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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1906)
: riu.(iu, J III r-A- TnrA:r7T 737-37 iWT vrTr 77J V A : hi nfin ii r t:,- . ; i .i l ii - i . r , i k i m ' 1 - i i 1: . Cruel Dsj-barities f or. Four , Hour by pang. TOOK VOTE TO SEE IF - i ! . THEY WOULD KILL HER Ivem to PoUow Her Who Afdn -Asault4 Hr w4Hin Murdered . ' Joeraa SseeM Service.) Chicago, Jan. It. Through a dwkea. boasting yonth today ths polio secured - additional detail of "the" torture which Mr, mm kiln C. Hollleter iu subjected . to for hour by Sv hoodlums Jftort, she wa murdered. . The gang decided to lur Mi Holllstar. Who waa imtU and vary pretty, to a neMt ta four toy la welt! there, while th efth accosted bar and told pitiful atory of a family starring.' : . -' y sirs. HolUstor u actlva la char itable work, and lmmlltjr wnt to th vacant house, wher sh wa seised, bound, cacrnd and subJeoUd to nameless tortures for four boors, t - - y -, a vote was take-, to determine wheth er aha should b klllod. and all bat lvus dacldod to let her return horn If aha promised not to axpoa them. Iven and another war detailed to follow bar and see that aha want home. Weak and dased, ah stumbled alone, and Irons dismissed hi companion and decided to assault bar again. , Purine the etruggl ah waa killed. . Tba youth said that tb gang bad committed many almllar Crimea against women and alrla. Ivans, la bta oonfee avloa, aald that ha bad aaaaultad many women, but bad never found It neces sary to kill ana before.... . : .- . . Tba body of Mra. Holllatar waa found Uat Saturday la a vacant lot back of tba carpenter shop owned by I vena father. , Young leans eonf eaaed ' to the murder. The wantaa waa the wife of a local publisher, prominent In social etr elas, and singer of Bota.'-v--? - r SFOXAfJE F03m SOCIETY TO HELP HOMELESS '. '.'. ,i'c( ;. . ' - (Special Mapatch to Tee JearasU Spokane, Waaa., Jan. It. A new so ciety baa been formed under the- nam ' of th Horn rinding Industrial as sociation, the purpose of which la to nio the work formerly covered by th two societies, the Cottage 'Manual Training: and the Northwest Home Flnd lot aooletiea. , -r. . r : : ; '. x Th objeet of th society la to secure family homes for th orphan and borne learn children, and to maintain aa adu eat tonal and Industrial school for such children. 3. W. Williams. Thyrxa W1U Dams arid BL X Davis are at th bead of the management. ' 1 1 .t V , - -' ' " ; - . N Allen Lewtar Beat Brand. 't,; f.:.-. IteEUtsr Was Cubjectsd to :WJ fly fcl'M " Pull-blooded gaits for full-blooded younf men; big, roomy and long built to bold th ahap o bu the neck o hang Just right with that concave curve on the shoulders. Nothing finer. SPECIAL : S U1T8, OVERCOATS AND RAINCO AT8 ' ; t ft X C Regular $12.00 and $15.00 Now ej0e03 SUITS. OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS r - 1 1 A A Refular $16.00 and $18-00 Now ePU.vU SUITS, OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS fcli AA Rewular $20.00 and $22.00 Now. ...... . . . ............ Jli.UU i SUIf 8. OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS . 10 A A Rerular $23.00 snd $27X)0 Now ..................iplV.UU UEN'S TROUSERS Regular $240 and $3-00 tind , J J g JULNTROUSERS Regular $3.50 and $4.00 kind JILN'S TROUSRS Kegular $4J0 and $3.00 Und . . OC as lw "KEN'S TKOTJSERSRegulaFf6.(xrand $7JXT ldhd "iT E1 f social. . .. '.' .. . . j .'.-, . , . , . ,. . ,9 ,PeJij rUCXItU ...... P?-uUr $2J Special... ... Xiriv'8 GOFT AND STIFF-HATS Tegular $2.50 Special... U.