The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 21, 1906, Image 1

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    I Ml m Vx r-','r,?r om-fji roTi n h 3 n rU v; 'J circuit : ,
GOOD r.ioRinnG
Partly, cloudy -with lifrt rain or
' mow; southerly winds.
, VOL;II.N0.743.;5V.Y,
SSSssasnaehaSaaseaVels 'I
i -
X" -
rFWhch FleerSailf to Make Dem-
. onstration Against Venezuela;
and an Attack, la Hourly,
"V-- ExpectectT v
- -t .' . . "'V''
I 7 "C
: South Americans-Prepare to Fight,
' Declaring -That , ? United People
;' WQ1 Teach European Nations That
v ! Country Can No Loafer Be Bullied
Justify Their Actons.' '
4 -
MspyrlgBt, Banl Weirs Berries, by
""Caracas, Viimnli.-Ju.-Mi TM
treateet sxoltsmsht prevails bar owing
to- the - announcement that the French
squadron hea sailed for VtwiuiUn wa
tors under sealed orders and may ap
pear at any moment off La Ouayra or
Puerto Cabellor-JM generally believed
aa Attack upon - one - of tbe two ports
la about to take place, and preparations
ara being mads to receive the hostile
rroncn vaaaala with anarsr- -;-
promlnant sovarnmant official hold
ing a reaponalbla and confidential pol
tlon andar Praaldant Caatro said today
that tha soarnmnt - bad- decided . to
maiBUla Its praeant atutada, no mat
tar what tha outcome might be. , ';
-x vp, have not. given Franco a alngle
reason to Justify an attack upon ua.7 he
declared. "The action take by-Venea-
ala In .the matter of the French Cable
eompany Is Just and strictly within the
laws of this repjubllo, but it seems the
laws of a small country are not to, be
respected by the powerful nations. ' '
"We have been bullied for a long tuts
and have decided to maintain our rights
no matter at what coatr It it war that
France -wants, war she will have. "
: . "The Kuropeaa republic wll find oul
thai Vnuela today Is not the Vene
suela Of soma years ago, weak, poor and
-divided - by -revolutionists," nartles and
political dlsturbancea of every kind. .We
have not got a strong army, it Is true,
but we certainly have, a patrlotio and
halted jopl, ready to flsht- for he
coUhtrr like tma mt6--RItKt -ia-eura,
bealdes, . and . it Is vseleas to Oght
against a. people that defends a Just
causa."-1, . .. . ,. i. -
. Biff nek ' Kay Snpplamant Fiaaaa's
- : V Sfforts to Vaddl Castro. ; ";..'
: ' (BpKial Diapateh by Leaeed Wire M The Jearul)
Washington. Jan. 10. A formal de
mand for an apology with an assurance
from President ' Caatro that immediate
satiafactory reparation will be .made,
""Is the ultimatum thar ths these big
warehlps of France now In Venesuelas
w waters will convey to " tha "executive
of Veneauela who so summarily bab
ishad M. Talgny from the soil of that
country. - This la the information that
has been Imparted to Beoretarjr of State
Root by M. Jusserand, tha French am
baaaador at-Waihlngton, .:..'1'
i. It has been known for some time that
whatever action Franoa might take In
, the existing difficulties between herself
. and VenesuelS would have the full sano
' tlon of the United States government.
, ThlS fact Is now oonsidared to be doubly
sura. In View of tha dlaquleting re-
7 ports that come from Caracas to the
effect that Castro la lncllnedtO be as
curt witn jar. ituasaiv tns American
minister now In charge of France's ne
gotiation!, aa ho was with M- Talgny.
Following the report that cablegrams
from the slats department to Minister
Russell were not promptly delivered to
him,, but subjected to various long de
lays, and the Inquiries made aa to why
such delays occurred, hss resulted in
Becretary Root intimating to President
Castro that this government - will not
permit Its representative at Caracas to
be Insulted 'or ignored.
