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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1906)
-r.V,, tIieoregon daily journalv - Portland. TiiuiaAY ""L .s: J, ..., J..,' rilllLEIIVPflOTIZED OUTTPOPUCAR .LIFE. INSURANCE SONG ' ' " ' '' ' (CoTJilrht. ISOS. by W.". Bnnt.) ' ' ' "'.'',. '- ' MO03! . .. A Remarkable Experiment .Suc : cessfully Made In Thought ' .:- Transference. ' ' ' Grcv; jco VJi!::n'o Hdr AND WE OAN DESCRIBES INCIDENTS OCCURRING ELSEWHERE Subject Telia What b Going on at Home of Operator, Which la Con firmed by Phone Followe SuKget- tiona When Out orTranceT ' 1 1 . rrr ' V f. . - k 1 "KISSESIII . ,.e u l ' jjo.'' of this world-renowned oerles was written by Superlntendtnt Hendricks. The roualo by H. H. Rogers. " V ! " (Within a lovely office in a building built of atone, ' ' tThejr ain't done right by me, dear air, 'j if ."v, "-,...-" - ' they ain't done right by me. ' A portly, pompoua peraoo aat all by hiaaelf alone, ' ( " The beet 111 get'e the wont ;.-v;f ' . ' - . ' ' . ' -. .." with this here" policy, . ; , ; v There then appeared a half-atarred man. who held a . r , i rd ought to know ." 'i , , policy.'. ,.r' ' : ' ' " ' ' You was running thinga alone. '' ..lui-i " J rI got no show to get my dough i And to the party setting there, he sadly aayi, aays he ""They ain't done right by meJV 7T :: i :;..t;;t. .. , ll-j - REALM THE OUNCE OF PREVENTION. I will bare mercy and not sacrifice. Bible. ;...j.irr. . .. , , -Wheat- weea flret-begin to try their Intalleotual Blniona they make some Tery " queer fltghta. One areat fault In their re annlns la- the failure to see the relativity fthlnas. They are lucllntd to seleet ome oDe-evll and abetract It, so to peak, from Its place tn the general ' scheme of thlnas as they are at present and waits around demanding; the ex termination of that particular brand of , wrong-doing, . . . .' -.. , - - 1 . .- - The only way to Judge of - any ,so ' called evil Is to leave It where it Is, with its numerous relationships to other . " evils end other goods and study It' there. - Ja that way alone' can you Judge of the : caueea that produce It, of the Injury it really causes to persons or society and of the proper means for Its elimination. Here Is a case - In point: A certain -Miss 'Anno B. Hall of Cincinnati and '.Mrs. Maud Balllngton Booth have In augurated a campaign "for the killing ",' off of the hopelessly Insane,, hopelesaly . . diseased and victims of accidents. .. These worthy women do not, appar ently, take into account the' fact that there la as yet no undeviatlng rule for Judging as to what may be a case of . hopelees Insanity or hopeless diseaae. It - Is a matter of the oommoneet poeelble . observation that persons declared to be "hopelessly diseased" by some reputable pnysician recover their health; that per ;, eons may be insane for years and re. ; cover their reason as strangely as they . ioei n. ; - Who then Is the physician who would ..j line to aee human life taken on his ver . ; 41ct of IncurableT Until we have learned more than we know at present of the healing agencies till patiently waiting to be discovered , , la nature's Infinite and almost un ; explored kingdom it would seem wise to tiae a little care before we legalise the - killing of the sick and insane and there - Will be Impressed by This j Statement of a Port- v land Citizen. "The reader can hardly doubt the evl--Tlencs which r follows. The" iXaTement "given here cornea from Portland reert dent, and can easily he proven. If you ""We- sTttTJtTcaJrTBVe-sn gat; - f It Jenkins, of III East Sixth street, now retired from active life, gaysi,! .""think very highly of Doan s Kidney ; Pills. I used them for an acute attack : ' of backache, which had annoyed me for some little time. - Three days after 'I began their use I knew they had gone to the cause of the dull, dragging pains Cglng pains U and rillef L; Z beTleve across the small of my back. came sooner than I expected.: , the cure la permanent, for I have not felt any symptoms of a recurrence. Other members of my family have also usd Doan'e Kidney Fills with squally good results,' ' For sale by all dealers, price 14 esnts. Voster-MUbura Co.. Buffalo, N.,T, sole a snts for the United states. Remember the name VOX'S 8 and -Cake no other... .j i ...'