-ii'S SOFT . AND STIFF Jugular $3.00 Special. ....... ,i ROLif. E. LEE Bank Cbtej cr.d Cus.'iun.Cus pemjed .Throughout. $outh In.; Respoct . to . Csniral : v ;w MRS. JACKSON GIVE8 ; v MEDALS TO VETERANS Parade -of-' Local. -UChieV' Patriotic Societies and Interesting Exercises -Held.iaiall CWrt pt 1 iod (Jaoroal Splai Brviee. 'teiAt.nnnrf v . Ian l(.Banka and tba state and olty buildings war closed today in -oMervano or in mnnasy th anniversary .of .Oanaral Robert B. Lea. The celebration waa of a general character. Thar was a parade of: th local militia companies and inmraaxing memorial exerolaes at th I-, monu ment .: y ,l. ,,. At Atlanta th oelebratlon was more general than aver before. This va!ng . An im am a ajMreaji menaorlal meetings under th auspice of th local camps ' or -me uniteq -vonisasi si m jwv arana. ..... . " ' v , ' rr. . a n..rint Tm birthday was Ob served by a large gathering of Conrad- erat vsterann ana Brease medaJa war dlstrlbWted among .. k ura. W A Jackson, the widow of th great ConfederaU general. and tn in ariarnoon w stouub tags wiu be held to honor the memory Of th "great leader. - - At (Uvannah banks, eourta and other publi Institutions were oloeed. Intor atlng annlrraary ,'arclses war held under tb auspices of th various organ, tsations of veteran and th affUiaUd aooldUe.- ; - . M . At Charleston the lrthdy of Oen- T u Milahratad by th display of flags and tba closing of the- banks snd public offices not controjisa oy am federal government. " , m ' At Mobile, - in observance of Le s klwtv1v. tlta nnhlla . schools, tb banks and the courts were doeed--- At Jackaovm..ln anniversary -was generally observed, as It was through out Florida. - tianxs ana puous miwm wrs. closed,; - J aMr "Wot." t- ',. " (SpecUl Dlspateh te Toe JosraaL) -r " V n.u n. Tn l S Orders fe 7 nf wood have been received at Meaahaaa. on tba' Blue mountains. - It la. ttatna'-inadad far the towns east of bore. wber Uo, coal " scarcity U pravalant A large amount or ims wwa uwua for Boise and. other Idaho towns, with a uttia to be distributed among tbs extrem oastara Oregon towns. - .'. ta.ciis. s -u. Tlmm has sued rred M. Ttmm for. di vorce. - They were married la Pendleton, July II, 104, and have one child,. now 10. months old. v cruai ana - -- --- t .hMmrf. Tha etIStOdV Of th ebUd Is aaked for by th defendant AI.F. 'POIfES - - - . .... a k . . .sassaa. a, . ..... .........;.'.....,alle03 01 Off ......'...'.....a... aJlaOO HATS . . M IC .. 4 ii. . .V. . i ; . ' - m Prop a a ill J r-ll - - i ) i kw aaO.k be as Beeaaaary e eari teaatitaooa as aip. to the ajarshig liea rvsaaila. , jMARSHALLFSLD'3 WORIC- niuia hj ww. - . -. - Journal oa this merchant .king was an able on- it did ot express me nuuuin admiration fof his work nor' the regret At bis death all women will reel wno have aver viaiieo, uw iw,wui partmeat store. - ' x -. ....- . nM anl this, maa-nlfl- eent mart and sot b atruck by its ax- .. . a a.. . avftolaK ama anrlthAIlt uon or a-auifc . v w- " witlvin th Unefl f wm dlitinot Pjr- m. " TXa.sasi Sea InMaTasbrl thlai I 0 awtrlariM ' nf AhmisTht. OT a - . AmfiiMkA mAliVa. In' DllilU. VI fJ4yl IJ wnt.ww - 1 a MHU a.Ae nHeaai mAtaHtJlT gllf- WR 1UWI " s. w --s- 1 fsrent from those In tbottsaad hr1 atorea. ' ' v ,. Tba different, floors are galleries on four aides of a great well, ao that oaa can stand at tba railing that Inclose this and look up or. down on the tbroaga of patrons and busy salespeople Busi ness goes on noiselessly swiftly, with bo eon fusion or hast. The store covers aa entire block and baa four great en- . m4Am SuinMdaf from Invlslbls- wires are signs marked "Alaie i" or -aisio s, imgn la answering aa Inquiry, having only to Indicate the alale number whar tb df slred artlol may b found. - ....(.kjl.lA.V..,,--,,-...