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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1906)
f V-inUGJAi: VT :;!?, :C3,;. f .: f f - f'r. r,wertn cn buy vA una i-iin.ju.j'.'. . . . , 1 V-i"..o4 to wia ta. H i v i - o::to sfionE Uond R. Webstar Hat Ccth Pro- tVlLt EE C:3AZLED AT LEAST TWO DAYO Vessel ; Hat . . Qivea ' Considerable Trouble in 8he,Wa3uflt lass Than Year Afv-lfodrata Wtad --Ahray-Drra-Htf-Frm-CHir. . Li - '. Wbfle crossing from tba'weet to tlia Mat aide of the river weaneeaay even ing the ferryboat Lionel R. Webeter get unmanageable and before aha could ba J , Stopped, aha piled op an lha ahore. A evrecklng outfit waa employed on liar all gay yeaterday and anally sat the vaaaal . into water eurnoienuy oeep to xtoac ner In a crippled condition tha craft waa wrought back .to tha west alda of tha atraam lata yesterday afternoon. She waa almoat an hour In complatlns tha trip. . An Investigation thla morning ', showed that both of har- propellers ara badly bent Mechanics have baan aat to V work tnmaka tha necessary repairs, but tt. win ba a eoupla of daya. at least be ' ' fore tha vaaaal la ready to go In eotn '", mission. All of tha traffic in liower -r Albtoa and ilorih Portland la forced. vty . jpairviuae wis lerryooai vv. D saason. . '' Tha Uonal R. Wabatar la. In -command of Captain footer. Although aba waa built laaa than a yaar ago aha haa baan . laid tip a number of times few repair - About two months ago aha waa .tied up ' to ba given a general overhauling. There " tiave baan many eomplalnta about tha v . dlffloulty which has baan .experienced .'In effecting landings,' Soma ara of tha 7; v opinion that tha county oommlaaloaara - aiwaya will hara mora or' laaa trouble -until thay decide ta guile tha farryboat ; across tha rlvsr by maana of a cable. . t Whenever a modarata wind ta blowing .tha vessel la uaually awapt a long die ; tance out other course.- It la said that ' tha wind waa partly tha oauaa of bar vrolng aground Wednesday; Msny'peo pla go to tha W. 8. Maaon to cross "the .' . fiver whenever tt la blowing vary hard, l Jt la claimed that tha allpa where tha - . ,. farryboat laade ought to be widened and Sxtended out Into the river.' . MlXUP, AT' BRIDGE. Wtta-bogsaaUtg Four steamera. a lumber achooner and three rafta of loga had mlxup at the Madleon atraet" jbrldga late yeaterday era nlng, and that thay got atralghtened ut without any damage being done la RteHesvf . V aim wcic orat ca euia -.i. World-Renowned SOHMER " Post eaaea, and Iti' action 7 'and construction are the .. best that money and skill y 1 : - -;: -can make.,;, BMahufacturet'sk Piano, Co. 850 ALDER ST. v '":(':, i .'. ! :.. ' . v i - x. Clearance Said Now Is the Time to Buy v at greatly, reduced prices. " . the following list: . W M . . - . Note BtJRT atod TACKARDS ' War. ' ranted Patent Leather, all i. stylet; regular. $100 CT CC - shoe Reduced to. ..UUU BURT andv PACKARDS . All J v Domestic $3.50 . . ., 4?3 C X ' . shoe -Reduced to... )01D SPECIAL attention is called to our BOYS' CI ' Jlearjr Soled Bof t2.a6hoeReducedtor Tha Shoe that saves you money, wearing out three pairs of . soles -to on Dsir-ol uoDsraV- - WOMEN'S Patent Leather $4.00 Shoe ' 'CCllC Seduced to . , . . . 4)0 a 1 0 . WOMEN'S Welt Vld Kid, latest styles Blucher C C ' $3.S0 Shoes Reduced to. ... . . . . ...... . . .. . OaV.Ot) - a 2 WOMEN'S McKay Patent Colt Flexible $3.50 -.M 1C t ' Shoe Reduced to. . . ... ........ . . . . . . . . . . .VLAD j 1 ' aset a a. Aa sb a aa Sketei a . . . a st. e aXJ. asa a a. ' X WUMKN S McKay weits, uiucner i.w cnoes - r-s gjr Z rr- Reduced 6r.:T:-i.xrT?Tti-7tT?Tr-.y I 7 D - J ; v WOMEN'S Vid McKay Welts, $2.50 Shoe CI rC ; Reduced to....... ... v. ;. . . . . i 1 DO 'J. Great Bargslns in Misses and Children's. Shoes. Don't,"' miss tms rare opportunity oi your tue o ouy up-io-aato ;-.. ;- : ---i c.; ; Shoes at these prices. j ' j . : i , v';, '.s ' -293 Morrlaooh SStrcbt ; ' The Little Shoe Store Near Fifth, r ' f-" . . ' A k.w .." m I h two, and the No Wonder, r.S one r-ft, re-ned the Craw of Uia bruae on their way to tha mllle up atraam at about the aame time, tha latter being a trine In the . rear. With a achooner In tow, the Ocklahama waa proceeding down tha rlrnr. ' anl' arrlYed at the br al3 at about thai aame time. The ourrent appasred atrongar la that particular locality than at other polnta and - tha Vulcan waa unable to make farther prore with, her huge Umbora. The tug 1 ..'uta went to har aaala' -a and k an to puah arajnat tha M i Finally the nroceaaloa-got atart J aad the Ocklahama, with . bar obooner, waa forced to changes har couraa. The draw waa open fully half an hour. At- one, time the leant falaa move on tha part of any of tha aklppera would hara caused a aertoua accident. i CXIPPCR CKTl CHOOT. Captain Bae Ljpf toin SOUa Thijrteaa la Xatf aa Boa. When tha work of discharging a oarge of -red wood- lumbar froaa the- eteamar Beduoia haa . been, completed atJJanton the yeaael will tk on m ahlpmentof Hr for aaa--Fraaelaoa.. Haa. wtwaraV-aarga w(ll ba aacured at half a dosan polnta an the Columbia river and It will prob ably be the middle of the weak, before ana ta reaay 10 aau. . ., Captain Beed. maater of tha Sequoia, waa a bualnaaa vlaltor In the city yea terday afternoon. Thla la tha aecond trip that tha steamer baa ever made to the Columbia, She belonga to the Jollar Una and la uaually kept employed carry lng redwood from Bureka to Ban Fran- ciaoo and ganaral freight on tha return voyage, ..:. ... ,i About three -yeara ago bar rkipper gained tha dlatlnctlon of being one of tha greatest bear aTayera that California aver produced. He waa out in ' tha Sierra Nevadaa. which aklrt Humboldt county. . , In .a . email valley , naetllng at the-foot of a particularly high anouit taln there waa a patch of berrlea of which he had -often feeard. To thla he directed hie .footatepa. leapeetlng to ea. Joy a feast. Before he had eecured any great Quantity of the-fruit. ha beard grunt at -hie rear.' Ralalng hla Wln- ebeater- and looking around na apied a large Cinnamon. ' bear. - He abot - tha animal and' It fall mortally wounded. The mate of the dead beast then ap peared and' the eaptaJa aiao' killed tt l ttr i ' . ... . . v . . . . ' The ahota frlghtaned ether beara from the thicket. They-emerged from their hiding' place aiowiy. but aid not ' eeem disposed to flee with, terror, ' There wore, only five more eartridgee in the magasina and with there he killed five more beara. A hard of eU cube came tumbllna throuch . tha. underbruah and ha dispatched thaee by rapping them over the bead with the atock or bla gun, making 11 beara that ha killed la less toaa half an hour.'