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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1906)
----- ' - -XI. JUPSiSILPJlSIilL l-ST S. Ban. ' Financial Aeent ; and Amanuenses for Hi Coun ', trymen, Makes Request. TO MAKE OUT MONEY . ORDERS IN HIS STORE On Hundred : and Fifty Thousand Dollars Passes Annually Through ATIOTJ --Wrtla- at Sixth and Couch Streets. S. Ban. financial agent and amanuen Is for practically all the Jfapaneee In Portland and Oregon.- who number about T.MO. haa naked Poetmaater J. W. Mint to establish a aubatatlon. In his placa of business,--corner of Slsth and Couch street The matter la to be taken up with tha poatal authorltlea In Waahlng ton. If the request la granted It wail be tha twenty-fourth aubatatlon In tha city. -- The new station le aaked for .on . the. S-rounda that it will greatly facilitate tha handling of tha Japaneee mall and money order buelaeea of Portland, which, la crowing- rapidly. ' ' Portland does a larger buatnaas with Japan than with any other foreign coun try. - Tha number of money orders and amount of ' ordinary mall matter for Japan la estimated to be from a quarter te a. third greater than to any other foreign nation. " Tha aattmate is made by Mr. Ban that more than tlSO.Oee - a year paaaas through his hands In money orders. vt. ,v '- ," Mr. . Ban aska for tha aubatatlon not only to relieve tha preeaura at tha main office, but to facilitate his own affairs. Ha Is compelled to employ a white man to ssalat him In tha making out of money orders. Japanese from all parts of the-stats, and almoat all of those realdlng - In Portland, writs or go . to him when they want to send money back home, or write letters, t. When a money order le needed a trip haa to be made to the poetofflce. If a aubaUtion Is lo cated In Mr. Ban'a store, he says It can he made out there. With a subatation at tha corner of Sixth and Couch atreeU, all the Jap aneaa malT received at the poetofflce would be sent direct there for dlatrlbu-1 Uon.. .-. i:ev freight rates will make jobbers hustle Harriman Lines . Give Tacoma and Seattle Same Rates as Portland. Tha freight department of the Har riman lines will February "I put Into effect Joint rates on merchandise from ---Tacoma and Seattle e O. R. eV N.-ten-tory In Eaetero Waehlngton,' Idaho and Oregon, and joint rates on hay. barley and oats from the eame territory to the ; aound ports. Theae rates will remove the laat barrier agalnat jobbers of 8e- attle and Tacoma entering the trade v territory of the O. R. N. company, which has been - almost exclusively a - Portland -flettfc i : 1 i The .new rates are the same that ap- ply from Portland to these polnte. A i almller schedule Is being prepared for joint rates with the Great Northern. The - effect will be to give Portland jobbers active competition in territory where " ther have been practically eupreme. " The fight for trade In the Inland empire - will become , three-sided, with the sound cities on the north, Portland on ' the south end Spokane on. the east. It Is believed that Portland jobbers end manufacture will have no eerioue : difficulty to retain the large bualneee they now carry on with the Intermoun- taln region. Portland is a natural trade center for tha Pacific northwest, and the advent of competition will mean - only that Portland Jobbers must In . creese their activity, get cloeer In touch - with their . customers, and apply the most un-to-date methods for attracting and holding Dunnes, witn compi -tlon of the north bank line they will ' have increased facilities for carrying on ' a strenuous campaign in the trade ter ritory of -eastern end southern Wash- , Ington. . ; ,- -; Baker Whew! ' county's . tax rate IT mills. A PERFECT FOOD. That Scott's Emulsion should act so quickly and satisfactorily in all cases of lost flesh and continued wasting is not surprising when its food value is un derstood. With pure Nor wegian cod liver oil, hypo-' phosphites of lime and soda and glycerine, there is combined in Scott's : Emulsion the best ele ments of nourishment and strength' building known I to medical science. Any physician; wiUtellyOuihis ?T V, - -r(-r ft fi rrrTr1 te - 4 I IlC UlC UI H1C3C mgrcut I Tf5ntsiirthepropt: tibns : the employment of i only the purest grade of each, and to combine them i perfectly is the secret of the". success 'of . Scott's j Emulsion. Vpu will not find a more certain way to stop waste, build flesh and strength and supply nour ishnient than ; through ! Scott's Emulsion, c ; tTS ft Qinrs. jag teart SU Ittw erk SAYS EXPERT W. R. Lett : of Anti-Prof anlty - League Allows Plenty of ;; r Safety Valves.