irb, JANUARY : V 1 13 jnnsDREOok daily ; jourmai; portlaiit), :-oiidav 1'... 'U' - ,v 0 f "f. ' i ' " " . ' " ' . " UesasorUOoe U-reogh the aasile " IIM mettes. 'I 1 . aa aa IB. tat., tor stasia fy-' 2 " J M Ml paper. 1 Mil M M M pecee, enntei is dd ', aate, ' . ,V-,'. dttnrtal Bama...., auO iniiw Office.... roBZio abtbbtisinw ""E'Tf22: rfr-Uad-ahrayAmla. BPtol v-aTlYU-allSat M Nassea Barest, iew Terl ITWaae ' ' " , MM By " (T loenaal. wltk Sauday. it journal, l year. . vr-ti":diL ! t The Dally Joorsal. will senauy, " m TUB Dally Jowl. B awwxos...... I tw Deny immL wit Sunday, J Wt4y J aaat I month r Tin D-Ujr Jounwl. with Wo-da, "frhat "Tw fitr Mfkrdiltnfff i Rite D.lry,eeek7eiuered. wands ea ; espial .... ..... ' Tamaa by Ka&i ' Tlx Daily JoanaL with Saaday. 1 yeas... .JJ ' The fatlF Journal, 1 year a t The Dally Journal? with Bandar. BaBBtba. 1 TS Tbe Daily Journal, meutee. f i? The pallr jraraaL ttk aaaday. Waataa. Toa ralr Joarnal. I montha. ....... vvv' ."JS Tba Dally Joaraal. Wltk Baaoar. a-. t 5-: Tha ftallr JearaaL I aaoatli... ."Si TW aaify Joajraal. t r .'"'"' f X; taa laadar Inaraal. aanatba ..... . Tka aaaBt-WaaklT aaaaa . ' ',".af saa mii-waaaiT " ". aab laaaa. Ulaatraua.. Ml Barkat ( M Kma-ITa-te'aV'w !-jJ ataa. apraaa araara a ad avail aawaata aa ataptabla ta ,1 aa4 aaat Jn'SV'iE ; fT r. O. Baa Hi; PmaA snttM nniiu mi M rovuv IV tanal oi M MX aaJa tba ibb. jyami n aaiMa r- ... latira, CH ICAO0 - Puatatflca Krara 1 in Pknvek, 00UAlOjr. Hack. Mztaaatk aa Cartla atiwtau FA NBAS ciTt Tea Mar Iti klNNKAPOUaV-rM. . ' TkM atraat. FW TORK orrr Biaataaa'a. tlo ajaawa. OalAHA aflllart Ratal aawa ataaatl Macaata Btatlaaar asami. IMa raraaaa atraat, ALT LAIC CITY Kaaraa Hntal aawa ataaj: Baimw Braa.. 4 Waat atraai, awat.. aTT. LOUIS Ptttlta BAN FRANCISCO W. I. Arrita. Pala Batal i aawa ataMl aJKl 10W Markat tiaaI Oot4 1 aralth Braa.. ! kattar atraat aa-alat ' rraoria bntal: raata Oraar. rarry ballaV , ksci N. Wbaatlar. aasraMa aawa ataad. aaf ar Markat aa4 kaaraay atfaata. -. . BBATTI.B Ralatar Oraad aawa ataadl W. k - r'kanka. Bntot Dmttla aawa ataad. . BPoKANB. WA8BINOTON Joba W. Oiabaai Da. ' . rAOOMA. WAHmitOTOH Crarral Bawa awa. . ra: Hotal Tamtna aawa ataad. TTCTOBIA. BRITIHB (OLCMBIA TWaaik Bank Rtattmarv aoaiaaay. WEATHER REPORT. . A aaaamu dtotarbaava . ararllaa - tha aartk - Pax-tfle autca. It baa caaaal a atarkad rtaa la ' tamaatatara a ad rmaral rataa eaar tba aartaam portloa ot tba dlatrlct. Storm aoatbwaat wara- la wara dlaplayad last alfht at all aaaporta aionc tha Wanhlnatoa and Oraran aaaat. and diaptayad a liiirrt anand and BIlln(baaj bay. ' Amatlmam aalnrlty of M ailbw (mm tba anutk aai'Mirad rhla axmhi( at Marth Had. Waak tmtoa. Aa araa of hl(b barnaaatar., wtpi a . mid wava, baa raaaa tta appaaraaca la tba Da kMaa, and arro taawaraturaa ara ra ported aa (ar aanth aa Omaba. A atorai of aarided ehar actrr aitanda fna tba ktwar tka ration aqatb ' to rba knrrr Mlaalaalppl valley, and aadar tta .Inflaawa abaoraially warn tamparataraa com- tlnna In tba Atlantic atataa. - Tha .aaat ward amaaaaant of tba north Par! fie dftnrtanra will oaaaa aoottnaad ail Id taarpara anraa la thta dlatrlrt dartnc tba awxt M baara, arttk rala la waatara Oraaoa and waatara Waan. : hactoa. aad rata ar (now aaat at tba Caaeada MMintaraa. baorTa ciona tikaa at ( a. n Parlfle tlaaa: '- TEAIP. . Prae. la . , Max. Mia. kat Zt kr. Itakar Clra. Oraaaa.... - M - T. rbtram. III. ........ M Bo vi J 7. Colo. a - - - a aaaaa Tttr, Wo..... Ia Anarlaa. CaJ... A . 4S '. 0 Haw Or laaaa, La...r;.f T4 Bd - .W ' If aw Tore, ..... Portlaad, Orcoa,..A Boaabant. trasaa... Mt. Lnala. Mo 0 .11 - l.M .0 .. T. ' M Ban Laka. DUb...... W " aa rraariaoa, uai.... w , aa nnkaaa- Wmm ' " , .'14 Tarotaa. Waah . 4d M ' , ,0 Walla Walla; Waah.... 4 ' ' T. Waahttif ton. I. 0 4 - ' BO " MARRIAGE LICENSES. - . : Praak Haailltoa, ; BaaaM Lonf , Ik. - Klawr Colaeiaa. IS: Cora Amblor. ... ' Brad W. MeUllaa, S: Bona B. MeOratk, BO. . Waddlag Cards. W. O. Bmtfk Oa, Waah Baftaa Mda. aat. Taartb and Waakkmataa ata. Mb Bartba Martta, room lit, Albdty bM. taaipbai and ftoa aaadlawarkl Imiiai rta. RTHS. PARKS aamary II, to Mr. and kfra. Bobart B. K parka, I3bt Baat Madtaos atraat, daarhtw. ' -mm - . - ,' .'. SRAPDY Jarmarr 1. to Mr. and Mra. Wnnaa BFNICBN January II. to Mr. aad Mra. Jab . BONEa Jttaary IT. to Mr. aad Vrm. Braah Jonoa. Tns fiorbott atrat a danahtar. ' THWK'HTBNBBBO-Ta Mr. and Mra. O. H. ebwirhtonbarg, 441 Baat ThlrtaauU atraat, JI ALLKL To MY. aad Mia. Carl MeAklay, K4 Baat Wtatb atraat. a aoa. DEATHS. UFIJ( laaaarr 1". Aadraw i. JMm, arad . M yaara. Baat Anhaay atraat i eaaaa. . BHrbt a dlaaaaa. Bnrlal at Lona Flf cama- "MKKBkAW-iairoarr 1. 0. ""h". "arad 41 yaara. at Abrrdoaa Waahlartoai "Jni. raor-V: Bartat at Bltaraw . EIMBBB lanaary M, Mary , Batman. aad 7 yaara. Mt ralrbanka aTanna; fanaa. aaa ' Bnrlal at Worth Tamhlll. Oragoa. UNDERTAKERS. J. t. tlalar d oa. (anaral dlractara aad . mralawra, aarnar Third aad Madlaaa atiaaU. Offlaa of aoaaty aaraaar.. Talapboaa Mala a. rwoolna. MaBataa ' d) Ollbaarb. aadarrakan 'V bad amhalawrai asodara la ararr data 11. Baraatb wad Plaa. i Mala 4kD. Lady aaataUat. Tba Bdward Holmaa CixWtaklof aoapaay, raaaral dlrartora .aad aabalakara. tao kvili ' wt Phaaa .HOT. ' , , A- Hamatneky BndaTtakar aad aabalmat. i BITBBTDIW CIMXTXBT. FUNERAaV NOtjCES. ... Wnkla (raaaa 1o. Pmaitly tntafrt to (LeeO. tba aaly aoaarrary la Parttaad wklrh par. actually malatataa and rarna (ar lota, ray rail Ja-k4,'w! . OBAHAM At raatdrara. Ml Baattr at- Janmry , yaara. TanaraT will Uka plara Taroday. Jaa w oary n, at 1:10 k, ,, fram Paanlox. MaAtaa d Olltufb'a ban4. Baaantb aad Plaa ata. a latarroont iMwrfe; oataaUry. BrlaBda' ra- atatfal)y lavltad. ; . ... Brill la thai lty, January an, 1MJ4, Loahw ' i. Raah, arad 4' yaara. Prianda aad a .. atialntanoaa ara roanaelfally bSTltad to attand tha (naaral aorrloaa, wbirb will ha hold at Flalay'a rhapal Taaaday, Jaanary SI, at t:M v. aa. ( laiaraaaaa umm rv caaaatary. kJORTENaEt PrVnoa aad acaaafcuaaena ara roaiwol rully tnrliad to atland tba faaaral ' aoi U aa or Afnaa pi. Mortooaoa. which will ba bald at Uia family raaldanea to Boath i Mnani -lanor. -jnoaaay. aaanary as. at B p. ' m. lwtaraoat Lona Ttr aamatary. " R2AL ESTATE TRANSFERS.' Ibillp Baknlhaa to Oortrada Oonaboa t al.. aaat M U fort vt anatk U rV IM la. Liula lloaaaa aubdlrailoa ' . No. i a j r i . Rail aad alfa ta rroala Tt. , '. ami U lota a aad a. bka k Id. . ' . a.aa ... 