'1 ' I. : . ? TtI3 " OREGON DAILY ' J3UT.:iAl, PORTLAi:. Ba. - J -- W ' DUIFFED70UTtAVJ3 ;;.'V!."'vw:' V? " '-.,-.''...'. -.. -" "' "; r ' -"v 4" ! V L , V ' '"''... ''..'' ' -' . OF THE Ml I PISTOL How Senator Oaarirt, VVhan Anniversary;:' of , Red Ciirtdiy About a Huhdrad and FIft Can , didatea Will Ba Listed at ' ' Fsssts Quietly In Russia No V , , ... ' - . !.' -. ' ouhg Man, Secured ' tha ; ': V'J Conviction of . Six. C Xv Primary Election. -V,.:; Rioting Mara Day. :,'' .'"....;..,-(- v : :' :Z- ii.'iilu. V'4' ' : n v''v " m. ' ' -f.--.' 'v- -';1 ';.' P jvi'. FACTORIES ARE CLOS2D THREATENED TO SHOOT EACH CAN TELL WHAT :- ; ; ; THIS PLATFORM MEANS V If MEMQRY OF; MARTYRS DAN D OF SYMPATHIZERS ,: -v, -;. OflLOTS-C!!"! IIOlllETuS 1 . . U ' ....... 3 -,K,' . !' sbm 1 1 - Authorities to Prtvent Oatbreak Hf-t Their - Effect-Workmen's "7 IIom"Dfp UT Btack.r;Y-:: v: "jnary precautions 'wtriMikM by the I'fr exutMrlttasV I prevent ""disorderly or .1 xiotona .demonstration today ths first jannlvereary of Bloody Sunday, .when 1hundreda of Strikers wr shot down by .Kb' nUlltary. whan, they attempted to " recent ' petition, to vth ; esar..:'In wwjiory; of. ths. day aU.th factories, . :ralll- nd othtr Industrial ooterprl rmalned cloaed. Houaee of the wort Jf, people -generally ,had tho window S..ji4 la black, - Large bodies of troop -we held-ft reedloeea nd Wowd wer prnuttd to . oonreft on tbo - -;L- thraffcroreor -r --rr- ; liu to' theoo preeaotlono tho day paaaed' wlthoat lioua diaturhanco. JS3oellalta and worklnmen vaneralry oj erved tha day by prayera and deco ratlDg ' (ravo ! thalr -murdarod com rde. Tha' theatre ar praotically all Hoawl. At tha Proobjanak, Bmolanak and Oft oemetertfa gravee war daoo . raiad with wrsatha and rad libbona, whila tnountad pollco and Coaaaclta watcHed tha roiaodlnfa. " . PEACEFUL IN CERUM. 4 MMlnhm-:VaM -lar l apt af Bum rTtolanoa.v V 1 (Joaraal ipceUl mU.) ' ' i , Barlln. Jan. U. Aithouh many- W ttnora' wera afloat that tha Soclallat dam- RBtrattonav of yaatetday would raault In dtaordara of ft aarlotio natura, tha op poalta raaultad. - In thia city aa well aa ih narta of tha omDlra tha darooo- ' atrationa paaaad off In a moat orderly mannar. Tha rorernment. howavar, had takan axtra precautions and In tha lm madUU vicinity of ovary meeting Ura foroea of poltca war atatloned la ad lnln bulldlnca ready to not on a mo menta nouoe. ' HSCREW3 PARADS. irtftr Taoaaaad awa of the Baat Baa - March STaw Tank attreetav . ; rad of Hebrews marched through the treats of tha east side today In honor ef the memory ef thoee killed during It Is eatlmated that tha pa rad are num- peraa ee,VV. . ionapiowraa amoni ware n large number of refugees who Had escaped tna (tuaaian maaaacrea. :m faneuiu haul toaaa-htav U Osndls of Unset " UmthIIimIiI amtN.1 ' ' . . Boston. Jan. tt. Under tha nuaploeo ef the socialists of .this aity n- meet tag will be held at raneull hall this orenlag to commemorate "Bloody gan ' day," preteat agalnat the slaughter of - ahe- Jaws la ftnsata' an tor the par- pose of collecting funds for the reyoln .. tlonlata In Rueala. - Many fnglUrs- Rua- alans