The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1906, Image 13

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    ' l.Ve.lIli w, J. . .
-V. B e a B
tat. , II
RLJFlPV.ViTE2 i . jZ
ii A ii"u. I b. y Q
C::nc"j ta Potxta Crowara -If You Ht!;
Csod Ctockt You WJ Naad.Ona CtC--
1op Market Mora Actlva and
f Ordinary - Grada It Oaing
Sought by tha Buyers.
bultry I Duller .With.Pricea,gn
changed , From : Ywterday Same
Situation In Egg With , Eaitern
Stacks Somewhat Lower. ' -v
Trout Street, Jaa. It. Tbe brtndpal featnrao
ft the Portland wholesale aurketa today ant -r.
Cheaper hope la demand. ,., ,
' Package eeffae SO. casta higher. " " "
, . Poultry dell, about nockanged. "
Xtta ara euealag a trlfla faster, . . -" r
' Preeh meata active at fc. - . . .. . . '
: Wkeet ia flrai, bat rather tucttra. t
Small volume of flour trad. .
PoUtoae aot looking aa bed.
Oar salary arrlTaa dartsg day.
vaaapar eraaee auge m namaaa.
All threugh the ho market a better demand
la ebowa. aad Hbo relume af aaam la aaesewbat
larger tkaa dmiag tka proelooB - week. - AP.
grades ara wtd kr ,tbe daalata, but. tka most
, activity la tkowa la grades that average
dkam ta prim eaallty. . Prime base ara selling
J ' today aroaad ke a Boend aad at tkla figure, aa
wall aa a teat higher, a somber at aalaa art
reported, Shorts eoatiaee tka baat borers, for
tka mna tbat tkty believe tbat tka tserkat
. kaa alraady touched tha battaa (or tka season,
.4- and tsar ara aot tots- te take -tee- many
,'. rkaacaa af adranelag anottUaae. Cbolee bop
ara very eearee aad tboaa umlmaio that atlll
retain tnppllee ara holding them tor aa ad
vance. Tkla quality ia ia very etroog hands
la Diet thara la aa weakaem la any grade. By
r far tha fraatar Bortloa af tha bap crop af lBOB
baa alraady teased aat of tha haada af tha
Brewers sad daalata look wltk aaaaldarabla
J aaora favor at) .an . kdranea tbty .. alway a da
ween they have tka storks. Derlag tka paat
. S4 boara kfrkMnHy MltcbrU arehaaad 100 bafea
af prim aa tha aaat alda at aa a aoaad aad
Rraira aarrhaaad M baiaa fraai oha Gray at
: Mortk YaaibtU at tha aaaw fkjara for tha
aaaw ajoallty. - Maay tradat ara raaertad aada
batwaaa, . aaalwa. aad takaa aa a wbata tka
' r aatloak for kp la aow battar tkaa at aay
ttaw dartac tha aaat aaaaea. Aa vaa fradletad
" by Tba Joaraal aarlr ' la tha aaaaoa. aa
atkar kapara ward tatklag af tha allasad fax
t that ' tkara la alwaya a dlf faraatlal batwaaa.
- t yum. York- bop aad tha battar mm froar Ora
" ' ' fva, tha faaa-a la abar vary aauU aad battar
qaallty la aala talllna aa prima. Oragoa baa
tka baat bopa la tha world. Tba Joaraal baa
rapaatodly aald - thhv aad thara .waa a-raai
' raaaoa for tha wlda raaca ia prleaa paid la tka
K aaat aacapt parbapa that tha aborta auda It
; - aa. It waa arcaad'that Naw York aad atkar
Kaatara bnwaaa had baas aalaa Maw York
.... auta hopa far. aaany yaara aad did aot aara tot
. Oracoaa at aay waara aaar tha aaaja ajaata.
tluaa. TWa tratk af Tha aaattar way ka aaally
Jadyad wkaa It la akawa aoalUaaly that Oroa
, . v.'pradocaa' almoat twlea aa aaaay balea af bopa
aa Naw York thla roar arnr twlea tba aawaat'
aa4 awat af taaaa ara atc ia
. Itakaa Oofrata Ara Hbjhar. '
larOat akarp adraaeaa la aa prtea aC aaff
. la tba aaatara awrkakr aaaaad a rlaa at aO
aata par aaaa la Araarawa tkla bwrainy. aaok
Inftko aaw Mat mB.' Ottwr braada hart aot
- yat baaa adTaaead. wot ara aapaetad ta fklkra
Wlthla tha btat faw hoar. ,
Will toak ful raaahMa) fa flaaa. -
'"Tba patata atarkat la aot laaktaw half aa
tad aa nxpuf tba baarlat datlarL ara wUllod
ta pre tana. Thara eoatlanoa a rary rwd
ran for faary atarka froa tba aoot. ajthoayb
'ardtaary atoefca ara atlll aoawwhat dull. Wkaa
' tha ralaa tuba too la' California thara will bo
a danaad for potato for aaadlnt parpeata and
thla wtu taka a aoaaldarabla aaiaaat at atacka
aot at atarkat,' aad awy tkaa ba a half k thr
ardlaary gradaa. f
Tha oaloa raarkat raraala aoiot with pn
tana Jaal ataady. Prleaa aa aaoaL
Oaadltloa to fair,
A do lea art abawtaa a aaar
kpito tha blbar prleaa aaw yallaB.
Oraafaa ara of battar eolar aad today ahawad
fair awraawat. Prleaa tka aaata, . ,j r
aaaar lltaatlaa fa Graabarriaa.
, "' Qooor tklaga aoaMtlaaai aappaa la tba Port
had aurkat. Tkla la aaa at tkoav Today
" CPataVlvwTfCS aUa )BM'aat'( ajTy tKGWQG Blalaf tflafaaa1 (at
tba aaatara aurkota at prlooo raaaiac fraai
If ta par barrel, white tha aaaM ooda
ara arlliaa; la thla dty aad ara do.ll at llAed
aad fit par barrel. Local doakna aatldpata
a akarp tdrkaca aart la tha aaar futor.
