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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1906)
TH3 OREGON DAILY TniTTiHAIi PCTL-). LOCUS SilYSSIX DOlUIE-OUSlEO DY Oil J ICLUOaElGUEl Kl SESSIOII ."' fcl (Ccz-:2 '2 Vc!-J2G Circl e! Tl& Head - of f Christian Catholio Important Meeting of the Na ' tlonal Club Begins Its Work ; at Delmonlco'a, 7 ? ; WILL ENDEAVOR TO AMEND Northwest President Intimates ; That Portland, Seattle and v Church Now Denied Voice in vV i Financial Management., f .f'S T?: - . , ...... Tf f Tacoma Wili Be in It. PROBABLY A RENEWAL SON OF THE PROPHET - - iTHE CONSTITUTION li iflC-TUP ni rv t paciip EN ROUTE FROM BERMUDA 7 Effort Will Be Meo'e to Reduce tht " ' ; f Annual Pncs of the Attodtto - Club and Alto to Chang Date of it Special Servlee.l .-' New York. Jan. l.-The annual meet- Ing Of the United States Golf atsocta tion . which la held today at Delmon- I Jooa, . lona : -tht moat . Important . ' i meetings of that organisation held fof :7' mm years.' The reason la that amend p menta ta the constitution of the organ- ; tsatlon will be presented and consid er arad at the meeting. ' .w. ' . -, It ta prppoaed that article . article " H and article : jr should be changed. The change to tha Brat named article la that -hereafter theckecutlvecom mlttecTnatead ofthe "president, shall w.nm tha nominating CommUlffr Article IS It to ba .changed to that the annual dueaof thaaaocjatelube shalTbc reduced from Ilea to lit. Ar ticle It la to be chanced so that the sacal year .ehall .end November 10, ln- , ateed of November It. . ".' T - ?Tha reduction, of tha duea of "the ao aociata club waa ad vacated teat year, ad although there waa amajtfrlty In favor of the chance. It a lust ahort f tha necessary two third majority. a Advoce.Ua of tha chant claim that the high amount of the preaent duea baa a ' tendency to keep - many organlaatlona oat. making a tee doee corporation.. It ta ales aaid that tha preaent duea are toe high considering the beneflta de tired from . the memberehlp. Another point la that tha organisation baa now eer. flo.ttt to Jta credit which la a disproportion t aura for. an - aasocls tion 'which hss auch a comparatively mail drain on Its puree. .: ,-- - The -advocates of the xhanga"mln taln that no championship can be held m ilnke not controlled by an aaaociata . club. In ether words, a - club has to "pay f 100 a year for tha privilege of holding a championship. This, It l claimed, can In -no -tight be conaidered for tha Intereata of the game, aa a club Inlght poaeeaa the beat couree In the 'world but-berauee of Its dtetncllnstton : er Inability to pay duea of 11 a year Inferior links are aelected for tha cham pionship contaet. - The change of the flacai year la to give the treasurer time to have hie accounts ready for the an nual meeting. . j. ... - ' Tha meeUng promlaea- lo be Wrhly Intereetlng and lively aa not only dele gates representing associate cluba. but ayany membera-of taucb cluba who are not delegates, will ba preaent to take put In the dlecaesioo of the vartoua ejnsadmeata. j-a . r ' Soma of tha moat prominent mem- ' bers of the vartoua erganiaattona rep resented r the annual neetint" wniTiof be ta attendanoa aa they have gone aoutb to attend 'the eonteete at .Flnehurat and at tha City f Mextoo, where a series of , highly intereetlng con tea ta and othar-avanta-wlU be held. Oolfera from all parta of tha country have gone onth to take part In tha two Important ajMatinga. ".''';.?" RACING SUMMARY. OF. . CALIFORNIA TRACKS I '" v . 