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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1906)
it.-.. x::x .. Uf J i U LSI, Hi J's TrsnsUtton from the . A a Hachette ef P ' i The r. :.t man In t: we. 44 t. n of billionaires? v , i-roverb He who 1 licit la poor la f ealth. V- ' : f proverb it la fonr u iiv poor t die ' . Th lnoome of Mr. Rockefeller Tho . t4ng of petroleum. Mr. -Rockefeller haa ... a Laoome larger then that of tao n'- i-el sovereigns or id jeuropeen ornee - fuee. Ho la each Oar richer by 719.004 Itanc. . . f Mr. Rockefeller Wa a yoarty laoome ! ' u rrenee. . - ' ' : ! Tho eaar haa 88.180,808 franc. ' Emperor William II. 80.048.800 frano, h Edward VII of England, 11.514.600 " frenea. ' . - , 1 The colossal' fortune of Mr. Rocke- . 'feller repreeenta not only tho weight of itwo eru'eara. but - eoual to annuel u budget of 18 European tatea. Bulgaria .... . -f oenda'7.o.OOO; Denmark, lla.000.a00; Trr;1 raowciTi.ooWjWoof we-purg. h.vvu. '"'"" Av0: lionaoo. I.OOd.OuO: Montenegro, JXOO.iOO; the Low Countries (the Nether- - 1-ends), - S80.000,000r Portugal. 888.000. ' tOO; Roumanla, 818.000,000; Servia, It.- 000,800: Sweden,, worway. 148.000,000; Switzerland, 111.000,000; total. i,0.000.000. There atlll remain. Jl paid. lll.OOO.OO. The fortune of Mr. Rockefeller In pieces of silver repreeenta tho wolcht -.of two armored erulaora ltka the Ben ., ' . t-rlnea and be Furloux, whloh hare a dla ' Splaeement of nearly 18.010 tone. -- Tha Rothschilds are no longer-ths king of wealth. A poor grocer's boy of V !the ami of Rockefeller, who thought himself lucky In bis youth to earn t( ."" sous a day and to Uyo on boiled pots toea and rloe, haa in leaa than SO year -othniBaa-rtnaWCTllrnaaty that . issued from tbev Jew treet-ef Fraak Jorfe - .. : ; . j The fortune 'of thie now American V ,Croeaa sound like a fairy tale. Trana iformed Into erowna It would weigh aa ;much aa two armored oruleera, . la dol ' . lar bllla'lt would form a double girdle arooad tko aartbv ItVaroald taka 1H.OO0 pereona aarnlns t.000 franca a year to . reach tha figure of Rockefeller'a lnooma. Mia fortuoe ta ao coloaaal that It arowa at tho rata of three franca a minute. : K-rery aaornlnc be awakae Rockefeller la richer Ar f.lOO franca. Ho alone poe- . eeeeea much mora than the Inoomoa of all tha klnga and amperora united. ... .x: Thla conqueror of tho modem Golden rieeoa la worthy ta flrure la hlatory after tha faahlan of 1 tha opto and legandary peraonagea who have part 4a tha tradltlona of tho people. It la thla claim to be considered an exoeptlonal ;" , and extraordinary man that haa eauaed r; Ju to enter him in our almanac - Hard are aome da tee Indicating; tha .. .chronological progtaaa of thla unheard of fortune: ; ? -v-w .!.' 1 lite The irooor'a bca . v ' ! 1S 11.000 franea. , . .w,!;tv; 4JlL 18T0 tSO.000 tMnuaLt-i'z v, 1170 lf.000.000 franoaV .V-'.-i(gi oo.OOO.0 franca. : f.-y- " franca. rvr loot 1000.000.000 rraaoa. . : :-. , v. 10( I.OOO.OOO.OOa franea. , . ' Thla repreeenta alnea 1111 a mlnlmam .' lncreaae of 1118,000.000 a year. Thla In. ' creaae la tl tlnfca more rapid than that -.of the boat are rage of tho American peo- pie. From which one may logically T'foraaoa that tha one will praaently be ' Abaorbad by tha attiori ' . , r - Born In 111! at Richland in tha ataU ,f New Tork, later a orooer'a boy, Mr. 