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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1906)
- - - w-.- -ot-ovs - rIf"'"-'T "" "V3-f'- -. S4B iwilUiit ,, taf tettiiiw, J.- Aw.e. MOPS 2 CEUTSOn DAD PRESSURE Local Wheat Market Slide on r Account of tower Prices in Other Citiee. V -CHlCKCNrCONTIN BREAK OF YESTERPAY ' Eggs Drop With More Liberal Ar rival-Suppllea Are Not Cleaning ' Up Like Formerly. ' . 7;;- ' mat Street, Jma. 13. Tb prlnclpef feature . ef the Portland wholesale Mrliu today arer -'. Reriew t canned goods market.- . lull market has sharp brssk. : , i Dull too in Hoar market. .'.".'' . Prssb salmon He adTaBCd..J , ,' J Halibut vary firm at price. . ellforsls stsamr stuff anlpsdsd. - -Eggs lowers receipts larger.' ' Lower pricee la ehwksa market. .. ..r. ; .". All (mil meets firm and sctlre. Lettuce dsmaad to nltnf slow, a '. Potatoes aad onions are quiet. V , , California tomatoes are hlgbsr. ' " A Sharp Brash la Wkt Kutat. ' la eeaeeqoenc of the materially tew -trie ruling In to various bwt surkets of ttw world, tonal quotations hsd a sbsrp brssk teds, -saloee being cat Be a aasbel oa club. . red and lusstem. The market to nominal at lu host and tlx trad ta not vary eaxieue purchase, svsa at praaant quotations. Tans far thai weak tka wheat market shows a aat ' herd of Be a bushel. Lower ' pricee. am But vary attractive to tha holders of tbs (rata . and tbars to as dlapualttoa oa their part to so- cap tbs v now rulings. Ths flour nltustlou v rsmslos a dall affair wltk Baoat of ths Bills eloaod oa socoaat of ths lack of business. Ths Alblna ailU to stlO. running half cm pad if wa some back orders, which sr t go out - oa tb Beit srloatal steamer, but whoa this ' lot of floor to manufactured ths proa porta ar , that tha mill will slow dowa btn. . Tbls eama sondltloa ealat all ever the Pacific coast. . Bartow ef Osaaod Roods KarkoC Tbs shortage In the tomato crop to betas' felt mora ha tha aaatora markets than aa the ooosc la a atssaars tha prices ar towsr her than la 1 tb oast kacauaa of tha shipment of a - Ian Bortloa of supplies to the fa ... tory with Its ncery frelghk shart. By ths ' . Amortcsa Orossr tbs tomato pack uf tbs t'nlted Htaaea for tha ar. 1WUO amoaatod to a.ow, Id, while tbs pack la Canada reached 614,01)0 caaaa. This makes tb total pack of (he American continent rear d.OTO.Sli cases sf two does tins' sack, as Basinet tbs total pack s( S.aie.pMI aecs surmf us prerioao year. , ja pack of- 1W0S 1 rb smallest .sines 1IMU and i seaaldman ike laarmi aa aha diajeud. to Innday Buate toaoi)pI tbs needs of tbs trsdo. Bj sea- eon tb pack ad turaatoaa tat America to flrea aa follows; - - - - - Mm. 1 dos. to esselBeasoa, , I one. toeaas ..... A8U.6W ......... .U70,oioii. lUOd .l.7.IWWrl...w.... B.4V4.BII lKUl.,,..... 4.6I.J11I'0....,.. a,M,SWI IMHd..u... T.UOMilK...,.,V.. .7WT.tPJ . 16WT .'.'d,lv.selllwd,...r .641.1N . ' . Tea-rss arena d.a(X Tb essa pack f tb Untied Bute and ' thnada to 'ffieaa U,Ua,6nS cases of ' two tins rack for ttt. as atslaat ll.ta eases In J IK and 4.800, led eaaea la UH. , i V; " ,lt IW otpB Lear. ';. X 1 Tb4Te nurtet bt ktw tods eaaecoemt at semewbat ' bwtn ' srrmus. - biocks are oeio Blng'to pile ap" and ascomalattons ar showa rrr M ths' Street Aram da-, to day. ' Todar aales of egg were mad as tow aa 17c, wltk tbs top of tbs market He blsber than that aura. Tha deatou ar -SBOWtet dUpoaltloa to buj sbcs from band to mouth aed this atons do : avtr a weaker faeUnc with tbs aaaal dssllua - la tbs prirs. - - - ' , Aastast Drop la Oniokaaa. Follow lot tbs docUn ta tbs pries of cbtcksns . reported la Tbs Journal foaurday, tb market to acala tower, aiorka are now Terr boarr, .'but tbs trad to unwilling to par tb pricee ssked, as they are unsold at tus and at tbs day. ' . Bom dsalara mads ctoaaaps laat sight aad Mils loorolng st 12 Sc a pound, and ones la a whit - a sals wss Biaue at ISc. Tb market, bowerer, 'Is aot lUelr ro nil a dot ut tb rmatodor mt ths dsy. let. demand to ahowa la baas, : t but arrrrsto la tbdt linaar small. , t- rreak Balmea a Half Oeat Htober. V - Tasr tra aa advaas of Hd a poand la tb i,... 1 1 price -of freak salmon - today as -a result . sf ths sitrsms shortage of flab. A few aoiee of smelt ere arrrruic, but tb rua snows as dtoftoaltton to Incraaaa. Halibut la also soma--i what alow la coming, but berond a fh-mlnt ' of tb prtc nothing new to noted la tb mar. ' kst. t . . ', Oalif srala Tern teas Ar Xlgnor. ' - Rmatiar supplies of first-class stork hare aauaed aa adeanc of about 8as la Oallforala treeh tomatoes today. Tb regular liner from Baa fianclecs sr rtred la laat Bight and the cargo of free greens was unleaded this morning. potatoes aad onions ar ejutot wltk Be rang an value. - i ' ' Hotbouo totrac to rather flow la mortng, J- with sappltos aot beary. ' Prless somewhat off. V Bw Bep Buslasss Kaportod. ' No new Business I reported la tb bop msr ' kat. Oealera say that tbey bare as asw orders sa hand, pat aoms old enss nt farmer pricee ' are be tag slowly filled. Growers sssm dls posed to eU soses sf tbsbr msdlaaw and primed, but ebolc etorks ar being bold serurs. Tb trsdo pays tbs following prless to front - street for rhotc -quality la round tots. FtIcss paid prodacsra ar as apeetnod: ; -.'