The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 25, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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    EIGHT LZC DAYS cf C3 Tv.-ry-X'-Z
1C r-ca r ' -H-.-zry.
Article. fciMhs -llssss (centra Lrs
crceptsd) b Cubctsstiy Hcdaccd.
Store 'Opens at 0 A. I
L-SV M l ttJLC 1 jL:l 4
Store Clozes Daily 6 P. LI
The DifTerent Store" Fifth, Sixth end.WKhinston Streets
A'- OeMineLGamivar of
i ... .'. . . n , , i
Worth $3 i Trimmed
Annex Millinery Salons
, (Second Floor.) i '
Tomorrow'! Millinery; of- ..'
ferjng Twul -especially -rln-terest
women 'of 1 middle
jigCTT-malrohaL-or. maids-
aM,Hr Mflr taffrta iir.
bans, attractively, trim
med, with black ostrich
tips or dainty flowers ; ex
ceptionally adapted . for
spring-' wearr-; splendid'
value at $3.00. Special, .
Friday only, at ... : '" - ';;
$1,49 s 143d c
mmi .Grand
jsnnew y. - - - v m a a - r . w ?
f .. W - M aftatf' V w m , -- BBn& hM BB. fcjaBK MM Ml ax. .
V t ' T . - -I I . JB J III! Ill I V I T
. " I r I r - t--
Absolutely Sensational Bargains in ;
(r. : . Annex Fifth Street First 'Floor. ,v v
$1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 regular values, consisting of 54-inch
All Wool Suiting, .27-inch Silk Stripe French .Challies,
Check Voiles) Panamas', etc. . Special for Friday, if they
last, yard . . A .' . V... ; . . 41
3(inch Mixed Suitings in neat, heather: mixtures, all
good serviceable colors; regular 50c values, M Special,
only, yard . . . . . . ........... . . ; . V. .". ; . . . .23
Superior Silks Bigger Bargains
' 7 C Annex Fifth Street First Floor, f ,
Ih Friday'! Sale of Cheney. Bros.' Foulards.
These are the new foulards that will not spot 'from rain
or shower shafts in other words, they're .shower proof.
Compare ; the values with those in contemporaneous
stores. Cheney Bros, new Spring Foulards are here in
all the new colors and. styles, and improved, tms season
over the past by being shower proof. The,entire line will
. j 1 '' I t - T! A a 1 a.' x a1
DC specially -pneca i ion rnaay as an inirouutuun iu iuc
coming season : '. . '
Regular 85c grades.. Special, yard.. ......... .V..'. 71
Regular $1.00 grade. Special, yard.". . .... . . . .'. i .85
Regular $1.25 grade. Special, yard. V. ..;.y. : ..f 1.05
24-inch All Silk Crepe de Chene, in black, -white) ivory,
Nile, helio, gray, cardinal, reseda, brown, champagne and
riavy; regular 85c, quality. Friday only, special, yd.63
Remarkable Sale of Wash Goods
" "(Wash Goods Store First Floor.)
;TS:r?; ;? . IOC- : :
A wonderful sajerof wash good embracing Embroidered
Scotch Zephyrs, Silk Ginghams, Mulls, Organdies, Silk
Jacquard Waistings, ate,' Friday in the wash goods store.
There being only sixty pieces in the lot, an early selec
tion is advised. Regular 50c values. Special, the yd. .18
Exceptional Hosiery Barjgains
; Ji In Friday's ' Sale Women's and Misses First - Floor.
- V; ' Women's 75c Hose for 49c ; : '..,J'.',-:. '
.Women's black lace lisle Hose,' with embroidered boots, double
sole, spliced heel; great 75c value. ' bpecial economy Sale prtce.
' f " ; " ' ;' Women's 35c Hose 'for 21c. W. ' ,r
Women s extra site (leg; black cotton Hose, with double sole,
French toe and spliced heel. , Ther are brand new and you will
find them tne equal ot any nose som eisewnere tor Jc. special
for Friday Economy Sale, also for Saturday's selling, . at, the
pair , .., ,af
r MU 2Se Hose .for 15c." 'r '
Vfimes' fine ribbed venr elastic black cotton Hose, briaht finish.
seamless; hose sold elsewhere for 25c. Special for two days at,
the pair . ........................ ..15
'v;i;' $129 for Children's 11.75 Sweaters.' y ;"!
Children's fine Australian wool Sweaters, plain or fancy strioed:
ages 2 to 7 our $1.75 value. Special for. Friday Economy Sale
and for Saturday, at, each ,.fl.29
99c for ' Corsets Worth $2 to $275
; Annex Second 'Floor -"Royal Worcester" Salons.
