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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1906)
r'"""w-w -'",: - - . - - ! 'J - .r w ..- j7-iri i JZZIZ1 -J--. ' 1 1 - i mm i I, i , i j n i '1',-' (Zs'''A A A vYA- IT" ' . ;.,':.. ..... GOOD EVCillllG' Kaln tonltht and Thursday J Moth to east winds. ' . ., ' VOL. IV. NO. 78. ST. JOIIOS f , - - , i5 Sbark Flyinff Into Tank of Oil Burner Caused Terrific : ExpIdsidnfAVhicK-'; Desalt-Oiit . -'.'.'' .1 . .-'.I'- r.1a . ..lit ' ." .: ! j ;v -u ueam; ana i ... . SECOND ENGINEER HIS FIREMAN j Steamer Takes fire From; Explosion and 1 J J ? Is Total ly Destroyed Flames, Shoo : : : i4;3?t;;Mnt6-:':.ther Two mn wr kill4 and a third prob- irrnrinJurl)bii6irTnloi Ot . th tamr' peculator nplodinv 1:11 o'clock thl ' afternoon whll tho craft ' v&a lylna on tho ways at tha Bt John ablpyarda undargolna repair. TDa aaaa ara Second Enflnear William Wad and bis flreman. . f v. - Tha ' steamer caught fire and iraa burned.. A -fer aeconda after" a spark had.lanltad the oil In the tanks the vessel was wrapped--in flames, . which ahot np Into tha air tor n.dlatanoai of to feet. Mechanics irha were on board esamUtna tha piachlaery preparatory to ' aivlna it an overhaailna' Kad,Jt flea for their Uvea. Aside from thoaa who vera atallr hurt aeveral others Xled almoat too late make their escape in safety. An effort waa Made1 to flaht tha fire. - Irat It had adranced so Quickly that ft Was Impoaslbla to copa with It. The news of the affair spread quickly and In a few minutes all of Bt Johno waa ( near the scene. Tha bodies of tha killed . were d ragf-ed off t tha burning boat r They were badly . mangled and hardly ' recognisable. , - : -r- .f ; i As soon as ha had been apprised of - the catastrophe M. r Talbot vloe-preal-dent and general manager of tha Regu : lator Una, and Stephen McDonald, Port land' agent chartered the launch Aetlre and left .for St Johna. - ; - HDtkM Xeart-Brokea, ."' . Second Engineer Wad la M yeara ef age and resided with hla parenU on the , east side.. - Whan his mother . waa ap prtsed -of hla death thla afternoon abe sobbed aa thoagh her heart would break. ' POLIGEOMI IS LUSEO i:iT0 !E JO. STABBED . rf Centralis . Officer Accompanist ; Woman at Her Request and. la Aaaaulted. .i."... - (aperlal Dhpatcfe te The Joanal.t Centralla, Wash., Jan. 14. Lata last Bight a cutting affray occurred bar, la which Night Policeman Alderman waa badly out in tha face and handa and generally bruised up by two young men named Red Carland and Kid Dllley. A woman, claiming to be tha wlf of Dll ley, asked Alderman to accompany her home,, saying aha waa afraid. : " After reaching his house she asked him in to . see if any tramps were in tha house. .Alderman entered and aaked for a. orinn or. water, ana me woman said ha would get ' It for him, when Dllley , and Carland entered from another room, taking Alderman by surprise, .hitting him on tha head and cutting htm In the fore- head with a knife. In warding off the . blow Alderman grabbed - the . knife, 'lacerating hi hand badly. , He afterwards went to th .hospital to have his wounds dressed and thea returned and with tha aid of a deputy arrested tha men and woman' and put -them In the city J1U. They will have a preliminary trial this afternoon. iller la aald to hire demanded IJOft from Aldermam and on the plea of get ting the -money, at, a, aaloon. Alderman waa allowed to ao or he thinks ha would probtWynof have "ecsne aoaslly.