'In) Ara Mat ta Tina. --
Tba air atarkat la aot aa firm today aad
: tba top at tka awrfctt la at Ua. with aaaaa
aalaa Ha towar tbaa that flara. Baralpta
ara lacraaaad allfhtly, bat tha azpaetatloa of
boo Tier arrlrala la tha aaar fntara It raaaoaal.
bit for tha lewar flyaroa. Baatara t((a art
atlll la vary goad aapply aad atacka ara qaotrh
aU tka way from. Mo ta S3a a daaaa with
Cklckcaa art aot aa firm, bat prleaa art
a boat tba ane at ytattrday. Baat detaaad la
Bene aad apriaya.
- Draaard awata af til kladt actfr with aab-
allea not rat ap as aomaaa- -
Tha trade para tba foUowbig prleaa ta front
Atrtwt for cbolct analtty la roaa4 lot. . Prlcat
: paid ptadaeara ara Ba apecifled:
- wraia. Plea aad Peed. ' '
WHEAT New etab. T8: red Xaartaa, TOci
khmtera, TtHe: TalW, Tee.
BARLIT Taad. 2S.00 rolled. aU0 brew
'kuJWheee, UT.OOt artcbad, 0B.Pt pat
BY-ei.U 'par wt.
' OATS Prodoeara ptioa Ka. white, ttt-OO)
grey. fZT.M. - '
i. IXOllaV Naw aaatara Oraaea patvata, M.Mi
atrabjhta. fiTOOS-Wi aayart. a.t.S; ek
Wy, fA.T0eJJ O; frakaas Via, (UMt rjra. tea,
balea. M.TaT
kfltLBTUFrr Braa, 1T.t par toai raht.
dllnre, iao.00: akarta, aaaatry, lt.aO atty,
. jl.V! ebop, ili.OO. .
B ATProdaaera' r1-e TlaeMhr. WIDaajatre
nailer, faaey. ttt.OOOUOOs ardlaary, fl wd
.00; aaatara Orafoa. 14.00ib.0i aiUeT
-t a.0 fA.aOalt.0e; aalav-aJ0
, .00; abaat. a.OO.
't r attar, bat aad Peal try. :...,.
nTT . PaT i. a. a. Partlaad . awaal
tram, tie; tear, tka.
t BUTTKK Tltr ereaaewy, tf Set aataldt
. fancy, 7fcaocs ardlaary, tl a tare. mj
No. 1 freeh Oraana, eaadted, tTUO
far; coM a torn re and aaatera, BH0
e rnSKStNtarjill eream uta.,14e;
Toona Amrrlra. llSHe; Cheddar, lie.
OAMK Jackfabblta. l.BOtJl.Tll per aoa.
POULTRY Mired chlrkeaa. lltllse per lb)
- faacy bene, ll4t per H moatera. old. toe per
K: auaa71n.alle! fryara, latJKe Ibibrollert
l(t)1 per th; dork. 1 yt Hr yeeaa, llel
. pel mi iinaeya. irej pew " wiiiiiaav par iOl
pqaaka, fXTU1a.OO aaf doa.
Bene. Waal and Xldoa,
ew umj, er Haul
, 10e: ltot trope, .
lor fnoiee, .
Hey, eoaree ta taedlea
woojjipne clip.
. v , v-'v -,::,T..-' -V
' ' - - ' : . - " :. V July
t - Cbteajf -Ttr.t .it ' I .81 B
. d Bt Lout.....k . .
... Now -Tork..M. .t w
. 4 Mllwauka .... .t7H .MHB
: a : Wlnnaapolla .. .. -..,.. ;
, a Kanaka City... .11 H .....
. . . ' Uvarpool U& U
, a Winnlpaf .(OH
d Ban rraoeiaov.-MtHB
a MarcS. . Dwcambar.' -
jounr:AL's DAILY V
. Br Evtrdlnj- at Farrell Poul-
. try Vamand baa bean , vary foot .
d thla week and prloea about tha1
d aama, but-- racalpta have been
d qulta larva and wo would not ba
d aurprtaad ware mattara to aaaa
d off a UtUo, although wo do. not
d . look for much of a moramant la
d that direction. . We ara of tba
' opinion that good fat bona and '
a .tine aprina wtU eoll aU rlgh
a and that you will pa aafa in
d ehlpplnt; tba aama. Cblneaa
d Maw lear la next Wadnaaday.
; and Until than tba demand for
a ducka will ba at tha topPrlcaa
a0n tbam ara ISolkndlTo. Qeoae
dara In good demand a,r loerTarnf
llo allva and l.o and 1 to
ilrgaart. - Chirk wit ktll- at-f rom a
llo to llHo.-wlth an oocaaional
fancy coop brinflnt a email ,
premium on thaaa prloea. Tur- a
' key allva ara In fair dtmand
- only at about-lko. but - fancy -d
dreaaed ara In good demand at
loo. Tha trada - pref ara them
dreaaed and fancy only. . Squab.
plyaona and aran old onaa ara la
good demand at f I for tha form- a
ar and II for tha latter. There
:1a alwaya a good demand for
aquaba and we hopa to aee mora-
of them raised In tha near fa-
tura If pQu.kara not had -av.d)
. copy of our dlraotlona tor dreaa
, tng and marketing poultry, ato,
Band for tha aamai-' j -; ; -
TT) ' 4
MViaSHoj .apa. . M0nt aaavtra Oraawa,
kToHAtR NomtnaL at)e)1e.
anna. t&Ctoa aaabf abort
WauL atAeOe aeehi raMhaai waoa, B0TSt aaoki
toDf wool. TBctl.0S each. I.
