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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1906)
.-..n k...t i 0 14) Restaurant .::. a a n 1 1 HI L -.. "OOVC3 aTX. I.: :FJr:;rT8 a -riiua Qreaa LmU (hm Im "Vtririelne" w ...o1al Bulm olr. "Hr fctrrtase Vow" ,rle "The Orla ef Crtai" ......'n-T,,,a ..............,...'... H . llie tDUM r Engineers in th fir department hare asked that the scale of wtU paid be- - fore the reduction several yearsago be restored. A petition to thle effect wis txade to the fire oommleeloner- lt ht. . The schedule asked call fw alary of 110 a month for the first . moaths of srlce. 115 for the eeoo 1 Is month and I10S after one - year. The master meohanlo aake for a grad- uated aoale of 111! to till a month, the Maximum to be paid after service of tone year. The engineer of the fir boat asks for a maximum salary of 111 a month. The master and pilot of the - rtreboai- also asked for a increase and the district engineers petition for Itllfi month. .The commissioners have taken the requests under advisement. - - -The polloe are-scourlng the Jdtyforl Ben Osata, a Japanese, wno is aueaeu t have taken t09 Intrusted to hlrand disappeared W. KulnaxnoLa. 28 Ev erett street, gav the money to T. Nil to turn ever to Osata. who was to have gone to HUlsboro to pay pff a gang of Japanese laborers. Nil received a receipt, from Osata. who went to Hllli boro, but returned yesterday without Kying nny of the nn, and has not tn seen-alnoe.' A complaint has been filed tn the polloe 'court alleging lar ceny by embeaslemsnt and a warrant of arrest- Issued. - Detectives r Welch and Hftm an base been assigned tn the ' , F. Hooking, administrator of, the , v esute of Jerome 3. BulllvanXJias begun -:-"'-a suit tn the elrenit court against the Portland Railway company for It la- alleged that -- at about 4 p.. m. August 10. ltl. Sullivan and Newton Xeckwere riding In a -buggy along . : Powell street, between hfilwaukla and ' '. East Sixteenth streets, when their horse became frightened at - a rapidly ap proaohlng etreetcar. It is alleged that the animal' was - .unmanageable. . Sullivan -- -wa thrown from th jMtgsy -and -killed. ' Five thousand dollars Is aaked for the death of Sullivan and 14 -for the fua "" oral xpenses. ys v; . .David els' of ' ITS Sherman street .Is at St Vtnoenfs hospital suffering - - front .scalds from his waist down, and has a fighting chance to recover. He . received bis - Injuries early yesterday 'morning while assisting In firing an "engine on the Northern Pacific road near OobeL While standing tn front ' of the open furnace door, several tubes - ble out. " Engineer Borkley and Fire :7inn Larson were burned t -the: same ' time. They ' were aent .' to Taeoma. : Weiss burns are mora severe, than at tlm.WPPOSOd.-- --.,', .i-iy.'..'. . Multnomah branch No. II,' National T" Association of Letter-Carriers. Installed the following officers for the ensuing term, at Its last meeting: Martin K. ; J Wirt en. president; . A. . JL KJlnk. ,. vice V preeldent; Fred P. Holm,, recording oeo " rotary; C H. Dunnegan. financial sec-.-.retary; H..WU. Moulton, treasurer; John O. Francis, collector, ht, B. JL: J. C Todd, aergeant-at-arms; Oeorg W. Feathers, trustee. Fred P. -Holm, state ' . vioe-preelden, acted as installing offl , 1 efV . '. 6 r Y'.e . ,.'