will attend the meeting and nome good -spaakars have been engaged for ' r the occasion. j CINCINNATI 80IAU3TS. ewtlag U XsM tn aVamory sf maday aad raaas Baiaed. .v. - v jaeresi Biwau ".un,.j . ' Cincinnati. Jan. 11. The goclallsts of ' this eity'and violnlty will eommemo : rats the anntvarsary of bloody Sun day." which was the beginning of ths Rusalan revolution, by holding a thaas meeting this evening. Several promi nent Bociallata will addreaa tha meet T tag and It Is expected a handsome tun will be realised which will be sent to the revolutionary committee in Russia. Canadians Aid Kaselaas. , ,; Il.mmml laMlal Si HeS. - Toronto, Ont, Jan. li-Tbe BoclaliaU . -of thla city will hold meeting here tonight to eommeanorato th .annlvsr- '"'t aary of '"Bloody Bunday" and to collect H funda for , tha SoclallsUa striken Is -if .'Russia., -.I'; r ""TT K vT , Sslglaas gsstv way. - t (losraal "nerlal Oervlr.) .. y mm .1. a. Th. awi.ll.t. gmf .li. nal.hntwl tha annlvoraarv Of ''Bloody-Sunday" by meeUngs In which I- ; Inflammatory speeches were made. ', runds far the atuasiaa rsvaturiooary ! t propaganda war ; oolleeted at all th v -.' I meetings. .; -'.'i; i ..-.. t; ' -;,t-:; y.i ' ?:" Wortk aCnswtnf 'r- - a, knAub's ananaa Omaa akB4afHHB.1 Jllrl 'iliavVA4wWtl w W - MPOftTING ITALIANS ; - TO REPLACE NEGROES v New Orleans, Lav. Jan. ti. With the . srrtval of tha Italian Royal Mail liner vfmrrm. whlrBi-ie due here to morrow from Palermo with 10 Italian Immigrants, mere anau nave oven laaen th snltlal step toward Increasing Im- . i .i mm. iUM VlnttmA BtatM IhMnrlt JQ ii.liJl4 ,w " m ' this port' -Ths steamship oompany will .'maintain a- bi-monthly service and It la : eatlmated it will bring to Haw- Orleans knit a AAA Italian, immlaraats annually. Ths bulk of -them will be distributed ' throughout this section and among th - - .l.Ht.ll A mm .. ajlA mmjt tn. flMa. ' where th demand for labor la dally be coming greater ana mere unawraave. ': r. cirmt r. m. icABTni, x. n. Of Tvaverly, Texas, wrttesi "Of a morning, when flret arieing, 1 often And a iron.. Mom m eollectlon of phlesm. h produce a cough and la very i H to "lude; but a small quantity ( f ard'e Horehound Syrup will at . o of no tnedMne that Is equal to , I 1 1MI H pmeaani III wrw. mi aa n a medicine for throat or (rUM. a-d by VToodard, Uarks J 1 Be iuiw u m roMcutea, ana t-mugoa wvi w -Attekv-r" 3 MI.U.t.j' mmmmmm m Wmm. ImTmI - . i 'Washington. Jan. . The Washing ton Poet telle the ' following Oearln story:';"- -.. ... , ., ;-- : "Behind the mild manner and xne Cheaterfleldian bearing of the new aenator .front Oreaon. Hon. 'John M. Oearln, them is personal eottrage and daring ueh s few men poaaeas," saM a former Oregonian tn the lobby of the new vvmera. . v . Raik in tha ' whan Oearln wan a young proaeoutlng attorney. It ' became neoeaaary . xor nm w ry vnv nian who had terrorised n community. ana eounaei - couia nn n niira m proaeoute them, thousk . tby . .wore known t be assassins - and outlaws, Oearln went - forward with hie duty handicapped with judge who had be come Intimidated on account of receiv ing letters whleb, threatened