; $2.50 and $2.75 Royal Worcester 'Corseta,' 99c. '.'.
For Our Economy Sale" we offer two good models' of Royal
Worcesfer Corsets in broken size. ; One is. a long hip and low
bust corset,. made .of fine sateen, in black,, white or drab; sizes
18 to 30: the other is a fancy ribbon girdle, in dotted effects, in
whit, blue or oinkl sices 22 to 26. These are our regular :
$2.50 to $2.75 values. Special Economy Sale price, each.'... 9
Rare Bargains in the Lace Shops
'.. First Floor.. ..
r.rat "savlnirs olanned' for your Trimmings tos so onto new
zSdtw tGowntandF rocksr-rNeyef; hSjAhergJetnra-3caaonLl
when pretty iacfi ana i rimmingBwerc wornso proiuseiy as
Fashion decrees they must be this Spring. Read the values.
hBeantlf ul Black Chantilly Uctt; which rwilr be -much tnedf or
trimming the pretty, tlutty summer uowna5pecial-i
at .;. mai.f pkick.
Black Silk Oriental All-Overs, very. handsome; some that hare
mM for $7 50. Soecial Sale price, the yard....... ..SS.OO
Sweeping Reductions made on Lace Au-Overa, in' white, cream
and ecru; in heavy and light weights; very handsome for waist
and yokings. - .;-';...-- . .1 .
Faggoting and Open "Work Braids, in black and whitere and
one naif inches in width, pretty and durable, for dress and jacket
trimming. Special Economy Sale price, the yard.; ,.10
A Few New Choice Lace Bands and Appliques at Half Price.
Our 35c value. Special at, the yard......i.............i.l8e'
Our 50e value. Special at, the yard. .i;.5
Our ; 75e'vaJue.V Special at, the yard .".i...'....'....BS
Our $1.00 value.';. Special at, the yard;.,.;,;. .50
Our $1.50 value. Special It, the yard.....l..,......-i....,TBe
And values up to $4.00 are included in this remarkable reduction.
From now till February 10the start of the store's next
fiscal year we shall push with might and 'main to rid
our stocks of all surplus, all ends and oddments and short
lots. rernainders--baUncea. We're willing to take a loss
on these goods right through. Now to run a store at a
positive loss for two weeks and two days would hurt
mightily. But luckily we have helps like these: Mill
men and importers are alscr"cleaninfir shoo." and thev al
low us a good liberal margin to self their ends Tot Tbts-
ail generous portions for a retail store to handle.' So, all
in all.-we- wiU come out aoontrevcrH-and heln the store:
t's our aim to have stocks at their lowest on February
10 for stock-taking, or annual inventory, and there's a
lot' of fun ahead for you the fun of saving. The fun
starts in earnest tomorrow, when the bargains, told of on
this page will be ready. ?;;
Wafet III I , v Cot
Styles - W J JL: JL : W ; Styles
There's no doubt about the
quality of the Suits..; They
"are selected from our own
matchless , stocks and .' re
duced for absolute closure
within two salesdays. ' Come
expecting the , biggest bar
gains of all ' the year, and
you'll be surprised at how
much ' greater the values
reallv are than. your, fondest
detail 'merely hints' of the
. bargain excellence.
Special for 2 days Friday
and Saturday if they . last.
Women's $12.50 to S15.0Q
:.:...'. .f3.J35,
'Smart and stylish Shirtwaist
Suits, for general strett and
home wear, at a twit fh
price of good house wrappers. But it's a cleanup, and
this house never does things by halves. Materials of
mohairs and veilings in blues, blacks and browns. Some
with surplice fronts, others the usual shirtwaist effects.
Leg o' mutton sleeves and . neat trimmings in . braids,
tucks, silk frogs and novelty buttons.- Skirts are plain
and in ; plaited effects ; some trimmed in braids. The
stopovers of a past season, but sure to be popular for
spring and summer wear. '; And think of the price 1 Isn't
it too absurd for anything? But the reduction is real.
Regular $12.50 to $15 Suits for Friday and Saturday or
until sld at-; : ..r.tVV
Remember! Early Pickers Gather Plumpest Plums.
$1150 to $28.50 y4 COAT LENGTH SUITS, $6.79.