'Rockefeller la a aslf-made man an 01a ' fi aea oeuvrea. Hla fortune la tha re ' K? .ward-'of 80 yeara of perpetual toll of vuperbuman effort, of a aimple life, a rdreea flttlng bla character of man of -to hla genial Intelligence, hla Iron aa- rgy and alao to lack, Rockefeller baa pursued hla triumphal mareh with tm ;' ijntormpted atep. If ha haa had to fight redoubtable enemlea, the moat powerful : '; rlneee ef flnanoa. ho haa alwaye con quered. ; Comblnationa of.; flnanclere, - lawyera, oourta and lagfalatlva bodlea Jtaya la vain aought to bar, hla path, i. . They hare been swept aalda, or, at the ' . vary moment whoa their rlctery aoamed - - . certain Rockefeller, by happy eheok : - mate, haa aucceoded ta gaining a poei- tion whloh plaoed htm 'beyond attack. . Old Commodore VanderbUt hlmaelf had to admit hlmaelf beaten. 1 aee that tha haada of tha Standard Oil are , ' stronger than V aald ho. land that tha boot I aaa do will bo to xatlra before - I am knocked ant of tha ring." . It la not for nothing that Mr. Roeke ; feller la unlroreaUy known aa tha king . of petroleum. Bight or nine yeara ago - one of tho ehlofa of tho tandard Oil -; tha name .of tha trnet valued Mr. . Rockefeller'a a hare at 8780,000,000, pay lag an Interest ef nearly 170,000,000. Aa el nee then aaonarmoua tnereaao In tprloea haa ralaod tha talue of aharea 88 : per cent thla aatlmata of tho fortune of Mr. Roekefellar moana at tho least - 'jl.SSO.OOOOO. . - -" v ' - -' , Buch a fortune perm Ha 1ta owner ta ' bay good -raJaee at low pricea and to aell , them t. waormoua prodta. - Rockefeller bought for a rldlculoua sum tho Iron ' nil nee of. Lake Superior, and Minnesota. -' onoe" owner" or the tBtrprtse he pN ; " 1 ' fectod tho tooia with which to work it. .opened new hafbora and organised on the great lakes a system of transports. - Then when the era. of prosperity fol lowed tho war with Spain -be eold hla mlnoa to 'tho ateel syndicate at i three r ' times (ha price of hla purchase. .-- More, he aoqulrbd great power in thla formlda- ble truat and threw but'J, Flerpont ..I 'Morgan: ' " "l - . J' : - ' - Mr. Rockefeller repeated tha aame . apeenlattofl tn lead and grno mine' which ' ' har brought him tana of mllllona of profit. ' He la also tha stron hand In (ho tobaooo and sugar trusta. . ' - .6' si oil... i i i . .... . r ti -.-. -i - : : . , . : ? frn ... . a743lKrwV V-0 ,4 r W -' M -W Xa.-V., Y'a '"' vV;:":' We mast ot forgat tha part he play In tha rallroada, la whloh be possesses mora-, than 8100.000,000 la stock and bonds. He la absolute master of the Mlasouti Paclflo. Ksnsaa eV Texas, Texas A Paclflo, etc boeldea being largo ahareholder In the eastern line, in the Northern ecurltiea and 4a tho network of which Chicago la tho center. Such a fortune cannot escape con tinual Intervention -. of flnance. Mr. RockefeDer haa become Ma own banner by acquiring a preponderating; lntereet In SO nnanolai aataouaamania im w duetrlal enUrprieea. y v . . OmralaniV Moffett ta Wo series "TM Shameful Misusa of WeaHh.r nowrnn- nmaf In Suoceeo. Magsiaa. mnoiea xrm Pareoaa "Philosophy of Mutualism": "Persia perished wham 1 per -oent of tha neonle owned all the land. Egypt went down when 8 per eent owned ,07 of all tha woalth. sanyion oiea wnen I per cent owned all tha-wealth, and Roma expired when J.tOO moa possessed the known world." . ?. ,; Mr. Moffett aaya:'- ,.' 'f t -Tha raunted wealth of Oroeawa la an tlmated at only f8.000.OO0. bat there are TO amerlcan estates tnal arerage eaoh.