1,001 a rt v , .-, IatT 7 rrru mssmm : , -INTEREST'- . , - . ON 'YOUR. MONEY Ota be obtain at GOOD BATES bv depeslring In sacn af ear vartooa deaarfnaaatn aa mar baat ault your cuiivauleuee. . . .. . . . , . ""Saving Accounts lltoaLXeiliflcates of Deposit Special Certificate of Deposit LADIES- 8S 'iSGSli: wtTTf Call a or and lor oar booklat at . "HLDSTRATIONS", la Baalaaaa Kaarly It Taara. P0M1AHB -TRUST CO. I. B. ear. Id and Oak ata.-- Fhona Bxefcania Tt. r Wa ara ta tba bnalaaaa of aanrtaa taaanta. eallartloa of rrau aad carina for your Braparty w in ia oauuia. uur .. , ta Mwaarad and baa tha farflltlM tor (Mw yoa tba Tory Jiat aarrtea abtalaabla. - , . Wa aaaka prompt and caaaplata raports and aattlasMata with landlorda aa oftaa aa tboy aaaira, wa maaa rnpalra aad kaap ap taa proparty la tha baat aad noat aroaaaUcal man aar and without. roBailaatoa - aa tha aaat of work parfwaiod. Wa will Uka aar your raal aatata probWma at a ay Uata. . .- Portlansl-Tnist Company t of Oregon B. B. Oor. Id and Oak Htm. Pboaa Exrfcaaca Tt. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Clyda A. Browa and wlfa to Bramt U v nrowa. andl'Mad H lot a, black la, . liawtborao'a Vtrat aditltbai too - '- '400 : t a,oo -too Bob Land company to Portland At laat. fa Hallway aompaay, loU 14 to 2S, . block I. Hanoaar addlrkia ' tiaaJa Barbaaa aad kaabaad to Mary t. , amiw, aaoca a, r. X. laiu i addl tloa i . C. hf. Tart wrlaht aad wlfa to B. B. M.'" H trick Land, lota 1. t, . Doaehar 'l acoad aodltkoa - B. O. Hadlry and wtfa to Mary J. irwla. lot JT. block B. Moaat Beott ' Park XSff orTWnaarTaWIaTarBlrfcaTandT' aorta m raat lot a, Moca (Jam ta ara' addltloa CaUad Htatra to Jamaa A. Howard, north Ja ( aoathaaat aoctlon a. towaabla 1 aoath. ranaa B aaat. at) arrea ..... Charka I. Clttlepaaa and wlfa to 0. - W. P. ds By. Co., ylht of way an faat wlda, ooatalalaa: 1 a era, baalnniaa aoathaaat aorncr H. B, Stona tract. i aactloai H, townahlp 1 aorth, yaaga I aaat , Cbarlaa H. Malcolm to Cbrlat Lalfrr, lota 11 to IS. block . Tobaaoo addl. . too Oak Lambor company to Portland A Boat- . tia itauway company, aoaiaoaaa block O. Mortbara Hill addltloa 0. E. Ruaaall at aL to Portland A Baat tla Railway oompaay. 1ST aeraa baala. ' alnf 10 rhaloa nta-th aad 131 faat wrat r Miitliflt "ftvM " aa fufhMrtk ' Btama doaatloa land elalat. .......... B.0TO Tltw flniHBtM m Trnat oom na ar ta , . f Ia? W. 1-arry, block a. Jtarthafa BUI aoflitioa a Bborlff ta Oartrada Dnaohoa at al., aaat ., Oat block la, VaLaaboMtt ual- man'a Llttla Mnmaa. No. a Mrrchanm' Innatmant A Trnat company ' to Portland naattw Hallway cora- a A a Ta.f at Jabaa . Acra' Tract t.tSO William Macbeth and wlfa to Portlaad A Brattle Railway company, a acrea, . - - v aertloaa llraad 14. townahlp 1 aorth. ranaa 1 aaat 1 W. U Moraaa end wlfa to Katbartna B. - ' ttV t.460 Balph Frajrw and wlfa to Oar Lombard. ., an. nxoo i -a net aerinaina minaiw ' aoath Una at BrareU with aaat Uaa Clla '( Bully B. Pattoa ta T. I. MrDanlel. lota a ana a, aorta oaaca a, .vmaaaoia Ralahta , uo Isaac M. Parry aad wlfa to J. Frank waajea, block a, nortaara nm aaai- ; inm Mtil Into 1 to tt. bkick B. and atbT lota and block , 16,000 Baa Bellini, trustee, and wife ta Cathay , ... I oa Bat. let 11. black 8, Kara Park ..2 100 Ban BelUna. traataa. and wlfa ta Tether. In Baa. lot 14. block f. Krra Park.. . 100 Btrrllaa Lead company to Cbarlaa M. t. Certwrtibt, loU 1, t, I. block 0; lots l a a A klAcb IB Hnahor'a aaiinnd . ' addltloa .00 B. 0. aimmoaa to Portlaad A Seattle D.llw.. mmmhv ' Inta 1 and t. baxk a. Willamette Boalerard Acres 1.TS0 ewe pa a. awiirr w.a fw" " . t . k lot 11. tract r. urenos i-ara..,'. ... - B. e. Wesdcork aad wife to P. A. Joba eon, 10 a eras hecinnini a rnoa aaria af eoatkwett corner mt aoatkweat W at aoath. ranra I aaat . C00 t. Prank Wataoa at al. to Joseph B. .:: ' Klrkley. lot 11. tract T. Otrartoa Pafk. 431 Catherine B. Battler and bneband to I m nAfM.. mt mi m imm n . ... loeea' donation land claim :' 100 r. T. Uaa to W. Prank Leii, aontk .t 40 acres off smith V, William Taylor , - an 4 wlfa AnnatkkB Wnd claim ....... v Morris Anderson to Daniel Leaner, begin. ; nine IS feet aaat or eoateeaet corner lot 28. block lb Peninsular addltloa.. V Albert Meier ta A. K. Bajdborooab, fractional black S, I. ioeaaoa a aooi- , tlnM V. . V Minnie Kaapp aad kaabaad to A. B. .. Bpreaanoroarn, 10 l-o acraa a.w Im. AfrtiatbiB land claim Marioa Baatmaa to Stella Braltk, Vrta . io and 26, block 10, Pur ta mouth VUla - . v a 10 Oak Park Land company to Helen B. ; a KuwW s - n.k aPrk...... .1 . I a. . i ct tA M a mm IT II aad Vrf in hiock 1. Caolea addltloa 00 Cnlrsralty I-ind company to O. B. , , . K. t., rin al way lami. 1 I H aontbaaat U eectloe a and aorth. - j, ranaa 1 east -i J. H. Elects and wlfa to O. B. H.'Co.. , i- ...iiIa. a. A . 