These are laggards from popular lots; some of the best
sellers; mixed tweedish fabrics. in smart; mannish effects
and plain, also serges, cheviots and Venetians in blues,
blacks, grays and browns ; plain tailored styles ; skirts cut
very full f, none skimped, and hv plaited styles ' coats have
leg o' mutton sleeves, some with velvet collars, others of
materials; some coats silk or satin lined throughout; oth
ers half-lined ; $18.50 to $28.50 values ........... . f 6.78
Need Nightgowns ?
See the saving Annex Second Floor.
73c for Women's Ouflng Oowns worth $1.00.
Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns, in pink and blue striped made
Mother Hubbard style, with yoke trimmed with rows of braid
and cuffa and collar edged with button bole stitching; our
$1.00 value. . Special Economy Sale price, each............T3
Bargains-Art Needlecraft Shops
. 'Annex Second Floor. -V '.,': .'
' 50c and 75c Linen Centerpieces, S2& ' : '
Colored Linen Centerpieces in ronnd and square shapes," tinted
and stamped in a large assortment ot floral and conventional de
signs; sizes 24 and 27 inches; our 50c and 75c value. . Special
Economy Sale price, each ........32
":' : v; , '.v . t 50e Coahion Tops for, 19c. t " ' V
Lithographed Cushion Tops, in 12 different designs, all hand
somely colored.' TKese Cushion Tops are ready to use; our "
50c value. Special Economy Sale price, each .v. ..'...19f
Best Ribbbhl Bargains i in Towa
.First Floor. ;
40c Taffeta Ribbons for. 25c ; r s
A French all-iilk Taffeta Ribbon, six inches wide and suitable
for sashes, girdles, hair ribbons and hat trimmings. It is not a
soft, flimsy ribbon, but fine and stiff one of the best ribbons of
its kind made. You must see it to appreciate its worth. We
have it in white, black and all desirable shades: our rerular 40c
value. Special Economy' Sale price, the yard . . . . . S5f
: ; Silk and Satin Taffeta RlbVna for 18c ' ' v
Wa will continue our sale of Silk and Satin Taffeta Ribbons
-also some Jancy-ribbons for. the remainder of the week, - We
ittlrhavca-Tew-ortne uct,ones leu. TPeae ripponi-arjnyawr
to 50cr Special Sale price, the yard ;rv;r. ". ; .. .r.7. . .7777.T. 18
Slatb Street Annex First Floor, w ,
';; " ;"" : ." ; SPECIAL FRIDAY.
Bar Pina Pretty White Stone' Bar ' Pins a wide choice of
regular. tiuc. ay .....
Buckle Pins-The balance of our stock of dainfy little buckle-
shaped, enameled and gold-filled Pins, suitable for brooch or
pinning collar, etc.; regular 25c values. Special? each 13
Band Rings Plain and Engraved One tray of gold-filled Rings
in plain and engraved bands; the contract price of these rings is
50c eacn. to ciose, opeciai, ac nan pnee, eacn......,t..,.xof
1 Ebony-Handled Manicure Pieces and Novelties ,'
Soecial Clearance Sale of all left-overs and laggards in Ebony
Handled Novelties and Manicure Pieces, including naoer knives.
letter openers, button hooks, cuticle knives, corn knives, etc.
Regular values up to jvc special, cnoice at .. af
EcontMiiy rf(yi
Sale My
Yotes Must Positively fee Gotten
at-time of-Purchase
None will be issued after, either on duplicate checks or
otherwise. ' This Is absolute. Ask for your rotes at time
of purchase. ';-,1'". ': "v '.'.' 'S'' .
:T7.": ;."' TION AT 10 A. M. TODAY. :V l-,
Patton Home V..; .V.. : I!.. ; .'. . .........,V.11330
Crittenton Home . . ; .' . ... ... ..... . . .112,122
Fruit and Flower Mission.... ...... ......... ,108,668
Salvation Army ,.r. . ?9,882
St. Vincent's Hospital . . . ,,97279
People's Institute .......i.i;:.;...;.......1 51,619
, Baby Home ....................... . V ..... 49,594
Mt. St. Joseph's Home for the Aged...'.. 87,589
Good Samaritan Hospital. .... ........ , . . 25,632
Old Ladies' Home ........ 16,205
Volunteers of America.... 11,584
Open Air Fund. ....... ... . . . . . .' . ...... . .... . M . 9,440
King's Daughters of Marshall Street Church. aMI : 6,908
Children's Home 6,047
Visiting Nurse Association ...... . . ... . .... 4,985
Scattering .. . . . . . . . . . .. ......... ............ . 23,450
Knit Underwear Shops-lst Floor
19c for Union Suits Worth IJ2S.