TTAIXOW I'rtBio. par IK dwnHc) Mm, t aad
araaae. He . " s ,
CHlTTlkl BABK e per lb. ..J-
- niORa Dry. No. I. Id loa aad en. IdHC
ITt par Ibi dry kip. No. 1, ta W Iba. 14e
dry eelTNo. 1. eaoar Iba. Ike: ealtadhldee.
atevn. aoasd. Iba aad aaar. totjlle; aow a,
tHOtHci aura aad bulai. aoaad. Tat kip,
It ta BO Iba, Pc calf, aouad. aader Ik Iba, He)
creea, aoaalted. It leee; eolla. It par lb laeei
koraebldee, ealted, eaek. tl.lnall.rSi dry, eaek,
fl.aoJl.aO aelt hldaa, KQSoa eoat aklna,
w-tBBioB, aaaa. lOCJlaat Aagora. eaek. atcel
leStV; . " ' rx-t 1
PraHt and TatataHaa.. .
POTATO K8 Beat Orafoa. TBtMw par aaek;
prodacara' prlra for aat lota, TOtT6e per eeeki
erdlaary. tntJTOe. pradacera. prtea. dtOftc
aweete. 19.003.38 per ara fa. .. '
ONION Oreroa fellow Danrara. lit pre.
docara' prlra. No. t, MicO$lAe: Me. i, 0jTt
garlic. ftQlOc per lb. ,
rREKU PRriT Anplaa, Vane." SOOTSel
erdlaery, Tcttl.aat fancy. (1.6001.00: Bood
Rlrer faaey ipttayobaraa and Nawtoe Plnplna,
2.00ft2,tO oracrea, new aareL - t2.0Oi2.kOi
aeadllna, t-banaaaa. Ht&e lbl Tatoona, cbolca,
tl.Tfttit.OO per box: fancy, a.fi06S.OO par boil
Unaa .Mestcea, 1.M per 1"0; plneanptoe, X-W
er ifcai peara. par boat porno.
Iraaataa, 1 1 2S per baa; tanaerUMe. tl.2ai
uanaoe araaaea, SS60a-Bar box.
TEOBTABLfcs lurulpn, aow. Tot par aackl
carrcta, dOtyTOa aaek. baata. OOcOel O". par
aarki Oro(na radlahaa. tAe per doa: eebbace,
Oregon. I1.24J1.7B per wt; grata nenptrai
ISa par lb: California tawatoea. flAO;
parenlpa. trrri.O0; atrlag btana, 17 He; cat
li flower. 13.00 crate; rfcabarb, l.bO eratel greea
peaa, UVie lb; horaeradlab, ec per lb: art!
cnokaa. Uc0ll.OO par doa: botbonea lettoca,
HJKialJIO per box; aelery. t3.00Jl.zS pat
crate; pawpklna, iiei aqaaab. Uei aprania.
to per lb; craalMirrlet, Jeraera, $lJl-50
par bhl; Gone bay aad Tlllaawok. (10.00. '
DBIKO - PBTntB Appwa. eraporatrd. " t0
IBHa .par th- aprleota. - lOHdflta pa Ibi
ptacbea. lOHftlSc per Ibt aacke. Ho pa B)
(eaat araaae. M to in. tHej.Vkr froo an aark
tlxtaentk aaullar elae; Bxa. rHtltornla black.
fHte per n;. CalltoeBla white. Be par lb;
deiaa, kwldaa, at par lb tarda, ttU par U-ik
boa. . , - " . i
' . BraearUt. Vata, Sat, '
BTOAB Back heal Cnbe. .Mr pea dared.
B.M;.fralt irapnlaied, ta.70: dry graanUtad.
I Tj -Coof. A. ta.B: beet BTaaalatad, o.0;
extra C. gg.aor goldea 0. . Wj D yellow.
ta.00; bale. tOc; H bbla. hoc: koraa, BOe adraara
aa aaek koala leee toe per awt far aaaa, II
eayet'BMple. ldWe par Bk - -
A bora prleaa apply a aalaa af kaa tkaa
ear lata . Oar lotj at apaeial pnaat aakject to
aaataattnaa I V
. HONITMt-W par crate. -,.l.Li.-.Ai
; rorr-gR Paekaye brand, 16.M.
- BAI.T Ooarea Half jrronaoV ion. Bar
tea; table, dairy. Bfle. (II. a: too. 10.TB; Im.
portad Urerpaol, tOa. 1T 00; 100a. I.t0;
XSa. git 00: extra floe. bbla. aa. na. l
pf, nnea. aa. on.
tha; g4.onOa.OAl aacka.
Hitnp rack. flt.tO par
lOOm. ag.Ta, .
M.Mrfrn.BO; balk SJO Inar 4.
aa, entinprt Lirerpnm
tan: M-lb. reek. 17 Ms
niLB imperial Japan, no.
U tt
Na. B.
QtHat New Orleaaa bead.
AJaa. eet
vrenw, '
BEANS g mall whrta, XT(I: lai; plok. ITS) bayoa. 11.60; Ui
ale t Iron rerta. tHC
NDTB Peaaata. laabaa. (He per N; Ttr
ainta. THe par lbl reacted. Bel eeeoaaata,
WfrtOe per doat walaata. lAettBUa par lbl pint
Rata. lOttltVta.prr lb; hickory anta 10c pet
Bi ebeatnata. taarera. IBflldc pee Rl Braetl
aata. IV per lb: Blberta. wytlB per n: fancy
paeaaa. 1BH1HS alawtda. UMOlSwe.
i ' Pabita. Oaal 00a, Xto.
BOPB Para Uaalla, lte; ataadardL Uf
atoal. Ha.
COAL. OIL ec Aatral Caatt. tHe par
get; water wklta. Iron bbla, lor par gal;
a-on aaa. iat par gal; kaattllgkt. Tw Bag.
szve per yai.
aaaat M Ha pat gal.
won bbla lflr aee aa
T BKyziSaV-toeg,. aaaat tBe par gaV-wae
new, per gal.'