--." Tba Two New Maids of Honor, t. ' 1 . Hon. Blanche Idicallea ' thai .'. . . a a 1 a. Marshall Vlald company's omnibus Uaves th railway station and at the store vner are severs of thee vehicles always la waiting to take persona to th station. .. If all th car ' ana though v vry wber In evidence, for th oonvenlenee and .pleasure of his patrons were of i M..n.r nrtrln. then ' eredit la due for tb masterly way la which such a, saotiv- M' Olssniaeo. xor anwma tmouly is th ImprMstoa eotjveyed. v. t.u kiiMil that Marshall W&m mantle has fallen upon sora on of his many business colleagues, ana wnue one must sadly say. -The king Is deed i" may the future lustlfr th prayr Xong lrv th' kingr -.r--.rrr" COMPLIMENT FOR CHINESE. . - V waa talVtna with a suMsaaful lady physician yesterday tb gueetlon of aleanllneas among our foreign population earns up and the doctor aald: : "On. th Chinese are a Kin ciean. inns Is no doubt about that Th Chin woman are alwaya that, ao matter bow k.. .whin ma look. I have never found an exception to this rule. It Is a part of their religion. .rv.... ..nt fthlnk their ' nouses war clean, because you would find soma disorder, but thsre is Tory- littl -actual dirt to be found notwithstanding. - Which reminds m mat mer are iwu tausa nf hnuaakmoara the disorderly naat and th orderly not-neat. Ton ao doubt nave among your uqwimiim both these types; th very neat woman t.aa ka la varalv In snnie-nt order and the woman who la a model of order and still lacking that fine sense or aoao lute cleanltneaa that her disorderly, or rather un-oroany neignoor ! i-ia MAnai. uir nou . mrnuiuH wvu thes traits, but If on must choose be tween the- two tn aiaoraeny woman m af.nal. tn wtllla mn. 1 im winiqiw ,..--" - . - f fusion is trying o he- nerve It is act A dlrCI msnao to neaaio. i-rc', IS TO UUCH." t'.i ir -aama at Howard. Kansas, ad vertlse that his ousmees is v - prasw ladies' garments. 1 - . Two women were asked what they Were going to - receive for Chriatmas presents. . One of them replied: "I'm going t give mother 1 21 and ah Is go ing tovglv m lit dollars, too, and we are both going to borrow tb money of Aunt .Hannah." 5 . ' ' A Baltimore girl staying la San Fran oiso' thought to make herself, in telligible by talking what aha termed a fine example of pidgin EngUah to the laundry man, Therefor sh thus . ad-. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY OF .CZAR'S LUCKY ESCAPE ' 'v.'- l-.r,'. .' aeawsaasjassa -J ,- ' ' 4 Thanksglvfns; 8ervlces . In All . Churches- Emperor Omits .; .iv". Blessing the Neva. . yjomiaTpedarlservleal" ; 8W Petersburg. Jan. Th miracu lous escape from assassination of the caar and tha other members of ths roy al family on the lth day of January f last year was celebrated her today by Impressive thanksgiving service .In all th churches. This being th day of Epiphany, when, aocordlng to aa ancient custom, th osar, being tha bead -of th Qreek church of Russia, blesses th wa ters of tb Neva, th whole city was In holiday attire. - The- blessing of -th Neva 1 on or tn greataat ana most mmiU. A.iuh,.llnn. nt ftuaele- and us ually attracts many thousands of people from all parte of the country. This year tha ceremony was not held today, as th csar feared for Jits Ufa. i The ceremony of bleestng th waters or tne river nao just anara, awus m1mW I- ka aaM.MAM. r. l.Rian 1 1 101, and th Csar still stood In the lit tle chapel built out over ths frosea jr.a J a.., .a ua un.l Valan. surrounded by. members of tb 4vlo- dresssd blmt Me no Ilk my waah brought bom Friday. Me'llk waabea Thursday.. Wby you aa bUnga wash Thuradayr" " , And th Wnaman . repllad. Otadama, It v was .not convenient" ' 1 -1 . , , 'j CET FOND PF'OUVE OlLi . Under- -tba surface) ln 'Taom clrclaa, openly and avowedly la others, there la a cruaade . on -against ,the. alaughter bouse, and among th suggested' aub stltutes for fleely la oil vo-oll. On can easily beoome - accustomed to using It fraalt by tblnslng mayonnaise with It beating- lt-i-thoronshly o that, the taste Is partially- d legalised anul you begin to Ilka It. ,. -. J It ahould be Used generously ra salad sandwiches of which there are, now so many delicious varieties.'"