. r Lr : T r Friends1 in Portland bava learned of , the death c. Thomas Thornton at Tono pah. .Nevada, hut" Saturday of typhoid pneumonia. For several year Thornton was employed m the looal freight of- flcea Of the Southern Pacific company-, but removed afterward to - San . Fran ' elsoo. A year ago bo became freight auditor of the Tonapah -eV- Ooldfleld Railroad company. vr .-, s.-'l.,-.-,.. Burroughs It Oanlt having purchased the entire stock of groceries from Rechstelner Marty, til Third Street known as Pavilion Cash Grocery, wish to inform their friends end customers their nlaeo of business wm not open on Sunday as has been- the custom in the , past Will remain open until :0 Sat v"s. tirday evening. r : ..' .',r'";-"-i'-.-t Mineral Spring Hotel' Co,' lissiia " Abm IX St. Martin's Hot Springs, Car--' , son, Washington, Is without doubt the " best health resort In the northwest. Hot - mlnml tiafka fnVvlhe mm of rhenma tlsm. ntomaoh. liver ' and kldaeyn Uwublea. r- BxoeUant ' table Electric light and steam beat Take Regulator :,-v lias boats. .u .t".. . .tf-y,. . .. ' Tho Concordia slub has elected the -" ; following offtoeret. President Max Fleisohasrs first vlee-preeldent, Edward '.; Ehrmaa; , ssosnd v vice-president, ' 4 V Xoeweagardt; secretary, L. Rau; troas . nrer,. Slgmund Frank; directors, Isam White, J. O. Meyer, Julius U- Meier, Adelph ' Jacobs, Big Slchel and Walter ''.Rosenblatt. ',. ,-.. j- t?-ji.- tl Tho fifth annual" English' conference of tho Pacific synod of the Lutheran church was losed last night aftay thfee sessiona la one - day. Rev. 'Mr. Toung of Seattle delivered the conference ser r men last night on. "The Christ and. His Church." ; At. the dose of. tho sermon thera was muslo. ' f. ., ,,., ' '"--Articles of Incorporation for the Shir . ley Mining company were filed In the county clerk's office this snornlng by W. : . 1,. Boise, John T. McKos and C O. Ueba, ' The company ( formed to develop mln Ing propertlea, i principally - the Olalla mines, Douglas county, Oregon. The - capital stock of the company Is 1100,000. ' At Tempi Beth Israel Dr. Stephen B. Wlaa wlU apeak at o'clock this evening an the question vis tne -Moral supremacy of the Churoh Endangered f The ad dress will deal with some Of the chief . causes of the waning of the influence , of the churches. Strangers are welcome. S i , R.' A. Preston has sued James Car. . ' rou In the circuit oourt in order to have T "an alleged contrsct carried .out " Pres ., ton avers that on December 1(. 1001, he V made a. contract with Carroll to pur- i , . i i 1 1 . y , 1. 1 1 . ' 1 We refer to "Wing" Col ' lars; ' we've some as tremely smart styles In ths Wing' shape, aa also In other shapes. - j :' We've both grades in quarter slses, r"; - C rarMra4 f r,-" ft error bat axs wvtst. ' ; KmrsUtd SrataM ZO Soma fade Sansa ........... ..IC-t -aau l r"v tra-i ClMmm,'- Vrav t . .....'i:.,.rM (.-M .on, Teaet sad Ooffaa. . .i J Fried Oat Flak XH4 Tulve and Bason ................lB-f Spagaa and Obsess, Italian. tK4 O IV" BaUa, Creaea OhrWvy.. - .if 4 Mask ft XV,aols r-f . ,1A .VI Fork and a.4aaa. 15g Coffee, Bread' and BaMe aad FotstOoes wttk all a-rdsca, . . r SFBOXA& nror-g;tn rsa bax:si chase lots ( and I, block 40, East Port land, - for .t00.. One hundred dollsrs was to be jalc! flown, and. Ita remainder wbea. tli a.. plalntllT .. bad approved - the title of ths land. . Preston declares that he paid the 1100. and offered the f 1.100 on, January IVbut this was refused.