hie life If he ruled agalnat tha defendants. Bach morning's mall brought to Oearln almilar communications. And on the day k . . Bjr... tm - mmt h. ' mnt notice that if he dated 'denottnes the mm4mmmm k. mflA Iritis .. ..l..1! "Rising deliberately when .the time eame for him to talk., tha rouna 1roae- cutor paused, looked sternly . lnt the faces of the criminals, gased for a mo ment et their band of -sympathisers, and said: 1 have reoelred notice that If, I apeak of yon mnrdersre M you deaarva and of your gang ' of .eua throats aa they should be branded'- iw4ntlna- (Mini the trimnAm1 will be shot to death where I stand. ' Now, be- lore I proceed tanner, a osts to aay that If there la to .be som. shooting w wlU have It out now.' " ""'." . "With this ho drew a pistol of good caliber' from, his overcoat pocket, and placing It on tha table before binv Oon- . 1 . mA 1 9 m m, ' wm cowards think yon are going to shoot ma in in. due. i. warn tou uulk a anau om facing . you throughout say argument. end the flrat man who inakes a move1 against either the Judge or myaeu ww ... f M . . a chill settlsd upon that sourtroom that was naraiy remorea oy we lerror t un splendid speech mad by Oearln, , tha fV.Ulk VI mUmVml mwmuw bU. IIV1 IUM v. m-m a mt ntiHu In th, itwmt Am gree. ineir.nanging taxar was tne nrau mat naa nappenea in uwi aainoi ivr years, and was due solely to the our ago of one man.' . ? I ... t 10 SCHOOL ll'J Onai' Hundred .Thirteen Fewer Pupile Attend Last Friday. . Than Month Ago..;- V' Th attendance In the public school haa fallan off aomawhat ainc th Christmas vacation. According to tt reports for ths school montn, onaing with Friday thsrs war 11.71 pupils Is actual attendance Friday, which was 111 lass than on a corresponding day of th former month. in tnw -High school thsrs were 1,014 pupils present. Mia-hiena .achool has the larceat num ber Of pupils of th elementary schools. the number preaeni maay oeing Thar a re three mor weeks ef th fall term and teachers nnd pupils era preparing for final examinations, which in t.- L.U .h. .. tmwim mmmmitm A ttmT 0 vacation lasting three days ths spring term will begin. It la anticipated) thai there will bs a larg Increase in the at tendance tn the schools, especially thoaa on the east Bids. Ths buildings ar now considerably crowded nnd If many addi tional pupiia rcgiaier in wnovi vuaie rill have a eerious time affording ac commodations for nlL ' The new Irvtngton" school "rill b ready .for ooeupancy when the spring term opens ana us crowoea srooiues ia th. arhoala ef the eaat central oortlon of th city will be relieved. Pupils will transferred rrom xnm. wiuiame ,ave- an., tha Hitnuna . aonoot to xne Murini, anhnnl and transfers will In Ltara be mad to th Hlghlsnd and Wil liams avenue acnooi. - severs new teachers will have to be employed .by .k. hjwl a the eaaf arheeL The selections probablywill be mads at u'wieeung or me wmru wuiew - " Bchools threugnont ine eouniy. tm mtAm tk, Mtw are BrenarlnsT i for the spring examinations, which will taks plao ths oral wee a in (lnrnrr,, n larg number , of eighth- grade pirplls m taka tha avamlnatioaa