbs patents to the Auto matlo -yesrs ago. but never received any payment on account of ' the failure of Oould to carry out hie contracts. The Interests of the Western Union Tele graph company' bavs grown enormoualy einoe the daye ef Jay Oould, and year by yeer It la certain that-, the number of Inetrumente .Involved. In the suit grew proportionately.! - ? STEAMER IS MISSING . WITH NINETEEN ABOARD ' Jearae! Iperlal Srte. -San rranctscov Jan. M. The marine exchanges and ships agents are etill without tidings of the eteam schooner' Rants Barbara, which left Seattle on SStnrday with It passengera for Sas Pranclaco and which ehould have ar rived here Wedneaday. All ports hsvs been advised to keep a sharp lookout. B - smjsnaasseaasasnssenfassbjessas f ' r (CWrrlgtt.MoathyW.. Hearst! ':' : ;' ; - ' ' ;' N I .:t7Cndms t mimtj. ; ... . f " TT5 ptvan ; ' J1" t oJ y . : '' Ona of tha Prominent Ezhiblta. ; . . ' FIVE MORE FROM WRECK OF TROOPS TO QUELL BLACK HAND Unable to Cope With Conditions City of Monongahela Appeals to the State. - COUNTRY TERRORIZED BY MURDEROUS GANG Warrants Out for tha Arrest of a Hundred and Forty-Nine Mem bers of Law Defying Band Twenty-One Harden Committed. rjosrea! ffpecteT Herri c Monongahela, Pa-, Jan. 1-Utterly unable to cope with conditions which havs been brought about by ths so-called "Black Hand" . society. Mayor Blllock snd Chief of Police Logan of this elty todsy sppesled to . Captain' Oroonio of Philadelphia,, in command ef the state constabulary, snd requested that a troop of 00 men be sent here Immediately. ' , In spite of warning! snd,. ths srrest of members, the murderous gsng la ut terly disregarding ths authorities. Meeting! ere being Bold dsy and night and ths people ef the county era ter rorlsad. ' ' . ' : s -r There 4s talk of sn appeal to the gov- emerf erfceteee"-eroops, " F j , The attention of , the ' United- States suthorltles haa been called to the ex tstencs of the gsng. Chief I-ogan has notified Poetofflce Inspector O'Brien of Pittsburg that large quantities sf sedi tious , mstter nave been seised which peaeed through the malls, and ths gov ernment suthorltles are expected . to take sctton. .Ths dlatrlct attorney of Washington county haa eworn out warrants for the arreet .of 141 members of the gang, charged with eonaplraey. and other charges will be made. It le believed that SI murders committed In Weshlng ton county during- ths past year were the work of the "Black Hand." - : ' V ' Wtfe ararderer . " IJMmal SpeeUI Serrlea.1' . ' ' Jersey City. Jan. - It. Nieola Mnr dsoe, who ehopped his wife ta deatl was Baagv iui wmud y ' j SURVIVORS THE But Thirty-Eight of the Hundred V and Rfty-Four Aboard Ves sel Rescued. SURVIVORS BROUGHT TO SEATTLE BY THE TOPEKA All Unite in Praising Heroic Conduct of CrewWreck ' ' Entirely Sub mergedThose - on Second : Barge Reach Shore. - " . ' (Jeersal Boeelal Bervke.) . ' . Beattle, Jan. J. Bringing tl aurvlv ore of . tha-Valencia, the steamship City of Topeka arrived at o'clock thie morn ing. Besides ths IT men who were picked UP on' the life raft Wednesday afternoon,"' the alx men who eecaped In the lifeboat were returned. ' They were picked kip by a at earner yestsrday sf ternoon a4d- trsneferred to ths Topeka. Seven survivors were taken immediately to the .Rainier1 Grand hotel and the othere scattered to other hotels or wsnt home. : ; When the Topeka left the scene of ths wreck, ehortly before dark y eater day evening, nothing oould be seen.Ot - (Continued en Page Two.) DON'T YOU OVERLOOK . .. NEXT SUNDAY'SJOURNAL J i ; : Here are eome reaturee efTe next Sunday's Journal: 1 rd William Jennings Bryan. Irt .e ey japsw. " ' 1 4 Life of the Carthuetaa monk! d'"in England. ' ' " s . . .Bnowaboetnc - and . mid-winter -e d ! a porta n Mount Hood. d How President Penrose built np Whitman college. d 1. - Ths workers' magaslns filled With practical Suggestions. ' James Barnes - story. The :One Who Thought. In the ban ner series of short stories e "Uncle Sam. . the World's d Schoolmaster." illustrated la eol- '' ore.-. - . v- e , "How Flower! Are Grown to e Match" the Color of Tour Clothes." Illustrated In colors.. S ' fi. page for boys snd glrla by e Polly Evans. . . . :How to be healthy snd besatl- fUtL by Mrs. Henry Symes. ' - e -. And for the children the col- 4 ; ered eomlo pictures. ; . . ' SAVED VALENCIA CHARGES FRAUD IN INSURANCE Charles F. Ross'rter Claims He Bought ' Two - Supposed . Twenty-Year Life Policies. THEN FOUND THEY WERE .ORDINARY, LIFE POLICIES Cava Promiaaory Note for Them, Roaaiter Clalma, and When He Ten dered Pollciea'and Demanded Notes in Return, Ha Was Refused. - Behind" a suit for tg4.S. filed, tn Jus tice Reld's court a few days sgo by ths Morgan Mercantile ' agency againet Charlee P. Roaaiter, Ilea sn Intersstlng story of what are alleged by the de fendant to be the questionable methods employed by the New Tork Life Insur ance company. Fraud Is freely chsrged In the anawer of Roaaiter to the suit filed yesterday afternoon throughu. the law firm of Hayea at Brand. The account was tranaferred te the agency bringing ault by - A.