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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1906)
jotjtmai; ror.TLAir I iday .... ;., .. i- 3,'. JAII7AY l- THEi MEGON DAILY- KM mmvL VESSEL'S 17IKE . ' aaaaBaaaesaBaeaBssaaaHBsswaw ' I ' Wrath of Sea and Black Hand of Pestilence) Pursues Stricken . h ,. ; Horror Ship y ,: STARVATION AND SCURVY,' ADD TERROR TO VOYAGE ,. . 't 4 V French Ship BimrrlU Arrives at San : ; . Franclaco After Fearful Voyage - Battling Both Storms and Dreaded ..;P&eaa.V ; V 1 Sft v' V tI -MerMarketrBasket ; Jntt whtr all the smelt go li a mi tery that fiBneTmen of -the Columbia river district have been try ins to aolve (or many years. Once a year the nan appear In great number off the Cowltta river. Hera they atay until late In tha spring, when they disappear That tha Columbia river amalt cornea In' from the pcean all aeem to agree, but -why they bhoee tha Columbia of all tha atreama along tha coast no one knows. In a few scattered Inatancea local wholesale f lah dealers .have received one or two smalt of tha Columbia fiver variety In shipments of tha Puget sound sort The Puget aoond smelt la of bright allver color. ; Tha flah are caught In - large numbers at. most seasons of the year at various places on the coast, una Columbia river smelt is three time a large and baa much different taate. Tha fresh water which the ' Chinook r.t,Tw, an.? h. -fnlnrwhla, -river -smelt ..i..t .. Ilni.. nf the vaa : 8a a Francisco, Jan. li. Death' rode "in the tempest that lashed and scourged tha French ship Blarrlta. Captain RoW 1. nat. For days and days It lurked la the . eiUt.r mmmm that tiounaea toe tmwl i, .t.ikd the decka la uia guiae 01 lingering disease. Its shadow waa aver present. For 17 - endleaa days the Blarrlta was a "horror ship," where men fought tha- raging el era ante and ravages ( pestilence. - Flrat came the wrath of taa aea. than the black hand of scurry, la the end came mora storms to pursue tha stricken, atilp to the very gat of the harbor. - "- 1 . - Four X tha. oraw of tha Blarrlta war 111 with scurvy when tha veaael dropped anchor In the gtreanv yesterday. : AH were haggard and pinched and were the looks of men who had suffered hard- sblpa untold BonMuclemared tor food. Others in the first cluUhea of ia dis ease were too weak to drag their tired bodies along the deck. V, With coals from Cardiff the Blarrlta aet sail for the California coast. At Cape Horn the .battle for Ufa began. The rails were crushed 1 and the .boat smashed , by - tha , heavy . seas. v For days tha atorma were, almost continu ous. Tha cold - waa Intense am) tha hands of tha sailors ,wr f rosea. Toe road aunnlv waa short. Than In the tropica ware encountered Calms and (or days there was practically ao progress. Fair winds at last brought tha vaaael ta the1 California eoaat and then aha ran' into tha furious galas which have been raging for a, week and reached the port badly .battered, Half Past Seven. - . . ' "Half past seven" Is ' tha unique phrase tha Chicago, tha big store la the middle of the block, la using In adver- tlalng their big ff.t suit sale.. This Is bv far' tha greatest sale of man's fin suits that the big etore ha aver made. and that certainly mean the- biggest kind of value. This sale la a regular banraln Jubilee In all-wool- tailor-made , suits that lays "head and shoulder over 1 any other aaenrto sale- or new, man roods aver attempted at any-time or ' under ' any circumstances. - Over 