x ' i ' .' .' ,i ii n nr.:- ' " 'If-'
(Special Dtepatch to The Joarnal. '
i Butte, Mont., Jan. 10. An epidemic
f elopements hss. broken out. on the
Crow reservation and 16 bucks, charged
''with deserting their wives, are in Jail
; at the Crow agency. " ' Ben Long Ear
: and Mrs. Crooked Arm ' set the fashion
- and sloped to tha Flathead reserve
. tlon. ' They have been ' sheltered by
friends, but, Will bo msds to return to
i ths. . Crow reserve. Indian polios
. rounded . up all . ths offenders- that
, Sould be caught and landed them la
(all to await punishment
- (SpMM DUmMi bf Wire ta Tbe Jovnti)
, Bait Lake, Jan. 10 It la reported that
. six men were killed In 'a snowallds at
Alta, . Utah, this morning; , The groat
bank of snow oams down tha mountain-
'side, carrying the six meri, who were
In a house at the and of the village,
' down ths mountain for 100 feet." There
. Is from 10 to 11 feet of snow in Alts
sanyon and there" Is So wsy of getting
- to ths place at this season- of ths year.
- The-- railroad - has been --blocked for
- months. Telephone messages from ths
place have been brief and aa details
. of the affair have been, given. '
) ' ; : Sadlasa OmaU fot Pardom. '
Mrlal Dtapitcb by taaeed Wire ta The Jeoraall
New York. Jan, 10. A. woman has
started sn endleaa chain sdhems looking
to the freeing of rr. Simpson bM for
murder id in - ,j,)n tor his re
eee ci "if ;tct "1: i la
United . Raltwayt Company 8e-
cure Controlling Interest In
Oregon Traction Co.
r.-. . ' ,v -.:;- v , W : -.
J. Whyte Evana, One of Corporation,
, . Says Time ta Not Ripe to Say
' Whether or Not H, B. Huntington
Ze Interested, r -' f-
'A controlling Interest, amounting to
nearly all at tha tock of ths Oregos
Traction oompany, passed lsst night to
the United Railways oompany, a new
corporation organised by W. D. Larra
bee. M..H. French, J. Whyte Kvans sad
R. A. Phillips of Loa Angelest who. It Is
understood, represent, H. B. ' Hunting
ton and asaooiaUa- ta tha Los' -Angelas
intarnrbaa railways. Ths complete
tranafer of property and franchises will
take place at ue szpirsuon ex ia oaya.
when it wUl be ratified by. a special
meeting of the Oregon Traction ' eara
pany's stockholders sailed yesterday
for yiat-urpoe. Tho- aonalderation-ie
abous 49,C0r- tneladlng seymeat ot all
Indebtedness of ths corporation. - . . , t
At ths Oregon hotel last evening Mr.
Kvans was asked toonaks a statement
denying or oonfirmlng tbe report of Mr.
Huntington s oonnoouon wint tns unnea
Railways sntsrprlss. He said: -'
Xastmossd' So Cay . Vothlag. '
Tha. lima Is not ripe for us to aay
whether or not Mr. Huntington Is con
nected with this project. Later eome
thlng may be said on that subject. At
present - our instructions are to ssy
nothing. We are hers to give Portland
something t hss not., and .in which 14
must be admitted tha olty la behind ths
times. Ws are asking no financial aid
nor -anything excepting tha right -to
build and operate. We have ssked for
Front street snd ws know it Is a valu
able street. Portland la advertising for
capital to be invested, hers and Oregos
Is wanting1 outstds peopls to some Is
and help develop the country. We
want to -come her and invest !,. 6
or more and make our homea in Port
land. If wa get ths f ranchlaea wa have
aakad for our plans will be carried out
Immediately, with . ample capital back
of them to develop' sn electric railway
systsm centering in this city. Our
principal objective points lie outside of
tha olty and if ws ar to bring people
snd. traffic hr-ws must have- soma- -plaee
to unload and handle tha business.".-.-'
. Wa as Peopls Ave. ' V
Messrs. Phillips. French ' snd Evans
left last night for Loo Angeles.. It Is
their purpoee to return to Portland la
about 10 dsys, - Mr. Larrabee remains
to look after ths company's interests
here. He -was formerly general euper-
lntendent of ths Los Angeles A Pacific
and resigned about two monthe ago to
go to Ban Francisco. Hs Is sn experi
enced railroad man and was soms years
ego connected In an official; capacity
with steam railways in ths southwest.
