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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1906)
, r - f, y t " . .. . . , . , . rr, , mi - - szrz: .. ; V-V; v:' '. ' A. ' '..-,:,. v' ...r.w... r'-r v."-' .'-V' -:-"; ,'.--?"-.: ;.-!---V'-''T"T f-'."1'-", .r"' :, v ' .v'.-v-.. :v.v. ...-'v.; .- I . - MR. C. T. C..P,BlGMOthe-wellknown-OalemTclothIng 3 In order f-irNta nut - Including aim uiuv regular cut our very beat hand-made . FORMER PRICES 012.50 TO 025 ABona disregarded 8. Third St TO liDRin f TO BOX GANS San Francisco Sports Declare That Jimmy Mutt Tackle -f : . Colored Man Again. LAST CONTEST LEFT -" A DARK BROWN FLAVOR 'Color Lino WOl Not B Cotuidtred . Sufficient Banter, u Britt Wu WOIfnff to tlttt Baldmoro Lad in ... tha Firat Place.. (9mtm1 pmU1 frmtra.) ' Ian Francisco, Jan. J. Jimmy Britt mtsht m wall know it flrat arlaat that .tha publlo will damand.that ha ftvht JoaOana. Ha majr daok him for .' tlma, but tha tlma will coma whaa ha will ba forcad Into match. Tvaoday ' nlcht thera waa a raport that Jimmy would maat tha colored wondar without anr. argument, hut upon eloacr exam ination it waa J la core red that ha would Jlatan to no auch a propoaltlon. ' "t want to fliht Nalaon nast," aald ha. "I hara beaten Oaaa. thouvh X lost tha decision on a fouU and that'a enouah." Tha leaa la aald about tha BrKt-Gana fight tha , -le odor will arts. - Before goine; aaat Monday Oant confeaaed that ha fought "to ordera," which waa generaUr ba ' lie red long era now. It waathe worst amelllng- battle fought In California Jaat year, ao Britt ought to forget It " Jf ho can. Jimmy owes It to tha pub ' - lid to meat Oana an a fair field, oven If ha la a black man. - Ba mada a bluff 'to fight Jo once, for whloh tha publlo Satisfactory Sale IMPORTED j- CASHMEREHALFHOSE. R(ilar,iJue 35 c The e&ine reduction applies to all our 50c lisle thread ' :'v halfhose . . . : . Robinson (SL Go. - Ilctd Perkins Buijdinar , 'C:'r- ROBERTO, local to raloe money, and to clean out a creat overstock amounting to nearly i we win place tweodo, chevloto, -, WAa cwmm, t. . ' v . ' , ; .. . , - fide Dissolution Sale Positively the grcatcit sacrifice sale PoHlandosCIaxid If onherrsellIns You'll buy two suits If you see them 87 Ki ). - -- S.-rv Bet. Stark.L..: paid dearly, and now ba ought to make good In earnest. Britt cannot - dodge behind tha color' Una. Harlngfought (TrT3ha 6hca ltla too lata to cry 1 don't Ilka a nigger nohow." H. has passed tha color line and now ho should defend himself against all comers. To say that Oans would ba putty In Brltfs hands wars they to fight again would bo absurd, . Though a eteran of II years' -experience. Gene is still a great fighter, and quite able to cope with euner Nelson or Brut, Ha demon strated this conclusively Friday night whan ha knocked out a tough young man who waa it pounds heavier and much rangier. ' Would either Nelson or Britt have finished Sullivan In II rounds, meeting him at his own weight, as oans oiT -. r r -- If Britt had never fought a colored man ha might now avoid Oans without making himself ridiculous at this stage or tha game, but to pass up Joe, whom ha has already encountered, would be a gauay subterfuge. Britt must fight or acknowledge Oans his master. There is no other way out of it. If ho says no, i than there will ba no one who will not believe that their other fiasco was not prearranged. This one blot on his brilliant record can beat ba erased by a return battle, and tha sooner the articles are signed tha better will the sporting public Ilka It. Oans has offered to make a vary - reasonable weight. Ha will weigh 111 at o'clock, and would do Its rtngaide if the public would not loea faith in tha affair. There