1,00 suit In aingl and double-breasted aaok. . made by tha hlgheat claa wholesale . tailor of America. Bulla that wero manufactured to retail for 111, 111 and IIS, but tha Chicago ia going to wind up tha winter season by giving to the -jroh! le the toll beneflf-pf ne. freah atylea at a price that touches the com ' raon sens spot In every broad-gauge. knowing person a price within the ' reach of tha moat delicate pocketbook. Look la the window and aea. :; - T seem -ta be the eauae af the difference In taste. Another peculiar raci aooui tha Columbia river smelt la thaCwblle traveling up the river' It .passes numbers Of atreama of fair else, but avoid all but tha Cowllts. What tha epoclel at traction la In that atraam none la able to atay. ' At tha preaent time there la a great 1 scarcity o at retail tney aau at 0 cams pound. ' " 'i'-.'.-- v - Bpeaklng of flah. tt la a peculiar fact that most varletlea have ahown a short age during the paat seaeon. Take Co lumbia river salmon for Instance. Tha run of thla fish wsa never so iignt as la reoeat Uraea, and-an. five oocaalons tha trade ha bean oompellad to resort to the-cold, atoraga variety In order to aupply- tt cnslotners. Then there has been a areat scarolty the past seaaon of raaor tlam and craba. Bait- water flah have likewise been scarce ana tun price have been unusually high. : ' There ara aSDlee for Bala, but If you want a quality that I near good It will ooat you oonalderabla money. - The rea son for thla can do a-ummea up Jn. two words abort ero.. -.. - ' - - Oranres are cheaper on account oz tna larger juppllee In market, - Th oolora era becoming muck better, but . tha quality Of th fruit ha not yet reached such a stats that the general public oarea to buy. .'., i y- Banana are In market after a aavere shorts re of aevaral week due to un favorable weather. . When th oold be oomea too severe In tha Rocky mountains exceedingly good care- must be taken of the shipments by tha banana messen gers or the frost and colda will dam age tha fruit beyond chance of aala. Thla week a number of car arrived In from .BluefleldX Central America, la good condition. - These were th flrat to arrive from that country for aome time. . revolution and unfavorable weather combining to keep them away.; While' tha weather had begun moderate the Drlce of eggs has sponded but little' In tha retail market. In tha opinion of tha dealer supplies wllt-becoma-itnreh greater In th near future and t"n p11"1" in -tha lower-wlcea. Contrary - to the ' ra ve1 fer low egg price to high oaea for the reason that they aell mora-egg at tha low price and make, fully aa much per doeen aa when they are high.. ;.. . Chicken are too high and th public la ahowlng It disinterestedness In the market t refusinr to buy. This Is eaualng th aupplte to increase In the wholesale house and price may ibm. There la but little call for turkey at this time and price ar ruling- between to and II cents per pound. wrirea are fcla-h In tha vegetable mar ket. There are atUl ahown la most of th storea good supplies ot garaen peas,, strinr bean and other garden truck. but demand I not good. Tomatoe are high and dq not find good aaw on ac count ef a flat taatar HOtnouaa w- tuoe 1 eomlhg again mat ana is gooa. Head lettuoa from .California ha not yet disappeared for tha seaaon andean be seen In moat market. Celery, both local and California, la hown every where. ,.Tha local article I coming Into greater demand on account of tha extra good quality. Although of email else It tastes good to eat and Is worth all It eoata.: It 1 raised almetwUbtn- tha llmlta of Portland. - U I CLE SALT KEEPS 001 OF FIGHT eovornmont Will Refute 4to In- ...... ,. - terftr In Could-Harriman C right at Oakland, I RECLAIMED LAND OWNED i by;state of California Riral Sailroada to Be Left to Fight U Out-bitatt Coum.M tJVWdi ShaU Secure - Oakland , Water front. 