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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1906)
- . . V . , . . r ... ... , 1 r lWimM:U(2WMK(g M on me nElQ ST . . . L - . . ' k It aF . ST '.( This, the Last Full IVeeV, IVflfte Made the Greatest Saving Event of ilia Year "' Free Dtltvtry to Any j Pxrf of the City i " Canadian Monty Taken SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN e VEm-mmuYUiim J, mm- mm Reduced FronTl(npS(tPerCent HOUSEHOLD DRUGS " FINE LEATHER GOODS RUBBER GOODS LIQUOR DEPARTMENT PHOTO SUPPLIES ; , WELLERWARE STATIONERY ' ' BRUSHES , CLOCKS -BATTERIES : . PERFUMES . . SOAPS CUT CLASS , PYROGRAPHIC OUTFITS ' ART POTTERY TOILET ARTICLES : HAMMERED BRASSES CANDLESTICKS DRUG SUNDRIES SKINS FOR -BURNING Reifs Glimpses of the Fair , Portland nd .the Golden West toow 10c; regular price 25c. V - ' ' , A book containing: 180 original photoa graphically ' depicting the marvelous architect- are ol the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and a collection oi thotogrpha f Portland and Oregon. Interesting Duuainga Mid acenea of California, Waahington, Utah, Colorado, An. jona, Idaho, Wyoming. Montana, the Dakotaa and Minne sota. Your Eastern friends would like to know something Of course you are going to send some Valentines this year. OUR STOCK IS ENTIRELY NEW and shows some : of the oddest fancies varieties positively in . r equaled. Everybody says so. . : LloroPfoof- Vow.1 750 Rubber Olovas .48 tl.ti Braaa CudleaUeka B4 s ' wm -r TSf . . Mrni wninina Bpray ,.Um.4 9 to hook tucca ............... .bo i.Ti Fountain Brnnf, l-qurt . .....Sl.lS - mmv Duuvmrr .jStl . UI UIAM iMfl? BOW1 ......... .BS.OS fe Sadnaw Toothpick ,.a tto Comb ..w....T.4 , v uima duw. iror v. . Sf w oonna mora rowatr ......... ..T t6o Vlolrt Anmonls 9 to Holmoa FroatUla ,M .IJi Sto LtaUfa Tooth Powder 16 1v Bakln Soda, prlb...w... .........a.. t lie Porous PUaUra Tf 10c Pwdare4 Alum, pr lh....M ..4 ' about the wild and woolly West' In envelope ready to mail. This show it all for 10c ljUJSquor Department . 3 lfoFFERS SOME NEW SPECiALSr" : 51 The careful attention of experienced men is given J.1Q IheJbuyjng and bottling LpurWine8 and Liquors and .we invite your inspection of. the department. ; "v Wilson Whiskey; quart; special. ...... ..... ..f 1.09 Maryland Club; quart; special.. ........... ..fl.07 i.Fisher'sRye ; quart; special..;... .J . . . '.08- f, Chicken Cock Rye; quart; special. ............ .80 v "Walker's Canadian Club; special.. 1.05 - DeWar'g Special Scotch ; special. . . ..... i . . . .f 1.08 . Extra Fine Old Scotch; special...... fl.15 Fine Old Bourbon ; special ........... . . ....... 71 v Fine Old Rye Fourbon; Canadian; special. .....71 ""White , Port; special......... 73 7 California Port ; quart ; special : . 25fr California 'Sherry ; quart; special. .... ;.;..'. . . .25' - Cabernet,' Sauterne,. Burgundy, Rebling, ' Extra Se- . ' i lect California ; quart ; choice. .'. ....... . ... . . . 36 ' Our special Port and Sherry for this week ; gal . $1.00 ' ; ; Arrived I Gold Fish 300 Fine Single and Fantails from Japan; each.. 25 Aquaria 50, 854, 81.00 and up Gold Fish Food. .................. ... ... .10 zil Brass Candlesticks l ; ; v Odd Shapes; All Very Nobby. 65 Worth reg. $1.25. ' 75Worth reg. $1.50. . 05 Worth Teg. $2.00. , T Famouslndiairfh Haor tec J.1oirhouse'$ Book '' ' . : . Time ia rnminff when w will AnnA nwt tun1ra iOlvl ftnllr l?a(rC !', . . for cmr study; and acquaintance with Poor Lo. Here art ViYf VUUtl, fiqind ' some masterpieces of photography enlivened by verse and ' x . J , . " , . J prose. Every picture made from life. . Cayuse twins. Chiefs.", Quaint little carvings in wood.