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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1906)
THS WtATIIZ2. Rain or snow tonight tad Fridsjl westerly winds.. , , A , vV.V.V'-.V;.'' ypu'jy. - NO.L27S, PORTLY PRICE TWO CSNTS. HiZflrtPt I - - I I I . 1 i S I I I J MM IMMMIMMIIMMI ' 'ss ' B-awati s- '. mi rifUlirAniliM , . f 1-tVJ VLHUi VJUKUS 0 a-J. M I I ig 11 . ' 1 ' ' a , . ,- ,".",'. . ' ..'..'. . . ' : : I - : , sa sa m tav pa fav . a . i m t i r . m BTT-arr-Bk n n , a . . a rr' yr" ii rinii w i. r f .7 ( ' I-! : ' " V' ' lHJ-. . '' ' I ' -'-1 ' " .' i 'j.iaaiiiii Jl I - ' -I ' - '. - - - IT-.--- T - imin the EdencniThen ..' Gums How the Verdict of. Not Guilty ,Wa : : M V,?: Reached.' i7 -iV; -I , v7 TEN NAMES ADDED TO THE LIST SUBPOENAED "" If.. "Ok- msj This Waa.Done Without Authorlaa V,. . tloa by City Attorney or Detective '' ,' ind Responaibillty la Said to lie . With Clerk Frank Hennewy What 7- Is an Immoral Resort? f"-I: . KVH , rr Aa the result ot trial which taama " with urieatlon of th rankest Jod- ; barjr. and In the xac of the moat damn ing vldanea, Tbomaa t Rlcbarda, pro prlator of Rlobard'' reatautani. was o ; quitted yesterday arentna In the rounlo- . ? leal court of the chara of oondaotiaf ; an immoral resort. Brer alnce the eetablathment -was raided on Jnurr : there have been ' wbiapers that the ease was v to be I "lobbed"" so aa to prevent a conviction. - These rumors tooamora posiuvo snap . last TuesdHjr morning, when the Ore ,. sonlaa published a list of 41 persons, manr or them' prominent In social and 5 1 business circles, aa the ;wltnessea - who V bad been subpoenaed In behalf of the - proaecuUon." At least' 10 of these, wit nesses were subpoenaed without author : Uatlon, by either the city attorneys of . 4 flea er the police department, and the ' ' statements of? the detectives place the . responsibility plainly at the ' door1 of Frank Hennessy, clerk of the municipal : v.iwhaa the BrUaaoa Shawa. ! 'u: : Testimony offered by the proaaontlon waa so strong that . a conviction was ' " generally expected and the result was a great surprise. By the evidence ot '' the detectives, who had - watched the : place, it was shown that Richards' place " haa been frequented by -prostitutes, whs ' nave neen aeen on many occasions pass J Inn- toetweetr the aide' entrance and aa . ' adjoining disorderly house, now closed. ' It was sliuwu thatTtrong-girls under ,11 years of age were aeen going la and 7 , out of the plaoe at-ail hours of the . Blcht, -frequently In :a state of -Intoxt : cation. The detectives and poIIm offl ore told of the raid en the-nltfit -of w January , when they, found a number . , 'of people In the bouse, men and women .- v in oouplea occupying rooms under cir cumstances that left little or nothing 'to the imagination. . ". ' "My.Oodf Ton. will ruin ma if you arrest me." shrieked one of the women. "My husband U In Chicago and ha will '. be back in three at four daya1 ' i ,, : ' V ' When Alexander Rae, a; member ot ";, the Municipal - association,', called . oa "V Rioharda a year ago to learn what man nor of place he was oonduotlag, the . proprietor showed1 his visitor over the , - premises, and after taking him into the .. annex, -"where lad lee are allowed," ax ' plained: -.-.,.-. : ,y .-.- ' U -ox eaa bring your awn lady with , - yon, or U yo desire I oaa furnlah the .' gooda." ' ". - ;, ,. '; ; - , mioharaa 'ZOat afOanaxa,' ' . -. Other testimony was to the effect that '-'Rlcbarda kept ia.hla place a list of ; . women who could be summoned by tele phone whenever any of the mala guests -ao desired. " 1 .' . , t, ' '. "r : Again and again during the ' testimony- witnesses described tha- Park ' atreet entrance to the place, where the jjlght oer-tha.l doorway waa axUn. gulshed whenever conveyance ar ' rived, so as to enable the party to en ter In protecting darkness, in the same -. .' way when any one desired to leave the flight waa again extinguished until