- ;' PLENTY OF LEEWAY FOR THE UN REGENERATE Preposition "Bj,m However, Is For bidden In Certain Connections It Into a Bad .Word. Hell! - I'm not going to Mrs. John Smith's pink . teal It's "too damned stormy. ' And, besides. It's toe doggoned bard work to get Into my blamed gown, which fits me too devilish tight" A deacon's wife, Sunday1 school teacher or pillar of a church might use such language and not be accused of a wearing. W. IX Lett le the authority! and he ought to know, for he le national 'wH''n-n8 of the World. He Uvea In San Fran- Cisco and has been In Portland for some days recruiting members - for- his or--ganisstlon. Ths slogan of tha society t is the following biblical quotation: Swear not at all; neither by Heaven. 1 for It le Ood'a throne; nor by earth, for It Is. his footstool, but let your com munications be yea. yea nay, nay. for whatsoever la more than theee cometh of evlL Matt. v:J-S7. " Slang ana Cussing. This and"other Injunctions against profanity, printed on ' white ' stickers, have been placarded around the city In offices, on fences and alongside work benches. As nne, yet broad ', aiauno tion, la drawn between swear words and slang by Mr. Lett. The uaa of the prepo sition "by", with-several of the words used in the Imaginary remark quoted, would change matters mightily and turn slang Into bad words. According to Mr. Lett, s person can aay, "ueu, out l am hot," and It la all right, provided the person does not object to - the use of slang.. But let him' say. "By hall, but I am hot," and an oath la uttered. "Te gods and little flshes" Is permissible by the eoclety, but "Ton are a little tin god," la all wrong -In the first instances the words "hell" end "ye gods" are used In the abstract. Whan the expression "by hell" la used the person ' swears by something, the realm of his aatanlc majesty. When person Is called "a little tin god," there ls ay profane comparison with the Deity, which la not so in tha ezpreaslon of "ye goda and little flshes," for the ap plication or comparison Is with" Idols. Beaut Slot a Swear Word. Courts have decreed that "damn" is not a swear Word, and the Anti-Pro fanity 1 society does not seek to place itself abeVe the law. "Gosh." "shucks," "fiddlesticks" and ths Ilka ars slang words, so Mr. - Ustt says the same as "fudge," "darn It," etc Explaining himself - more fully the -national sec retary says: . -"The use of a word used to designate the Deity, 'when need in-condemnation or any other sense, la swearing, because it is taxing uoo a name in. vain, i ns uaa of the preposition "by," In connec tion with the Deity, auch aa by God,' or by the Iord,' Is swearing, because you take Ood's name In vain. Tha words 'hell' or the 'devil' can be used In such a- manner as not to be considered pro- fnnttyr tmt when yotr say Tby heir or "by the devil' you curse, because you violate the biblical text I have just given you you eweer by him, en evil spirit, or by his Satanic majesty's realm. Yen swear by something to uaa profanity. The uaa of a alngle word la not a wearing. Then' It Is merely an expression or ex clamatlon. 'rrrr- -. - - - "Our society urges upon all moral cltt sens not to converee with' men who awear, without first calling their at tention to their objectionable habit, ""hat will do more than anything elee to stamp out swearing. Men who swear In the presence of children are he men we are after. Children copy men. We are opposed to elang because It Is not polite, end le often the etepplng stons to profsnlty.. . READING FEVER MAKES LIBRARY A BUSY PLACE Portland's library la growing rapidly. and Its patrons are reading a better class of books today than they did in years gone by, according to the fourth annual report of Miss Mary Prancee Isotn, pub lic librarian, to the directors of the Port land Library association. The report Is the forty-second ennual one Issued. - Ths circulation during l0i was 177,- 0T books, as against 174.SSi In 104. The reference room, which, was opened lest July, has been liberally patronised. Although the children's department Is cramped for space. It la