. FEMININE by put In the hands of the unscrupulous one more legitimate means for the re moval of human obstacles from their path. - ' ..-:. As to the victims of accidents these women refer particularly to those Im prisoned in railroad wrecks, and with good reason. -'In one year our railroads kill more persons than were sacrificed during the entire Spanish war, or so It Is estimated by atetlstlolsnsi and It Is a matter of common knowledge that ac- cldents and railroad wrecks In this country outnumber those of any other country, and that, loo. In proportion to extent or mileage. - If these -worthy women would' enlist the influence of the American Humane association In - the awakening of a torpid public to a sense of this situa tion and thereby compel our murder ously niggardly roads to use all the meana Known to science and Invention for the prevention of accident It would largely forestall the benevolent uae of anaesthetics by stopping the wholesale maiming and alaugbter of the traveling publle that goes merrily, on from yesr to year, practically unhindered, and give us a fighting chance of reaching .our destination sound in wind - and limb when we venture with fear and tremb ling to board a railroad train. - - v Here Is another benevolent murderess. Mrs. L. Graham Crosier, alleged "lec turer and sociological authority. - who advocates chloroforming cold, hungry and starving waifs." What's the matter with warming snd feeding "cold, hungry, and - starving walfs"T Have they ever-been known to object to HT . - . Aside from ths astounding brutality of this suggestion, there Is Involved a menace to society In general. Who knows how many geniuses, how many Incipient men of brains, how many beautiful and beautlful-souled women may be wrapped In the Immaturity of theae waifs that our good, blundering Mrs. crosier would murder? i ; ., Jack ijondon' wss a "cold,: hungry and starving" waif. . Gerald MasSey, one . of me trueat and best, of England's poets and wrrters, was once "a cold, hungry ana starving" wair. Let us be thankful they escaped the mistaken kindness of Mrs. 'rosier. As In the case of accidents,' why not forestall the possibility at there being any roia ana nungry babies In ths civ! Used worWT as everyDoay Knows, poverty Is a relative, not an absolute condition. There Is never a given -time In the his tory-of the World when there are nof enougn Tooa, warmth and shelter to go round..- It remains only- for Justice and Intelligence to place the food and the warmth where they are needed.- Here again It Is a wonder . th th. mind of a woman should not. busy Itself with meens for the prevention of so manifest and gross an Injustice ln stesd of suggesting the murder , of Its innocent Victims, . ,. , HINTSTOft SUMMER FROCKS Each' year ths spring materials " v'aw a trifle eerlier than they .were the - year before," but "all " records sre broken, this season, and ths Una of ma terials snd or ready-made models is more complete and attractive than aver before at this, time of the year. The Increasing ' importance of the southern season In American' society's calendar has much (o do with this state of-thinga, but the merchants, say, too, that there- Is a general demand, even among the. - stay-at-homes, , for very early faahlon Information.. For certain frocks It Is welt to wait until the last word has been said on the modes for the coming season,-until dreaamakers and buyers have made their eprlng ollsrimaae to . Paris and have brought back the latest edict of tne raahion-makera. the lateet thins- In exclusive materials and trimmings. But uw ordinary, woman, .requires , many warm weather frocks remarkable for dainty freshness, - practical laundering qualities 'and inexpenalveneas, rather than for elaborate elegance, and she can readily obtain the materials for such frocks now and have them made up at any time, without fear of their be ing out of . fashion ' before ' summsr comes. -: Ths dsy of very