... ......4 ,. : 4V-' INSPECT SITE. f rert p; Xaowlaoo oaTarldge rroblaaa. Port of Portland Commlaalonera John Drtaooll and A. I Paeae .went down the river, yeaterday . afternoon aad made a cloae examination of the alte chosen by the Northern Paclflo for a bridge across tha Willamette la order to be la a better position to Judge of the merits of the location lor a oriusa van m oomaiia alon meets for the purpoee of aettllng tha queatlon. There la aoana likelihood that-other members of the boardwtU also look over the site. All of the evidence taken at tha pub lic hearing tha other day la being type written endlt la binders tood -that the commission . will 'meet on ' Monday or Tuesday to review It, aad return a de cision. The agltatloa for ev re-heartng of the matter to denounced by -tha lead. lng ahlppera, who hold that It la only uat to the Northern Pacifloto aettle the eontroveray without any . unnacoa- sary delay. aa-the-afflc4ala)-of-4hat aer-j poration are anxious aimer 10 go aoeao with their plana or abandon them. It la asserted that every ,one" Intereeted waa given an opportunity the other day to air his grievance a, aad If ha failed to do so It waa hla owa fault. ' -" , , r, , . x j in - , vf-;t , SCHWERIN IN EAST. ' ana rarpoaa There Said W Be of Saoeasscr ta Senator. .:. V It' P.'. Bchwerln," , vice-prealdent and general manager of : tha Harrlman ateamshlp linea, la In New .Tork, and the purpose of his visit ta said to ba the purchaae of a ataamer to. take tha place of tha Senator, whoee. charter ex plrea a AprU 11 After that data aha will be operated by the Paolfio Coast Steamship aompany. the owners, be tweea Seattle and Baa Franclaco. Later aha may be placed on the Alaska route. 1MEY- ' ',. T a a Clilo coast- tt a Eeoatox'a- teraaef- aerv ice for the Karrlraan line will have expired. Wbenat Portland a month ago General 1'j. far Bchwerln aald that It waa hla IntanUon'to eecure a couple of modern ateamera to ply between Portland and San Franoleoo, reserving tKa Columbia for freight aad emergency purpose . ' tut he explained that It would first be neoessai-r- to gain the .oonaent of those higher . In authority than himaelf. - It la believed that he. la. now taking thia. matter . up with , B. H. Harrlmaa, who n ay grant permiaalon for tha Itn mediate purchase of two ateamera, and It la half way aurmlaed In local ahlpplng elrolea that the Improvement of - the ateamshlp service out of Portland la not far dlaUnt It la knows that tha Har rlraan people were negotiating a. abort tlma ago for tha purchase of the Ala meda, belonging to the Oceanic Steam. ship company. The deal failed to go through. Not being able to get the Js held to ee. almost cer tain that Mr. Schwann la now In New York to get a craft to take tha place of the BenatorlA veeeet wtU be needed soon and none appeara to be available AYT'JAirsAiLOrzgrrrT Oaptaim of Aste Qetermraaa to Tad .- Without snaem Mm oa Brydoek. Captain" TrelHterd. maater of the French bark Aaia, received a telegram from, the rranoh conaut at San Fran elsco yeaterday advlalng him to proceed with the work of loading the veaael with a gretn cargo aad to nay no heed to the sailors who are demanding that ana plaoed on. the dry dock for repairs. The oonsul' also suggested that U the tars make any further objections they ba treated aa deaertera. . Thla means that if thay become too obatrepereua they will be arrested and thrown Into the county Jail, where they will ba held unt -tho bark -la-ready to leave' or tne aea. The captain haa not yet heard from the owners, but he has decided to act upon the advice of the French con euL It la aaid there 'la no doubt that tne earners win give him the same' In etruotlone. - The wor of placing grain on board waa a tar tad yeaterday after, ;v r CHANCES IN