productive of much good. There are 1,U more sub scribe re than in H04, and the circula tion of Juvenile books has Increased 1.428. i The needs of this department ere pressing. There ere 1,100 volumes fori ths uaa of S,1t children. These books were drawn for, home use 40,660 tlmee during 105, or on an average of nearly 13 times for each book. The periodical room is also well patronised. There were many accessions last year, but the association-is- stilt- feeling- the need of additional volumes and periodi cals. The librarian recommenda open ing branch libraries. , Arrangements sre under wsy for the securing of embossed booka for blind people. - - ( TO PREACH TONIGHT V ON THE OLD PATHS The biggest snd best week of all Is this fourth week of the revival at the Flret-Chrletlan church, Park -and Co luiuula streets. The audiences show e - remarkable. Incresseln-sUeLAt-almost every meeting there ere accessions. Ir. MjtrXla's.blsst.jermoos . are,, to. C0Jno4 Tonight the evangelist will preach on "The Old Pathe." : BAKER CITY SHERIFF ' RAIDS GAMING HOUSES . (Snerlal Dknietcb te The Jearnal.) Baker City, Or., Jan. - f 5. The gam bling houaea In Baker City were raided by Sheriff H. K. Brown and one deputy leet. night end aeverel arrests made where slot machinea were In uee and gambling was being carried on In back rooms. Some Inkling of the prospective raid had been passed along beforehand. with the reeult that only two placee were caught red-handed. It le supposed this sctton grew out of the recent civil srtlon brought by McOlnnls agslnst a saloon man here to recover money loat while gambling. Those caught - laat night will be arraigned this afternoon. ' Trust to Nature. r A "great minrmericari." ootVmrft and women; are thlnrpate and Duny, with poor circulation, because they have ill treated tbeir stomachs by hasty eating or too much eating, by consuming alco holic beverages, or by too close confine ment to home, office or factory, and to consequence the stomach must be treated In a natural way before they can rectify their earlier mistakes. The muscles In many such people. In fact In every weary, thin and thin-blooded person, do their work with great difficulty. As result fatigue comes early, Is extreme ana lasts long. The demand for nutritive aid la ahead of the supply. To Insure perfect health every tissue, bone, nerve and muscle should take from the blood eer tain materials and return 'to It certain others. It is necessary to prepare the stomach for ths work of taking up from the food what It necesssry to maka good, rich, red blood. We must goto Nature for the remedy. There were certain roots known to the Indians of this country before the advent of the whites which later came to the, knowledge of of obstinate stomach and liver troubles. These are found to be sale ana yet cer tain in thMr rlosnslng and invigorating effect upon the stomach, liver and blood. Thus era: Golden heal root. Queen's root, Stone root, Bloodrooi, Mandrake root. Then there Is Black Cherrybark. The medicinal principles residing In these nstive roots when extracted with glye- Hn as a solvent make the moat rell msDie kiwi afSnlant stomach tonic and liver In vlgorator, when combined In. Just the right proportions, as . In. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Where there 'nkrJTiuini-.uch as nervous hstlo"n? bad outrin-ndthln mj th. TYnrfv nii- vlmw and tha nerves, blooh and sll the tissues feel the favorable effect of this sovereign remedy, Although some physicians nave been aware of the high medicinal value of tha -hove mentioned cleats, tat fsw have I used pure glycerine as a solvent and I usually the doctors' prescriptions called for ihe Ingredients in varying .wmif,4eJ-ni.- wsai aide have been an xamnle eirflH alcohol. The 'Golden Medical Discovery'' fa a scientific preparation compounded of tha glyceric extracts oi tne aoove mentionou vegetable Ingredients and contains no SiooDOi or narmiui nauiviorming-urugs. LITTLE POCKET PHYSICIAN Xyomel Inhaler Tha Is OnarenteeA By woooarav gists a co. so . ' . i Core Catarrh.. Thousands who have been -cured by Hvomel -all - the -inhaler that -comes with every outflt "The little pocket phy sician." as It Is so small that-it can be carried In the pocket or puree. Prior to the discovery of Hyomei sta tistics ahowed that at least 7 out of every 100 persons in this state were suffering