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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1906)
la. .IIOr " J-.. a' .J, 1.. . Bv mm' Vi: cue: its - and Baker. - ... .-. w r. ....... . .Msslral Bislesiiiie Keipire.-'The Uttle Chore Araned tae Corner' (Iraud ,. tu . ........ An to BHriH ..............a........ ....eT .Vasoerllie .VsaoeTllle The twelfth annual meeting of the director of the Railroads Employer Purchaalng aeaoclatkm waa. held In tha Parklna hntal laat ntarht. Tha election 'of of near resulted In the eelectton of tha following-: . President O. A. Wnu of tha Southern Paatfio company; vlos preeldent, J. 8. Winchester of tba Port land Railway company; secretary, W. S. Weeks of tba Northern Pacific Terminal company: treasurer, O. 0. Downing- of tha Sou t bar a Pacific company. Method or sudltlns- accounts ana muuii ox . adjustment of affairs of tha association . wera discussed., it was snown met - large saving had bean made by the mem Uer-bf lbs association. . , Wko baa returned from tba southern Cal tfomla excursion trip of the Oregon Development league, aays the ucoeaee of the excursion m xuijy up 10 ex- ' peotatloas. The visitors ware received ' Hh great cordiality by Callforalana, The Orecoa people were made to enjoy very day of the Journey, despite the 'disadvantages of 'rainy weather. He akt the trip had resulted m the Stimu lating of a strong sentiment of ; coop trie Cast Sid-tankrf saripccS: or dust 1 wsTWaTy-irorlcrt states. ." '' Colonel James Jackson. TJ. " tired, who Is inspector-general of the '.Oregon National Guard, has gone to Ashland, where be will this evening In spect B company, first separate bat fallen. -Prom there he will visit every ,' command in the guard for Inspection sad eiamlnatton purposes. K company of Portland hopes to win the trophy this year, as It did In lies. The local .oemntande -will: wet- be inspected until the middle of next month, as Colonel Jackson will be with the outside guards men .until jrebruarr l. "Remodeling" work has been begun on the Perkins hotel, several additional stories ars to bs built. Arrangements are being made for two electric elevators "and In . the basement excavations are under way for enlarged boilers and en gines. . It Is the Intention to place the restaurant on the top floor ana trie bar' , ber shop and baths In the basement, thus Increasing tha else of the lobby. The rooms of the bote) are to be re- Penney Bros. Friday special l ; Five big bargains In wine. - 11.10 grade of white or red pert at fl ' par gsuen. '. l.t grade of Angelica at ft par gal ILI4 grade ef Madeira at $1 per gal- . 1 IS grade of Tokay at tl per gallon. Phone, East 117. Free delivery.- 7- - Ml Beat Morrison.- ; - ' : - Mineral prints Hotel Co., lea ' Amos D. St Martin.' 'Hot Springe, Car son, Washington, la without doubt ths T beet health resort In ths northwest. Hot mineral baths for tha ours ef rheuma tism. - stomach, liver and kidney troubles, Excellent , table. BleotrM - light and steam beat - Take Regulator - una boats. We are experts in poses end that Is - half ef a shoto'a beautr. What'a the sense In paying for poor photography when 'the beet may be had at the sams 'price or least Expert photography re quires modern appliances and skill to operate them.' ' All thie ts found at our line gallery. Moore. Elk's building. -Te-daa Consumers: A great leal ef " the complaints you make about ths gas ' could be prevented II you purchased , your lights and supplies front the H. W. Manning L. A B, Co 4 Third Street Tal Main 111. . . - Ths merit ef Rainier Mineral soap is -- In the mineral. Me drugr chsmlcala ,sre used and It Is eisan, containing no dirty fats. Oet It from your grocer or .druggist ( ; .. , -.v,'' ., ; j v - Watches, Watches, Watches On easy weemy- paymeaia, ii aown, ere - week., Dorrt go without .good tlrae- piece. MeUger e Oo.. Ill Sixth Street -tfnlu Tailoring Co. ' f : NT ' ' Havs moved. , . . v. T ... I.