AIDSv y."ji,' .. -w Commander iL C Hellner, of the Mailt house service, reports , tha following changea In aid of navigation: i , Waahougal Poet Light The charac ter I at I a ;o thla light will ba changed February 1 from fixed red. to fixed White. ' Harrington Point Oaa -. Buoy Tha characteristic oCtha light on thla buoy will be Changed February 1 from fixed white during perlode of 10 aeeonda. aepa- ratea oy eenpaea or it aeeonda, to fixed Whits. i' , - V'- - - ... ;-:.., Wlllapa ' Bay Entrance Sand laland north a ltd buoy No, 4 and Band laland northeast end buoy No. t, each a red flrat-claaa nun, heretofore reported adrift, were replaced January II. j. - Oraya Harbor Cow Point channel buoy Na f , a black third-class apar, re ported adrift January 15. r placed aa soon aa practicable.- - : Puget SoundPoint Plnar ahoal buoy No. 1. - a red third-class nun. renortad adrift December II. 1101. will be re placed as eoon aa practicable. , ; ERROR IS EXPENSIVE. Mlsaadei sis smug- at Slgaals Ooeaa Bark David d'Aagars Bar Charter. Mistaking the Instructions which haa been glvect him to take the French bark uavld d'Angers la tow, the captain of ine tug ea usn left before the veaael could be? escorted acroaar tha har bv uie lug -waiiuia. consequently it wlll De - impossible : for the Frenchman ta reach. Seattle la tlme-l save bar grata cnarter and it is supposed that she will HOW Ball direct for Sydney In aearch of a cargo By the misunderstanding the owners of the vessel will lose at least 1 11.000. The Information relative to the manner In whloh things got mixed u was receiYoa tnis morning by the weather bureau. It waa also stated that the vessel could easily have been taken to sea yesterday afternoon, but aa the-tug. on the outalde had disap peared It waa decided to wait, expecting ner eariy return, : .-.. ELLERIC ARRIVES? ' ef sweamsalp. jfrUTteVmm to ' ,V "avr ta Panama. ' : $ It waa almoat noon today when the snun steamantp jsitenc, -captain Find. lay, reached port - from Eaqulmault. Brltlah Columbia, and got moored at tha North Paclflo mill, where she will be supplied with a lumber cargo for Port Pirie, Australia. She "will take out something like 1.800,001 feet and will begin loading thla afternoon. Less than a week ago the Ellerlo arrived on Puaer sound from Panama, ta whloh port arte nao carnea a cargo or lumber.- While at: the Isthmus a number of the crew fell victims to fever, nearly dying. They had almost recovered, however, . when they reached the aorta. . This la tha third visit of ths Ellerlo to Portland In tha paat 11 montha. - t ; .-s w v ' J ALONO THE WATERFRONT." i In ana hour more than two days tha steamer Columbia completed the long faat to the Alnaworth dock at Portland at 1 o'clock thia afternoon. It la the record, trip of thla year and last Tha Columbia left San Franclaco at noon on Wednesday. It usually takes her al most two dfcye to complete the paeaage to Aatorla. During tha greater part of last night workman were employed' repairing the ateamar . Lurllne , and . got . har la ahape to go out . on , her , run this morning. Shs was damaged by colliding with the steel bridge -' j The . old . aidewheeler 4 Olympian waa moved ' to the dock of - the Willamette Iron eV Steel worka thla morning, where her amokeetaek will be 'removed. She will eoon 4aava on her long. trip around the Horn for New Tork. I . The French bark Jaquee will reach Port'ind thla afternoon from San Fran dace. She la under charter to load grain for the ynltad