is really nothing to stand between Oana and Britt making a match but Britt, Oans is very anxious and Jimmy Coff roth would arise from his bed at It o'clock, to consummate tha match which would ba a big - concession for him. Coff roth bad a long talk with Oans Just before ha left and tha promoter prom ised to ao what he oouid for the cham plon. Coffrota la shrewd enough to see that Joe Is tha card, now he la even as big a card as Jack O'Brien and he wants to make aa much use of him as ha can. .. , . . .Correct Change for tl delivered in tha hand la one second by tha automatlo change and eash register. 404 Karquam building. manogcr of th6 Salem Woolen Mill f on oaie tomorrow worotedo tsiaaaats usava ever held - In price WHAT THE PONIES DID . JNJfESTERDAY RACES fjearaal BpeclU servlee.) Los Angeles, Jan. It. Aacet race re sults: ,-. Futurity coarse If ontesuma won, Tender Cest second, Oondolus third; time. 1:1144. Four furlongs Esther B. won. Miss Fidgety second. Blanche C third; time. :4tH. Mile and a sixteenth Luclaa Hot second. Chickadee third; time, 1:4TU. . Handicap, mil and an eighth Wlreln won. Banker second. Ollpln thtrdMline. 1:11.- Six furlona-s Iacene won. Big Ben second. Hester W. third: time, 1:11. Futurity eouraa Hllona won,- Ha ehuca second, Ralbert third; time, 1:10 it. - -u. .. . . Ateaklaaa. " tJeeraal BiMeUl Berrfee.1 Ban Franc laco, Jan. 11. Oakland race results! Three and a half furlongs Tawa aentha won. Grace O. second. Blu Bot tle third: time. :41. Five furlongs Masaada won, Uaiie H. aecond, Chablls third; time, 1:1114 Seven - furlongs Nlnnasquaw won, Laura F. U. second. To San third; time, 1:1114. ' If tie and a sixteenth. Horoscope handl can Deutachland won. Bannock Belle second. Massa third: time, 1:47 H. One MUe Bonar. won. Major Tenney second. Massa third; tlma. l:47tt Six furlongs Martinmas won. Dargln second, ; Hugh MoOowan third; time. l:lt. ' At STew Orleans Fair 0 rounds. (Joarnal KDedal Herrlre.) New Orleans, Jan. S6. Fair grounds reaulu: Three and a half runongs Frank Lord won, Zlck Abrams second. Friction third: time. t:44. . Mile and to yards menaieas won. Imboden second. Xady Free Knight third: tlma 1:4 l-I. - Mile and 70 yards joo cesser won. Hortensla second. Dr. Hart third; tlma. 1:41 l-l. Six and a half furlongs, handicap Ouldlng Star won. St. Valentine second. Southern Cross third; time, i- Five and a hair runongs vanness and Columbia Olrl dead, heat, purse di vided; FJaatlte third; tlma, 1:07 -. Mile and 70 yards Henry O. won. Chub seoond. Are bo third; time, 1:41 !-. At Vow Orlsaag City Fark, . . (Jearaal Kiieeiel BerrVe.) Kew Orleans. Jan. II. City Park race reeulta: Five and a hair rurionga Margaret Angela won.. Oentlan second. Minnehaha third; time. 1:01 Six and a nair runongs jacx Aoams won. orient secona, Henry Aen tnirat ttnte, trtl. . 1 111 - Short course steeplechase onyx II New - Amsterdam oeeond.' Flying Rain Cloud third; time, 1:20 l-. . Mile and 70 yards ony 11 . won, Alma Dufour second, AttlVa third; time, 44 1-1. . . On anile Emergency won, Jack Dolan second. Gold Mate third; time. 1:40 4-1. x Mile and 70 yards Padre wen, Del Carina seoond, Morendo third; . time. X:4l 4-f. ' give ana a nair xunonga uiun a. won. Brick Top seoond, rrleipia third; time, 1:0 l-l. TOM SHARKEY TAKES' -TO HORSERACIMQ MMMHMW, .' ' (7oeraa! BpeHal i ia, : New fork. Jen. II. By way of va riety, Tom Sharkey, sallor-pugtllat tcooBC dispeBger, aid roylI UX Ja morning BP to try his fortune at borseraeing.' He has mada up his mind that be has been a patron of the turf long enough and now aspires to be a king. According to the bearings ha has taken, ha will lay his course along the path of the trotters and ha figures his