- tot SUrk, hear Sixth. Tot akin diseases, essems, : chapped : hands. etc ' there is nothing equal te Rainier Mineral ' soap. Tot bale by grocers ana arugglsta, . - ' Why pay IS te. tit for eyeglasses T . We guarantee a perfect fit for tl, JCyes examined free. , Metsger Ce til Sixth street - ; y v. For the toilet and bath there U no soap equal ts Rainier Mineral soap. Try it. ah grocers ana araggists sou it LostLadles' gold watch s name a inside case. Finder phone Vast lot and be rewarded. . ; . Lost LadlMf gold watch: ham en insids esse. Finder phone Xaat 101 and be rewarded. ' . . - . Oeid medals for lawn grass and sweet . peas. . Suuer, seedemaa, ill Front "Turn fhs Earth Upside Down." put special rarm an real estate aae. ;. Merchants' lunch Mo 11 U i, Washington. y .-.. ' ; Blf shod sals. Marks the Ce. - . " Ask -for Frfts tamdleev - ' ' If : Wonder of tha Day. u- - Automatic change and sash registss 404 Marquam building. ... . . - Klamafh Palls demands a hew post- Oltlce building. ' s. W RELIEVE FAMILIES OP ' THEIR WASHHTO TROU- ;-.V sles when wb -' - j -; OS .Tnls Is ths bast linen renovating proposition ' America has . ever known, and we operate the only steam-neated polishers on ths Pa- v flflrt ooast We Iron all "flat"- Inen; too, and rail for and de Iver. Hapd ironing can be done at 'home. ...... .A ,.t noon AJTD OOX.t7MXSA. Vet. Mala. SSS, - r By Anatole Fraaoa. T ts a great mists re te suppose that scientific truths and generalxtrutbs differ very muoh. They only differ in extent and exaotnesa. From a practical viewpoint this makes eonsld arable difference. It should be remem bered. ' however, that not even science Is able te penetrate the real nature' of things. ' An ' sys looking through the most perfect microscope still remains a human eye. It sees more than other eyes, but It does not see In a different manner. The scientist sees v certain phenomena which escape our observa tloOb but to him aa to us their causes are a closed book. To demand a moral from science is to give oneself over to cruel disappointments.-' Three hundred years ago It waa believed. thai lbs aatth-was tbs canter of tba universe. Today . we know that It la only a condensed drop of the sun. We know what gases ars burning around the moet distant star, we knew that the- anlveres In which" our earth-Is only Ing and creating. We know that stars are born and die Incessantly, but havs our morals changed with this lnoreaslng knowledge? Do mothers love tbelt children more or least Are we more or lees susoeptlbls to the beauty of women T Do the hearts In the breasts of heroes beat differently! , No: and ones- more not Let the earth bs large or small, it) makes no dlfferenoe to humankind, ills large enough for love and . suffering. jrfattog bstWa HH, PtaPi of b two 1 Love- and suffering are the twin aouroos of her wonderful beauty. , - - . Suffering, what a heavenly word I To suffering w owe all that la good In us. all that makes life worth living; to sui ferlner ws owe charity, courage and all