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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1906)
PATRONIZE "HOitE INDUS-;. TRY" i AND INDUCE YOUR the :u:;:r.cxErj pro2?e iTTrirGuG;mnDFjitrjrn 1 ,'. . ' V' STATE C.I SECTION ' 0?" COUNTRY IS VERY LARGELY . DEPENDENT-O.'J THE SUC-- ""FRIENDS 1U UU UKEWISETT- IS FORKED FOR THE PURPOSE OF FOSTERING, PROTECTING AND UPBUILDING THE MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCING ASK YOUR DEALER - FOR ; HOME-MANUFACTURED: I INDUSTRIES OF.THE STATEOF OREGON . . . . GOODS AND INSIST.ON HAV CESS OF ITS t!Ar:UFACTUR--; ING INDUSTRIES ING THEM, -v , .- v Whatb a Knocker? A KNOCKER . ,- pessimistic .' sSit, r-cdward whose fears v foreboding!.-'' ?:-'v "T whose i - - malicious " ; anddire . , , . : prophecies ,y ;;-'...' ,.," retard the' .; - .. utvil, ' v";i v.: . ; wholceotne "' 'I':'- progress of K;f ' community.' Zil A KNOCKER !U afraid of the - afiadow " ".T'Ua cast by hla own ; , warped r"''''"-;.'. wnderatandlog, and ' , makes ': ";'V, it his tmalneas to , poison ;V ; tbr minds : - f ' fy with ,4 V " word pictures .'' I the "graft." ; . ,.; . the "crookedness," y the monopoly " . ; the ' -."i V- ? :.. ' -faflnre," -.; -wreck",;-. ':' and .'"y '' . y Y V ' which he thinks "he aeeeTr--;-.'" on all aides, I t-U--: r ; : ' . . , , I TJfiy arc . ; You a Hnoeiicr? ,r Perhaps you'wer torn to; I,-, '. : ,.- . V-;.'-,-::. .' -'. ' ' Perhaps 3rou sxhiered ht A . distinction, through years Tt of assiduous practice; Perhaps It was thrust upon .you by associates who " r i "knock habitually, per petually, incessantly, - WHEN YOU SEND YOUR ONEYioiwEILSTATEi FOH; GOODS, IT WILL BE A -"LONG TIME IN FINDING ITS wAY:BACK.:r;:ir,;:;:v:;; r ' , ------ lYes, YOU are a 'Toiock'er it you 'do not think and speak' well of your fellow-citizens,', your city, your state and your country. , ; '. ' rja're an6ckerTif Tear and folly and foulness are moro real and more erident "to you than enrage anUwsense and'cleahlihess. - - - -: iYOU are a "knocker" if you voice an ominous croak or aarage snarl against everyj . '. J t upward and forward morement that, is proposed in your community, YOU are a "knocker" if you protest against the building of a railroad bridge across' , the Willamette Riveiv-you are so jealous of individual benefit you fail to see, that th6 best interests of the entire community are served by such a structure.' : If "knockers" had had their own dismal way, Portland today would be without ft JLl bridge across' the Willamette Wver..;:; YOU are a "knocker" if you call Oregon the "Webfoot" orossb'ack". state. Ybttj '"'areTTcnkerUyoirdnoFappreciat our. splendid climate, our beneficent rains and all our other natural advantages, and do not speak proudly, of them at r all times andin all places. ( ' ';, y,, -r: :,, :''.-- YOU are a "knocker" if you1 cry down and belittle every new enterprise that is pro- Esed, because you think you have discovered "graft" and "dishonesty" back of ;, inception.'. ;-.'. ; ..'V-..'-' .'' ' '-v: -V--' YOl are a "knocker" if you do not believe and say that our dty and state offer the , greatest possible inducement to capital to invest in industnarand commercial. enterprise. YOU are a "knocker" if you disparage successful enterprises j and whlnlngly complain that such are monopolized by the "rich " and that "the people" never have an op 4 ' portunity to share in the profits of lucrative, legitimate enterprise.