. eraln. tleur aad reed. - v , WrlBAT Hew dnb, T0T1 red hoaetan, ' Tfl Me; blueetem, TlftTXHO TaUey, 7S4B74. BARMY reed, $21.00! rolled. 1 34 AO; brew lag, I2&.M. CO EN Wkale. 137 001 aracked, (38.00 per ' BOB, , tTMlM pw ! OATn-Prodaeers' priss It. white. Ha. 00) gray. f7.00. , XOunV New earters Oregon patrsta, fd-SBi " ' Btralgnta. S.70CS.; osport, g-VMyg.M, T.j. - Vyv 8.70e5j.BO; graaam. Hs, a.M rya, aaa. to. oft! bale. .75. . TMILLSTIFr Bran.. per toat: mid rTllnge, 3S.0Oj ebort. soaatry. Us. 60; dly, $i"l: cbnp. lia.oo. HAT Producers' Brie-. -Timor y, Wfflamstt Vellef, fascy. III. MOI0: ordinary, (7.001 OOi esatera Oregon, tl4.00Cilk.O0i mtrrC rl MOs OO: Cloeer. l.00jM.OOi grain. tSAod) OOi ebsat. $-00. ' Batter, Xtgs and Fealtry. 1 BUTTt a VAT F. a. a. iNatlsad awaot cream, del sour. Itc. BUTTER City ereemery. MHei satald 1 fascy.- AhrOoOsi- ordlsary.-tTHei stars,- 1J r maat-n: I fiaab Oroa. candled, "JTO 17He; cold storage and sssterB, S2Hc. , CHfEnr-New rull cream. lata. lBc; V - loeng America, law ISHe: rbeddar, 16c. . i QAMB lackrahhltoj 1 6et;t war dual ' f."POULTRI Mlied cblckene, I2H per fti ' faacy hen. lHe per lb; ronetere, oM, HOine - ynr etsgs, lorxiue: rryrrs. m: nroiiers. .JBlIOBIBf- 11c per lb! torkrra. V? W i aqoaba. HOPI loos Oregon, ckolrw. 10 MH arlmt, seor grads, 70C Washing so. 10c: 1B4 crops, a for sonic. - - WOOI. lOOR clip, eetlet. roar to medtwiQi THURSDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET ....... ... .. .. . .! ;(,.v 4 e v . - - ' w " ' e '' ' -May "July -' 4 a Chlcaito I .(4H e t-Mllwauke .((, .(4H 4 'Uverpool ...U& (slltid 4 e Kansas City... .T(U'' .7(4 '4 e Ban Franoisco l.Ky. ' l.t( '' . March. oDecember,' ; " d l(d(HHfH -TTl i- nlT lh rilTS "il halibut. lo per lb: era be. 1.60 per doai t!IulfJ& 80eltrlied bass. iSHr nee lb: ratflab. Vae u. A.TVfjs.uB Per bob. j, I salmon, stealaeada. BAosnor tkt ehhmok, BOe Ibt JOURNAL'S DAILY , f- TIPS ON MARKETS 4 4 . 4 By McCorquodale Jb Hoover. ' d 4k , Now la tb tlm whan ship- , d e- porn vi . sggs anotua esp insir 4 stocks denned up, as avary day 4 , ahows considerable inoreaae in. d arrivals and it la not safe ta 4 4 Hold avail ror a flay.. Dealer ar 4 . clsanlng; up each day If possible.; Receipts of - poultry have been, : too heavy for pricea to be main- 4 tajnod and a drop la quotatlona d la the result.' AapMlally In itut and mljtcd lot. Fancy henaare4 "ktlirin fair" demand al prsnt""d 4 prices. . We are clad to notice 4 that our? article on capons 'has d d ' aroussd ; consldcrabls tntereat 4 d amons producers and We have : d 4 saral iwaulrlea In regard tuV' them.. .We shall be clad td an- awef any. Inquiries that nay be,. 4 addreased to ua and wa feel cor, d tain that if sufficient Interest Is- - taken la this matter good results . 4 wiu ; be had and we caa assure' 4) the crowers that they will be' ' d mors than satisfied If they grlve e It a fair trial. There Is a very.- 4 cood demand tor broilers: ducks 4 and ceeaei are also wanted. Dur- 4 lnc the week - receipts of all ' dressed meats have not nearly, 4 bean larae enoua-h to fill tha. a d .trade, and dressed hots and veal. e -rmra-aspecUlly firm. The trade e wants medium - si sod in Dotn - e these line, althoura large rough1-, ernes sell well while the market. Is Arm. at reduoed prices. Tha shippers will find that especially . e wlth poultry and aces it V pays 4 them to keep the ' apod frrades 4 4 separate, -as by -dolne so It lm- 4 proves the demand for fancy e 4 lots and the hlcher prices obv d 4 talned will pay them for their d 4' attention to this. . db . ' ' 4444444444444444 4ttA2SM ' Baa. s0z7i saeVra Oragoa. I0fi22c. unmill MeorlnaL andtgia. HEKPSKINB abesnng. uasao ! ebort wool, seI40c each; saediam eOOTns eaekt tons wool. Tnratl.OO - ' TALLOW Prime, peg lb. dH4l Be. and groan, sexxw. CHITT1M BARIC a per rb. , HIDKS Dry, No. 1. 1 ba and so. litis) 17 H per lb dry kip. Mo. U a to ts Bm. Ides dry cult No. 1. a after t lbs, Ibct salted hides, stsera. sound. SO lbs snd over. Oune; sows, Hc: stags sad barm, sound, SSJTei kip, IS to su lbs, Pc calf, sossd. nador la rna, lie; rrsoa. nnaafted. to toast enlle. I par lb toss; kcrsrbldV. salted, each, t.tnl.Ti dry, each, tl.Ooai.aOi colt hide. Kfjoori goat akln cpmmoa.- each, tOOlBet Angora, each. ac 11.00., ... - . . Irsfts and Tsgstsbtoa. " POTATOES Bert Oregon. TnQnOe p sack I produoors' prle fog car lota, T0n76a per each; rdlnary. e470e-, prod Dears.- pries, -dSftjeost sweets, IJ.J.1 per crate. . urtiUNd Jobbing prlc Oregon, no. l i r; ducm' pric. Ko. 1, enetl 00; No. t. 909 -HaiOc. per llij en Inn ts, r RtriT Annlea. cnlla." 