- New Tork la beyond com parison tho richest dry la existence; tho NOW Torn nsraio wiimiiw wealth at lll.MO.000.000. : : Our wealth ' la Increasing at . a - prodigious rate; Joalah Strong, la bia 'Social Prof-, reaa,' says at tha rata of 88.000,000 a day, and experta declare "that nearly two third of thla increase goea to aweu the' poaseaaUma of those, who ar al ready rich. - -' - ' ; "Aa ahowtns tha rapid growth of lndt rldoal fortunes la thla country, there la interest In a list of rich men printed by tha New Tork San tn 1888. aooording to which New Tork City boasted at that ... . , ww ubvvtvi iuer wmau uiwitiuiiw aaau- time only 11 mUllonaJrea. And Pfnilonair or Individual sons or grand. lot published some yeara earlier aaya that la 1818 Philadelphia could how only 10 aatatea valued at a minion or soara. tha richest being that Of Stephen Otrard. which reached 87,000,000. , , In contrast to which. In 1808, aooordlnd to the New Tork Tribune, there were then over 800 aiUllonelrea in" Philadelphia. A to Now Tork City, the number of It millionaire, aooordln to tha beat Information, Is orsr 8.000, while the number of millionaire tn the United Stated la at leest 8.000, or half tha total number In tha world. " " " "Thsr one famtlyalonav ht tha head of which atanda tha rlcheaV and moat powerful man in tha world John IX Rockefeller and. tha woalth of thla family 1 estimated at 81.000.000,000 a sum eo hag that if at tha birth of Christ Mr. Roekefellar had begun mak ing 81 a minute, and had let all those dollar accumulate oar ana nigru ror all these ceaturles. ha wooia not yet, la 100. bare amassed 81.000.000,000. "Aooording to Waldron'a "Handbook of Currency and Wealth,' 'mora than 4,000 00 families or nearly on third of tho na tion, muat get along on Incomes of leaa than 800; -mora than one half tha fami lies get tsaa than-!00; two third of tha famlllea gat loo than 8000, whU only 1 la 10 of tho nation' famUlaa 1 to eecure -aa lnooma of orer 18,000 a year' ' i ' - "Taking tha nine richest Americans after Mr. Rockefeller, it 1 easy to see that these nine must hay 81.000.000,000. between them,' slnca Andrew Carnegie aipne,haiDor.lhan AihlrtLof a blljlon. ana- sow ouior signt- inuivu aaarsaauj Field., W. K- Vanderbilt. John Jacob Astor, J, P. Morgan, Russell Bagw J.'X Hilt Senator William A. Clark and William - Rockef eUer, which gir- $l,00,00t,000- for 10 (nn. ; "Twenty " men Rockefeller, Morgan, Gould, Harrlman and tha reet Indirect ly . control - nearly all . tha - remaining wealth of th country.' slnoe whatever oome out of tha ground or la fed by It muat pa- over their Una of transit and through their factories (and at their terms) before It can get from- th pro ducer to the consumer. v . . - "I offer tho following estimate of tho 8,000 leading fortunes tn tho United States; It la only an approximation, bat It haa been approved as reasonable by tha statisuoal expert' or r. j. Dun a Co. and by Byron-W.-Holt, editor of Moody's Magasln. a monthly review for Investors, banker and men' of af fairs e v ' .vt- i , 1 aggregating. ......$ 100.000,000 410; aggregating. ....... 1,000,000.000 4.80 aggregating. 8,00 aggregating. . . .: r. .818.000,00.00 aaaai.kAdaill lex I wed A to -all. sons of millionaire, th rich aa a class will continue ' to - grow richer, much richer, ao that ln'10 or 40 yeara. under existing conditions, ' tha . 8.000 richest Americana, instead of having 818,000. 