The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 22, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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'I U w W.'U.J
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aa vw . . 1
V -
Virmm ereeS . Maaaoie Bmin CIt la Coecert
, I autre, .'the Utile Cesrch AnwiHi thj,
Baaar... ........hlu.tcal Barhaxiua
tmii ........ I. , .... J'T S
v Mr. and Mra. Afe' Pence have taken k
r up their abode In the California nuua
; '"; in at tbe fair around, the building
" , V occupied by Oovernor Pardee and Btarr
i during their 'visit to the.lwls and
" , ' Clark exposition.. With the eaneptlon of
v. the Government building. Mr. Pence has
A'-r purchased for tha AtwU mn
,? r Wrecking company all the exnioit "
Ing, and la making preparatlona for
jYalnc,tin,TQ-.l)e closa. to Wtfw;
" 1 ' . - Africa- In the
W u.' . k nnnxl BB Af f iC 1ft the
' emergency hoapltal building. In the Cel-
Ifornla building with Mr. and Mrs. Pence
I., i raa.nMmM -aft nf"niliil"BmmOT8a tTI
pglhahtavr "ra "f the hulldlnga
Intothe lake, where they will be made
-. -
a a. asa- a 4lr thaall trsUlslDOBV-
v' . t into run v ,-
, " tation. , ;:
tr; Edgar 1: HIM. pastor of the Ttomt
Treabyterlan church, and Mra. Hill left
. today for a four monthe tour of aoutb
ern Europe and tha holy: land. -They
will take a steamer from Bo ton Feb
r ruary for Spain. sAfter ft two weeks'
- sojourn In Spain they will go to Italy
' and from there to Egypt, where tbey
, - will' be joined by H. C. Campbell and
K family of Portland. The party will
then go to tha holy land to epend als
' ' ' weeka. . Durlnr Dr. HUl'a abaenee hie
. pulpit . will be filled by Dr. Thornae
Perryof WUKelbWC pertnlyTvanla.
who will arrive In Portland In time to
, eonauct tne aervicee a www
v ' Sunday. Next Sunday tha aervlcea will
be conducted by Rav. -H. Mt: aon
: of aK-ChvernorMott ot Indiana. ,, .
Attempting to be a rood fellow often
' eauaee men to become crlmlnala, ac
cording to Judge A. I Traaer, ' who
' ' apoke yesterday afternoon to the Boya
club of tha T." M. C- A. oa "lBaone
. ' rrom tha Courta. Tha Idea that a
0 boy or man must hold hla own laepend
.' ing money and go any ., length often
- caused- trouble.- be said. vJudga ;FTaer
declared that the leaaona of tha courta
' . were similar to those ff the school.
' except that .' they were Uught with
greater vividness.. Honesty and Indus-
try were the main points that the epeak
' ar impressed upon the boya? It Is necee-
aary for. boy to begin life, he said,
' . -with a resolution not to ba too much of
V-"; good fellow, Vr.' iv V
v" 'At the request of the local lodge the
SugenaXlka conducted the funeral of
' the late Martin Wallace, who lived and
died In Portland; but was burled at the
' : ' home of hla wife In Kugene. At the
"... ' ' liome 1 of ' Mra. Wallwse'e mother. - Mrs.
" Kate Carson. Rev. Shurtllff -conducted
short aervlcea. ' There were vocal eelev
' tlons by Mra. Pierce.-Miss Henderson
,ni1 T H r.rey..Orta Walrtrau.
and WW N. Speegle. At the cemetery
- the Kugene Elks held their consignment
service, and then lowered the bodylnto
' the grave. The pallbearer were W. B.
, i. Tnft. H. It Buhne. B. T. Stem. GV.