craftiness will carry him safely Into a snug harbor, wherein lies the visionary wealth of the race follower, aa alluring as tha gold of Cap tain Kldd. Down ' in' Chester, Pennsylvania, Shakey has It horses In training on the farm of Charles Iiongbotham. owner of the famous pacer, Frank Yoakum, whloh broke several records and won the Hart ford oup at Charter Oak Park. Sharkey Is In Chester setting hie - proteges through their paces and whan ha has them perfected In footwork he will enter them la contests on all the big tracks. TENPIN BOWLERS MAKE GOOD SCORES Tha Gold Leaf, bowlers were there good and strong last evening and took the Golden Wests Into camp for three straight games. Kneysa rolled In Al form, making tha high average of 101 l-I: he also had the highest single game, se mi evutae were; Gold Leafs - (1) Pollack 170 Kneyee . , 10 poulangar . 114 Flckea 17t ) (10 lot ll 141 tOi (I) Galllard .........117 Totala . . Ill III Golden Wests - ' (1) (t) ft) Moore 1S 141 10 Case .11 10. Peterson . .......lie 1M Hlnnenkamn. . .........IKS 170 179 Closaet . . ....Ill 144 111 Totals.!....... 101 111 Til The Woodlarks took three straight games from the .Gold Bonds last even ing. Morey had tha high average, ill Moray and Tigneux tied for tha highest single game, with H. TOO scores: Woodlarks. !) (. (I) Crook . , ......... .......m 17 ' 171 Lunney . .. ........... .170 140 "171 Vtrn-ux . . .....11- tl4 - ISO MacOregor . . ! 141 140 Kruse . ! 11 Totala ..............117 I0 III Gold Bonds - (1 Harrington . . ...........HO Haoketi 1 Bwarts ...17 Tonalng . . ......... .,...109 Morey HI Totala . .......114 fit III HUNT CLUB WILL HOLD - . OPEN PAPER CHASE ri Mmhan af tha Portland Hunt crab "wilt hold an open paner-chaae-on next Saturday afternoon. The start will be mada on the Gravelly Hill road about half a mile north of the Sandy road, at -l..w .van ria Itnlab. will ba la West avenue. Hares Walter and Alexan der report that an excellent course haa been selected, and should tha weather ba at all clear a large turnout wlU Join ua enasev - ' SAN FRANCISCO GIVES OUT FIGHT PERMITS Tai order to do away with the eouab- bllng every month to sea what club ahall secars the boxing- permit in San Fran el aeo, the board af supervisors has adopted a resolution naming the clubs fo every month to tha year. The reso lution reads:- "yg laaracwa Ivooamoaa (aaii mosi () (i) III 114 171 Store, has thlo day retired from the - . 1 ' " . . ... .l , ,. .. . ,,, . , -. .. .i ' i f 1 : the provisions of ordinance No. 114, per mits be and they are hereby granted to the Associated Athletic dub or nan Francisco '(IncorporatedT; eumpi Islug the Hayes VaUey Athletic club (Morris Levy, manager), tha Tosemite Atnmio club (James W. Co (Troth, manager,) and the Golden Gate Atbietio club (w. r. Britt, manager), .to give professional sparring and boxing exhibitions In the city and county of San Francisco, as follows: "January, 1101. Hayes Valley Athletic club. -. "February. 1101, Toscmlts Athletic dub. - "Maroh, 1101. National Athletic dob. "AprlL 1101, Golden Gate Athletic club. "May. ltll, - Hayes Valley Athletic dub. "June, 1101, Tosemlto Athletic elub, ."July. not. National Athletic club. "August, 1101, Golden Gate Athletlo club. "September, 1101, Hayes Valley Ath letic club. . . "October. 