from catarra in some zorm. The remarkable results following tha use of Hyomei are shown by the smaller percentage toaay or , people . aunering from catarrh. " There la really- no excuse whatever for any one having catarrh now that Hyomei : is so readily ODiainaoie. it you have any doubts about ita value, Woodard, Clarke k. Co. will let you have a cnmnlata outnt with the understand ing that unless it cures catarrh it wiilj not coat you a cent. - . - xrtnmritsw-TryoMrTTrarnrFrmirists-nT "ths little pocket physician, a med clne dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei, end costs only fl. while additional. bot tles of Hyomei can be procured , for 60 cents, .making it the -most economical, as well ae the most reliable, treatment for-the cure of catarrh. ... Do not delay longer the use of Hy omei. if you have catarrh. This Is a purely local disease, and Hyomei goes right to tha epot where the catarrhal germs are present, destroys them,' soothes and heals nil Inflammation and makes a permanent and lasting cure. ' If IK esavonlMit te obtain Rjmmel ef Wo srS. Clarke a Co., or soma etbvr ernvflat. I will be furwarded fmai the la bora tor by mall en. rovlpt of prli-e. - TUR a. T. BOOTH CO.. Hremet bids.. Ithaca. Hew York! MAIUJRDERS-FOR UrtnA BtlNli KtUtlVLU Both In" and out-of-town mail orders sre being received for the Ssvags Grand Opera- company, which cornea to tha Marquam Grand theatre Monday night, February- - The -openlng.blll , will toe TnnhauserMS Tuesday night, "LBo heme"; Wednesday night. Fauaf Sea son orders take preference over single opera orders. Mall orders for season tickets ars taken out and returned be fore window sale of weaaon tickets, Jan uary 29. Aiall orders for single operas are taken out Tuesday. January 10, and returned before regular alngle-aale at box office. Thursday. February 1. Ad areas orders and make checks and money orders payable to W. T. Pangle, Mar quam Grand theatre. Inclose a self -addressed stamped envelope for safe re turn. For any Information wanted re garding prices, etc, call up Marquam theatre, phone Main S6S. Salem Woolen Mill Dissolution. Mr. C. T. Roberts, manager of the Salem Woolen Mill atore. B6-ST Third street, haa disposed of his Interest In the business to C. P. Bishop of Salem. Mr. Bishop Is one of tha leedlng business men of the Willamette valley, hae been Identified with retail clothing and wool-i en manufacturing In Oregon for thirty years, wss one of the original Incorpora tors of the Kay woolen mills of Salem. end In assuming the management of the large retail store here brings to our city thorough record for reliability and clean business methods. Mis first-move Is to announce on another page a great dissolution aala of men'a nne suits at, a price that Mr. Bishop says nas naver been equaled or even attempted on goods of such reliable character and quality aa this store is anown to carry. and that Is calculated -to nil ths large store to overflowing with thrifty buyers. FOREST GROVE TROLLEY : COMPANY INCORPORATES ' - ",X ' (Special Dispatch ta The foaraat) ' Forest Grove, Or.; Jan. !. The For est Grove. Transportation company. which has recently obtained a franchise to build and ope raid a trolley line from the depot to the business part of the city, has filed' nrtlclee of Incorporation. Ths Incorporators are: Mre. A. F. Rog ers R. W. Haines, OeOrge Hancock, John TehiDlMdn. Geoff F. NflyloT. F.'A.'WSt- fou, and-J.--r-bmt I number of IT have eubecrl 4WHtra w tne subscribed for stock. Bavaaai ataokheldes-4ava. reaidant of Jfoa4 aat-XrOva-Work Jla .xa tbennss .soon se the weather will permit. All' the freight, express and mall coming to For est Grove le hauled by. teems a mile and a quwrter. - - ' . oAJtusu r. a. mabtut, m. s (if Wavarlv. Texas., writes: "Of a morning, when first arising, I often find a troubleaome collection of phlegm. wnicn proaiicvs m rougu ana is very hard to dlslodre: but a small quantity of Ballard'a Jiorehound Syrup will at ones dlsloda-e it. and the trouble la over. 1 know of no medicine that la equal te It, and ft le so plessant to take. I can most cordially recommend It to all per sons needing a medicine for throat or lung trouble." Sold by Woodard, Clarke c GREALIIIGI117AYS ARE PLA1ED Campaign Started to Opei Avs nues Clsar Through Psnin- ; sular Districts.' FUTURE GROWTH WILL ; BE PREPARED FOR NOW Narrow, Tortuous