' Otto,-Harry Skinner and. M. M. Salmon,
f fctey.a; t-?.J. ' ' i i .- -,-.';..-- -r
Bishop William --Mi Bell, D. D.v Of
' Berkeley. California, preached yeaterday
' - at, the first United Brethren church,
c li Kaat Fifteenth and Morrison streets. He
emphasised the exaltation of the Divine
Spirit In the life and work-4f tha
ehurch. Beginning tonight old-fash--
: . J toned revival aervlcea wlU be held, the
m blsho preaching at each service except
- tonight and Tueeday. ' All are Invited
r to these meetings,, especially an. wno
i believe. In tha old-Uma , rellgloa ;of
la tha United SUtoa district ' court
'. ' this morning Judge Charles K. Wolver
ton appointed ' the- following United
. States commissioners: OrvlUe H. By
' land. Vale. Malheur county; J. B. Snow,
Day villa, Grant - county; reappointed;
v I Fred C Bean, Mapleton. lne county,
i ' former commlasloner for that dlatrlct.
Tha Judge also appointed Solon-.R. . Jk
Eberhart of Joaepn. Wallowa county,
referee In bankruptcy. . v , jy VV .
" riva yeara ago yesterday Dr.' Jerome
, McOlade waa tnatalled pastor of th
Mlspah Presbyterian church, comer tt
' Powell and Bast Thirteenth streets. An
-' A annlvereary service celebrating -thle
event waa held In tha cnurcn yesieroay.
and Dr. McOlade spoke of bis work dur
. Ing the years of bis paatorate there and
pf conception of Cbrtsflan workv
v" Hans Olson, IT years "of age,; the
father of Fred Oleon of Portland, died
Wedneeday at Port, Blakeley, Waehlng-
' ton. of pneumonia. ' Mr.. Olson waa well
known In Portland.- He U aurvtved by
V it children. He had lived la the weat
' - tor the past 10 year. Hla funeral took
V place 8unday.. "; -i- ": .;-?';-
' Charles E.. Wright. formerW of Port.
. land, died recently at Baker City. A
r.-m week aro he caught a severe cold
which rapidly developed Into quick con
. sumption. He waa Dunea on me inir
tleth birthday, Hla father waa the late
- ' jamea Wright, who waa la business at
; First and Jefferson atreeta.,; '
t -: t i - - -y- .
Mineral Springa Hotel Co.. leasees.
Amos TX St. Martin's Hot Springe. Car
' .''son. Wash Hart on. Is without doubt the
' i beet health resort In the northwest. Hot
' .mineral baths for the cure of rbeuma
' tism. stomach, liver - and : kidney
troublaa. r Bxeellent; J table. - Xleotrlo
v light and steam heat. Take Regulator
"" , Una boata..f. W.,...-..,-,,,.,.,,.!.,..,;',-'
1 ' ?" J. H. rult inspector, has ben
r. relieved from duty In Clackamas county
" by tha appointment of Mr. Iewm of
: Maple -grange. Hereafter Inspector Reld
wUl' devote-hU eaUre time to fruit tn
2 apectlon In Multnomah. county. .
" ' Mariaser F. A. Oerling. Of" the Mult-
' noraah Manufacturing company, has re
turned from eastern Oregon and may
be seen at hla office, 405 Chamber- of
' ' Commerce, at any business hour.- The
t . model of the company's newly patented
traction angina and gangplow, tha moat
. .. wonderful mecninwe or ineir xina on
Messrs. Stelnway Sons . .- '
Dear Blrs: I am delighted to
'expires my admiration for our"
' beautiful pianofortes, which I re-.
" gard without exception the best
In the world.- Sincerely yours, ,
Tt'.-'----' -"EMMA OXUyW-
' The' world's best artist ell use
.and Indorse the f. J
' For' sale ONLT by rh's f
U4 Hata wt, Opp. Cregealaf Bldg.
Everything In 'aheet niusle,
small Instruments and Victor
Talking Machines. ,-,-.