virtues. The earth Is only a grata of sand In ths endlees desert of the uni verse. But when ws suffer on this earth It Is greater than all ths rest of the world. What do I say t Then.. It everything, and every thing else noth Ing. . What la genius If not ths gift te be able to mitigate Buffering 7 - our sen timents alons are the foundation of all Great minds have. I know, bad other hopes. Renan was fond of dreaming of seisntifls moral. He naaiae aimoei confidence In sctsnoe. He thought It would change the world because It bad pierced the mountalna I do not be lieve, as he did, that It can change ua Into gods, and to be sincere I feel no desire to change. I do not feel that have in ae the material from which gods, large or small, are made, t love my weakness and X consider my short comings my claims to ths right of liv ing. ; .- - - The strength and blessings or all re- lia-ions consist in their teaching men why they live. If one baa thrown over boardas baa nearly every one In this era of science and freedom of thought the dogmas of moral theology, then one has no longer any means of understand ing why we havs some into this world. The darkness Of our fate envelops us entirely In Its mystsrles, and ws dare really- think of nothing lest ws become I aisgusiea wua me, tiere a iu uw lute Ignorance of the reasons why w havs been born lie the roeta ox our mel ancholy and tiredness of Ufa Physical and moral suffertnge, the tortarea of soul and body, tha luck of the unjust the humiliation of tas gooa eut xnis ws mlxht sUU bear If we could only see any system In tt all. If we coold only dimly see a providence. . ins man wno has faith bears his sufferings with pa- tlenee. ha enjoys the injustices of his enemies, even his own taulta and orime do not make hint despair, hut in a woua where every vestige of faith has disap peared even svtle and : sufferings loss tbair sisnincance. 1 u..: A moment always tomes when curi osity become sin and tha sevii has al ways been on the side 01 tne scientists. " inow thyself,'' the command of the ancient Greek philosophy, is absurd. Ws shall never know either ourselves or others. 'Bat what does it matter i To create the world Is less difficult than to understand It Hegel felt thbv It la possible that our brain may oace find a way t create a universe, but to under stand It never! It has been eald that thinking la the reason of all our sufferings, but to con sider this activity so harmful ons must greatly overestimate Its power ana in fluence. To be trae our Intelligence and thought! Interfere far leas often with our Instincts and Inborn tendencies than is generally believed, even in people who are exceptionally Strong mentally and Intellectually. Even under the- most highly civilised conditions ths actions which ars performed according to the die turn of philosophy are only an In finitesimal fraction as compares, witn these performed Instinctively. Largely -Opsratlc, x ' An sxeentlonallr attractive program has been arranged for- ths regular Bllsrs Piano House recital this ren in r. The, urogram includes two beau' tiful selections which will be sung by Mrs. May Dearbora Schwab, whose su perb soprano voice ts wail Known to Portland music lovsra, accompanied by the Pianola. III addition, several se lections from the operas "Faust" and Taanhauser' will be rendered on the new 11,104 soio . orenestreuo wnion, sine Its installation recently, has been the center of attraction at the Houae Of Ellera Admission to