-- W. P. WILL ANNOUNCE '" : : EXTENSI0M III IDAHO ' f -"':( : t , ' ' rWasklnglM Burets ef Tea loanaLl . ' Lewlston, Idaho, Jan. 1-A, telegram from John . t. Vollmer to tha Trlbuna early this morning states that tha eon tract for tha O range vllle extension of the Northern ' Pactf ly would be made publlo ss soon as president ' Elliott reached St, Paul, which would probably ' be the and of this week. . . Vollmer Is a resident of Lewlston and ' a heavy stockholder in tha Northern Pa ' clflo. -The officers and stockholders ' have been In consultation in Taeoma for 'i, aeVeral days. Tha news was telephoned to 'Orangevtlle soon after tha message arrived and caused great excitement riurina tha dev.. Peoolo In that section bed almost given up securing the road. I The. road Is to be extended from the I orthern paclf lo lino at Culdeaao. ' '- ''''' '''' i1T THE Ilil 'f'-- ' - y.; 4 l . 'uesirucugn; WADE AND ARE THE: ViCTJMS other' people who had relative employed Weaamff-Ve-TnvTaTnng np . ... .... I on tm tha clerks at tha dock all afternoon, ask lng for the latest . Information. -Soma of the members of. the crew had been' on tha' boat but-a short time and their name ara, unknown by tha' officers of tha Una. - 'Fred Smith, on of tha - best-known marine engineers on the Willamette and Columbia, had charge or the engine- room. ' His father has been In the em ploy of the Regulator Un for yeara in tha capacity, ! of consulting engineer. Mr. Smith' lost no time tn sending word to - his parents and other local . friends that h escaped safely and not to worry for him. Ha explained tha tha flre man who waa killed waa employed but a- tew days ago aad ha -had not learned hla "Until about two weeks Ago tha steamer Regulator waa plying between Portland aad points aa tha" upper Columbia river aa a freighter. As bnslneaa had become rather slack It waa decided to take bar off itha run temporarily and give her a general ovarhaultngi ' "' It waa tha-intention to spend about IS.000 oa bar In tha way of repalra. - So tha company did not expect that aha would again oe ready for aervioe much before tha early part of the spring. She is valued at some t bin g like $to,00. Tha other boats of the Hue are the BaUey aataert Dallas city and Stranger, The Reculator waa built at Portland in lilt She Is ot Sot ton gross regis ter. 157 feet long, It feat wide and 7 feet depth of hold.- - She carried a crew of It man, Including the officers. RELATIVES BESIEGE ; ; : ,: CALIFORNIA OFFICES ... tJearaal Sseelal errlss.l - .'. Ban .rranclsoo, , Jan. ti. Among tha callers at tha Paotflo Coast . steamship offices waa J. S. Hopkins of Alamsda, who inoulrad for noma word, from hla son, X. E. Hopkins, second freight clerk on th Valencia, " It waa th young man's first trip on tha Valencia. - -At tit Turk street Mrev J. a.' CPari I roll and four children pray for tha safe return of their husband and father, who waa purser on th wrecked veasat , ; "Wa are franUo with anxiety over the uncertainty of tha fat of my brother." aid Miss M. Carrlck. suter of.T. B. Carriok. first saslatant engineer of th Valencia thla morning. ' "It ia on of tha worst wreck ever had on this eoast" aald B.-, M. .Wood of tha board of marina underwriter "It la inexplicable how tha Valencia came to be ao far out of her course." ' Tha following special has just beea received: . - . .. Two mora steamers are on tha scene of th wreck, the tug Caar and the steamer Topeka. Th aea U heavy and a strong aoutheast wind la blowing. Tha weather Is pretty clear but tha ree ouers don't think there will bo anything ot tha ship left It ia likely tha ablp la broken op." . . --j VESSELS UNABLE JO -J RENDER ASSISTANCE -. hwel Special Service.) i Seattle, Waah.. Jan. St. A dlanatnh fr-Vktr4av-etatfa- thai-tw-of -the rescuing steamers that went from Vic toria ara etandlag by tha Valencia. It la Impoaslbla to reach her or rln har aid on account of tha hurricane and heavy aaaa, Tha Topeka ia- standing by, but cannot reach her. .