- , It la quits as good oa gome ragetablas as butter. . . - Eggs afaicafrtevr Wr'r' It makes a good substitute tor lard or butter in shortening. ' ; . - Its' constant and liberal as Is a pre ventive , of that dreaded ailment "gall stones. 1 ' . '! ; ' - To -keep th skla In good aondrtloa and th Joints limber, aa all-over, thor ough rub with It occasionally Is lnval uaM. , ' .. f ,,:,,, AN UTJ MIXED EVIL" ;.,,'.. V-.-: ('"'';-,,i It was la tb dead of night and ' a cold night at that. lfr.c Smith J.was . ft '., - J --r.:.----m Quean .of England.- la Other Hon.. Margaret Dawnay. ; I' I . away and Peterson .Smith. Agad , was getting over th 'measles. ' " ; "Mother, may' I hav a drink of real old wmterr ; he asked,- waking -Mra, Smith- from a refreshing slumber. -1 , "Turn right over end ' go to sleep," oommanded Mra. Smith; Tou'r a naughty boy' to wake mother up when sh put a pitcher of water on your Ubl th very last thing befor you mt to' 00." j.' :.:...' -.l-- Ten mtnutes-Uter tW email Vvolo piped up agam: . . "v: ' . 4r ' "Mother, 1 want a anna or water. -"Peterson. said Mrs. Smith, trnly. "If you aay that again I shall get an and spank your -..---.'' There was Xlv anlnsrar ansssay aaa then Peterson spoke: ..- . -- "Mother,'' he said, cheerfully, "when you get up to spank 'me, may I hav a drink of watsrr ' QUIET HOUR. The arofound oroohecy of human wa- reet, of striving, of aspiration, of hop. to given far too aught a vara in taa inventory of signs and indications af a betrbr and brighter future. . . Thes conditions are but th demands of the Infinite within maa a till seek ing, as It aver has In tb past, .a higher realisation. From "Keallsatlon." L,-,. Beautiful thoughts make beautiful Uvea, For every word and deed r Lie tn the thought that prompted tt, As the flowers lie in the seed, y - Back of each action lay tb thought . We aourlabed until It grew ; , ... Into a word or Into a deed v . That marked our life-work tbrougb.' . . - . -. - ... Oradoua words and kindly ways, , -- . - Deeds that are high and tru; - ' 81andrus words, and hasty words, ' . And deeds we Dittany rue. Th garden of life. It beereta wan; , I It will renay our oaros But th blossom must always and aver b .! -.. . . 14ke the ad wT planting tber. "Keep thin heart." tb Life Ould aatta, Wittt daily, ouigent K-rm, - Tor out of It ars tb issues of Ufa," B tby foul or b thy fair.; , Tor beautiful thoughU make beautiful '11V, ' ' r And every word and dd -fje In the thought that prompted It, As tb flower lias In th seed. .... , . . rV,..;- A. B. OODFRKT. ' A" suggostlon for the serapbook i rer talking about last wk. matto corps and high dignitaries' of tba a.ata ak. tha aaluta from th batter lea on theblg square In front of th hour was nreo. a penect nau 01 anot as big as pigeons egg atruck tba ebaa T and th walls and windows of the Winter Palace beyond tha chapel, nar rowly missing th csar and th . mam han tha Imnarlai family, who' ooou- pled th windows and balconies of th palac, overlooking v ui sjoeoo 01 tn ceremony. . " . " ? a LurflnllMialuwal tKa. a Nill lna,t'A miiMhnt had been Bred from on OI in OHnon vd lu. iruw, tn ireai of tn nours. - SHORTAGE IN FUNDS : . FOR CLOTHING MARINES C ... . f ,1 amiil.l aa-Haaut ' . w.,iiintMi. Ti fl Jan. It.