TTJRPBNTINB la caaaa ate ear gal. weadaa
bbla tc per gal.' - -
WRITB I. KAD Toe toa. TVa par B! aOO-B)
lata. Br per th: leee lota, tit per In.
WIRP NAII.B Preeeat baaa at lt.ll'
LINBEKO OIL. Ptin, raw. In t-bbl lata, Bdr)
1-bhl lot, BTe) eaata, Kir per gal: graalne kettle
botled. aaaea, 64e per gal. k-bbl lota. Mc: 1-bbl
lot, ate per gal; groand cake, car lota, ttO.OC
par taai leaa tbaa ear lota, tto.00 per tea, ,
Mtata; Twk aad-Tnnlatna.
- PRBBII MBATBPront atroet Beef ataara
aaJBa pat lb aawa, Itf 4c par Ik; awa, block,
THe per lb; peekera, T7He per Ik; kella,
IM per lb; real, extra, tHODe per lh
erdlaary, THj8c per lb; poor, Sd.!t par lb;
wuttoa. faacr. BHttTHa Dor lb,
BAMS. BACON. rrC. Portland pack florall
kama, 10 to It Ihe, ltc per Ik; 14 to Id Iba,
lat par lbl , kreekfaet bacon. 14(f le
lb; Mania. Be per ul eottaga. He aw lb;
regalar abort eleara, anamoked, I0 par lh
amokad. 11 HO per All clear barb a, aaaaMked.
lOHe par H amoked. lIHe lb; Calon battn,
10 V It Iba, aaewoked. Be par lb; aawkod, Pt
per tbi rlar kalllat. aatawkwd. tie-per k
aaaoktd. 1 par tbi abaaldera. I He per lb.
kiUUAA. Ull-aottia war lua, iiMe. per
lb: aa, 11 He Bar lb; 60-lb tlaa, 10ae par lb;
Tanaaree. iva. iva par ; aa, OHa
CANARD SAIAION Oolnwbto rtrer. 1-B farm,
SftO; a lb tails. M.T4; faacy lib tats, l.aot
-lb fancy Bate. $1,111: faaey 1-lk era to, M-Tdi
aaaa talla, ptsk. a0ci red, fUMt anaaUsJ
favtall ga.00. .
P1RH Rock rod. "Tt pet lb; oandera, ke pea
lb: kalikat. THe per lb: era ha. gl.M per dot;
atrtped kaaa. lHe par lb; aatflab. Tt Jer lbl
aalman, ateelbeada, ke aer lb; et.lanok, J Kt
kerrlog. Be per lb( aoUe, Be par Ibi abrtnipa,
10a. par U Mrckwaa pat Ibj . blsob eon, Ta
pec -In; tomwid, 7e par Ibi Oolauiliki t uar aatalt '
laHe-ebt-atlTar emeir. Tc par Ibr Mwtera, IM
Klb; freab mackerel. Be net lb; crawrisU,
per dot; etnrneoa, at per lb.
Of gTBBboalwktBtJkev.aa -BVaa,
par aark, t&16. ,
CIktA-HardAkelt, Jpmt kekW. tS.001 .laaat
rlsaaa. H.M per box. - ,
New York, Jan. Mr-Oattea fataraa rlosad 1
ta O aetata lower.
Official enotatloaa ' by Orerheek, Starr ' m
Ceoka eaaapaayi -, '
. --" OasvFtjlV"IwCloae. -
Jaaaary ,.lio Had hm imhi4
Pebrnary ........... ... .... Iinx-iltu
Marek 1IM I1l 1ITS U76u7d
.114 JIH4 . I1M
..llta'il4 ilM 11WUKT
119T llPt 1100 lingua
A a tort ma inn -mt inritrTI
September ....... ..110 llo Una limi(
.into lot load lotouui
'" a ..p47apt
Chicago Market la Vary plow but
Prleaa Chow a Charp Braak on '
".rtha Nawa From Abroad. '
OpantafT f PordiMewltti
Xboot Unchanged la Today's
Trading Maw Loses Seven Eighth
- and May and July Half Cent.
:' Opaa f vkwa :- Close .,
... . . ; m. . Prt. Thar.
hfay. ...,.IMt
July... :m
Sept J&
H TH JHB .00 U
Ohleage, 7aa. IB. Parelga eablaa ta regard ta
wheat were not aacooraylng today, the opening
at Llrarpaol being enchanted. Tba atarkat
waa area mora Inactive tbaa hi recent trad.
Ing, the only action at note derlagthe aossloo
being tha abarp decline in prloos. Tbo tncraaaa
la the dulbteea today waa rary likely dot
to iba abort eeoeloa. the exchange being elneed
early aa aecooat of tba faneral ef hlarakall
rieio. Tna ctoataa ac the Liverpool waa wa
tower for bath tbe March and tba Mar
Tba eora market abowad a aanaral
lack ef
offerlnge and. Ilka tka wheat, . traaaaeUeaa
pre of a email character. - .
Official a notations br Orerbeak. Starr , B
uooaa ceaapaayi
Open.' Blgb. Idrsv ' ' Cleee.
kpt... ; -.BllH .BAH.'' M ' .t8VA
corn. : .-.
.... .M. ,s . -.dial ..
...... :.ei .. .as j ...
V. .n .46 - .4C -Vt-v
aaaa '"eJ,J w 1
Jaa..:. .11
May... . - .82
July..... ,, .f
Bept.. -3B
aTBBB - POBav ; T
II W it t , It tO
14.21 C i 14.41 , 14.1B4
Jaa...., lt.BO
May..... 14. IT
Jaly..... 14.tT
H4.W 14.17
T.6T T.t
fTT T ' t.TT
T.M T.tdl
T.TT j
; T.M ' T.TO ; t.T
- Baa rTsaehne, Jan.-. tt.' Offlrdal
--.Tf-r r1
snBSSI..,i ' w w
Opaa. . High. .taw. .Close.
fits . ti.u jiai
. .v,..t . BABLBT.
