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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY ? JOUSIIAU POSTLAI.'D. riUDAY I r;LC u f n e it IFOR; HEROES Chif Campbell Has flan tb En- C ' i courage Firemen to Daad XVV-of Daring. . WOULD' PUT: PICTURES: T ? v OF BRAVES IN BOOK " , .... v- "' And With Each a Short Description ' odmi c:r SKEES Portland Folk 1 Enjoy Winter ' Sports and Jumble Into r .' Snowbanks.' c''. Th Portland Snowsho lnb, OTtn- Md bv J. Wesley Ladd hre years . haa luat returned from lta third annual trip to Cloud Cap Ina On Mount Hood. Tha party- atoHad -i-o- tb town of Hood River for tha mounUla la at Fri day morning. . arrived lata Saturday evenin- at tha inn, an . elevation of I.0 feet. . remained there throe nlarhts and two dsys and deaoanded tha moun tain an skeee without aooioenu JTbe trip was tnsde r J. weaiejr iaao. of th.ActPrform flnssr, Marlon Dolph. J. K. koiiocs. i. K. Warrens. B. Wlckersham and Quid Blir Edlcfc berT Banderi. afwaTWhey 1 Da time at Mention at End of the Year for - l . v v . i ; . . . ..... i. - :-rJCtitef -Campbell 4haflreflaprt -l v. nent baa a plan by which he nope o Incite member of tha department to ; mora valoroua deeda. - Ha propose t '. jf knap aa album la whictfsthe photographs . oT Xl flremen-rperformip berolo acta shall ba plaoad,to1Tather'-Wtth a,-.brlef ; account of their merltorioua work. ' At tha aad of each year, when tha chief , makee op tila annual 4roport honorary mention will be made af all the men who hare been t fortunate enough to have their ., namea , and photo rapha , i placed In tha album of merit. "Much of the work of the depart , meat la of tha dartna- order." eald Chief ' Campbell yesterday. "W bare no means i-roward a Talorona apt or a, n reman. - and I bae -decided lo keep jtn. album In, which will be placed the photograph of all heroes, and at tha end of the year honorable mention of: all meritorious work will be made . In my annual re port. ; ' - -i. 1 i . . V-i-i "Thar la little InoentWa for tha men 1 1n (time of f Ira to risk their Uvea, but I am of the opinion thai If - wa -adopt thla method whereby they will be made to feel and know that any dleplay of he roism on their part wlU be 'appreciated end made known to the public. It will be a great Incentive for them to do bet ter' work for the department. - ' fAt breeent wa have, a fine lot of mm and they are will Ins and- aaxloua to work. Civil ssrvlce has dona away with all political equabblea' which were formerly ao frequent, and a man does . no have to so-outi snd. tight for; hta lob at everr , DoUtioal eampalan. AU that wa require of a man la that he be willing and honest jand capable of doing ' the work." V--V' '- i'-- , vJ, , i r ."! ; Picture i Framing. . Picture framing Is our specialty. W desire your trade. W nava the goooa, "the workmanship and tha prices. Prlcea apecial on ovary thinsr In January. B. u. Moorebouaa Co.- 1 Alder street. WheVeVxrtore" fall try Burdock Blood . Blttera. - Curea-yapeaaia, conaupanon lavloratea-the wholev ayUm. - . the inn waa apent enjoying tha popular winter snorts of tobogganing mnd skee- rnr ana atartaaara tnl of ib4Jeadrs taken by 'the founsts wane -waiaaina down the steep, grades over, the snow7 banks It to feet deep. : ' Tha temperature waa only 1 above sero on tha mountain, but there waa a heavy' atorra of -wind ana snow on tns Ust day of their stay at tha Inn. I .an well appreciate the . reasons for extreme procautlonai taken by the builder of tha Inn, when ha fastened the bouse firmly to tn mountain siae with strong steel cables.' said Mr. Ef anger. Had It not been faataned the hurricane would have., blown It away like a feather. I never new so-wild a storm as that waa" MEOAL-FOiiEIfiEMAN WHO SAVED PRIEST s ' V ' ' ! ' r- i WlUlant : jfc-Taggart, ' driver of fire truck No. I. was presented laet aven Ing with a gold medal by tha Cathollca of the city for saving the life of Father Alexander Cestelll at a fire on tha night of December St. 10. which threatened to deatroy St. Mlchael'a