KlngdotnVj CapWn CO. Calkin a, retired from the navy,- returned to Portland yester day from Manila, where he had been In command of the gunboat-Cincinnati. - United States 'Inspectors Edwards and Fuller Inspected the aew steamer O. K. Wentworth thla morning. ; -. The British bark Haddon Hall waa sighted n -the autalda tthla morning. She la en route from ' San Pedro to Portland to load for Taktt, China, ' Balfour. Outhria aV Co. have chartered tha Norweglanahlp General Oordon to transport a cargo of grain to Europe at tha rata of it shillings. She la com lng here from Antwerp With a general cargo. - - '- .. ' - ' - The Xakaaonl waa lowered from the drydock yesterday afurnoon. She will lie at SJ. Johna until chartered. : r marine notes. 7, : Astoria, Jan. 11 Arrived at !4I and left up at I a. m.. ataamer Aurella. from Ban Franclaco. Sailed at I a. m4 steamers Norn City, Despatch and Caa aad a,- for San rranclaoo. ..Arrived at It bill LOT lilU .. t. ' i' . . . ' ' ..... Larga Number of Robberies Rt 1 ported In Various Sections of the) Country. ",' COUNTRY BANK LOOTED " POSTOFFICE ROGCED Butta Saloon Entetwd by Uaaked If to f- Who Hold Up Twelve Visitors sod Smptjr Cash RegUter of Its' Con- CAlcagOw Jan. 19. JL larae annlar n robberies and aafa erackings are re ported from .various sections-of the country this morning. At an early hour burglars blew p the safe of the. Dun ning poetofflce. a subatatloa of tha Chi cago office, and eecure 11,50 la. cash and atampa and escaped. - - i ' At Elwood, lUlnola, robbere blew 'up the vaulta In J. C, Beattle'a bank and stole I1.I0S and escaped. Residents heard the explosion but were, .not alarmed. The. robber waa discovered thla morning. -. . .. . . . At Mlohlgaiir City, ladtaaa. robbera thla morning entered the store of the Stalger Hardware company and- stole 11.10 In money and ailverware. , . A. apaclal t-from Butte. 11 Montana, f states tnat tne unscou aaloon waa en tered by two masked bandits early thla morning each carrying a brace of guna Twelve-men were compelled to throw up their hande while the robbera fired several ahota - ever - their - head a The cash register waa looted of 1300. The outlawa escaped. '.'(.' GaECTKHAKEEOUTH'.iiT c:i H..SRiSG:i Information - Filed Against Va rious Alleged Robbers and . Ourglar.ln Court '. . .' Deputy District Attorney Bert Haney thia morning filed an Information In .the circuit, court against Mike ' Martin, charging him with making aa assault with a dangeroua weapon on J. Allen Harrtaon agent .of the Vancouver Trans portation aompany. on the. night of De cember -II. Harrison avers that Mar tin attempted to bold him npv and shot twice at him. Harrison overcame hla assailant after a fierce struggle. - JL Richardson is accused In an lnfor' nation filed In the circuit court by the deputy dlatrtot attorney of having brok en Into the home R. O Drake, 10 1 WaahLngton. atraet, and atolen It vol umes of Bulwsr Lyttoa'e novel a , Klnaey Collins Is charged with assault and battery. It being alleged that on January T ha beat Lafayette Capias In a row at St. Johns, Capias la aald to ba tha olt marahat of St- Johna An Information waa filed against John Williams,, charging him with burglary for breaking. Jnto ,a dwelling at 411 Washington street. , .' Jnfonnattons were filed against I. W. Carson, eharslne; him -with conducting a gambling- gams at III Burnalde atraet, and B. R. Brown, John Bmltb, M. R. Alaed, A. Llnd and 'Jamea Bhang, charging them with gambling. All