0tt73e: ordinary. T3ctl.tB; fancy. (1 (Kicll.00; H.wd nieer raney pltsenBSrgs asa newtoa nppina, I2.00ea.60; orangaa, new rnaet tl.OOeli M; eredllng. ; ha nana, 4V4J6e lh: lemona, enolca, tl.TBtrl On nor hna! taiu-r. tl AOffS Oft Bar box: limes. Ilealcaa. ( per 100 plnenppies. M.M per ooar peara, i,ou per nox; langonneo, &u, Japan oranges, snc per box. VgOrTTARl r,S Tnrnlda, new, TV per ssck: i. e0gJ76e ' sack bests. OeC)!l.oo per eackt Orerna ndlahaa. Pile nee doc: eabbace. Oregon. (3.00. pr ewt: green poppers, tr4j Mr pa? lb: California tomatoes. .(3.00; Kranlp,-bftrci(1.00; string baa lis. 17te; eaa lower. (2.00 rrate;. rhubarb, crated groan bom, .10 per -lb; berssrndtoh. Br per lb! artl rhofcaa. SVAtl.aO -pa sr . berh.wo latrsre. $1. 21.50 per box: celery. (S.0ftj3.SS per rrnte; pumpkins, lUc; squash. le: epmuta. c per lb: mnbsrrles, Jeneya. (13 V'U.OO per bhT: Con bay and Tillamook. (10.00. PRIED rRCITR Apples, evaporated. fOgJ 10H per lb; apricot. 10Hflle per Jb: wirbe. lAHtllSe per lnraacka. U po lens: prunes, no to do. SHi 4c do aa each liteenth aawltor sis; f re. CaHfornls blek. HOft pec lb: Catfrornls white. per lb: detes, golden, a per lb; farda. II. tS per U-Bj BOS. .. . . ' Crssssdaa, Buta, r?to arOAB Bock beats Cube, (d.Mi powdered. (II.M); fruit groan 1 ted, (S.T0; dry graaulated. )6.70; Ceof. A. (S4n: beet gmnnlnted. IS.); extra C. rolden O. IS. 10: T yellow. (It 00: bbbk 10c; H bbla. (3c; box, ROs sdeanra oa aacu bssib. xsc per ewi tor rasa, is days; maple. I4f)l per lb. (Abe re price apply to aatoa of less tkaa car lota - Car lots st special pness ssbjsrt to aetuattnns I nOMBT (. per erst. - rOFrBB Parks brsnds. (16. M. ' BALT Oonrao Ralf jrrosnd. loan. (Tea not ton! tabu, dairy. Boa. (11 nt TOOa. (10.TB; lm pnrtoa fjrerpool. BOa. (IT 10; ' 100a. (16 Mi: ZS4. (id 00; extra On,' bhK la. a, ina. il UM tin. M. r m . aam ma. k V-.-1 i . .... , naitl. ,.l low. - . . sOs. ditetnart Lrrerpnol lump mrk. (KJB par ton: BO lb. mrk. (T 00: 100a. (6.TB, , 4 ORAIN BAOd Caleartm. Tine. . ' HICB Imperial Japan, Ka.. 1. Cci rt. S. 5J4a: Naw Or loans head. T Ajas, Bci Crenl.. 6He. P. KAN latin orbits. - BB TRi taeoa whtta. a.26: pink, (ITS; bayou. (4. 60 1 LI mas. (S.60; sleTican reds, (He. " NUTB Peantn, ysatboa. Btf par Bt Vtr glnl. TUe nes lb: reoated. Be: eoeoaanm. no0r per dost walnuts, IftctlftHe pet Iti; pin eaia, lueiizs per B ntesnry nuts, loe pet fb: chretnsrs. eastrm. 1 Belt He ner lb: Bra all Beta, lee per lb: eiberts. I4tl8s per lb: fancy lBHCIISHct almonds. 14H0101. . . ratata. Osal 00a. tto. . . - -R0PB Purs ntanlla, l4 staadard. KVc; Btaal. lis. COAL OITe Peart or Aatral Cam, SOU per gsl: wafer . whits. Iron bbla. 16r nor sal! wooden. lf)e nor call koadllaht. ITOkdae.. X2He par anC- - - UASOL.INB i sades.. easea BalAo io ! Iron bbto Inr per gaL HKKKinnv-eiKles- sal as ans ssr saL xeon pvm. i"ir per ng. TUnrENTINIt 1 la cases IB par fat. woedea Bbla nnc p-r ni Wltlll LFAIV ' m Wa Um - tn. ann.n lota. Be per lb: lean lots. M per Tb. yvikf naii.n rreaent bass at gg.30. LINHKED DIt-wPnre raw. In S-tihl Inta. Met t-bbl lot. B7e: rases, die per sal: svnnlne kettle- boiled, esses,- B4e per gal. B-bbl Iota IMc; t-bht of, owe per gat; ground eaxe. car kits, (ZO.OO per ton; ,eas dbsa ear tots. ISO. 00 Bar ben. Kaata, risk snd rrevisens. rRBrtn ht KATB Front atreet Reef 4Re per lb; cows, (0)4 per lb Wa, block, fe' per lb: packers. TO? He per lb; bulls, Serfta nar lb: eai. axtrsi BUevSe - nee ' ik' ordinary, 7HO per lb; poor," dejevi. par lb; numn, lani-j. "ia(15 pr in. BAMS, BACON. gTC.o-Poetl.d peek (teeall hama, Id to 14 lbs. I3V4 per Iht 14 to 16 Ihs. iztg per to oreaaiaai nucoa, iajiat per Ib i ntenle. Bs nor Ibt enttaoo. Su, ik. regular abort dears, aaemoked. loc per U; smosad. II Ho per lb; ler bscBs, uagaoked. i"o per hi; smosea, ut in: union nutm, 10 to II Tbs,- enemnked. Be nor lb: imtel a per Tb; clear bellies, anemukod. 11c per lb; amoked, ll- per ibt sboaldem. (He per lb. - LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a,' I1U pet Ibrlls. 1IV.C per lb; (O-lb tins. 10 e pr lb; ream resdered. 10s, love par Tk; as, 10 fee Ser lb; com noon d, T0s,-TUs. CANNBD BAfAiON tVihnMl itaa l.n. t.ll. (I. BO; fclB Asihy. ft-7nT. eaney 1 rs-Bats, -ft .Birr w-io nnr ooia.; raney I-IO erua, g&TO: siasas isiia, pins, aoajwc; ro. si. 10 per b prck. Be per tb ; blaek rad. T vv hw. ,v vukw, wi: uh lit. riiiinL rib todicod, TC per Ibt Oolnmhbj rlror smelt per lb: at Iyer smelt, fc per lb; lobsters, 15 per lb; froeh mackerel, a pat fb) crswrisu, tie per dos; stnrgoon. tie per To. OTSTBBn Bhosrwstsr bay., par' gaL , (XBt; per sark. l 7B. - ' CLAMS Bard-shell, pet bss, (XB laser rlame, 11.09 war has. ' ' e Miricr's Amcricajip - Coming. f: ' Miner's Amerlrsns' Burleeoue enmnsnr win apes st tbs Baker theatre next Bunday matin. All tb Miner show ar rseognlsod aa stsnd. ard amonget burlesques snd tbs Americans will be found to be no except ion.- - . ' " '' ' - - V Hooligan In New York. ; The real 'Iloollras" of Mils aastoa will be sees at be -Bmplr next week la Fruo a Browne's Hooligan ta New York." which open a week'a engagement at bhe Empire neat Sua day aOtreoua,.