the , departlna customer waa ' far enough away ao aa not to attraot observation. "We Saw lots of women coma .out alone and run till they could get down , ' some aide atreet." said the detectives. m Many witnesses, among them clerry men. business and professional men. testified as to the nil reputation or the - establishment. Many mora wit ; nesses who could have testified in the - same way ware in readiness, but were : not called. A -j. - s $ -J A a , V V--'- What Safemae Wsswea. Against this mass of Inorlralnattng -evidence wsa opposed first of air. the -taatlmonyof rtha' defendaht'Tilmself. Aa waa to bo expected, be denied every damaging statement made by the wit ' nesses for' the prosecution "and Insisted - that be was running only a hotel, aa : respectable aa any in the city. About a doaen wltnesaea were called in Rich ards' behalf to testify, aa to the good .knii- nf the. dace. All testified ' thai th freonentlv iaken meals In "' the resUursnt, . many ot them with their families.- and they regarded the ' reputation of the establishment as good. Not one of these witnesses, ao far aa appeared, had ever-visited that portion of the establishment where the bed- , .ros-ajid-"rooma-Of JiaUona'LaJa. alt- ' uated. . - w Although contending that he le run ning a regular aotei, Kicnaras ara not place on the stand a single person who has ever rented a room in his hotel. The only witnesses, for the defense were persona who according to their own testimony, are familiar only, with ths-restaursjiLiAj-.. --.j i ;-..! ... Deputy District Attorney Fltsirersld failed to bring out In "his orosa-exaralna tlon of Witnesses for the defense the TT" fscf that thele knowledge of the place .-was limited to the rseieurant. lie aid not ask whether they had frequented .the boxes , or visited .-the ,., rooms - up- V v aiarrs. :; . - .. - -Taoae nns poena xuata,. . . The result bt the trial has directed renewed attention to the Juggling with the subpoena lists and to the publica tion of the city's witnesses In, advance of the trial. I V vSAttl-ri rVrlrt ' f ,&- Vv-:W! V. X 9 M i ay i j . .. a - isan .a m : is n a is,i a. a , mr . k w v-' ar a .'.;. ,:,-.. VvT k'.. - -'A f f tYftr-r.JTIr a I r ,W-& V-' t --y ' -II J I f u,.- .a, wj-r.. i 1 M il? - 7---'- -- A '& i I A I I " ' - s-aaan r--ran Ms II I - - ? ' t I'AW 11 r. . V ,'i r law k If C. 1-7 Tia.l - a sa. ,1 T I .1 k.. . BC - aMnaas-a-gaaaaa Mill III II II II isaaaaan . f ? ': ,.....- UU1 1111 I I ,:' '. sI I WE 1. M ir f WW bb m " I . - a M v-r riwca.'.-'i , fjRtFFlTtV ". ROBERTS -rVifii SON LY 00 llfil -.4... STAKES C HIS LIFE Albert rT.v Patrick's Existence May Depend Upon Result of V ; Sclentlflo Gamble. r I ' "' V- (Jonmsl Speetal atrrlee.) ' New Tork. Jan.. ls-Albert T. ,Pat- rlck's life may depend upon the sclentlflo gamble that he put up to Governor Hlg glna. Ho offers to stake his life on the resutt'of an experiment to-be conducted at the morgue In this 'city, where all medloal and other 1 experts . who attend the trial wlU be present. At this ex periment Patrick' Is convinced that be can prove that, the congestion of the lungs, shown by the autopsy oa the body ot Millionaire Rice, waa caused not by chloroform, but by the embalming fliild. I The condemned, lawyer asks Hlggins and J"3"' w medical experts to experiment on the bodlea or two paupers, injecting -embalming fluid under the earns conditions that prevailed in the ease ' of Rloe, Then. It the' embalming fluid does not reach and cause congestion of the langs the condemned' man will give up his battle for Ufa and freedom and - make no further appeal for reprieve or delay In execution.," He promises ' to walk stolidly on; the day set to, the little room beyond the iron door. - -.. j.-v .-.. ;; . NO RACE SUICIDE IN : ' f jVTOWIs OFDEEPWATER ..- A-mil gyedtl Bervlre,) . : ' -. . Deepwater,- Mo., Jan. U.