000,000 between them aa today, may liave-8.0.900.000.000 Jor.18M00,M0, WO. Slxtoaa . yeara ago Thomas O. Shsar man. a distinguished corporation lawyer and arUllant writer on eoonoralo ques tions, prophraled that "within 80 year the United State will be substantially owned by leaa than V in 80 of tha male population.' - "And If, there honld " arts in thla land a man of 80 or 40, who. starting With 11,001.000.000 or . (owned and controlled by him), should bo great enough - to , brush aside th trammel, of Indolence and temptation; great enough to see (that never in mod ern time haa there been offered to a man. not even a Napoleon, ad stupendous a ehaaoe a thi to wield absolute despotic power; groat enough. Anally, to uaa hla 81,000.000.000 or to It full potentiality, then well, there would aureiy be interesting hlatory made- In-that man's lifetime. - "H would make! the law, own the newspapers, subsidise churches end ol- Ueo. mould publlo opinion, direct th macninery VI justice, cunvnii in in dustries, the banks. Ihs Ihsuranc com panles." the eondltlong of labor, regulat aappiy ana demand, u prtoea, aosoro proflta, centralise ayerythlng, be every thing. - Why not? Sven aa thlnga are, haa tha-world any king more powerful than J. P. Morgan or John D. Rock reUefTTRem ember how Europe cringed to Mr, Morgan at his last visit, with emperor seeking hi favor and princes waiting at hi door. A real klngT Why. we : practically bare two of thorn al- ready,' MINER'S LONELY LIFE 'BREAKS DOWN HIS MIND v ' r . - tfpacUl Wnateb s Tee law sell ' Talama. Wash., Jan. it. John Har grav, onoa a prominent attorney In Kansas, haa been committed to tha In sane asylum at Btellacoom. Hargrav Imagined that h was being pursued by a mob that would kin him. Ha I howed a- Krtdal -tendency. r - L John Hargrav cams to Kalama from Kansas about 18 year ago; ha beoame prominent in tho free silver movement In thla tat. and waa the candidate for representative of Cowl Its county aa th People' ticket. In the election which followed ho tied with Dr..U M, Slm th Rpabllcan nominee. ' Th house of 'the Washington loglslatur daring that seselon waa largely oompoeed of Popullat and Democrata, and although Or. 81m eontostsd . th lotloa Har grav was seated. . During tha last few year h ha da voted moftt of hi time to prospect a g for mineral leads on th upper Kalama river, where b ha located several mining claim a To hi lonely 11 f hi Insanity Is attributed. ., v i . . rairhaak (Jeoraal apaelal erries.Y Washington. D. C Jan. 19 Repre sentative and Mra. William Aldeu Smith of Michigan are to entertain at a din ner in honor of tho vice-president and Mra. Vairbanks at th New Wlllard to night.. In addition to tho - guest f honor tho present will tnolud a num ber of diplomat. Judge of tha supreme court, membor of congrese and other prominent in th social and official life of Washington. . . . GliO LejJolativs Ticket Likely to C - Most Intsrert.'nj In Com- Inj Contttt. BOTH FACTIOfe'3 WILL ."-, , MAKE STRONO FIGHT Cum for Strcmj Dira to Captart . Delegation Is Fact That Nxt Lf talatar WiU Elect .United Etataa fsailal DWsstsk to Tba Jesrsel.) -Pendleton, Or., . Jan. - 18. PollUca : t already becoming ' interesting in Uma tllla county. In view, of the tact that tho direct primary law will be In opera tion during the coming stats and county elections. - ... ' It la believed that tha moat Interesting contest will be that of tha legislative ticket, owing to tbs fact that a United State Senator will be elected by. the next legislature, and both parties are going to make a bard fight to capture the legislative delegation In Umatilla county. Among the Republicans mentioned are the following for state senators: Dr. O. W. Cola, joint senator between: Umatffl and Unloa counties, and Dr. T. W. Vln- oounty, " s- , Bx-Seoato O. W. Proebatei of Weston I alao declared to be a RapJubHeaa candi date for thla of floe again. and there la also strong talk of . nominating some young Republican for this office. In th effort to eliminate aa far aa