- , Cap Beala reports that but It par sons have been saved, six ara there and nine are ashore li .miles from there. Th responsibility for .further, loaa Ih placed upon the government for had tha telegraph Una from Tatoosb. ialand to th mainland been In operation scares would have been eared. - Off Capo Flattery were a doaen i ves sels who oould reach her If they got tha news In time. It Is rumored that tha machinery on th boat broke down., v ftonls Orssaksrg Assigns. Loul Oreenberg has filed. a petition In bankruptcy In tha federal court Ha plane hla liabilities,, unsecured claims. at !4.t7t.tS, and his aaaeta. dua and on collectable aooounta, and stocks, at ft, I "PORTLAND, OnZGON, WEDNESDAY- EVENING, JANUARY Si, 1808. FOURTEEN PAGES. :.;?; Staxner Valencia Which Wnt SAYS TEDDY President Think American Naw rr.. ' '" ""'v"v"- laT I aa . ( . ' a a a aa a a ea a. j Bert ; In , World When Comes to Fighting; EQUALLY MATCHED WE WOULD' BE VICTORIOUS XI tWanhips of Two Countries Were : Matched Haft. foir Man and Ship lor , snip Mikado's Ilea WooM Meet Defeat v-'i Jaaraal 8Ddal Service. V Waahlngton. . , Jan. 14. "We . - would whip Japan if tha navies of the two countries were matched ship for ship, man for man,", aald President Aooaevalt today ia a talk with' Dr. James Schsr rer, president of Newberry college, of Newberry, South Carolina, ao the edu cator says. , . n Dr. Scherrer lived for five yeara In Japan, where he was a tutor. When Dr.. Scherrer vlolted the Whit Bouse today the president aaked him a great many questions about Japan and tha Japaneae navy fighting Qualities, Jap anese ahlpa and men. - Dr. Scherrer aald that - ha believed tha Japanese navy, man for man, tha best tn tha world, but tha president contended that tha Amer ican navy, man for man. was tha beat and expressed his belief that thla coun try If it should have a war witn Japan would defeat the Japanese if tha navies were matched ahlp for ahlp. Preeldent Roosevelt expressed th highest admiration for the excellent fighting quaiitlea of tha Japaneae -and spoke in tha most extravagant manner of their magnificent fighting machine. HAVERLY THE MINSTREL ----- HAS SUICIDAL MANIA " y .-- i , ' l (Jeemal apMla! ftervlee.) ' ' " New Tors, Jan. 14. George P. Oliver, for many years known to. fame as Bert Haverlr. minstrel and actor. has been committed to Belle-rue hospital .to have hla sanity tested. Oliver, who waa tha first husband of Laura Blggar, has made three attempts to kill himself, accord ing to -the statements, of his present wife, Mrs. Mary I Oliver, who took him before a magistrate laat week. - At bis home he attempted to cut his throat with a rasor. but waa interrupted barely In time. - Two days later he made an-' other attempt on hla life by turning on the' gaa. .'.'. . ' - Haverlr I one or th aeieat minstrels In tha country.. About three year ago he left the minstrel Ufa and toured with Tha Old Homo Folks" company. Since then , he hae. been . writing minstrel sketches.''..-'"' ',., COURT RULING IS IN ' V I ' FAVOR OF BEEF TRUST . ;r :.. -, , ' (jnaraal apeelat servlee.) ,', . Chicago, Jan. 24. In th federal court thla morning District Attorney Morrison expounded th common law-which-provides Immunity for persons who tura mate's evlrtmca' tt Is Morrison's Tmder- standlng of the law that witness can not claim immunity nnleaa they have tes tified onder oath In- court -and. must claim their constitutional privilege In open court - Tha court disagreed with tha main point ef Morrison's plea. , ., 1 - " 'iff TWO WORLD'S RECORDS v: ; i IN AN AFTERNOON : i ' . - b' , '. ft T- ' (Jearaal tpeelal Service.)' f ' Ormond, Fla., Jan. . 14. Lancia broke tha world's five-mile automobile record today, going In 1:14. Hsmery then beat this by 10 t-l eoonda. golng in , i ', . ' .. . - lo. Whaalaw Weaker. . . - ' "' ? ' (Journal Boer la servlee.1 . 