---Any thought of race ' suicide In - thta county will be out of the question If the Stork has beea as attentive to every locer.iy, according to the DODUlatlon. aa It has to Deepweter. In-a- popalatlow of seme' -O-Wrtaa, have occurred In three months.' his nign ness visited 11 famnies in a single street six blocks In length. In six, weeks, while one physician reports four Bets of twins In si a months. ,. VENEZUELAN MINISTER - irXPEUED FROM FRANCE . .. . ... -,.. . (Jsnnl BerlrJ artre.t '' " e 4 ' Paris, Jan. , lt. Maubourgst. a the Venesuelan consul here,- hse d been notlfled oflloially to leave S French soli within 14 hours. He e e snnounced his Intention to leave d ; o'clock tonight for Uega.' 4 a The council of ministers will now 4 a decide upon whit course ,to par- e 4 '.sue toward Venetuela. ' ' - : 4 ' ' ' , . . : . A"vvvvv .. r ni 1 il,-rmf 1 I 1- nUKITM. tWKl . , f Oil . I ibTJi O iLLJl I I' RSi-T' ' T I . :DI EXPERItlEIIT;: . - i ,i nj iuij i n w v . m. . ' . . , t i a m r a- , m . 1 v i .' ' j vri '"iti s rx sa " i i jv :,r. i xi s i I f.J t kl.M-Ir v fill, lit a TMJ AMAif , ' H1 . . " I ' Y. U i"l'.v - - . ' - . l l I : Vf-U.- tw- . j i nrcfcairM-:. .. v a ., i.ii, - v, . , i ;-. . SKETCHED AT; MISralAIJ AGELlEflT OF PAUALIA , CANAL CHARGED BY POULTHEY BIGELOW Clobe Trotter and Author Renews His Charges Against Admlnls t tratlon of Mistreatment of Workmen; 5 Unsanitary Condi " "tloris. Waste, Extravagance 'and Red T Tape." ; " J v I ' (lesraal Special Service.) '". ' ; Waahtngton. Jan. 18. Poultnsy Bl re low appeared before -the senate commit tee On canals today and told tha com mittee who he waa, hla record aa an educator and- author-. He-admitted that he was on the isthmus only the greater pert ot two days. " -"",." , Blgelowtf reiterated the- char gee con tained in his article published la the Independent entitled "Our Mismanage ment at Panama." He told of hie visit t workmen and the conditions ho ob served amoag the negroes, the oppres sion ot the political 'system on the isth mus and the "criminal neglect" of san itary arrangsmenta. Blgalow states that single rooms In Colon, Inaccessible On account -of a swamp, brought IS a month and that a room half way respectable eost from OS up. He statsd that throughout the city be eould not find one person who had not suffered ' from ; fever "or ; who did not waat to go home, but waa pre vented by laok of money. : .' , , . -i s '. 'tV weUttoal JfwnUlrvJ:S.'. Blgelow statsd -that there-was not a single drainage canal In Colon. He told how political peta were' aent from the United States to act ss bosses over competent men. Ha. said the work on the canal resembled an army of reorults without any commander, or-cther a doaen, who spent their time In eountesv mandlng each other's orders. ., . FRAIR1E- FIRE. DEVASTATES 300 SQUARE ULES . v ' .''p - " ' ' """ BasaBaaaBBBsxssassasBs Huge ., Area In Nebraska Swept iz Clean .w LlTestoctc Lost -T 4'' Jf Tremendous. ,V -.' ' .; ' (Joerssl gfMelal Service. ''' ': Sidney. Neb,, Jan. IS. Three hundred enuare mllsa of territory . were devas tated today, by the ' worst, prairie . fire which has visited western Nebraska In many vears. Farm and ranch houses were burned, livestock killed, towns 'threatened and many narrow escapes by settlers are repotted.'- The flames are still burning, eastward but It la thought that tbo danger to the town la over. Ins firs originate from a Burllnc- RICHARDS' TRIAL ,. :,. .. ..,'. t Iv" ".'-t Re told how when a gang of imported egroea refused to work the police clubbed them after they bad boon denied food for It hours and had been turned loose in the tropical swamps to die. - At Corosel, three-m Ilea from Panama, the government . hes erected a magnlfloeat hotel in a place- that Is flooded with every rain, a breeding place of pestilence and so deserted. . i. -- , . tTajseMsaary Bed Tape. . Blgelow stated that the new dredges at the Culebra cut did not do to per oent of the work originally promised. There Is no water supply in Colon, al though ' Mr. Taf t - had - promised one. At Panama there la but a