- A useful ornament: Indian Maids, AVrrior. Tepees, Reservations and an excel regular 75c; now......i,.,t.......T...... ..35 lent reproduction of the great .photograph, "The Lonely Out-O J .. ' v.-.--. . post of a Dying Race $1.00 each. ; i r. . .. . . Just a few Lett. . , : . . v :. ,0 , ; :;-,v :'j typfpnvan. Pcfufes Sacrifcccf Rubber Gloves In fine Seamless Rubber Gloves; three, colors; all . sizes. Every housewife should have them. "We . bought era close and are going to sell the same way. Kegular price 7oc Wow. .,,........ Mc Just few p! left of our stock of. IhUUharmin! , . ""T , J ST"1 ttM".wJ- All which sold formerly up to $1.25 , r now......................;;....?..; ." All which solf formerly from $1.25 to $3.25; - now.. ..............J.;....;.. DC All which sold formerly" from $2.25 to $4 4 TF f - now..........,;v..v.,.....;...v..,kp0 All $4.60, $5, $5.50, $6, $7.60 and up to ' g 9 OC : $10; now ...kPsaCD - Come Early and Get tha Bast Seltctioa Great Rubber Offer Superior Black Rubber Fountain Syringe, all at- tachments, thoroughly' reliable - EXTRA, SPECIAL 51c Through an error, our order 'with the manu facturers was duplicated and they have directed us to dispose of them at a sacrifice, so we offer these for less than half the regular prices. .This instru ment is worth $1.25. . , ; A Same kind you have always bought; only difference is in the price. .You get them for Jess during this : sale.- : . .- ' '. : v- , : - . ' DELAY COflSIDERED IUEXCU ABLE- ( v. ' ...... Port Commission Seems in No Hurry , to Decide Bridge : . - Site Question. TESTIMONY READY, BUT ; NO DECISION IN SIGHT Boms Members Say They.. Art Wait .' tag for Temporary President Pease : ' to Call MeetingMay Wait ' Six Months for Swigert Two or thr pilots are atill delaying nm fori or rortiaaa eoromlaaloit'a tak - Ins action on the proposal of the North r orn Prncldo eompanr to build a brlita . acrow the WUlaraotta rlvar at the alta Young Men's Suits and r Overcoats la tisM lor Boys of .14 to 20 Years SBB OUR BIO ,t DISPLAY AT, $7.85 -Ccrrt tiTia. It Win Enyr Long, plain and belted Overcoats up to $15 values. -- Single and double-breasted Suits in the latest oat ternvup to $15 values. a car- . Ql. . m ZflCIlCLOTHIKO Outfitters lor Ilea and Boys,' 268 and ICS Third Street, . Uohawk , Building. :; v wbleh has been aalaetad. Not all of tb pUota era In the elty. and for aoma oa known raaaon tha.acttnc prealdent of the eommlaalon la daalroua of . bavins them preeent whan the queatlon la da- ' There ia alio aoma talk that the mem bers of the eommlaalon will so down to Bt. Johns thla afternoon and look over the alta. Cenaura la bains heaped upon the orranlaatlon for Ita apparent lndlf tarence to an early eettlemant of the queatlon. Soma of the membera 'aay they are waiting for Temporary Preel dent Feaae to call a meeting declaring that the mattar la altogether in hla handa. It la argued In many quartera that the delay la erldently for no other purpoae tnan to giva tne Oregon Rait' road tt Navigation company an opportu nity to atrengthon Ita opposition. All of the testimony which waa taken at the publlo meeting held laat week haa been typewritten, and all that now re- maJna to be done la to look It over care fully and render a decision in accord a ree with a preponderance ef evidence. It la argued that the membera of the commission are supposed to act In the capacity of Judges and not seek to fa vtr either aide. It la the opinion of competent authorities that If any one of than does ahow a partiality he ean be disqualified from acting on the board. In reference to the meeting now long overdue, one of (he membera of the eommlaalon aald . thla morning that it might be necessary to wait until Preat dent ewlgert returns from hla European tour. In that event a decision will not be rendered for about alx tnontha. If the vice-president doea