'i New Tork, Jan. 14. Oeneral Joseph Wheeler of Alabama, who la suffering from pneumonia, la weaker, thla .morn ing, though hope are stlu entertained ef hla recovery,. -s ..,,,,,, . , Aahora Near Carmamh Point oa Vancouver Iiland Monday Night ' t u' ' A.'.- :m. - "A ' " V , ;'V; -.FkroMh"Wf j; Tagftrb IVIIIP'S J CUT HAY COST i.n EYE Fireman W. J. Taggart Has Pupil of Eye Lacerated by ah Ac ' ' cidental Blow. DRIVER SWINGS LASH 5 TO PUNISH HIS HORSE End of; Laah Catches - Taffart in Left Eye Is Removed to, Hospital Where He Panes Bad Niht bnt It Better Today. ..', :.. ', '.' '. Cut,' by (tha keen' lash, of .a whip. wielded by Driver. B.. Trueman of fr angina No, 4, who :waa disciplining , a recalollrant horse, this morning. Fire man W. J. Taggart's left eye probably Is rendered slghtleas. , Everything possi ble haa been dona by tha eurgeon lo preserve th fireman's vision. but, th laceration may have been such as to destroy the pupltv. . ' )",;'" V Taggart is driver of truck. No. S and waa' preparing to' mount the ' aeat ' and tart to a fire last bight when the acci dent occurred. . An alarm from box No. II waa rung . in at 7:11 o'clock and th firemen leaped to their posts of duty. Trueman's animals were slow snd one waa a little unruly. , Grasping his whip, Trueman awung tha laah to punish tha horse and force it Into ita poaltlon un der the suspended hsrnesa. .The . end Of the lash caught Taggart 'In tha left eye. Blinded and suffering Intense pain, he called out to hla eompahiona and a substitute driver waa placed ' on the engine seat- Seeing from the floiv. of blood that th wound was serious, an other fireman jumped aboard a car and with Policeman Joseph Keller took Tag gart to St Vlnoent's hospital. .-; . ; ; An examination snowed tnat trie force of tha blow had been. such as almost to Uft-th ball from He aocket- Taggart passed a bad night but rested in com parative comfort thla morning... Aa soon aa lb' JiJa,.ry..n;llL allow a further examination will be madO'by tha surgeon to . discover Whether there ia any chance of preserving th sight. ' Fireman- -Taggart recently -- dlstln gtilshed himself during a bias at St Mlchael'e church. Fourth and Mill streets, near which. he lives., Through his - heroism . Rev. . Father Alexander Ceetelll was resoued from death. For this performance -Tsggert waa given a medal by Catholics of Portland: v ADVERTISING ENDED - I V TOWN .TOPICS TALK ;--'.. . "-. !,.. . j f " (Jeornai Roeetal fitrvle.) " ' New Tork, Jan. 14. Bernard N.aker of Baltimore, president of the Baltimore Trust company, testified in Justice Deuel's llhol' suit against Norman Hap good of Collier's -Weekly this morning that the items reflecting upon his fam ily war discontinued irC Town Topic after he gave- tha sheet th proper- ad vertising," .!.,'-. j-. J . rS , .. . r ' '; . - - . t ,- , , VOLCANO BLIGHTS SAmdAfJ ISLE awalLlaJBwepliy Fire Caused by Molten Lava and Red- V i Hot Ashes. NATIVES ARE DESTITUTE -PLANTATIONS IN RUINS One bf ' tha , Lsifeet V, Islands , of - UMcster Qt'evp Is bettrowod by ' Emfttiorl ' Which 8tUl Continnes i TJnahated. ' '- 1 ' f. .; (Jeeraal Saeelal servlee.) ' ' Berlin, Jan. 14. A cable says that tha Island of Sawafi, one of th Samoa n group, has been swept by fire canned by molten lava and hot" ashes from a volcano. All tha villages have beea de stroyed and tha plantations ara ruined. Fifteen thousand natives -are destitute. The eruption still continues. :. .. 