radical and sudden changes in frock lines seems to have gone by. The. changes still come, but they come gradually, and .even when they are-accomplished they are usually not so sweeping as first Indications led observers to- prophesy. The beauty of a golden mean-appears to have dawned upon the comprehen sion of the fashion-makers, and, though they still lovs the novel, they do not of ten Insist upon the blsarre and the extreme. Of course, there is no tell ing what freaks may be launched from month to month, what odd faahlon notes may find acceptance among the chic, but few women pretend to live up to fashion s lateet whims, snd there te no reason to believe that a frock made conservatively In -the modish win ter . fashion will not be quite correct for spring and summer. The first linen and . muslin rrocKS displayed by the houses which cater to the smart southwsrd bound contingent arsevldenUy made, with. this .assur ance in mind. . They follow accepted Ideas, but thoss . Ideas-. are cleverly modified and adapted to the summery stuffs, and If these models are any criterion we ara certetnly to have a summer of most attractive frocks. The lingerie princess gown was ex cessively popular In Paris last sum- mar, hut It Is highly prooaDie mai ii will be worn there quite as generally In that' rnmlns- season and will De on ths crest of fashion's wave here. The genuine princess Is difcult of achieve ment In any material, but there are many phases of the model, and some of them are not extravagantly difficult to handla. t - - . Directolra and Empire modifications enter Into the princess Idea this season rinillns below' the ' bust and there are many frocks In which the princess lines are obtained, by trimming or by a continuous front panel, while ' the rest of the frock Is cut In two parts and joined by lace. Insertion or some form of girdle arouna me siaee iu back.;;.:- . '...'...'.-- "ill communications for this Column should have "Realm Feminine" in lower left-hand corner of envelope. CALIFORNIA'S OLDEST NATIVE DAUGHTER DEAD Jan llj-Un. Louise d.(..m 411 ur,v oM aee Par alysis at her home, where she lived with her only living son. Mrs. unonei nu u. II.H..H.II hjilna- the oldest native x..,.k, nt ,nui west, havlna been born In the old Mexican garrison at the Presidio on June zi, iie. one passsu away at the ripe age of veers 1 nnk itava. snd a remarkable feature of the end was that, until a few uka nf har deatn ane waa in nencci possesionot auLJier jtacumca. -. Windfall for Bowie. London. Jan. 16. If the finances of Dr. I)owle's Zlon City ars in a aerlouely crippled condition. ts reported from America, the self-styled "Ellajh II" Will probably be glad a receive the news that he wlU soon be benefited by a little windfall from England. Mlas Mary Ann Lacey of Dewabury, whose will has just been proved, left one sixth of her es tate, which Is considerable, to the Eng lish overseers of Dr. Dowle's church, and also the sum of 1500 for Invest ment In tr. Dowle's "Paradise Planta tion" In Mexico. ' Wonderful Verve . . f s dlsplsyed by msny a man enduring pains or accidental cuts. Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Hcalds, Bore fent or stiff joints. But there's no need for it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the oest reive on esrtn for Piles, too. J3o, bkldmore Drug Cw lit Third street. (Jooraal Bpd'SsrvlseJ New Tork, Jan.-16. Remarkable ex periments In hypnotic suggestion, thoucht transference and general hypno tism have been mads by Gustavo A. Gay er, a criminologist. Gayer bed) as an assistant Anna Fortwanger, a German girl, whose abllttiea have caused discus sion smong scientists and physicians of this city. - Dr. John D. Qusckenbos aid ed In the demonstration. Gayer began his -axpsrlmenfs upon the girl as hie ubject a year ago-. : While the subject was under Gayers Influence she accurately -described sev eral incidents that were taking place tn Dr.Quackenbos' home In West Twenty eighth street. A telephone communica tion from Dr. Quackenbos family veri fied the girl's statements. One of the strangest experiments was that of post-hypnotlo