'r'""-' 'l i,: ' palled to keep mo vine; all night to keep from rreeamg. vn... mimim ini Tciiiuwint u . ut - uarehlnr oartT. who had been out aui .1.1,1 inokinv To them, the boy were almost erhauted. The Friend boy. -who is a lad of II yaara. noi oeing mo lry" a hla companion! wa in " r " condition, 1. v ' Parfaction at Last. ' Automatic change and cash register absolutely correct-t-no more mistaxca. a rents wanted throughout Oregon. .404 Marquam building. Portland. ' inn ,1 n--- Fraf erred Btock Allan a Lewis Best Brand. am 3 SFGXAflE -10 UXt FED DMHIE ; Company of CapltaJltta- lncor . porata Electric Una and Will V ; .::; Soon Start Work. : " 1 , (KDcelal tHepstch e The oaraal. Spokane, Wash Jan. II. It Is. now atated that a direct electric railway be tween Spokane and Lake Pond d'Oreille is positively . assured.;. . Article of In corporation for tha ' Spokane ' Fend tTOiielle-Rapid Transit company have bean Wed. with a capital of 12.000,01. The company is to construct and oper at a line which will run la a direct Una between, tha two place. . -t- tha moat prominent local and tarn capitalists are Interested in the new compaay, among them being IX K. McDonald of th Oregon Mortgage com- east Washington Trust company. W. 8. Ms Crea, president Washington Safe De posit eV Trust company; C H. Reave, part owner In th Herculea mine; B, A. . Hutchinson. H.A- RhodesyA- C Jam la son, Mark F. Mend en hall, P, W. Ander- aon. Jamea C. Cunnlnrham. . - The rich end fertile territory on Spo kane and Rathdrum prairies will be r tapped, xi Tha construction of tha road will be' commenced within two or three . montha. - Tha entrance to thla -city ha not yet been decided upon. The com ' pany expects to handle both passenger ' and rreirht trame. HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? '-;V Jo Tea Fear Ooneumptlont 1 -.-tliriieM wa talta IntA ermiMmlUia ttie -fart that ou out of ry mw mtnie I bsr- company- t-Marvola. - Th - climate die of consumption, 1 It any " wonder that It 1 feared by the people ; of Portland who have weak lung and chronic cold and coughs T - A Camoua London phyalctan ha for year urged hi patients, when . the slightest tendency to consumption. ap . Beared, to take the beat cod liver nrepa- ,. ration, they could find," and physicians - ererywher . have recognised that the od'Hvef eontalna euratlv value cougns. rolrls. hronchlila,' consumption nd all wasting diseases unequal ed In . medicine, but. unfortunately, few could take and derive any benefit from old- - fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions on account -of. tha . Indigestible . greas which they contain. - A member f th flrni of Woodard, Clarke A .Co-r-wr local druggists, say w want every person Jn Portland to know th value of our now cod liver preparation. VlnoL It actually contain in a concentrated' . form all of ' the strengthening body - building elements ( cod liver oil . -actually . taken j from fraah coda livers, without a drop of ell or grease to upsst th stomach and re tard lie work. , -vv--Tharefora. .where old-faahlonad, cod Vver on or emulsions would do good. 10I will Improve th . appetite, rengthen digestion, make rich, red t !ood. ereat trngta, cur chronic cotfgha and cold end strengthen weak l ings. If Vlnol falle to give aatlsfac tion. we return your money without r'Mattoa." Waodard, Clark Ce flrug- ..