for oromo- tleaa to th High school. . county Superintendent Robinson is busy alalia Uig me scnoois ox xne mnuir, i ... . ' V WILL HONOR CHARTER' i V wV OF DAVID D ANGERS n.ifnni-. nethrl A Co. will load ths French bark David d'Angers with a grain cargo on tks sound whether she reached Port Townaand tn time to nava the charter or not. i aia innwncnsmi -mm mm m MaMha tna ri.m XO, day. Ha explain that tb owners put forth every f t ort to carry out thlr part of the contract and th charterer hav no Intention or Being oapncioue. - av . . mtmm mmm mmm K. mum .nnHlM Af J mT B. .iiu, mtmmm . " r - her arrival but suppoae sh to there by this Urns. 1 -. "-"- i Kerr, Olfford Co. nav cDartsrs ths French' bark Jean Bsptlste to load vale at Portland and Taeomafor th United Kingdom. Only' 1.000 tons of th cargo will b takan on hr. ., , v , '; ' msilios4 Ask Trial. ' '- ArgumenU for e new1 " trial ' In ths - mm mm m OhlM fth.,. ths Northern Psclflg Railway oompany m a T .. J rn.mm.tmm W UFnl . m. were wart vr ,wi, w mm ""i-"-ton In the United States dlatrlot court this morning. Mr. Oberg was awarded 110.000 damage for Injuries received Is tha Elks' excursion to Tacorna In August lo. , The railroad appeals from the award of the Into Judge BeUlnr, who Voter Whw1!!! Jo Tired Befott He Finishes His ;CoorajtTnCBtP:f "Print lug AIM Wilf Bo Very OroV-" y. '.''., -.v v .a.! i 1 .''..",.'.' '--J.. : alallnta- Ka. Mhnin eleetJon. Which Is to bo held In thla county next April will weed to be as big as tableeloths. Scores of anndldates are already In the field and many mors ar expected to sppear before th date for filing nom inating petition a. arvery eanaume ww has filed such petition will b given n place en th ballot, which must also tA-jai a iunmirr of the candidate's declaration of principled. r . . in ere muax do ..od oeutv. publican candidate ana enoiner iot bemoornUev Th law provides that both ballots must b of the same ataa, at though. In . ths . coming primary there wlU undoubtedly be many more Repub lican than Democratic candidate. Nominations for T durerantomo must be mad by th voter In this coun ty if bs enpreeses nia cnoioo xor eaon m iL.i I m a h. AiIjmI VMnl. tlIWi ent Indications, It Is thought probable that tner win no an t?ii v o i sin Republloan eandldatss for each ef- ooe. Predictions are maae i uw number of name on th Republloan ballot at th very- least will not b lea than lit and will probaoiy oxoeea too. With th nam of each oandidau h. . m94nimA a anHimarv. . not ex ceeding a dosen words, of ths measures of policy, which h propoaea to navo- Voters 'will have opportunity to n- mmmm.. tfcwala ahniae tar . United State senator, end owing to th provisions of ka nitiMf nrimart law atwtiaual tranorb ,,w .m V ' . . anco will attach to this expreaaloa , . In addition tney nun an for state offleee, aa follows: Oovernor. luetic or tno auprwrn- court, secretary of state, stat treas- urer, stiprintenani ax puow '" tlon, attoTney-reneral. , sut printer, ... aanaiora. 