theae ware arrested last night In a raid made by Sheriff Word and Deputy Sheriff Cor dano. Sheriff Word saya that Carson Is aa old-time gambler, who opened up the game ' about two weeks ago la rooms back of a small stock of pipes and to bacco. - ' ' . r- BUNKO OR BRONCHO BY "EITHER NAME EXPENSIVE ""No, air; I don't care anything about It'a not that, but I'm not going to let any person broncho ma If I can help It." - Thue a furloue women to Chief of Police4 Oritsmacher laat night. . After the chief ad sraaped the Idea that It was a swindler and not a horse the woman waa talking about, ho ventured gently.. to Insinuate the word "bunko" Into the conversation.. But his polite correction was Ignored. Bunko or bron cho It waa all the aame to her ehe was out and departed vowing that aha would send -t Salem the man who made her tha "viotor" of a "broncho" game. 4 Xrfute Stock Zaspeotor. - - ' Speeta1 Dlaaateh Tbe Jonraat.) - - Eugene, Or., Jan. 1.-Dr. J. Christie, a well known veterinary surgeoa of this city, and secretary of the etate veter inary board.- has beea appointed by the county court stock Inspector for Lens county to succeed A. O. llathewa. a. m schooner W. T. Jewett, from Re dondo. Outalde at 10 a. m., Brttlah bark Haddon HalL from San Pedro,, and a four-masted echoonsr. Arrived at 4 and left up at a m., steamer Columbia, from San Francisco. . SU Helens, Jan. 1 Passed at 11:10 a. m., French bark jaequea- San Franclaco, Jan, It. Arrived at 10: a. mw at earner-' Columbia, from Portland. Sailed at T:I0 a m., ateamar Jeanle, . for Portland. Arrfved at S a m., steamer South Bay, from Portland. Sailed yesterday, - ateamar' Homer, for Portland. .'-' Astoria, Jait" 1. Left up at f : p. m.. French bars: . jaaa wapiiste ana schooner Sehoms. Arrived at 4:11 p. m., schooner John A. Campbell, from San Pedro. 8t Johna, Jan. II. Passed at 1:10 a. Brltlah steamer ETllerlo. . Aatorla. Jan. It. Condition of the bar aTTrnTTm.. am66th.Tr wlnanSdKhwaaTTtr wvaxnwr ciauay. .r..-. 3 l health and AX using KC (( xVXA A Powder, yy- . V f Ta gresera ' J -, -I .. . - ...... 'I I : -. I I. . .' 9 . ". :: -. -a-ii ." ..... .s.y,!.. aev . 'V - ftt U ir i in ii 1 1 1 1 i ' u u Ml I'.l! & I i - " si It "" " 35 ; C 4ta. CHANCES OF GETTING - : SMELTER ARE GOOD Tne executive committee of tha Port land board of trade la making progreaa with promotion work to the end of es tablishing a smelter In Portland. The committee Is sending out a prospectus to . mining companies and awners . of mines In Oregon, Washington and Idaho aaklng for support 4n the foras ef finan cial backing and pledgee of patronage. Tbejr are asked to state the amount and eharaoter of ore that would ba shipped to a Portland smelter. ---, Tha committee Is securing data and will Invite - the aupport of Portland buslnees men - for , the smelter proposi tion. It Is believed that when reports from the mlnlne? men are received the Information will enable tne committee ioi icor H THE GREEN DISCOUNT STORE LADIES' SILK PETTICOATS 7 i Hade' wtth lo-laeb 'aeeordlea' flMted ftonace aad dost raffle, la aU eotor The S8.60 grade at.,............SS.T Nw n lis 0AKK FtATIS Escl... ......... wATU-rrroBsas ...... t IVUUK WATEa-rrronas aaca - " caaCZKa-JaBS (covered) ' JVBIXZX Vaioa. each, ealy, is" laTCZta 7 tmmfo TAFFETA SlUtt- ' t)mkn line la ' eolors; alee SIUC SOITIkOS Vslaes TAe aad $1.00 a Jar4 i . . , . UBILKX VaiOX, the yard tta IS-IirOH Wt&GK TATTSTA aege Biilxa"ralcx, the rr4....i ta LLADIES" SKIRTS at. as ef ale BMterUla, aat eowra an nin ea exrpi aara arty, asi Woe.. JVaUXIK tlKX, -. OBXT Tta 'I WOULD YOU LlXE CXEt; lasrts' raxvoa ruvvn waists, . trlan-d with velvet buttons and pip. In Tir n wade ta sell at M esre. fvaitxx raicx .....i. BEWARE OF FRAJ D is sold in sealed bottles only never in' bulk. A fac-simile of tha genuine bottle full Size, is printed here ao that -you may easily, recognize it. It is our own patented bottle round, amber colored, and with the name ."Duffy's Malt Whiskey Company", blown into theglass.' 