peeeible th factional fight whloh haa marked eounty politics tn tha past. . Among those who are mentioned for thla .place In case a youag man la selected ar John H. lav rey. Roy W. Rltner and Will Ferguson. Mayor 8. A. Barnes of Weston la one of th leading' Republican candidates for tha of Has of representative, the -people ox Weston demanding him in order that a atrong flght may be made fop the Weston normal school. C. A. Barrett and Henry Adam are also prominently mentioned as candidate f or, this p(Oo, Dr. C J. Smith and Walter M. Plevee, both of Pendleton, are being mentioned aa Candida tea in th Democratic field for reelection to th state .senate. For tho of floe of representatives both Joseph Blakely and William Chamberlain will be urged by their friend make th raoa, but they have made n xprss lon as to thslr intentions. - - -J Regarding tha circuit Judgeship there 1 considerable discussion. - aa tha de termination of Judgw Bill to try for th congressional nomination leaves the Held open for another Republican canal date for hla present office. Of those mentioned for the place Charles H. Carter la ' the most ' prominent. H. K. r oilier has , announced . hlmaelf as crdldata for lh Republican nomination for thla offieei " ' Of tho nreaent county officer there la but one who is In th field for reelec tion Conntv Clerk Baling, wno aaa been In tha erne for on term. Mr. Baling states that be is a candidate for reeleo- - '. Ortlaa as? BmsctfT. - kiHw a tha afflcA of sheriff there Is still considerable uaoorUlnty. Since w . tA . Mmu)l.A la - nav over his har f to Davis ahortage there . . . . , . . w , baa been strong sennmeni iiyai bo glvoa a third term. . Mr. Taylor ha not mad up his mind regarding th Recorder WUllam ' Folsom announce that ha will not ee reetecxion, cons w w Weiutlav. haad denutv under Mr. rolaom, I out for th position. and Will aSK ins iwamuae County Treasurer B. J. Sommervul dollnss to run for a third term and aa a result tbs field la open for a new man. There will also bo one commisslener to elect at tho coming election, aa th term of Commissioner OlUlland will ox ptr this year- Likewise a urvyor aad 1 ii .kMM. arl lie tha re al uunii.i w ... n - . - malnlng officers County Judge Bean, Aa aaaor Strain and Cuperlntendent. Welle all Bold lor ivs yemre wm",-. Mart baa enoolntod the Judge and clerks for tha coming state and eounty ereouon. s- v- , , t r; PYTHIANS TO HOLD v MEETING AT HOQUIAM (Deeelal THspatch to the JeuraaLI - Chehalla, Waa a.. Jan. 10. Thapro? gram Of theventh dUtrlct convention of tha KnlghU of Pythias of Pythian district No. 4 was Issued today. Tha mooting will bo held at rioquiam Tues day, February 80, and It la expected that thi will be tha blggeet convention held mi in southwestern Washington. Th convention wUl bo called to order at 4 o'clock p. m. At tha arternoon ses sion th usual business meeting will be held. The lodge work proper will h. kM at niht- when eonteetlns teams and individuals ar expected to partici pate tn friendly con tests in xns ranx work. Grand Chancellor J. W. MeAr thur ef Spokane la expected te be In at tendance at tha meeting. vith "Artificial VZXt aerUwe 51okn baa a amaUbetlnalni:. And, tn aln out el twi that small betfMktar k taad la Ibo Bow!. ladlgMrjoa i the btgiaoinf of , r. It peTca the wajr (or all cfhra. : Lack of xerols, hasty aatiaf, bspropar food, are its first ecaioa. I Mtn, and postponement, parretl B to grow Into Chroolo Constipation, whloh Beans Bfe-lonf. Dtooomiort. It Un't aeceesary to be lck-b.yB know, hi order to b mightr lortabie. j-TsVdulli i the mlnrt, and rsymrea marry unshinoW Uf . Aad. lndlrtloa one started, tvowa j. fast, oorrodo tomparament, and dtaoounia bapptn, food chear, capacity. ' t k ' It does that lonf before tf puts 70a a . the Sick bt. -;, :. Evary tblokJiig Doctor knows why, ; . ;V-': "v 'A'f TKr-'i-i' i't L:'-fWsor Rand kniw tt-'"-.?"''