- When, for any reason, success and prosperity do not attend commercial and Indus 1 trial enterprise, YOU are a "knocker of the 83rd degree if you say, "I XQLDt you soi" w i -s-. ' yOU are a hopeless "Icnocker", if you 'do not know that even the unsuccessful at- tempt to use' our vast natural resources and stimulate industrial activity is a 'V : vital and inspiring contribution to progress compared with your mournful and abortive conclusions. . ' ' " ; v . ' me yu k "imam? :,y S ,J)vUi ,9! "KiioeEi" tfol for Enochcrs '1 STOCK la th PORTLAND REFINING r ft OIL COUPANY fabeet .'y:,Z ... ."Tnyestinent ' .' -' v . "'.r ever offered v . " " " -tir peoples ':.y.rfj 8UBSCRIBE . , for h now. .a v You cant do better." : Doat miss this ' opportnnlrjr. . It to the best' 'J ,. roahava '. .', ewhad. IT, - -Estimated -.' . ... . percentage ' v-1- -bf psaft ' tsf the Refiaern ; - :.rX ShOWS Si'.-'-V5-'- '.' annual net gain of ' tWOO - ; w;:.v--.,y.-. on a total . P' Investment et -' vr. $250oa v ..";-X'.' ' ;'. Do yov ( . !,--.' '.V- know of, V. -?".;' anralnf better V V - 'It la aa indnatry : ' " aatabliahed" ..y"--. by the people , -for the people. . -'-'"I Get the v . ' ' PROSPECTUS ;. V and all Informatloa '; . .. JWH desire" -.' at the office of' V Colin K. If claaae, Seeretary, r 'UannfactarerB Association, - 80S Chamber of Commerce, ; t- Portland, Oregon. ' . S08 .CDAr3m OF O0r.r.3ZlCE, POItTLArO), OltEGON: ' ' WHEN YOU BUY HOME MADE GOODS YOUR MONEY HIRftlll A.TFS AT MM1P wajB, iviHKf GIVES EMPLOYMENT, T 0 1 HOME PEOPLE :AND ,EN- f RICHES THE ENTIRE. COMS " MUNITY-" ' ' " VALENCIA (Continued from Pica On.) froaen and praotlcalljr unconscious from xposurs. -. - . -; . The raft waa sl(hUd about 11 o'clock. : but owlns: to tho thick woather wit - euppoaed to bo nothing- but a doc ' At - last, by aid of a powerful glass, its 'troo naturo waa dotanninod. Tb roaeuo waa made at 1 o clock.. tarrtbl aoa waa mnnlnr. On mlntito tho raft Was poiaod on top of a wars and tho next mlnoto waa loot to rlew in tho gv)Jy formed by too mountainous breakers. -i Tho eirhtean men tosather on their frail support battled bravely with a ' pair of oars to reach tho Topeka, which, owlns; to tho danvaroue coast, could not run In any closer to them. When tho Topeka waa within eboot half a mile from tho raft a -boat waa lowered from the Topeka in cbsrg-e of Second Mate Burke, who with much dif ficulty succeeded In making fast a line to the raft. Spectators on the Topeka watched tho atruggllnv of the gallant seamen breathlessly.' One minute, they were high In the air and tho next lost to eight. AC last they succeeded in bringing the raft to the jrtdo of the teauief.:;- r"". . . V I arTie-ore Safferlnga. " " Tho sight of tho poor creatures en tho raff, brought tears to the eyes of the sailors en tho vessel. In the stern sat aa old man. Three others ware lying senseless m a heap In tho center, washed by every awell and held In place solely by the bodies of the other men Closely packed about them. When the raft was sighted, a cry went p from the steamer deck. Orders were., shouted and men on the . raft Screamed for aid. For a minute it looked aa though tho old man waa gone when tho raft gave a sudden lurch, but by herolo work by Second Mate Burke and his men the shipwrecked man waa finally got on deck. - Another fainting man was swept away,- and waa only rescued by quick work on the part of the crew. - The next man was swept from the raft, but managed to grasp a line and cling to It until he waa hoisted half way uo the sMp'a aide, when his strength gave out, and bo feU back. . He waa picked np by the boat. . i inaety Sttu Aboard, . . The raft put out from the wreck on sighting tho Queen, and attempted to reach her. but before they could get with la sighting . distance tbo vessel put about When tbo Topeka hovo in sight, the raft once more put forth. . .The-survivor told, terrible tales of the wreck.