Mr. French repreaenta the construction
company In the Portland enterprise. He
Is aaid to be one of r the beat-known
railroad builders in-California and con
structed ths Passdena electrio. road and
considerable . portion of : the Los
Angeles A Paolflo, t. Whyte Evens hss
been for soms years connected with
railway construction In southern Cali
fornia and Mexico. . Mr., Phillips 4s ths
(Continued on Pags Two.)
Portland, WegonTsnTTl- fls
Paopla of ths Clty-of -Portland Ladles
and Gentlemen In furtherance of ths
pdllfi adopted By me" In the paaf ofaet
ttng before you plainly such facts as
bear upon my conduct wherein it relates
to your, interests, that you may arrive
at' your own conclusions, I at this tlms
deem It proper to give you the Inside
history of ths raid upon .what Is known
as the Richards place, .so - far as I
know It. .... . - - .. i -
This plaos is located upon ths corner
of Park and Alder ' streets, and
upon the ground floor, of that oornsr
there is a restaurant of good appear
ance,, open to ths public, and modest
' Upstairs, ths arrangements. X am told.
are quite a bit different. ' h . -
Of the downetairs restaurant upon
the corner I have never heard any com
plaint; of the boxes located conveniently
to the aide entrance and of the upstairs
department I have beard much. t
Bo far as ths "goings on which take
r'"iee upstairs are concerned, wherein
fx v-on ths actioss of persons
PorT of .Caracasy
7 ;--';-
'' '
Lot Angeles Jury Justifiee Mur
- der of Jap Who Was Caught A
Stealing O range. : ' V
(gpeeial Duvateh by Uased Wire te The Journal)
Loo Angeles. Jan. It- "Not guilty-
was the verdict rendered in department
ons of ths superior oourt this morning
In the esse of D. W. Helm, charged
with -ths murder Of Ssdasmon Deal a
Japanaaa frnltplckar at Pomona. July
I.. Tha case was given into ths hands
of ths Jury at S o'dpok Friday, c ." :
. ' When on the witness stand In hla own
defense. Helm admitted that hs shot
ths Jspaneae In the back as ths thlsf
wss trying to escape from Helm's or
angs . orchard.1 -. : . -. j-
H. T. Oage, his . counsel, eontended
that. Helm's orchard had been systemat
ically robbed by Japanaaa- living in a
near-by adobe bouse for months, and aa
Deai lived in the bouss that sheltered
the men who bad stolen over 100 boxed
of o ran gee from Helm, he waa himself
a felon 'and Helm bad a right to ahoot
him down. ' - 1 ' ' ' ' -.
of mature" yeare of either sex, whether
married or- unmarried. -I-1 ha vs-nothing
to say,that being a matter which
largely oonoarna ' themeol vas, and It be
ing m part of my duty or Inclination to
sat up either a guard or censorship over
them., ' ' - ' v "i : ... '. ..
-.Upon ths other hand, however, when
complaints are mads to ass by mothers
and - others that their daughters, and
othor mothers' daughters, ranging from,
say, II years up to 10 years of age, the
children largely of poor people; chil
dren who In many cases must need quit
school to go to work to help support
still younger children, and who In all
their Uvea perhaps have never eaten a
meal composed of toons than ths bars
neSessarlss of Ufa, but who, however,
ara In the - heyday of their youth and
forsooth are fair to look upon; that such
children ss these are "marked down" by
tha hunter and sought out from ths dif
ferent placea of employment about town,
and ara afterward wheedled and "soft
sow pod," and by skillful and artful lying
are, Inveigled into entering what is os
tensibly, ao laaocsnt iluing-room, la a
1 1 i " .x - r . -... j , ..-, : : : .. :
' r,
May Be ITntfir French Guna Shortly
- '-
Convicted of Father's Murder He
y'r Is Beyond Punishment ;
-for "Contempt.
'" ; - iX;
Dora Jranfaiga, on-Trial for Her Life,
Denies That Confessions in Which
j She Accnses Her Brother ' Were
Given Voluntarily. -
. fspeeUl XMsaatch ts Tae Joorsel.) , i
i Grants Pass. Or, Jan. 10. There was
a dramatio scene in ths courtroom this
afternoon whan tha convicted brother of
Dora Jennings was called from his oell
sad brought In to give his testimony, by
rsqueet .of the prosecution" in the . trial
of Dora Jennings for the murder of her
father, N. M. Jennings, at Oranlte HU1
last September. The brother snd slstsr
greeted each other smilingly, but Jas
per's faos had lost Its ruddiness, was
dsadly pals snd hs trembled nervously
when ho took the stand. - - -i r-V
Attorney Reamss asksd him If It was
(Continued on Pags Four.) .