1. . . (Jnnil gpeclal terrke.) -; -r lm - Angelea, -Can, Jan. II. Ascot vaea results: . - , .. Five f urlonr Wo Lsas won. Neat- Bees second.' Daruroa "third: time. ' - Three- and a half furlongs Stiver Mocking won. Horace K. second. Sweet ' "'ICIttr third: time. Mile -and aa eighth Gentle Harry won, Luclan oecond, Wyefleld third time. :tH. "r MUe Chimney Sweep won. Incaata. tie eecond. Ilubrlc third; time. 1:HT 'A Mile and a sixteenth Dutiful won, V Chickadee second, Paehuea third; time. - Six f urton g CrewdUade won, Babla - second. Sir Brinkter third; time, 1:17)4, x t At Oeklaadi - " A - San Francisco, Jan.- II. Emeryville ' race rsulls: ?.'', Five furlongsIsolation won. Santa lUr aoPromlnenc thriliUjna, ' ; Five and a half furlongs David Bo- Sand won, Tramotor . second, To Baa i third: time. l:tlH. . ' Six furlongs Kntre Nous won. Swift Queen second. Meter third: time, l:l . , Bevea furlongs Sorrel top won, Olen .' arvon aecond, Modicum third; time. ; Mile and tt yard Dixie Lad won. Baker seeond. Chestnut third; time. - Mile and a sixteenth Critical won. Esherln ' second, HI Lee third; time, :. . . NEW VERSION OF - AN OLD ADAGE f' '".;? ';t . s f- ipo You Eat (or Merc Stimulation or ''"'it: for Real Nutrition? , : ' " 1 In mattere of money, there la an old 41 adage that says, "It's not so much what you earn aa what you save," and luet so. In the oueetion of food and health. ' -! it might be aaid as truly, "It's not so i much what you eat ss what real nour . .. iahment von set out of what vou at." - Thla la the secret of health, etrength - ' and vHs-lltr. - No dllterence how much . -.mitrtttnn your food contains. If vour srstsra does not assimilate that nutri tion Make It up and dlatrlbuta. lt - throuanoot your Dooy rou sain noth' - Ing beyond a temporary atlmuletloo by ' ; liav'lng eeten lt. . t Multr-Vlta, beat whole white wheat " ' rned with pure barley malt extract, thoreughly steamed and cooked - and every Ilnke baked to a crtap, la rich In nutrition and Is assimilated readllv ven-bv the weakest stomach,, Everv r one of. Ita health-giving, atrength- hulldlng elements is laaen up oy in ' .'human economy te nourish and sustain VtKo wonder that MaJta-VlU it called :-rh lHriect Food. and that I)hvi- , . riant reormmend It for the elck And . ..- And Malte-Vlta Is so good to eel rxit at Hll like the tsatelees variety of (iikH roocs. A peneci Dneinii is lmpolbls without It and it's just st ihrM times a day. Trr a bowl ful with rrm , or fruit , T ou never taate,! nth!ng to good. , . ,i . . .. u.ii.vita is alwavs -ready te eat N'a cooking, no inconvenience, AH gro- TB Lucaa Clalma Ha Has Baca Granted Ccma:dcrabla . Terrhorjr ; ndWfll Go About o Org anix aGood Cir- - cuitSajriPjatloolrl i '(Spectat Dlepatrh te The.yeoraal.l JK i Butte, Mont, . Jan. It. A -aU-club baseball league ta assured thte aaaeon and the norUweat and Bpokaae and Butte wlll .be In on thla aide of tha mnuntaina.. was tha emphatic state ment made-today by W. H. Lucas, the well-known baseball magnate, who ar rived In Butte i today from- tha oast, where he haa been In attendance upon tha meeting of tha national board, se curing for bit league the Spokane ter ritory beyond a doubt, further than- to Intimate. Portland. Seattle, Taooma and Vancouver would probably be member of tha proposed circuit. Mr. Lucaa had nothing to aay.. rrom Mr. Lucaa' lUn point the outlook fof baseball On the coast and In tntermountaln oountry for net la very rosy and prospects of auc- eeaa for a: teat-ueTrgaJiea'Opoatlit principles of tha old Nortnwaat league, which proved eo