'The trade-mark the. Old Chemists Head is on the V t ' f ; K 'label, and over the1 cork! there is an engraved paper seaK v Be certain this seal is not broken. ? Beware-of Bogus Goods I; v i -Unscrupulous- dealers.-mindful only of profit and raringTioth ing - ioT - tten&fTZarr&iciovr-gTzatr,: impure iwtusiccyr. wnittr : they call Duffy's Malt Whiskey.; ' r ' ; v : If iy'TTwgWwhiskey-' and a - f raud-,Ttrrtenfled "to- - deceive' the peopler'T:'"1:""'- '' "! '! ; i' : V Of course, when a remedy has been before the bub- ' fic so Idng. has been prescribed and used by the best' doctors and in all the prominent hospitals, and has' carried the blessing of health into so many thousands of homes as DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY has, imitations are bound to arise." -But they can imi tate the bottle and label only no one can imitate the contents. 2 , v -; 1 V-. DUPPY8 PURE "r MALT, .WHieKBY ia a formula worked out fifty years ago by one of tha greatest chemist the world haa ever known, and while it haa cured milliona of people during the laat half eenturythe aecret haa never been discovered.; ' . . . : .'' : ' . " ' ;.' ',' ' Any firm that will sell imitation goods 'will tell impure . drugs. - The firm 'that is dishonest in one thing would not hesitate to rbe dishonest in another. Whenever you are imitation goods with the firm's name on; beware of anything and everything put. up by that firm.-You endanger your own -life and the lives of 'your family and friends by dealing , with- them... "V. -.r -Notsrd Chlcaffo Phyaalctan and Ctibtnteit vv Commsnds Duys iu'i ; '. Dr.'E.' M.'Eidherr, after severe and exhaustive tests of samples of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, reports it to be perfectly-pure, free of coloring matter wood spirit and fusel oil. and recommend it ia all caaea tor young and old where an effective tonic ia required. T y, - lv: ; In his original report he aayef ' - . . . "Tbe ssmples ot Vnttj Pare Malt Whhkey esbautted ta tar taheratwr tor ahemlral eaanlaatloa were toaad arfertlr pare eaa eatlrelr free et ea! and methrl alrohola faMl eU aad wood spirits), aad alee eoid of eslorina . taatter. Comparative testa aae heea and with aaoiplM ef Daffra k't Whtokev. boaaht (res 4IRsrat drat stores la this dtr. with the seats reealt. Oa basfi Is ef there exanunatieea, Milc-etlBralaat, tlssae-balldur ead lo.lsarstor, which sa be aesa hr roaag aa4 eld for wastlag aiseases, aemaa o.blut.7. ket e( appetite aaa. la abort. Ia all T wk " "urSiU fiM nu wa uos. REfUSC IMITATIONS AND SUBSTITUTES When you ' ask : for DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY be sure you art the genuine, which is the only absolutely pure malt whiskey containing -medicinal, health - giving qualities. Imitations and substitutes, far from re lieving the sick, are posi tively harmful. Demand ' DUFFY'S, and be sura von get it Be on your guard against refilled bottles. ' v: I ' V Darrr'a Pare SfaH Wkaiker