O N ;R I G H A
seemingly decent and reputable restau
rant, to eat a simple meal.-and then
when safely Janded in that-trap. ara in
Stdldusly piled with mixed drinks com
posed of . alternating doses . of " "gin
fines" and "bum" and fortified olarst
and othsr wines, ths drinking of ths
combination of which . would "knock
out" a Kentucky colonel, and after hav
ing "arrttred" at ths propet stats of In
tpxloatlon, in-three-steps are landed
Into -a-bedroom which-cunningly opens
off from ths Innocent-looking "little
dining-room." and after having served
the purpoee desired, srs Immediately de
aarted ' by tha low-down cowards who
took -there there and are promptly there
after set adrift from a aids door while
tbe "lights are shunted out.' to reel and
grope their ways to ths little home, un
protected and alone, to bring sorrow,
shams and deep and laettng misery upon
a suffering mother, while the utterly
worthlne cur and worse, the .cause of It,
"saves, his bacon" by. besting a safe re
treat why, then t don't mind saying to
you that It ts a "bit different", with me
as mayor of this your city., ., .r ,
( I
) I
Officer Cleared of Ad Blame for
; Bennington Disaster and ;
jlRenoreoLtQ Duty.ii
(Special Dlspatcfe by Leased Wire te Tbe Jearaal)
- Vallejo. CaL, Jan. 10. A telegram was
received st Mars Island this afternoon
by Admiral McCalla from Becretary of
the Navy Bonaparte, stating that papsrs
of ths recent eourtmartlsl board, which
waa held In executive session at Mara
Island two ' weaka ago, had been re
ceived by blm, and as ths board was
unanimous In acquitting Charles T.
Wade of all ehargss and specifications
In connection with-the exploeton sn the
gunboat Bennington In Ban Diego har
bor last July hs wss of ths sama opin
ion and authorised the oommandant to
hand Wads this order: .
' "Washington, D. C, Jan. 1, ltOf.
Enslga) Charles T. Wade la ordered re
leased and acaultted 'from-all charges
and restored to active duty.
. . - "Becretary of the Navy."
Admiral MoCalla seemed much pleased
with ths news. '
- And if after the mother has refused
to further snd mors indelibly brand her
chlld-by.pumng hag.Jorsrajd. before tha
eyea of the public as a witness in oourt
to establish thee facts for which-1
don't bis me her; and If after I havs ap-
fiealed to .your council to take away the
lcense of the place which permits sueh
work to go on, - and bare appealed to
that eounoll In vain. It so falls out that
I endeavor to clean out the "Joint" on
ray own book and to the beet of my
ability, with the- use of such Imple
ments as you havs provided mo with
for that purpose; and It Is done, and Is
dons again, and again if necessary, quits
regardleaa of whom It he) pa, or whom it
hurts, and equally regardless as to how
many friends I loss or how many ene
mies I snake, why, that is well. And,
further; whatever the final reeult may
be for me personally, -politically, or In
any other, wise,, it will make not one
whit difference with me In ray conduct
In regard to- this matter, ss - here eel
forth by me, I. tn view of the facts
being Indifferent tn respect to the same.
Very respectfully yours.
s, NotTrobabTeTharthe Peach
Wilt Be Seen In the Senate
Chamber in Washington
."TThis Year. J;. J'k ;
Sendinf of TelegTsm Construed as
. Insult and Part of Plot by Senior
Senator . to ; Call ; Attention to
- Dspswa Absence and Illness Lat
ter Dare Not Face His Compeers,
(SsesUl Dtsseeth br teased Wire U The Jkeaesl)
" Maw Torfc, Jan. 10. It is not probable
that Senator Depew will be eeen in his
aaat In ths ssnats ehamber In Washing
ton again this saaalon. ' ,
It was announced at his home, Nov 14
West Fifty-fourth street, today that It
was his intention to laava New Tork la
I time to take his seat In. tha ssnats Mon.-
day morning at noon, but snouis as at
tempt to do so as wui pe aocompanieo
by two physlolans who will superintend
his removal aa soon as his unfitness to
remain has been demonstrated.