tbs reoftar-ia by ticket nnlv which can be crocured gratis be fore f o'clock this afternoon at Ellera tnmnv noui - tt bbiuuiiwu 1 Dally Dmonttrttlon y 4 Oulte Un Interest has been shewn the past week by the women of Portland In the demonstrations given dally at The Palaia Roval. IT! Washington street comer West Park, by Miss LUlls Vlalla, who comes direct from ths factory of the American Lady Corset , company. Miss Vlalla la considered to be on of the leading demonstrators in tne coun try. -. ' . Thd demonstrations win b eontinueo during the week, afford rnr'tri women an unusual opportunity to learn ths good Qualttie of th American Lady and Lyra oorseta ... -i ; . ; , Vurkay la Bawsoa Brings tl a'lVuad. From ths New Tork Amarlcaa. Lettera from the Klondike state that the American Thanks riving waa royal ly observed . there, although not every ew eouM have- turkey to grace tha holt- day feast. Turkey of th canned Variety was a luxury, retaillna at 4144 eenta a pound, while the four birds specially Ira ported for the faatlval sold at ths rats f 11 per pound unpluoked. Dawson's - llttis oelebratlons . come high," but 'tha Dawsonlana must have them. Although Klondike prices ars vary different from those of th -rush- days, they are Still somewhat paralys ing. Here are -a few current auotatlona n a few of the necessities: butter, 13 eentei flour, 1 cents; com in sal, 1 eenta: cornstarch, II rents oanned vegetables, common, It eenta;-granulated potatoes. II cental eggs. 111 par oase, wholesale: am or bacon, 17 sents; salt Itt cents per pound. - .,' A Rogue river orchard 1st la originat ing new varieties of fruit especially cberrlea, following Burbaak's aaethoda HLasti): - 3,000 yards of all-silk presden ' Ribbons in beautiful styles and f great -suisortmenVl. Ja inches wide; regular $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 , values at the low-price a. " f: ward .:OVC Immense lot of Satin Merveil : lieux Ribbons, satinNbrocade , ' ribbons, Roman striped ribbons T and moire ribbons ; also "pin f stripes ; and: checks; ribbons worth 35c to 85c a yard, " e j on sale for, yard . . . ' V 3,500 vards of print warp Ribbons - and Dolly-Vardeii ribbons, 5, ; to 7 inches wide, all silk; very - best styles and colorings ; regu- , lar 50c to 73c values, xn 1.1 la ; sale at, yard 9,000 yards of all-silk' Taffeta and . Satin Taffeta ribbons jn variety of 20 of the leading shades ; full 'fi , inches wide ; , extra heavy ' Equality; best 85c values, on sale 1 . at the special low price ; y of, yard 2,500 yards of hand-embroidered Ribbons, polka dots on all-silk satin, chiffon, and taffeta rib . bons;best 65c values; yd.. 23d EnCra Snocialc ' nn Undermaslm TTi T ':!!aU3 jgrwcr Dr? -rfcnent is dofctg tbg banner business tt tSjiW 111 :trry-f jswtt rrcerrls are being established every day--' S issV iy. nczzTA fcrlt tra ret bard to finTIf yon Vvj3nvesti- . . CVf. ) r" ta earn -" a v t we arc presenting ia all styla v f ; tradesCrett vtiirty, rrty, lowest prioes--2d Floor Women's nainsook and cambric -Corset Covers, trimmed in Valen : , ciennes laces and - embroideries, beading and ribbons; Terr pretty styles; tearJicMI!4.VJMlMUSSL,nic lot thft.jow Cft. -Jirtcr of . ............ .i . , , lteeeeeg r W gaw gr Special lot of Women's cambric and nainsook Drawers: lace and em- oroiaery tnmmeo; very pretty styies; our oest c and auc I : Tluc4 i y .choic st the exceedingly low price of. pair tJC 1 icial lot ef Women s eambne-and-naingook- liownt,- round and V-shape necks. Ions; and short Sleeves, trimmed in torchon lace, vat lace and embroideries; all sizes: regular $1.00 and L25 " values, each JC Great special lot of Corset Covers in nainsooks and cambrics, trimmed in torchon lace, insertion and tucks; all izes; best 35c values... 184) Special lot of Women's white "Underskirts, trimmed in laces, em- Droidenes and plain tucked flounces; very . attractive stylet; 75c to $1.00 values on sale at the exceptionally low pries of, each..S9f Special lot Infanta Moccasins; 35c value for, pr-.lT4 White embroidered Flannel for: children's kirts; $175 value lor the low price of, . CT f . V a eaVaV y'd , a . m . . , , . . . . .a..,. " "Speciar Sale of White Flannel for infants sacques and wrappers; pink, blue and white lk dot; regular $lJ5- values on sale for the Qf). low price of, yard .........UC .Bear brand ..Shetland iFlOfi. white only; value S1.Z5 a pound, on sale at the special VC- .ft aW ilk-trimmed low price, pound Infants' I hand-crocheted Sacques, edge; white, pink or blue; all ri mtm izes; $2 value .................. V 1 e; . Arnold' Knit Oewns, 04 Arnold's Knit Diapers. 194 Infants'' French Flannel Kimonos; $1.50 values for sale at the exceptionally low price of .7. Stockinet Sheets, ais 36x60 inches; $2.50 value for th'erery low price ofreich '. . ; ,".f 1.6T Osarance Sals of Women's Apparel iV3' ' '"s mm a-'B '.$ $32.50 Suit for $165 each 28.00 Suits for 1 9.60 each Salts to $75 at like redactions Women's Jacket Suit, all th newest and. best style and material, in (rand variety. The majority of these suit will b desirable for Spring wear. Com , plete assortment ef sites.. All th leading shade. Entire stock at clearance price. a ' . -.,..:,..: .s.,.:-.. $ 16.50 Salts for $1 1.55 each $20.00 Suits for $ 1 4.00 ea 36.00 Suits for 926.60 each Entire remaining stock of onir-Coat Stiiti on sale at one-half regular price. material and styles "the best shown this season; value to PQQ Entir stock of Women' Coat at clearance price. ,r-w . U r entire stock t women Kaincoats at clearance price. . ;. . . ; . Women's Walking Skirt, mad in all the latest effects, cheviot, broadcloths. Panama, Cravenettes, -homespuns and mannish mixtures; black, blue, gray. tan and fancy mixture, in great variety. Entir stock marked at won derfully low clearance prices! r - . - ; - . A r . V $ll A Panam; i f ' l.Al .brown, ff SS'OO 6- Skirt $3 05 J SA.50to $9.00 Skirts $5.95 $13.00, $13.50 Skirts $7.95 $1400 Skirl? now for $0.95 $13.00 Skirts now for $995 $10.00, $1030Skirts $L93 $20.00 and $31.00 Walking Skirts for $13.45 'AH our fine lawn, linen, mull and Hng-erie Waists at -clearance prices.! Trimmed with lace embroidery and. tucks. All the newest and prettiest jtyles at-clearance sale prices: $ 4.00 values. $3.15 $18.00 values. 912.65 $ S.00 values. s?3.55 $ 7.2S ' values. f 4.85 $ 8.25 values. 95.45 $12.50 values. 9 8.65 $11.00 values. 97.65 $22.00 values 91525 ' Waists worth up to $50.00 at low prices. 'All Dress Skirts at clearance prices. All Eveninf Costumes and Wraps at low I-clearance sale prices. Magnificent disolav. All Silk Waists, $3.00 to $50.00 values, at low clearance sale prices.- Big assortment. ' v Imported Novelty Waists at one half price. Silk Kimonos and, Matinees at "clearance prices. Beautiful styles to select from. -All-silk Petticoats at clearance prices. : fc Groceries fej At Low Prices PHONK KXCHAWCE 4 IQOOdoi. Oranges 25c dot. Meier 0 Frank's famous Mocha-and-Java-Cofi aqqal to best 4Qc shades sold elsewhere, at A a this sale, a poand svfjC t eans Carnation Cream 284 "Victor" Flour, eon better at anv price. 