suggestion. Gay er told his subject to awaken from ber trance when at the piano ne Began tne second versa -of a - well-known German song. "Then he told her that when he touched his head with his hand shs should cross the room and kiss Dr. Quackenbos. ' The natural shyness of the woman, ha asserted, made the experi ment the moat difficult Oarer thereupon seated himself at the piano and played a German song. When he struck the first chord of the-' second verse the girl awoke from her trance. Several minutes of general conversation among the gussta present followed, then Gayer' suddenly placed his hand to his bead, and tba girl, though out or the trance and seemingly In her normal men tal state, ran across the room and kissed the doctor. ' The next moment she could remember nothing shs had dona. - ; WOMEN PETITION TO ' HAVE SMOOT EXPELLED (Jearnal Bpedsl Service.) Washington, Jan. J.--The hearings In theSmoot case, which were to have begun today before the senate com mittee on. privileges and elections, have been postponed for two weens to en abTe7oKn OV CaHIsleTWunserTbirihs protestants, to be present and - Inter rogate witnesses. There will be presented to the com mittee when it meets a memorial con taining half a million signatures of women. The memorial was framed by the National League of Women's Or ganisations and asks for' the expulsion of Senator Bmoot from the senate on the ground that he pledged his first allegiance to - the Mormon hierarchy. thus setting It above the unitea states government. It is nof charged In aha memorial that Mr. Smoot is a polyga mlat. Every state In the , union, in eluding Utah, -ts repreeented In the pe tition, . . ... " , CO R N E RJ0FT H REE STATES- SOLD AT SHERIFFS SALE 1 Jaeraal Special Service.) Newark, Dehv, Jan. 25. Sheriff Grills of Nswcastlo county, Delaware, will this afternoon publicly sell the farm of a bankrupt farmer named John T. Johnston, near this town. The sale is attracting considerable Interest owing Ears Looked ts if They Would Drop . Off Body Entirely Covered Face Mass of Sores Three Doctors Could Not Cure Child Grew Worse Face and Body Now Clear , '. CURED BY CUTICURA IN TWO WEEKS FOR 75c. Mrs. Georm I. Bteese. of 701 Coburn fit, Akron, Ohio, tells in the following letter of another of those remarkable cures of torturing, disfiguring skin hu mors daily made by Cuticura Soap, isiited by Cuticura Ointment, after phyelcians, and all else had failed: "I f edit vaj duty to pa- rente ot other poor Buffering babies to tell you what Cuti cura has done for tnv little daughter. She broke out all over her body with a humor, and we used every thing recom mended, but without results. I called rln three doctors, they all claimed they .xould. help -her, Jjuvsh eontinuea te grow worse. Her body waa a mass of sores, and her little face waa being eaten away ; her ears looked as if they would drop off. Neighbors advised me to get Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and before 1 had used half of the cake of Soap and box of Oin tmen t the sores had r.all healed, and my little one's face and body were as clear as a new-born babe . 1 would not be without it again tf it .cost five dollars, instead of seventy-five cents, which is all it coat us to cure our baby, after spending many dollars on doctors and medicines without any benefit whatever." - . 0M.Ua trtmal as Tatar! Tl flam,, rroai laiM la Ssrarai. fraai Jaavary , Af MMlaMal CMkara taaa, ., (llliaaM,ia, IUaTv. V KM. la form of Chovnjal OMtH pill. Is. , rial f it). mJ b. a4 M all draflla. ij mm nraliaruniM. A M avwa aaraf sMrrMlTit MM, wks all MhaT fsailtaa, a4 Mlak,a)l,a,faU. fjSar Onej a Ca, Csn, araalkal SmI tVoaa. . es- iiia i au AsesttteSkli, Miy, ssd : B ABY S TORTURI HG SKIN HUMOR mm : - .5' iVXnX m v . Latest Ph'otorrsph Miss Carrie Wilson, 3728 64th TOft BA1X AND Get back your strength,. energy, ambttion, by using ftASSETTS NATIVE HEIBS. Costs only ft lor three' months' treatment to tba oecultar circumstances and con ditions surrounding the sale. The farm located at a point where the states of Pennsylvania, Maryland - and Dela ware meet and parts of the