It is believed, however, that his physl
olans will not permit him to make the
attempt to appear on the floor of the
aenate. Friends and relatlvee of Senator
Depew are extremely anxloua that he
Should'' appear In the senate Monday la
order to destroy ths puhllo Impression
already ereated that the Junior senator
of thle state is not mentally fit to as
sume his senatorial dutlee. '. This im
pression baa taen due to tbe atorlaa al
ready circulated by friends who have
seen him in ths last three weeks snd
who srs convinced that only a long rest
in another country will restore his men
tsl condition, - , ,
" . la Saves: fears Alone. .
It Is no knowa tht Senator Depew
is suffering from attacks of aphasia.
which recur so frequently as to make
tt Inadvisable ts leave him to himself
for even a few momenta
Tha senator has not beea'permittsd to
remain alone In hla own home or the
streets since tha Aflrat. attack - nearly
month ago. When seised he finds It Im-
possible to convey bis thoughts In even
the simplest words. : Tljeee attacks have
been . reourrlng with Increasing f re-
but slight bops of his recovery unleee
he Is removed from all surroundings
that will In any way suggest ths fright
ful ordeal through which he hae paaaed
slnoe ths expoeure of the legislative In
sure ncs investlgai
ytlende of ths alck man are harsh In
their - criticism of Senator Plstt, who
ssnt a . telegram to Senator Depew ot
a eurt peremptory nature, practically
commanding him ts appear tn the senate
Monday morning. ,
- -Thle meaaage ' Was ' read by " Senator
Depew, when in his luold moments hs
(Continued sn Page Four.)
Crisis Approaching In Conference French Warship Goes After
Moore- Each Power Wants , Open Door, But Desires to i ;
Hold Door Itself Distrust and Suspicion Crow. ! f ),
lOooirhrat. tTearst Mews getlea. b
- Wire t Tbe JoeraaL)
London, . Jan. I. The pacific tone
of the'' news reports i coming from the
Moroccan - conference 1 at Algeclras.
Bpsln. Is sot Justified socordlng to
private Information received here. Even
the news dispatches today contained
vagus hints of aa approaching crisis.
It Is believed that trouble will oertalnly
ensue becaase none of the Interested
powers In ths conference is disposed to
yield aa Inch.- -.
A. telegram' received this sftsrnoon
from Malaga indlcatea that -Morooso
has. concluded to take an aettvs hand
In stirring up a - disturbance. . This
dispatch ssys that a report ts current
In Malllls. ths Spanish stronghold, on
the' north coast of Morocco, that the
Moroccan gunboat Sid Turk! Is, about to
bombard -t ho h lea factory war "Which
the Belgian flag Is floating.. , '.
Tha French cruiser Lalande. whtch
left Algeclras three days ago to patrol
the coast between-Mentis and ChTca.
following a pledge of France to Bpaln
to drive freebooters from Spanish terri
tory, -has , undoubtedly run, across-tni
Bid Turkl. Just how far Francs would
1st Moroooo go in the way Of a bombard-
meat Is a queetio that has a great
deal sf bearing sn ths present situa
tion. j- -J.--.i--
An adveaturoua band or French and
Belgians that precipitated the present
trouble-by setting up headquarters at
Chios. Sloes to Melllla, and erecting a
factory almost tn eight of tha Spanish
possessions, la still holding ths fort, al
though tbo ' Frsncn ; government has
warnedthem - to - leave- on.- tha ground
that they are freebootere not entitled to
pepteotton. Their oontlnued presence
servaa to aggravate Spain, which haa al
waya questioned the - good ' faith of
France In Morocco. '
It ta quits probable that te free
booters, learning of the sr,roe'-i of the
French cruiser, havs aben . --i n cf
their holdings as encron
territory and have fort ' i
In their c- t f '
Belaian t
tory ow
District; 2 Attorney"7 Commences
Action for the Sole Purpose,
'i of- Legalizing ' Poolsell-r? I
y;v Ing In Oregon, "v v,t.;
Admha, However, That He Iasns4
4 ? Complaint at Request of Judge U.