11 Stat rapresen- ratlvea. two Judges of th circuit court. ons congressman. .,' ,' Th county omces iot wnicn boiuim- . m.ju ,mi flmifitv tud ae. lione mul mrm iiww . - 6nS ountycommlssluur. sherlnVoonn- nlark. treasurer, sosiiori . wrami county surveyor, on JusUo nnd on .-O- i mmW mt mrum. lauf diatllcta TOMIH. " wmrvmm . . . of th county, and on county centrni committeeman rrom emeu pr-vtuuj. . m,mmmm WWum Umllif Off 0011 m.mmmm.tmmmm ttk M maJl. btlt fOf others there will b a Scramble Near. It a dosen Republican are repuww n .. - i..u m ahaviar end the num. l ' .nin.t. for the ludlclal noml- vwv vm mv . ..tinna iacraas every week. Th leg islative bee 1 buaslng In th bonnets of numerous wohld-b ntotesmsn and i. Maii that there will b at jaaat to aspirants for th It plac to be filled in tna noiunnw Th vote!1 who nttempt to axerclae ... .ium at tha orlmarles this anrlna .win have. serious task on his hands ana in merw -- r-----xTnot. nromlsas to fts nonsldrabl ' . ' m.9 MlnHli, fftta Hm of pns. V 1 JAP, WHO SKIPPED ' HAS BEEN CAUunl .It." " a. mm.-' ' t.m JtlmlimHva lunnM who Is seeused of taking MOO Intrusted to him to pay ort taoorer near Hlllshors - and tnn to w. mmmm arMetad thlS mOIDlng MVaneoavtr, BrttUh ColumbUw by ChM , ntii.. vf..k A talasTvwan ftflll VATlna? OX JrVLaU WWIVHi am ww en 7 a-wwi i this taforauiot. rwvfo of w -ai fWUaa f sad t sbwm Orh mWT. TM .HT t Wflfl fZ aTVAAtny w , . mad oil th strength of a circular of InformaUon, to wnicn wa wna -photograph of th Japaaess. sent out Oaturdav by Head Folio Clark Arohl Lieonard. .- -t - Th oompiaini againax . ww wa signed by H- Kulnamota, a Jspanea routisMUVii ' wnnsv-w Everett strt. Oaato mad th trip to HUlsboro, but Paid noooay, euro on turning took th train f or th ' north. T-. .im.mm W.lH m-lA HutBlU WOfkCd on th can and th Utter will go to TSAOOUVSr axter tna pnaoner. , 'l'r TfiiAL OF JEW NUN FOR ; : MULDER COMES SOON nii. TMatriet Attorney' Moeer this i - ..baa that Wehruarv 1 be re served on th court calendar fosvih trial -m mmmm siim iMntuwl ef asurdarine Lee Tok t which Judge Fraser agreed to do. If th case la cauiea xor. trim i that date it will make two flrat-degrae m-..mJmm mmmmm ta ha tried B th . lOC! circuit court next term, th other being thSt f D, u ateiiey, cnmim wim -Ing killed Thomas Fletamlngs on ! eeraber 11. KUy trial has been set fsr February Is. J. M. Long and Alexander gweek hav been engagea to aaaiei xne stats In ths .Chinese murder oaae. Th . .ttnmaua mlAmA the dlatrlct attOT. nay 'during th murder trial of Ixral Ferraris last rau. this morning aar. wk stated thst there were tw out ,i th, atata wltneaaea remaining , la Portland to appear in this cass. nrt almost n miracle. Burdock M..i tiui... ntirat ma Af . a tarrlhla breeklna out all over the body. I am " Vli, Julia S-llhvidea. "r. -:i i West xjornweu, v. una. ....... -, Asurast Brieknea enod. . uit has been begun In the circuit Murt bv Wilfred H. Farrell agalnat August Erlckaon for ine reoovery of tllirTb sum 1 claimed aa attorneys' fee by the firm or npencer ax iavis, Who.iranaferred ths Account to Farrell. Feed for Stock plentiful In eastera Oregon. l ' Tklsrfttonof Pvbj yJ , ; jjosaeaohrjjs (r f as-rorAl ' ' .' v ' , If you are Interested la btryinj ; a hljh i trade ' rpiano for' $1C0 less than X it la really worth comr in ;:;!; The sale la now open.' " ' ' .' V"' ' '' '''"'";'' -'W 'j'V'--,- ,lWk of buyinf an KTer- . ett or a Ucher piano at ; a bona fide reduction of ' i rJ .., Thine art brand new In- strum en ts new . atyle . ; cases and are all of world i, i .