Women's Merode" white cotton Union Suits, high neck, short
sleeves, ankle length, medium weight; our $1.25 value. . Special
Economy Sale price, tht suit ,....;...
Women's $1J0 Vests for 9sc... ' ' - '
Women's - white1 Silk 'and Cotton extra siie ' Vests, high neck,
long sleeves, medium weight; sixes 40, 42 and 44; French Band
Panta to match; our $1.50 value. Special Economy Sale price,
the garment .....i. ,......
vAnd the Shoes Are New, Smart and Stylish; ;;.'"T"
first looor Annex Siztb Street.,. : ; :
Men's $7.00 Shoes for $443.
dMen's srKeTe"fine8t"g7aTes-'of
styles ; made by the best factories in
the country. These shoes represent
the best possible workmanship and
materials, made over the most mod
ern lasts and in newest designs. We
cannot speak too highly of these
.numbers and we offer -a great in
ducement to those wanting a stylish
-well-made shoe ; values - in -the lot
thTMrpTdal-EcOTomyalerPrtce, pair. .94237
Women's Patent Kid and Colt Leather Shoes, made with
heavy or light soles, on lasts of the highest grade.- Kid
welts and hand-turned shoes, made with heavy winter
weight soles or with light hand-turned soles for tender
feet. . '..' -' , ; ,
Our complete and varied line of Women's Fine Shoes ia
offered for your inspection and extra special prices will
prevail for our Friday Economy Sale. Every pair of
shoes, regardless of make or kind, at a big reduction. .
vtw. Women's (2.00 Felt Slippers for $1.49. '
Women's Felt Sliooers in several colors, fur trimmed, all
Sizes; values up to $2.00. Special Economy Sale Price,
the pair
v 'V 'V Price Less than Half.. .;.!.;" 7.
ui-xt.:y.wX Second Floor Junior' Shops. ;' ".
r.''':;: -T':':': Infants' 50e Shoes for 23c .
Infants' soft soled Kid Shoes, In button, lace and sandal styles,
in all sises and colors; our 50c value. Special Economy Sale
price, the, pair ....i ........2Se
Fine Leather Goods Bargains
,;;.-:' j Sixth Street Annexe-First ' Floor. .
FRIDAY Photo Frames at Aboot One Half. T
Handsome pressed leather Photo Frames, in a large variety of
pretty designs; large size, 50c value. Special, each 99
Small size, 35c value. Special, each lty
;. Ladles Combination Card and Coin Parses. '.'-"
A large line of Ladies' Combipation Card and Coin Purses, in
fine Seal, Alligator, Morocco, etc; some sterling silver mounted:
values from $f.p0 to $250. Special at TSat
Bargain MisceUanyirat Floor
Powerful little magnets sure to draw, throngs of folk to the
, Small Wares Shops along the "Fair-Way" tomorrow,
$1.00 best English, Needle Books. Clearance Special '..6Se
Feder's 5c Brush Skirt Binding.' Clearance Special, the yd.StfeV
10c Ball and Socket Garment Fasteners. Clearance Special, the
dot. .
65c and 75c Fancy Gold Mounted Shell Back Combs. , Clearance
Special , . ... .i.f. .1
25c Shell and Amber Hair Pins. Clearance Special........ lTf
Bixby's Black Satin Paste Shoe Polish. Clearance Special, the
box . .................... i 8f
Dr.; Scott's $2.00 Electric Hair Brushes. Clearance Sped. f 15
25c Can Cold Cream. Clearance Special .............IT"
'35c Bottle Florida Water. Clearance Special ............. SO
60c fine white Bone Handle Kail Brushes. Clearance Spec1.85e
10c Paper Napkins. Clearance Special, 100 for ............. 5f
Entire Stock of Calendars; values 50c to $2.00. Clearance
Special ' . . . .
An assortment of smalT Framed Pictures; value 35v Clearance
Special .
35c Box Hurd's finest Quality Writing Paper. CTearance
Special ....ale)
35c Japanese Linen Writing Tablets. Gearance Special.... 32
Homefittings Rugs, Blankets,
Pillows Fourth-Floor
Worth-while savings on desirable articles.
150 Wool Velvet Rugs, size 27x54 inches, beautiful Oriental and
Floral designs regular value $2.50. Clearance Special, -
each . fl.8
$39.00 Carpet Ruga, $27il '
Size 9x12 feet, exact copies of. real Oriental beauties both in
design and coloring, very heavy and in one piece; regular value
$39.00. Clearance Special, each .....fST.SS
$6.00 Genuine Pendleton Indian Blankets. Clearance Special,
each .