1101. Tosemite Athletic club. "November, 1101, National Athltl0 dub. . ' "December, 1101, Golden Gate Athletic club." A FIVE-MILE RECORDS ARE SMASHED AT ORMOND (Jaarael Beeelal aervtea.) Ormond, FU.. Jan. !. The world's records for Ave miles were amaahed in amaslng style here yesterday on the aecond day of the tournament, Tha reo- orda mada were as follows: Five-mile open championship First heat. Lands, 110-horsepower gasoline; time. 1:141-1. Second heat, Marriott 10-10-honepower steem; time, 1:47 l-l. FlnaL Lancia: time. 1:01 l-l. Flve-mlla middleweight ehamplonshrp Cedrlno, 14-10-horsepower steam; time. 1:111-1. Five-mile heavyweight championship for gasoline 'cars only Earp, 10-horse- power; time, I:4. SPORTING GOSSIP. Michael Angelica Fisher, tha human hopper, has hopped again, and this tlma he has landed in tha raisin precincts of Fresno, with his wandering franchise, bats, bags, balls and belts. Tha Coast league directors -yesterday voted the Tacoma franchise to Fesno, thus giving the wary Mlka another chance in Coast league company. - First. Mlka - bald forth at Sacramento, where he won his spurs as a policeman. The next season the Jumped to Tacoma because . he thought It. was destined. to grow, and that his receipts would grow corre spondingly; Being one of Tacoma'a orig inal "boosters" be is naturally sore be cause' thtow"wouldnt support "his" team. Now ha will go to Freeno, but for how long, no ona knows. There is no denying tha fact that tha league has been good to Mike Fisher. e s ' Nobody But Rogers--- ' - Oh. nobody knows but Sogers, -And ha forgets it all; - Don't know where ha got It. . From Peter or from Paul. , Be Jaughs at dd Missouri , A ad wlataea her in helL ', Nobody knewa but Rogers, . .' , And he won't tell. a, e . , It is soma tlma since orders were is sued for the sowing of grass seed la tha bail park, and yat nothing has been dona In that Una. Aa tha playing season will soon be along, old "Joiauer hod better step lively and sow his seed. It haa bean whispered that Hlgglns la op posed to hla brother-in-law's scheme to taxa tnaa grow, aa Ua amoas. aa tltt 030,000 WORTH cutting of It will necessarily demand mora labor than 'bis "Joints" really ap preciates. . . The' Limit Game Our wife played poker with us last night snd we still feel the sting of defeat Sha held the best hand tha poker. , e e ' Another man has been hurt while at work. . We've called attention to this danger several times. . " e e" , Harvard players received 141 Injuries, which was going some for a team that was licked, only twice. ' . . e e Bob Fltxalmmona says ha will soon leave the stage to - go Into the hotel business In New York. Bob's ambition seems to be to get a chance to tell Jack O'Brien he can't stay at his place. It seems too bad that tha drama aheuld lose a leading light simply to gratify a longing for revenge. Sassy Cassis " ' -';" r " ' Thera onoe waa a lady named Cassia. ' Sha captured the dough Lord a-massy! But now. I suppose, She's oblixed to wash clothes In tha pen. And I'll bet sha feels sassy. . ' , e e' President Harry C. Pull lam of the National Baseball league and Preeldent Ban Johnson of the American league have reached an agreement as to tha general featurea of tha playing sched ulea of the two leagues during the com ing season. It Is agreed that tha Ameri can league season should open in the east on April 14 and In the west on April 17. The only playing arrange ment announced by President Johnson Is that the Boston American league team will open tha season in New York, the tw6 dubs then going to. Boston to open there on Lexington day. The Na tional league reserved tna rign. to open Its -season In Brooklyn on April II. Thera will be few conflicting datea In tha schedules of the two major league It has been authoritatively stated that William M. Hlgglns. the .captain and catcher of tha Brown university base ball team, has signed A contract with Hugh Duffy to play with tha Philadel phia league club during tha coming sea eon. Hltsins Is a member of the senior class and won considerable mention of hla backstop work on the Brown team In ths season of 101. . ....