-.,., ,'. . . wide known manufacture. ': ?. vv- " " i - " ..,' i. v '..',. :, m,' - t'.'r. jj'-.' i- A . Tliia la 'tha llatr" v t ..-"' '-.fi' 2'Smltli (a. Barnes 5 i Mt , III t f 'Jlf loBaT , - :,-'(' .".,' .V 2 Fischers y f ; Sale'; how ten. ;V. . Paurticular attention paid : to out'of towntrade. T"y : l . ." i ," .'-' . v; T t .' - txr44-e a talanhnna. , ' .' I-.. . '-. . .. . - i'-.V : .' .. , ' . " ALLEfJ &GILBERT-; 3 ' SIXTH ft MORRISON .;.'!''' J!-'''V;"' ,,'.'':, i,;'l.V"V-. ::r i The . pldiest, tirgest and Strongest Piano and OrgsnHouse-in thePa- clftc Northwest. . j. . 1 . . ,. . . .. ... .. .1 , . - 1 1 - . -, r V.'- --4 ... V .. . . .... r ' ft... V- - -i : .' , ; -: J ' V r v ' ' ' ' . . , . I, - RAllAHEppi For the attire week lArrionsthex, attractive ercl:--j') s,tlill c-cr.fcr r-' IKrtaWiTn-vDrssC brilifttly rrace any city la tha L.i, iJ C 1 ;tL-iCa cf ot tlsy pricea wD be irre . aietibl. we have, from the tret ttj cf Xt r:ccA tnzrrctsJ a. tr-cent bigness, but tZmi week, we are sure, ictuis of our cutc-urn n.r;ir; lrl-r-.tti, wia grtaay surpass , any cf, ita'predeceaora. Ircf.ta,d ezmjxz hiva tturir ttca albeit forottenrur firsts aim and chief ambition belns to reduce cr atsci to iu lowest ebb ttfore the arrival of our r t tprtaj .purdrsv daaat thebtinnia; of.tlf cscOi. ::;V cdcc'j r::;v r;o pots 3 ci ci.q ct rj;i r.citt , Facta, not Utt, ii what our advertlxtmtita rstan, t'Ati that give satisfaction are the Idnd we are tixlirj la thla live store, and we cay V.ZZX. frtUy that we do not believe our valuea'can be dupUcated in' 'm, other place; In town. ., :,;l;V:v.v;::,..;.;....4?rv-.;r 40-in,7 Black .Taffeta Silk; 65a value, yd. .CO 23-in. Black Taffeta Silk j 85c vjue,yd kC5r 27-ln. Black Taffeta Silk j $100Value, yd. 75 W-ln. Black Taffeta Silk, $1.25 value, yd:C3f? 21-ln. BUck Peau de Sole; $1.00 nl.,7d. tSj 25-la. Black Peau dr Sole; $1.25 val, yd. C3a All our 50c 60c, 75c. WoolBalds, yard...Str Afl tourreguia'r, $; Plaids ; special,' yard.4 .KXf AH our $15 Imported Plaids; Special. C3 All our Mixed Tweeds, Homespuns and Pin . Checks; 60c, 75c grades; spedal, yard. .20 All our $1.00 'grades;.. . . ; . .'. .TOe) AH buf $U5 gradesr.r. .''.r.;;. ........ C3ey All our $1.60, $1.75 Cravehettes ; yd. IJlO Heavy Tweed Skirtlngsj $2 value, yd.- Ql-tt, The balance' of our Wool Walstlngs ; regular . 75c qualities; special, yard... ........ a0e) MSMIiMMllllMIMMIilMMMIMSI GREAT 3, SUIT SALE ' We now place on sale a line of Ladies' X 1 Tailor-Uade Suite la fancy mixtures and I S" aw; V e cnecgr rejiuw auu YOUR CIIOICC X V .. Sdl C2ptn:8ait Raincoats manufacturer's samples, at. $5X3, (3.C0, $7.6Q, $10 and........,.V...e?120 Sample line of Walking Skirt in grays, fancy - mixtures and plain colors at manufacturer's ''y "" COIHIHCl TlilllD AND MOR ' Is a nw and profitable pro- ; .