-. . aot aomlaal tail BS.OO. . 1 (1BH Rock pA.le int Iki-Boanaaan. Be was ilDUMICED DESPITE THE. PROSPECTS i 1 V .' v - :'... v i:"',.Y.:.. . , . ' Newe of a. Most' Bearitb Char In acter,, But Chicago Valuee ! , . Riee In. Face of ThltC A - HAI.F CENT HIGHER Largest . Advance -in tha- July Mcy ! aiid September 'Qoac a .Quarter Up Price ' Current' Growing Crop la Good. . THTJ EBP AT'P ; WHBATT-BtfT- Oloa ' Thar. Janaary. tars.. ....I R2UBS mull my July , 86 ,.b. . Mi , .00 U bar.... .M - M Ml M septal Cblcsgs, Jsa. H. Ths wheat aiarkst today closed anchangsd to-He higher. - Mows eoattnoed of n bssrieh asturs and the higher prions plainly indicate, forced m seam eat. Liverpool came lower to unchanged. Tbs trade baarlab sll the wsy throun. daeeiU tb vanea Bars, It ' Being the general tmprosalsa that tb wheal shoo Id fe hit aa every rally. The Clnrlonati rrios Currsst tods has tke following view ef tbs situation: . ' "Tbs- general fsvorabis sltnsrloa t ' the growing winter wheat la mantaiued. The striking changes ha the tomperatwros - are not seriously disturbing ths plant. Tbs srarags naoinoi m rsreiy Doner . ax tiw urn or in year. Other fee tare wer without aortessbi chsng. ConsMsrsble flrmnoas. 1 malntamsd by com bolder."- ' ' Official- qaotations by Ovsrbeck, Starr gt WHBAT. 'aa $ ' JtL I .KiL Msy .(AW .MT July..... JMVi -B4t Opes. ,. High. Bspl .U CORN. 41 Hi .45 Jaa...... May..... Jaly..... Bept.I... Jan...... May iy Bept -4JIV . Oats. .z kfMS P0BK. May...;. I4.B9 iuly 14.12 14 II . . 1(.(0 14.11 14AB - . 14.01 f 14.21 t-ARB. 7.40 7 ed - T.40 T.0 T.81 T.B7 7 B0 - T BB f.66 ' f.70 I.B0 -t.T 1H0BT BIBS. 747 - T IT ' T.17 T IT Jaa...... May..... July aa.. May. Jul. j T.ei i.oo . i -eo i.oq 7. SO fl.OI KOI CHICAGO CdtATAT CAE UK, Chicago, Jan. BJ. Orsha ear tots: ' . Oara , Orada vrhoat m b ...... .....a, , IS . 10 Cora BBS S1j Oats . B4 If SB Wheat ears today t Minneapolis SRI. Dulnth ss. xesr age: Minneapolis jue, vaiatB at. Chicago IS. ' ...... . - babt rtujionoo oeaix j Ban Francisco, Jaa. SB, Offlslsl eloslnct ... - -r WHB AT. . ' Open. High. . Low. Class, Msy (i.3 (lJteu (l m (lAd'i December, .. l.Ht l.soj . IJH LM BABXBT. May -.1.11 IM - l.trr December ..... Jog J)ig , LXTZUOOL CBApi BtAlXXT. Uvsepssl. sa. SB. Official priossi ! . . - , . WHEAT. ., . ' Onen. ' Clonn. - tone March ..... llud BsllUd ... Msy ., i.j.da Bid-As (Sd e Hd uunn. anusry ..... IHd ds (Ud lit March .....4s I4d ds i4 d Msy ds td sa i ; 4.4 PORRAND COMIIIES THE BEST-HOG MARKET- While Feeling le Dull Here Pricee Are Much Above Those of Eastern Markets. Portland I'nioa Btockrards. Jaa. BS. Uaw- stock receipts: Hoes Cattle Bhaoo Today ... 146 weec age .... Sd 19 Month nae... ISO Xesr ago .. BOO BOO While ths ee iters boa market eontlnne Irs downward moTmnt. quotations la Portland ram a la anchangsd. even though not so firm. Another re eon why Portland la ths beet mar ket. Cattle are doll but unchanged. . (hug very firm st tbs recent sdranc. , . tirrtetai iitssiock prlc: Hogs Beet sastern Oregos," Id .00: blockers snd Chins fsts. (U0Ca-7B;-atocksrs sad feed- a. l5.a.S.oO. Cattle Beat ssstera Oregon stssrs. (4.00: best cows snd heifers, I3.00ai.10; light and m ateara. light rswa. 13.116: etaaa. (x.W00; workers aad feeders, (l-dOOAM); holla. ll.B0e2.n0. Bheeo Wether aad lambs. BUBVts: mixed sheep, 44Cloc. . CslrestTood vesl, l.V to BOO pounds, IttQee; rough and aoary, t V I He. - EABTXEB H0OB tOWEE,1 Chicago, sa. 38. IJeeatock receipts: ' ' I Hora. - Cattle. Sheen. Chtcago 6)0 --- S.inio lS.OfV) Kansas city. ni.t) e.oiai - Omaha ld.ono 1. 000 4.0110 Hoe-MpeBed lOe lower,-with 11000 left ever; receipts s year sgs wens 81.000. Prices: Mixed. sn.806B.BlH: food, n 40HJ.6B; reogh, (J.atierB.BS: light. (S.1&4JB.41X. . . t'sttl Steady. - '.,")'' Bheep agios iowst.- .-.-,.; COTTON FUTURES FOUR . TO NINE. POINTS UP New Tork. Jan. 18-CWton future closed d to s jwlnld hlghrc..,, 1 OffTctil onotatkws by Orsrbsck. Starr . a Ceoks ompsnyi ' ' . Open. High. Lowr Closs. snnsry Ill llij llU.JHS'ttW nrnsry-.Tr.Tr:.-r. .1 1 1 138 1 1 10 1 12.-.S 27 March 1130 110 1118 llltl gt ff 11 A a a-A Aa.aa.a.w e... d 1 l4f)f4J liar U4B lifti use niwl June ... .;.11MI ll.'iA llSd llMfS July .....1IM II AO H4d ll.Mntf) Anrust ... 1 . ii:n hot iiiwuen fUptembet ........ .1070 1170 1170 1177 07. October 1O07 106B 10BB 1164ioS t :' ' ' .... tlrorpeel Oettea Iwwr. - '. ...-' UeerpnoL Jaa. IS Oottoa . fa tore alnnsd euUt, ( polBU lower. i't. - jii CsffM Ibrksta. '" '.j '.t : Mew Trk. Jan. 35. Havre and Himharg snf fe anchanged to 14 higher. Bio rewlsta, d.era) bags; market Insetlre) prices BO down. Bantos receipts, 17.000 bags; aiarkst qoltt, BO dowa. ' . . flesrlnts 1 ........- ........ (900. 