single pipe to carry away both human offal and drain water and with every i rain the water backs up Into the eewera and Into the cellars ruining -many, houses. One of Blgelow'a - principal charges la. that unnecessary red tape is wrapped about every tranaactlon on the isthmus, for the eimplest repairs applicationa to various officials must be mads and passed upon before anything oaa be dona. .The need of a pound ot nails will sometimes , hold up hundreds of men , for days, who are all drawing pay for doing nothing. On account of the red tape workmen frequently have to wait two and three weeka for pay. He accused the government of having Imported several hundred oolored women fos. Immoral purposes.,. .-- tea loeomotlve. - Fanned by a IS-mlle wind, the flames soon gained headway and -went ever the pralrlee-at- a-great rate. The towne of liodgepole and Mar low were both threatened with destina tion. Oreat furrows were plowed around them to ward off the flames. - All schools throughout the ' district dismissed their pupils and aeat them home to help fight the fire. The live stock lose la tremendous. . Many ranches are completely ruined. -: -, : ' beef Trust cases to -4--'reconducted by moody ..,,;,... . - . Jesraal Spectel aervlee.) . Chicago, Jan. II. It 1s rumored that Attorney-Oeneral Moody will " come in person', to conduct. the prosecution ot the beef trust oases. The ' government attorneys here recognise the weakness of the ease. It Is believed tnst some on blundered In forcing ths -packers to produce evidence which waa expected to be used in proseouUits toe trust ; , flOBILITY LABELED IITCIIEd COOKS 4 ;1 ilii..T Conservative ' New York Paper Uses Photos of Noblemen - x aa" Culinary Artists. - Washington, Jan. tsVForelgn trea blee follow faat ta the trail or president Roosevelt. If the warships Of three great governments do, not appear soon off the port of New Tork the United States may ' count '' itself in good tuck. Germany. France and Russia" have been grossly affronted by a great metropoli tan newspaper, a . Journal noted ordi narily for Its extreme conservatism and aversion to yellow. Jn the magaalne part of the great paper there recently appeared an article with the headline la large type: 'Oaatronomlo Artists in the Kitchens of the Bleb." The article Is beautifully Illustrated. One portrait labeled "U Janot, - chef In the kitchen ot the Burden family," Is none other than a picture of Lieutenant-Commander Vlcomte Oontrsn do Faramond de-la Fajole,- naval attache of tha French ' embassy- to . the " United States, brother-in-law of - the German ambassador, Frolherr Speck von, Stem berg. :-..!,' i. ..- As if It was not enough te humble the pride of two nations at once, with one portrait, there .appeared" a second picture, - which the newspaper . labeled "Edousrd pallclne, cook for years with William C Whitney," but the portrait la none other than that of Pierre Rojest vensky, former second secretary of the Russian embsssy at Washington, - hue band of an American girl and last sum mer one of the Russian deputation to the Portsmouth peace conference. . SEEING" JAPAN WITH - - WILLIAM J. BRYAN : - ; " - - With Bryan tn Japaft-rTaarse S ' a pleasant trip to ' take and a w e ' pleasant companion. He . Intro-- dr a I duoee you lata., the. highest . of . e ' nclal circles and shows you at e first hand whst r most writers e d learn by hearsay. ' Hla opinions e on men and svente are worth w listening ta He knows what he : 4 la talking about and talks well. e the trip isn't axpensive--Hniy s e cents and along with It the best newspaper In Portland. Don't Overlook William - Jennings Bryan's 1 letter from Japan la next Sunday's Journal. 1 t ' The Journal Is belnr charged J lishers of the Liquor , Deafer organs, the Morning Only and its -Evening Apptuxdix, oLbeing mortaged and thcrwiteJburdened with, , X debt." The Journal pleads guilty of having a mortgage to secure s. x.