May.. 1H 11 , l "4
Ueoembat M .:M '
- Urerpeol. Jaa. lt Official prlaoai
' . . . WHBAT.
' " ' Opaa. - Cliti.
klarck ....Ta Hd Ta
He at ;
Outaida Prloea Ara Lowar but
Demand Ramaina 3ood In
1 ; Portland Pricaa Sama. -
Portland ralaa Stackyarda, Jim. 1S Ura
atock reoolptai ,."
, .' Bom Cattle Sheep
Today ..U.. 10T ... ...
Week ago Mf SS SH
Pmleea weehoTsv.ev.virrrrv. r"".". " 4
Monlk wa BO " ...
- While tkere kaa kaaa a gradaal daelhnt la
eaatern bog prleaa of late, tka tone ha the
Portias 4 market It folly aa food aa erer. Cat
tle, bewerer, ara anil, ant. eneop aaa real
calTsa ara la aetlre detaaad with aaull errrrnle
la both lines of late. . -
Official Ureatoch eeatatlaaat -
. Hoga Best eaatern Oregon, td.OO; bk
and Cbma fata, o.tOCATS; stock art and
. U. A. . ma
CattesBaat aaatara Oragoa steers, 4.00;
Mrht aad aredlam a tears. $1 S; light cows.
(IB: atockers and faedera, 12.40) Vails, tl.Ho.
Bhaep Watbara, ac; ailxad aheap, 4ic;
lemba. off per Ik.
Oalraa Oood real. 1B0 ta S00 peanda, BHQ
c; rangh aad Beery, SHC4HQ.
: Cblcaga, Jaa. lt lireetock reretptoj
. Hoga. .Cattle. Bkeee.
Chlrago 3b.Ond S.SO0 T.OAO
kssssa CltT ........... g.OUO t.OUO t.OflO
Omaha 10.000 1.000 iooo
Hnga-apaaed ateaay with S.100 wrt erer.
Receipt a rear age ware Bt.000. Prices:
htlxad. 5 1SSK.62H: .good. t.40a.UH;
rongb. to.i.M; light, fa.VO0.4a.
Cattle Steady. . , -
, Bhaep weak. . , - J ,
- ' tovopa amrnra araoita. '
Baa rraaebMB, Urn. !. Official mormlay
eloslnel . ' '
r. - v- -Bid.
Belmont I I W
Ptamondflsld jtt
Dixie ....,...-
Ooldflehl b
Jumbo l.ts '
Jambo El tea... M ,
Cask Bay ....
Ooldea Anchor.
Ilome ..'....
Jim Bailor ...
, .tl
f .04-
: .as
i .82
M -165
Lit i
.so .
.bo :
Montana -. .,,
North Star .-.
Ton. Erten. . .
Tee.' Nerada.
West Bad ...
Ada mo ...i
Atlanta - .....
Mar Qoeea ...
Red Toe
Haadatorm ....
"Urer Pick
St. Iras
National Baak..
.... .It
..... ', .IS
..... 40 . :
Dearer .......
Oold Bar .r
O. Bnll Pros...
Fine Bell
Conqaar .
Mt.. .J
SBA Wtalnway
Ss, 'f-rantlsatVian, la. OfPlcbJ tauiBtug
.. . Bid
Contra forte Water.... 44
Spring .Valley Watat, ,..,. 40
Mutaal Blectrle... ........... ..... 17
Ulant Powder 7
IlawalUa Commercial.....;........ M
lloaokaa Sega
.............. 14H
llatchlseoa kogar..
ataaaweu aaf"r,.H..
Ala.ka Packers'..... BO
CallM-nla Pralt Causers' 07
Psclfle States Telephone 107
Oaomee Pager..... ...-. ...... BO
Paaakaa Bucar. ....
Oceania Staeasaklp - '
. (Special Plapetcb ta The feamal.) ;
Balesa, Or.. Jan. It. Tbe first hap coa treats
ta be jnaoe want ran mar arownig season wi
filed with tha roontr recorder yoeterday. Bu
)amln Swarta Bona af New lork are tka
lamin swarta at cwaa oi iaa
parrhasera and they agree ta
pound tnr all tba boaa growa
Joseph W. Kirk aad hi. J. I
e ny iw ceaie per
ox aaanras tisaa.
Barmoad aa their
farma aaar St. Pnal dnrtnt the rears lBog. Iuu7
. lun.
Parf action at Laat. .
Auloroatlo change maker ' and cask
reflater, Mtniaaa banding.
, OATS.,
w ' ei
' Asa.
Z aor
Great Advance Shown In Dig
Mining Stock---AmaJgafriatad )
' Cloaea With Two Pointa Up.
Adrsnced Three and TlireeiiBrterB
e-Soothern and Union Pacific Are
Oood Leaders General ' jUat I Is
Higher. -,r' . ; ; -rr-;- -c j
. . . . . ... . . ADTANCBS
Aaacoaaa .......jg
Anulgaanttad ....
Sugar ,J '
melter I
rtorauaa ........m.
IUlnula Central....
Louisville . ....a....
Metropolitan ...... ;
Miaeoaxt raetne.
N. i. Oeatral..... :
Peaneyrraala .....
Peaple't UM
Reading ..........
Bock Island
Brook lya, ,
St. Pan!
Caaadlaa .........
koutkera Padfle.