44lM d(,5Wt.21 balance rerlUt Bates. K. Htrrltng rsfes: Demaad. Hew Tork, 4674004110, 60 aas, 4b4Ml604s. Ohms Aula Wed. Tbur. B.ZU B -0O Low. Ciena, 2 SUP aaviC 's , . .41 H AIU : .44lZ .44" . Ai , .44 - M - ' AoijA While Other Wheat MtxkpU Have Chowr. ' - CecHnet otCortsIdrablc; Amountt"n.att Portland Waa UnchangedHence the Breakv COLORADO FUEL A .... . T Has Greatest Activity In Todaye " Tradrng ln Stock Market-t L:St.paul Also .Up.:.i'r; V; MADE AT OPENING Louisville A Naahvilla Advancae Two Points Tennessee' Coal - Inactive, But Makes a Good Gain Prices ; DWded. . ,f -;. , MET ADVANCES. . Amalgamated ,. , 1 Atrhawe ......... Msxlcsa Centrsl... 1 Norfolk N. XV Central ..... ' Penneylrnnla ..... People'e tiaa 1 Bock i eland, pfd.. ' Bus Southern Rr . 4 Bugar H Smsltsr '. Cor A Foundry a. Brooklys It Ooisrsdo IW.... 1 Bt. Caul i Col. A Soutfc .... HlTena Coal 1' Denver ,Tiae A Part Be.... w an HCatral Leather.. de Id pre Corn Produete ... Orest Wustara ... Wehssh Loolavill S Watlara TJaloa ... MstrepoUtaa - met losses. Anaconda 1 ! Atehlees, pfd ...... H Bmelter, pfd S V. B. Bteel, pfd.. North Aaaerleaa . Ostarl A Waa tarn. Baiumor ........ C. A N. W U r-sein Man Prossod Btoel Car... do preferred Cbssspeake ....... lanuoisn Colo. Booth., Is p. Illlnoia Osatral.... Baty do preferred.,.. Missouri Part Ac Reading at Republic Btaal .... U do preferred V, B. r. Bd pfd V, It b I. W..... do preferred..... Vi Cnioa fad Bo H Federal Smsltsr... So preferred. ... TJ. S. Btesl..M... 5 In. a Bobber I Wabash pfd - Wall Strnst, lew Tork, Jan. ZS. Th atoek markst bad a falr-slsed sdranc early but srreral raids were mad by tb bears, which carried the prices eft from , tk klgta gaarks. Colorado lael was tke feature aad under very heavy trading had a net. rise sd' 1 point st ths closs. St. Paul waa another specialty that kad a tela ef 1 point. Beading was active bat loaf 1 points 00 realising. Tvansssss Coal was very dsA bat gained 1 points. Norfolk A Wsstsra kad a bulllah feeling- snd rose points, which were matntalssd at the dose. liouiaelll A RashvUls ksd a est riss ef the same amount. Aaacoads closed 1 point off, whlls Amalgamated, which waa ex -dl floras' today, sdrsscsd 1 points. .Official notations by Orsrback, Btsrr A Oeoke cempsny I r : ' rBCBIPTIOII. Anaconda Mining Co. mrmr amai. copper us. 10H 110 Atehlann. as prsrerrvd Am. Car A ruuadry. e ' ' de prof rred ........ Am. Sugar, eom Am. Smelts com ds ore tarred JM tumor - do d referred Brooklys Rapid Transit cauaiaa racine, Chicago A Altoa, do preferrsd.... 0. A U. W.. am. Chi, Ma A Bt. P. v. m IV. w., som. ...... Chicago Terminal By... Chsssnssks A Ohio Conn- foe A Iron, no-m. Com. Bouthern, eom... do second pre fm led... do first nrafermd Del.. Lack. A Wee D. A R. a., eom....... do nroferred... . Erto, 'eom do sscoad pre "erred . . . do first nreferrod nilnoto Central I-oohretns A NashvUls. Mst. Bt. By Mnnhsttan Ry , . . VI ei lean Central By.. v. Minn., Bt. P. A Bt. M. PCfrfeTTsl l B-B-B-Br Missouri Pscifl.. a M. K. A T.. com ds preferred ,. Kew York Centrsl berthem Psetf Is ....... redeml Braeltsr do nreferrod 110 line Norfolk A We tern, earn. pi 64 eo preferred. North American.;.....! lllliv2 N. y Out. A Wsst.... Peansylvsnis Ry o i oa 146K r. u. u. is Prssssd Btel Car. m. do oreferred Ptclfle Mall Btssx. On. Rending, com B0 eo za preferred. ....... do let oreferred...... IOI H BS4 Ben. Iron A Bteel, eom.. eo prererred ......... . Boek laland, eoss. ...... 107 14 1 14 oreferred Southern Ry., 00m..... do Preferred .......... 102 111 Boo titers Pacific........ do sreferred Bt U A 8. P.. Id pfd.. St. L. A S. W.. com.... do preferred ,..'.,.,.. Tvia A Pacific Tenn. Coal A Irn. ..... T.. St L. A W., wa.. Union PsctBc, com...... 3 BO 4 IBS nrsferred Central Leather, com . ,. do preferred TJ. B. Rubber, com do nreferred. .... ..... V. 8. Bteel Co., com... do nreferrod. ......... Wheel. A L. B., eom... do 1st nreferred..... Wlaooneln Central, com. do preferred Western linloa Tela.... Wabash, eom B3Sa 2514 4 do nreferred. ......... Cora , Prodscts. ......... prfeere. . . . BT Amalgamated Copper company ex-dlrldeod of H per cent Total sales for (lay, 1,000.000 shares. Call money closed 4 per seat . TCN0PAH ICBTjrtt STOCKS, San rrsnclsco. sa. XB. Official seornlns e losing: Bid. I Bid. Belmont .......(2 7 InismoadBeld ..,( ,61 Caahhny ....... .23 IDltl .OS uoidea AncBor. cfoianeia ....... . .ts Home ......... .40 Jumbo l.BS Jim Bntler .... .11 Uumho Ex tea ., .80 ux.b..m aa Vmu4.ii tr Midwar-rffrt--feagao- : . . ;Vy.i la. ...... 1 " " 7 .... . North star ... Onbts ,.i n - .41 Taa ltanalaa-.I.J&A. laandstorav ion. , 'it West Knd .... l.BO Ade-nr--i-:rrrirri- .11 Atlsnts ....... .IB Blue Bell ...... .OB Mllrrr Pick IS St. Ires .IT National Bask.. .20 Denver ........ .54 Rcllns .41 Gold Bar . .4u Booth 2d rotnmbis Mt. .28 10. Bull rrog... ,t Conquer .... .si leteiswsy .....t .is SAS ntAEOISOO LOCAL STOCIS. Bss PrasHac. Jaa. . BB. Official ' morning dosing: Eld. . 44 . is . tti Ask. ' ' lit, si sa Coetra Costa Water..,,.,..-.. Spring valley Water. ........ Mutual Kleetrle. ...... ....... Olant Powder. ....... ....... Hawaiian Commercial llnwokea Sugar.... 