1.400 . . . ' " .u H. n as r ur Co.. k.r a KlAca a. -ToorVe addition ..... SS.OOO 3. Walter aad Wife to Robert . . lot S, bloca si, varoinora auu i i , . , ww Jamaa Borwlck aaa wife 10 sua. w, Btsela. lot 13, bloak U, Moaat Taaqy Villa . ,ul t too la Ai J k . 1 KlAllnaai SaV Jails .T..J block a, Kina a aoaiiioa ............ a.iw A. T. Oourtaey and wlfa ta Jobs Krlrk- SOO ana WU, mrm mm , - . . Bellwaod - ' ... .... L000 ti.MHM.t Munaiiir to Katherlna B. aioaa. lot a. Mora a, iraoaaoo. ....... . . aad ahafrarta to real aa. tata from toe Title waaraoiaa m inm nniaii 140 Waablactoa atraat. aaraar Snoad. NOTICE. TUB bnderatraed will reeeles aealed Mda for a stock of aterrhaadlae, aonslstlna principally of ata pie yetertea, af tba laeeatory aaloa of ai.aail.ea, logeioer -who viaturwav e'ei-so. ' tore am at I Oraada, Or., ap ta It o'clock noon Thursday, Jaanary 2ff. 1004. - Certified rberk'far 1 per rent aaaat accompany all klit a. Tha riant la riser od to reject aar aad ' all hide. Inventory may be sees at my office aad the arora may Da laapectea at La uraedf. Or. Dated at Portland. Or., tale lath dy H af Jaaaary, 1001.' B. Is Babla. rroat aad Aaaeay ata. ' t - , ; CABO AP THANKS, - . rlaltaa- Wa deslra ta aipreaa ear aratltada ' n tha relief rowitnl t tee-of the I. O. . P. . for hwd attention aad aareleaa, and ta tha rarboya, and tba Brotherhood of Amerfcsa Vaeatea fnr tbeta beeotlful floral off.rlnaa and helpful err rices dnrloi the lonr lllaea aaa oeaia at oar aeaorea uuanana sna rat nor, . .w... ,, . TUB FAMILY. - MEETINO" NOTICES. HABM0NT LODOB Ma. II. A. P. A A. Mc ntatad communication thle (Monday) eireulnit. T.SO o'clock, Maaonic Temple, 'laird and Alder; work In P. C. uefrea. All ' M. M. welcome. By order of . W. M. Iturta B, BALL, Baa. .wiui. " o-Viai" .naiiCiii Wp?!fd tCTl!i huo?tad7at! frJU.".i JlJLll. tend Hi. funeral of oar dacaaaed aelahbnr, M. Waldmaa, from bis lata raaldanea, OKA first st., Tuesday, January S3, at a p. aa. Mamhara of plater camps -rortllally lnrlted. ,' JAMKH DUNBAR. Con. Com. i . ' .' UGUMAN ac'MAUB. t'lerk. OWAUhTa. ATXEXTIQJi Maaa meeting to night at a o'clock at Hoclallst bait 100 IHrla a commemoration or n loony suaoay, TeTo tn rton a ry Ibirla 1 lafTik tneir oat Tie ror ireeaotn. - LOST AND FOUND. LOIT Dark browa klttea with flna el Iky fat. Metnra 3V weet para at. Appropriate re ward. LOST Near roartaeath and Waahlngtaa, Baa. say Became, hiaca silk mltteav , uetara aa Journal of flea. LOST or stolen, red corker spaniel, answers to tba same or Grant; reaoonable reward. 4J. 0. Osier. 8S East Mala. Pbona Baat 42S1. LOST Oar big Maltese cat "Teddy"; ana wars to same; nnerai rewara n reinra to a Twenty-eighth St., B. : Mra. Young. LOHJ Jinaary 11, on Fifth at., or la eoort- Biaae. roil or aa atampai oeioog xo a aus ata tloa. . Rettrre to Journal aad reeetra re ward. . - ... ". f . ., a. Lt"T Batorday night,, eneelopa containing ,, net. west ens or nurnaiae oraige ami Baat Tenth St. I finder please retara to .City Laundry aad facet re 'reward. . . - LOUT At Meter A Prsok's a Ilk counter, monkey rur mun. inzormstioa ar anoer win aa rewarded and no eueatlons asked. Pbaa Pert Be MB. HELP WANTED MALE. POBTLANP Barber Cotlegs ToltloB reaaaaakls aay Bcaoor an aoaat. - anr-aiaaaara aa. WANTED Clerks and Window -dreeaera to a tody ahowcard-wntlng at I. M. O. A. all at acbool; pareoaal lnatractioa. Apply lor par tlcalara. , , , WANTED Reliable dairy maa with meaaa to reat ranch. A. J. itrewa.Sartoa. oraaaa, B. JT. 1. Na. 1. ... . - ... v, WANTED A aood loom fixer and ep toner at anea. Addreaa Jobs p. wnnar, anaenataa deat t'aloa Weolea MlUa. La Ion. Oresoa. riRBT-CLAM adeartlalng solicitor to work city noteia; a me traeanng maa la rsaa country hotel adrartistag contracts. ' Address Wast Coast Pah. Co., box 100, PortUad. SCHOOL toachara aad stodeuts, alagla young men act noes an aaa mi waa will waat ooii eaiplorment dnrtng the summer, write P. O. box S34, Portlaad. glrtng partlanlara. ' WANTED Boy to Irani en era ring; II a wash Ingtea at. WANTED Salesmen aa eammlmtoat high-grade ederwear aad aremieae hoaiery rrom factory to enneamer direct. Ill Commercial block. WANTED Maa with light wagon to (all para honey Ja hotels ana restaurants, racioe Uoaey ue., ana saav rjuraaraa a. DELIVERY hoy wanted! sear II years aid. .-.-I. . aaili, Olal. A a.ia.1.. B4 Pbrat at. CIVIL SERVICE T. M. C A. algbt school prepares for dell erretea afammatlonai elaea for aorlng axamlBatlaaa begins rebmary 1; ia for course. .. INSTRUCTIolf la the rare, repair aad drlrlbg . kit.. W M C A .lah arfuwl. VI ailUMDUWlir. . mi.y. " ' . " ' Z'i 'rourae begins Tuesday, - Jaaaary ; 25 for complete coarse. . DELIVEBT boy wasted. 18 years old: ran oeiora Plrat at. WANTED Paw young men. good physique, II to aa yaara, re are para ror posmous aa run way mall clerks la Oregoa: entrance salary MOO per annum; gradual promotion; exam. April 81. Bee Immediately, B. O. BeBen, til Colombia-nldg., IAS Waeklngtea at.-. HELP -WANTED FEMALE. Hi.u as - aa - MTtatkLa' a Safe. charge or a viswi -oiace. - ev inurMa Beam W. Lewis blag. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. t4IH Waahlna. ton St.. ear aeeeaiB, upetaKa. raaaa maaa toM, . Pemale help wanted. m lea Ion. atanoara vatiaa at atpioa auua, star BecoBS ex. ....... WANTED Plret-claea cook. 110 King at. LADT SOIJCITORS wanted ta aell aa article for evoa!.- ViaL,i; oig prouiji oriis a sight. , Cau Bat. a aaa s p. m., av moaawa bidg. . PORTLAND SEWINO BCHOOL Paahioaakla dreeamahlng. Ulu aiorriswa a. as. soarua, toara O. Byatem taught. . . WANTED Lady aa eolk-ltor and of flea attend ant; aieo trartling. u a. journal. WANTED Crean) dlppara. Apple Pketfta Coast sllacaic la)., 'jereuia aaa uimi at.. WANTED Lady aa solicitor and office attend antl alsa rrareiing. was. journal. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED SollHtnra for Portlaad Head Una- . dry, also iroaers. Ta i uob are., nna ivaai atara. raoaa bsbi avii. WANTED INTELLIGENT, ACTIVB MAM OR WOMAn: riKSAni r runuivfl,. ma. QUI KB BOOM I, JUABBB BLDQ. HELP wanted and snpplled. mala or femam. R. a, Drake, auaH naaaisgtoa ax. Biaca lasa. tl RET -CLASS eookl. dlshwaabera, waiters, 4M flymoata ex., Vfoaaiawa. . raciiac o.i. CORNWALL REAL BBTATB A EMPLOYMENT , orriCB, male or teaiaie. , bus riymouui at., ' WeodUwB. Psrlfle 6s7. Wanted male. SITUATIONS WANTED Position aa foremaa sa farm; bo farm preTerreo. l. journal. BNaiNEBR. aomnetent. with 90 reara" ex perl anea and goad reference; owa Indicator; can ' produce results. J. W. Miller. Pbons PaclBe BZ2. ISI .eiorta xweniy-xoiru ai. BOY af IB year would Ilka work before aad . after aeueoi. - Agarose or cau uza atara ex. I BII'Ka-ailNl wimm ......... 7 mmm wvi.i., L saaka-plaea where charsetea and appllcatkio. . n.. , n .Awn . ..!. ... . 1.111. TOt'NO man wants employment erenrnra aad Baturdy jtternoona.; jond. stenographer aad typewriter. Aoarssa if 11, cara ox sournai. A FIRST CI, A HB carpenter wsnta work by day ar eon trarti anderstanda hie twain. " Ad- . draaa J. W. wadier, general oeiirery, city. WORK wanted for eaoke, welters. Unadreeaea, hoaaa aerranta, Janltora and others, aosit Morrlaea, room a. t'aone aisia aiu. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE PRACTICAL rmrse wlahes employment in ceil flnement nnrslng; to yaara experience! Ill ; a weeh. Mra. Wade, care BabeUtloa 8. city. WOMAN wishes work by tha day waablaf ar cleaning. Mrs. aooerson, iaa ltna at., n. ELDS ELY lady- wlsaes altaatloa as' bouae. . heeper for widower, tamiiy ar rooming jumee; aa aihar need apply. . 43 H Freat at, city. A COOK with elty reftri acre will coek Iron, . ewaep or wait table by , toe . day or hour, f Pbona raHle 054. ...A.. SITfiATIONS WANTED cashiers,, chamber. aval its, hoasekeepera, conks, dtekwaakera, waltreeaea, second ' sire. Waaherwomen. bonaewark I IT la, 130 XaaihlU. hai B4U, ... ... . . rr , ... . 1F. 'WANTED AGENTS. " ' Vf ANTKO Aaenta; aotnathlaa atv) aood sailer, bla wares, aoa McKay blda. ACENTB WANTID Ta Belt superior, high. Jrsde anraary stock) complete oatdt farnlahed ree; raah weekly; write today for choice of territory. - Capital aiy Norssr Compaaf. Sslem. Oregoa. . . I INIROKTIC, capable maa or woman to work f ' ,B I"""-" throughout state; aalsry. Call I bet. 1 aad :I0. anal. . BoUl ithra. WB waat reliable anea la ovary town la Oregoa to aell elck aad accident Inenrnncs. .' Pacific ' Aid aeooclattoa, COO Dekum bldg. -EMPLOYMENT-AttENCIESr KSSM'B-BMPLOTMEMTOrEl .waa aauim, . - "Toone jnaTirToaw JAPANEBR-CHINERB EMPLOYMENT OPriCB. Henry Tab ara. an . Bearett at. . ITxme ra cioe 140 ' , .... .. .... . . -i ' BIO POUR BMP. AOBNCY. Help anpplled free. la Borta Boassa at. raoaa stain ibib. THE Portlaad Emntoyment Co.'. tOBta Morrtsoa at Pbeaa raclla xaa. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., S North Becoad, ruralsBea ail kiasa em Bloymeat for mea and womes. Mala lOal. SHERWOOD A BOYT, raal aetata and employ . meat, mala or female. SOS) Morrlaea, room I. Phone Mats 4782. ' ' WANTED TO RENT. V; :: WANTED TO RENT ' HOltBESCOTTAOe;. PLATS,' ROOMING H0D8E8, STORES, ETC Our rental department bag oeea enlarged lad proTlded with additional etaff. Wa Inrlte- listing from LANDLORDS. af far personal attention to and eontmaoaa , sunerrtsloa srec ail proparty In trusted to aar ' cere. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. B. B. Cor. Id aad Oak eta. Pbona Ex. Tl BOtiflEKEEPING-BOOMS wasted by yeusg couple; best af references; private, medium class German family, close In. L 11. Journal. WANTED RE AL ESTATE. HATE bayera waltlas for elty raal aetata! what sea yoa la aomaa. income nroBorxa aa tbcsusi -tat B-Tr eara wf WANTED AU kinds of recant lota la Alblna; bare barara for as ate. Apply to J. V. BUI, Tit WllUaana ara. WANTED S. S or l-room koeeaa la Cpper : Alblna: bare buyera for aaaaa. Apply . ta J. r. etU. TU Williams are. , iiAii.a s a M a m... mm ehai aaaat atdat awner; answer, gtTlng locstloa. nrtee aad -full psripruiero iirua aaiiiaw, at wiwai pries la right. 10, Journal. WAMTEn afrwieru house. V callty. weet aide, to rants state parUoulare Addreaa 436 FloreBce at, ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS , jri want to bar merchandise af any asms ar nature. Will birr tba complete atock ar any part for cash. Wa want clothing, shoes, fur- Bkahlairai drees peeda, cloaks. Quite. eUltae and grocer lee; city or country. All proposi tions wilt be held strictly sou Aden t la 1. Ad dreaa Spot Cash, Jooraal. PAINITNO, sprsylog aad whitewashing trees, has meets, bsma, dock, etc, largsat aasoline sprarlog on tilt aa tka coast. M. O. Morgsa A Co.. 123 TJbmb ara. Pboaa Bast HIT. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for faraltare la . say aaaatltyt also take earns aa aemmlsstea aad guarantee beat reeulte., Tba Portland Auction Roome. A. Sehabsch, prop., til first at, Pboaa Mala 0806. v P. J. BYDER, printer. Becoad' aad Wsaaiagtoa ata. rboae Mala eooo. WB WILL BUT. SELL OR TRADE ANX OLD THINf. WKFIFKII BALiVSUB l,xa Ul .a2B..WAaBlIUTUN. - rAUfttJ WANTED S to 40 acres, as esrllne. wltkla Be limit! cash! moat be cheap; awaara aoiy. Boom MS AUaky bldg. WB waat eoffe urns: also hare a buyer for a eeah register. Stands rd Catfsa Spies Mills, tot td at., fortUnd. Or. i . XODNO lady desires typewriting work to da at bams seanmga, soch aa copy log letters, addressing eurelopea, -wrappsra or aay .kind af typewriting work; awes Underwood ma- ' china. J 16, care of JoaraaL WB hare the hoy era, moat bees tba property, reel ar perenual; furs