- When they left the ship about to people were stUI on board, most of them clinging to the rigging. Men. . women and chUdren were being WeHeMARICELDlCO. . ' .121-123 GRAND AVENUE. . 2 V? WBK MORE OF OUR .i? :: Annual Clearance & inventory Sale Presenting greater, opportunities, for "saving money than any similar sale. DRY GOODS, " CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, MEN'S HATS, TRUNKS, SHOES, ETC. ' ALL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. - Extra Specials for Friday and Saturday SHEETSTTrbyWTaf 39rETS I!T.Wfiri"o6SUifS Bleached and 7 of "spjendid , . - at $9.95. auality.' ' v "rT-rr- "v- . z 111 , ' : ' " '. , MEN'S. $10.00, $12.00 SUITS PILLOW SLIPS at 8ft . : y at f 6.95. Bleached slips, full size, 42x36. MEN'S $10 RAINCOATS and WOMEN'S 5c EMBROID- OVERCOATS at $6.95. ERED COLLARS at llf. MEN'S 75c GOLP SHIRTS GREAT SALE GIRLS CAPS . , ' - Newest Styles. - , EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS $1.2fi Caps at.... ..,..68 IN . MEN'S, WOMEN'S, 75c Caps at... ....... ...48 BOYS' and GIRLS' SHOES 50c Caps at...;.... 38f) ALL REDUCED. awept by every eea. Am soon as tho men got aboard tho erew hastily adminis tered stimulants and put them to bed. AttetplclOng JP the raft, lis steamer went in search of another raft, which tho rescued men said left .the ship earlier In tho day. Tbo vessel ran fully to milea looking for the raft. -but no sign of it was seen. The general lm presslon la that the raft foundered. THIRTY-THrITsAV ED. attfMeea SHoked V en Ufa Baft and rifteem Beaoh Shore. ; ' (JesTBal sped.l Bervtce.) - Victoria. Bl C Jam J6. Of those aboard the ill-fated Valencia but It have been rescued It from a raft by theJ Topeka. six at Bealo telegraph hut and nine at Bealo lighthouse. Tho eurvtvora. on the Ufa raft arai a. 1 D. Harden, passenger; M. Tarpey. quartermaster; P. O'Brien, waiter; W. Saymond. messman; W. I Johnson, coal passer; V. J. Beajala, fireman; C. Fluhme, baker; Frank Leha, ft ret freight clerk; Joseph MeCaf. fery. paaaenger; J. Welsh, waiter A. Hawkins, passenger: P. Peterson, second ofnoer: J. .Hoddlnot, waiter; John Johnson third cook; C I. Allison, pas. Sanger, St Paul, Minn.; W. Dorsty, fire man; Thomas carnck, nrst aaeiaraat engineer; & O'Brien, waiter; 3. WUltta, paaaenger; P. Primer, fireman. ' FOURTEEN LIEN SUFFOCATED IN ARKANSAS MINE Explosion Entombs - Workmen and leroio Efforts of Rs cuers Unavailing. (Jearaal "pedal Benke.) . Fort Smith, Ark., Jsn. ti. Fourteen minora entombed by an oxploalon In WhlttevUla- mine. No. , , throe milea west of hero last night, were suffocated. Sixteen men. were in tho entry at tho time of the explosion, and but two es caped. Thirty-two workmen were in another section and fled, escaping unin jured. A rescue party was formed Im mediately, but tho entrance was so hot the man could not enter. Tho Super intendent spurred tho men on saying Tht I rein air wag"uineieht to preserve the men'a Uvea for but a short-time. The rescuers made herolo efforts In the heaVdaoe-ad- gao but celt -not reach tho men in time. . Tho bodies wsro re covered today. - - . HANLY FAILS TO OUST SECRETARY OF STATE Indianapolis, Ind.. Jan. II. in ouster proceedings brought In tho olroult oourt by Oovernor Hanly against .Daniel Don't Neglect Your Kidneys . Or th.r will - sooe enAarnln roar health. Tboae Baekech, Bwollas reet. pots before the er ! eaperUlly the senerel wonnat fetUiif In tbe BoralDc. (re cere Isa of KJo sr Twmble. Irrtnc'e Bnrhe cleanee the bleea, entM op the ehrankes wells ef tbe