Jack Wood, Advised to Brace Up,
ii . Goes ta Room and Turn ;
Came FroraSM Francisco -and Got
' pan About Threa Week Ago, bat
-i-prticThroaglt Prink."
j "Jack, you'fe a good fellow f W fact,
your own worat ' enemy, ,- Toil " abould
have out out the'whlskey. Tou don't
amount to anything and you are, a, dis
grace to yourself and your frlend Brace
up and be a man." ; ' r. -v ' y
, ; This waa the advice, delivered with
tha beat of Intentions, to Jack Wood, a
streetcar man. In a Third street saloon
yeaterday. Wood : had been on a lt
days', debauch aad vu'on the verge of
delirium tremena. ' He looked at his ad
viser for a moment -and the tears welled
Into hla eyes. t.". . .; : ;.,-,'
y," lis replied.'
have a room and will go there and try
to put myself in such a condition) that
my friends won't have to reproach ana
again.' V. ? : v
Three houra .afterward tha lifeless
body of Wood waa discovered in a room
at the Capitol bouse Fifth and Stark
streets. - Everything fhdlcatea that be
committed suicide by turning on the gaa.
The auiclde was aged ! years and un-
aiarrled. He waa formerly la the employ
of the Consolidated Railway company
but went to 8aa Franclaoo, . Ha returned
about three weeka ago and waa given, a
position by "the Portland Railway com
pany, .through the Influence of other em
ployes, wha had known aim ror years.
He held his position for only a few daya.
Miss Ray. a sister of the lanaiaoy.
smelted 'aas In the room occupied by
Wood about 1:1 o'clock this, morning.
Finding the door locked. She summoned
Patrolman Bfamsen aueJ a tha door waa
broken open. ' Wood waa lying dead In
bed-.' Coroner Ftntey waa notified and-re
moved the body to me. ; unaertaaing
room of Flnley tt Son.
i:o i.m:s cmd . of
Many Look Upori Proposed In;
: vestlgation'of Portland Gas .
1 :- - Company at a Farce. ' , iJ
. Although the city council pamed. a
special committee, conalattng of Coun
cllmen Annand, -Kellaher, Masters, .Ben
nett. - Rushlight. -Vaughn- and Menefee,
last Wedneaday, ta Investigate the qual
ity of the -gaa. sold and. thevchargee
asked of Jtha consumer by the Portland
Oas company, the chairman of the com
mlttee haa failed to calL aa yet, . a
meeting of the laveatlgatlng body.
If la not known -why Jh councllmen
are delaying thg- matter. Many are dla
posed to look on the proposed Investiga
tion as a faroe. ; That the council had
no. authority to name a committee -to
Investigate any corporation holding a
franchise' in the city, under tha pro
visions of the city - charter.- and that
such power was vested solely In the
mayor, waa known to the council oeiore
the committee wa appointed. t".
Instead of complying with the pro
visions 'of the charter, tha council haa
gone blhtdly forward and usurped the
power conferred by It on the mayor,
preventing him appointing a committee
composed of dlalnterested and unpreju
diced men. ,. ..-ii -i ... .
The act of tbe city council la entirely
Illegal according to many attorneys, and
If the Portland Oaa company desired. It
might. It' la aaJd. bring proceedings la
the court to enjoin tha committee from
proceeding with the Inquiry, The gaa
company desires an Investigation. Tbe
members of the company have declared
that so long aa' the committee la fair
In the Investigation that they do ( not
care before whom tbe investigation la
conducted. .- V- - .-".-j:- :: ., ,i
'""Geytert and Hot Lake.'-.
It is easier ta vlalt New Zealand aO
tbe wonderful thermal 'region than to
go to Tosemtte or the Yellowstone. - The
trip on the - steamers from San Fran
claco -which Is pleasure sailing-tha day
long with atopa at Honolulu and, Sa
moa, ta a dellghful experience. The
train trip from Auckland to Rotorua,
tha region of tha geysers aad hot lakes,
la a abort one of seven or' eight hours.
The Walmeagu geyser throws a stream
1,(00 feet. . Round, trip ticket permits
stopovers an route. - First cabin 1100.
second cabla t!10 from Portland to
Auckland and return. ' Aak for folder.
C W, Stinger. 14 Washington street.
' ' Don't' let the- little onei suffer fsom
ecseroa, or other torturing skin dlseaaea.
No need for It. Doan's Ointment curse.