ueoaaafuL are very bright. Mr, Lucaa talked of Victoria and BellinchUni. though not with aa air of their being made msmbera of hie new league.) Those cities were referred to in -a wanner Indicative of their being possibilities. ' Lucaa wat In consultation today with Manager J. R. Wharton of tha streetcar company 'with-' a ?7Tiw-of ' oecurlng ground eleaa to tha city, and a ball park waa practically aecared, which la about It minutes' rlda from tha center of tha town.," . " .. '. . n,i:i suLLivAH ae:d gaiiS LWfiOIIIBf ' 'J. "" I. r." mmMmm-otmmm """";. ".' . "-tr- 1 .-v.,.. .,.,-,i;;:',; ; V California ' Sports; Are Looking i Forward to a Lively Encounter" It "at Woodward's Pavilion. u - -' 1 " " ":" c ''' -?'.' " (Jooraal Bseetel ttrrtct.) : -- San "Franctaoo, Jan. It. Jot " Oant and Mike (Twin) Sullivan have llniahed their werk of preparation and are wait ing for tha gong to- sail them Into the arena at Woodward! pavilion to begin their 10-round battle... if any reliability la to ba the "dope-eheefe the Aght should bo one of the liveliest aeen In thla neck o the wood In a long time. During tht teat year there has been a ateady - decline In the stock of Dana, long . recognised aa champion of , hla class.. The colored ted la anxious to rtr trie ve lila TTaUen fortunes and may ba counted on to do hit beat.- Sullivan, on the other hand. It full of oonndence. In Sentember teat ha fouaht . Oant It rounds to a draw, and followed thlrf'up a month later by decisively whipping Jimmy Gardner in a it-round bout In thla city. For several weeka be baa been .. training faithfully under , tha di rection of bit brother and appears to ba la the pinkof condition, Though both Oant and Sullivan have posed as lightweights la the past, they will weight In for their present encoun ter at ltl pounds, i They will divide tt per cent of tha gross reeeipta, tha win ner ta take per cent and tht loser tt per cent.-. . 'v ' -. WILL PLAY GOLF ON .HISTORICAL-GROUNDS -fiooreal loeH.l tatW.V City "of Mexico, Jan. It On the helthta where,-more thaw half a cem tury ago, the armlea of Santa Ana and General Zachary Taylor met and bat tled, the crack golfers of tha old and new worlds met today to engage In a eonteat of a. mora peaceful character. The - oceaalon waa the opening of . the aecond International tournament onder the aueplcea of 'tha Mexican Country club. Today's program eonalated of the Bret- round of tt - holes In the open chemplonahlp of Mexico. The touma- merit will continue ten daya and, Judg ing . from present lndicationa, it will go on record aa one of tht -meet auc eeeaful tournamenta ever held any where In the world. ' The competition ta largely between the American and Brltlah experts. The American include - auch . well-known playera aa John M oiler Jr. of Garden City. George Wright of Wollaaton, A. O. Lock wood, the Masaachuaetta cham pion: W. Sterling of Philadelphia, E. J. Noble of Adama, Maaaachuaetta; J. Jp. Bcott and A. Treyvatt of Hot Springe, Virginia, and Percy Barret and George Cumralnga of Toronto. Arrayed agalnat the American txperta are Jack White, the British champion of 1104; Alex Herd, champion of 1101; Andrew Klrk aldy of St. Andrew, and Rowland Jones t -Wimbledon Farlc . MANSFIELD DID NOT LAST A FULL ROUND prll Dtanstek te The Joeraal.) Vancouver, Wah., Jan. - it. Young aiananeia or nan -rrancitco and Warren Zur brick, 'who haHa from Chicago, enter talned each other teat night for a few momenta at the Vancouver Athletic club. The entertainment was exciting but brief, much to the disappointment of