lah male and female help. Write or rboae ssd we .win call. Mala USA. a. A O. tap. A Real Batata Co., UH North fourth at. WHO IS M, O. MORGAN A CO. I STORAOB apace for reat. Apply Portland Warehouse A Transfer Oe. Pbona Baat MOT. THR Baleatlon Army wane, year eaet-sff chMb- Ing, ruruiture, megasinea - ana newapapa ' Pboaa Bast S08S aad wagon will celt WANTED Ta leaae eg position as ms eager af good rooming-bouse. Sea Hankie A Baker, 11T Ablngtoa bio. , WANTED to bay ar exchanre good property for a good rooming ar boar dlog -boose. What hare yoa to offer T v tlT Ablngtoa bldg. ' - mna fna arxeaTBtlBC. carpeBtar. BlamMng. painting, concrete and mill work for three a-raam collages. - ruaum aaaus uia. WANTED tn B-cbatr Ualea barber eboa, goad locstloa required; terms stated. . D 12. cars af Journal. . WANTED Cigar stand and confectionery, goad location; a tale pries first letter, as agents. - Addreaa D 13. care of Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT rna GRAND. 4BU North Third ex. I geatlemea 11.60 per wash and ap. NICELY foralshed bonaekeeplat roome; akw alngl roome so Koeseu ft, mcaay aia, HOTEL LB ROY, 10614 Bnmatda at. New brick building, aewly fttrniened. electric llgbta. hot Water at all hours; free bather rooms by tba weak or moaths sbotea houeekeeplng THE OB AND Newly foralshed rooma by , tha weeh ar month. SUH Oraad ara. BOOM aad breakfast, (11.60 a Bwuth; bath, beat, eleetrio lights, at Baat Marrleea at. MICB young married eoople wants slngls maa or woman to. room. (only). 64 , Loeejoir, , near Sixteenth. i TWO nicely fnmlsbed noma for booaekaeplng; frlrata family; eacaat about Jaa. 30. Apply I N. 16th st near Flanders. - FOR VreNT HOUSEKEEPING, a..--... - .y. FOR BENT rarnlabed booaak aeptng-rosaae la beet brick block aa aaat aide; gas r a ague, batb, etc.! aa traasieatai prices moderate. Logeabta- 1IM1A Unloa ara. . aaraar Baal Alder. . rbosa East 4024. ... .. .. BEAUTIFUL aanay rooma, front suite, la mod- erw flett bathr-aas aad phuwe.- 14811th at. f TOE JOUENALV- r I. , v' .. . ' Ooaa Into tha homes of . A . ' tba psopla. who can tjo . Just tha work oa want A , ( ; flona. It boss Into .tha ''.'v' ' . homaa of tha psopla wha , p-.; ' ' want ' BJmbxJy to do ; 'Juat tha work you can,- V i do. 'Tha wantera and . tha ' wanted can't avoid aach othar if they aet , Into ' tha .'WANT COt , ;.. TJMNS Of THB.JOUR- : ' nai i . .:';::; ... " .' ' ' " ; -- :x:: v, -VK FOR KENT HOUSEKEEPING - I1.TS PBB WEEK Large alaaa ' faikdihid . hoasekeeplng-roosast laeadry aad helh, ,. 14 Sherman. Soath Portia od. , - STAB BOOHING HODHB. 1014 rnrnbiUed rooms, 1 ap par weak J log sultss, 1 aad Bp par week. . TBB MITCHELL: Fhiadeca sndSeeaeth Baaana. hoaaekeeplaa aad transient l sxmeaaleati prlese tua. , . - - - - BAY-WINDOW aulte. first loort sag ranaa. furnsee beat. 140 North Sixteenth. .. Phaaa "a, 4rmr. . . J 11 PEE MONTH Poor furnUhed houeekeeplng rooms, 'wits water, large 7 ara. iu sisn Thirty-ninth; 8unuyslda and ML Tabor car. NEATLY furnished housekeeping, (leaping- , rooms, nats, eery low rent, CKiee n oaua. tear wtara. 'JIlHf.PJ UHfoiiili1iil-nee.ikiitiTiirX)ln(r bath and phone. V4 Baat EleTentb and Wsahlnitoq LA RGB well-furnUhed houaekeeplag-roomi eery oeeiranie ana cloae in. sow laninui ex. f ROOMS AND BOARD. UN DELL HOTEL, roarth brick, elegantly furnished. ' fa taa reasonable. ' . Market New thravjrhoat; UNION HOTEL, at North Sixth St., aerrea the l . i. . auj aa so - eai auaaa, hih, .wm. . .m i m ..,m. r Weak, J. Aaderaon, prop. - S2T THIRD ST rarnlabed single noma, II pat week! would, noara a cniia orer s. FOR RENT HOUSES BOURN of larm rooms, big yard with frail trace;, real ia. , ioo vttt sw Bouia rort land. 80CSB. tST North Twentieth, T lata bath, rurnsos. eesaent uaa Clfcwa, 4t0 Chamber ef 1 Coma rOR RENT B room , eotuga. '- 'laS' North , iwBiy-arsi ax, KADDERLT TRAYSrBB CO., prempt aad ra . liable pleas and furniture moearei else ator- sga. raoaa afaia laaa. otaee. l.a at. inwa. TBB CONTINENTAL COMPANY S4I Stark St., Win rent yoaar boons! i-. - -.-e FOR BENT OB RALE Easy tor tea l l-room boose, TBI Bsst Thirty-fourth St. aa Wood , etork car line; city water, fruit, email barn; owner will he at boose as tar aay ana Buaoas. Phone Bast 1838. ... S-BOOM bouse, strictly modern, freshly ear niauea tkreagnout; line wcauosv wssa mi 420 Commercial bldg. , - . t . . , FOB BENT One l-room est tags. 471 Bsl- asant. rhoaa Beat 1X70. TEN-ROOM boose, . 401 Moatfomary st, alx- room upper-rat, aws miu, raiarauaea. svp- piy wn aixteenia. a-ROOM rottaga, SM North Ntnetaanth at,. near aarier et., as asoata. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, aoath slops, T roots eot- tega. city -water, nam. gsa, rnmixoear- ar partly furntahed. Mala S48. FOB REHT 6 fuuia liuusa, BlikMly aaelaiB la aeery respect; ne children. Apply ami B ha ver at. . . - - FOR RENT FLATS. CN FURNISHED fist, 0 rooma, bath, gas fix tures reaorated. Orer too and tiHh ate. reat . IIS. Harrington 8H rtrat. Bear Oak. UNFURNISHED upper flat. 8 noma, bath, gas fixture, renoeuted: Orertoa and Twentieth eta.; rent f 16. - Harrington,. 084 First, aear uaa. MODBRN l-room Sat, 1 ejloek north steel Brioga, rroating near, inqntra sns larraoee. FOR- RENT FARMS. WANTED A maa to rent a ralley farm ar work for wagee; re fee euros. Addreaa W. A. Lsldlaw. 