Can't harm tha most delicate akin. At
any drug etore. te cents. -, ,. -
earth, making' It poaslble' to profitably
grow wheat at SO cents a bushel, will
be on exhibition at Relerson's machinery
house, foot of Morrison street, for the
next two weeks.,., v. .. -, r t,-.
" Watches. - Watches. -Watchoa- On easy
weekly payments, II down, iCo per
week,- Don't go without a good time
piece. . Metsger et Co., ill Sixth street.
"MWx &' Conn of Portland waa ' thli
morning admitted to-praotlcs) before tha
United Statea district and circuit courts
brJudgrcBriaa-K wiverton. -
- v,---' ; '
Unique Taflorlng,Co,--r-- - rTTr
.jHava moved,. ...j.".,-'v j .V'.-.4
To ....'?: ti-'..i..!''.t.
." lot Stark, aeav Sixth,, s'';
AIT watebei cleaned.' $1. r TAltmaIn
aprlnga, 11. Metsger A Co., Ill sixth
- John Kruae haa opened a new restau
rant. Ml Merriaoa street. ,
Gold medals for lawn grass and sweat
peas. ' Butser, seedsman. Ill Front.;
f-T.- ' f -
Merchants' lOo II to L J7
Washington, . . .
Big shoe aala. Marks Shoe Ca'
Ask for Fritx's tamalea. C- ; .'
: 1 MUwaukle Country Club. '
Eastern and Seattle recea. 1 Take Belli
wood and Ortfoa City cars at First aad
A-3T. . :' '. " . . v , , c. , ..
v i " . : .
Extenions of ttontavlHa and
Richmond Unee Next lm- ;
v provement Planned." : .
Big Territory' Alrtady Well Settled
FarFrora Ncaxest Track and Good
Freight Traffic la ' Aagure-Cora?
hig of Rbada EaU to"Be Sura, r
tor e( i. U. O. Miller. 180 Bt storrlaaa
i nm , a r nna un vi . , . - -
treei. ,.' -iBOBe m
r I J 'mk-kia Aria , th next COnstrUO-
-w .i.. ... .irf. hv tha Port-
laad Consolidated . company will e In
. ill..
tne atount scoti un . -
. ... . .i . i. v.. iin. nf -the
O, Vf. P, and Portland Railway com
panies tne aeiuemenu mt i""" -tha
north and aouth until a big district
. k..m AMitnii.. much of which la
without transportaUon facllltlee. ; pur-
lata aep w " w -
. , a a.S aasaeita Ar1 in .
DUsiinBarV nwo ana uiu T'
i-a.iA. k. Kaait ImriratllllB th llMda
uteri-rifles aa v ej ujf Afs-ac5-T". -
onBeterritory on the management of
the eompsmes, ana -" -
the outlook Is good.- . ' ,
. w . v. am .vt.n.inn, or n resent
service scheduled la the building f h
Richmond Una to nxuy mine. "
.w . miarrv there which
at prevent is' Isolated, but which If
reached ay a car iiae woum e'-
trafllc, tha quarry having a big dopoalt
W ...I..KI. trim nuithullltlnl. The
extension would run through a district
already well peopiea ana '""
pay from Its Inception It Is believed.
..4.uin that la rutin nra-ed
by the citlsens of the districts aff acted
ana tnai I is uunini wvutu
proMabla la tha building of the Monta
.n.. nh -Intn Rnuth Ifontavllla
district and tha northern portion of the
tend to relieve the congeadon on tha
Mount Beott cars ana wouia in w- wb
Interfere witn unea 'nireeur a vywn
tlon. the present surplus trsfflo being
At present ao pew work is being
jt ..i... k. th. -Portland Rallwa
company. The Improvement or present
M.Kii. miA treaties Is oceUDVlna the
attention of tbe company. Tha Mount
Scott diatricv aowever, oner ui
. than anvother on tha aaat
side and one that haa already a large
population aome -distanca removed from
. i 11m. 4ttac aarvaa It end the
T.i.l. fli.l iri wrTrllnl for5 tbeeWO
extensions are -confident .. from confer"
encea already held witn tne mansaemeai
of the Consolidated that the new Unea
.ii h. aarlv eettantlon of-the
WU . . w - -r , -
company and that dew suburbs will be
opened up-Deiore anovner ini.
aadltional nnfllg fa Slstcte vapOa
ea ata aimaa ai armia. -
""Additional, accommodatlona for the
pupils or Uia Ariel ecnwn ainnu
been leased by the school beard aad aa
soon as" fumishinga can. be secured a
hwm will he onened at Myrtle. Mra.