- To develop electric ' power on - the upper Wlllametta river, by a connection with Sucker lake a company has been organised by Oeorgo Rao, Merrltt O. Collins . and Oeorgo 8. Shepard. They purpose Xo utilise the waters of Tua latin river by constructing a canal from tho river to the lake, use the lake aa a reeervot r, aad develop 8,000 horsepower at a plant to bo established near Os wego. .-.: y V - . L ., 'UHlaa VP. Davis has begun suit for dteeros twm JeSTersen Da-Haj alleging I that for a long tlmo she was aompelled to work in order to support herself, and her mother, and - that sine laat June she has had to support her husband, Shoals states that-Davis often abused her. The couple were married in Van couver, Wasliu. August 11, , 1100., . . ' Grand Patriarch Claud Oaten of Sa lem was the gueat of honor test night at a Joint meeting of Golden Rule en campmont No,. IS and JEUlson sncamp msnt No. 1, L O. O. F., In Odd Fellows' hall, Grand avenue and East Pins street The 'golden rule degree) was given : a large class. ; -. -,: , , Articles'' of Incorporatlsn for . the Transcontinental Machine company ware filed in the county clerk's office yester day by Merits Conn, Julius Dilg and O. As Peek. Tti captUI stock la li.000 and the chief purpose of the new company is to manufacture novelty devices. . TSam .. Jobs lecture, : Walt . Temple, Saturday night "Medley of Philosophy, Fact aad Fun." . Only, a fsw .good re served seats left 0 cents. Allen a, Oirbert-Ramakaf Co, Sixth' and Morri- J Fred Olson left yesterday for Collins Hot Spring-, Washington, to ths Imps f recovering, from a prolonged attack of rheumatism. - He returned from the springs several ' weeks ago, but was forced to make, another trip. - ' - -The Harney board of trade baa organ ised and applied for -membership la the Oregon Development league, now erne bracing between 10 and oommarclal organisations la as ' many progressive Oregon towns. j ' Plant rose now. We bar the largest and best eteok la the city. To eaa see It tn our tree yard. Front aad Yamhill streets. Descriptive and Illustrated eat- aiogns ,n request Portland Seed Co. ' Watches. Watches. Watches On easy weekly paiFiuenta.- ft - down. f-o 'per week, Don't go without a good time piece, atetsger Co, 111 Sixth street "Splrltaalism The Devil ts In It" Is tho subject ot Dr.' Martin's lecture to night- at the First Christian church. Park and Columbia streets. , The regular weekly meeting of the Oregon Equal Suffrage association will be held January 10 at 1:10 p. m. at 111 Sixth street. . , .". v .. , The next time you need flour, ask for Bluestem Brand, You'll b -surprised what nlo bread It makes. See ad. on market page, .tvi r - . ; -"i tTnlqu Tailoring Co. ' ;, ,,v -ti swav moveo. ' . -.y t . ' To v. - .. ) .-vi'v, ; 100 Stark, near Sixth. v ' : All watcbe cleaaed,- t ; All main spring, 11. Metsger Cex. Ill Sixth Geld medals for lawn grass andwweet peas. Butser, seeasmsn, us Front, Merchants lunch lOo 11 ta t. tn Washington. i-. Dr. E. C Brown, Eye-Bar. '4 Marquam. Big shoe sale. Mark Shoe Co. . Ask for Frits' tamalaa, . - AMERICAN AND ENGLISH ! HUMORISTS TO LECTURE The famous English author and hu morist Jerome K. Jerome, will arrive tomorrow morning, accompanied by the well known American writer and lec turer, Charles Battell Loom Is. They will make but one appearance, her 4a a com bined . entertainment of humorous re citals from thslr works. This la ths first visit - to America of the man wh-7 wrote "Three Men In a Boat" and "The Idle Thoughts of an Idl Follow" and