. 17.50 Navajo Blankets, $4.75.
Very fine All-Wool Navajo Blankets, extra large size, Pendleton
Mills' make; regular value $7.50. Clearance Special, cach.f4.TS
1 . '1 j . ..... 1 - - ,
Pretty Embroideries-First floor
Lot No. 1 Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries, from 4 to 6
inches wide, in English Eyelet or blind work Embroidery; 6V
yard stripes. Special Economy Sale price, the strip........ 6Sd
Lot No. 2 Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries, from 4. to 10
Inches wide, in English Eyelet or blind work Embroidery; a finer
quality than that offered above;, 6fi yard strips.- Special .
Economy Sale price, the strip "
Handsome Embroidery Dresses in lawn and batiste, at very.
Special Economy Sale prices .... . . . ...-'I" .' '
Our $8.50 value. Special at, each...... ...... ..........f S.OO
Our $10.00 value. Special' at, each ................M.SO
Our t20.0Q vlu-Special atrach ........ r f ia.OO
Our $37.50 value. Special at. each..; ....f:
Saving Sales for Housekeepers
Third Floor "Housekeepers Exchange." ' ; ' r
. ;.'";. "Grlswold Food Choppers. .-,''..
Latest improvements chops eooked or raw meats, vegetables,
nuts, crackers, bread, celery, etc 1 , .
Large family size; regular value $1-50. Gearance Special.. 9S
Hotel size; regular value $2.00, Clearance Special....... fl.XS
;". , ; Chafing Dishes.
Wrought iron stands nickel pans, and covers. r
2- pint size; regular value $3.85. Clearance Special.......
3- pint size; regular value $4.50. Clearance Special f&25
.V'r Nlckd Baktng Diahes.' ::.
With cover and side handles, white inside lining; regular value
$1.40. Clearance Special 95
.?.'.;;.. i ". $2J0 CTocka, IM. .
Large wood frame 8-day Clocks, dark or light finish, strikes the
hour and half hour; regular value $2.50. Clearance Special.fl.9S'
'--.v.:".':" v 75c Clocks, 45c
Small wood frame one-day Cocks, with weight; regular value
75c, Gearance Special ...)
Commonlty Silverware.- . ' "'.; ;
Heaviest Plated Silverware made, patterns equal to sterling;
guaranteed for 25 years.
Teaspoons; regular value $3.50. Clearance Special, docf S.SO
Dessert Spoons; regular value $6.00. Clearance Special.
dos. . ...S4o
Table Spoons; regular value $675. Clearance Special, dox.fS.4S
Coffee Spoons; regular value $3.40. Qearance Sped, dos.f3.SS
Sugar Spoons; regular value 65c Clearance Special, each.SOe)
Soup Spoons; regular value $675. Clearance Spec!, dox..f 545
Berry Spoons; regular value $1.35. Clearance Sped, each.f 1.08
Cream Ladles; regular value 85c Clearance Special, each...68f
Gravy Ladles; regular value $1.15. Clearance Special each.92
Dessert Forks; regular value $6.00. Clearance Sped, dos. f 4.80
Table Forks; regular value $6.75. Gearance Sped, dot... f 8.48
Butter -Knives; regular value 75c Clearance Special, each.. 60 t
Gosing out odd lines of Forks and Spoons at.. HALF PRICE.
Sixth- Street AnnexFirst Floor.
B0cBlacTr(2ottorL Hose.3c. r; . . . .;..
SALE OF PILLOWS-44.00 Pinows, $315.
All live Goose feather filled Pillows. large size: rexular value
$6.00. , Clearance Special, the pair ...... t.
A. line of men's 50c black cotton hose, hieh-soliced heel
and double sole, splendid weight, sizes 9$, 10 and 10U
only; regular 60c value. Special, Friday, at, the pair. 23
, , Men's Fine Handkerchiefs : ;"''"':--
A hundred dozen men s white mercerized hemstitched
handkerchiefs; best 10c values. Special, each. .. .Y..'.C
; v Men's Shield Bows.: ' "
A generous choosing of men's-shield bows in a big va
riety of patterns; regular Zoc values. Mriday tpef-i.
. ... - . ?
Suit Cases and IIx3 r-'"3.
Special Offering for Friday A f '
cases and bags. Friday, ar; : : c: ".
at a special tctsty-flT: z"