1MB East Morel eon at., city, UNFURNISHED ROOMS. BOOMS and afneea la Lewie Udt. I. L White, 108 Dekum bldg. Inoulre HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI- TURE FOR SALE. - FURNITURE af a in-ronm hooae for sals, with plena: T steady Doe roars ; close in; a anap, ioOO; owner will Uka 1100 sat la beard. . Pboaa Bast UW. - - i , ( FURN1TURB at t roome, central Ineatlea, i tulL aaya weU. Pboaa Mala tsftl. .., BOUSE for rest furniture for sale; 14 rooms; good loeettaa for bosrdlng-bouee 'or roomers; price KMJrr 114 Third at. - "V, FOR ' RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICES. VafavrHabad. aad ssmDH roomai slaa hall 60x10. troodoough bld. Apply at tba Ikbldg. elerator. - CENTRALLY located eflna raama, with Pksai. light aad beat, IT.aO per awata. B. U Cats, lis RAKIRY. store and llelna-rooms; reat fla. 608 uooa ax.' txey ex tw souriu ax. LARGE room. tSxM. aoltable for email hall r light mannfarturmf. Apply Lorejoy A LIB cola. 138 First at. OFFICB, grnaad floor. First Bear Oak. rtngtoa. sH First, Bear Oak. - riar- FOR RENT About April 1, Bew atorea aad ofnee rooma. steam heat, ate, Bortheast cor. rilrd and Madison. -Apply ta B. T. Co. No. Flret St., room 10. . BUSINESS CHANCES. v WB hare property is the famous wheat-growing belts of eastern Oregon and Washington: , apple and berry land la tha much-talk ed-of Hood Hirer ralley; bop land and dairy ranches In tba Willamette valley and us in the TJmpqne alley the land of big yel low peachea wa hare am eery nice farms and stock ranches! ear prices are aa low as the lowest aad we will glee yon the beat of .- terms aa any af thta property; era will take as pert payment good Improved or aalmproved Portland property : now If yoa want a country life here u your chance. - For farther lnforms tlon call at our nfnee. . i . . K0RTH WENT LAND CO.r . SU8 Ooodnoagh bldg. 1 WILL pay btgheat prices fnr Hnrst Switch stock before switch goes on road; aay alas block! handled. D. J. Kelly 4 Co., baa l&SW, New York City N. X. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.T FOR SALB Cigar atara, centrally . located; lease; good reaaoa for calling. Q 1, Joarnal, FOR SALE Beat drug beelneee ta Oregoa. OOOD aha atora- la aood valley elty ef S.OOO. - long lea as, good corner locstloa, atock new and staple bo freak stles; good reaaoa for eelllng; Invoice about 4.000. If rna maaa eusinaea, niveau as in at sscs. , jui W. F Eugeaa. Or.: . . FOR BALE Tborosrhly eoulpped bath bouse. Including a moderB up-to-dste - electrical aaoltarlum. Baalaaaa can be coadoctsd by - lady or gentleman. Small rtplul Beaded. Addreaa T a, Jeuraal. , . . tl-ROOM hotel and boardlng-honee. fall of good, steady board era. aaat aide, ana block from Doerabecber'B turpi lure factory: pries 13,'JflO for everythlog; terms. Apply Ml Bandy road, or pbona East luss. WILL aat ap In bimliieaa young phyetclaa and rhamaclst; must contribute some capital; Ine opportunity right In Portland. For par ttrulara call 603 Commercial blk. FOR SAI.R Grocery gtara ta Hlllaboro, Oregon ( good bestness, pal Pave etner Dusinesa waleh must look eter; might exchsngs for farm or Portland property., Addrses J, A. Meeelnger, IlllUbora, Oregoa. . FOR R A LBOrow mt esh cinfbma and ehoe , tmetneae ooing sooux sio.ira, caan, m : farming. valley In Montana! big crops, fine rllmets; reason for selling, bars barret la s teresta that- rennlra whole time. - Mlrht e rhaaga for small ranch aear Portlaad. Na : agents. - Boa bT, BeaaaBaa, ICeataaa. ', 7-- xzjjo. BUSINESS CHANCES. PERMANENT, nleaaant and remnnerntlra am' ploruieut for lamea and eentlemen. la elty or country as desired. For particulars, sail at room 10 Bsusob block, cor.. Fifth and i siorrison, net. ins Boor e lu ana . II B. IB. sua i ana p. re. . - j . FOR SALE Goad general merebaadlaa stare la lumber towa at BOO population, located on raimiaa in western pert ef wills melts valler. TS miles south of Portlsnd. rur oar. tlculsri writs or Inquire of J. G. Yaa Orsdel at bob, steel mate UeaUera, Dallas, uregoa. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. , rKJUARB DEAL REAL E8TATB CO. Two modem S-room houses, wtlllsm jve., walking lUstaaca, tinted sud piped for fur Bars. ---' tjnsrtsr bloch and three moifarm booses, ana a ana two B roome, close la, Baat Twelfth at. 1 neat sauailiau- bonia.Mjttla "rark; Two lota aad good a-room eottagai Highland. v mil lot and rtrat class aaeoers S-room aousa, Baat Elrhth St- North. Fan lot and modera l-roea btasa, Baat v Ninth at.. North. . ' ' 14 acraa la New berg, freely Improved; a town without a aakaaa aad no Htjaor Bold In arug aioree. . Lot 60x100, aaat aaw 6-roam aottsga. Mt. . reraon. Room 406, AUaky Bldg. Phone Pacific SOL ... W. B. ILBB. ... .- IN Settwood. t blocks from ear. l-room k on aa. lot SOxluO, 10 bearing fruit- trees, heat varieties; easy terms; Leroy and Qrlaalay absrea ,jbxt aaat mom ax. - - - ACREAGB na- Oregoa City carUna, sear MII waukle, all clear, by owner, at a barfala. Addreaa C 4, care Journal. , ... , 1 , . . ON of the neatest homes la Portlsnd for eale , by owner; thorougniy modern; as km pi it, r No- Ml Clarkamae at. Pbons Beat S344. Broadway or irrmgioa car. :-:.-..-... 10 ACBES af cleared land, email knaaa aad . barn; no gravel: aa a fine graveled road near . Mllwaakia. AOaress w a. aournab ACBBS eery ftas band, maa than aaa mile from electric line. II jnllea frees Portlaad. bb flna road! there la aa rock ar gravel! lies tvel aad easy, is eieerj pos par aoxa, aay had ef terms. I 48. sure ef JoaraaL . MEW modern B-room boose, faralabad. Sunny. a Ida. cheap, terms. Owner, pboaa Baat 421. I ACBES, aB clear aad la cherry trees 14 rears aid: oe aar rare; iota enjoining sioo xa gioo; -ISO pea acre. -1 61, i r of JearaaV SELL WOOD LOTS. SB down and 88 a awathi frvaa T8 to 1200. SeUwaed . Tawaalto Ca. . Pboaa Baat 4T04. . ,'- acbi traotbi ' yOTJB SPBCiIlTY IB ACRE TRACTB1 . Fall rlmd atrseta, wstar to aaab aara. - TERMS 10 PER ACBB CASB , 10 rEB ACBB PBB, MONTH. Tea aa to theae acrea aa the-- aaraa- aar. Ry the eases la fare the lot maa aaya. Tba : maa la poor aeighbor, but ba tt re. striated to eiertty af faatarea ' that make Opea Wedaaaday aad Saturday ".'A. a CHTTBBHIIX 0O, td 1B ' A SNAP. - .