ITonnoenee Cosl..,
U. S, tesl.....rt 1
da prafarrad.
uiua raauia,
. 1
'Wan Street. Maw Xark. Jaa. It. Aaeeenda
Oopnar prarad ta be mneh af a Tartar ta tbe
beare aoaay, roc it taraneaa rapituy, ooepita
all off oris ta been It dowa. and at the Biasing
waa Bk potnta higher- Aaaaoada was a close
follower And adranoad S pointa. Thai kalped
tbe general market, and practically tha tun
list closed h labor. The toaaplcaana featnraa
baaldea eoppart were tt. Paul, 1 ap; IUlnxria
Oantral, B Bp; uaiaTliia, i ap; aiatropoiiian,
1H ap; Naw York CantraC SH ap; Readlag,
t3 .ap, aadiBoothern aad TJaloa Padtle, 1
mnA 1 IX ao eesnsertvalv.
Official a oo tattoo by Orarkeak," Start m
poote company:
Aaaeoadk Mining Ok...
msi. vpper
Atchlaoa. eaat
Am. Sagar, eo
111 1114
Bait A Ohio, com
Brooklra Bapld Transit.
Canadian faciria, aoa..
Chi., MO. 4 BtT
ooax mai Iron,
Dearer A R. L. am.
Illinois uaBtral...
LoulsTlIle N salt Tills..
MetropoUtaa Bt By.....
hfanhattae Railway. ....
Mlaaoiirl Pacific
Naw York Central......
Norfolk As Wast., com...
Peanayleanla Railway..
People'a O., ts A O. Ce.
BaaiBg. com
Rock Ialaad. coat.......
Sonthera faclfla
Tsan. Coal A Lrsn, .
nlon Paetflc, com.....
. n. Men w.. am; ...
oo prererraa
Total aalaa for day, 1.8C0.2U0 shares.
vui money aiosaa a ana par ee
I.1.:..:. . . . . . BtarUae aUkat,!-
Vew Torfe. Ian. lB.i Btarltnr rates
484.0404870; aO day.
Ha4 Attorney Oeorge E. Bbepherd
made the dlaoorary bo made this morn
ing averal montba ago, "JolnUa" Hlg
gina would have beet. (41 richer and
Multnomah county tbat amount poorer.
Shepherd learned that tba law pea aad
bp tha If 01 leglalatnre relative to Ba
se alt and battery charge a could be read
bo aa to fix tba minimum Una for thla
crime IS. Heretofore It baa alwaya been
thought that this minimum flna of tt
applied only to juatloa courts, but tt la
now aald tq be applicable to the circuit
court. -
Ulgglna waa arreated aereral months
ago on the charge of assaulting- Ban
Ely at the baaeball srounda. Ely waa
seiioualr Injured, "but rwcorarad. Hig
gina pleaded truUty to tba charge of at
aault and battery and bla attorney.
Shepherd, and: District Attorney Man
nlng naked tbe court tbat tha minimum
flna be tmpoeed. This waa dona. Judge
Fraeer Baying tuat as It had been reo
ommended that a low flna ba made in
tnla caae ho would Impose tba mini
mum, which waa aald to be 160, Hlg
glna paid tha money.
- Thla morning Shepherd "made a re
quest on Deputy Diatrlot Attorney Bart
Haney lor Bts. me jwquaai
promptly denled. "- .
Lavaa ; Weak Whara It Waa
; Brokan Two Yaara Ago, but
TMay Hold.;:.-:.-;:,,;
(Jearaal BpedU SerrleeJ " :
..Sacramento. Cal., Jan, 1. The sun Is
shining In a clear sky today and the
storm is believed to be over. The rtver
stood It feet inches at 1 o'clock this
morning- and la slowly rising;. A1 great
volume ef water la coming down the
American arid Tub, rivers, but no dan
ger ie apprehended, although tbe levee
Is known te be weak at the aite of Ed
wards break. two Tear..?'.
. Fifty men are working on the levees
two miles south of the city. They feel
oertaia thaw-cem prevent break- unless
tbe liver rises a foot higher. '
Yoto basin, covering IS.40 acres, now
Is full, but the river I believed to have
reached the highest point. The total
inchea. Ores benefit t crops will-result.
.' . - . ;
stobert Xe. WlUiama Die.
l. " rBpecUl Dispatch tu IJw JeeraaLk .
' Broaane, Or., Jan, II. Robert la, Wil
liams, a well-known logging contractor,
whoa home te In Lost Valley precinct.
In thla county, died in Eugene yesterday
of erysipelas after Only a few days ill
ness. . He was aged 42 yeara end was
bora and- raised la Loat Valley.
- a ii .,(
arm to xsteeat. .
Drr Bin lectures tonight at the Man's
Resort and People'a Institute, Fourth
and Bumelde streets, at I:t0 o'olock
The subject of the lecture Is "A Trip
Through England on a Bicycle," ant
stereoptlcon llluatrations will be 'uaed.
Admtsaloa Is free and all are waloeme.
- ' Better lnowds Tax.
tJnaraal abeelal Bin iUa.1
Santa Cms, Jan. II. The Ban 10
rense river overflowed IIS banks laat
night and yards near tha . river are
flooded to a depth ef severai foot.- -
i i "
2M isea 1281 1
114H 111- U4
lSlVb 180 1801
174 17JH 17SH
lldH 118 11H
ZH 0 tlH
177T 17dtt 177
1A8H 184H 1MH
Tt T4H 74 H
4d 4H 4d
IfWH 179 180H
1MH 184U IM
10H 108 10BH
16BH 1ASH 1C8H
tt. B8H B8H
144H 148 H 148H
101 H 100 KIOH
IBS 180 164H
u m n
1801a 187 188
Mr. Foaa Hopea for Huaband'a
Return for1 Nearly Two Deo- ,
adea Before Aaking Relief. '
Sereral - Other iWhee ; Tell Judge
Seai Sad Storiea and Secure Le-
asl Seratioiv One Italian Ro-
, mane a S hatteredT
nr eiearlv IT rasrl lira AJica 8. TVsa
waited for her husband to return to the
home ha had deserted, but she waited
In rain. Thla morning Judge Boers
grafted bar a dlToroe front I F. roes,
to whom aba was married la this city
on March 4. IMS. roea Is said t bare
4e4 Kla tonatlv JllW 1. lltt.. BUld
aba declared that aha had nerer heard
from him since.