about Itt aporta who attended the arrair. ' The eonteat waa finished In the first round In about ont and a-half minutee-ef flgnnng, Man0ld going aown ana out. , Mamneld waa nervou and deotdediy under weight. v while Zurbrlck waa cool and ttrona aa a horse. The pace was vary lively and the flnlah eulok. The preliminaries were very amualngr the young - gladtetora' tadly mutilating tha Vancouver atmosphere and - occasionally landing . a wallop. There waa - much - --disappointment amongst the fight fane. but no fault could be found . with the management, bin 9 uuitt' was 'vi uvi iji ana on lime. Core Vrntt Oompaay Bleeta. . ' c.-W..!l5?.ul6 AV fers, 25 Cent - elected the following officers for ,. a three yeara' .term: J. M. Selder and J. C Flxton, The board eonalata ef O. B. ehappart, WalUr -Murphy, J.- K. Lanta, An eel Comtteck, . U. Selder end i. C Pixtoo;;-, ..'.,' . , , Cabled Orders From Apoatla Recelye No . Attentiofi and Gladatona Doiria Leavea to . Enforce Hia Father Commands." ' tJearaal aperlal Sarvlee.) Chicago. Jan. It. Following the an nouncement yesterday that John Alex ander Do vie had been dethroned by Overseers B pete her. Granger and Barnes, the triumvirate that the apoatla left In charge of the affaire of Zlon City when ha went to tha Bermudas to re gala hla health. It la reported that Dow I Immediately upon receiving word of the condition of af faJrt cabled tha dlamlaaal of Speicher, It la also said that Glad stone Dowia la returning to Zlon City from Jamaica with all possible a peed to enforce the order of dismissal. , At Zlon City, however. It It Impossible to set confirmation aa to the dlamlasal. but tt la hinted that any effort to dla-l mil Bpelcner wiu meet win isuur a nowia. hla wife and aoa have been eliminated front aujr fuiUier eontlderaH tion In the arraira or .ion. - Deacon Arthur J. Ntweomb, In answer to a question, stated that, the complete control af Zlon throughout the world had been assumed by Overseer Speicher. Granger and Barnea. Owing to ina long continued Illness of tha founder oT the Christian Catholic church. It la eald financial chaos reigns in tna arraira or Zlon, and It wat deemed advisable by the three overseers to take absolute charge and begin an immediate task of bringing order out of the entanglement. It la aaid mora oeoia win oe Incurred and that th mduatrlal affairs of the institution will bo run with tha ohlect In view of paying a reasonable profit to atockholdere and not for tha sola, object or turning money into i church. With the eeaalng of Overseer Jane Dowte and J. Gladstone Dowle to ba Important figures. In the. church 4t la auppoaed that tneir large aaianes will be cut off. '."' ' - . While Dowia atm remain tht spirit ual adviser of his .followers he haa ab solutely no voles tn tha bualneaa policy of the organisation. - .-x,:::-i.y '.. GIRLS' GLEE CLUB PLANS ? r SERIES OF CONCERTS - (gpedat Dlaeatch te The fearaaLl :" Whitman riollesev Walla Walla. Wash- Jan. It. Tne executive commlttne of tha -associated . students - hsa - just ap pointed Mies Peart Culbertaon manager of tha GlrlS Uiee CIUD lor uio renwinuer of thayar Thla la -the-flrat-time that a aeoarata manager na ever oeea required for tha girls- club, bat It hae mads much sreater plana than ever be fore, in tha peat It naa maae no pun lia ennearancea except at occaalona col lege functions ana in connection wim the boys' club.; ;. -r: : : " This year for tnt first time, xne club Plana to work up a concert on ita own responsibility, giving It In Walla Walla and also at outalda polnta. Day ton la already eettled as ee-ef the ab jective polnta and waitaourg ana rree cott will likely be Included aa well at others. The prealdent of tha club la Mlaa Maud Mallory of the sophomore class.. :- - . . -4...J-"..., KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS JO ili CONVENE AT PENDLETON; : -.v : -V:. j ' ftpertal Dispatch ta The Jooraal.) -Pendleton,- Ore.. Jan.