property are situated In each one of these three states. Ordinarily a. sale of this char acter would present a rather difficult problem and It would be almost impos sible for the purchaser to obtain a clear title. Sheriff Glllla. however, baa solved the "arfflcul ty"by "maklng'arrangements with Sheriff - Blddle tf . Cecil county, Maryland, and Sheriff Oriswold of Ches ter eounty, Pennsylvania, to be on the spot at the time of the sale this after noon and to sell, the parte' of the farm located In their respective counties at the same time. - It will not be necessary for the bidders to leap from-one state into ths other to announce their-bids, for the three sheriffs can atsnd within hsndgrasplng distance - of' each other and atlll remain within their respective statss. ; . ' .,..'".. HEROIC MEASURES TO BREAK INTO SMART SET (learaal Special Berrlee.) Washington, -; D. C, Jan. J5. Mrs. Perry Belmont of ' New Tork, ' deter mined to overcome the reserve with which she has been 'treated heretofore by the ultra "smart set" of the national capital, has taken herolo measures to break Into the exclusive circles snd win popularity and. Judging from ths large number of prominent people -who have accepted Invitations to ths brilliant musicals which she has , arranged for this evening, shs hss succeeded and established a sure footing. - Her wealth enabled her to make her arrangements regard leaa of expense. . . . , Judging from the preparations, her musicals will be one of the. most bril liant social affairs of the winter. 'She has engaged Caruso, the famous tenor, Mme. Eames-Story of the. Metropolitan Opera company - and the viollncelllat, Oerardy, and they will 'make the trip from New Tork to Washington and back In a special , train engaged, for their special use. ;.;;.'"". v ,. ' , Among those who will be present -at the musicals will be Miss .Alice Roose velt, Congressman Nicholas Long-worth and his mother, Secretary and Mrs. Tsft, Mrs. . I Z. Lelter. and- nearly .all. the members of the diplomatic corps. Sup per will be served by New Tork caterers snd - ths floral decorations- will .be brofight from the south. " The halt In which tha entertainment will be given has been transformed into ,a - tropical forest by giant plants and, flowering tropical plants. -5. - r.T--r't . ; WELL-DRESSED WOMAN i TRAVELS AS A, TRAMP Tl (JeoTBtr gpeHsrSertle:i ! Iteddingr-Caln iitnr Sfc When ' the northbound overland pulled up to the de- pot this mutiifng-e: styiishiyaresse'or woman stepped on ths blind baggage and coouy walked otT up -the .track as un. concerned as If shs owned ths Southern Paclrtc. .Shs had plainly beaten .her. way to the town In "hobo"' style, although shs had nothing of the appearance of a woman tramp. Shs waa neatly dressed and wore the latest style hat. t with a light veil covering her features. . She wore neat white - gloves, -. and as shs walked away aba gathered -up the trail ing skirts-to keep them from the mud. Where the woman came from or where shs Ih going remain a mystery. (- . Season fag Hie mead. .- From the Fsllsdelphla Ldr. " The senator hsd esra srrested for felony, bat mented the sa(stlaa ef mlsnlns. "Why," he etclslmed, "ampatste siyself fran a aalary )ust wbea there's as chaace for grafting suy be crook as. bet I'M But estt." s So an th.r eesld de Was te ssasee hiaf Iras the eoaiaittee. ' Iff esoaey bach If 1 1 doesn't cure. Also I ftcsue. At Druggists' I (in black boxes); H not. f awl tat rVEC kr ananc f EssssH'sNsliveBerssCe. I CI II i, Osav m I 1 - I- WOW at all CO cents and CnUre To show how quickly Dandrlfl acts, we BrilsaWsS will send a large sample free by return mail to any one who snds this 'advertisement to the Knowlton of . ' . Dandorlne CO, CMeaoOt with their name ana aaarese Place, Chicago. and ten cents in ailver OCARANTEED BT WOODARDr"CLARKE & CO. IN A ' Ws treat eueoeesfuUy an private ner vous and chronic diseases of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. -We euro STPHILIS ' (without mercury) to stsy cured for ever. We remove STRICTURE, with, out operation or pain. In 11 days. We stoo -drains- night loaaes end spermatorrhea