-C- Bryant, local agent for the life Inauranoe com pany. It le alleged In ths anawer that BTystrfsoiiPltsd the defendant to take out two- llfs- Insurance policies in mat July, representing to him at that time clee, which ere fully paid np at the ex piration of years, and which, it was guarantees wouia at tne expiration 01 that period allow the defendant to draS sn amount of money equal to the sum of all premiums paid by him. plus a aum of 1(0 for each l.00 policy Is sued. .:.- -In truth and. In fact," reads the an swer, "aald life inauranoe policies were not what Is knowa as 10-payment Ufa Insurance policies, but what le termed ordinary' life policies, enabling defend ant iHdrsw down sum of money of not V r- tnn ISt for each f l.eoe pol icy !sad defendant. Instead of ttlt.10. aS represented to defendant, and all ef which the said A. C Bryant then and there well knew." Relying on the statement of Bryant, the defendant declares that bs gave him two promissory notes for the two policies. Plscovertng, ss he asserts. In Continued ea Page Twe.J, STILL UPHOLD Members of Ways and, Means Committee of Council Persist in Paying Hulme and. Wopd-. 'house, Illegally. SALARIES OF MAYOR'S - APPOINTEES WITHHELD City Auditor Devlin Refuses to Pay Hey and Barrel I Untfl Ways and -Means Coinmrttee Approves Pay roll, or Cort Issuss Permanent Or der That City Pay Them. According to ths: recent decision of luOatjrisaevahejtslswjro; vldoVThepoS lng inspector In clUes of certain slse was constitutions! snd that William Hey, appointed by Mayor Lane to Jill the position la Portland, was entitled te ths office, the ordinance passed by the city council creating the offices of plumbing inspector snd deputy plumb ing inspector snd naming Thomas B. Hulme snd Hsrry Woodhouee, respect ively, to the positions. Is Invalid. in faca of thla fast the wave end meana committee of the city council, led by Councilman Masteas; haws signed the payroll of Hulme ana wooanouaa ovary month sines ths contest over the offloee began and havs refueed to pay the aalaries nf. Hey snd his itait, tvn burn' Barrel 1. who were appointed and placed in possession of the ofnee t Mayor Lane and who have performed ail the duties or tne positions. The state law providing for the ap pointment of plumbing Inspectors .wae enacted several years ago, worn m y ordinance psssed by ths present conn cllmen. who attempted by so doing to keep their favorites, Hulms and Wood bouse, In offics for political reasons. Is of no effect whstsver, in so far as It conflicts with ths former. . Andieo Oats Orders. After the court rendered Its recent de cision on the caae and Issued a writ statins that Hey and Ban-ell were rlrhtfuIlT entitled to the - offfloes,-City Auditor Devlin drew warrant! for their aalaiiee for October snd Novemoer. Tne members of ths wits snd meana com mittee,-who are Republicans and are doing everything in tneir power 10 00 atruct the administration of Mayor Lane, instructed the city auditor to pay no more money to Hey and Barrell or they would hold him liable. They took thle etand en the ground that the order ot the courr simply said that Hey and Barrell ware entitled to the positions under ths . state law and as such the state should provide a salary, that they had no funda to pay aalartes of mea holding their offices under the stats. Each month they havs been spprov Ins ths payroll of Hulme and Wood- house, who no longer perform the dutlee of the office,, although -City -Attorney McNary Informed them that In being declared entitled to poaaeealoa of the office. Hey end Barrel! were also . en titled to salaries. Councilman Masters and other members of the committee paid no heed to the city attorney and oontinued to withhold the salaries. .Warrants Are BsfasaC - Hey and Barrell have applied many times for their ealary warrants, but the elty auditor haa refused to deliver them. The matter reached a - climax thla morning when Barrell demanded of the auditor that the claims be paid. Devlin positively refused to do so with out a permanent order from the eout directing him to draw the warrants or ths approval of the waye and means committee of the, payrolls. "I have no intersst In ths matter only so far as my own protection le con cerned," eald he. "If the waye and means committee will approve the pay rolls I will draw the warrants within 10 minutes. If ths committee gete a permanent order of the court directing the city to pay the salarlee I wlU then be forced to draw the warrants. In either case I will be protected,-, and Devlin took the matter np.wHhjClty Attorney McNary and the latter told him he was right In his position, snd that hoehouia donothlng-whrerr w6ifld hold him liable. When seen by a re porter the city attorney laid the blame for the trouble on the waya and meana committee. ,-''' v-. 