"Did he leave -you anyinmgT" tvaawa
Ismutr rM strict Attorney Moeew. Who
represented the Btate. " J
"Only four children, whom X hare
brought up," waa tha qulok reply,
sr.. - r s an.,.. ' eta rmit nrrnet.
11 red (or It yaara before she erer ape
poared la court. xnm awnung ta ws
a witness for her BranddauBhtor, 1A1
11.. tmm. ska u arantad a
dlTorca from Erneat J. Teunc-, Toun
. . t I W ..A I .
was formerly a, looou enow
now said to be In Baa rranolnoo. Whoa
... m ttmA left Idrav
Touns replied that aha thought it waa
becauae na waa not aauTuna awwa
money for two, aha stating tbat he waa
t I . w . nn, K.e vamaa at the time.
-Beoauae ha found aomabody else be
Hked bettar,- - repnea jam. aainoro -Locaa
this morning when Baked why
t a Tv,m bsut deaertad her.
Losaa Is a stock dealer and the couple
ware married ; in rnneTuie, vraavn,
v . nit Tamu la anid to hare
deserted his family In thla olty October
11. ltOS. TW4 tnuoiat wws mm
rbn union. Otis, axed 11 years, ana
wenda. aawd It yaara. - A Alworoe was
- a. - at 11b4 TJ1MVL T " 1 --:
Minnie B. Martin aald that for m on tha
at a time aha would never see a dollar
-a v. i.K.h.nira sinaa. and during that
time eha was forced to sepport herself
and baby by Keeping noaraera.
s u.l. 4. mmlA tf Ul ltSd. tO haVC
left for Bouth Bend. Wash. A divorce
was granted her Ihia morning on the
charge ox oeseruon. . .
i- .e at,, rant' that William A.
txv. attex tin sl nrattv home for his
wife, she became tired of him," and he
Stated this mornina; tnat una aa, ro,
when be returned, home he waa unaBle
a. a- kla eiro e bar slothlna?.' The
IV U1N . .
couple were married In Albany. - New
York. December It. ltla. Mra. Cody aald
thla mornintr that she saw Mrs.' Brown
- Hi. allaarait deaertlon
pvuia mimw .. . .
and was Informed by tha Utter that she
was married. Brown secured a divorce.
- Judge Bears was at a loes to Know
... 14 ka . Iam with the three
youne ehildren of Crlstlna and Plorlndo
BalvanL - The jurist aaui uias ne wrnua
not allow the father to nave them, ana
oven If they were awaroea xo tne mow
er ahe would be nnsbte to ears for thara,
re . AmlAmA that tha twe alder Chile
dren would be left at the Bisters' home
at ' Bearertoil' ror-xne xirno, wniie ma
baby could stay with the mother. Mrs.
Balvanl was granted a divorce on the
ground of cruelty, flbe married Flor
indo at Ban Pletro Avallano, laly, No
vember t. ltlt, and they have Uved la
Oregon three years, r .- ,
' (Bpadal Dbmatea ta The eeraal .
Foreat Grove, Or, Jan. It. At a meet
ing of tha committee on publication of
Facifto university, held yesterday. Miss
Miss Pearl Chandler.
Pearl Chandler of Forest Orovs was
chosen a member of the editorial board
of the Weekly Index, the student publi
cation, to fill the -vacancy of W, B, Kas
mussen,. resigned. - .- '
MlaaChAOdtr.IS .a memperor tne
junior class and president of the Pfillo
mathean literary society. .-. . - y , ?
, t - Beeelel Diapatca ta ne aoemsi.j - -Chehalla,
Wash., Jan. 11. The Che
halls city council has passed s resolu
tion to pave Chehalla avenue from Main
fBecUon ofJPrlndla street with asphalt
Notice has been given oi tne intention
to make the Improvement, and It la ex
pected trr have thg-wortr werrnnoep Way
early this -spring. 1 nia improvement u
but the beginning of extensive improve
ments whereby the principal bueineec
streets of Chehalla will be paved with
either asphalt er vitrified brick. The
new, streets that have beea built la the
residence districts of the city th paat
year or two have beea constructed of
cruabed rocakv . . -. . -,',.
-1 --"7 Pocket Bank Fraa.
Subecrlbers of The Journal are riven
pocket okvlngs banks free. - These banks
when presented at the Oragoa Treat a
Savings bank. In the Marquam building,
with the deposit of one dollar or more.
annus thr dsspoettor to , ea extra if
oenta. .
This offer Is made aa an tnduoement
for opening a bank account which means
th nucleus of future wealth.
The banka can be obtained from T
journal Business erne or tnrou; i ;.i
J suraal eaavassecB a tie c , , -..
Ceorga E. Puaey Clvea; Notice of
Appropriation of Many
- Cublo Inchea. ;
(Spertal Pwsatek ta The ianwel.f
Albany, Or.. Jan. II. There has beea
filed la tbe office of the county recorder
Ave appropriations ef water right J en
the North . Bantiam rtver. - Oeorge BL
Pussy, owner of the land adjacent and
bordering; on tbe river, filed tbe water
rights and gives notice that ha bag
appropriated 108,000 cublo Inches of the
waters ef the North Bantiam river for
each ditch (by miner's measurement
per second per aix-lnch preaaure) for
the purpose of dereloplng and furnlah
1ns aleotrlcal power, light and energy.
