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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1906)
lilliUJILii&llt R!!B.:arliai ;:,.K-i;...!i TRY :Gf 'I! . iSOISTITIOOS Dr. H. N. - E. Lauring Describe Borneo Dyaks to pv f!'.a- ,f: Contend That Poo-Ce"ing at , Inrtnjton Doe Not Outrage ' J 1 ' f, .Publio Decency, " Eurarf Make . Cnf snc Into ' Store ry."thout 'Cutting Off ?theT2 slonary Institute. No otfidpToccftsiorii "dwtogrtherentiretwelveTinonths permits such great sale reductions. 8HOW3 SKULL GOT ON ? : ; j ; ; ; SAVAGE EXPEPITION .-....,.,,.. II in i I i i tv , , ,-. i. . k J ' it (i 'i ' V'' ."' ''i ' '. ; F. D., Soper, 8. Earl Taylor, Dr. T. IS ENCLOSED AND SHUT' J OFF, FROM GENERAL GAZE AFTERWARD3' TOUCHES-IT-- BUT, MAKES HIS ESCAPE Men's Suits arid Overcoats 1 :.V' v. HatsM Complaint I Filea Against William Tla'."TlyreiIf "Judge" PiixeFOw milrDfflarrrrCM Will B Ap lit: C Sullivan' Haa Premonhion That Soma X$ne Wiirter, Houae 13tfrHtt-aloreW6Varr1Ionay . ' - Matchlzm -Proni Deak, PoilfarRobaw iiiiii s . ! .', ;.':;'.' 1 , ' ' '..!S i. ?;" r:-. T-! rr-H aak -to-fiupt . .ftrtilbltlng Tiumenekull which he V risked- hla lift to .obtain,' Dr. H. N H uy louring;-1" of " Btngapore,-d escribed thla - T morning to delegates to the Joung' Peo In order to bar tha supreme, court decide whether or not pool selling at the Inrlngton ' race track "grossly .disturb the' publio peace -aod-openly outrages publio decency and la Injurious to publlo moral- a friendly suit has been filed In the circuit court ' atmlnst William M., Ayers, oharsinc him with bavins; had a pool stand at the 'race track of the, Multnomah .Fair association on 'August 4, l0t. A complaint was filed against Ayers this moraine by District Attorney Jnhq Xfanptny, th pl'lnlng witness Dr H. ,T. P. Sailer. - pica Missionary Institute the heathen practices of the fierce. Dyaks, the bead hunters of Borneo. The Dyaks have irlthstood all advances of civilisation. ' Dr.' lurtnsr told araphically of hla work among; the Malays. The skull he exhibited ' wsa obtained from ' a Dyak chieftain who had. Just returned from a warrior expedition In which he had se cured to skulls. v Not only la It the cos- a, .. 4 'A. belna- Victor LJndback. Owing to the fact that (he race track la Inclosed and shut off from the gase of all those who do not wish to- go In and look, attorneys for Ayers will con tend before the supreme court that pool selling within the inclosura does not openly outrage . publio oecency. . It -Is said a demurrer to the complaint "will be - entered this afternoon, and the court i ls. expected to overrule tha. de murrer. . The case will. In that event be appealed to the upper court, there to be argued. - Judge Fressr last summer overruled ft similar demurrer filed In the eas of the . state q against a man named Nease, who was charged with poor selling. " ,. v s Members of tha Multnomah Fair as sociation, who lease the Irvlngton -race track, are anxious to have the supreme court pass on the matter at as early a date as possible In order that they may make plans for next season's races. The supreme court recently decided that pool seUlng did disturb tha publio peace and morala. . v - . Pr.w L," WCrenkMta. Jv J r torn of the tribe to preserve the skulls of their slaughtered enemies aa trophies of their success in wary but. possession of a -certain number of human heads Is necessary before ft man can be admitted to aome of the most important of the i tribe's .social privileges. Accordingly it Is the custom for the young men' to go .out on private head-hunting expedi tion. , ,'..