10-lb. sank $1.20 New California - Walnuts; great special value, pound.... ..IS t packs Malta Vita 2S t packacrs arapa-Nuts.....26 14b. can Shrimps... 10f I eans Smith's XlppereS Her ring for ..i.... ....... Blue Label Catsup, bottle.. .20 I lbs. Paper Shell Almonds. .85 1-lb. jar Lonrs Jams.. SOe -Van-Casnp-Catsup, battle.. tXj Royai Baaia- rowaer. .u II lbs. Oranulated Surar. .fl.OO A. N. Corn, can ..get Alhp rane Main Cora t : - eans for .254) I eans Hulled Homlnr ...... 254 I eans Custard Pumpkins... 254 1 Jar Llbbys Slleed Beef....25a I cans Amasea Paaha.....l25 Baker's Unsweetened Chooo- Ut 324 Quart MeNaUr CaJlforaU Olive Oil T54 Pint JtcNallr California Olive -CHI T.ntTit.ltitf iimivi404 C. A B. Luooa Oil.. ..654 (-lb. pksr. Domla Buar....64 14-os. Jar Quean Olives.. .. 254 l-oa. jar Queen Olive. .....10 Great Clearance Sole of Granitewarc -in the Basement Mva nuAMMUm wajsju - Jfo. 1 Teeksttle, tttl ne valu i..,)lW ' No. t Teakettle, 114 vU.fl.12 No. Teakettle, $1.44 val.f 1.28 - lt. Coffee Pot 400 val....484 l-qt. Coffee Pet. 41 val..S24 J-lt Coffe Pol. T ; alstr. value for JOC , 'S-ot. Coffee Pot, 10 ' a valu tor wt 1-Ht. Teapot, 40 vaL for... 484 1 w-t Teapot. val. for. .024 ; l-ejt Teapot 70o vat for... .564 4-flt Teapot 10 vaL for.'.,.4 l-qt Lipped Baaoepao. . . . . 244 ltt-it Lipped ' Saucepan... 284 l-qt Lipped Baupan.....824 e-qt. Lipped Saucepan.... ..404 AU kind of Kitchen Oood at, lew Clearanoe . Bale priee. ' -. nxva i-t Lipped Kettles tor.... 244 IH-qt Lipped Kettto for.. 284 ' ;S-t Lipped Kettle for.... 824 4-ut Lipped Kettle for 404 5- qt Lipped Kettle for. . .'.484 4-e.t Lipped Kettle for... .664 1-ct Covered Kettle.. . ....40 4- qt Covered Kettles, 4Io ' value ..B24 l-4t Cvered Kettles, ft ' -value ...804 5- qt Covered Kettles, lo ' valu 844 Mt Covered KatUe, 10 valu .........724 . 1-qt. Rice Boilers, ,ll.00 value ......80' IH-Ot Bloe Boilers, a 1 tn . 41.10 value . aU l-qt. Woe pollers, at t tt. : ii.i4 vaiu ..........I00; a&va mrAjcBxn wiaa. . 10-qt Dlshpana, Tie val. ....604 14-qt Dlshpana, lOo val.....T24 lt-qt Dlshpana, 11.11 val.,.24 1-O.t Covered Saucepans, ' lie value 4UC 4-ot. Covered Saucepans, - 41s velue .... 824t l-qt Covered Sauce pan a, lie value ..t ........;..604 . 4-qt. Covered Saucspana, 40 value ...044 'l-qt Covered Saucepan. 04 valu ;..2C lH-qt Puddtnf Panlle va!204 Iqt Pudding Pans, ITS vaL.224 l-qt Puddlns Pans. 10 val. .244 4-qt Puddlnf Pans, . 'ia,-i. . . lie value .........ef OC lOo Washbasins for. ..',.....244 114 Washbasins for. .284 4lo Washbasins for......... 884 "Peninsular" Stoves and Steel ' Ranges en sals at vary low Clear-, . a nee Sale prloea. ' All the newest and beat model. aTverr one fully smaranteed . for 14 rr. Base ment. Oriawold Food ' Choppers,' best snodsls, I Is " l1 1 j; IL4 value for, each..... '..644 11.11 value for. each. ......884 ItIO value for, each. ......994 llo RolUna- Pin for, aeh..l2V S-arm Clotheadrrer. eeea...204 Towel Rollers, speolal... 40 Washboard for.. ......824 i Wood Chopping Bowl .16, 244 ' ' psubtajcl oar ' All Cut Glass. All Cutlery. lv All Silverware. 