- bond issue,-but every bond under that mortgage ja held, by atock-. holders ofJrhe Journal and is worth100' cents on the dollar, as Xwell as the. stock of ihe paper."rlf any one,' holding bonds 'or stock, X desires to part with the paper at par, all he" has to do is to call on or address C S. Jackson, in care of The Journal, and he can have -J X cash for it upon demand. The Journal does not care to "brag and e bluster" over its prosperity, but f it has no financial troubles,, is making ."both ends meet" with graca - m - .., .l ' w 5 1 . :.t 1a- I : an U cue, wuuc luc iuormng uuij mimunam aiwuy wiui m uHrmuig . eveningwhlteTlphant,""earTying a lose m account of that" paper of from $3,000 to $4,000 a month, and here is the reason for the interest, of the "millionaire publishers" in the debts of The Journal. ; To show our good faiths any one interested, even the-millionaire publishers' themselves, or their " representatives, can talt,' at The Journal office and ' see with their own eyes the "documentary evi condition, examine the records for themselves and thus convince X . themselves 'of afacC thni relieving themselves Of the burden of X doubt and the vain effort of guessing. ; . ' ; a .. j ; X , Will the millionaire publishers to this invitation with a corresponding proposition? If they will, we will embrace the' opportunity ol informing ourselves to their J ; ; benefit or burden, as the case may be. , . . ..l'J..i KiL.,, ; In other words, an honest newspaper, with an honest motive, like ,an honest man,' can' if ford even to rlet Tthe. enemy . peer into its ; ; innards." The Journal's books are open. , It does business' with a .clear conscience, wnn mance towara none, ana givc equal rights i DEATH If DELUGE Huge Torrents of Water Sweep ' ing Down Many Streams of ; Golden Stated v "T STAGE SWAMPED AND V TWO PERSONS DROWNED Incessant Rains Cause- Big Flow That i Breaks Dredge ?From ' MooringB, Causln' It ta TeaxTBrldf,ea.rDoaro fa Its Had Rush, r - "fthrW-rh"fc"Tae"J, ' eaoramenta, CsX. Jan. IS. Immense volumes of water are rushing down the numerous streams la many parts of California, tearing out bridges in coaay Instances and threatening much damage to property. The Incessant rainfall of the last tew : days haa been general throughout the state and reports from different - sections received today Indi cate to eome extent the eonditioa that nrevaila. .. '-.'..' Word from the apper Feather river states that a mining dredge broke loose last night and . In Its mad rush dowa stream demolished several bridges. - Two steamers have been 1 aent up to the mouth Of the Tuba river to Intercept the dredge - before , It reaches the Sacra mento river.. S - . From Marysvllls oemea aewa that the Laporte -stage -was Swamped la the swollen watera of Money out ereek, II miles from Marysvllls, early this morn ing and the driver, W. T. Rackerby. lost. One passenrer la also reported drowned and the United States mall waa also )OSt ':. .' , . .:.: . Reports from other towne show that the -ri vera, are- extremely-high, and If the heavy 1 rainstorm eonttnuea . great damage la feared. . v HILLIS HAS TO SLEEP-- : IN TURKISH BATHROOM , (-., . , . . - . - . , (lesraal Sseelal SttvW.t Kansas City. Jan. 1L The .Turkish bathroom at the Coatee house waa tha only - refuge Rev. Dr. Newell Dwighl Hillls, successor to Henry Ward Beecher at Plymouth church. Brooklyn, eould And In Kansas City last night. Xr. Hillls was on his way to lecture laat night at a. Missouri town and a daisy in the train caused hlnrrto miss connec tions. He spent several hours looking for a place to lay hie weary head. - At the Coatee house the elerk told hint that -tha house- was ruler He waa walking disconsolately out 'of the lobby whea the - proprietor- recognised him and brought him back. It was ar ranged that Dr. HllUe should spend the night In the Turkish bath. v WASHINGTON RAILWAY VALUATIONS INCREASED (fleecUl Dtapetek te The seams!.) ' ' Olympla, Wash., Jan. II. Among the work of tbo assessors' convention