-; ' ' .,"'' Dyaks have no temples, priests, 6t regular form of worship, but tha father of each family performs such rites as he thinks are necessary for the day. Bacrineea. both, of animals and fruits. and even human beings, are made to ap pease the goda, and there la ft strong belief in the existence of evil spirits. All diseases and. calamities are attrib uted to the malignity of tne avii spinia: Dr. ' Louring spent - several -, years among the Dyaks, and has traveled ex tensively throughout the world. He la able to preach in SI different languages and ta converse In several more. His address at thla morning's session of the Institute was the feature of the day. - .v The aesslon was opened at 'l0 & Karl Taylor. The exercises were fol lowed by ft discussion on "Giving." by B. D. Boper, Seld secretary of tha Xoung faople'a missionary movement. - - At the conclusion ot tha discussion there, wsa 'a eenferenoo on "Sunday Schools . and Missions." led by C. V. Vlckery.Blshop3V H. BeUf Berke ley, Cat, and Dr. Louring then delivered missionary addresses, and It was In the course of Dr. Louring remarks that he exhibited tha human ekulL The fore noon aesslon was concluded with' de nominational meetings. Tho . session was ressmed at 1:10 o'clock this afternoon with mission atudy classes. Foreign mission classes were conducted by Dr. H. T. P. Bailer, Dr.- L. W. CronkhlU and S. Eart 'Tayloe. Home mission classes were conducted by E. D.'Soper.'' . . ' At the conclusion of tha elassea there waa a conference on mission literature and Its uses. An interesting addresa on China was delivered by Dr. O. B. Smythe. This evening Dr. Smith and Dr. Lour ing will deliver missionary addresses. The institute will be ooncluded tomor. row afternoon, though - services in con. nectlon with tha institute will be held In various churches In tha city on 8un- day.----" i- 'y-- 'rT-- T-'-r A Ik "Vrr V FR1DAY"1ANUARY119 ' " u ' -5 It an - marJV v . ,- ., v1.'."-v WAP SHOT IN PARADISE3ZI ifo itt all ritfat, ant it iaa't a MONROE L ' 1,-L-y rNe$3J0O Hdt.: '.! : - -Intra i -' 'lwtnlnr aW Dasinsr Stylish. Hat ' t:j VASItlGTON STREET. Bet. 4toi5tIi s. x r 'tis- : Krhka. 4atn Albert Johnson's store,- 700' East Stark street, at an early hour this mornlnf evidently - .nrl hv. f.t. k. Walltn tn aat . Off - hi.cDl.. -1 --n. nn wllnff - thrOUSh a window, the reiiow roooea i mtpuun. box end would nave securea yium plunder had he -'not touched the alarm off while in the midst of his unlawful Worlfc-.V- -iV"! : ' ,A Prying ah window up; with a "jimmy- k. h..t- ..t.Mi th, fAr.(.tnd. tori the lock off the telephone box, securing corner of ft counter to- open, the caeh regisUr. -, In so doing he set .orr tne esjaaat aai iu aa hvsm w uvsiewi badly , frightened that he did not wait to crawl out, or tne mnaow, as ne no entered. ut "Jumped ' through.- carrying immm aula m 11 w.i.u " Johnson, the proprietor- of the store, sleens in a house In the sear.. He aross and awakened a neighbor -named Ben - . n.. ,mii .ritH revolver-and the other a shotgun, they stood guard at tne iront ana rear 01 tn w " telenhonlna- the sollce that they naa a While thev atooa guara as tney oe- llevea, to prevent tne criroina imm escaping. Patrol Driver Oruber iud Station Officer Johnson hastened to the scene' in the patrol-wagon. Investiga tion showed that the man had escaped. 'Another instance was reponeu to i polios this morning In which the plans . m . knwiif - wrmnt wranar. That he failed to secure any booty was due, to Mrs. C Sullivan or 7l wiuuuns avenue having ft premonition that shs was to be ' visited bv . a- marauder and biding ber property. ' ; A conaiaeraDis amouni vm aepi m deek in the parlor.- Mrs. BuUlvan had w... - haiv Waii, mmt nlarht when the premonition came over her that the house wss to oe roooeo.- one wn ft maid and sent her downstairs to re k marh fmm tha desk and taka It upsuirs,-where it was securely hid den. ., - . ; . u-a Bniiin ymmm awakened about 4 o'clock' this morning .by hearing some- k. nnriim ahnnt In the rjarlor. 8he listened and heard a door open. Picking ... - .via rimniMxl it. an-the-floor. Instantly all was quiet neiow, wss afraid to movs irom ner Marwa until dayUaht, when the polioe were enlakjaj . , . . - , The marks of a "Jimmy" show thai k k.. r i - mrf4 nHn a window crack iM .w- -.I.