Boman Catho lic .Italian hurch. The presentation waa made by Archbishop - Alesander Christie at tha cathedral residence. There were a number of prominent clt laens present. Including Mayor Lane. Chief Campbell of the fife department, and tha fire 'commissioners. Tha arch blahop eald ha believed there was not a member of the firs department wno would" not have dona just aa Driver Taggart did, had tha occasion presented Itself. In response Driver Taggart aald ha almply did hta duty. Th majority of those present bad compliments not only for tha hero fireman and th) Catholics who raised the' money for the medal, but for tha efficiency ef tha fir department and tha frequent display of heroism by lta members. - ;, . v Cf; No More Mistakes; .Automatla change and cash register saves lta coat In short time: agents wanted. 40 Marquam - building. '. V - We are not "general'' shoe dealers, our hobby being- footwear for meo only.. Nearly all gentlemen of this city know this nd buy their shoes from us. We are now having : , ','..,. ' Jl REDUCTION SALE OF MEN'S SHOES Cutting prices from 15 to 25 per cent on "all grades, and this will last for a' few days vet. Now is your best time to - provide - for . your- future - wants. WE ARE ESTABLISHED HEAD i, QUARTERSlFOR MEN'S' FASH." i;A v: I- IONABLE HOSIERY. v: VMWUYN & WALTON, TeL'Hood 74 ' '870 Washington St, Bet. Third A Fourth . j 1 -. T ... ' 1 i . , .- 3 J :"DO YOU BURN v : : 'i m wn7nTmri t. '.'. ;i c- ' IF lOT WHY NOT ? ' It is the most economical fuel you can buy -therefore 7th chespe?tr- It1s not economy buy ltie" lowesl'pfrced coai nor.on jtne otner nana, to psy;n extravagant price Votr want a coal that lasts Ion eest, burns best and srives "the thrjst heat for the least amount ; of money.-.Then'C ! ' you want Richmond. 5: We are now unloading a cargo of - ! this coal at our bunkers. , Bviy from the importers direct. ; i ' i J-.,' '1. ! .: .1 ..It.''" V I1'.'' ..'.V-''.i 35J STinK STREET "t ;. -V:' .-. H fISCIIIEFiillDiI DOOR OF GOVS '-v':? v' - " ' Gang of Youngsters .. in Wood- V stock Is Blamed for Many V ' 5 Petty Annoyances ' r HAVEJUCLUBHOUSI ON A VACANT LOT There, It Is Alleged, Little Fellows ; Drink,'' Smoke' and Gamble Cit- lsens Forced 'to 'Rely -selves f or' Protectionri' on "TheiiS TWeeT alilt eiace'of The leeraal I 1 " th tore ot I. M. C. Miller. iLfHtsmm tlml. TeleptMO Mit in, -. . A gang of boys la Woodstock haa It Is laid, built a clubhoua on - a vacant lot la wrilch they gather ' and plan raids and In which, behind barred doors and shuttered wlndowa, bovs of 16. and IS drink bottled beer- purchased' with tha proceeds of their deviltry, gamble and amoka cheroota .Not long ago the gang made Its den In a ctve formed by a huge uprooted tree and which had been made habitable by board walls built on two sldea This place . waa burned by a youth who had awora ven geance on the gang and a now club house stands on a lot a block from where A atove warms tha place, shutter from car screen tha wlndowa and a heavy bolt secures the door, It Is built of finishing lumber and the' Inner' walls sre covered with heavy paper that deadens the sound of midnight roysterlng. At tha door of tha gang many places of mischief are laid, among them the breaking of tha majority of the win dows In a nearby etiurch, four large wlndowa having been araaabed In a night; tha destruction of several oar stations, one of -which wa erected by tha citizens of tha auburb at an expense of I0; the" constant ' annoyanoe of women and children. - - ' The leader of tha gang Is aald to be a boy of IT who la reputed to carry a slungahot of . braided leather, - tha end heavlly- loaded with buckshot, snd weapons of various sorts are said to be a part or the equipment or roe ciuo members. On account of the distance of the auburb from : the city policemen are only occasional visitors and tha cltlsens are forced to rely on tneir indi vidual effort for', protection.' The father of another boy detected. It I al leged, tn breaking the church wlndowa refuaed to pay for the broken glaaa aad advised tha members of - tha congrega tion to call i In t a policeman to take charge of th boy.' - - - GUARDING THE RIVERS. ' - r. - v Workman at Madison SUaet Bridge Busy .. randlag . OS? : BrlfrwoeeTu ' ,--, .Workman wr busy yaatarday fend ing off driftwood and uprooted trass from th bridge plera, especially at 11 adlaoa atreet. Tha high ' water la bringing down massea of driftwood, and aa there la no obatrucUon untu the drift, reached Madison street bridge, heavy masse pile up agalnsttTMDtera If left for a few houra.