4 All Lampa. ; ; All rancy China, , f ; On everything In the Basement ' PLOT TO JRAF PREACHERS nud TrOnl Pag One. y " the minister Interrupted th prooeed Ings by asking! - v Why didn't th secretary ox tn a. soclatlon sign . this communication alsor .' ': " ' "x " Mis auestloti wasnt answered, and n was sdvlsed to say n more just then. Continuing, th ministers dictated! Tle2a saek amdsmo. "A a eonferenoe of prominent pastor and leading layman of their ehurchea, this matter was diaeuaaea in ail its oa- talls, and' It was aeeiae mat me evr dano we possess should not oe civuiree until It was noeary to do so. ' Upon the first 'oeoaeloa for Ha use we will present prooT enough to satisfy all ooav corned." - "" ' ; - The ministers did not sign this, state ment as only a few wore present and several who are In terse ted are out of the elty. They promised-aewever, to make a complete signed statement aa soon as ths other pastors eaar be got together. Dr. Brougher and Dr. wiieon asserted that they themselves had absolute proof of the fast that a number of liquor duelers. Including oertaln members of the association, liave laid a plan to in volve certain prominent . preacher In caudal and thai at least twe or three attempts havs been mad to carry aut the scheme. , . ... A Plot Thai Palled. 'On- one occasion." said Dr. Brougher. 1 w called to. a disreputable plac t minister to a sick person. I could not go and sent some on else. No elok per son was found, and th plot fell through. Again I waa called to a quehnonable place to perform a wedding ceremony. I went hut took a wttneea with me. We found no wedding. The plot again fell through. I have poeltlv proof that both' of the trips wsre oar fully; laid plot to trap me." - Dr. Brougher said that an attempt was mads to trap another minister, but he declined to disclose hi Identity or tell th nature ef th chem. RAILWAY WAR (Continued from Pag On,) "Such a compromise at this time bef tween tne Hill and Harrtman railroad Systems would be the hardest blow at the prosperity of Portland that oould possibly be delivered," declared a rail road men who has lived In the city 14 years and hse sxtenslve Interests here. "It would mean that th promised great rjt of. railroad competition and dsv-lopment so. long prayed tnt In th Paaiflo nsrthwsat would be delayed at . 1 - ': . ' . r': . least ten years, and th entire current of present events ehanged. It would mean ahead, and that Portland would be dis tanced la the race, before ah could get her force organised andreeorer bead way. '. There are tremendous laflenoe at work In th attempt to effect the pro posed . compromise . between these . twd great railroad systems. Ths whols sound. oountry-amdV its -eastern--backers are supporting the Harrlmaa people In their effort -to secure pesos.- : Army aad Very Wonted. Prom th New Tork Herald. nnoonscloua so far SS he Is oneernsd. ef having a brand of etgar. named after him. and officers of ths army and navy cAmerican ' The director of the Association of Oregon Railroad A Navlgatmn Company Conductor mat at th Perkins hotel yesterday and elected H. C. Grady ef -La Orand president for the ensuing two year. Th director ef th Trainmen's association also mot and elected ML S. Cross of La Grande, president " " ; Perfection at Last , Automatic changs asd ossh reaistel abeolutaly correct no more mistakes Agents waited throughout Oregon. 