-- , uB riuta mm another window but' it waa naiiao uown. ihst folding doors of tne panor naa neon nmmnA end the thief had looked lnt a number of desks snd drawers. : B.. C. 3urks notified the ponce yester day that a thief had stolen Bis over ma fmm Holmes' Business college In the T. M. C. A. buUding. H said that fl vaother personahadlost9vercoats . .1 .... - nnl-a V A I H tK 1 ( few days. Several overcoats have also K-v-n .tnl.M rpAm th roller skatlns' rink at the old Exposition building. A Small . grip containing cnanica . . .tU. t-a Mlarh VAnAT tK ottnanl Iron worka Rast Third Street and Hawthorne avenue. ... calve: sings, ATa - MARQUAM MONDAY ..'', "- .- . . . . Uiluw tmm Calve... the moat eele- b rated ainger before tha publio today. maaes ner lirst eippearance in roruraa next Mondsy night, January 12. at the Marquam - urana ineairw. - saore praise Men's fine high-grade Neckwear of the newest designs, . . ' . 01 m a . c.1.1 coionng ana snapea rcgw r tw wwa . awiau Regnlar $2.00 Shirts, colTs attached and detached Una of sizes. Extraordinary values ......... ....... Children's Suits- regular $5.09r$6.C0-andror' $7.50 grades, at .03) 75c V ' "L$1.40 , , Regular $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and " ; ' $00 Hats : ; ; v' T0DiVk SATURDAY AMD MOriDAY, ONLYa ,-4 Mm MM ' l t m IWIWWaaasasasajtena i dS t Mme. Emma Calva. has been lavished upon her in the last decade than ever nas w given any artiat of tha operatic at- thla moment shs more fully deserves these encomiums than at any other time of her career," " In no ot ner -prima eonna- au wrt been combined the multitude of quali ties In voice, la mind,, in. person, -In temperament, , In expression, which, taken together, make Madame Calva do serve to be called great Madams Calve s company - haa been selected- with the -utmost care. Only artlats woinhy t be associated with ber have aeen engageo.' " , Vlsttlng- Bebekah lodges. rspeeMl DMsatea to Tae Joersell v' ' Albany. Oregon. Jan. I. Mrs. Frssler Of Eugene, president ' of ' the Rehekah assembly of Oregon, 'paid an official visit to Buelah Rebekah lodge No. 1& at this city yesterday evening. In the i.nuimi. aha u teadert a reoention at the home of Mra. J. J. Collins, where the ladles of the lodge met her. At the night meeting she exemplified the secret lh order, dallverine an address. After the meeting a banquet was en joyed, Mrs. Frailer la making a tour at TWO WILL RECEIVE 33D DEGREE C. A. Doiph of Portland and Dr. C. W. Lows of Eugens to . gd Elevated. I. W. PRATT WILL CONFER - HIGHEST MASONIC HONOR Conferring of Highest Honor Tonight Will Be Under Direction of Pro feaaor L W. Pratt, Xnapector-Oen. eral. t rlrat tlmt lit thres veara tha ii.....hir jm,m n tha Vaaonla order ..... - ... M -- B " " is to be conferred upon candidates In Portland some ume me anar pan w it... . nliA irmn man vhd .ma HivHui- - " - m -- mi in HMln the hlaheat nosslble hon ors at the dlsDossl of the m ratio order are Attorney C A. Doiph of vPortlsnd and Dr. C W. Lowe or Eugene. itti.iiAM im tha mum of some comment among the. Masons of mlnot degrees who are being eievaiea a ine thirteenth semiannual reunion of the Scottish Rlts branch of the order, which is holding forth la the cathedral , on Morrison street. . . . .. t w oratt Tnrttant la the Inspectei gtmeral for this Jurisdiction lor me oiRn.ii Deim. snd It will be under, his superl vision thst tha thlrty-ttolrd degree will be con ferred."" The - two cand kdates- were for some time mebers of the court of honor, a position midway the thirty-second and ki..i.ini .ml at the last ses sion of the supreme council at Washing. tOn, UlBinai. Dl.uoiumuu, mmr Inated to take the final degrees. . mv. tAmm In th. Mthu1i-al h.nn With the Initiation of candidates for ths fifteenth, -degree, i ne ciass is iarg ior A mid-winter . ceremony. .