11 J 14 ' 12 Vk intcbtneoa nngsr. siesaersll Busrar. s.i Onomea Bnsar. Paauhau ftugar,.. e ..... ...4 .11 :") t:nioa nuger Alaaka Packers . ss . 47 H . e) .. Cellfomls 1 Pmlteannsrs' . California Win... Sis - IVb 106 in-ranir eiriai.ny..M.,i I'aclno Coast Bra. , rsclfid Statss Isarpasae POI HIGHER DIVORCE INSTEAD OF DEATH worio. Judra Waahtmrn today ordered that a decree of divoroe be eritered la favor of lira. H. B. Wanamaker, the wife of tha Rev. H. a Wanamaker, who. with nraverful naralntaooa. auDDllcaUd that eh might die, so that he might be free to marry a widow - with wtteaa na waa Infatuated, and la. which plea If re, Wan amaker lolnsd until aha bscame coo- vlneed that tha eourta . temporal might afford her greater relief than tha courts spiritual aad began a legal action. Bhe waa awarded the custody of her children and alimony. , Wanamaker has deeded to her a house and lot In Mich lean, half tntereat In a farm, and agrsea to pay her (16 a month for flva yeara and Bncurea tha promise by- a mortgage. I This brings to a clow one ar , ine most remarkable trials, bristling- with pecu liarly aenaattonal features, ever brought to bar in the state of Ohio. .: " The clergyman defendant doea not ap Ilodr to res.Hxr that- he has piaae htos self In a position absolutely lnoorapettl ble with his profession aa a minister. of the gospeL : . .'.. .(-., - , . . -'-. Judge Washburn made an exhaustive review of "the evidence today and told of tha falthfulnaaa'and patience of the wife, who. was tha mother of seven children, and had tolled Incessantly, and In addition had been one of the moat Industrious workers in tha parish of which her husband waa the aplrltnal director. ' . - ' ' Tha Judge grave emphaala to that part of tha evidence In which the defendant prayed for Jhlai wife's - death. , and In which she waa Induced at first to join. -While the defendant, waa living in Peoria, said the Judge, ' "he- became In fatuated with a young woman of his congregation, and then began to 00m plaln that his wife waa a hindrance to him In his work,' frequently tailing her that she was a millstone around Ma neck. kplng him back In his profes sion, and aaying he would be better off If she would die. He compelled his frail wife ' who had been' worn out by the cares of bis family to get down upon bar knees with him and Join In a prayer that aha should die. . ... "He told her frequently that he was constantly praying that she might die. The evidence ahowed that he kept her awake night- after night trying to snake her see that It waa best that she should die. Ha constantly worried and hsrttsseO? her on the subject ef dying and getting out of the way so as not to hinder him In his work, and he confessed his affections - for another woman. The courtroom waa crowded and the review of the evidence wae listened to with the most absorbed auantloa. Aa the pastor of the Second Congregational church, Wanamaker had bean prominent, and had a large following. He did not display any feeling when tha court or dered tha decree) against him entered. His resignation has been asked for and will be handed In probably tomorrow.-- " Wanamaker confessed his" love for the pretty widow, Mrs. Fulton, and la spite of the publicity he and she have kept up an exchsnge of letters... One of the notes waa produced In court. In It Mrs. Pulton confessed that she loved WanarnakerBath said thi nothing wrong In the - matter- for they bad prayed over It and their lore waa of CJoa. Mrs. Pulton waa aeen this evening and she seemed to be well pleased that Mrs. Wanamaker bad scoured a divorce. Bhe would not state what aha Intended, suing, . dui . nmia umi nar movements would be governed a great deal by what Mr. Wanamaker advised. Mrs. Wana maker would not talk. She eald she had done all the talking hhe waa going to do on the witness stand. - The Rev. H. B. Wanamaker will leave the city In a few days for the south, where he has friends. He said he waa not In a position to say anythlnr. "Some two weeks ago a Mexican of the business class offered to sell me a considerable quantity of placer gold, which he claimed he had fun- within 160 kilometers of Teplsoo, but he re fused to tell mo where he had got It," said T. O. Qlbson of Teplsoo. Bonors. "Among thin gold eras one nugget as large aa aa ordinary alsed marble. friend ef mine bought this gold for $800, and a day or two later sold it for (BBS. ' "It is , no uncommon thins to . find the buscones of that part of. the coun try, with gold for sale. This nugget" here be exhibited a piece of smoothly worn wash gold or frragular shape, and about half an Inch long by a little over a quarter of an Inch wide, with a piece or wnite quarts running, crosswise through It "I bought from a buscon some three years sgo In Teplsoo. He had several other pieces of fine gold ore, but aa I was not Intereated In mines, I bought - thla simply for tha purpose of making a pin out of It bout eight months ago a busoon brought Into Teplaoo