The names of the- Are dltchear canala.
pipe Ubbbi te be established
on. ptopauty along and adjaoent to . the
Bantiam rlrer artLWnn. lehajnaajtMlli
City, - Tax valley and Niagara, . VT
Tbe canals of the company are to ne
10 feet deep. I feat- wlda oa the bottom
and TO feet la width oa the, top: where
aa open flume te adopted tbe same Is te
be 4B feet wlda aad IS leee in oeptn;
if nine Unas are adopted each are to be
and consist, of four pipe flumes 11 feet
la ' diameter . and located - upoa tne
oourses designated In the original pe
para for the appropriation of i watat
rlBhts. - v ... v
It has lone bees known that scene
of the flneat. If not the beat. waUr
newer la the etate exlated ea the North
Bantiam ' river, its appropriation ai
tbe present time by a person who Is
Mnarellv nuTmosed to be connected with
on vt the largest eetabUahad aTectrtotaV
organiajLtions la tbe nortcweet means
much, for this valkty. For la the de
velopment ef thoao reaouroee depends
the progress aad prosperity of the Wile
laanette vauey.
' (Jseraat Special Barries.)
Vienna. Jan. II The last set Of
remarkable trturedy has lust beea played
bsrfora a aonrt-martlal la Bncbareat A
colonel ef the Roumanla army, UvtnB 1
. ,v. mi IwtaaaaW
aa t ii m.i m '.'.' 1 " -
Jaeiona of hi yeunB aad beautiful wife.
A few weeke ago ho was called away ea
ant- for tweaty-f oar hour. But he wae
suspicion, and. dewertlns Bis poet, made
his war-' heme, He souna m none
laekad. and could get no anewer to I
knooa. While he waa waltlnc he looked
up aad aaw that the ugnta in tne oraw-Ing-room
were being extinguished. He
buried himself agalnat the door, broke
It dowa and ruahed upstairs.
In thadarkneae he did not aee his
wife, who eecaped him aad Balned tha
door. But a slight noise revealed the
lover, and. goad with passion, the hue
band seised a revolver and began firing
In tha dark. Hi Shots were answered
with groans and when 'the lights were
restored the corpse of a young- Russian
student was found la a corner ef the
room. The colonel gave himself up and
was tried by - court -mart lei - When he
was acquitted th publlo gave blm aa
Immense ovation la the streets. He was
exonerated so far as the killing of the
student was eoneerned, but was con
demned to two months' arrest for having
deserted his poec-t 1 " " ' .
-fBoelat Dhtpatck tt The JoemaL) -.
The Calls. Or.. Jan. It. Wilful a
Jonaa. aged tt years, la confined In the
county jell- here suffering from tem
porary aberration caused by alcohollam.
He waa arrested at Wyeth two days
ago and is now rapidly Improving. He
will be discharged tomorrow. Ha
served la the regular army seven years.
He was la the Cuban campaign and the
Philippines five years. He has aa hon
orable discharge front the army. -
t - -.iiL'
" (Speelal Dtepatck ta Tbe Jeaaaalj.:
Albany, Or, Jan. II. Hugh Iaom. won
ef. J. D. Itom of this city, while driving
a couple of sheep along tha road leading
out of the city on - Ferry ' street and
croealng the Southern Pacific railroad
track, narrowly escaped aerioua Injury
yeaterday evening. While croealng the
track he wag atruok by a moving freight
ear and almost thrown under tha wheels
of the. car.- The horse was Injured, but
young Isom averted eartou accident by
hanging onto his horse. . : , . , (
rBreelal IManetek tt The Joereel.l "
' The Dallaa, Or., Jan. 1. The remains
of Mlae Katie Brogaa arrived oa the
noon train today from Phoenix, Ali
son a, where ahe died of consumption,
end will be buried from the Cat nolle
church Sunday afternoon. She was tt
years old and a daughter of Phillip
Brogaa ef Wasco county. -
fjewraal rhMrhd Berrlee.
New Tork. Jan. 11. A train en the
King County Elevated railroad plunged
Fulton avenue about noon today.-. Four
persona were Instantly killed. A score
of others were seriously bruised and
pedestrians oa the street had narrow
escapes. -- '
WANTED Meet Oarmaa woeaaa. a boat IS. fond
ac eoaatry lire, aa naoaeaeeper wioewer s
OH TamhlA. Mala Ball.
Horth'Pctinc STSTCos
Balls for Baa Franrlaco and let Angele
,. - direct. .
' JANUARY ; 23 !
From Columbia Dock No. 1, at 1 p. tn.
' Baa Francisco, Brat class, B1S4M) aeo
end elasa, II. tt.
los Angelas, nrwt eiaea,
oaeV elasev lltlca, '
Phone Mala 1S14. H. TOUNO, Agent
a A
. B 1 II V. J mmmw
n jp i
Plant a Little
nti s aad sos the tiny aove) trrew
a huge oak. We aay, tlny" adv-
rr little money Here "btiys a wAu.a- C
of hardware - saUsfaetton and etaUsy.
The Grerl
$1 Doctor
AtltO. 162 first ft.. Ccr. l!-rr!-t
Be ralaleadfaig otataajsats ta the affBsOeS.
I gaaraatae a eesBnieta. aafa sad las ting ea
ta the qalckaat kxjeslbla dm, and at t-e
ssi Ms na no net and aaui a
llrer, kidney and ket aasnhsad.
rrsan ngntui
" My " rewjedles ara karmlaaa. eomnosed ef
roots, kerbs, bade aad barks saaeelally asiaatiaj
If yea cannot esll, write tor ajrmpteat I
and eireeUr. Inrlosa 4 eeats In aunuan,
The O. Ose Ws Ohmeae Itedletae Oa JkBaH
Pint St., Oernsr Harrlaaa. Pmlkiaa, Or.
. Please BwaUo thla
' CCdflrUn-ralaiA "
tas.nbs-ite. fV - ' .
Vteeweat sWiayetok.. . .. ..a.
' s rMhnTlArl.f?-""l
fa etonttSl " Wea-k, J"
as aad apectaiistav
t-wtreat arts as ea-nsnateea with
aatil id tv aa.
OhTeaaCbCawr.C .iuOL :
' ' WWTJrs r a, r
laAtf iat k . i
4 iBarbnblieae k..- - -
nr tc? Ttz? nr r n