-It. On Febru ary II a district convention of tha Knights of Pythias lodge will be held In PhadUtnfc"Wbtch ' data la the anni versary of tho organisation of the or der In this city of Damon lodge Ko 4. K. of P,...: - There art now between Si and It ap plicants 'for membership In thsloeal lodge, and it is planned to nave most of that number taken In aa a first-rank class on tha evening of the convsntlon. Among the grand officer who are ex pected to attend from the atate are: Grand Chancellor M. P. Davie, Grand K. of R. and 8. L. R. Stinson, Supreme Representativt W. M, Cake and Paat Chancellor W. Ik Bradahaw. - All tha lodges of Umatilla county will be represented, and It la expected that there will be about tot -visiting knights. ' acko Xotet old. . tpert tlat te Tke Jeareat) 4 Echo, Or., Jan. it. The Hotel Echo waa told yeaterday by C. H. Lrale to M. IL Gillette for a consideration of BOO. . . Mr. uuiette will take charge of the - hotel today. ' He recently told what la known aa ths.Babb place, a ranch flv tnllei from Echo, for $17,0tt, to Zeoth Houaer. Kedoalf Basehaai ltanager. (Special Ptepatch te The Jearaal.t Salem, Or., Jan. It. At a moating yeaterday of tho baseball team, C Med- calf was elected manager. He expects te arrange garnet with the leading uni versities -and colleges of the northwest. Willamette had good team lat year and waa able to defeat" both the TTnl. verslty of Oregon and Columbia univer sity. Thla year tht team will be picked from, the cream of teat year" a team and a number of new students-who have baseball records. Among the' new ttu- dents are Coleman, Parcel, Grey, -Long and winaotn. , : 7 . "TBaskstbali at Peadteton.' ' (MoMlal Dlmteh te The Jwnnl.1 ." La Grande,, Or., Jan. .4 Tht - La Grande . High achool . baaketball - team left for Pendleton this morning to -con test for honor with the Pendleton High achool glrla. The following ia tha line up of the La Grande team; Center. Mlaa Lela Wilson; forwards. Misses Hattte McMurry. and .Grace Hopper) guards, Misses Ethel Gulling and Bonnie For rest; substitutes, Mlssss ft. Green, L. Gunnel! and BL McKsnnon; Thomas Lar- ktn William, official. Mrs. it M. Mar tin will accompany , the glrla at chape ron. "Tbl I te time far mirth e laetbtar, -'lit the cold sr dawa o the awraloe' after There will be no "morning after." It ymt -will carry a bo, or CALIFORNIA PRUNE WAFERS, and take a few be- Ttr .mn r. immi 'i nmw will nw vmi 1 1 . rlrht and tone vou. un before breakfast.. Third at-, sole agents for roruaad. Or. )' c -v ronairiVr that .1 A y ;.V-;' '-V i :t .... , ii ..4"-. l-.i...r .S-l. Stray 1,' . ; " . . a., I ... , .. ' , .... .... wsmm I t-' :!''t . v:.