a mule load of silver ore. which he sold for (16 to one of the local ore buyers. Ail efforts to Induce him to reveal the place -where he obtained the ore proved of no- avalL When he round be was watched by spies of mining men he went back to work upon a little corn ranch that be had In the neighborhood, and there he btayed until those eratohlng htm got tired. About two months ago he suddenly- dis appeared, and had not again been aeen there at the time of my departure, two weeka ago. It la my opinion he la again on the hunt for tha mine from which he got the ore. Or. If he knows where it la. he is taking the ore out of It on the quiet; for he sold all of. his corn and realised on his other crops at a aacriftce before he left "It may be that he Is taking cut de nouncement papers. But this I doubt as an Indian la that country rarely does that, for It means the payment of taxes, ana incidentally the j-eveellna? of the place where the mine Is situated. Trie inaian- about there baa ban aa badly treated and cheated that be is afraid cf every one, and suspicious even of the mining authorities. "The silver ore - whtoh this Indtan E0ST0B COPTER XAEEXT. Boa ton, Jan. B Official" e toeing: ' ' Bid. . I , 7 - Bid. - Adventure Alkmes .. et A.60 Old Dominion. .( w oo Oscsels in, no Parrot ....... 40 50 . 44V 00 A readies Atlantic , v r Blagl 1 eiumn , Shssnoa ...... . dgTU lOTiieiuiia Tamarack ' upper Hang. SI Bit iTenn, Copper.- ST.OO fair Weat Trlnlt: rranana Greene ...... nlted 6S.7S w.oo B SKI II ee.Bo I'tab , M A1U British Col. T.7r TB Winona ...... TOO Wolrerln .... 181.00 V. S. Mining., eo.25 Mna-n.miT Mlrhlgae . Mohawk ..... Nevada rna.. North Butts, r W TORE COFTir BL4REET. New Inrk. Jaa. 14. Coffee futures closed Stesdy. Official prices: . ...... Bid. Aak.l . tttd Aeb Jasnsry ...,(d.M (dsn July ........ST.) (7. an February .. s no evx August ... T.M 7.40 March' I PO 6.B51 September .. 7 44 i 00 April f.Od f.OB'Oetober .... f W TBS atey t.iw rtorenrner v t SB -T en .. T.eo T.4B June T.1S f.SOl December OVERBECK, OTARR & COOIIQ CO , , . , ' ' ' .: ,' i ' Mcmbere Chlca'sw Board ef Trade, - BAnr. nofiMiomx ovmm, bttocxb ajts r x 161 Third aHreet. BfcKay Build In a. Pert". C . -wa bo a Bmmr QOM3T" r Comtlnnone Marbete tsy Private Wire. " Qal't ' - ' .JUtOB, Bankers, and United (Utea a . TRANSPORTATION. AstOTiTttCoIumbiaT r River Railroad Co. IJBIOB DBPOX Arrives. Sreea, m. Dauy. 'or " Vayssra. 11:161 Dally. Vlstsksais . Westport Cllttoa, AeSaeta, w. twatoa, ruvsl, Haav bobo, rort Btwrsns, Oearasrl Park. Seailda Astoria 'saa aeai Dally. . '' axsresB gejlha. Astoria 1. O. MATA. a. . " a n . OVA: BTC WART Commercial Ajienl. 14 Aider " -aw. bhs, wuiiurm treat. PBoae.WslB.BOB.. nt PAST ABO POPTJUB BTEAMBHIPS -! - - Los- Beast Is -v- ARAIXpai,,' about , fna. Bt, :( p.' eiLLisa aw ' . ..... EstshlkSB, ysnens, Dongtas, Btaxnes, SI wsy. OenseeSj with W. V. A T. rest far 1 abub, Amwia. xwaaaa, las All wtkiaatira Alas Pall ee send for "Trtp t Wo earful "Indian Basketry." .TetMa pi TEE ALASKA S. B. CO. ; , ' Wealeay Co.. Agents. nVP'WM (-" - 1 POf ftlaanm. KorthcinCaVS S.S. JEANIE alia for Baa Prandnoo and toa Angel ea aireoB JAINUARY"245 prom Columbia Dock No, 1, at s p. m. - San Pranclaco, flrat elaaa. llaVOOi see- ona ciass. s.o. Loe Angeles, first class, . 111.(0 ond clasa, (1B.06. Ticket OfTlce 251 Washington St Phone Mala 1114. . H. TOUNO. Agent S.S. F. A. Bilbarn Per Oses Bay, Eureka aad Baa rraseiass. East sailing from PortUnd. MnS.r Jaa. XL Rest Baling from Baa Prssriasn, Mae.. Jaa, ta. P. U ORRBRODOH. Agt, Orssawtek Peek st. a. raws msm isx. Scctt's S-:.tal-Pc?s!i C2jSw!:s A POSITIVE CURE the BedderenuHwasefffid? aavs. as esas sa tar. cures kiulckly and airman ently ths sd eslsBd. as msttsr sf how TKEUXTAL-rtFSICl hp Wasaata. C&nrfss A t. ; BARGAINS IN Real Estate nra--0aaoo, Raleigh, near IS fh. Sl.fHXelOOxloo, on Broadway at, close in. SB. BOO i asa-TS, Pront, near Olbbe; fine T room bouse. S3,BOO BOzSO, Water and Olbbs. t-room house, lnbcgt of condition, fXjEoe Ttse lota and S-room house, sear oar lines, six. moor; xavoraoie xerma. 100x160 Xoyt, bet. list and ltd ata.; wui aeu same in iota to suit. . BUSINESS PROPERY S3.000 SBalOO, ea rMM agreed. , B1B.0OO lOOBlOO, on rtm street. , t6O,000 TBbIOQ, en rtrst street, Slnnott & Sinnott BBAX IRAII AOETBTTE. BM OhAabetr Of Square Deal - Do you want to buy a good home cheaper than yon can build oner ' If so, see ua We have a number always on hand. ' v . Room 305 AHsky Bidg. W. L ILER brought Into the town wae an oxide almost let Uck. running ilka a great seam through a wide vein of hard Ume formation. One of the pieces of brought in by the Indian assayed 1 1.