-they would not only prove a serious strain on tha plera. but would close th channel. The labor of removing th drift and breaking up the Jams la dangerous, Tha man who has the heavy and of the Job is the rlverman who, in a light boat; with hook and knife, dodgea between huge logs and grinding timber and outs away the mass as it is loosened from above. - . AS a ten-mil current la racing under the bridge and tha big Umber whan released shoot paat hla boat like projeo- tllaa, th contract la a haxardoua one. Rope ware attached yesterday to the center log when ' a Jam formed on the plera and tha rope were paaaed up to the leek of the bridge and hitched to the first ear that paaaed. ' A heave or two loosened the drift and then the boatman ehot hla craft Into the oenter of the grinding chaoa and cut loose tha rope, getting away from the plunging ioe;e mm wet am cuiu. . . . ftf , . . INSTALL MANY MEMBERS. at Btmltaomah Degree Teem.Omolates 7. rl WtaJ"Clabtiom." . - One of tha moat Important Initiation that the . degree team of Multnomah Camn has recently attended waa on Sat urday, at winlock, .Washington, where 44 candldatee war Initiated into the mysteries of Woodcraft. Member of th team who attended the affair aay that the Winlock hall was packed with Woodmen, from Cowllta. I.ittla-Jfalhyi Castle Rock, Napa vine and Tenino, aa well as by tha delegation or officer and drill team member from Multnomah. Members of .Trillium Circle supplied a banquet at the close of tha initiation. tha ehlef feature of the feast being a fruit cake weighing II pounda . The addition of 44 member , to Winlock Camp la aaid to aaaure It a new home, a sits .having already been secured. ' EAST SIDE NOTES. Rev. X R. McOlada, TV has been pastor of the Mispah : Preabyterian church for nv years, ana next Bunaay morning will deliver an anniversary sermon. In tha evening ha will preach upon "Touching tha Hem of Christ's Garment." xr ,'. ; : .-r th council to open Beat Seventeenth atreet, between Holgate street and Mid way annex.". Such an extension-would rellev th situation on suiwaukie atreet, which at present Is ths only one connecting the city with Beliwooa and the Oregon City district. . - la-hooos- of ths tenth anniversary of his ordination Into priesthood, Rev. C V. : Lamb, priest of the Holy " Rosary church, ' East ' Third and Clackamas treetsjas been, jrlyen, jiaajuonndJ la now vlalllng m parent in cauior nla. ' -" .. " . ' . Until tha high water recedes and the eumrfT is 1M dangerous.' th ferryboat Webster, at Albtna, will be-taken out f-eommislon The -east-aid -Oandlng of the ferry-will have to be extended before th: vassal , can be uueed during frtthtti. y --- -A series of revival aervtces will be begun nxt Sunday in th Central M. B. church. . Tha Rev. James Moors of Mount Tabor will aaalst pastor. Rev. t. T. Abbett.. ..,, ' Swlgaiag Oanegle Zabrary. '. i,.- ISpeelsl Dlspatefe t The JoarneL) r '. Boreat Grove. Or, Jan. ll-8o confl dent of the success of tha movement .to raise funda for" ths Carnegie library are th college authoritlea that they have turned their attention to devialng plana Mor the building- Th 'library will cost ItO.vOS. , - . ?;' ,..