for Washington, - now in session bora, waa the agreeing on a schedule of value. tlons on railroad property, ; The state assessors at last night a session, adopted the schedule agreed upon by the railroad committee, which increase the valua tion Ih the state of Washington 10 per oent. ... Transcontinental main lines . la where the principal increase will be felt A MILLION JAPANESE : 1 SUFFERING FROM FAOTE (Jearsal Bseeul Sntee. Tekio, Jan. II. Published statistics show that there are . StO.OSO ramln- strlaken persons In northern Japan. ',"' V,'" '; Jacob atayWsrry rJea.' , -. ffleeelal Dtrpatck te T-e Jo ml ' The IMllca, Or., Jan. II jc.h ly- berry, 45 years of ae, died at t..e Coa mopolltan hotel this r rnltj of heart dieses. He waa nn 1 s body was buried by the rw t ts ki aa zelaum tr f ... CALIF0RI11A ta private by the tnillionaire pub- it can say in this connection that organs be as frank and respond 4 ie 0IT0I11IIE3 fllEYF01IDl. River .and Harbor. Commrttee'a Efforts Confined to Protect tZ ln-a Work Under WayTT ! ? COAST DELEGATION CALLS TO REQUEST ASSISTANCE Wsahinttoo, Idaho end Oregon Dale " "l fattens Doing AH Poealble to Se xura - Appropriationa for Western --lUvatm,--'' '''.''''' 'r- , (Vra-ainrtsn Bis ess ef -The Jssraal) ' Waahlngton, Jan. II. A delegation of Oregon and Washington eltisena.- con slstlng of Senators Fulton and Oeartn, Repressntatlve W. Iv Jones. . Messra. Harvey W. Scott and Joseph N. Teal, had an extended Interview with Chair man' Burton today on behalf of river and harbor . Improvements In the north west. The Columbia river bar Improve ment Waa discuses d la detail. i, Chairman Burton understands the sit uation thoroughly, and expressed hla desire to do ell that - the delegation eskeoV-. t- -: ! v - He said, however, that 'the" great pressure for appropriations from all parte of the country precluded doing this and hi sfforts would have to be eonflned to obtaining appropriations to protect the . works already eommenoad, and which will Buffer through the ces sation of work, . There ara four such projects in the country, the Columbia bar being one, and Burton may en deavor to protect theee by a bill pro viding for all. Mr. Teal., who haa been working actively alnoe his arrival here to ae-' sere proper recognition 1 of Oregon's -river end harbor needs, aaya that Fulton- and Oeartn are doing ovarythlna! possible to secure adequate appropria tions. In which they ara being sssisted by Senators Anksny, Piles, Heybarat and Dubois, aa well aa the entire house del egation from the Pacif le northwest. , new build:::c3. Oosuamet Aatkestaea - ttuee steykTum mrW I Joeraal BassUl Banrim-t Waahlngton, XX C. Jan. II The , ate committee on publlo buildings today authorised favorable reporte en fhe erection or a publlo building at Sheri dan, Wyoming, ta eost 1S,00, and to Increase the amount available for a new building at Loa Angeles by the sale of the old federal buildings. For en elevator in the federal building at Boise, Idaho, Se.lOO waa provided. President Roosevelt waa arraigned In eevere language yesterday by Senator Heyburn of Idaho, who made a speech before tho senate publlo lands commit tee. He denounced the' policy of the president In the forest reserve snattsr . and denied that tho Utter had the right to create forest reserves, and also ds- , aounced. the policy of charging a fee for the g rasing of stock on the reserves. (Wsshlnstea Basses et Tee JeorssL) ' Waahlngton, Dr cV; Jan. 1ft. - The house . approprlatlona ; committee haa agreed to Include an Item of I IS. 90S it the' deficiency bill, now being f nun W to enable the geological survey to eon. tinue experiments at Portland with t t black sands af wsstern rivera Iroa ' i platinum have .beea.v eatraated f theee sands. . , . .. - .-, ..... EQUiTACi-Lrr-nr w Fon v:r.iTi:c. ..: "New Tork. Jan. II. has proved by tva r at the trial et t 1 Judge tul s . editor of Colhr e Topics had s-"i" a from, tits I " r pany on article ! f "nl " i