'v.. .... KcJrary Blames OommrMee. "Boca after the decision of the courts In this matter,"" said bs, "I told the committee that aa long as the court hsd held thst Hey snd Barrell were en titled to the office they were also en titled to the salsries. The only thing then for them to have done would have been to dmp the matter entirely and recognise Hey end Barrell ss legally entitled to the office or to hsvs ap pealed the case Immediately to the su preme court.' 1 Mr. M-Nary else eald that In ea far as the e'ty ord!n-- creating tho of- fir t " r i or and deputy pli rtt& with the st 1 t .oiar I valid IIAPGOOD UOT GUILTY Jury Fails to -Sustain Criminal Libel Charge Against Editor : ' ;.. lof Colliers' Brought by Justice Deuel. . - JEROME WARNS PAPERS THAT PRINT SCANDALS Declares That New York Papers Al most Without Exception Are Ron - From tha Counting Room Presi dent Roosevelt . Returna Copy of . Fada and Fancies Sent Him. (Joarail gpsclal aWrlce.1 - - - " New Tork. Jan. SC. After being- out of Norman Hapgood. editor of Collier's Weekly, for criminal libel againet Jus Uce J. M Deuel, owner of Town Topics, returned a verdict of not guilty. In closing for the etate thla morning District Attorney - Jerome took np the caae and discussed ths alleged libelous article from a legal standpoint ss te the Justification and excuse for printing the same, saying: "We deal with the case as developed by the testimony." Jsroras In summing up said, that ibe course. of.Town.'Xapioa should set aa a guide to many newapapera of thle elty. ' He .warmly attacked local papers aa containing "soms vile scandal, clothed by some clever srtlst," snd declared IhifNsw-Tork papers,aImost" withosl exception, are run from the eountlng room. . Hs aald that such a course oould not be pursued with Impunity. "What happened to the 10-ceat week ly may happen to the 1-cent daily ,7 de clared the district attorney. , ; . . The. ease haa been one of the meet sensational heard In criminal courts for , many day a. When the exposures con cerning "Feds and Fancies" and "Town Topics" were first made last' year, Nor man Hapgood In an editorial in Col lier's severely arraigned Justice Dual for hie connection with Town Topics. A, criminal libel eult was filed la re taliation by Deuel and in proving Its case the defense has shown np the methods employed by Colonel Mann, manager of . Tows Topic, and Juatlce Deuel In ualng their Journal to black mail members of New York's most ex clusive smart est. by the publication of facts derogatory to tbem anises liberal advertisements were placed hs - Town Toplce or a liberal space was taken In Fads snd Fancies, which purported to bs aa elaborate collection, beau ti fully gotten up. of autobiographies of the leading people in America. . .. . Wealthy Hea Bled, 1 It was shown by the defease that sub scriptions to Fads and Fancies were paid for at from tl.eoe to 10.eo each and that ths full list brings ths total elosely np to the t260.eee mark. It was slao shown that Colonel Mann bad bor rowed nearly $300,000 from J. P. Morgan. 1. R. Keens, w. K. Vanderbllt. W. C. Whitney and other prominent financiers. Many of these loans were sever repaid. Others were repaid la atock of Town Topics, whose par veins was tit a abare at ths rate of $1,000 a shsre. The largest single loan was obtained from J. R. Keens and totaled e.oee. part of which was repaid. From W. K. Vanderbllt M5.000 was secured. From W. C Whitney 1 10.000. front CP. Huntington 16,000, - frees- - J.- P. Morgan ' Sl.tOO. from John W. Gates St 0.040, from Charles M. Schwab tlO.OOS and from Thomas F. Rysa. 1 1MOO . Ths defense proved that Juatlce Deuel bad an office In Town - Toplce, ' owned a majority of the atock of the paper, was consulted regarding -items published and read the proofs el the Journal. , . - .1 , Bernard M. Baker of Baltimore, preel- ' dent of the Baltimore Trust company, snd many other . prominent business? men testified that they were the objects ' ef bitter attacks In Town Topics until they advert laed liberally In Ite columns, and ths attacks then ceased. , - Norman Hapgood snd Robert Collier, owner of Collier's Weekly, wers both; on ths stand yesleidayi The latter ta ttfled that Hapgood bad written ths arv tides concerning Justice Deuel In Town . Ttapica. under - Inetrunllons , from aim , self. Hs stated that what first srouaed,. . hta Indignation was an"-article la Town & Toplca concerning Mine Alice Roose velt, in which aha was referred te as Aline. , i - ii The taet evidence for the prosecution wss a letter from Grow Cleveland, in which he etsted that hs had. examined Fada and Fanclee and thought it was as admirable book. - '. telegram received from Wash fus ion thle morning says that a statement was given out at the White House sitt ing that. In view ef Colonel sno,e tes timony yesterday, which lr wt e - ' of correspondence bet-e-- - copy of t ads end h . the deo'arat'f" ' given r he re: I i . 1 ,.e