- During the n. V Am tha andliiatea a-rad. ually workad their. way upward until a larg-aumDerr pecsme engipie-ii m thirty-second degree, which will be be- ,hl. Manfn nnnn the folloWlnS! D. C. Nelson ot Raker City. J. FT Tales f - waacov- jamas- w- Hani! 01 - -ommm City, William I Thompson Of Pendle. . d,imi nntn nf Aahland. W. D. McMillan of Union. Robert roster of I!3eds Ctrti?trilla. . A 1 b tia cSV c cc!3 cf ulli era taxly to ci!i lC3DCC25C:DCLLn ODDS Mi EMI 1 GREAT lALUES III FURUIWRE AT PRICES WRT CMi'T DE MATCHED If there is a piece of furniture in thia lot thairyou' have uae ;foiy comeTand jm U. , : We've put a price on it that'll sell it quick. V;-; - . Two Quartered Oak Dressers.:;:...:...-.. -r One Sirdseye Maple.DreSser....U;..........;...v.Re V One Birdseye. Maple Princess Dresser......... Reg ar $27.50 Specia 220;. Two Golden Oak Princess Dressers..?....: ......Regu ar $25.00-Specia jlg.C5 -Jwo Birdseve-MipleXhiffoniers. with glass... ...Regular $24.50Specia ?JJ.-0 , 6ne Golden Oak Chiffonier, wittrgTass ................ Regn ar 22.60-Specia jlO.-- One Golden Oak 8-foot Dining Table........ ....Regular $65.00 Special .$49.00 (4-Inch top Tydsn-Lock PedesUt , s : " ; " tA - . . -j One Weathered Oak 8-foot Dining Table. Regular $42.5a-SpeciaI 27.50 , ;.' . ,4-lnch top Tyden-Iclt Pedestat , - - . -i ... --j-- ' One Weathered Oak Buffet and China Closet Regular $55.00 Special $35.00 Combined, leaded glass doors, French plate mirror. - ' . One Weathered Oak China Closet, 31 inches wide. ....Regular $32.50 Special ?100 - With Trench plate mtrror, four shelves. . . . - . . -.- rA . One Golden Oak China Closet, hand carved........... Regular $95.00Special $3750 With four glass sneiv.. .-.., a. a srA .i.eguiar oo.w opcciai - One genuine Mahogany Library Table. ; Hsad carved, claw feet. 10 inches lonr. . SUCH BARGAINS CAII'T LAST L0UG TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE PRICES w. gtiii have a few remnanta of Carpets, MatUngr Linoleum and Oilcloth : left;whidr ara - - - - . priced ridiculously low. 'Get one of them if you need one. .7 ; . ; ' ; ; : ; 184-186 FIRST STREET AND 185 FRONT STREET. , Pendleton. Charles O. Roe of For Q rove, William rrtberg. Krnest Barton. James H. Brown. Frank A. Coatea, & W. Harrman, WlUlam O. McPherson. Lew' O. Carpentsr. WlllUm B. Coe, Allen M. Brown. Morton H. Insley, Robert W. gchmeer and Frederick B. Mallory. The attendance of Masons last evening upon the conferring of the fourteenth degree tn the cathedral-w large. The ceremony attracted hundreds of Mssons from throughout the state. The stage settings for the degree cost S.0. The Bhrlnern will hold Initiations to morrow evening tn Portland. The class will be large. . The Multnomah county armory Is to be need for the occasion. Tha business session will begin at o'clock and the Initiations at o'clock, tha latter followed by the customary baaqust. , t '..:' Scratch, scratch, scratchj unable t' attend to bualnesa during the 0-r sleep during the night.' Itching p. ' horrible plague. Doan'S Ointment e Never faLs. .At any drug store. It 0 SMUGGLER MINE HAS - PROMISING PROSPECT At the annual meeting of tha stock, holders ot the Smuggler Gold eY Copper Mining company, at Vancouver, Wash? Ington. officers were elected as fol lows: President, McKlnley Mitchell; vice-president, Charles ""B. Townsend; secretary, Sol Hart; treasurer, l. a Williams; general manager, W. J. W al tera; trustees,: O. Friewald and Captain Jeeee M. Baker. .. The company's properties are located In Snohomish county, Washington, and general offices In Portland. 1 eports at the annual meeting showed t t the amount of work completed dur r.e month of December in the cr , .m i frat, maHnv a ' i f A. 1 Try The amount of ore blocked out la the Smuggler property has warranted the ' company to take aU necessary steps to sxtend the developments . . through the Smuggler lead and prepare for erecting machinery, - By the purchase -of ottwr ' claims by the company the total hold ings are now J claims, or Sri acres of, ground, nearly a mile square, taking Iu ths apes of a range of mountains wlta approximately ,H,K feet of ,! -timber, with water power avers t i ' horsepower at the lowest -- year, - . . f-' v IAS lOCgeS 01 WW vauey ; - .... : - -- - -,