--. For Sals Modera T-room boasa, fufalfhsd. SS.SO0; 11.600 eeah. bslsnee terms as as Investmaat, pays 11 par aaat, , Pbeaa Baat ItST. 1 S ACBES. ana half clear, betaaee easy ta clear; . alee llttla bouse, ehlehaa boasa aad yard, all new fence. 1.000 etrawberry plaats, ISO rasp. ' berries. 4A fruit trees, na fma road, aaa quar . tor mils from alectrta tlaa, 10a aar (ara price It. 100, 0 IS, JoaraaL to -ACREA, unimproved, fine fruit land. - aa county roan, in iioea surer, si,vsj) xerme. Frnry, SSS WU lianas ara. Pbeaa Soott 8106. 100x100 FEET with sightly' tress, ta Wssa. - otoe. .. Mala aaa, . - j.. FOR t SALB Small trecte frara 1 ta 10 acreet so city property. J. A. aad A. B. Dow ling, Uwaukle, Oraaoa. - si MUwaal NEW l-room cottagek full cement ba earnest, aood plumbing; price tl,BM; esay tarink. O. M. Smith., TSO Chamber af Comumts. ... :. . RQSS ADDITION TO SBLLWOOD Lata IAD to I1K0; IS down. IS per sseatb! aama flna . cheap bomee la Mlwond from IMS to 11,000. W. R. Morehouse, K0 Umatilla a rev, Bali. -, waad. - ON TO HOVER! ' , . . . VP THE COLTJMBTAI t . R ocular steamers from Pert lend: rbiaamt rstrs from the naat ta Inland aetata! aa Band, heavy anil, perpetual water right with eaca tract, earnest proauera, largest onoss; tha California of tba NortbweeU Write . ' ...... a HOVEB LAND CO., "Hover. Waahlngtaa. HOUSE and lot, til Twelfth at. . Apply to . J. P. Bros ugh, 144 FoorU at. A FINE hotel la a food valley elty;- peed - homes, vacant bits aad acreage; valley farms; some special bargains: proparty Hated and ' enid. Room til Mohawk bldg.. corner Id and .Morrlaoa ata., Peril sod. Or. Payne, pettaya A Co. . BOMBS aaar Unloa era. cheap; terms ta suit bayaraj Be snmsjileatoa. Phaaa Beet 4018. ACRES, all la ealtlvartea. 10.000 strawberry plants, small hoaaa; land la all clear, and bye level; only 6 miles east of Merrleoe atreet bridge; price ll.MOi, terma. . T X, ', JoaraaL ' - FOR SALB Brian cottage. Tabor Hatghta, near end ef car una; tat isoxiov xeat. raaaa Bast SI7S. . . ' . -i S-BOOM eattige. let anxino. near esrllnei Ine locstloa; terma. 171 Bast Saves th St. SPECIAL BARGAIN IS FOB It. ,' Tracts t front foot, IIS feet deep) aaa have aa many front feet aa yoa waat from SO feet up; all la cultivation, all level aad rtghttrr 6 mlnetee ta good 10 -room acbooL S aradee; sear atorea, poetofflce, church aad - aar etstlsa at Inta a-eant fere to aay part of Portland. Tbla la 1-1 price; terma If , wanted. O. R. Addltoa, Leats, Oregon, awa-, sr. Taks ML Scott ear. S Beats. . 1 laoo CASH, $10 par month, bays a 4-room ant. rtafe. bath, aU., on Cook aad Missouri area. Addreaa 0 IT, Journal. ' COMMERCIAL red apple srAard, aaar elty itnuta; line ooiinioa.. . wa a .... Na. 1, La rande, Oregoa. , - uu ACRES aa Improved county read, close ta . alectrle Uaa, 10c fere, lend Ilea level and la newly raneeti; price on 17 ii.wv, ararrounuins property eelllng I2S to 1160 per acre: will auHtllvlde If desired. Take Bstacada car fa Gates and inquire for Benedict. , - :i HIGH, sightly lots. Lower Alblna, slose to ear ... ... , . . . . . saoa IBie. lawBiaaw a, hwii - - , 1 FOR SALB BY OWNER New Tnodem B-room bOUse, pet. iweniy-avwaw inq wrin j-iowriii, on Wasco at., Uolladay Park addition; will build ob either of IT. lota from -plane and terma to suit purchaser. B. B. Rice. Pbons Baat lOH. ' ' - ma aoontf afaiaa tn Bnonvsldn rnll to, - Sua 100. atraat Improrea. awslv..U07H ad aL. TOO S-ROOM bona near car line," fall lot, w . . . 1 . I IMU nHil.a a, . . aixvex jMipruT. .171. "y. . DOT'PLB corner la Rosa addltloa, Sellwood, BUS caab. balance 10 per month, ga Oaavantee A Trust Co., M Beveatfe Ike" temple. - It, TOO S-ROOM boasa with large lot, Raseelt V . .. . , r.. .1 .. sjiix V,. ex., war t nnra am -.piwiia a...., - ... Chamber at Commerce. - . - NOTICBI . NOTICBI , v ''Will 'sell at a great bargain; now le your ' time la build; all kinds of building material, well -see soned and better then new, for aals at about 10 cents 00 tha dollar too doom aad wlndowa,v all complete, and 100,000 feet m lumber and timber. Including Boor lug h- and all kinds of building material. Also eausre reel er rirepvoor pwe ter boards at t cents per equsra foet; sost 10 fsnu per equsra foot. i . ' AH from tba Americas Inn. Which M Bow being wrecked by owner. Tha latrVr hotel ta the largest In tha northwest contains ths brat of all kinds ef building malarial, which will be closed out at special rataa ta dealera, builders and other a Addreaa for farther Par ttrulsrs, the owner. John Carlyle, Araerfrae Inn. Portland, Oregon, rkoae Pactao Ik7T or Pariae 107. , - , A FINS lot on bnalnaaa part ef Second at.. io.t 9 ir aoaa goesa ASoess vwaar, u is, rata sotumUa , 1 J0iMta5E- antArtates -?' UNDER ANX CLA481FICATI0I y-Hfs CcibJPer'Ur" '- x .,:.' No ad takea fee lees tfcaa IBs per day. . Sevea words, as a rule, aoastltata a Una, bet each line la charged ragar disss at tha number of wors. WIArXLT RAli T ln'ns (lnclsdlsg aaa Sunday Issue) tt Caa.4 par lias per week. ' " MOaiKXT BATE (including ' ill Baaday . T ' 1 v vmr 11 as par moatn. . ADVIRTISaKisira must ba la Journal bualaees ofaca by It e'elook week aaya and by 10 o'clock Saturday evening for the Sunday laane, ta ascara elssalBcatloa. DlhLAY BATaJ glvea apoa eppUcatiea at .the of Sea. , -w -THMOUIUfAt- -BRAKCII -OFFICES Bgeuts. wha will forward your sdvsrtlss- ... .uaa sxw pooucauoa la xaa asxi imue: ... ; . . -.,.'',. sToitk nsx, v" ''? . ' toetoa. draaaist, Tweaty-thlrd and Thurman treats. r .w. A-1JU" fbarmaey, - ISO Ollsaa , atraat, eoraer Tweaty-axst. ' - . w A. W Allen, pharmacist SUteeath aad Marsbsll streets. -. . McComaioB'a Pnirmaey, Mlaeteeoth sad Wsshlnatoa atreata. .. : ,;. .,., "'V'"- ' 1 MOT' ' BTOB. ' ..'" ''"-A'" oih'b.' . rtortel Drat aosapsay, , Flrat aad Oraat """:'';. ''"'.','? un. nsi. ' ." " " . X'Jh ""agbit. eoraer Oraat I venae and East Bur rial ds atraat.. Nicholas) Tbompeoa. 