Bjrpatha to B Changed Into Real Streets Run- nlnT SixTMITes or Mora and Blnd-T Ing Doxens of Suburba Together, Ths east aid efflce ef The Jooraal Is ta The tore ef J. U. iX Miller. See Ssst atorrlaoa trettv .Telepaoaa Xast rnL.. . , The east slds Is going to prepare for future prosperity and not allow Itself to grow up haphasard. . Already a start has been made, in many of the suburba snd even In some portions of the central district toward making the streets wide snd straight, but before the paice of property goes beyond reach some of the leaders propose to widen some of the other streets snd open at least one through the peninsula district that will be of a uniform width of SO feet and that will serve ss a main artery of business and traffic as long aa the city shall stand. Tha crooked, narrow, tortuous streets to the large property-owners on the east side who expect to retain tneir noia- Ings untlKlots are sold by tne iront foot snd theee residents prefer te give 10 feet from a lot for a wide streets if bv so doing they can be sure of mak ing the thoroughfare a permanent bual- nese highway. ' - One of the chief Improvementa or mis nature which le being quietly wontea for is the opening, extending and widen ing of Kllmgsworth avenue from the Willamette river, near the Oryaocx, to Columbia slough, beyond Woodlawn. Thia avenue ls opened to the (0-foot Width for a great part of the way, and bounds the holdings of lsrgs owners who can now easily donate the .land and Insure the chief street of the east slds running past their property, ; ., Sin atllea loaf. ' ' -Kililngsworth avenue will be more than six miles long, when tt le extended from slough to river, and Is ths only avenue In the district that can be utll Ixed ae a main artery of traffic. At present it serves for a pert of the way as a feeder for ell the peninsu lar suburbs west of Piedmont; and were it opened and macadamised it would. In the optnlon of real estate men, at once add more than "the coet of the improve- 6ar6TnTniHProTerty SBd WoTnn In time become the great business high' wsy of ths district For a portion of its length It has been opened' and " at present Instead of there being, a direct highway from river to, the farther suburbs a devious wsy mukt be fol lowed. No other street In the entire district can tska the place of thla ave nue, and If It is not opened ana wiaenea it win for all time divide the" varloua suburbs, to a great extent isolating them, and will maka tha atreet merely s local one, with a few ecattered neigh borhood etoree along It. areas Avenue Widened. Tsara aco. through the energy of soma of the far-sighted ones. Grand avenue waa widened and extended the - I EST Oil II J w iunvu GRAND--fer;to! n in doing tfale hotel waa moved hack several feet and many of tha prop erty-owners thought the game waa not worth the cendle, but now Grand eve nue Is the beat business street on that slds of the river. Property on one cor ner sold recently at 1300 a front foot. snd when ths Sullivan gulch bridge la in placa again the praaent Impeded growth wttr proceedrmahlng thla atreet a business thoroughfare through Irving- ton and In time probably to wooaiawn, University Park - atreete were made wide by the men who laid out the dis trict Instead of the o-foot pathe of wat Portland, avenuee 80 and loe rest In width were opened, and though the district haa- only commenced to grow tha value of this policy hss already baen evident. In some Instances soms of ths backward property-owners have han induced to donate a atrip of land for tha Improvement of the adjoining highway. Two years ago Union avenue waa widened from Highland nortn. ana today it ia rapidly becoming the north and eouth thoroughfare of the big dis trict north of East Burneiae street. NEW FRATERNAL HOME. I x eawawaaasasawsaaasa University Park Odd Tallows Will Build Two-Story Brick Temple. The Odd Fellows lodge of University Pork Is In such a prosperous condition that a considerable aum of money la on hand for lnveetment, and. believing that peninsula real estate Is the best thing In sight, the members will buy e elte and erect a two-story brick building that will not only be a lodge home but will bring In a good income on the lnveet ment, as the lower Boor will be rented ss a bualnesa place. The building will be 44x80 feet It will be started aa soon aa a aita la