othsr "popular itortssrafid th first time that Mr. Loom Is baa com to ths coast Mr. Jerome Is a novella t actor. Jour nalist essayist as well . as humorist That Jeroms and Loomls will be greeted by a large and -faahlonabl audience at the Baker theatre tomorrow night seem assured. Popular prices Tor reserved eats will prevail and the seats are now on sal at ths box office of the thea tre, sii . - '" ' Llvtstock Atsocfation. " T6 PMlf 16 - Uveefock aasocTaTTon, with head offlo at Spokane, Washing ton, ha bean examined twioe by this department - It n--eHn condi tion, la thoroughly wall managed and stands well with this department ,1 have no healtatlon whatever In recom mending It moot heartily to your favor able consideration. .It ts worthy of every confidence. . Very truly yours, J. K 8CH1VELY, ;i - Deputy Insurano Commissioner. . y - i ' ' emmranagJsaBmsjBMsgsjsasmB .. .- ; i rVuIWtukl Country CluS ' ' Eastern and Seattle rsoea Take Sen wood and Ore go City oar at First and Alder. ; - - - . -; ' - - - : . - Wondsr of thr Day. Automstlo Changs end cash register. 404 Marquam building, The little folks lv Dr. Wood' Nor way Pin Syrup, pleasent to take; per fectly hsrmlees: positive cure for cough, coUj, bronchitis, asthma. Rv. Onrthin Cvttt Natlvo of Naw York and Qraduata of f Rochrttar Unlvorsltyl ' Rev. Elnathan Sweet ot Rochester. New York, who ha been called to Port land as assistant pastor of ths First Baptist church, 1 a natlv of the Em pire SUtt . H w born at'ttephane to wn. as d was t raduabJI -1 torn - WU Ujut covert - Mc sachurstts, tn. 1115. "5 Krr. Klnthn 8wt. ; He accepted a position - as secretary and treasurer of ths Hilton Bridge com pany at Albany, New York, which be retained for live years. - At tn expire- tion of thartlm Mr. Sweet enured the Rochester Theological seminary at Ro chester. New York, graduating in 191. Then Mi became pastor of the First Baptist church at Brockpoit, Now York, resigning last summsr. -Slnos than he ha been making his horns In Rochester. He I married and has two children. ' Mr.' Sweet asm In touch with Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher, whose assistant hs I to be, through A mutual friend. Rev. B.T. Langford jf Rochestsr. . The lat ter waa for several year pastor at Pal Alto. California.., He and Mr. Sweet were classmates at ths Rochester sem inary. Mr. Langford and Dr. Brougher became acquainted- in 'California, - aad through that acquaintance Mr. Sweet waa brought to the .attention of . the Portland minister, who was trying te find a soltabls' young man aa hi as sistant . .. :THFIIATr: For years Louis' Jamas has stood for what Is good- In leglttmato acting, and his interpretation of . "Richelieu" last night at the Marquam sustained his reputation .Those who saw.. Mr.- Jam with. Frederick . Ward . might , bar pBtsd ths latter; but those who didn't found nothing wanting In last night la terp relation of Sir Bulwer . Lytton' elaasla drama, i Louis James has been proclaimed by many to be the most able tragedian alive today, but It must be conceded that he has not attained the hlstrlonlo standard set by player like Booth, Barrett Mo Cullough and a few -others. Yet he I Important and must be recognised as suoh. His art Is 'appreciated by lovers of hlgh-clasa drama, but, of course, gen erally it sails far above the head of the average theater-goer, and Is not eared for by the usual first-night society au dience, which nowadays prefers