not soon appoint a date to aettle the bridge proposition one way or the other it la atrongly hint ed that the publlo will demand the elec tion of a prealdent who will go ahead with the work. According to law, a prealdent ahould have been elected ahortly after Mr. Swlgart left on hla Eu ropean tour. . . . TO LOAD ON SOUND. tvewe rretgmt Bases Xnrl Wheat anlp- , lag rrom rorUnaa. ' Balfour, Outhrla A Co. chartered the French bark La Banehe yesterday to load grain en the sound- for-the-United Kingdom at union rates. One thouaand tons wUl be taken on at Seattle and the rest of the ahlpment at Tacorna. , The vessel . arrived at Seattle from Leith, England, with a general eargo en Jan uary It. Her freight was con si -mad to Mayer, Wilson at Co. of Portland. Of lata more grain vessels have been char tered for sound than Portland loading. It ta held to be wholly due to the lower freight rata which the ownera are will ing to accept In the north. They aak 26s Id for transposing weargo ef grain from the sound, aa agalnat 17a d from Portland. Aa long as thla-diacrtmhta-tlon exists, It la explained, more ahlpa will be aent to the aound. . WAS IN FOUR WRECKS. Za the Z.aat One, That of the Valencia, aaamat Xaaoook "beet Xla Ufa. . ' Whan off Cape Blanco yesterday the steamer Benator, which arrived last night, saet the Columbia, bound for Ban Francisco it hours lata. Bha waa facing a strong southeaster and a rough aea made It impossible for her to make fair progress. ' fleas were a weeping all over her, but It le said there le no doubt that aha will be able te weather the storm safely. As the blow was favorable te the Senator aha made good - time and reached the mouth of the Columbia on regular schedule. On the outside were the steamers P.. A. Kilburn, Jennie and tug Dauntless, which followed the Sen ator aereew the bar. The two steamers bag been. llng out there tor. almost two days waiting for favorable weather. They also reached port laat night. The veaaels brought general cargoes and fair pasaenger lists. Samuel Hancock, formerly en the Senator, was chief cook on the ateamer Valencia, end Joathle llXa -thelJj wreck. It was the fourth wreck that ha haa been In the paat year. Ha was on the Elder when she piled up on the rocks near Ooble. Later he waa on the Oregon, which caught fire oft Eu reka. I-ater he shipped on the St. Paul, which was wracked off Point Cords, California. - . Edward Humphrey, now cook on the Senator, aald that he and Hancock had been old ahlpmates for years running up and nown tne coast. Another man with whom he waa Intimately acquainted who lost his life on tha Valencia was James Cameron. In the early days Cameron waa on the Colum bia and State of California running between Portland and San Francisco. The Senator will ge out tomorrow night with more than 104 paaaengera, almost that number having been booked thle morning to make the passage. She will carry also a full cargo of freight. ' IMPRISONED BY LOGS. Aaale Comings Cam Oet On ef Waah- etuyal miveej Zone Cant Oet Za Surrounded by floating logs- In the Waahougal river, the ateamer Annie Comlnga of tha Western Towing at Transportation company's fleet was practically held a prisoner all day yes terday, it la supposed that the lam will be got In ahape ao the craft - will fee able te get sway today. The eteamer lone of the eame line was unable to get Into Waahougal yes terday and waa forced to bring her freight back to Portland. She had a ahlpment of general merchandise and other freight Another effort will be made today to get the ateamer In, and It ia expected that It will be successful. Until the channel haa been cleared of the floating timbers traffic with the lit tie Washington otty will be eut off. The difficulty waa caused by the recent heavy