441 Marquam building. Portland. . Milwaukle Country Club. Casters and Seattle' race. Take 4fetl. wood and Oregon City car at pint and Restaurant ' , ,,. , v : awssMsaaBBssnsBnBSst - i - ajtd ootrox srs. m sat An arjaar. Spaghetti" OsdSss) BB, C2WS. 1 Cz Coffee, tt " r .......iri We Sre having a genulnet C. -' anoe Sale; price no object. V must elaea out oartaln Una Stus aa afen's and Toutha' , suits ahp OVERCOM) Oood quality. np-to-daU Battarwa. -Jneogh eieee te peck from. Also a big assortment of Hats. Pants end Shirts. ;- Big line ef Men' 1 Underwear; ' a general line of ' Shoes; ell sorts f Trunks, Mt , Cases, Rlankata and Comferteea, This sale wUl last but a few days, V " Running Two Storta si 17.Ccr.nrst cJ Ytm a c rv rm tvij ..J ir.. CB tf.W. esaH.4 SraiSkl I ........ v i ...... ... . ... ... .. - AjausastasTTBL f.krquam Grcnd Th:::r: For Ladies Only Wedsesday ARernoca -January . at 133 Vo r ". . A soiisxifio Lxci'uax r KAlin CUiTUSE AID rrr: rACIAl ciicsn3 . bt s. musTioa. a a, i a - Lets ef Parle Academy ef BSATJTT DOCTOR TO HUM. BRRNHARDT. OALVS, . rTTI sad LAKdTRT. - Aansted ky Oae ef tae atiwt Beaattrel ef Her aae. MMB. MAYB, B. D. WMaeaaay Aftsraeea teetaie Is Tkanaay Af Mraeea'i Aswhasm Me. CtsntsA TliAeil sa lUiyn C I UCOll C Pssae Mala lit MLsrtWek et'theMclit rratar . 5) taxis4tCtrs:r very slgkt sad ! ' Sstarday awtlaes. veamy IS. St. SOjlori aathMe, 10, 14, Me. Neil week. "HoettgSa la Sew terk." DeriTiectTer Tseiaill as Tnh-4 eta Pkoee Mala Ike- taestfe Uil lu aM4e UaMeal . tasqoa poseler m rwtlaad. ,' Perked tjsaaee Tkls Week te Se 1 W. B. WATSON'S rAhlOCS - ' ORIENT ALeO ' Twe BeSned Ssrleagsw the IMsty 4 . xauta Otevee" aa . Bsakfal Veaaa." Baiurdee Matin Last P-roras eMilns arte, tne. Me, Sne. TSe Hast AttmsUaa'IOsTSkS' AMIaWASt' vt2asvffls I tn sxxat wxbzs : Meadow asd Lean PATJTAGES ST raaur. . tt sre. Pearl ni Cmklr. aBaSTaT, sous satb Aranlda. . ... , IhMnh. Yerforoiaaeee daily Celaee. awrai T rewe at SO esata. at Witt. Seeeltsd Oectestra, i:n. T:S aa S TKX -r w, " w , Se Carte as eaea -. 'rftXATBB. 1 Mies LlUlAVlra . ; .Week W ... Barest tuef . yassarr S. - aa4essae FKaOsOl Sytess Brenlesa. See Be? fbet Itt asye se Hetieaya. M, latest teaSas te, ei aia,. toe te aeaeatlea. jn ttt eeeM ". S77IJ? ZZXZ- ; THIATBJ. ' the Be hiSm tZr , ' XsBsadry : , Aaais Akkett, W, X. Bsitfcid , ' eessSjSad lift . i ,. Stimuli. . PBTCTSi 1S ts eey east oaeee kia. LYRIC THEATRE want ooxxxvonr mobbat. 'AjrvaST is The Issssnaiakla Lyrie Sea a Oaaisaay Piissala RUN TO EARTH A BesMtleaal Sealsty Draasa la Pea Acta. ADMISSION 10e. kESSkVKO SSATS, , SO. ;-' : reUew the Ctewd. ..... who have been watching" such matter for yeara belter tt la a portent". They elte the' oaae of Rear Admiral ' ' SarfiDson. whose nsme waa put en a brand of olgare.. He shortly aftarwawt . waa stricken with his fatal lllnese. Rear , Admiral Schley WS likewise distin guished, and tn a few week he was th tar attraction in a court of Inquiry ' whoa verdict wa etnt hi w tehee. . Oeneral MaoArthur reeeived th tribute of th elrar manufacturer, an ror veara. 1 thou eh he waa acknowledged to be n eminently efficient ifflw, he ha to serve in active servto. while h saw yownger men promoted above him, -t- - - It I pointed eut tnat a rew wiowine befer his death a si gar we named after the late John Hay. Henry Oeoree. who bad a cigar named for him, d.d during a political campaign. When they come down to th presi dential line they qaete a Instancse t the 111 Inch which follow thi tribute tt popularity: - Cheater A. Arthur. Jaes A. oarnsid, Benjamin Harrison sna ttm- l(am McKlnley. . Theodore Roeeevelt U a rare eiceptlon te the rule. Popular actor are ssia ts save fared from the elger "hocdoe." I ' produce euoh an arrv of l-'' thle and other y. . friend pre'ees to Of th ,aM s" r r f