-anTha offi cers who .have charge of th purchase OX CIOIIUIJ a na di.,.ij.i ii .' ma. in. oorpa have found that they ar short of ...! a '- Ka? .nm.tklntf Ilka a 1 DO. OAS tA 1UIIU. J i V . - , - - - moat tba contract which must be mad in tn purcnaae 01 mavai ,aia uaen in I he manufacture Of uniforms. -When the 1-UAaTAJrr AJTD MOST MmOVXTM. T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, Lib erty, Teiaa, wiitea Deoember IS, ltwli - ''With pleasure and unsolicited by you. I. bear testimony to the ouratlv rwef of Ballard's Horehound Brup, have used it In my family and can cheerfully affirm It I th most effec tive and beet remedy for oouhe and eolda I hav ever used." Sold by Wood ard, Clarke Ca I Y ..v.-,;;.f v. . "-' , jvi:iwjii. aWr -Si AsW- ''f. V. ' t' ' V' .;-f.' . f- ' - ! .r f-' ' re ."- - r f'S,,:':- " r ; i 1 . , J! gffiS last 1 ' .: ' ?. r .'.- V . . . ''i Tbesa rctidni becftusa tn crisinxi prices cr lower tnsa cu cciers. UiUJAT.iui ' ; : ' niTCTIOIIal THROLTQIIOUT OUR OEtiTQ' FURNISIIItlQO. HAT "AND CHOU ;!! 'i.:T'".":''7r "v.if1 V". :- m. .'!"' r':':,--:. : ; , f 'O' " '.' ' . ! ; ' v.- A! fcjJsu.ncz Ccrcsr.Rrsi era Taylc .'ivv:t,y;rc:;'.'f,0 " CAFE AT.. T.IUSIC HALL Positively First Appesrance T-vT?T rortisaa Off . f.Iiss Edith Vennvcrth Of the Wentworth Comedy . company. MUa Wentworth is wlthoat an equal as a singer of pop- . a uur "toonr txmgs. , Owinar to the tmorecedented success the enjsgement of Hbs Ccra Dcrtos A Famous ' Eastern Star m will be continued. Miss Belle Lawrence And Many Other Special : ! Features. Befinnlng Monday,1 January S2d, including the famous ij, :, aggregation TheFicctU'slci '',,SJIVVaa , SPECIAL SUKSAT llkluZl t..agam;-Chaaiwd- Dally. -i Entrance at ai - Nortlr TWr4 street, 21, 23 and 23 Norm 6ee ond street, and 23. ss sua m Burnsida atreet. .; f : ! v eatlmate were prepared some months Ago tbs authorities ascertained tb ear rent mexkat prloe for wool, cotton, leather, and rubber. ' Slno then th prloe ef auob supplies have oonalder ably advanced. In tb east ef keraey, out of which trousers and verooats'are made, tha advano waa per eant, or an Ineraaa in tha Quantity needed f nearly tit, 000. Jacket flannel ad van cod 15 per cent and blankets II par eent. Th average advanoe In prloes for theee and other materials waa 41 par oant Absolutely Correct Char.:. ' Automat! chan and easb register 44 Marqaam buUalnj. - , ''.A- , A. - gsji-sj twsa.' a- .fV ssVsVwBw -s.VaSd) galaW isjs. aals 0 7.50 Sdlo cr,Cvcrccr:to $12.00:Ss:te"Cir;Ov i ;S I5.C0 cr Cvcrcccto Sirito tOrawcto VatsMVV WMiaAaV ; VI W Vaa WMkW win tm yea mere mossy thsa DSPAUTtICITa Csa :1'" - '. - ;.',:; - v--'-i-2'--';;r-i;T "-'' - 'mm -ai . ... -i L ' 1 7 1 ' 'rC.t.O ,' youracgoaQt 4 T6 Cz!x:Ii2rs P -S- mm All yot; have to do Is to show you are a subscriber of The . ,-' Journal.' by producing a Journal receipt or, otherwise, and slgnj receipt foM savings bank to you." Thereupon "you take the" bank to - Marquam Building,' and by depositing $1 or more in this bank you are given an extra 25 cents, which is .added to your account '.This is all done for you Just to encourage ' you to open an account in this Institution and thais start -. you upon the road to wealth. ; Every person, man, woman, boy or gift, Is privileged to take advantage of this' proposi tion. The banks can beobtainedfrorn Je Journal3usir. neas officeVr through jourart canvassers in the city : PIIOMS HaMII-rCO. 1 r? 0 40 :f:.T;.' 0 0.75 C 11.20 . V WW ; eay tsb la tha tfty, t '. V . '. ! 1 vfeC!&&?rZ& ' - .1 SaV . I'..-; i;.' jf i e a "ea 'a- raTa.i ' . ... .-T a ..... : ;.; . I I..- r. cl Its Jcarnd POTXAIID, ORS00N. r a V.r r