rains, which produced a freshet. - At the camps on the headwaters of the stream loga were out during the summer and plaeed in the stream with tha in tention of floating them down to the Co lumbia when the water reached the right stage, and they all started at once. Aside from the Inconvenience which Is being felt by the steamboat men and mer chants, no damage is expected to result. . FLOUR FOR CHINA. Ponv-rUths of Aragonla's Shipment Zs for Pell very st Mongkong. Having finished the work of d!Bchar ing her cargo, tne oriental liner Ara gonla moved across tha river to the Portland flouring mills, thla morning to oegin loading lor tne outward trip, it la planned to have her ready for sail ing on January It. All ef her space waa engaged some weeks ago. Fully two-thirds of the Aragonla'e eargo will be made up of flour, which will be delivered to merchants In Japan crass fcirMSAOtfc A. B. Canman, Chicago, writes March 1, llOtt "Having been troubled with Lurobage, at different tlmea and tried one physician after enother, then dif ferent ointments and llnlmenta, gave It up altogether. So I tried once more and got a bottle of Ballard's Snow Lini ment, which gave me almost Instant re lief, end will add my name to your list of sufferers. " Sold by Woodard, Clarke A Co. c and Hongkong. Four-fifths of the' ahlp ment will go to China. The ateamahlp Numantln of the eame line Balled from Yokohama for Portland on Tuesday, and la expected to arrive on February 7.-She la bringing a full eargo of Chinese and rhe. greater-parti X of her epace haa been taken for the out ward voyage, although business with the far east la not ao brisk by any meana aa tt waa a few montha ago. Inr qulrlee for flour from Chins, particular ly from Hongkong merchants, are being received regularly,- and . it la believed that by the opening of spring the trafflo will Increase to something like -its for mer proportions. AT THE THEATRES. Oriental Burlesque. nere Is e borlesqoe shew at the Baker this wek that has started the people talking. Wstsoa's Orient. Is Is the attraction. The besoty ef the prodaetloB, the sorseoas cae taSMS aad scenery, together with cleaa. faatur eosMdy aad s vaudeville eUe. including the reoderrol Xamftmmto Japs, sU save eosiblaM te eases a mile seDSstloa amoeg Portland ad mlrers ef borleseue. The last tits, will s Saturday autlaee. The Little Church Around the Comer ' Oo where svetyeas Is going this week. ee "The uttle CsareB Around the st the gnplre. ' As presented by the popalar Tarwr eMnpasy, wita tae eoaraiing ailees May aad sll the favorites, "The Utile Chart Is the tree type ot the good eld play every over ot clean, waolesotne plays delights la seeing sod having bis family see. eerds ef the sweet Uttle child actress, Xdytbe Ksyacr. win DC gir.a away at the Satarday at a una, sen. Concert Next Wednesday. One ef the greatest entertalnstents ever riven m rortiaaa will ee tae grsaa eoseert and mon ster vsndevllle performance at the Maroaeia Grand theatre Wednesday evening, January 81, glvea for the benefit of the Mastclana' Mntaal sasoelatloB, American rederatloa ef Musicians. Aa orchestra ef SO moalelans, Mrs. Walter Bced, contralto, sod Mrs. Rose Bkteh-Bsaer, snnrsso, will be beard: frankls Klehter will ssslst erlth a number a the Diano. The aao- ORd half f th. entrtahTmnt will consist of rive of the beet vsndevllle sets la the elty. Seats sre sow on sale st the box office ef the Marques, Grand theatre? down tews stores and by every prof saw tonal mualelaa ta tha elty. . A Rare Treat for Woroen. , The beauty culture aad facial blemishes lee- tore, which takes place next Wedneeday sfter- st I SO o'clock at the Maranam Grand theatre, has caused great Interest ssaong the Dr. Ortstloa la Indorsed by the eulnlt. T. W. 0. A secretaries, United States ssaa- Madlag women of VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. . ... . '.; ". "Run to Earth." 