some thing similar to Ada's "Collsg Widow." This waa exemplified by the audience at the Marquam last night Which waa com posed chiefly ot deep-thlnklng persona, with ths frivolous sst conspicuous by It absence. ' ' r; -Rlchelle," th' play, la rich . In lit erary too, and require a company of art lata to read correct. y the magnificent lines, o Taking last night's performance aa a whole. It was credltabjy given. A star In most cases outshines those sur rounding, and so it was last night Mr. James stood out from his support In suoh brilliant light that he almost kept the ether player In darkness through out This ta not detrimental t hi sup port Ons cannot expect an entire oom paay to be as good a Mr. Jams, but If on could be found, what a production, f "Richelieu" could be given. . Although Mr. Jams 1 getting on la years he has lost none ot his power, as waa shows Jest night la his reading. Ha rose to dramatlo attitudes with a fervor that aroused ths greatest enthu- slasm. There M vatltt . muslo la his : Norman Haekett capable and clever young actor, supports Mr. James , an doea aomo creditable work aa ds Man prat Miss Aphis James, as Julie de Mortemsr, tat no doubt an .- excellent actress, but her role could have been made stronger. She ts at a disadvantage In assuming a hard part la a most dif ficult play, Others - In tha east worth mentioning are Arthur Young, as B trad as, and Miss Teres, Deagle, who as Franool mad ths most of her part Toaia-ht Mr. 'James appear aa Vir ginia 4a -the play by .that asm Tfals la ana of his strongest roles. Tomor row tho sngagamsnt closes with "Ingo-f mar" at tho matinee ana .in J&aronani of Venice" at night . , . .. ' Building permits hava been issued as follows; - L C - Eastman, cottage. East Nineteenth between Wygant and Alberta streets, cost fits; IX T. nnsrrsin real denoe, East Madison between East Thir teenth and Eaat Fourteenth streets, cost fl.000; C C Nswoastle, store building, 4(3H rTntTd atwelTWttttamWllllf, "cot tag. Willamette v boulevard near Knowlea e treats F. A. SUveraalL eotUse, 4t yoctfc-Eighth streett.P.. IollIek, sst tag. Klickitat street near oread avenue, cost 11.400; Mary Smith, cottage. Com mercial . between Shaver and Mason streets, cost 11.100. . FOR TERM OP TEARS HALL 100 feet on Washington St by lis reel on Fif teenth St Ready about April 1. Apply at nc t 'V';.-';-' , ;"' Covey Cti Co6!i ; '7 Motor Car Co. To Lease !-2?cnc3 aTi to nsraerosa sr J to f t- tio JaidcsjTttas i ronocScal tnycrsT lien's best aoalitv flannelette. bie variety of the best patterns and colorings; regular ,$1.00 (ftC -. values on sale at the low. price of,, each,.,., f. ...... '.-.vy :u bam. a ' e a . a- .a M L ' -4 '.W met '"V -., ." tw aoren pairs men s casnmere sox, tn . natural ano camcu hair t 25c and 85c values, all sires at, pair; . '.i . . .". . 200 dorenlmenAs tylJit-pattenia,andalk. in light inri dsrlr coloringeV mirt' MwiHlj-o4-Frinrti frtlrl Rft- vatiiM. aarh . . ........ . Men's gloria twilled Umbrellas,' in plain and fancy handles, QCf atel-rod-and- paragon frames j $1 .50 values,- each r ,Tmi,Tnyw Men's 35c and 50c lisle and web Suspenders, made with reinr , forced ends and kid ends; every pair guaranteed, each.;.. ' Great special lot of men's Golf - a a dark patterns, in grand variety; a style and quality shirt . "Of it other stores for $1.00; our price, each,...r....,,....i-' sold at y.'