-. .... . ,. a.; t x ' (learaal hedal irrles.l ' San Franclaco, Jan, II. According to a special dlspatcn reoeivea ias uiui from Wahlngtoa applloatlona from th Southern Pacirto and . Western Paclflo railroad -ompantaa-t'or- permlaeloa to Mmstrnct wharve on identical ground adjoining th north training wall. Oak land harbor, nave Dean niea sua dbotv Ury Taft. together with a report of recommendation by , Colonel W. H. Heuer and tha Indorsement of General Mackensle, chief of englneera The Western Faetno as aea to o nemra through Its attorney before th matter was disposed or. Tart granted tne rv nueet. - It : the recommendatlona of colonel Heuer made to the secretary ot war ! accented, a In all probability It will be, the war department will take na nart In th Oould-Harrlmaa battle th Oakland ealusrr. -'-' . The substance of the report I that fninnel Heuer advisee his chief that when th federal government estab lished eh harbor pierhead and bulkhead line It did ail that waa noceaaary He find that all th reclaimed land belongs to th state or latuomia ana ia m matter must be fought out In the atata court. . 1 .' i-' -; 1 . '. LUMBER COMPANY OF EUGENE INCORPORATES . . - ' fKpaeUI Btspstea ts Tae ml.l W Rnne. Or.. Jan. II. The Brown Lumber company of Eugene ha Juat been Incorporated and will-operate tha Long Bingham sawmill at Cottage Grove, which ha remained Idle for th mmt veer ar twa on account of Iltiga- iiT.. The nlant has . a oapaclty of 10.000 feet of lumber oh day and 1 Mxnieta in averv uartlcularv Tha new company owns and control a large amount of timber abov Cottage Orov and th log to be aawed by the mill 111 tm trananorted by th ' Oregon MiiliMatMfi railroad. -.:' The new company filed artlclea ef tncoroo ration yeaterday. , Th Incorpora- tara are W. EL Brown, preaiueni. F.' W. Osburn, csshier of the BMgene Loan Savings bank, George H. Kelly of the, Booth-Kelly Lumber company, and Henry Fischer of the Flacher Lum- stock ! 140.000. WILL STOP SALE OF O : LIQUOR TQ INDIANS -r - nh-ki niaaatrli as Tks Issrsal.t ,1 Pendleton, Or Jan. ll. At a meeting of -the -city -council-one of tha new or armteyi wsa that ftf .making it unlawful to aell or dlsDoaa of Intoxi cating liquors to Indians. Tha penalty of violation of thla ordinance I not leaa than It or more than ISO fin or Imprlaon ta the altv tall for not leaa than 10 day. - Thlr ordinance wsa passed With out opposition. "-'-- e-.- - - jsme A. Fee, tha newly-elected mayor for tha city of Pendleton, announced a few day ago that tha city would take up this matter ana xnai wiioris w,um be mad to atop tbls vie as far a It wa poaalbl for th city administration ta do ao, y t-'-t.' - " " r ' : HUNTERS LOST IN THE v MOUNTAINS OF 0LALLA v taril rtlaaalrk ta Tka InerBsl.l Otalla. Or.. Jan. 1. Last Monday Dal Friend and Henry Crouoher of thla place and Frank Croucher of Portland were huntlna- la the mountain In Olalla. on th headwater .of Core Gold, and In some manner lost their way, spending 14 hour In a drenching rain and enow We. do not offer for sale any other but first class Beef, Mutton, Pork and veal at the 'same price you are paying: for inferior . grades. We hajidle gorerriment inspected -meats of the choicest kindr .. : , S t .... Peopled 1. II .J A- ....... t n s-yc -' - , r r-,7 r ".p - i,iU 4. ..O..a a1 if t he4 aaaskJ. i . V I - RHONE tMliV 1412 FIRST MID TilYm S7S. 