-1 feeslon for- tks enterprialng ; : young parson, , -; .. ... ;. ' Ws guarantee thorough prac-t ittokl trainin - '.,. ",. i .yr ' lbay mtxtl. nigfet: oleeog,-v '-v 0u months' course,' fSB. iBtche5s.Co!Iesti;A -; aUksf Fld, 9mrnmh and Swart liwwl, Aoswaad. OS. rOa . CAXr9w. . Sic.:tfiTu PclYt!y Ccrd by- "fJntwro'g Own t r..tei' MAIlVa CL.i3.er cost you notlungi 33o and 11 (contains Sifht Draft far raturn sf your aary i ast surex) hi Ormp gswr (i aa aaxsxx w Tea Sm rltaMw ' . aaejMg Keftvs IJorbs Contpeay CuaatsasiPaae. araaa rearl..s. Cel. fl V aar- k we ihi!lcr r a f;-:t cf t'ri tr.i 3 Is )88-lrt. Shrunk '"' re lar 75c 72-ln. Satin V- terns: $1.25 V each ; . . . vatwa, at e 1 -t- t . i iai,-eecn v 321 ,,. A' Arrrvv outrirJLaTxoAsnr 1 TT JTOU ere Invited to Yfew our s J' V f 4vmk ibowin cf IauLsx . tprfcj tvesr. Cxnart new '"'-'' awaa. v-sk'' .at el A " -' , , cn ess jrenjrTyirci a popular "nrw "crcy-v td, pliiii Alj 01 . ' I 1 " 1 i'v" ' f " - ' Cess et Creali Eastern Outfitting Co. 'r :'? ' .' '.'Tke fcoTWaere Tew'Ciefii Is Ossi .,.5y:.!' 7 W Tenth vdur la every dtpartment. all rtutztle rres f Cs lm- wtrliyatoetr wwuta y; -') . ' ;:'"C ';(:v i: 'Vs,':1- a3aa.yaX '- Ci wa3 Cheviots atrictlj all wool; 75c -:- wmAlAV yW) mml Kmm . . . . ..... . V . .'e - , 524n. Black Sicilian; 85c Value, yard... 55 ; i-in. Melrose ; 65c regulaf, yard. . . . ..4mP 88-in. Zibeline; 65c regular, yard.. " 62-ln. Waterproof Serge f $1.85 val., yd. t53f 52-in. Venetian; good value at $1.50,' ' ; yard 91.13 .88-ln. Lansdowne; $L25 value, yard.... C3y -424tt. Black Voile; $1.25 value, yard;,V.e3 " 60-in. .Table Damask ; ' extra heavy" for hard ' . wear full bleached ; 50c value, yard. .39 60-in. extra fine satin finish Damask bleached; jeasily worth 65c yard ; special. a47 - 6-in. superior grade grass bleached Damask ; value; special..... v.. .&3e Damask; choice assortment of pat- crade; special. vard,;..;7C Special values in Towels, Napkins, Turkey RedDamMkSjurUinsrPrtieresr lkolin and Window Scrims, .Tapestry Draperies Feather Pillows, lankets, - Comforters.; Prompt and polite attention. V SliP PctUcoab ' I :: v v . Mercerised Saieen Petticoats ; full- width' with' . double ruffled flounce; an exceptional value f. at 1.50: soeCial while thev last -at. 1 v ?u'ev: ... :Ui Ui.;&.Qt&& '. if ercerised , Sateen -. retticoat9- - made extra : wide, accordion plaited ruffle and pointed flounce; extra heavy and worth $2.50 j spe- . ...... , .1 1. ' . aa asr f f ..... .A.tra Fancy French brocade batiste i'atralght front, short hip, low bust; regular 75c value, while the tot lasts, special.. ,i. .;;. ....,.. 38 Broken lots in Thomson's and Warner's rust y proof Corsets; sizes 18 to 25; made of fine - black sateen; special.,,.. .........:.2S : Misses' and' children's. - Waists and . Corset v; Waists; all sizes; black and drab; a stand ' ard 50c value; special; , , j . . . . .. .SSet $7.00 Redfern Corsets :' special .630 $3.00 Thomson's Corsets; special.;. ...$1.4? fatttw oujiTrma ooyAarr i y'.m W '. . -.. - ..... p f colors end fcscy - licra iUuita wiui , , r r ' v - Wee ts Mm feme -7 -' .: f X Vmrnw, -.m