-r-Sc Ttet Two far 25c i 200 dozen men's reversible Four-4n-Hand Ties; aa -.Imraenie variety of stylet in light and dark col oring, me best oc values on oai - jk tz , t-th low price of 2 for...;.... .....Vst Mca Whif Sblrts tt 41c ; Men's nnlaundered white Shirts; tht best msd linen bosom; long and short, styles; reinforced double front and oak; all sixes, 14 to 19; extra- ordinary value at this low price of, each... "elf , k tlsatrch Shirts tt 69c Cteh ; Choose' from our entire stock of colored "Mon- ' arch" shirts at 79c. each; stiff 'or soft botom;. Attached or separate cuffs; all the best pat-'- terns and colorings; wonderful val- lO" ueo at this price............... ...... .ww An gl.50 Sth-U ct 51el5 lUsh -Ciuett,H Manhattan." "Eagle" or any $1.56 fancy , ' - shirt wt have in stock during the Clearance Sal you can buy them at $1.15 each' all tb best stylet, pttterm and coloring; tht greatest and : best assortment in the city at.,.. .1.1B ' oearance lm Ttla It harvest tfcns for ToLla Unens, Towels, Dedsorcada.- LJeeta. K 41 IgsaVraWl VSll'Bllgs 1 Vy t, ,heatbg, etc, ot Cigar anca White 1Z0Q m Mr.. .a. i - J v : U...I, Tm,.!. fA ,ti. Inw rifm nf mm r-n ... . . ale 500 doxen bleached Turkish Bath Towels st this low pries of, each.. I'M Hemmed Turkish Bath Towels; 30c values for, each.. v... ....,,. 40c bleached Turkish Bath Towels for this low prlc of, each......Sf All lines of Tsble Sheets and Pillow Cases at special low prices. Portland's Leading; Cloali .Store cent dhicountr' higheit-class apparel for" all occasion Imported snd domestic modela in the very latest fashions Costumes sr in silk. Jace, net, crepe de chine, velvet and broadcloth Prices ranging from $25.00 up to $350.00 Wraps sr in lace, silk, velvet and broadcloths Values from $22.50 op to $250.00 Beautiful theater, dinner and reception garments Variety by far th largest and best in the city Take your choic for a few days only st the great redaction of ONE .THIRD OFF. V'!v;:' "; ;.' v'-r.-: ;-.-''-,.. T-f 'li'-tXS'C ' -T-All Jowj:rearancsale prices., . . ; , GILTfJER WILL STUDY ---1CALIF0RN1A-METH0DS , , ;; V.... '., Edmund C Oiltner. secretary of ths Portland chamber of commerce, who leave tonight on a .wedding tour f southern California, will at Lo An gel devote eufflclent time to official work to make a thorough Investigation of th promotion method and exhibit scheme ot th txx Angeles chamber ot commerce, which la said to be th largest and most successful organisa tion of It kind In th world. On his return he will report to President Hog and tha Portland , chamber s exhibit committee, A. H. TDesere, Itr U- Dar row. It. D. Wisdom. W. H. MHoheU and H. SC. nailer. Th Portland cham ber I seeking new Idea. Preeldent Uoge, at a meeting of the committee yeetsrdar afternoon, outlined a .vlgoroua plan of cam pa lira for this year. He ssid additional fdnds would be provided and th work t the earn mitto nlarged along ta lines of pre- of IZzq 17c??.. rod Cftt a fJ r r it ecrr-sa itrrrtt"a3 racked at -.T-y v NIf?ht shirts, made full size and extra lone. Shirts In madras anT oxtofdi,' a .. . a a 1a .LJA J" ' SJ J I. I ' Men's $1X0 wool-ribbed Underwear in pink, blue and ilvr gray; form-fitting; all sixes in shiru and drawers. htfde; 510 , Men's Norfolk and. New Brunswick Vicuna wool . w Underwear; well mad and finished; all '; ta . shirts sad drawers; Regular $1.50 value .. Cle50 S1.50 val a. on ? Men's ' Jsponet - Handkerchiefs with silk fnltiaL Regular 15c values at the low price of.. t-S , AU Handkerchiefs at Clearance dale prices. . All Hosiery at Clearance Sale prices. c v -- All Nightshirts at Qearancd Sal price. ' All JJnderwear at Clearance Sale prices. '.