8a wall, la .one af th three large Islands of tha Samoan group. Ita area is TOO square mllea. It consists mostly of lofty and barren mountaina. ' It hat no rivers or streama, tha water filtering through Ita porous- aoll. .. Growing oocoanuta ia th principal Industry. OLD MAN REFUSED WORK. ; TAKES HIS OWN LIFE (Joeraal eiolal Chicago. Jan. it. Martin Monahaa. aged to years, and strong and willing but unable to obtain employment be cause ot bis gray hairs, today ended hi life by swallowing" earbollo acid. He was once a wealthy cattle-buyer for a big stockyarda firm. , Two or three yeara ago he lost all hla money ana secured employment in the city water service, the position being that of a common laborer. - But ' this did not impair his dignity, aa he constantly aimed to se cure better employment. but every where ha want employers looked at hla gray halra and told htm they had noth ing for him.. In a latter left the suicide id: "1 am now to yeara -of ago and can And nothing to do, although 1 am strong, able and willing.- I know other men In my poaltlon who will pursue the same course.' May 00a forgive an men who refuses to employ a man because ha la getting old." , :. .'.. COLORADO JUDGE IS - - t-rcTHROWN INTO PRISON '.r 1 '. c -:.;,: noaraal Bpeeaii Mrwif t , ' Brighton, - Colo., Jan.' 14. County Judge A. H. Outhlel waa- arreetad this morning after a Ugh t, with Sheriff Jamee P. Hlggtna and a deputy and thrown Into Jail on a charge ar. assess ing excessive fees la a recent contempt case against two town trustees. .. '.,. .' i. ' T ; . ; . , , . . ' ,, mmmmmm mmmmmm . ., .... - f 1 ...... v ,':;:..'"', ' 1 leaaaaasaasaami - i I DUgTwUttei Showing thl ' 4 ': 4 PRICE TWO Believed that Little Is. Left of Doomed Ship ;: :YhicK l$;Stranded With Her Passenger ffi . v and ; Crew Off Straits of Fuca; r VALENCIA BREAKING UP FAST; j ; LOSS OF LIFE PLACED AT75 4 T I.T Gale Prevailed During Night, Weather Is Very Thick With Heavy Sea RunningNothing ' Heaird From Vessels Sent to the. Scene. : ttl . .WTaah . Smm-'. as. . fSala. f totu-l Th rteamar qnaancxtyiby ofhampany Salvor, sent froaa Victoria yea- araay - at taa They. . failed . to kioaa. AU hop sf, saving tha Uvea ef those aboard la gone. The retoznlag that tha storaa wiu aceaa aa la a few homra. Tha Qaaan Ol ty saw ao thing af ha aad ntst ae lifeboats. Fa as angers threw lata the water have aa bono of aseape aa the share la psaslpltoma. agoralag; ao toot aoM w oven o geaa. v, ' Vtoterta, gaa. afnetla) A aaeav sage laat aeasivsg from xiamneia says that the Taleweta' aa a eoeai Sreryboay aboard IS drowned. ' ' (Joarsal 81 ' Victoria, B. C, Jan. 14. No new waa received thla morning from th wrecked Valencia, although three 'vassals, from Victoria' and the City of Topeka, which waa dispatched from Seattle last night must have been on th scene long ere thla: Tha Queen City, from thla port waa at Clocoa at 1 . o'clock yesterday afternoon, but saw . nothing of the wreck and heard nothing till aha got to Bam field. Tha captain reported the weather thick and a big aea coming up. Ha aald that ha could do nothing1 If ha returned. He was ordered by . agents here to continue on th trip. : t ' Thl morning private advices from Bamfleld, tha cable station, state that the weather I vary thick with a heavy aea running, and from that point noth ing could be discerned of the rescue ahlpa. - Th - belief here- Is that after laat night's weather nothing waa left of the steamer, although tha saloon was dry when the two boata which reached the land left her. A heavy sea waa pound ing tha Valencia and it waa not ex pected that she would last long.