Kleaere. eemeBa the eauae aad the sala Wits It. aoM at 0e a box r W. e. Sktdxeoi m OO, lt ny gists, tSl . ralrd st sel agaats for rorUaas, Os. l r : I II I. - I II I I III I I I I III I C. A. Seton, Accnaed of VbrtinUoti i II I Jfr, ' ,"" I oIL.WMten J5onosM and-Hia I f 11 Storms, aeerotary of state, charging H j I I him with misconduct in office, the court ff f I I today sustained the demurrer and threw HI' I I the case out of court Storms remains "HI " ' I ' I - -fl I,.:.. km AaimiU an Trntet Klttb iff I Aahaala era treetoe BMra klnjlr Is IndU ff I ' fkaa la any ether eonntrr, foe ta rellclos of ILT i I . I the Hladeee teeehes tact BMrey and krjulnaa I - . assssi I ' , . I feieae ifaMI ft .n II vln. .Matn.H . vi-k I ... 'mm I I la aerer eatea kv the hlefc eaata Hidnaa. - ' - ' I I lle entlrelr ee milk ana ve. tables, aaa, ek-l ' y ' ,' : ' I i unn ceriua ec ue etaer eecta eel sieel. It 1 1 to one ef u. Hnntln and akeeUag are hta k emlderwi. earberees Katlee Is InrtU. Tke - eenntry, are fed with Htm asd tm tUllag a aaUlna that kea Ufa Is tboewbt to Tarr ,nd eraa the SMat sHaa eee- i ea enperilanable el a, while It Is eenfldere ixnta are taken eare of. It a enake take ep a elrtne te ereiert Ilrlna ereatoree. All beaatn, lla abeda is a satire hooae la India It la .not binte, ineaet cad reptile are thn aentete4. siolretee. bat i sllewed M rsnMla aa loea Crews, that are leaked ea as such a aalasac m t ttkafc m- . - ' V She IHikl Tea Hare lway DoTt&rhtp suid wbkb has bem in . use ror otop so years, has borne the signature of ; suoa mis Den maae nnaer lus pjs , eonal saperrislon since Its bifiancj.' t - -AJLcmriiaanm to Aftnnlvm wan In tMsu - AH Ckanterfelts, Imltatloos and xjaat-aa-rood are butt ,', Erpwrlmentc that trifle wltH and endanger the health off Inlavnts and ChlldiOA-Xbrperience ikgainat Xperlments V, WhQtvlc CASTORIA fOMtorla Is a harmlas snbatlta or Castor Oil Fare -gorlc. Drops and SoothlnaT Sxraps. It Is rieasante II?-. contains neither Oplom, Morphine nor other Sarootto , eobstanee. IU ace Is Its fnarantee. It destroys Worms smd aUajs Foreriinneas. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ' -1 Colic -It rellerea Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. 16 assimilates the Food, restates the r. - Stotnaeh and Bowels string; healthy and natural sleep A' ' The CUO&nam Fsvnaoea--Tfae Mothers Frlenda ' (Dcnuinn CASTOR I A : alvayo" Sean the. Cliatare of . ... - v w sis ww rwr VTcr gu tcsta. AGREE TO STRIKE 0UT-W PROMISED IMMUNITY sal . ' i (Jearaal BpestU Berrlee.l i . Chicago. .Jan.- !. The federal court thle morning adjourned IramedUtely after convening until thle afternoon to give the attorneys for the' pack at' ease further time to discuss, the adoption of eoma agreement which will eliminate a Jury trial and causa to be submitted to the court for Its decision ail ones- Uons -involved. . The attorneys are trying te agree on the facta ta the case, thue leaving for settlement only tho question of law. Tho packers' lawyers have agreed to strike from their plea tho words "prom ised Immunity.' Morrison wants more concessions, y , ABERDEEN TO CLOSE H ' GAMBLING HOUSES fpea DtepatA ts The Jearaal.) ' ' Aberdeen, Wn., Jan, II. At a council meeting last night Mayor Linda trom appointed Frank Drake police Judge and George - Bowan chief - engineer at tho ' water works.. It was announced that gambling waa to be closed down en. -V-;" From Puck. Falotaff Depaw (to Prince Hal Plaltl I would . to Ood thou and I know where a commodity of good names were te bo bought "Xing Henry IV." ... . .' Early sown grain bain niainrur im aouthera Oregon, .1 Ji .. , 4 '