- o th bo;sMMr Cvcrytth; fa f . mm' Sato prices Dt vah:ea ta dry 72-inch half-bleached Satia . Damask Table 4 Linen; very best pattern; great fiCm . value -at, Vard irrrmiiTn.i frr.a4j 72-inch bleached Satia Damask Tablg Linen; an new acaignsi . in qusiuj , 74 rreat value, vard.. ........ eatW 72-lnch Tablg Damask; $1.15 gradT X Cl fof. yard,.,...,.... ....,. -UC 81-inch Table Damask, beautiful patterns, fine ewW OOZCn lint? otun jeiinaBga. abuiw imymui eoo ilaailtns maat Weaaeg aaf 4Ae't1 sS9.1gsf UCW UCM(US vaasv . aa v--a t - $1.75 Marseilles Bedspreads for.... '....'.f 1.31 . 1 . ok a a . m afS fS ST Marseilles jueaspresas ior. tJt . . . .... tnnged Marseilles opreaas; cr "Zrl values for. each White fringed Marseilles Spreads; CJ Afl $3.50 values for, each. ........ VeTJeVU 14c Union Muck Towels... ..'' , r ... U...L. r 1. A A - Women's Jacket Suits, th newest and most desirable styles, in cheviots, - serges,' broadcloths and mixtures, fancy braid and gimp trimmed, all th best shades. .Largest variety and best values st thes low prices. No trouble to show goods her. , tldJO Suit $11 M p2M Stilts IllSS S2&00 Softs $19.60 $20.00 Suits $14.00 $27.00 Suits fiatrO $30X0 Suits $21.00 $35.00 8utts $24J0 : fcaiOO Suits 2i0 $400 Suits 3&7 . Women's Dress' Skirts, in voiles, crepe de chin, broad cloths snd silks. All th newest modes and trimmings. Great special values at; ! : ' ' SIS Skirt... $ COS $20 8Wrt1.$lS45 $3S Skirt... $14.9 3 $27 Skirts... llaJO $32 Skirts... $22J0 $44 Skirt... $240 - c Women's three-quarter Coats, hundreds of them, in all th leading stvles snd materials. Empire, loos back and tight-fitting effects, in tsns, coverts, kcrieys, broadcloths snd manniih materials; great variety; all grades. - 10.00 Costs for....;. SM $22.50 Costs for...... 14.00 Coats for...... 9M $24.00 Coats for...... 16J0 Coats for......$12S $26.00 Coats for...... 20.00 Coats for $13.85 $30JM Coats for 9.UU Mill ior.... Evoning Apparol at K Off Yon csa select from of Evening Costumes " GRAND TE.OT flR5 OEN. TOM THUMB V Aeafeied by Oiaat sad Tfwe SUgvL " tesas aad JUms. Aaa aad Ye P "l issf Tores, WaiMTs ead aaaHah, BuwaU Suit, taitmni, MOTlCa tpeHal fttldree'e Met: Jeaaary SO. TWO eerier! ' givea freai t:W as S a. bj. Concrete Ccnstrccticn Co. - yrl Oaaaabe f Manufaoturers ef Concrete Ston.BToekk Contractor for all kinds of work, motion and publlolty work. Th perma nent exhibit at the chamber wou.J ba Improves eontieually ad kept - te th highest stats of perfection that Is found possible. .' - , , r v. - 1 7 iignt ana ,' . Best ii.w vaiuet aur- ; "yt r srsndt Salt at. garment..... a Vzt 01.19 Chrcrtl!rti tt 81.10 Men's $1.50 flannel Ovcrshirts; new patterns in 1irh and Hark colorintrs: all sites. The best sale during aearaac Sal.$llQ T-ln. Beml-Poroelala Platea, 1 le, brwn an pink Soeo- rational lto, too vals..94 Senl-Poroelala Covered Teg- Ubl Dishes; TI to H it - valaee, sal for, . , .4v4t f la Round Vegetable Dietiea, each .84 Tie to ti l raaer Platea-6At .11 to ll.vl China Cup and Saucer ............ .694 t-ln. Whit Plates ....,.S-g lie. tlo nates..... 