-''' ' ' ' -':' - raf aired Stock Oaaaad OoodS. Allen Lewi Bast Brand, WHAT PO YOU CARS? . YOU'VE GOT YOUR HEALTH Oreai Batarea Po Bot Bespei a Bta .. appntarwant Taey sok fog cmr ' .. . satag Bis B. , ' j Tb brosd-iaiigea man of toda does not get blue Just because things don't always com his war units there 1 something tha matterwtth htm. If b "fall down" on one proposition ha im mediately atarta to look up another. He alwaya look . forward and keeps on hustling.. A man with hla health and faculties haa plenty ot -opportunities and the man who gives up or even feel like it haa lther . , JL1 small natura r some physical weaknesa. .' .Dyspepsia certainly puts the beat of men- out of condition for work ot any kind. Tou cannot blam the dyspeptic for getting blue. , The very nature of hie disease la moat depresalng and cal culated to deprive : hint of ambition, energy . and hopa ' Thar la hope for Mm,, heweves, -oartaln im sure. Stuart' Dyapcpala Tablet are reoog- nised-thseughaut 4he length an ereestn !fJllJlBLastliaori curjjifs- Jiaf and aura Their unbounded popularity resulting from the - thousands and thousand of curea they have effected, prove beyond tho shadow of a doubt their great nes aa a cur.- wnerem lie their greatness? In the very fact that they are Nature a-own staaple remedy, They do-the exact work In exactly the name way that tha dlgeetlve fluid of tha atomach do becauee they are com posed of exactly the aama elements and poeeeea the aam properties). . They re lieve the weak and worn out atomach of Its burden .of digestion and permit it without let' or -hindrance to rest and grow sound and well. - Tha stomach will get well quick enough 1n Its own natural war If It la let alone. That Is what Stuarfs Dyspepsia Tableta do. They not. only let It alone themaelve but do th aama Tou can aatiafy yourself of the truth of this statement . by putting ths food yon would eat Into a glaaa Jar with sufficient .water, and one of - Stuarfs Drsoeosla Tableta. Tha ' prooeae of digestion will b taken up and carried ot Juat as tha gastric Jute aad other dlgeatlve fluids would do It. Their action Is natural and they cause no dl turbanc la th digestive organs. In fsct : you forget ' you hav a - stomach when. they , begin , to do their work, eo mild and natural la . the- operation. Stuart' Pyapepala Tableta are for sal by all druggist at oc a box. SALVATIOH ARL1Y LEADERS , co:ji;;6 to pom3l Colonet and Mrs. Henry Lee to ' Conduct Services Among 1 , :pp Scandinavians.";",; s' ; Colonel and Mra. Henry te of Chi cago, leaders In Salvation Army work. will arrive In Portland tomorrow after: noon to conduct a aerlea of meetings from January to to ti. - A welcome fes tival will be held tomorrow evening In the hall ait Fourth and Burnalde streets. Colonel and Mra Lee are accompanied en their trip by Staff Captain Lena Uadatronv division -of floe on, -the coast. Both Colonel, Lee and hla wife were born In Bngland. but as officers in the Salvation Army have apent several years In Denmark and .Norway, They are at present In charge of. the Scandinavian branch of the army in America. The meeting la Portland will be eondseted In connection - with. - th- candinavian corpa - 1 r- " -.- " r' This Is th first trip of Colon! and Mra Lee to th coaat-Thy-are- ln-4 potlng the work or the varlou poata and making necessary . changea They have already conducted series of meet ings In Seattle, Taoom and Belllngham. From Portland obey . will go to San Frsnclaco. where the . oldeat Scandi navian arrav com is located. - The Scandinavian eorpa In Portland la th young-eat- It was opened here a year sgo by Adjutant BL . Wallace, who Is still tn charge, and has mst with sreat succesa : Both Colonel Lee and his wif speak, th Scandinavian language fluently.',!.. , i'v , -.. , RELIC OF FIRST COAST ' SAWMILL IS EXHIBITED ). .fe - 4'" ' "" . V-.. V;. A large Iron crank -used in ths first sawmill on th coast has been placed on exhibition, in the museum -of tha Oregon Historical society in th city halL The crank was a part of ths machinery tn ths sawmill erected about five mile east of Vancouver by Dr. John McLoughltn In KIT. K. W. Crate, wno eon, Kd Crate, ia now -a member of the Port land police force, waa tha millwright. Tha mill had a capacity of t.000 feet a day. or leaa ttiaa l.OOO.aoft feet a' year. In Portland