secured. The fraternity home will be built by a stock company, the lodge owning half of the stock and the individual members taking the other half. Therer are-more than 200 mem bers In the lodge, many of whom are men of meana, and the new fraternal temple will be one of the handsomest on the east aide. Owing to the acarclty of suitable rooms and nalla. several aeet aide lodgea srs contemplating following the example set by Multnomah and Mt Tabor camps. Woodmen of the World, and expect during the year to erect buildings. '. . . . .. i' EAST SIDE NOTES. " - (waWaSkaaaaSMkBW'aai TtrC ' Seaman yesterday secured a I was brought on a verbal contract for The following. officers havs been elect; ed by the New Montavllla Push club: W J.. Burden, president: W. C Ayla- worth, ytce-presldent; Dr. Monkman, sec retary ana treasurer. . i ni ciuo win meet Monday evening and choose an executive committee. It le probable that the Episcopal church at Peninsula addltton will soon be moved to University Park. Members of ths congregation are trying to secure a aite near Daw son atreet and when a lot la purchased the building, which la a model edifice of Ite class, will be moved to it The preeent location is out of ths wsy. Mrs. Lena Oethoff hae purchased three lote In . block I, Portsmouth, and will build a home. An apartment house costing more than $7,004 will be erected by Contractor K, B. White for J.- H. Flak at the corner ef Union avenue and Paclflo street s , A .residence costing, mors, than f 1,000 - , - . . ".. THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL Mesa ojaefa Ss-S yrssisilas Seals and Begat. Nea'rlv everybody knows that char coal Is tha safest and mbet efficient dis infectant and purifier In nature, out few realise Its value when taken Into the human system for the same cleans ing purpose. ' Charcoal Is a' remedy ' that the more vou taka of it the better: It le not a drug at all. but aimply abaorbs the gases and impurltlee always proaem in the stomach and Inteattnae and carries them out of the eystsm. Charcoal sweetens ths breath after emoklna-. drinking or after eating onions snd othsr odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears ana im proves ths complexion. It whitens ths teeth and .further acts as a nature! end eminently aafe cathartic, -. It absorbs the Injurious gssss which collect In the stomach and bowels: It disinfects' the mouth and. throat , from the poison ofcatarrb. ' ,' . ' All druggists sell charcoal In one form or another,, but probably the beet charcoal and the moot for the money Is In Stuart's Charooal Liosehgeo; they are eompoee4jof the finsst powdered Willow charcoal, -and -other harmless antisep tics in tablet form or rather In the form of large, pleaeant tasting losengea, ths charcoal being mixed with honey. The daily use of theae losenges will soon toll In a much Improved condition of the general health, better oomplexion. swseter breath and purer blood, and the beauty of It la. that no possible harm can reeult from their continued use, but on the contrary, great benefit A Buffalo physician in speaking of the benefits - of charcoal aay a: I advise Stuart's .Charooal lossnges to all pa tients Buffering, from gss ia stomsoh and bowels, and to clear the-complexion and purify the breath, mouth and throat; I also believe the liver Is greatly-benefited by the-dally uses of them: they cost but twenty-five cents a box at drug stores, and although in soms senee a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal la Stuart's Charooal Losengea than In any ef ths ordinary charcoal tableta" . le being built for D. O. Tomaaina on San Karaei street near union anu., At the corner of Grand avenue and v-.mnnt . iiMtii Oaorse Burbach Is building a residence to cost more then tttoo. .... . . . '- .