aroaaatea aaalUi aad tofvevttjr. ' . .1 snaaws rn o-u Totraro tbds Totnrs) anrausrs . ' OsBtslas as tosel eU tad H the ealf wkltkafi.regBlaHtt aaSrSTT weaUiaa.' .ia. la aaaaraBiee. m.m':. to propose a tangible scheme for aon atruotlon and operation of tha smelter. At a meeting last evening a reeolu tlon waa adopted - aaklng tbe secre tary of agriculture to send aa expert to report on the feasibility of Irrigation In the Willamette valley. Senator Ful ton waa Indoraed by resolution for his efforts to secure an assay office In Port land. The matter of improvement of tbe upper Willamette river waa aa algned to the boara a river aad harbor eommittaev The- following new mem bers, were voted into tbe board: - EL A. Baldwin, banker; Paul Bhoup ef the Southern Paclflo Railway company, National Wine oompany. , Davenport Broc, . wholesale fruit and produoe, Portland Fuel company, C W. Wood. Inaurance; J. T. Hurst, broker; Charlea A. Bryant, Inaurance; R. O.Dunn A Co., & H. Covell. caplUUat: C. J. WaUmaa of Bradatreet'a Mercantile agency, Wil ioezioi (Lf 65c for:30cr VfM..Xaassar. ' i (Tk WMa ef taaaiaa) - . S -;'--t' r" and ; H A 15c Pattern for 30c BS .- . .. -fw. bM Aa BS-M.. i '.-.- 1 1 "W a 'ar: aT ar aa . euauljDToariiaiii obtain the leedlns J Meaasina for weatoa. deretnd to latest. fsakloaa.-, fee-, er Be.dI.wori. aaWlnrrr. esefal bnoae -bold lotoraatloa. , rblldrea'a ctothtag,; tc. T7. an to for. aaa . year, aad a : Uc McCsll rettera for , , OINLrY 30o , f Toe" set the UinilM Ha amtk direct froai the sabllabera -la-be would . rbarge 70a one a rear for the Mass alne alone) and wbea yea per tbe km . at oar store roe eea hare the choice of or 10c Pattrra free. BetMe uks adTsataga ef t at aa early date. It's s r-4 - tanlty Is beeoaae Smasiai Btorka. Stransers trm tb tne . ta . -nnrtbweef will find It aaop at oar .store wbea la -.. are s'-e "ear-, rra a a Call PBttm auie fir It. the - hearth - of - their customers, arc I araaoaaea roar praparsnoa as aa imu"i . liams Begga. plumbers; 3. M., Page, wholesale . produce and frulta; C N. Stockwell of the Columbia Hardware -company. J. P. O'Brien of the O. R. H. Co., Portland Oeneral Slectrto com pany, Hotel Perkins company. North era Paclflo Brewing company, 1. A. Deere Plow aompany. Theodore Kruae, reetaurant-keepert S. O. Beed, secretary Wrlght-DloklnaoB Hotel aompany. . . Otak SOeetaw - . . r(Spaelal IMapatek to Tha Josraal.T Adam a. Ore., Jan, 1. The . Adams Commercial club has elected the follow ing , officers tor the eneulng year: Charlea K. Otteratedt, president; T. A Lleuallen. vtoe-preeldent; M. A. rergu- eecretary; J. F. Beatley. treasurer. Takes the burn out; heal a the wound: cures the pain. Dr. Thomaa Eclectrio Oil. the houaeheld remedy. ICOI ' .o 1 . -4 J M -J The Shoppsrs 1 Dnrfeiri Miles ' U '" ' vy OinLSaVBJrS SalV Baxsaxs, ia M . assorted slaea aad strles, trUaawd wttb I I aacbera aad Use, materials elaia aad' I I . ' a,li t urea j resutsr tt sad H uOi Ta II . teloae tbra' out, elTBILXB rBICX. ZT at-ISCX OmsrVB. im tbe tbata for sntta and aHlrta, aul.r il.B --tOatLaJI fraivl. Um -yarerir.tvvrriaa- Ma BAtaS CBAT COTTOB BLABir'".' 10-4 The best cbeea bleab.t. etu.g r-ee'srlT a aoe 1 Mb.-.- --'- rvauLXX BBIUX, tbe selr..........f 1M Pars 114 mi S-LB. COTT f BLABXa.S waits with Dkak or k ., A spnadM aiaaset, easuy ov.t- tn at JiBTLXX rarer, the Bear .r. "1 aotg 0rOI- BOTra-Wal mim a. - a to 10. i "lit 7 1t, the salt....... ...' so, 1 1 :r ii triv-eMd f or t- u.a. in. x 1 s 1 ' p.. .j