11 Bine Abbey Cup and Saucers, Plate. Bowl and Salad ' pishes, great vale. at... 04) 1004 Jap Teapots; lie... .lJe) IMS Silver Nut Bowls.ff4.00 1.10 Cut OUaa Bowls. ia.SO I14.I4 Cut Olsss Bowie for. each ..flS.SQ 1S Cuf Olass Sugar and Creamer ......... .gS.OO fl Nickel-Plated Coffee Machines 97.50 fl 10 Chafing Dishes. .06.88 All Brass and Copper Nev altlee, . low prices. All Paney Chin at clear as e price. L - Entire stock of Kitchen Ooods, Oranltewar, Wooden ware. Tinware, olasaware and tho thousand and ons little useful article every house hold requires will be found en sale at the loweet clear ance sale price, peninsular Stov and Range at clear ance sals prices. Look to yoar kitchen weed at one, .....a...,..,. oar entire magnificent - stock and Wraps at 33' 1-3 ner Aasusajsjarra. - t. EMPIRE THEATRE Twelfn aad Msrriaea. rheee aft la lit. MILTON W. SaAMAN, Maaar. xsa 'M i sHree. uoa tae aea ' i - - - akusa VO With Allea Mar. Ue f "' leaeV wm . RuiM aetwear - . T arm., ,i - lae. 1 e, 9 e, I "1 -e I ie wHi wm rsAxm:s r . t y r- Tke laeeetaaialle ,trt4 I i v. I V . tlSS iius $19.75 $21j5 If jrc art to lr c-'i 1 jrour investoer.t c.i c! or shoes r-a t JO":J C. LAR. V , ara fcavir . legltimato ANNUAL Savin; you from ZO to CD per ccnt-tja-ricg.-Elxc,wi linryrtcg era. JTwaa;: tH Cases, tilanketa ind Com fortera. .. ; - ,. 'j' l 'r'j: Ihinnios Two Ctorea, A S. Y7. Ccr.Tl!rJ cz3 ZzJ CUPJO. MG " 1 ;' ' -.'; '' t : . Owing t ear surplus stock of . holiday goods w shall red prtoa oa vary article la all line, oonsistlng of fln Silver Clol " sonae, Satsuma, . aew Brass ar. " Brense Derat4 Porealala Tea Set. Silk and Satia Embroidered -..Kimono. Screens, Carved rural- ' -turaToys. Kattlng. at;' , '' -"'.-' v.r. Ae'Ipcxv Ifcn -' ,.-- sst afnaarsos av. W I ajsusajsjurrs. llzrqusm Crxnd Tkz:!rt ESTse. Tbb mixairr TKaormiir amd Aoroa. i Saapeiwd br aa Imllefl Ceaseaay f ' . Plsrees. - ...-' Twlgbt. 2ea. H. Vtraiales. Sat. BMtlaee, iaa, . 'Inewaar.' ' sat. alfkt, aa. W. "tOreaaat ef Vee." wa-nicki fptcga aw. ase. so. -roe, 1 oa- MiOBT PaiCfcA ISe, IS. SOe. Tie. U liAA . SBATS ASS MOW SSLUMO, LUrqma CrzrJ Thtzirt SSTm l KOVBAT SVXJTOla, tAMVAMT BS. ths World's Siislist. Cartas aad ! CALVE Aaaleted br Itve WWM-aeaawaed ArHeSj. rmioKS-ss.!. si., stts aad .. ..! iA Feast tfe Fun HUMOROUS RECITAL The rests Sag Ik , Basjertst, J" . Aether ef "Three Ksa at aeat," eta, - Asststad by the waiavleat AsMrkaa (BAWISBAimLlOC: AT DAIOOER'S THEA1XS : Satnrdar Kvening. Jan. It parcas. see, aoa, TS. Seats aew ea sale. DAHE1V THEATRE Oregea Theatre Oa., Laeeeea, Oee. L. TesUiin asd Tblr ?iV' Pheee r t, TH ROM! or Ml'SICAI, D1- 'iC TOMIOHT, TOBiOaaOWTaATua. . Th AleeuBetr BaMiutlco - Pareet freai the Aleaaar Tbaatre. Mew Ti naiaa, Mirta, a.Kxlr Twe aerwaa. aomavr ov a fTroi aad "A aXuBTOaT SSaAal." Salaiaay Mitta 1 la the Lee 9m . KlcbtPrlees S4e. SB. SO-, tlet aata batlaee, ISe. SSe. . ytt. Sea . Atbraetlea, I 'art tliMssi - WAliOM S (uZhAaJ. . 1 I PAriTAGrS 1 a e awl- aa T. Bay Ogdea aad Oefay. , Lee Waiter La lra. imrh. . Saleelai Ore , . fwawaoea SaDr st S:aU. T:S aa a . AdailaeleB, lag easts, with save see ROLLER SXATIK3 Exposition Ellnti lata. weetagvaa Th greatest plaoeot amuaement ta the city. Saatin every morning, aaorno and evealne. e Sunday. Private 1.. atruotfon sverr -Ing. Paraon'o orv- -tra every ve"l e- 1 Saturday ew--..f i. OaJierl for - - - tor a. 1 . -) bV pboos ( . k ' UI te V.J r -til Ml . ' eeeais, sit S a'elook at .evenln aa!34 ' paid for In advaaoa, . Lsllss snd Children 'Hi srauua and maraiog .1 - r t ' ' 1 ' Ko cfco-fjrao r 1 '" t ev I l.ima . , i t.o. t ' --V' A 4 J :5 v: ; . ' eh '