Fowler has been employed to take the
. . w... v-. r ha nu been In
1MB v ui n..a . . ,
charger of room at Arleta and Ml
Fargo will be in cnarge ox me new rwim
Arleta school district last year paid a
higher levy 40 mills for educational
purposes than any other district of the
county, ana wimm e i
,k. ..iim t. f Portland.- Several
portable structures were erected to care
for tha auaaen inoreew in hwkii pul
iation. Thla jrear tha burden, la aome
what lighter as tha atata approprlatloa
Is available and by next aeason tha dis
trict will be able to erect a permanent
building and gradually put out of serv
ice the portable structures that ao far
have been tbe only accommodation.
' t'.' .'i..- ': '-' . e-aaae-w4aaB-t J v p , .
edy pf Xr. B. X. McOauler Arrives aad
:, Win Be Burled Hera Tuouoiiow. .
Tha body of Dr. B. D. McCauley ar
tired In tha city today from Ellenaburg,.
Washington, and tha funeral will be held
tomorrow ' from either the reeldence of
m Waat sal Kaat Tavlor' street, or
St David'a church; the final arrange
ments depending on the wishes of tha
aon. Dr. J. C. McCauley who will ar
rive with the body. Dr. a.D, McCauley
Ana ill tha aarlv settlers of Oreaon
and for many years ha practiced In Port-
lana. nut name wee wwi .uuwu ,n
medical olrclea throughout the nortn
. u. nora then t A veare of
age at tha time of hla death, which fol
lowed a long penoa oi illness, ur.'i.
C. McCauley and Mra, H. V. Sell wood
are the only living children. Burial will
w. nm A . in Ijmi irir eemeterv nnder the
auspices of Washington jodge, No. ,
A, w. m a., m.' r.-s ..- . , . , ., .;
I'? .- :.-: ' K. ;'..., .
South Kourt Tabor FopOa Buai From
After a few days vacation for thor
ough fumigation of the building tha
South Mount Tabor schools resumed to
day after a diphtheria ecare. After a
thorough investigation " County Health
Of Acer Dudley Evan haa concluded that
tha small epldemio In tha district waa
not. diphtheria at all. Tbe -county -officers
did not request that tha school be
closed. ' - -i - . .
- The six cases thought to be. diphtheria
were confined to two families and the
risk was at no time great ,-J l, -,
At present neither in the elty limits
nor In the country districts adjoining
throu shout the city -on the east side
are there any caaesot. conlaalous die.
ease, according to . tha - report of the
count y-eeith- orncera.-
VTwo- members Trom every fire com
pany In the city attended the funeral
of A.' R. Corllam member of engine com
pany No. I, on the esat side, yesterday
morning, -at -8t-Frencla-chunerv- Eaei
Eleventh and Oak streets.
- Because. It Is said, of a defective aide
walk at Bast Burnside and Twenty-fifth
streets the little daughter of W. M.
Parellua. residing at 161 East Burnside
street, ;wss thrown ' violently - to - the
ground Rn turd ay evening, auffertng the
fraotura of her left forearm. . , .
One of the moat generally attended
funerala recently held In the Mount
Scott district was that yesterday of F.
D. Taggart from hie home la Falrvlew.
Rev. J. C. Scott of the Memorial Preeby
terlan church oondnctod the service.