- FRICK CLEARS 57,000,000 III STOCK MARKET Steel Magnats Buys - Reading Railroad Stock Bslow Par V and Makes Big Profit, r (Job raal Special arrlee.K New Tork. Jen. tt. Friende of Henry C-Frick are congratulating him upon hlff t-b m.rk.r aucraases. particularly hi. narrations in Reading common stock. Frlck sold out practically, an of his Reading common atoca at a prom oi i least t7.000.00S. Intimate associates of Frlck estimate that he hae cleared even more than that ' " ..... - According to the etory told in wan street Frlck began to accumulate Read in. whan tha aalllnar was below ttt a ahara. Thla was about a year ago, and no aeeutnuiatea aitogemer is.vvv snares. In slightly more than one year -tne stock advanced 100 polnte and eold at tl0, and Tueaday laat eold at tlS a share. There is good reaaon to believe that practically all of Friok'e Tf.000 shares were eold in open market In the laet two-weeks. ,-.. ' f SEKD ARMY OF 1 0.QOO FROM EHGUKD TO VAKCDUVER ''' . . Great Britain to Test Canadian Pacific Capacity in Case -v of Far Eastern War. . ' ; (Joarsal S Dedal Srrle.t ' ' Winnipeg, Men., Jan. J&. The Cana dian Pacific Short Line will be subjected to a big transportation test by the gov ernment In consequence of the new al liance with Japan. In which both natlone pledge themselves to eupport each other In case or aitaca. mm rinuan govern ment haa decided to discover in how lit tle time it could send a considerable bodv of men from tha ahorea of Great Britain to Queen Charlotte Island, which Ilea north of Vancouver. Up to the present the plan has bean cloaely guarded by tha admiralty. Tha acheme Is to call upon the Canadian Pa-clno-Tallroad to transport 10,000 marines and sailors, with boats and all equip ment from England to Vancouver, then bv coastlns vessels to Queen Charlotte Island. Thla Involves tha chartering of rxtro vessels, the - running of . twenty trains, each loaded with too men and camp equipment across the continent r. THROAT PL-s EtDMQ'S RTnrtfninf . CHA8. EBY. 8R-, of Elizabeth. Ill, wrltest -1 paid out over 9160 to looal phy etclansawho treated me for La Grippe without giving me smy relief. I afterward bought a $1.00 bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking oontenta of thla one bottle I waa entirely cured." - : .; , Kb i:i $i.c5 AnnbrUiiTniUY on ar Anthnp'T fj its fri . t ::rHfWtMHHWtHHMMMMMMMt -nr..TT.- v. m TV VT- - - . "4" - I aaaj I r ' eTl . - ' ' ' X I Siays: THAT ; HE HAS JUST: RECEIVED ; A SHIPMENT OF THE rUEW SPRINQ.giyLES-IFY TO KNOW WHAT ULTRA STYLES ARE GOINGTO BE. COME IN AND IITIV MANWILL-SHOWYOU,- Soft arid $a50:iahdL.D0 Alfred Benjamin Correct Clothes,' Suits, Over coats and Raincoats note selling at a discount of twenty per cent from the regular' prices. '.. . , . , . v ...... - ., . -. . , ?s)S FOR THE BATH ; A nttle - BATHASWEET" makes hard water soft as rain water. It perfumes, refreshes and Invigorates; Cleanses the pores and PREVENTS all ODOR from perspiration.' Westy fs SseTiex fSr 25 baths.' Price 25e. proTFFTH VrBro l LL 111 Si BaaW Save "Money The Boston ' DenUl Parlors, ttlH Morrison street are (Ivlna their annual January reduced prloee for tha purpose of advertlelne- their Alveolar System of Hainleee -OeattetrjPi Come at once and have free examlna. UNTIL. FEBRUART 1. lt. WB WILX. EXTRACT TBBTH rRKB. SILVER FILU1NOS, to , UP: OpLD FILLINGS. 7So VPi BET OF TEETH. 14.00: SPLENDID SET, l 00j GOLD crowns, ta to ts;-whits crowns, tt.tO TO tS. . . All work (naranteed for ten years. ' Lady attendant alwaye present. An work done absolutely without pain by speclallats ef from IS to to years' ex perience. .. , ., - Boston Dehfists SS1M Morrteoa St-, Opy, Kates Tree aajt Fostofflos., ' . - Batraaoe SS1H aforrleom St. -r Offloa Hours S:tt a. m. to ( p. m. Sunday, t:IS a. m. to 1t:IS p. m. The experiment will, take place In two months. . . . South Sea Islands. - The . 8. . S. Mariposa aalled : for Tahiti ' December . tt. The voyage to Tahiti r is the moet dellthtful of ell trips to ths Booth Pacific All Ta hltl . travelers sre enthuelaatto. First eabln round trip rate from San Fran cisco. tltS- C. W. Stlnver, agent, 114 Washington street Fiafanad tnook OaaaeS eods. : Allen Lewis' Beet Brand. WOrJDER-WGRKER: c:id ld r:::z) a ' s.-g. sKiDiioiis ft ca- st . e . ' 1 ' . - i ' w ' ... . . : . ''-.. '. ' ' - X : hard hatsfB Z311.norrl$on St.4 OpP Pdstoff lec : - i AFTER THE BATH Use ftATHASWEET" RICE P0WCER best toilet powder, antfaepdcally niir hoalthful. rlaintilv nerfiimn Heals enspped face and hands. Ex- cellent after shaving-. Osly sent pewa far tts baby. Pries 28e. . fffKaV.lrtt-a W ay ayia. r .. .-A.V.eSiWji ' . .taw sTL' A , aCaklBg tha Sight Charge. - From the Cleveland Leader. ' Desk Sergeant What did yon arrest thle man forT r Patrolman Staalln' peanute frees a Dsgo. Deak Sergeant Enter a Charge Of lm- personating an officer. -' Seaalde bad its third snow' storm Ini 20 years. - v;.' roR COLDS LUMP 0 mm ey bbt j':"; -