1: ..: The attraction at the Lyrle theatre thla weak Is a five-eet eeelety eMMreeMr The stasias are all laid ta and around Nw York city and the plot la woven about a thief who operates In society end who at a social Uoa himself aatll he la finally "Eua te Earth." Throao" at Grand. . Phrase, the mechanical dolt, Is exciting wonder at the Grand. Most Sunday the owner of i'broao will slve a complete plena Uoa of whet Phrase Is. Mr. sad Mrs. BobyaS have emplete playlet called "The Morning After." Ore aad Neleni are a couple ef eeeentrte come dians. PeCerle end Stokes sre experts ea tiis borlaonral bar. Ml., Melbourne, .the comedienne. with her banjo: Harold Hoff, the toy shurett end "Monsieur Reeuralre," the saovlsg pic ture story, complete the bill. . ... .... ...... ... . , ...... J- 1! -.v'-.-. ' ' l 1 afX vin 1 II II afk TT Tj Unless you are a lover of music. If you are, here Is, the GOLDEN. OPPORTUNITY for everyone residing In Portland to secure for their own home one of these clear southing, sweet toned and tireless entertainers. Columbia uraphoph one to Old and New Portland Readers of the Journal' By special rrngement with the Columbia Phonograph Company, 371 Washington street, The Journal Is enabled to make this extraordinary offer to both old and new sub- -cribers. Our solicitor will call and demonstrate the machine in a few davm. or if vou want this Graphophone immediately cut out the atUched coupon and mail to the Circulation ' ' X ivepartment. . . . ;,.. .; ; -. ?::, t v ' ' 1 MAlLtHIS IN TODAY, NOT TOMORROW Human Magnet at Star. , Chair, and tables eltng te the eutstretcaed palm ef Mlee Annie Abbott st the Star. Hee act is as aausUix m It M cdscaUonal, JQtf This Offer Is Only Good in the City of Portlandli .z ' . '. ' Date. . . .........,,,. , . , . . : To THE JOURNAL, : . - - r : Fifth and Yamhill Streets: 1 . ; . Please send solicitor to my address to explain PRS1 ' " ORAPHOPHONS OFFER. -Namer r . . i . . .-?" . . . . . , ,, , ; . JESfSlitS. 1M.M4 f t JU. JT .,, 1. 1 AMI A IMI.M.nU, ss4eesesMesa4ysstt. 4imsm mmm m I Eoberts Poar hare The DullmakeCl Vnmm," a charming slaylet, wtth songs snd dsaees, and the twe Dralee effer legmeala fears. The reaMrndec ef the' arogras. Is ef that fine ereer of entertainment always touod at this the SrfttreM riremsm Mteet. (Special Dispatch to The Journal. 1 " Eugene; Or., Jan. 11. A, convention or the Eugene Volunteer Fire Department was held last night, with a large attend ance from all the companies. A paper on "Discipline In the Volunteer Fire De partment and Hew It Should Be Ob served and Enforced In Rugene" was read by C. F, Smith, and one on "Kugene and tier Fire Zeepartment Present and ruUie," Z 1. M. jymiams. ..... i NEW YORK SMART SET SEES SWELL WEDDING (Yoaraal Specie! Service.) Mew York, Jan. II. The Church ef the Ascension was. the scene of a small but brilliant , wedding this afternoon when Miss Alios De Oolcourla became the bride ef August Belmont Jr. The sanctuary was elaborately decorated and the altar' filled with white rosea ever which a number of lighted tapers eaat their eoft light. Bishop Doaae of Al bans' performed tha ceremony, asalsted by . the -Rev. Ernest Rtlrea of St. Jbomas. . Miss MarU Meraa was tne maid ef honor, and the bridesmaids were r the MIesea Cynthia Roche, Marian Fish, Edith Kane and Annie Waa Mr, Bel mont had ea hla beat man V. A. Mur- . dock, who. was his claasatate at Harvard. ' . Baldwin's .Health Tablets. Take them tonight he well tomorrow. Cures constipation. , llo. Druggtsts, Absolutely Correct Change. ' Automatlo change and cash reglstsA , i9i Marqaam building.-' . - . Frefsrrsd Meesi gUlea teewur Best Brand,