1 BaaasB atlwrt. eorner Alblna avraua. Jaacke prog campaay, aoraar Bawtborsa and Oraad avenuee. W. 0. Cable, druggist, eoraer Balladay veasa aad .LarrsUse atraat. Bear atoal bridge. - v R- .A. Wlisatt. in Grand avsaaa., aaar aat Morrkwia. B. W. Ball, SSS' Baat fca street, eorner Btapkena. .. . I - -, Tettle s pharmacy. Ml MUalaslppl arenaa, corner Shaver street, -' ., ' '.'' y V' noHTjurn, ' ' . V. J. CUrk. draggtst, loot North TJataa vaaaa. , T- , - ,, ,'. UBBXtlDX. -- V S, Warth, pharmacist, tat BaLakaat (traat. .. . "I L ., .', bbooixtsT. ' ;r Av Braofclva Phsraxacy eempaay, FaweO aad Mllwaahia strsata. ; , k. '-' ABini.'0Uw0.'r-' :T. " ArWta Pharmacy, Kara aad Ftwtar atreata. '.'" nuwoos, V. Hematook's Pharraacy, S4S Oaiattna ava aaa, aaraar Baat Thlrteeath atraat. .. - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. heme. A new T -coots house, hot aad sold, water, aaa, -kMdarn plamblns, fall cement basement, frurt, II minutes from eeatar ' af -city lx.000, terms to salt. - Addraaa -Owner, P. 0. Boa 830. BELL WOOD, t blocks from ear, 8-roosB-hnei s. . lot 60x100! 10 beau-lag trait treee, best vsrte tlea; easy taraw. Leroy A Ortesley. MtahaS abaraa cheep. 183T East Ntath at. FOR SALE FARMS. FOB I ALE 8st-acre ranch at Cebjmbaa. Waah. agroa, rruix. aay, grain, a toe a: aa aaw rail. read. Addreaa os ise. reaaiexaa. uraaaa. DAIBTMBN AND OTHERS, NOTICBI , Bpiendld dairy raoeh, Corambta bottoea, S - miles rrom veacoaver, in, ml lee to railway station, boat laadlnga aa Ooluas bla aad Laka to rural mall delivery! BOO acrea; enough apland ryi aiw acrea: aaa ' a-llal . xo cara spx ainrii goon aaiwiaaai ssa- aeia- neea for cash. xor en aoo-aera dairy farm edVirnlnst sbova. enuallr fond and almllarly sltustsd; a ansa. Splendid 10-acra fruit ranch, aa entaklrta wf Vsscaaver; aa Meal hasia; baa wall aad puma supply Ing ajeishbora. yleldlBS aood la- . corns: cheap for cash. - . c Splendid 14-eere fruit farm, adtotntng above; good boasa. barn and dryer; close la Yeaeeaver and all advantasaa ag elty; a bat ' tar heeae could aat be Imagined. Ideal spot for residence la Taaeaavorl 4 aood lots with fralt Lreee ahaaea fa good Invest meat. Small counliy frkatmiTI, pond rojlse mill. S5-barrel espeelty; erell lorsted far both water aad rail trans porta tloa; for aaat at a aaertflrn ar for rant on easy terras to right aarty. 400-aere dairy farm en Colombia rtvert close to acbool aad railway and river trs as portation: aerne apland: rural Bull routs; a splendid place, for sale cheap. ' Good BO-aere tract, T acres elaaradt aleea ta, aear school sad rural Basil natal IIS per acre. -1 JO acre tract, good hand! as impravemaate, . trail watered! IS per acre. 80-eere traet. In mllee to raUwsy atattoa. IS per acre. Write er apply ta Beaald McMaater, Taa- WBsnugtou. . . x 44 ACRES 10 miles seat of Oregon City. Lngea 1 Harriet! bstweea 10 aad IB aadar plow; 1 miles to grtat mill. IW mllaa to ereeaaerr, , cnarcn ai rarnav er maa. rree rmra rocks aaa thickly Battled. Phone Bast S8B4. FREE LAND IN OREGON sndar the Carey Irrl ration Act, Deed direct from atata. Write today.' Booklet aad aaa free.' B. B Caoka A Co.. Pol Alder at,, PortUad. On. Iwill ha ...i. .a i...a-l . ratae. rnlUwiea a. TT.. . . .zzZ 1.130 ACRES Goad alack farm, SS acres ta ' cultivation, too acres bottom tend, balance .' rolling hills: about t.OOO.000 feat food saw , . timber. Price IS per sere. Also 100 acrea , at IS per aare. . Addraaa W. B. Parker, - Salem, Oregoa..' A ..... , I, 10, to-ACRR tracts, aear Se ear Use., laqulre 6SI Tillamook at.- '.: U ACRES, NEW HOUSB, FUBNISHEDf It aerea bop yard, I acrea ere hard af mixed fruit, all k hide of berriee. 00 acraa fine . TIMRER. BOGBHED AND OOATSHBD, HOP buildings; 1 mile from poatofflce. H from acbool,- It miles from Oregoa City; price . KOOO, FART CASH. , i . See H. H. WTGLRX, :- ",' . . ' '' S7t TAILOR ST. - j-' t ACRES, MILKS FROM VANCOUVER, , wtehine-toa: 10 acrea to mixed orchard aad all kinds of berries ( a nice prune erctiard ' WHICH CLBARRD 11.000 LAST YBARl . T-roem bnuee, good well, good acbool, flna prnne drver that cost 11.900. This la a snap. PRICE 1,000; 11,000 DOWN. BAU TBBMo. ',.', v . 1 See H. H. HIOI.EY. ; . 1 art Taylor st. . J i -.. -. - .... FARM FOB SALB 100 acraa. food buildings. 60 acrea under cultivation, fruit and Barries, . splendid water, aear town, dally aulli 1,000,. 000 feet ef fine pine aew timber, lota wood! a lovely home In the moat delightful climate on the Pacific coast. Addreaa B, B, bag 11T. Woodvllle, Oregoa. TO EXCHANGE. :. TOR eats er krehanga for Portlsnd read dears, M " , - acraa In hearing peachea, sprlcpts aad grapes, - near-atocktoe, Caltfaenlat- will pay-r-aeeh die r scenes. . a an, journal. 300 ACRES, 40 acrea In enlttvatlon: houee, - barn, wen teneen, goou man. anon pmre mr farmlug ar-email stock ranch! baraaln If taken at once, or exchange for Portland, property. 1OTH Third at. tH ACRES In Oregoa City, wltb good bouse, C - ,1, mmA mtttn ftlail. SmU .a exchange for farm. Call IOTA Third at. for sale Timber. CXRTTFiBTi prlcss. . wi W. Maweu, 6S8 Chamber at Oem- 1 HAVB about 1A0 timber claims fee location) no cnargea antu you ine aa claim! eau aaa lavaatlgato. SuB-S Mohawk bldf. 180 ACRES timber Mad favorable located; 1.808 acres een tie eeeurea it aesirea By swaer. V T, eera journal. - - AS3AYER3. inyia oyanidb PttTP""-"t .k.aa d emy 1.1 A m 0-4 r 1