(09 to the ton In silver and (1.166 - to the ton In gold. . Very little of It ran much less. The man who .made tha assay has tried every means In bis power to Indues the Indian to tell him where the hidden mine Is. But the best he can get out of him was that It Is in tha north, at a considerable distance from Teplsoo, and that tha whole region, which Is on the borders or tne not lanaa, in aemmmi with veins of silver ore - "Manv buacones have been seen on the hunt for this hidden mine ever since the Indian brought In the lamous ore some months ago." '; ntceaomy PeceeVl:- Prom the Washington Star. "Have you made any especial study of political economy r' "Not yet,' answered nenator norgnum, "trot If the corporations hold out In their resolutions not to contribute to campaign funds; I suppose I'll have ta" ,;. WU Beet Winter PUce.' ' --r- Prom the Tatlsr. .t': ; Old Gentleman Getting on well at school, my boy got a . good place In your class. chT . .. . J ones. Minor in, sir, nsxx, 10 inn etove, . Prom the Kansas City ' Times. ' But If a poor hungry thief were oa trial for stealing a side Of meat or a sack of flour, would ha be permitted to refuse to answer questions "on the ad' trice ef counsel T . bub sirjrOa wovwn at ocx, ' W EUVAT ARTS ETOOX IIOUSI (KaUbUabed HIS.) " nVeena 4, Brvwaai akn ' ttW 4 MB Ext OE OOgTssmoaCam a rn 1 f -.1 rev Bale TeVeaarCesW C IT en- w ta J TraLns to the ErstDi3y--3 . wni raun Buro eeu aownax saeoe lsscsrs dally to Omaks. Chiesao, Bpek'xf seanst ueeping-ssrs . Sally to Basse tori thrwsgk Pulrmaa tourist axepls-nr a ally sondtacted) weekly to Chleaeo. Imiaing ceatresrs fsestar treat n the Bns4 dally. UNION DJCPur. . CHICAGO-POBTLAMO BPBCIAlM Par the Eaat via rlaaBtlpj - ' - IngtoB. . STCJCANB pLTin. Per v-aatera Washing ton, Walla Walia. Lew atoa, Coeur d'AWs sad Orest Bee tbars potass. BTIANTIO EXPSBBB. Par the Esnt vU Utas- ingvoa. Oolumkia Eivsr Bsvuhsb. POBr ASTORTA esd way B oo p. m. 5f (or llwaes isnday North Beach. etsar. Bsturday, . Bssasls. Aab-ot. dock. 100 p. av 1:0 p. sa. Taautul Ere leets. mw. nitAi - - " . i v. , tm . . Cite . .a V.Mktll mim TiCS a. as. T:S6 p. at. potsta, etmrs. Ruth ssd Dally Dally es. udsy. ". n-x. eoss. Wstee pormittlnc.l ' " i i , Swaday POR LBWISTOW, Ida. I .4S s. Bk .... ... aad way potata a - ws Blparla, tea aa. rlesf Trail Dull ea. PrMap. (pohsse and LewmtoT e4.plV - - r: a. ilUif 6.-WM, Tklrj ..4 WasalaBU'laC TeUmh M.I Via . . JO. W. BTWOBB. C ty Ticket A A, In CEAIO. Oenaral Paaoesga Agoal. EASTvu SOUTH CR10R DEPOT. OVBBLAND EXPRESS. Trslss for Salaat, aurg. g. Ashland. Baers a to. Of den, BSS Praa m, Btorhtoa, Lee An- man SnBBV etaen. Clea. El Pass, Ksw Oe ina and the Bant, Morning train es sects , st Woodbsru dally except Sunday w. a-ugeae BBSsisgm i;n sscts st Woodbsru with HM a, m. 7 so a. m. 4:B0 n. m. ll0:4p.m. ne-BB aJBt - Mt. Aagel aad BUT ot tos tBCsC ' Corral IIS psmisgii. Bhertdsa liassSBgsT. Porost OroTB psseeneur- mam 6ixa.a.av ill1,0 otteflv. . Iltmuy rxeept Bunday. TOPOX XOOX OI Oinnn , Lesre Portland daily for Oarers 46 e. BVl 11:60, IIB, d:00. 1:10. 6. 6:BO. WrlJ. U a. am. p. fly (except Snadayl. B:S0. 4:BB, SJnW of Jff O m s. xs. 'J , 10- i ... i i a miiaa Leeees from ram avvox nr . ii.. nolntn .dnllr 4:11 a. av Arrive Py bed 10:1 if. m. - - fjaa -..In daily to Monmouth and Arrne, unni wivn e at Palls snd Inopeeeenco, . Ptratless fare from Portland xUorsxne nun. end Ban rrnncieee, . "r' ' C fre Sin. ori-ciaee . "i , IB. eeeond-elao berths (16e. st xs Eastern relets and ta aps Bla rhlns. nonelale aad Aeatrarl. Ticket Offle corner Third Bad Wbbb netrers x - n ispen. rngtoa "f mAm. C W. .rrrir...r.n. . '. ... . . iLTT nW AansxA, City Ticket A gout. TIME CARD TRAINS - Portlands DAILY, PRIOR DBPOT. TalVraratona Psrk-Rsa-aaa Clty-St. Louie See- trails, OlympU. prjre Siawa, st. A - ' - t . ' (as p, ss. 4ne p. av lltdSB.aa. 466 a, sa. Hsrbsr. Bouts Bno. corns, Sssttle. Bpoksn. LVeHaton. Batte, Bll-llna-s. Dearer, Oxnsba, Ksbsss City. St, Lsate snd Boetbesst, North Coast Urnired, flee trie lighted, for Ta tome, Seattle. Spokane, Butte, Mtnneepolto, St. Paul and tha Bast. . Pugst Sound Llmlte4 for Chokslls, Centra Ha, Taraann snd Baattla raw a. i M,B fane. Helens. Butts, We.Bx, siiowsioBe rare, attn- nennoiHa, -rsaa aaa tbs Essi A. Dl. CHARtjrrlB)- Asalstsat Oeweral Psssaagsr - T".r e an leuu si., gwruaae. TNK COntfTMrTAEiX WAY. CV rwaftV iH U a.: 2 Overks- Trt!23 Ci!!y 2 The Orteatnl Limited, ths Past Mail nrtrr.nurrTT nsniia-' .-v- lTP-0-DATBl BQUIPaanBTV OOTmTEOTTB BlSVPmO Lea res. I Ariliss. llan liSan. ' tllf.7 IDbIIi. 61S a. at. B-te a. av Dally. Dsug, 6:16. p. sa.. 7:16 a. av, ' Dally. , Dally. .... Aaget B 1 1 V I e tflBl Bt SM Browns Till., S. B 1 1 s g I ......... f I a I A wsniiiias aaa I - lO XO S. KS. Binwr - . Mmnm rUturstag from Osweao. errre Portlae.4 6sriy (SO bTbM I"", 6:0ari:0S. :16. T:SS76:BA. liMO V m . J1B6' . xT Dally (exr Swsday ). s m V5" 6:Sa.Ui4S e. sx. Ssndsy smly. . ..'; . .'I I LEAVE I rroxa ' I AftTUvX (:16a.m PertlaaC 7:66a,Sa, 11:41 p. m Tta Boattl 6:(p m, 6 .11 p, m. 'tis Spekaae 1:64 a. av' (aaVg.BT.Ce.) teal Bertaeew xrhsaanshxR a Bail ine- from Reattle BDRTrrBOTA, P.t St. B. DAKOTA, ttaAJ d U , Por Japan and Chin. -egte aaS Manila. BTUPCY bt;. . (Japan Ma'l r m. h. .are fro CalH r ' I