- This evening the Montavilla Push olufc
will complete Ua organisation and elect
officers. The organisation at Its ses
sion a week ago adopted a constitution
and tonight a plan of work for the sea
son will pa outlined. . ; , " k
i '! , "'. ;. '" -' -
i Vdvct !t3
rhenorataal vclaea fci Weren't Re Areard
li y aTic
Great Chwiranco Sd3 Fins Fbncch
Z00O yards of Swarisdowne Flannels in new light1 and dark' 1
colorings; best 18c quality on sale at the low price of, yard.;. 1 fW
2,500 yards of fine French Flannels for waists, kimonos, dressy tf5r
ing sacques, etc.; embroidered dots and figures; 75e values.. SV
5.000 yards of new Flanetettes: light and daric eplorings, dots and ,fg
J- Persian- effects in grand variety; reguUr 1254c values, yard...; ft S ,
.SO0 yards of fancy French waistings; 6Sc values for, yard.. ...
' Entire stock of Outing FUnnela on sale at vety.low clearance prices.
The Mcxcr CS
. Vi "-..... . ,- rv; ..- ..'1
u; , i. '. V- '' .'.,;.-'- ''' 1
'Mm j&w-
,a J...- .'.-,:t,. . ffi f-i-V-: ;
Entire Stock Men's Smoking Jackets Redneck. Poy and YocajT Men Strfte and
Overcoats at Exceptionally Low Clearance Sale Price. Mtn'e Bathrobet at Low
Is a good, economical fuel. We aeU it
.-. itia and make quick de-
wr : ,
Ring Up Phone Main 2775 Is
Vulcan Coal Co.
ror asadera aenUl work. . World-re.
r . maeraaa aDeo'aUstSL
Lewest arleea consistent wua srat-ajaa
a to tha
rouetm amv nomBxeos sra.
Ope Say aad night trees : a. a
T: aatu IS a. sa.--..
Oa-jseCeUetBBlay,Griaa Dayl
' BaUdlag &erssita.
;. fiulldlng permits have been Issued as
followst O. W. Prleet. eottsge. aeve
land avenue, between Fremont avenue
and Beach Street, cost ' 1 1.60 : Thomss
Cnnnell, repairs to store. First, between
Clay and Columbia streeta, cost, list;
Mra. Hair, cottage, St Kast Eleventh
street, cost". . ,-', --- .'V, '
.- . - , -: '
:tt Hi!f Ksa
toorrovy ryf r t- n,t v
k.3 cfrEcrtsr:2 r'crbzsi women
ever abare4 fci Everybody knows
Wcmca'a C?mtnta : ' it accocntt
ne wtpaper enaocnccnesU aveeti-
lj-lJ... mm,, j-v.-uai. l- r-.i.j x.
gate tacte tpedaxi econa irioor.
Special lot of 50 womene tailored ;Suit ra
. jacxei ana )-ienBin , tigni-iuung siyics,
tweeds, and cheviots; 'at rap trimmed;
- jackets satin lined; black, navy and gry;
all thia sexton's gannentt; CflF IC
regular $1&00 value for.r... V
Women's W -length tight-fitting Suits with
; pleated skirts; cheviots only, in black,
navy blue and brown; splendidly tailored;
!' best $23.0Q valuta on - - i JJJ
.Wumeu't lilgli-iilKde1 Velvet SUiU la etan,
. box and jacket styles; handsomely trim
' med with fancy: gimp and braid; colors
re- green. navy- reoV black- and brown;
thig seaion'g handaomeat atylea ' .,
$32 Velvet Self for $ 1 6.45 Each
$34 Velvet Saite for $ 1 7.23 Each
$43 Velvet Sclta for $335 Each
; Frank Sterol Cloaranco Salo ot
Kcxrs FincClothing
- Men's fine Suits,, in. the newest and most desirable styles and
materials. The best garments from the .leading manufacturers
in the land.-: (The greatest suit bargains we ever offered. Let
ui snow you-
Men's $10.00 Suite" $ 7 A
Men's $12.60 Suits $10.85
Men's $15.00Suita $18.85
Men's $18.00. Suite $103
Men's $38.00 Suite oh eale at the low price of $28.15 each
Entire stock of Men's Trousers at greatly Reduced Price