- Thf few operator, along tha ' government wire ara piled up With business and It la with tha greatest difficulty that even meager newa of the wrack geta through. - At tha nearest point to Cape Beala, from which it can get ' across, the weather bureau states that tha weather ,'s misty but comparatively calm. - ' Upon tha weather the Uvea of those still on tha doomed Valencia depends. If the gala ot laat night eontlnuea It will make th work of rescue almost i Impossible, aa even In calm weather th locality In , which the Valencia 1 now going to pieces la a dangerous one for ahlpa to approach. , Tha City of Topeka, Queen and Salvor are now standing bealde th helpless steamer. - Word may be received at any moment of th success or failure ef their mission. " . One of the best known steamboat melf on the Pacific coast Is J. J. OTsrrell, purser of th Valencia. v; " captain o. M. jonnson, wno was in charge of th wrecked vessel when It ran on tha rocks, la an old employe of the Pacific Coast company, and waa looked upon as ona ot the ateadleat and moat reliable navigators in tha service. He has been with the company for the past 11 years and was captain of the Valencia last season when tha boat waa -' ""ir " ' r "rr'-"-'" "i " 5ALQOH OCCK T" J ' . SALOOM DECK. C i ii i n Llnti the ytiZZZ.liSJ.'-L ov nun tn pvi - u -.4 '-..; an tttm Kama run. . Ha aatarad tha. ana- ' and worked himself up. ' His homo la In San Francisco. " .-'?" - , "' " . James Wright , aged It. who shanghaied from Port Townaend a year . ago, waa a passsnger on ' tha Valencia. Ha escaped from the vessel upon which he waa placed and started on his Jour ney home. - Ha reached San Francisco three weeks ago. working hla passage on sailing veasela from . Australian ' Reaching San Francisco be wrote hls mother, who 'Bent .him money With which' to reach, hom. His. .another la . Mrs. A.'-WrlaflC' a wwi'w, residing at Tit Harrison street! Seattle. Washing ton. , .,'- - - - ' v." STRUCK: IN A FOG.; Fearful lose ef Ufa la Stone and Yfthnt ,' . Seakneee., . . .'..-, -Jearaal tpeelal Servlee.) " Victoria. B. C. Jan. 14. The Pielflo coast ataarashlp Valencia, which left San Franolsoo January It Tor Puget . sound points with 101 pasaengam and a crew of to. In a dens fog in tha early hours of .yesterday morning piled upon the rorka of Vancouver Inland near Cloo Ose. five or six mllea from Carmanah point tf miles from Victoria. Many perished in the first craah and tha sur vivors ar In great peril from th haayy sea a. . ,'.... , , , Th first news of th -disaster cam late yeeterday afternoon, when a life boat containing alx men reached Cap Beala. Among thoaa .in the boat were T. J. McCarthy, boatswain; Charles Brown, Thomas Shields,' Joan Monk. W. -Ooslla apd T. Lampoon, ' Blown Omt of Ovxna -' Th vessel had been carried ont of bar course . by tha storm, which hsd raged for the last two days. The wind ia now blowing 4t mile an hour- and tramendoua seas ara ' sweeping th wreckage. It ia feared there baa been great loss ef life, Soundings taken a few minutes before the. veeael struck showed to fsthoms of water and the officers of tho steamer thought they were nest TJmatllla reef lightship. r When the vessel - struck hsr engines were reversed and tha steamer succeeded In backing off into deep water. She be gan to fill., driving tha engineers from their posts after they had put th a- 1 glnes at . full speed sbesd. . Tha survi vors left the Valencia lying head on to the sea, to yards from tba high bluff on shore, with .the water over hot main deck. 1 Thoaa passengers who had es caped drowning ware huddled cm the saloon deck. Boata filled with women and children who attempted to escape were atneahed against th aid of th ' teamer or capslsed In tha high seas and all of them lost Seven boata and -three llf eraf ta ware lowered and only two of them have been heard from. , . . ufaboata Crashed, v - . ' v Tha Valencia sailed from San Fran. Cisco on her second trip to Victoria, re placing the disabled steamer City of Pueblo at 11 a. m. Saturday, - Thla waa th only clear day, officers having to (Continued, on Pag Two. .j CENTS. tuaoM jt !-a ' ' ',...'-t '