by a new method In a -shoTt-time Ws canrestorr the seToar vigor of any man under ts by means ox local treatment peculiar to ourselves. J. We Cure Qonorrhoea y In a Week- : " ' The doctors of ' this Institute are an regular graduates, have had many Kirs' experience, have been known In rtland for 11 years, have a reputation to maintain, ana win unaeriaae no -unless certain cure can bo effected. . we guarantee a euro In every e undertake or charge no fee. Consulta tion free. Letters confidential. Inatrue- tive BOOK FOR MEN mailed tree tn nlaln wranoer. - - We cure the worst eases ef pllee-tn- -two or three treatments, without opera tion. Cure guaranteed. ---- If you cannot oall at offloe, write for Offloe hours, to I and T to S. tend DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Omcee tn Van Hoy RoteL HVi Third Street. Corner Pine. Portland, Or. EsUblSslted 1878 Wc will treat t"Vot? rnoe Seminal Sisfefi Spermatorrhoea This offer is extended to all who are suffering from the above ailments for one month ONLY, from January 17 to February IT, 1906. : v'. '- ;. ."?;: . ''. 'y, ';- SL Louis r.!edlcal & Surgical Dispensary ''' . 220yi Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon. ,) f dental wot. World-re. owned speetallstSL -- -tatweat prices eonaiitent with Arst-elaae Oe te the NEW YORK DENTISTS :. ' rOVSTat AJTS KOBaUSOsT STS. " Opea day and night, frees US e. as. . .-rT" . antU fe tw ss. sv and sooalS kaew MAJmLViernlr I Ths i asw Varasa Sirtsi, Jmirt. nam sas aumtn. Mew mi. . eat-Most Conreaisni. ItbsnsnnotsarntytM liSVIL. ssjas ma eUMr, but Mad slams for ' lllu.inlad book mm. ft fall particular andjIlrsMion fall parUealar nddlrarflorn (a, vsIusdI tn 1HI.J1 4 ai'ai,Tv, mm a. asa nr.. Saw voaau FOE SALX BT WOOD AID, OlaJUCX ft 00. CUXnudp. :'-." Jhrntbrn. wrnnum ateenjm vaib Tamet'e Sawes ef Oabeee sad Ossaiaa la . Thi- 1 1 ' 11 i -- susimhm.sUawsrtss, sea, Eaar te tsse, sMMslea e earry. fitt sare lauimrat ass. Pri!. a Sows a, Haiti'. SSI Wsshlastoa Portlasd, Ortnsi er pr stall tram , Ike Tarraat Co.. 44 HiMtana st:, ni few Tor. RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH Tansy Wafers Ortgl ' nal and only genuine Put up In ' yellow vrepper and "Crowa trademark. For sale by the ' I4DACINO DRUdOISTS. ' . wee ' modern . . J '"'.V- H' , " f I-:. ' .--.' and strength eomg te both the hair and scalp that even a Ska. bottle oi II ft often enougH to ihow way earful ha proremeata. It at eooe Imparts a sparkhng brllllaaey ee4 velvety softness to ths hair, and a lew weeks' we will eaoae new hair to sprout out all over the aoalp, aod grow abuod astir, long aod beautiful. Uss It every day for awhile, after which two or three Bases a week wlU beeawmghtoeosipleUwhaleTecpowthyoadeeire. drn ts, In three sixes, S3 ceats Q per bottle. . - ,. , or stamps to pay postage, ' question bUnk. Home treatment, aue, I eye and Bolldaye, II te It - and cure all cases of Gonor- Weakness, Lost Manhood, and Vital Weakness. Hotel Eaton Osrsst Ksrrlses sat Wert rk Streets, ' -"-'--:-4 NEW Bandeooetr farnkHisd. elecsatly eeniitned. ftrepranf, (Its ailaats' walk front fceert f sbnpplns sne betlo snd betloess district. aU Ursa. sirr, eutstae vmns. stesm fcnted. eleetrle llfbts, Iclepbone la each epartneat, eta efriee. loanrlns. bbxiuis. - Isdws' rseeptina psrlore. I reserrsa Mvste esulSB sxttg tnlas sad ettaawsa. Roomt fl.OO So fS.OO a Day : Sfeetal Batee te- OostsMroial Vea. - '' ' V " KSS. MAX SATO. ' (FersMrly ot Hotel Bedpets, Spekeae.) t DLOOD POIGOfJ rottcotf fiM TwiiTf YUmt we have Bds the on re of blood poison m peeialty. Prtssery.ftecendsry ec Tertiary Sieed Peleaa PeraaaaeaMyHeeV Veweaa be treated a home under same guaranty. Capital K0O.0OO. Ws solicit the most obsti nate eases. --If roe bare exhausted tbe old methods of treatment, and atlll have aches snd nalna Mufliia Patches in Mouth. Sore Throat, Plmpiee, Oopper-Oolored Spots, Ulesrs on anr pars oi ins ooay, nair or Erebrows falling oat, writs for proofs of I euree. 100-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO, v IMS sUteaMTU tlasss,a,ll F0I1 GOLDG a- -" ' ' ' ' ' v ''".' "'"""?"" '"" .'v i' '