Men's Fancy Vests to be closed out at Clearance eale price
Men's Smoking Jackets, Lounging Robes Greatly Reduced
Men's Bathrobes now on eale at low clearance sale prices
Men's genuine Priestley "Cravenette" Raincoats and Over
coats every garment bears' the Priestley label all the best
styles and patterns all sises. Best values fer the money to
be found in the city. Second Floor. "
Priestley's $12.50 Cravenette Raincoats on sale,"ea. $ 9.85
Priestley's $15.00 Cravenette Raincoat on sale, ea. $10.85
Priestley's $20.00 Cravenette Raincoats on sale, ea. $14,69
, Priestley's $22.80 Cravenette Raincoats on sale, ea. $18.85
Priestley's $27.50 Cravenette Raincoats on sale, ea. $21.85
Entire, stock of Men's Overcoats in this season's most ap
- proved styles and material large assortment for your choosing
. phenomenal valuee. - - : . ,- -
Men'a 115 Overcoata . 910.85 4 Man' t2S OvercoaU. 918.SS
Men' $20 Overcoat. 9 Men' $35 Overcoats.. 926.15
- Clearance Sale Prices.'
f SI i
eB sToma
tovb oaastYS eooo
1 1 : . Correct Change V V
' a. m .,aMil : M ttia. sUfldf lit. Olsw)
second by tha autoraatlo change and
eaah regiater. aniu"i
'' a .r.i ui V.l need
Allen latwrn Bast Brand,
. aitra
t-uart ZJpped Kettles... Ma
tta-quart Upped Kettlea..
t-ouart Lipped Kettles. .. .Sa
-quart Upped Kettlee....eOa
e-quart Lipped Kttiee..,.eao
-quart Lipped Kettlee. ...oaa
t-quart Covered Kettles., .0s
4 -quart Covered Kettles, . u
- I to vaL .,
I i-quaxt Covered Kettles,--
to vai.
(-quart Covered Kettles,
I - loo vai.
. t. i i ta- a a 4eaaj sag! " '
1. quart Rloa Boilers,.
fi.ue vai. .
1.SC vai. sue
I -quart Ripe Bollera, tl.
value . gl-00
10-qt. Dlahpana. 7to vai., . ,SOe
14-qt Dlshpena, too vai. . . .VSe
lT-qt. tMshpana, vaL. sae
No. T Teakettle, vaL gl-OO
No, Teakettle, $1.4 vai. fLia
No. TeaUetUe, 1.S vai. UI
1-qt. Coffee Pot, SOa vaL. ..eae
lH-qt. Coffee Pot, ta vai sae
1-qt. Coffee Pot, 10c vat... See
1-qC Coffee pot, tea vaL...s4a
1-ot. TeaDot. SOa vat. .....eao
1 H -qt.Teapet.tto vaL,
1-ql. Teapot. TSo vaL..,..(
S-qC Teapot, see, vai.....
I-qt. upped Bauoepana...
tVt-qt. Lipped
t-qt. Lipped 8euoepane..T.aae
t-qt. Lipped 8auoepana..,.4oa
t-qt. Covered Saucepaaa,
too vaL ......... .......40a
Mt. Covered Sauoepana, -to
vaL saw
1-qt. Covered Saucepans, -
- . fto vaL ....s)0a
t-qt. Covered Saucepan a.
SOO vai.
t-qt. Covered Sauoepana,
0c vaL .....Tae
Pudding Pans. ISo
value . ... . .eoa
1-qt. Pudding Pans,' ITo
value . -. tsa
1-qt. Pudding Pans, too
"value . tea
4-qt. Pudding Pane, 16o . . -
value ,..tSM
to Washbasins for...,,...frta
tta Waahbaelna for. ...... .gaa
ale Waahbaalna for Bee
- "Pentneular" Stoves and Steel
Ranaaa an, eale at - verv low
e.earance eale prloea. Ail the
nawaat and beet medela Ev
ery one fully guaranteed for
ten years casement,
Men'e jQO Suite' $14,89
Men's $22.60 Suite $18.15
Men'a UtTOO Suits $lo85
Men's m00 Suite $28.15
Yea, we f o you a point better. In ad
dition to the; considerably reduced
prices prevailing all over the house we
present every customer with a mer-;
chandise order amounting to 10 per
eehrof ; purciuief:ides,"you" enjoy
the wearing of thegarments from now
"otf" whileybtf TplayoF'them "in smafl"
weekly tot; monthly: payments," say
vAoniriGTon ah d
fer.crct2ftrr.rt:::::n Co.