mora than 400,000. OOtt-feet of lumber wis manufactured mat year. The historical society haa been pre sented with a large portrait or oeorge H. Wllltama, ax-mayor of Portland and United Statea attorney-general nndet President Grant. Tha portrait - was painted laat year by 8. X Woodman and was contributed ny a numM? or ta members ef th eoclety. Th room of th hlatorlcsi society have been closed for - a month and Curator 0org H. Hlmes and his as sistant have been engaged In ee sre gating- documentary material and filing It away and In placing th exhibit. - One of th moat prominent exhibit put' In place la an elaborate collection of Indian Implementa Hereafter the museum will bs opened every afternoon from 1 to S o'clock p. in. ... ' ' .,' .. , V THE JOURNAL'1 V- f IS "THE ONLYn; ; :V ' NEWSPAPER rf'r:d UIN-PORTiAND WHICH SELLS ITS ADVERTISING- SPACE ON A . '- - , s , 'BASIS OF-""""' GUARANTEED " . CIRCULATION. ..THBl'--:v.:,;,v;v-'' CIRCULATION . ' YESTERDAY ' ,WAS' -.Js'::-. ;'j' 24,696 I v f-, ' -y.. - .'.--. j f - v .. .Eyeiy. Article In Our: Immcnco v-, ,. ; ..... ' ZlL: . ''4 -- V i' ... . :SvjVBcyflSulto 'vlio suits:; .7.C3 - ........... .B1.70' ; V- Suits..... v.-;.;;ca.s3 u v :, tXtt Suits.. M BS SulttL. - (3.49 Suits.'....,. $2.C3 Boys' Qyercoato SS Overcoats. 18.00 Overcoats . . . ..... C3.CS SiaOO Overcoats... ...C7.5 Boy' Flannel . s K '. ' e4 '" 75c Blouses CS, - . anVeJ aaJa . aTVeya X .. . ' iJOUSeS. .LfT UnderweHr ;t y v '141 .-v y ... . wsai (tiiKWV. V ICnee Pants ' '; " '85c' values '. ; U. .i. ,i.;iOe 7 wjc values ... ........... iiity 75c values r. .. B8f i.w values i, . ... . . .ouc Ironclad Hose 3a-: Wright's Heecw-Ltaed Xlealtii Underwear ....... ..C3t i Neclcyvear t;); VV. '-- C3c and 76c valuea. . 3WJ ' - Thm for . . JplC , V t3c values .,, , 10f, Ttleh'o Shirts -v bestTquality t.;.7.7M;;.18 ' f V : "v Best $1 Shirts tn the dtr. . TH Men's . W00L Sox. . . ....... .0 ' Best 75c Bhirts la the city .0 jf i -.. .1-1 IfliVnYoa See It In OiAd Its So! -1 .... . , v. ' -",' Vrrl .' ..r. ' -t 'yS:' THIRD & JL ;qak;sts: WD r1? 3J :mm U V. 1; 1 i 4 5C -r-Wc-aret termiria yeaifo business with a v, Splendid CEJSfiMTICE sale ' t '' " y"'K 'y ' ' - s . . Vi ' -? Men's, Votrien's end Children's Shoes NT In the general slaughter we have loaded a table with odds and ends of our big stock; and in thia lot we are ACTCAiLY seiit;s srers ucrrn a t3 $i tt tnniicumi This Is not out of date, thopworn stock, but good, sub stantial footwearand aU sizes will be found in the lot THE REDUCTIONS ARB IN EVERY DEPARTMENT-OF THP DTQRB, and while they last these extremely little prices in the general stock will mott positively prevail: Ladies' Two and Three-Strap Sandals,; Ladies' Vlci Kid Box Calf and Velour ; Blucher or Lace, heavy .extension or." light soles, patent tip, up to CI HQ : date. Sale Price..... .. ....iDl.yp, t Ladies' Vld Kid Laxfe, heavy exten-; sion soles,' ' ,' :s 'JC all 'sizes , V. . . . . . v 1 OD "-Ladies' Vid, Box Call Extension and - light soles, patent kid tip, for dressy " and extra good wearers. ,t : 4 3 C Sale Price. ..... ... .. ... sP,00 f i" a ' ' ii in 1 ;-r-" rrf t I Men's Box" Calf, lace, Men's Box Calf, calf lined kangaroo, Boys' Box Calf, exten- extension soles; extra calf unlined and vici; good winter sion soles ; : a - good value at $2.50. r y Shoes. , They ; are wear resisters. school shoe; sizes 13 to Price v. ' iv.$ 1 95 Price. . . v. i . . .V.'$235 ScTai. . 4!P -THIS IS-A-BUYINO)PPORTUNITY-BUT RAREtY-OFFERE And the oublic should take liberal advantage of it There is no braggadocio or boast- -ing- ia-anything-re ever say in-our advert! sements. The -people have learned to trust us to believe our statements ana we esteem tms connaence. increxore, wiian WE ADVERTISE A REDUCTION SALE, PEOPLE KNOW THEY GET. ; EVERYTHING WE PROMISE, and for this reason we enjoy a most satisfactory busi ness at every season of the year, and especially since our yearly clearance sale, began. ill 230-232 Morrison Strsct,' Hear Second L 1 ..... ..-...i-.-.L...