-.,. a . . Consternation 'prevails In the iranka of tha University of California football followers becausa of tha faot that alx of the star playera on tha 'varsity team will not be present to assist in tne er fort to snatch a victory from ths cardi nal next season. These men are onto Bnedlgar. "Big Bill" B perry, R. W, Kitt relle. James Force, Halfback Mead and I Edgar Stern." They have been prac tically the bulwark or tne tearn in tne oast and their abeence, it la gloomily predicted, will work havoc with tha hooea or tne oiue ana goia supporters for next year. Some of these men be long to The ranks or tna many students who were drooped from the university for poor scholarship.' Others have left college to engage In business,' or for ether reasons. But whatever tha cause. the 'verelty team next year la to be minus a half dossn of Its greatest play ers. Blue Rock What yoa probably mean Is a "cutaneous pastime" and not a "skin lima." The stylo of .It differs considerably in different cities, but the results are about the same. . . r T c Ton' firm, MR. OP MBN'Q : 11,000 VOLTS San Francisco Man Exhibits Re markable Display of Nerve ' on Operating Table. IJeeraal Sperlal BervkO.) San Francisco, Jan. la. A remarkable display of iron nerve was given by C. J. Finely, who was taken to- tha Cen tral Emergency hospital at :10 o'clock last evening with the skin burned away from his face, neck and part of hla chest his right arm burned from the shoulder to tha finger tips, and a great gash on tha forearm where aa deetrlo charge of 11.000 volu "Jumped" and caught him as ho was working alons by the switchboard f the Pacific Gs de Electric company's depot Aa Dr. Hersog and the hospital attendants peeled away the burned tlseoe from Flnely's arm tha electrician talked un concernedly. All be wanted to know . was whether the . Injury would keep -him from his work. Finely was painting a window back of three one-Inch copper wires, carry ing tha current into the transmitter station, when ha got the flash whlci disabled him. Luckily, although these three one-Inch wires were vaporised by me intense neat ror nve or six laches back of the transmitter. Finely did not get tha direct effect of tha current. only the heat of the flaah. Crawling to tha telephone, tha work man sent word to H. C Friday at the near-by gaa plant of his condition, and h, UftM klM . . pltaL . - , Pocket Bank Free. : Subscribers of Tha Journal are riven pocket savings banks free. These banka when presented at the Oreaon Trust A Savings bank, in the Marquam bull drag. wnn tne aepoau or ona dollar or mora, entitle th despoaltor to aa extra II cents, . ' - This offer is mada aa an Indneeaaent for opening a bank account which means the nucleus of future wealth. Tllal kantrei ma tu. a.S. 4 S MPrtV- Journal buslnaea office or through Tha Journal canvassers In tha dity. aTamgM Bat Oera ea BUI af pare, . . . rraai the Hew Ywk Aawrteea Oiea, and eora aloee. rarnUhed Ike mnm the SMet elerular aaaee.t ever alrea la the weet This fvaet ema simc at the LlMftln hotel la Ltaeela. Mrbreaae. ea tke evealag ef Tim. 1 il .1 aA. - took e the cere seas aatll tke ehreaie eantr a ac idly at the sswky liaaleta aaiaaatnis true) earaaaaa rlaarenee, ajalae was aewt tot viaaaa, seeretary ar aarieairare aim waa tke gaeet of keaor aad tke aetid swa . Kebraaka were stnnt Tke feaat wae atrra to Ike eoatr.-(a la th W.hratka era grewlnt reniMta 1 ana (trki and Bore ef Ik " rv. ' hare oU.t.S eera ivr the enrtua ef ttte eipinaMl ef aabtte laatraeUea, Were mr4-e artvr ID. aanMI, Tke SMaa was a ex low.; C n ao-.. - -! .' . aeaenra flnat -r rHA. ' .( . ' Wot rnre t. - -t. alM eora wi. r ' - Btate Urm - i ' Sebraaka -e r "i -v1' - ' - '"