- .Vis 1 I lit' S VI LS " 7 MEN'S SWEATERS, plain or fancy at FEE01UG DEER Oil ALFALFA W Herd of : Over a Hundred An- Imals Gather at Fort .Yel- lJowttorif JflL Ba 14-LL- M0UNTAIM CHEEP ALSO ; - . LOSE ALL FEAR OF MAN Evening Gun Does Not Scars Timid Creatures,, Who Art Much Mors ; Interested in th Raising and Low- ering the Flag.'; ",.f i, al-LVa, D1.tM . Alf.lftt. A a i-t. .i.ias eAA4 in wild anlmaii 'ltl KUrniatia v m vwa -" - a striking feature of the .report of tht acting aupeHnUndent- of the Tellow atone National pars: for tha year IMS. lust -mads puoiio.,. stohi ,m um the Gardiner arch, let tons of fine tiay 11. a w- .nl.lnn. and ether i ant- Wtl .wu m.w r- , - malt. The bay . has oeen siacaea tht aoiaiera- quinm. - mm.u. M, . mm dear ware . aeldom anywhere about a the Mammoth - hot tprlngt ano omy wmiuij m .w . , -1 . v. in ino ahowlns incu w.u -- - --- where they had crosssd over tha paradt ground Of sort xeiurweions uunus hlght. As e matter of experiment and . ... aw- l . Mm. e9 lhM. anl. W1WI ins nvym malt wbloh paaaed - through tha poet might be inauoea w wme uwiw w..w .u - 1 1 -. - .1 a fm-m 4i.lM-Af 'll. falfa hay were tcattered about the pa rade grouna. ,v. ,r . ... . . . - - - - The result was remarkable. ; On the . - . ,v. t.-v hann nut seoonu r - . out about a dosen blacktaU deer ap- nuMH. Next uar -., uie - n"t w- doubled end from day to day this Bum bar Increased until finally they num. . - i.mKI Mr.. .lAd. - . Dflnv - - - ----- If waa extremely Interesting to est . ...1.11. Ha anlmala loat til fear II U W et tiumaa - beings -ajid aveo when - the ' msiain cmtmAaO. . a&A.. "Uavlll. Ium tfflllhlM With . , j,i . - " - - - . " 7' . ai.rta. .Imam m rA tvlaut . . t 1 a a mm. ha. .laaaM I - ferent ointments and liniments, gave It t -1 ...k., Ht f triA once more sfd got a bottle of Hanaro a nnow um I ment, which gsve me almost inetant re- lief, and will add mV name to your list I ef suffsrere.4 Bold by .Weodard. Claxk 7 - m a . ' , f fe. "v" f"Ty no' chf an but on n ouu or uvprcoax oy;:royxng;ii:now For choice of a few broken aisea in re.ular stylea and a large line ; of stouts and - alima worth tin to H4.00. ' tailored . Suits In fancy tweeda and cheviots, single 'and double1 breasted, worth up to $16.50.- ' r7 fTv" For choice - of ' tht V l Y hand aomesr pat the - f-T I terns and beat auita Wl ' n we 'ever sold' at ILCzioQJy to $20.00. CnHsts fro Ci2 MEN'S WOOLEN UNDER- nCr -WEAR, beat $1.C0 values. ......... lUw . ONE HALF PRICE " "-MEN'S CLUETT SHIRTS ( f C best $10 values, . ......... eli) J 7 ; "THE HOKE OF UtH'S TEETH Save - Money . 1.1. ft.,,..! "TartAra. ttlti Morrlaoa atreet, are giving their annual January reduoed prloee for the purpose of advertising their Alveolar Byatam of Palnleea Denlletry. . Coma at once and have free examina tion. ... . ' U NT 111 rBRUjati 1. WILL. WIIUCT TESTHmR . . - v.v,a -, Tin, m rrT WWTh. ft tCiJ BPU5NDID KT, tJ)0: OOLD CROWNS, tt TO f I; WHITHJ CROWNS, 93.60 TO tt.-' All wor gusranieea iot- in 7 . work done, absolutely ' without pain by speclsllsta of, from It to SO years sx perience. . . , ' - "., SS1H Konleoa at,' Oyp. Mslse a fMak . StetMee atiw Morrlaoa SN. Offloe noir i:iu a. in. iu n. . Sunday, :0 a. m. to lt:IO P. m. , evening gun la fired within-100 yards of them they pay little attention to It. but .ww ...h .n utarMf In the lower- . I W TV WBU aa.vav Ing of the,flag.from tha etaff, which la located , in tha center or tneir lewios B1UUUU. , . . . m.-. .analatll mil T. TI If-ft IM lUB. posed to be tha wildcat of all weetern animals, nave otcomi mn wmw u -l.-ai the lMr.r '- , t- Lasf year 21,11 1 tounttt viaitea toe park, . i---.; I. ," ; -. See' Nature in Her Winter Carb. , -r.' ' ' .