'A Qzkk C.'rg Czzts Ltiy Qssrtit" Portland's Trading Hgus HERTS1- Prime Rib Roasts, per pound. .' . i ...O Prime Rolled Roast, per pound i . . 10 fr CROCS-HIES v .J ' . . .. ... ....... 20 pounds Granulated Sugar Cf )A V (with order) i ... 9 . ? f Fancy Potatoes,' per sack;;;4. .;.'. rT 75" 1 Sack Good Flour. ;V.V. , . ; . ,V.?1.00 lPotindr:Rolled-Oa. i . y. :tr.SSf Pong perpound .. . . .4f and Cf "TPrtimrla Waw W-ana.. : ...... ; . .HSil Pot RoaStS. Per POUfld. ... ... . . .C M. utton oiewr per pounu.... ........ Mutton Chops,-per pound. t if. . , . ,10 Shoulder of Mutton, per pound, i. . . .Cp All-Pork Sausager 2 pounds. .T. . Hamburg Steak, 2 pounds. Boloima Sausatre. 2 pounds. ...... ;lCe Pork Chops, per pound. ; . . , , ... . , ,10 - lQ-Lb. Sack White Commeal.. i '.viS5f -' 10-Lb. Sack tYellow Cornmeal.' . . , . S5. 6 Cans Best Corn or. Peas ,;. . ,,25e ' 2 Cais' Premium Tomatoes. ; . . IWl&fir , 4 Pounds Lima Beans. ,. . "i. " . .S5f -2 Cans. Table Peaches .......: .25 , 1 Can Baker's Cocoa. . .', . . . ; . '. ..20 12 Bars Soap Ui'.'.iiV.'. ........23 C:i Pallon ;TaSle Syrup. t'.V.U.J..40 Pfcohc Orders- Early In order to give all. our customers the benefit of these prices wa have decided to continue this sale during next wttk. Pork Roasts, per, pound. .10 f Something Ektrp Good GlenwoodM Brand Table Black- Jerriev per. can.' . " " .v.10 These blackberries are simply "delicious ' SPECIllLS 1 2 Ctr.s Ar.yKlr.3 cf Crtrn 15 Cents 1, Pound "Favorite" Blend Coffee .".20 Page's Special Butter, per roH. . . .v.C54 Tl 'Dozen' Strictly FreshEggs... . .S5 ID-Found Box Macaroni . .7. ..... , .C0 liCTdundoxSpaefti..- 10-Pound Box Vermicelli . . . .Of 5 Pounds Swift's Compound Lard.COfV 10 Pounds Swift's" Compound Lard. 3 ' S'Pound Pail Monarch Brand Lard 60 10-Lb. Pail Monarch Brand Lard tl.CO ; Eastern Hams, per pound.7.,.7.124 Picnic Hams,' per pound. ,..,.r..'...0 Cottage Hams, per pound... ...... 10 8 Cans Oysters. Free Delivery in City - - V- ,o....?.,....,wi -;,:.-.'.- J-v-v-r., " ' " ' " ' " . ai li - li ,.ii n nu in . ii i : n r i - , .i. i' aaaa. . mmm wsaaaaaw aasanmaw "aw "F aw ' .ll'iaV A ' The-place where you ; not only get quality bur quantity, we con sider, and our motto is "Honesty is the best ; policy, r Note " our list of prices today: ; -V SUQAR '. Dry Granulated, $5.25 per sack, ioo pounds. : Back Fancy Patent Hard Wheat Flour. ' Doaen cana Condenssd Cream.' 40 Gallon can Cholo Table Syrup. 40f :yr - 1 Back Beat Kaatern Buckwkaat Flour. l-lh. can Aeeortod Roups rsgulkr IB slsa. t-lb. pkg. Beet Soda' Crackers. ....--J -..v .- oar 4, ft-T Two 4-la. pkga. Bora Compound Waahlns Powder. .-. . f.Ib. pkg. Quaker Oata (Saturday only) Thc,Rc3ult Of; Science and i i Nature ; AChc!co FAMILY- Friedman Packing Co. Flrat aa4 OolamMa Sua. Phono Mala 1U. Independent Ueat Co. aa SM Biata, MS WUUama Aveawa, FiLOIVS .1ST City Grocery 4 - ' 17$ THIRD STREET - Bet. . Morrison and - Tamhllt jVt. . Phone .Main 16S4 "Tpound English Breakfast'Tsa. t ; Pound Fancy M.-J. Coffee. rrrr- f 1.00 : ," II Iba Granulated Sugar. i'-;v :''--. f 1.00 . , -' Qallon can Maple Syrup, t . ' 1.00 ! r.' -. ird Wheat Flour. 