T01 Caaahe ef
Manufaoturera of Concrete Btone Elocka.
Contrastor foe all klaa at eeeeeat
work, ' .
r. . '.'icxa r:'j ita, "v
We are ofTericj extra frzz
: ;',''. 'value laVO.','.
Fmj3 S tzl C u L - - -
Hats, Pant. Shirts and Ur.
- derwear for almost
.Of ita value. A general lizz
of Shoes, good for season.
iOe to Sl-00 iesaia
price comparison with o'her
I -etotes' priceerTiftoyour
; interest ; Jo . Investigate our
cut prices on Trunks, Suit
Cases,! Blankets and Gm-
Running Two Storef,
The atastaal sad Seelety Beeeg ef tU
Tonejrr a s:se o-mivm.
Tte WerM'e OrMteet arsjej" ut I
bia luMil bv flee CaUbrsted A-,
srt aad S.
y'-':V- PrlCtJe "
IUC0. v2.C3.,ico.ttco.t:
(Calve will etat "The Raaeaera." rreaj -mt'm
eeara ef "Careaia.", ia hf . werld-tesaed
,aM.) . M
Empire Theatre
nth 1
htllrON W. BIAhTAK. sbeaaer.
Seems a la.t Week ef tte htaet Poaelar
CbarU a, Tayiw
,j 1 ; ia . .,; !
ataieer auttaee. -Taelaa
aneea. 18.
t ta. a, to; aaittaM.
10. e
s, "tmengsa ia
Mew Terk."
WUW lUltaUVlaLluasn,
Taahliraad nir ta. Pheae leor.
Ike tkeatre that ks BMoeafsateal .ar
lene peaelar la FertUad. ..
.. ' Twe Packed floeae Tahjreay a See
w. e. WATsoir ranoca ; .
. . Twe Bna Serleaqaa the Palety -
"htias Olevar" ead "keakral ..
W4aadar atl bargain T. bJe to
BB7 ai. WTaain pi ua, B0. ape, W f r.
Suaea and Saturday vaMnaa u. . ; -.
1 rtsn-Pinrr 1 twtk
tax axiAT wraia ruavt.
. nuiaws aaa uairt, .
Prl and C 1.7. ,
le. ,. , .. . . La Wat, -
Btofraph. ' BaolMd Ora.
irtarsaas Sally St S:o. T:aO ad
5'eloek. Oaaaral lsihata. IBS ata. with
row at SO etnta.
Weak ef -
.. Jaaaary BS. ...
piimosoi .
B.t Sh Itt
LataH leadea
Mr. ead hue. hiayss
Ore aad a
De C"e aM e
Luiiaa i
leal Xm,t
Pi lie 1 !--.. g
Sara d bouvar. i .
SO. SOc; suta.. 1 ta
ay aat estaat
. Weak ef -'
yeaaary SS.
Aaala AkbeH.
The Sevee
The Tneaja
ia un
rticrai ie to y -t ea e 1
tmx ODtnrCTonie htoxDAT. jaxitait ti
The laaemfefekle lyrle Meek Oaiteir f imn
.-. renew tke'OeweV
roller s::atk:q
Obstacle U:.z
" DON'T ISiri XT
..... .T .
rr tow " avosrr t ,
:' Do you Ws-t t t
cheaper than -
sea ua. .. V a .
::d ::: r -
.1,1:1 '
aUiMU9 l
al Imi iU m
.5"'"""'.. '"t 1