V L Pipes and Whitney L. Boise,' At
torneys for - William - If. Aysra,
: Poolscller, to Teat Law. .
la his sffteial aapaoity as district as. ,
tomey John Manning commenced a suit
last Friday which hss for Its sola par -pose
tha legalising of racetrack gam- -bllng
In Oregon. The suit wss brought
at ths Instigation and request of persona)
Interested in poolaelllng at ths Irvlngton -trsckv
snd In ths hops of securing irons-
the supreme court such an interpret- .
tlon of the -law as will permit them to -.
resums buslnsss. ..... -,-
District Attorney Manning acknowl- ' .
edges that this Is tha expectation of
the persons who Inspired ths. suit.-but ;
says that hs doaa not think the supreme
court will decide ta their favor. As an
accommodation to them hs filed the
suit ss ss to give then aa -opportunity -to
assail the law. ...
PoolseUlag has been declared by the
supreme court of thle stats to be a"
publlo nuisance. - The Interests which
are back of this eult hope to Induce the
onurt to distinguish between poolselllng
conducted In a publlo poolroom, and
poolaelllng conducted at a raoetreok.
and tha court will be asked to hold that
the latter ta not such a publlo nuisance)
as Is prohibited by ths statute. -
'." The OstAnsfbls Oamss.
- Ostensibly the ut was riled for' ths
purpoee of punishing ons William M.
Ayoro for -selling pools st ihs lrvtngton
track during th race meet last August, 1 -District
Attorn ' Manning Issued a oom- '
plaint against lum charging him with
maintaining a publlo nuisance- Judge,
LJU-.LLJ'lpsa.appeara aa attorney for the
defendant and with hun is associated
Whitney L. Boise. It is expected that .
the trial Judgs will overrule the do- ;
murrer tiled in behalf of tbe defendant
and ths case will then be carried to the
supreme eourt on an agreed statement
of facts.,
Bo for ss sny real purpose ts punish
Ay era for violating any law. is eon-'
cerned, the whole proceeding is a farce.
Tha district-attorney is simply lending
himself snd his office to tha scheme of
the pooleeller and ta aiding them 1st .
their effort to legalise raoe track bet- ...
ting.. . . - -. - .
. When, asked to explain why lis com
menced the proceeding.. District Attor-
AeyMsnolng replied-
. 1 did it at ths request of Jodga
(Continued on Page Four.)
plain why that government Is sending .
gunboat to deal with ths maltontenta. -
A great deal has been aent out from
Algeclras about the anxiety of all the
powers to-estabtlsh ths "open door" in
Morocco. The trouble seema to bo that
each of ths Interested powers wanta to
hold ths door. Thus far ths Influence
of Mr. Henry White, the American dele
gate, upon whom ao much waa counted
for conciliation, . baa not beep general
to sny sxtent.
Ths rising feeling of distrust Is dus '
seemingly to the unwillingness of both V.
France and Germany to defend their po-
altlons beyond reaffirming now soma-
what wearisomely, adherence to ths
open door, the aoverelgoty of the sul
tan and the integrity of hla territories.''' '
The French, delegstes in ail their eon- '
versatlonal reconnoleaancsa . with, their- i
opponents have unable to learn preclaely , '
what Is the position of Germany, nor ap ', '
parent! y have the Oerman rsnresenta- '
tlvea been abla to ascertain the -Joint ,
irrtcnf frras "of Frgtiog- snst Xitoftf B fffaiii , .
Kxtreme caution and lack of confidence ..
have begun to destroy the favorable ', '
atmosphace. toa-eotUktle K(H - wrfs
crested -f by -thr sourtesTes-n6rTlsurv'r', w
sncaa of ths first few days, . .- -
There la a feeling among the ambas
sadors of ths lees Interested powers that
trouble ta In sight. Ths Moroccan del-. "
egates have become conscious of this'."
and take satisfaction therefrom. Ths -earneatneas
of tha Moroccan delegate. "
over the urgency for foreign prevention -of
the contraband, trade la arms asiusea
tha Moroccan apociallste In the ronfer
ence, as the son of Mohnmmnd Kl
Perresr-ha4 of h -Moroeean mleslnn, .
has grown rich out ef the illicit tre i
In arms, snd several other p '
ths sultan's court are er- !
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