40f ' 10-lb. aack Buckwheat Flour. ' You can get more for your money ' at the ,.f . I- f,-i aT tity Grocery Than elsewhere. . Phone your of- Washington eco- TlSest fri&oaot meals at moat nomloal price. , ; ; ,-, J . .,; . . ; " Wa .handle .Mlrstlaa . Bl tow, TV ax Fomnv XJamzt, BAOoar, BtAata, FOuXiTalT - BCNra, AJTD BBJBAS.-,,,, f ' Telephone order given careful and prompt attention. - East and west aid dellverlea. 5 . .. . 112 First Street Bet. w4 WsaAlagtoa, Fkoae atata Sale, " Sq uare - Deal ' Do you want to buy a good bom cheaper than you can build one If so. see ua. W have a number alwaya on band, .p , . :V ' --' Room 393 Xllsky BWfc - W. L ttER West Park and Waaklngton Btraeta. McKINNONS SMITH cam saoezas. . mors bast m. ' wbolxsals afb bxtaxx. '-- w -. rr 128 GRAND AVENUE . Seed Delivered at Aay Part af the OUy..' FKZaH BAFObT teat, dee.... ........... IIUS 1VI ...... . mmw.vmw .mm . I 1 v.i.rrr" . .......... .. 1 seek ee kerd-wheat Ooar 1 Saa. eaaa taaiateea C. B. ell, au ........ 1 ess unirp mw. rency karbaas potatnes. per sack e M''Wr-s Keetsa. J Jnr l;J S-IB. pell lira, ""i lum "' 1 ID. avojai oaains ............ U. a.hllllna'B haklaa sewdw ...a5e Oeed Kagllak hreakfeet tea e BsW BreetMrC'l Wt'tie. SM 1 aks. aors SUrch Reoi sets .........Jje . -mjhtt Aefaa. aae Uk. ...... .lAe Poetsat .................80e On4 aaaaa ISO le ris-Prane eeresl White and yellow eanusssl, 10-lh. at(k....lBe SotUe klnela rey Ukle errep.'rr gal, .'JO Larse ko aiacaraal ...... A. ...,. lha. nlllH. IMSll ............,... eass ereters ........ S aaaa Saaa a etnas aaaaa .. Man sMers shipped ts sll prists, selected treat a eewylete stock. Send Is roar orders Central Uiet Will': send rou one of k their Prime Rib Roasts of Beef, a fine Rolled Roast of - Beef Lamb, Veal, Pork or Mutton,, Chicken or Duckrand the-priced$rright usr Kindorf -Bros. 130 Grand Ave. Phone East 412 IF YOU ARE Looking for. aemethlnrf good ta cook for SUNDAY aaU on - ;'.. G. Covach & Co. ' i lTbey have the flneat stock Of, , ' .-. FISH, POULTRY and OYSTERS '" Don't f arret. th number." i270 FIrnt Otroet Or aaU us t J J MAIways the Same" V af ..'V.-.-.CV-' -tXr -r - ;,..:, .i'vt .f'.; ,rV. A.r'r Every Sack ; ; Guaranteed ; ; (Twjwly afaVriraV) ' m. in. SU IWrd at, am. El Stora of LKVa PrleM' , ' Fauowrxa raioxa wax sats rev ate ex sraar boixab. bvautt avAaABTSxa Westera dry graaalated saas aagar, M0- each t .,..ef.M Woatara dry graaalated esas sagas, ITkl ' Iba flee litre dry gressleted aagar, lOs-m aaak..M.M Extra' dry greaatated aagar. Ua laS 1.00 Beet lenoa. eraace aad eitraa peal, asr B..lfte t Dkss MaaaoUa elessod earrenu ...... ...tee :pfcfs sew s-erews soiaos reisiae Iba sew oiosa leese Massateia k. 14b caa aerel bekli ? t f fro csuse tiiat caAun cmr J; r -' ' Erery day aeee new cnatomere added to oar now' large Uet. - Daw by day that Bet growa steadily and without backsliding. Do na huw whv? Wall, wa flrur it out that it Is the kind of meats . we sell and the prices we charge. It isn't oof personal popularity; It's the cold buainees propoaitjon of better quality meats for leas , money than can be bad elsewhere. Does it attract you? fnTftT(fwrtg Tciarfcla. $irlw!a tsi Ctssi BOASTS PRIME RIB OF BEEF, ROLLED ROAST OF BEEF AND POT ROAST OF BEEF, ALSO PORK, VEAL, - " iVV..-, - x-i .'LAMB AND MUTTON. ' - , , ! -I"'';' CHOPS-PORK, LAUB. EVERTTH1NO IN THE MEAT LINE. PYnl VECETitrilS, FKIHTS, KUTS j irel keklua aewder .' 