-. f That' why be framed up for students his famous formula for Happtn, vli "Trust la Cod, aad Jmf, your Bowabj LTba Bowl ad adlutlmant trow Bnvpil to tiro, Jurt Bka a clock, or a watch. -, : . tls "rneil II ins" ta hiimsnla nnssfhla without this. And, tho Urn to adast fh watch Is not when It haa ma down, nor when th main spring la broken, but at th vary minute adjustment is discovered Mcsauuy. Th lima to adjust th Bowals is act merely when your Head Aches, when your Uvef Is Sick, your Stomach lit Revolt, and Natur'a Food Frooass retarded for 24 hours or longer, ' ' 'y ''-' ' .The proper time to adjust them Is the very minute you suspect they peed adjust " "-' - -. : ' ': ' ,. .-. TO ESTABOSH HOME & w FOR FOREIGN, WOMEN '.. A; .':.. f ' .' .. f .'; ' OMaail BnBrtel Sj ilna.l ' A'' -Kew Tout, Jan. It. An organisation In which a large number of prominent society women are Interested has been formed for th purpose of providing help and assistance for many of th ed ucated foreign women, mostly teachers aad governesses, who ar constantly coming to thla country to gain a liveli hood. Many ef these women fall to suc ceed In tbslr vocation and many of thorn are suffering from want aad are com pelled to seek the assistance of the consular representatives of tlfelr re spective ooun tries. Particularly th German consul haa taken great lntereet In the plan, aa there ta comparatively a greater number of Gorman governesses than of any other nationality. Among other ' prominent eoetety - women.-, who took great lntereet In the matter ar Mr. leaa Guggenheim and Mra. Lud wig Sutro.. The real originator of . the movement, however, was 'a Osrmaa gov erness, whoso experience during 8 yeara of self-support la America haa taught bar many thlnga about tha hardship which women of bar class have to en dure. ".. .. ',1.1.- i ." a The organisation proposes ta begin on a email scale. - A Sat will be rented aad furnished, which will serve aa a social center for thosa Who. often know abso lutely no no in the city and are help less and without means. It Is hoped that In the course of Urns the aeope of tho organisation can be enlarged aad a regular-clubhouse fur gufsrn and teaohere .erected. " - : f ONLY. FOUR MILLION . PEOPLE IN IRELAND - (Joeraal Bpeelal Serves.) . Washington, XX. Cv Jan. 1. Consul Ounsaulus ef Cork write that some valuable and Interesting figure are given In the annual report of tha regle-trar-ireneral of Ireland, lust Issued, cov ering th fiscal year 1104. According to thla report the estimated population of Ireland had fallen. In tha middle of the year 1008, to 4,408.111. The natural In crease of population recorded, or excess of births evsr deaths, waa 84.888; th loss bv emigration amounted to 84,801: a decrease of 11.404 in the population would thua appear to nav aen place during th year, -turagalnM thi de crees there le a set-off la Immigra tion, of which no offlolal reoord haa been obtained. ,; v ...1' V" v. WILL EXPEND MUCH V;. , MONEY AT LA GRANDE - f'. ' (Sseetal Dispatch Tae JesraaL) Xa Grande. Dr.. Jan. 11. Owing te th fact that th O. R. eV N. Co, la new extending Its line Into- Wallowa eounty, and not only that, but tha old rumor that the eompany- wiu build down th Grand Rondo river to Uewlaten, promi nent railway -officials -annouaos - that 8110,000 will be expended during th year 10 for a large new roundhouse nd tnacUlne ahopa at Im G reads. - La Grand Is situated between two large mountain dlvidea, and la tha ter minus of th Elgin branch. ' aa-gggfi"!