(,,. ' faf.'ima Ttankv moun tains In their wondrout -winter gsrb -Is the treat of a lifetime. The canyona. peaks and gorges are even mors at tractive in winter than In aummer. Tht Denver a Rio Oranda, popularly known at "The Scenic -Line-of the World." I ,ka - a. f9 th. YAaklaia. yivrwv v i . . j - -- and beeldes la the only transcontinental Una paaaing airectiy inrougn i umw r.i, h. Int ..A nla-.tumsatiei War- mon' capital. Btopovere granted on all oiaaaea . or ucaeie. ur nvmm . eastern potnta call upon or write W. C MoBrtda, 114 Third ttreet j Snrae O. M. . Xaetnlle. " - imvI1 Dlsnatch te The Joeraal.) ' ' Burns, Ore., Jan. 1 -Burna chapter No. 0, O. K. 8., has Insuiled the fol lowing officers for tho ensuing year. Delnora Oowan. W. M.; William Miller. W. P.; Emma McKlnney, A- M.; Marie Carpenter, accretary) Ull Bweek, trees uren Ada Aliens conduct res: Ella Mothers!. (tad, associate . conduc trees; Mr. A. K. Toting, chaplain; Phoebe Uearri A4b; .Mlnnlt Clevenfer. Ruth; Boston Dan'iIsSs -vtrv- large tr - Tada - m - them guaranteed; retain Ita shape. ' We have divided . our entire . atock of ; i v " :;; 7-.. 7 'i x Long Belted 'Coata into;v; v.,-; . V. . 7 Fornlslifco Gcd2s MEN'S MONARCH SHIRTS, best IJ00 values. :? MEN'S NECKWEAR, ascot ' squares, $1.60 values . . . la) MEN'S STIFF HATS, best i $2.00 and $2.00 values..... ,. GOOD CLOTHES" We treat gucoeetfully en private ner vous and chronlo diseases of men; also blood, stomsch, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We euro .SYPHILIS (without mercury) to steycured for. ever. - We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In 11 daya." 4 Wo ttop drains, night loaeea and spermatorrhea by a new method la a ahort time We can restore tbs sexual vigor of any man under It by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. -WrCiifin Gonorrhoea In a Week 7 The -doctors of ' thla Instttutt art all regiilar graduates; havs had many years' experience, have been known In Portland for It yeara, have a reputation te maintain, and will undertake no case units certain cure can oe eirected. i We guarantee a cure In every caae we undertake or chara-e no fee. Consults. tion free. Let tare confidential. Inatruo- tlve BOOK FOB MEN mailed free la plain wrapper. . - - We euro the worst cases' of pile In two or three treatments, without opera oos. vurw .. guaimmeeo. , , s' ' If yon cannot call at efflce, write for cvsaiui.- . ; i - Ofllce Konre. to I and T to a Band IN A DR.7W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. OffleH to Tan Hoy HM1. SStt Third Uwwil M to -..,, m-waa v.1 . : -i.- il 'm l v ,W4 ttayflT t-sasi , , y WW W for A a. " tm l y V rnoea- seminal spermatorrnoea ! . ej I - -- o w .a. V,w X L YT ,7 This offer la extended to all who axe buffering from the 'above ailments for, one month ONLY, from January' 17 to February 17; 1808. J... 77 'VT; ,;:-r:T"t7T82P 7Yamhill' Street,1 Portland, Orejion. . ' t Esther Bchwarta, Esther; Mabel McKln ney, Martha; Mattlt Miller. Klecta! Kva Byrd, wtrder; Tpm Allen, sentinel; Mra. Farre, crganlat. '-, -, ' ' , j Charyed Wit rmll.. "' ' (NpMlal blaeatch te lee jMtroal. La Grtndi lr, Jan. II. C C. Rock pf - the -ftnert- . ' '7'"-,".: - v J- . .v. For ; choice" v7,'r";' . , .'.', ;V-C V7 Sde v 7 f5 I DL and 7 ff-, I O w : Aff- .......ov :v..-. onettlon blank. Home treatment tts ... ---.-..-. , ay t end Holldaya, 10 fo It. BtrU Corner Pin. -Portland. 0v ,. f nr all t-flatC ftf linnAf. SMMS-wtttv mm v -m "- '' . . ' " s.'-'TI afa 1 " - weaancss, -a-osx - Aiannooo,- ana vital .weaxness., . ; y i . well, proprietor and manager of - the Butt saloon, this place, .- wet ' bound over to appear before tho, February term of circuit court by 7uatloo Hough last night, charged With . gambling In hla place of buslneaa. - Bond wat placed at which ht rtai:'y furtlr::!. II I 9 ' WEEK . J ; 7 5?1 I 'J -at TINT 1 -" . M ' I-n. I 11 I ,. f ' r , : 1 ..... -1- v f