14b eea 8klllla('s Sset baklsg aewdet....oe Crosse Blsckwell's ellve ell. t bettlasese 14b pkg Ana A Bswaaw eda ............. .Ae . lal caa faeey law. arrap .. U-aal esa (aaey table UMmh -,, T Iba rraeeh prases .......SAa gkredded Wseat bissali, gar ffcg ........... le ' Iba Loqbilaaa riee Me 1C bare Eefal Bema aeag n t-lb pall beat lard -....n;rtaiiw.''.r.'.,i.aoa---10-lb pall beat lard ........... ......1 00 . tO-lb paU best lord .1.0 J yisest east era kiaM, Par tm .........14e . Btet ptenie basw. per lb ......v.........,..10e Beet eotuge besM I an Dales,) per B) ......,.Os . Bhreddrd eaeeaaat. per lb IBe -X Hard-wbeat Boar, per Sack ......... OO . aeetea eata, per peg i;-- Poataat cereal, par pkg ..... .a. Sia . r.lle Naptaa eeap, per ear oe - Beat aoft-wbeet Boar, per paekage .11.00 Java Masks enffes (regalar 8cl ....... pe . U bea-aoaa eraekere (sbost 1 lbs, toe KDgliab Breekfeet tea, per lb lfte rsaer Oaspewdav tae raalar ........1M v lb brokea Java eeffee ine I bare tar sesp . I'awU Btaemii. per pag ., Tiaet ereeai iioe eiaaj . . . . , .,. . 1 1. Sa rT aiae . veiarenee ya aea imn non aui . .. Fresh Ccilaa C1ADS for Sctarday Larf Sis, ! 15C Small Slae, IA ch.......a Vi ; Three ' for '.25c ' .' ' I Aiicerno rV"t Aft saaa a ranul0 1 ' : V I UlJl''-J al,at ymuiie oe luiij ; .:. irtUHaiaiaiBiaBaiaiaiaiSri . aw alai aaa a A aPtaWak . aw -f af tr ft a Li 2-Pii 10c PAiiucri Smtreell-soulc CO. S SYRACUSE, NLV YCrX' HUdl UCLIC1UU3 FRUIT CAKES. PUDDINGS i AND C00:ES.- i riri vnn in:, tUiWUiiS.!. SaW htAJr ass ."V 1 2 Dozen Eggs......,'. 43 Ranch :Eggs V. . . . r.T.7Trr.S0 Best Creamery Butter COt Good Creamery j Butter. ..sXOf Best Sugar Cured Hams . . .13 Breakfast Bacon, lb ..... . . . 1S 5 lbs. Pure Lard .... . . .... . . COf Chickens,, per lb, .lCf and 17e All oods retailed st wholesale '.y..z ).., prices. r, tU YAUHILL ST. :17c UorstrJ 112 Circcsry lii:z:2C3 i ... ,. v r - . " ' V I- '.. ;,- Tha result of long eiperienc. 'Ton can have th benefit of our espert knowl edge . of quality and ' value and aave money at th earn time. . DaviaBroCe - - t . . - SS4 Vottavus Ct, Oca. Blarteeatk. JOUmiAL VAT4T ADS PAY C3GT -V"..."JI-"" etttiiaaH" FcrCt Cst fir Terr K;T V r'-V 147 FIRST STREET - wapgr ana si u and Aarta4dL - bbst caaaarmn ; 2 for S5 Good Table Peachaa an .:': ' 2 Cans loe? 'v-' . . ' Standard Tomato. . 3 Cans 25 Corn,' Pea ar String Beana . 2 for 15 : ' JfTlmrose crt .For 5e l i can Baked 1 v . a for -S5e ( i i-iu.. pka. Ooie bust' . 3 lbs. for 33 Bat Walnut and Almonda j - V i 15 a Pound " ; -J.. English Break fact JTae, "4. .25 a Pound- - ; ; . ' ' '' Gunpowder Tea. : 13e a Pound i - Beat- Eaatara Bama, ..' ' Kev and Prunaa. Crftn win East Sid Delivery Tuesday and Friday. . ' . rXOVB BLaXsT xsss. 'The Juicr, steaming Roast is (he main attraction of s good, dinner. v The meat mngtbewell coojtedbut first it muet be well cut. At this market you will find th cholc of the chofceet. TRY OUR PRIME RIB ROAST OF BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, LAMB OR PORK. - VEAL .SAUSAOE (Alt-DeotBche Salami), made freah every 8atardar. FRESH KETTLE RENDERED LARD.,,.,: BACON-AND-HAMS A-8PE-.- ft " I Dntu" lfClALTYT lnill Strcctg 'Opposite Meier7 ft' Frank" Store.. "Phone Main 413. ; . PRBOH OREGON Creamery Butter Headquarter for Corvalll and Psge'e . Special Creamery. ' Strictly Freeh Egg and Oytr alwayg on hand. - . Strictly Fresh Egge.......,...,..8B4 ,. I can Corn . . . . . . .j, . . i. .... , 1S . t can Tomatoee i. ........... IS I pan String Bean ............IB Entcrprice Crccr.ery Co. v ist rxms Bstweea Waabl&stoa aad Udt . without flre or food. They war com