- J 1-j. -. gBBBgafavaegf mar. ourxraxai . a. mxra,t n. Of Wevsrly, Vexaa, write: "xt a morning, when first arising, 1 afte f"4 a Iroubleeome collection of - tM which produces) a cough e-1 I, f hard to dlalodcei but a - 1 , of Ballard'a Horehound . 1 , t one dlalodgs It, snd tns t 1 Uo . I know of no medicine tit 1 It, snd it Is so pieas-t t ' i t moat cordially reco i , year tanftt !.:.', v- If your breath ta aad eit':., 11 rout Head loek a trlT. br7 c .-; If d!stloa eves a ". tt, s, If . Heartburn, Celchin;, CoU . RmUowm bsfla te abew shenswlrM, . Thafa the too to eat a P ;' ':'V:';''J ; ' Donl tmaftoe tha Ceaearat I p-" thre bocaua tt I pleasant to eat aa It acts as plaaaaatry aa It taste. It ta aeeoncwial te your Po"' k tayevr Palate .' ., , .-- , Tt is not a -Bnodrrm- which Rood 'fiuOt acts liko Exwctae, ptoi. : v" ' It stimulates nS muscular Unlnr of tha Bowls sad IntSstln that they my - . folly digest food and drive cut Us i-f ; tot 8m fa vm a Caoart is wbea jr Brt PTot yoa n 4 o . s- ' ..:v. '(-, The only way la bar Ibaini n&Sf H Se proUly when yoj ne4 th kl carry thara eoaataatly in your socket as Ton do a Watch or a Lead pencTi. r ' r- 5 i9??- Eiia " 52 iZ T""f S22S3s . . : ,;''-.,' u : M very carartu n ft urs pwni mad only by the JStorllnf Rwniedy Com pany and nvw ok tn bulk. Evar tablt sumped "CCCS , ..;!':;!',.;' tor rut to ovu mi LW west .r . rw f a 1 rreucl s...'-. b 'UHLAlt 1 r T e SI Jr; ressbg la e- SI m m - - t sasesweef f-4 west ,,. whwhkh'e. vtrsafcetsj , 11 -V- te-aev. t t a pa. i- llWiil leieeUyl eases ar.UsefaT sew There's Somethlnc Missing: sv tooth bar or there altogthe eut, ese or more broken or decayed. Lakely pain la not missing. , Oars It la to put pour teeth to rights, whatever la wroag -supply exoellent substitutes tor tooth bo longer useful, stop the.aeh aad da any dental work your case may require. Mind 'you, we make , no charge for examination aad will tell you exaty 'what proper aad necessary treatment wtu evov. ... . 1 .-, 4 r.''-' - -tt ISC Ul UJta tvl aJ Third and Washington. 1L ZZ "''''.'-'. .i. - ' r, " ' FCed With to Best Cc!:rs Ar our paints unless you want whits. In which case th oaa or keg you get Is . lied with the best material possible at th price. Our. "stand of colors might be tagged aptly. iQualtty Up. Pricea Down." What you need la th paint line aad thlnga that go with paint and It putting sa ar nsr - 7; Fisher, 1 horseri Ct Cc. i catgeroua drugs or alcoholic eoctlona are taka Into the Motaaeh . . whsn Ryomel le used. Breathed through the inhaler, the balsamic healing ef Hy omt penetrate to the moat remote eelle of the no aad throat, and thus kllla the catarrhal germs, heals the Irritated mucous membrane and gives complete and-permanent cure ... ." , .,... . . Hyomel U the lmplet, most plsas aat aad tha only guaranteed sur tor atarrh that haa been discovered. Com plst butflt. LOO; 'extra bottl, teeata. ror sal by Woodard, Clark at Co. ir ant saaesalast Is eeeste HrowH ef Woo. SI. Clarke A Cat. er easaa etbee dr-. . I, wul se rorwarded fress tae Ueoram a stall sa r"1nt el arte-. TV. B. T. BOOTl 00.. ' M,.V iie.- n er tto- bet back your swu. m energy, ewbitaon, t T ssmr BAfTTT J ranvz lii: Coast only l tt ( J seats' trt I saaasv Btswrk sl '' . os1 care, Ak r 23 sum. AtlW- 1 ':larr k a r sal i H en. ' Son needing a IUU1 lWwi l r